// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // guAlListBox // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // guAlListBox::guAlListBox( wxWindow * parent, guLibPanel * libpanel, guDbLibrary * db, const wxString &label ) : guListView( parent, wxLB_MULTIPLE | guLISTVIEW_ALLOWDRAG | guLISTVIEW_HIDE_HEADER ) { m_Db = db; m_Items = new guAlbumItems(); m_LibPanel = libpanel; guConfig * Config = ( guConfig * ) guConfig::Get(); Config->RegisterObject( this ); m_ConfigPath = libpanel->GetMediaViewer()->ConfigPath(); m_AlbumsOrder = Config->ReadNum( wxT( "AlbumsOrder" ), 0, m_ConfigPath ); m_Db->SetAlbumsOrder( m_AlbumsOrder ); guListViewColumn * Column = new guListViewColumn( label, 0 ); InsertColumn( Column ); Bind( wxEVT_MENU, &guAlListBox::OnSearchLinkClicked, this, ID_LINKS_BASE, ID_LINKS_BASE + guLINKS_MAXCOUNT ); Bind( wxEVT_MENU, &guAlListBox::OnCommandClicked, this, ID_COMMANDS_BASE, ID_COMMANDS_BASE + guCOMMANDS_MAXCOUNT ); Bind( wxEVT_MENU, &guAlListBox::OnOrderSelected, this, ID_ALBUM_ORDER_NAME, ID_ALBUM_ORDER_ARTIST_YEAR_REVERSE ); Bind( guConfigUpdatedEvent, &guAlListBox::OnConfigUpdated, this, ID_CONFIG_UPDATED ); CreateAcceleratorTable(); ReloadItems(); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void guAlListBox::OnConfigUpdated( wxCommandEvent &event ) { int Flags = event.GetInt(); if( Flags & guPREFERENCE_PAGE_FLAG_ACCELERATORS ) { CreateAcceleratorTable(); } }
// // Build the Accelerators Table // AccelKeys::AccelKeys() { ACCEL AccelTable[16]; int i = 0; m_hWnd = 0; /* AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F3; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_CONN_CTLESC; */ AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F3; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_VIEWONLYTOGGLE; AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F4; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_CONN_CTLALTDEL; AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F5; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_CONN_SAVE_AS; AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F6; AccelTable[i++].cmd = IDC_OPTIONBUTTON; AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F7; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_FILETRANSFER; AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F8; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_TEXTCHAT; AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F9; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_DBUTTON; // Toolbar Toggle AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F10; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_AUTOSCALING; AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F11; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_NORMALSCREEN2; AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F11; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_HALFSCREEN; AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT | FNOINVERT; AccelTable[i].key = VK_F12; AccelTable[i++].cmd = ID_FULLSCREEN; m_hAccelTable = CreateAcceleratorTable((LPACCEL)AccelTable, i); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // guCoListBox::guCoListBox( wxWindow * parent, guLibPanel * libpanel, guDbLibrary * db, const wxString &label ) : guAccelListBox( parent, db, label ) { m_LibPanel = libpanel; CreateAcceleratorTable(); ReloadItems(); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // guPLSoListBox::guPLSoListBox( wxWindow * parent, guMediaViewer * mediaviewer, wxString confname, int style ) : guSoListBox( parent, mediaviewer, confname, style | guLISTVIEW_ALLOWDRAG | guLISTVIEW_ALLOWDROP | guLISTVIEW_DRAGSELFITEMS | guLISTVIEW_COLUMN_SORTING ) { m_TracksOrder = wxNOT_FOUND; m_DisableSorting = false; Bind( wxEVT_MENU, &guPLSoListBox::OnRandomizeTracks, this, ID_TRACKS_RANDOMIZE ); CreateAcceleratorTable(); ReloadItems(); }
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPreInst, LPSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { MSG msg; WNDCLASS wndclass = { 0, WndProc, 0, 0, hInstance, LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1)), LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW), 0, 0, szClassName }; RegisterClass(&wndclass); hWnd = CreateWindow( szClassName, TEXT("二角取り"), WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME), WINDOW_HEIGHT + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION), 0, 0, hInstance, 0); ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); UpdateWindow(hWnd); ACCEL Accel[] = { { FVIRTKEY, VK_F2, ID_NEWGAME }, { FVIRTKEY, VK_F1, ID_HINT } }; HACCEL hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable(Accel, 2); while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) { if (!TranslateAccelerator(hWnd, hAccel, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } DestroyAcceleratorTable(hAccel); return msg.wParam; }
void CRunView::ShowPictureComplete(LPCTSTR lpszPicture) { IDispatch* pMenuObject = GetMainMenu(); if (pMenuObject != NULL) { m_arrAccels.RemoveAll(); if (m_menu.m_hMenu != NULL) m_menu.DestroyMenu(); m_menu.CreateMenu(); CComQIPtr<IDrawMenu, &IID_IDrawMenu> spDrawMenu(pMenuObject); long lCount; spDrawMenu->get_ItemCount(&lCount); int nIndex = 0; AddMenuItems(m_menu.m_hMenu, spDrawMenu, nIndex, lCount, 0); if (m_pMenu == NULL) { CMenu* pMenu = AfxGetMainWnd()->GetMenu(); if (pMenu != NULL) m_hAltMenu = pMenu->GetSafeHmenu(); } AfxGetMainWnd()->SetMenu(&m_menu); m_pMenu = spDrawMenu; m_bLockMenu = FALSE; pMenuObject->Release(); if (m_arrAccels.GetSize() > 0) m_hAccelTable = CreateAcceleratorTable(m_arrAccels.GetData(), m_arrAccels.GetSize()); } else { if (m_pMenu != NULL) { ::SetMenu(AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(), m_hAltMenu); m_hAltMenu = NULL; m_pMenu = NULL; } } }
HotKeys::HotKeys() { m_hwnd = 0; const int MAX_ACCELS = 16; ACCEL accel[MAX_ACCELS]; int i = 0; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 0x4f; // "O" accel[i++].cmd = IDC_OPTIONBUTTON; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 0x49; // "I" accel[i++].cmd = ID_CONN_ABOUT; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 0x46; // "F" accel[i++].cmd = ID_FULLSCREEN; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 0x47; // "G" accel[i++].cmd = ID_LOCK_MOUSE; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 0x52; // "R" accel[i++].cmd = ID_REQUEST_REFRESH; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 0x4e; // "N" accel[i++].cmd = ID_NEWCONN; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 0x53; // "S" accel[i++].cmd = ID_CONN_SAVE_AS; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 0x54; // "T" accel[i++].cmd = ID_TOOLBAR; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 0x45; // "E" accel[i++].cmd = IDD_FILETRANSFER; int numKeys = i; assert(numKeys <= MAX_ACCELS); m_hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable((LPACCEL)accel, numKeys); }
BOOL CPPageAccelTbl::OnApply() { AfxGetMyApp()->UnregisterHotkeys(); UpdateData(); AppSettings& s = AfxGetAppSettings(); s.wmcmds.RemoveAll(); s.wmcmds.AddTail(&m_wmcmds); CAtlArray<ACCEL> pAccel; pAccel.SetCount(m_wmcmds.GetCount()); POSITION pos = m_wmcmds.GetHeadPosition(); for (int i = 0; pos; i++) { pAccel[i] = m_wmcmds.GetNext(pos); } if (s.hAccel) { DestroyAcceleratorTable(s.hAccel); } s.hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable(pAccel.GetData(), pAccel.GetCount()); GetParentFrame()->m_hAccelTable = s.hAccel; s.fWinLirc = !!m_fWinLirc; s.strWinLircAddr = m_WinLircAddr; if (s.fWinLirc) { s.WinLircClient.Connect(m_WinLircAddr); } s.fUIce = !!m_fUIce; s.strUIceAddr = m_UIceAddr; if (s.fUIce) { s.UIceClient.Connect(m_UIceAddr); } s.fGlobalMedia = !!m_fGlobalMedia; AfxGetMyApp()->RegisterHotkeys(); s.AccelTblColWidth.bEnable = true; s.AccelTblColWidth.cmd = m_list.GetColumnWidth(COL_CMD); s.AccelTblColWidth.key = m_list.GetColumnWidth(COL_KEY); s.AccelTblColWidth.id = m_list.GetColumnWidth(COL_ID); s.AccelTblColWidth.mwnd = m_list.GetColumnWidth(COL_MOUSE); s.AccelTblColWidth.mfs = m_list.GetColumnWidth(COL_MOUSE_FS); s.AccelTblColWidth.appcmd = m_list.GetColumnWidth(COL_APPCMD); s.AccelTblColWidth.remcmd = m_list.GetColumnWidth(COL_RMCMD); s.AccelTblColWidth.repcnt = m_list.GetColumnWidth(COL_RMREPCNT); return __super::OnApply(); }
HotKeys::HotKeys() { m_hwnd = 0; const int MAX_ACCELS = 16; ACCEL accel[MAX_ACCELS]; int i = 0; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 'O'; accel[i++].cmd = IDC_OPTIONBUTTON; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 'I'; accel[i++].cmd = ID_CONN_ABOUT; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 'F'; accel[i++].cmd = ID_FULLSCREEN; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 'R'; accel[i++].cmd = ID_REQUEST_REFRESH; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 'N'; accel[i++].cmd = ID_NEWCONN; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 'S'; accel[i++].cmd = ID_CONN_SAVE_AS; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 'T'; accel[i++].cmd = ID_TOOLBAR; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = 'E'; accel[i++].cmd = IDD_FILETRANSFER; accel[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT | FCONTROL | FSHIFT | FNOINVERT; accel[i].key = VK_DELETE; accel[i++].cmd = ID_CONN_CTLALTDEL; int numKeys = i; assert(numKeys <= MAX_ACCELS); m_hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable((LPACCEL)accel, numKeys); }
void Menu::release() { if (!m_form) return; m_form->set_menu(HMENU(m_handle)); m_form->add_handler(m_menu_handler); if (m_accel_list->size()) { ACCEL *accels = new ACCEL[m_accel_list->size()]; AccelList::iterator ali; int i = 0; for(ali = m_accel_list->begin(); ali != m_accel_list->end(); ++ali) accels[i++] = *ali; HACCEL hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable(accels,i); m_form->add_accelerator(hAccel); } }
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPreInst, LPSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { MSG msg; WNDCLASS wndclass = { CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW, WndProc, 0, DLGWINDOWEXTRA, hInstance, 0, LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW), (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1), 0, szClassName }; RegisterClass(&wndclass); HWND hWnd = CreateWindow( szClassName, TEXT("Calc SHA-1"), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 0, 0, hInstance, 0 ); ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); UpdateWindow(hWnd); ACCEL Accel[] = { { FVIRTKEY, VK_DELETE, ID_DELETE }, { FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL, 'A', ID_SELECTALL }, { FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL, 'C', ID_COPYTOCLIPBOARD }, }; HACCEL hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable(Accel, sizeof(Accel) / sizeof(ACCEL)); while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) { if (!TranslateAccelerator(hWnd, hAccel, &msg) && !IsDialogMessage(hWnd, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } DestroyAcceleratorTable(hAccel); return msg.wParam; }
void CAccelerator::Setup() { // Translate key table -> windows accelerator table if (m_hAccel) { DestroyAcceleratorTable(m_hAccel); m_hAccel = NULL; } m_pAccelTable.clear(); // // // for (const auto &x : m_pEntriesTable) { ACCEL a; a.fVirt = FVIRTKEY | GetMod(x.mod); a.key = x.key; a.cmd = x.id; m_pAccelTable.push_back(a); } m_hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable(m_pAccelTable.data(), ACCEL_COUNT); }
LRESULT CGitProgressDlg::OnCmdEnd(WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { RefreshCursor(); DialogEnableWindow(IDCANCEL, FALSE); DialogEnableWindow(IDOK, TRUE); m_PostCmdList.clear(); if (m_ProgList.m_Command->m_PostCmdCallback) m_ProgList.m_Command->m_PostCmdCallback(m_ProgList.DidErrorsOccur() ? 1 : 0, m_PostCmdList); if (!m_PostCmdList.empty()) { int i = 0; for (const auto& entry : m_PostCmdList) { ++i; m_cMenuButton.AddEntry(entry.icon, entry.label); TCHAR accellerator = CStringUtils::GetAccellerator(entry.label); if (accellerator == L'\0') continue; ++m_accellerators[accellerator].cnt; if (m_accellerators[accellerator].cnt > 1) m_accellerators[accellerator].id = -1; else m_accellerators[accellerator].id = i - 1; } if (m_accellerators.size()) { LPACCEL lpaccelNew = (LPACCEL)LocalAlloc(LPTR, m_accellerators.size() * sizeof(ACCEL)); SCOPE_EXIT { LocalFree(lpaccelNew); }; i = 0; for (auto& entry : m_accellerators) { lpaccelNew[i].cmd = (WORD)(WM_USER + 1 + entry.second.id); lpaccelNew[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT; lpaccelNew[i].key = entry.first; entry.second.wmid = lpaccelNew[i].cmd; ++i; } m_hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable(lpaccelNew, (int)m_accellerators.size()); }
void CAccelerator::Setup() { // Translate key table -> windows accelerator table if (m_hAccel) { DestroyAcceleratorTable(m_hAccel); m_hAccel = NULL; } memset(AccelTable, 0, sizeof(ACCEL) * ACCEL_COUNT); for (int i = 0; i < ACCEL_COUNT; ++i) { AccelTable[i].cmd = EntriesTable[i].id; AccelTable[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | GetMod(EntriesTable[i].mod); AccelTable[i].key = EntriesTable[i].key; } m_hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable(AccelTable, ACCEL_COUNT); }
void configwnd_create() { WNDCLASS wc; HWND wnd; MSG msg; HACCEL acctable = CreateAcceleratorTable((LPACCEL)&c_AccelTable, sizeof(c_AccelTable) / sizeof(ACCEL)); InitCommonControls(); wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_3DFACE + 1); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(g_hInstance, OPTWND_ICON_NAME); wc.hInstance = g_hInstance; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.style = CS_PARENTDC | CS_DBLCLKS; wc.lpfnWndProc = configwnd_msgproc; wc.lpszClassName = OPTWND_CLASS_NAME; RegisterClass(&wc); g_hFont = CreateFont(-10, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, OPTWND_FONT_NAME); wnd = CreateWindowEx(0, OPTWND_CLASS_NAME, OPTWND_WINDOW_NAME, WS_VISIBLE | WS_SYSMENU | WS_OVERLAPPED | DS_SYSMODAL, (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - OPTWND_WINDOW_WIDTH) / 2, (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - OPTWND_WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2, OPTWND_WINDOW_WIDTH, OPTWND_WINDOW_HEIGHT, g_hwndOlly, NULL, g_hInstance, NULL); ShowWindow(wnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); UpdateWindow(wnd); while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { if (!TranslateAccelerator(wnd, acctable, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } DeleteObject(g_hFont); UnregisterClass(OPTWND_CLASS_NAME, g_hInstance); DestroyAcceleratorTable(acctable); }
int APIENTRY _tWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, _In_ LPTSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hPrevInstance); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpCmdLine); // TODO: Place code here. MSG msg; HACCEL hAccelTable; // Initialize global strings LoadString(hInstance, IDS_APP_TITLE, szTitle, MAX_LOADSTRING); LoadString(hInstance, IDC_OSISP1, szWindowClass, MAX_LOADSTRING); MyRegisterClass(hInstance); MyChildRegisterClass(hInstance); // Perform application initialization: if (!InitInstance (hInstance, nCmdShow)) { return FALSE; } hAccelTable = CreateAcceleratorTable(TableAccel(),4); // Main message loop: while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } DestroyAcceleratorTable(hAccelTable); return (int) msg.wParam; }
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPreInst, LPSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { MSG msg; const WNDCLASS wndclass = { 0, WndProc, 0, 0, hInstance, 0, LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW), 0, 0, szClassName }; RegisterClass(&wndclass); RECT rect = { 0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT }; const DWORD dwStyle = WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX; AdjustWindowRect(&rect, dwStyle, 0); const HWND hWnd = CreateWindow(szClassName, 0, dwStyle, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, 0, 0, hInstance, 0); ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); UpdateWindow(hWnd); ACCEL Accel[] = { { FVIRTKEY, VK_ESCAPE, ID_EDITSHOW }, { FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL, 'A', ID_SELECTALL } }; const HACCEL hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable(Accel, sizeof(Accel) / sizeof(ACCEL)); BOOL done = 0; while (!done) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) { done = TRUE; } else if (!TranslateAccelerator(hWnd, hAccel, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } else if (active) { DrawGLScene(); SwapBuffers(hDC); } } DestroyAcceleratorTable(hAccel); return msg.wParam; }
CHtmlPanelUIHandlerBase::CHtmlPanelUIHandlerBase() { m_blockedAcceleratorsTable = CreateAcceleratorTable(blockedAccelerators, _countof(blockedAccelerators)); }
LRESULT CProgressDlg::OnProgressUpdateUI(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { if(wParam == MSG_PROGRESSDLG_START) { m_BufStart = 0 ; m_Animate.Play(0, INT_MAX, INT_MAX); DialogEnableWindow(IDCANCEL, TRUE); if (m_pTaskbarList) { m_pTaskbarList->SetProgressState(m_hWnd, TBPF_NORMAL); m_pTaskbarList->SetProgressValue(m_hWnd, 0, 100); } } if(wParam == MSG_PROGRESSDLG_END || wParam == MSG_PROGRESSDLG_FAILED) { CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) _T(": got message: %d\n"), wParam); ULONGLONG tickSpent = GetTickCount64() - m_startTick; CString strEndTime = CLoglistUtils::FormatDateAndTime(CTime::GetCurrentTime(), DATE_SHORTDATE, true, false); if(m_bBufferAll) { m_Databuf.m_critSec.Lock(); m_Databuf.push_back(0); m_Log.SetWindowText(Convert2UnionCode((char*)&m_Databuf[0])); m_Databuf.m_critSec.Unlock(); } m_BufStart=0; m_Databuf.m_critSec.Lock(); this->m_Databuf.clear(); m_Databuf.m_critSec.Unlock(); m_bDone = true; m_Animate.Stop(); m_Progress.SetPos(100); this->DialogEnableWindow(IDOK,TRUE); m_GitStatus = (DWORD)lParam; if (m_GitCmd.IsEmpty() && m_GitCmdList.empty()) m_GitStatus = (DWORD)-1; // detect crashes of perl when performing git svn actions if (m_GitStatus == 0 && m_GitCmd.Find(_T(" svn ")) > 1) { CString log; m_Log.GetWindowText(log); if (log.GetLength() > 18 && log.Mid(log.GetLength() - 18) == _T("perl.exe.stackdump")) m_GitStatus = (DWORD)-1; } if (m_PostExecCallback) { CString extraMsg; m_PostExecCallback(m_GitStatus, extraMsg); if (!extraMsg.IsEmpty()) { int start = m_Log.GetTextLength(); m_Log.SetSel(start, start); m_Log.ReplaceSel(extraMsg); } } if(this->m_GitStatus) { if (m_pTaskbarList) { m_pTaskbarList->SetProgressState(m_hWnd, TBPF_ERROR); m_pTaskbarList->SetProgressValue(m_hWnd, 100, 100); } CString log; log.Format(IDS_PROC_PROGRESS_GITUNCLEANEXIT, m_GitStatus); CString err; if (CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\ShowGitexeTimings"), TRUE)) err.Format(_T("\r\n\r\n%s (%I64u ms @ %s)\r\n"), (LPCTSTR)log, tickSpent, (LPCTSTR)strEndTime); else err.Format(_T("\r\n\r\n%s\r\n"), (LPCTSTR)log); if (!m_GitCmd.IsEmpty() || !m_GitCmdList.empty()) InsertColorText(this->m_Log, err, RGB(255,0,0)); if (CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\NoSounds"), FALSE) == FALSE) PlaySound((LPCTSTR)SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMEXCLAMATION, nullptr, SND_ALIAS_ID | SND_ASYNC); } else { if (m_pTaskbarList) m_pTaskbarList->SetProgressState(m_hWnd, TBPF_NOPROGRESS); CString temp; temp.LoadString(IDS_SUCCESS); CString log; if (CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\ShowGitexeTimings"), TRUE)) log.Format(_T("\r\n%s (%I64u ms @ %s)\r\n"), (LPCTSTR)temp, tickSpent, (LPCTSTR)strEndTime); else log.Format(_T("\r\n%s\r\n"), (LPCTSTR)temp); InsertColorText(this->m_Log, log, RGB(0,0,255)); this->DialogEnableWindow(IDCANCEL,FALSE); } m_Log.PostMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0); if (wParam == MSG_PROGRESSDLG_END) { if (m_PostCmdCallback) // new handling method using callback { m_PostCmdCallback(m_GitStatus, m_PostCmdList); if (!m_PostCmdList.empty()) { int i = 0; for (const auto& entry : m_PostCmdList) { ++i; m_ctrlPostCmd.AddEntry(entry.icon, entry.label); TCHAR accellerator = CStringUtils::GetAccellerator(entry.label); if (accellerator == L'\0') continue; ++m_accellerators[accellerator].cnt; if (m_accellerators[accellerator].cnt > 1) m_accellerators[accellerator].id = -1; else m_accellerators[accellerator].id = i - 1; } if (m_accellerators.size()) { LPACCEL lpaccelNew = (LPACCEL)LocalAlloc(LPTR, m_accellerators.size() * sizeof(ACCEL)); SCOPE_EXIT { LocalFree(lpaccelNew); }; i = 0; for (auto& entry : m_accellerators) { lpaccelNew[i].cmd = (WORD)(WM_USER + 1 + entry.second.id); lpaccelNew[i].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FALT; lpaccelNew[i].key = entry.first; entry.second.wmid = lpaccelNew[i].cmd; ++i; } m_hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable(lpaccelNew, (int)m_accellerators.size()); } GetDlgItem(IDC_PROGRESS_BUTTON1)->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update the application's ACCELs table // bool CAcceleratorManager::UpdateWndTable() { int iLoop = 0; CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray, LPACCEL> arrayACCEL; CCmdAccelOb*pCmdAccel; WORD wKey; LPACCEL pACCEL; CAccelsOb* pAccelOb; POSITION pos = m_mapAccelTable.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { m_mapAccelTable.GetNextAssoc(pos, wKey, pCmdAccel); POSITION pos = pCmdAccel->m_Accels.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { pAccelOb = pCmdAccel->m_Accels.GetNext(pos); pACCEL = new ACCEL; ASSERT(pACCEL != NULL); pACCEL->fVirt = pAccelOb->m_cVirt; pACCEL->key = pAccelOb->m_wKey; pACCEL->cmd = pCmdAccel->m_wIDCommand; arrayACCEL.Add(pACCEL); } } int nAccel = arrayACCEL.GetSize(); LPACCEL lpAccel = (LPACCEL)LocalAlloc(LPTR, nAccel * sizeof(ACCEL)); if (!lpAccel) { for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < nAccel; iLoop++) delete arrayACCEL.GetAt(iLoop); arrayACCEL.RemoveAll(); return false; } for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < nAccel; iLoop++) { pACCEL = arrayACCEL.GetAt(iLoop); lpAccel[iLoop].fVirt = pACCEL->fVirt; lpAccel[iLoop].key = pACCEL->key; lpAccel[iLoop].cmd = pACCEL->cmd; delete pACCEL; } arrayACCEL.RemoveAll(); HACCEL hNewTable = CreateAcceleratorTable(lpAccel, nAccel); if (!hNewTable) { ::LocalFree(lpAccel); return false; } HACCEL hOldTable = theApp.hAccel; if (!::DestroyAcceleratorTable(hOldTable)) { ::LocalFree(lpAccel); return false; } theApp.hAccel = hNewTable; ::LocalFree(lpAccel); UpdateMenu(GetMenu(*AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd)); return true; }
static void test_accel1(void) { UINT r, n; HACCEL hAccel; ACCEL ac[10]; /* now create our own valid accelerator table */ n = 0; ac[n].cmd = 1000; ac[n].key = 'A'; ac[n++].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT; ac[n].cmd = 1001; ac[n].key = 'B'; ac[n++].fVirt = FNOINVERT; ac[n].cmd = 0; ac[n].key = 0; ac[n++].fVirt = 0; hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], n ); ok( hAccel != NULL, "create accelerator table\n"); r = DestroyAcceleratorTable( hAccel ); ok( r, "destroy accelerator table\n"); /* now try create an invalid one */ n = 0; ac[n].cmd = 1000; ac[n].key = 'A'; ac[n++].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT; ac[n].cmd = 0xffff; ac[n].key = 0xffff; ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0xffff; ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0; ac[n].key = 0xffff; ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0xfff0; ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0; ac[n].key = 0xffff; ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0x0000; ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0; ac[n].key = 0xffff; ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0x0001; hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], n ); ok( hAccel != NULL, "create accelerator table\n"); r = CopyAcceleratorTable( hAccel, NULL, 0 ); ok( r == n, "two entries in table\n"); r = CopyAcceleratorTable( hAccel, &ac[0], r ); ok( r == n, "still should be two entries in table\n"); n=0; ok( ac[n].cmd == 1000, "cmd 0 not preserved\n"); ok( ac[n].key == 'A', "key 0 not preserved\n"); ok( ac[n].fVirt == (FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT), "fVirt 0 not preserved\n"); n++; ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xffff, "cmd 1 not preserved\n"); ok( ac[n].key == 0xffff, "key 1 not preserved\n"); ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x007f, "fVirt 1 not changed\n"); n++; ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 2 not preserved\n"); ok( ac[n].key == 0x00ff, "key 2 not preserved\n"); ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0070, "fVirt 2 not changed\n"); n++; ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 3 not preserved\n"); ok( ac[n].key == 0x00ff, "key 3 not preserved\n"); ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0000, "fVirt 3 not changed\n"); n++; ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 4 not preserved\n"); ok( ac[n].key == 0xffff, "key 4 not preserved\n"); ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0001, "fVirt 4 not changed\n"); r = DestroyAcceleratorTable( hAccel ); ok( r, "destroy accelerator table\n"); hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 0 ); ok( !hAccel, "zero elements should fail\n"); /* these will on crash win2k hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( NULL, 1 ); hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], -1 ); */ }
static void test_accel1(void) { UINT r, n; HACCEL hAccel; ACCEL ac[10]; /* now create our own valid accelerator table */ n = 0; ac[n].cmd = 1000; ac[n].key = 'A'; ac[n++].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT; ac[n].cmd = 1001; ac[n].key = 'B'; ac[n++].fVirt = FNOINVERT; ac[n].cmd = 0; ac[n].key = 0; ac[n++].fVirt = 0; hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], n ); ok( hAccel != NULL, "create accelerator table\n"); r = DestroyAcceleratorTable( hAccel ); ok( r, "destroy accelerator table\n"); /* now try create an invalid one */ n = 0; ac[n].cmd = 1000; ac[n].key = 'A'; ac[n++].fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT; ac[n].cmd = 0xffff; ac[n].key = 0xffff; ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0xffff; ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0; ac[n].key = 0xffff; ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0xfff0; ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0; ac[n].key = 0xffff; ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0x0000; ac[n].cmd = 0xfff0; ac[n].key = 0xffff; ac[n++].fVirt = (SHORT) 0x0001; hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], n ); ok( hAccel != NULL, "create accelerator table\n"); r = CopyAcceleratorTable( hAccel, NULL, 0 ); ok( r == n, "two entries in table %u/%u\n", r, n); r = CopyAcceleratorTable( hAccel, &ac[0], n ); ok( r == n, "still should be two entries in table %u/%u\n", r, n); n=0; ok( ac[n].cmd == 1000, "cmd 0 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].cmd); ok( ac[n].key == 'A', "key 0 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].key); ok( ac[n].fVirt == (FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT), "fVirt 0 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].fVirt); if (++n == r) goto done; ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xffff, "cmd 1 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].cmd); ok( ac[n].key == 0xffff, "key 1 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].key); ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x007f, "fVirt 1 wrong got %x\n", ac[n].fVirt); if (++n == r) goto done; ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 2 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].cmd); ok( (ac[n].key & 0xff) == 0xff, "key 2 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].key); ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0070, "fVirt 2 wrong got %x\n", ac[n].fVirt); if (++n == r) goto done; ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 3 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].cmd); ok( (ac[n].key & 0xff) == 0xff, "key 3 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].key); ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0000, "fVirt 3 wrong got %x\n", ac[n].fVirt); if (++n == r) goto done; ok( ac[n].cmd == 0xfff0, "cmd 4 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].cmd); ok( ac[n].key == 0xffff, "key 4 not preserved got %x\n", ac[n].key); ok( ac[n].fVirt == 0x0001, "fVirt 4 wrong got %x\n", ac[n].fVirt); done: r = DestroyAcceleratorTable( hAccel ); ok( r, "destroy accelerator table\n"); hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 0 ); ok( !hAccel || broken(hAccel != NULL), /* nt4 */ "zero elements should fail\n"); /* these will on crash win2k hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( NULL, 1 ); hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], -1 ); */ }
BOOL CPopupFrame::LoadFrame(UINT nIDResource, DWORD dwDefaultStyle, CWnd* pParentWnd, CCreateContext* pContext) { CFormDoc* pDoc = (CFormDoc *)pContext->m_pCurrentDoc; ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); m_strCaption = pDoc->m_strCaption; m_cx = (int)pDoc->GetWidth(); m_cy = (int)pDoc->GetHeight(); if (pDoc->m_enumStartUpPosition == StartUpPositionWindowsDefault) { m_x = 0; m_y = 0; } else if (pDoc->m_enumStartUpPosition == StartUpPositionManual) { m_x = (int)pDoc->GetHorizontalPosition(); m_y = (int)pDoc->GetVerticalPosition(); } else { CRect rect; if (pDoc->m_enumStartUpPosition == StartUpPositionOwner) { pParentWnd->GetWindowRect(&rect); } else { rect.left = 0; rect.top = 0; rect.right = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); rect.bottom = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); } if (rect.Width() > m_cx) m_x = (rect.right + rect.left - m_cx) / 2; if (rect.Height() > m_cy) m_y = (rect.bottom + rect.top - m_cy) / 2; } if (!pDoc->IsMainForm()) { m_bTopMost = TRUE; m_bCaption = pDoc->m_enumBorderStyle != BorderStyleNone; m_bThickframe = pDoc->m_enumBorderStyle == BorderStyleSizable; m_bControlBox = pDoc->m_bControlBox; } BOOL b = CFrameWnd::LoadFrame(nIDResource, dwDefaultStyle, pParentWnd, pContext); if (b) { CDevObj* pObj = pDoc->GetMenuObject(); if (pObj != NULL) { CMenu menu; menu.CreateMenu(); CComQIPtr<IDrawMenu, &IID_IDrawMenu> spDrawMenu(pObj->GetObjectUnknown()); long lCount; spDrawMenu->get_ItemCount(&lCount); int nIndex = 0; AddMenuItems(menu.m_hMenu, spDrawMenu, nIndex, lCount, 0); m_pMenu = spDrawMenu; SetMenu(&menu); menu.Detach(); if (m_arrAccels.GetSize() > 0) m_hAccelTable = CreateAcceleratorTable(m_arrAccels.GetData(), m_arrAccels.GetSize()); } } return b; }
/* * memcmp on the tables works in Windows, but does not work in wine, as * there is an extra undefined and unused byte between fVirt and the key */ static void test_accel2(void) { ACCEL ac[2], out[2]; HACCEL hac; int res; ac[0].cmd = 0; ac[0].fVirt = 0; ac[0].key = 0; ac[1].cmd = 0; ac[1].fVirt = 0; ac[1].key = 0; /* * crashes on win2k * hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( NULL, 1 ); */ /* try a zero count */ hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 0 ); ok( !hac || broken(hac != NULL), /* nt4 */ "fail\n"); if (!hac) ok( !DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n"); /* creating one accelerator should work */ hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 1 ); ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n"); ok( 1 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 1 ), "copy failed\n"); ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n"); /* how about two of the same type? */ hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 2); ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n"); res = CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, NULL, 100 ); ok( res == 2, "copy null failed %d\n", res); res = CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, NULL, 0 ); ok( res == 2, "copy null failed %d\n", res); res = CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, NULL, 1 ); ok( res == 2, "copy null failed %d\n", res); ok( 1 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 1 ), "copy 1 failed\n"); ok( 2 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 2 ), "copy 2 failed\n"); ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n"); /* ok( !memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac ), "tables different\n"); */ /* how about two of the same type with a non-zero key? */ ac[0].key = 0x20; ac[1].key = 0x20; hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 2); ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n"); ok( 2 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 2 ), "copy 2 failed\n"); ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n"); /* ok( !memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac ), "tables different\n"); */ /* how about two of the same type with a non-zero virtual key? */ ac[0].fVirt = FVIRTKEY; ac[0].key = 0x40; ac[1].fVirt = FVIRTKEY; ac[1].key = 0x40; hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 2); ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n"); ok( 2 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 2 ), "copy 2 failed\n"); /* ok( !memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac ), "tables different\n"); */ ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n"); /* how virtual key codes */ ac[0].fVirt = FVIRTKEY; hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 1); ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n"); ok( 1 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 2 ), "copy 2 failed\n"); /* ok( !memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac/2 ), "tables different\n"); */ ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n"); /* how turning on all bits? */ ac[0].cmd = 0xffff; ac[0].fVirt = 0xff; ac[0].key = 0xffff; hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 1); ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n"); ok( 1 == CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 1 ), "copy 1 failed\n"); /* ok( memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac/2 ), "tables not different\n"); */ ok( out[0].cmd == ac[0].cmd, "cmd modified\n"); ok( out[0].fVirt == (ac[0].fVirt&0x7f), "fVirt not modified\n"); ok( out[0].key == ac[0].key, "key modified\n"); ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n"); /* how turning on all bits? */ memset( ac, 0xff, sizeof ac ); hac = CreateAcceleratorTable( &ac[0], 2); ok( hac != NULL , "fail\n"); res = CopyAcceleratorTable( hac, out, 2 ); ok( res == 2, "copy 2 failed %d\n", res); /* ok( memcmp( ac, out, sizeof ac ), "tables not different\n"); */ ok( out[0].cmd == ac[0].cmd, "cmd modified\n"); ok( out[0].fVirt == (ac[0].fVirt&0x7f), "fVirt not modified\n"); ok( out[0].key == ac[0].key, "key modified\n"); if (res == 2) { ok( out[1].cmd == ac[1].cmd, "cmd modified\n"); ok( out[1].fVirt == (ac[1].fVirt&0x7f), "fVirt not modified\n"); ok( out[1].key == ac[1].key, "key modified\n"); } ok( DestroyAcceleratorTable( hac ), "destroy failed\n"); }
void AccelTable::Update() { if (handle) DestroyAcceleratorTable(handle); handle = CreateAcceleratorTable(accels.Buffer(), accels.Count()); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update the application's ACCELs table ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // bool CAcceleratorManager::UpdateWndTable() { int iLoop = 0; std::vector<LPACCEL> arrayACCEL; CCmdAccelOb* pCmdAccel; WORD wKey; LPACCEL pACCEL; CAccelsOb* pAccelOb; CMapWordToCCmdAccelOb::iterator it = m_mapAccelTable.begin(); while (it != m_mapAccelTable.end()) { wKey = it->first; pCmdAccel = it->second; std::list<CAccelsOb*>::iterator it2 = pCmdAccel->m_Accels.begin(); while (it2 != pCmdAccel->m_Accels.end()) { pAccelOb = *it2; it2++; pACCEL = new ACCEL; ASSERT(pACCEL != NULL); pACCEL->fVirt = pAccelOb->m_cVirt; pACCEL->key = pAccelOb->m_wKey; pACCEL->cmd = pCmdAccel->m_wIDCommand; arrayACCEL.push_back(pACCEL); } it++; } int nAccel = arrayACCEL.size(); LPACCEL lpAccel = (LPACCEL)LocalAlloc(LPTR, nAccel * sizeof(ACCEL)); if (!lpAccel) { for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < nAccel; iLoop++) delete arrayACCEL.at(iLoop); arrayACCEL.clear(); return false; } for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < nAccel; iLoop++) { pACCEL = arrayACCEL.at(iLoop); lpAccel[iLoop].fVirt = pACCEL->fVirt; lpAccel[iLoop].key = pACCEL->key; lpAccel[iLoop].cmd = pACCEL->cmd; delete pACCEL; } arrayACCEL.clear(); HACCEL hNewTable = CreateAcceleratorTable(lpAccel, nAccel); if (!hNewTable) { ::LocalFree(lpAccel); return false; } HACCEL hOldTable = hAccel; if (!::DestroyAcceleratorTable(hOldTable)) { ::LocalFree(lpAccel); return false; } hAccel = hNewTable; ::LocalFree(lpAccel); UpdateMenu(GetMenu(hWindow)); return true; }
int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPreInst, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { MSG lpMsg; WNDCLASS wcApp; ATOM classAtom; HWND hMainWindow; if (!hPreInst) { wcApp.lpszClassName = szClassName; // name of this class wcApp.hInstance = hInst; // instance handle wcApp.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; // window procedure wcApp.hCursor = // load custom cursor LoadCursor(hInst,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_CURSOR1)); wcApp.hIcon = // load custom icon LoadIcon(hInst,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON2)); wcApp.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(HIWORLDMENU); // menu identifier wcApp.hbrBackground = // background is white GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); wcApp.cbClsExtra = 0; // no class words wcApp.cbWndExtra = 0; // no window words wcApp.style = CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW; // redraw on horizontal and vertical changes classAtom = RegisterClass(&wcApp); // register the window class if (classAtom==0) { // was the register successful? return FALSE; // return to caller } } hMainWindow = CreateWindow(szClassName, // class name szProgName, // window name WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,// window style newX, // x position newY, // y position 3*newX, // width 3*newY, // height (HWND) NULL, // parent handle - not used (HMENU) NULL, // menu handle - use class menu (HANDLE) hInst, // instance handle (LPVOID) NULL); // window creation data - not used ShowWindow(hMainWindow,nCmdShow); // set show state UpdateWindow(hMainWindow); // update client area of the window hMyAccelTable = // create accel table CreateAcceleratorTable(accelTable,NUMBER_OF_ACCELTABLE_ENTRIES); // standard message loop with accelerator handling while (GetMessage(&lpMsg,NULL,0,0)) { if (!TranslateAccelerator(hMainWindow,hMyAccelTable,&lpMsg)) { TranslateMessage(&lpMsg); DispatchMessage(&lpMsg); } } DestroyAcceleratorTable(hMyAccelTable); // cleanup accel table return (lpMsg.wParam); // return to caller }
HACCEL uikeyboard_create_accelerator_table(void) { FILE *fshortcuts; char *complete_path; char buffer[1000]; char *p, *menustr, *metastr, *keystr, *displaystr; int i; accelnum = 0; menuitemmodifier_len = 0; for (i = 0; idmlist[i].str != NULL; i++) { if (idmlist[i].cmd >= menuitemmodifier_len) { menuitemmodifier_len = idmlist[i].cmd + 1; } } menuitemmodifier = lib_calloc(menuitemmodifier_len, sizeof(char*)); memset(menuitemmodifier, 0, menuitemmodifier_len * sizeof(char*)); fshortcuts = sysfile_open("win_shortcuts.vsc", &complete_path, MODE_READ_TEXT); lib_free(complete_path); if (fshortcuts == NULL) { log_error(LOG_DEFAULT, "Warning. Cannot open keyboard shortcut file win_shortcuts.vsc."); return NULL; } /* read the shortcut table */ do { buffer[0] = 0; if (fgets(buffer, 999, fshortcuts)) { if (strlen(buffer) == 0) { break; } buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0; /* remove newline */ /* remove comments */ if ((p = strchr(buffer, '#'))) { *p = 0; } metastr = strtok(buffer, " \t:"); keystr = strtok(NULL, " \t:"); menustr = strtok(NULL, " \t:"); displaystr = strtok(NULL, " \t:"); if (displaystr && (p = strchr(displaystr, '#'))) { *p = 0; } if (metastr && keystr && menustr) { for (i = 0; idmlist[i].str; i++) { if (strcmp(idmlist[i].str, menustr) == 0) { break; } } if (idmlist[i].str) { ACCEL accel; accel.fVirt = FVIRTKEY | FNOINVERT; if (strstr(strlwr(metastr), "shift") != NULL) { accel.fVirt |= FSHIFT; } if (strstr(strlwr(metastr), "ctrl") != NULL) { accel.fVirt |= FCONTROL; } if (strstr(strlwr(metastr), "alt") != NULL) { accel.fVirt |= FALT; } if (keystr[0] == '\'' && keystr[2] == '\'') { accel.key = keystr[1]; if (displaystr == NULL || displaystr[0] == 0) { displaystr = keystr + 1; keystr[2] = 0; } } else { accel.key = (unsigned short)strtol(keystr, NULL, 0); } accel.cmd = idmlist[i].cmd; if (accel.key > 0 && accel.cmd > 0 && accelnum < MAXACCEL) { accellist[accelnum++] = accel; } if (displaystr != NULL && menuitemmodifier[accel.cmd] == NULL) { p = util_concat("\t", ((accel.fVirt & FSHIFT ) ? "Shift+" : ""), ((accel.fVirt & FCONTROL) ? "Ctrl+" : ""), ((accel.fVirt & FALT) ? "Alt+" : ""), displaystr, NULL); menuitemmodifier[accel.cmd] = p; } } } } } while (!feof(fshortcuts)); fclose(fshortcuts); return CreateAcceleratorTable(accellist, accelnum); }