예제 #1
int DrawWindow (void (*DrawWindowContent) (), int (*KeyPressFunction) (int))
    XEvent Event;
    XWindowAttributes Attr;
    KeySym nKeySym;
    int nDepth;
    if ((prDisplay = XOpenDisplay(0)) == 0) return 1;
    nScreenNum = DefaultScreen(prDisplay);
    nWnd = XCreateSimpleWindow(prDisplay,
    if (SetWindowManagerHints(prDisplay,PClass,nWnd,WMin,HMin,WTitle,WITitle,0)) return 2;
    XSelectInput(prDisplay, nWnd, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask);
    XMapWindow(prDisplay, nWnd);
    prGC = XCreateGC(prDisplay, nWnd, 0, 0);
    if (AllocColors(prDisplay, DefaultColormap(prDisplay, nScreenNum), &rColors)) return 3; 
    if (CreateBitmaps(prDisplay, nWnd, prPixmap)) return 4; 
    if (XGetWindowAttributes(prDisplay, nWnd, &Attr))
	nWWidth = Attr.width;
	nWHeight = Attr.height;
	nDepth = Attr.depth;
    else return 5;
    draw = XCreatePixmap(prDisplay, nWnd, nWWidth, nWHeight, nDepth);
    if (!draw) return 4;
    // message cycle
    while (true)
	XNextEvent (prDisplay, &Event);
	switch (Event.type)
	case Expose:
//	if (!
	HandleExpose(DrawWindowContent, Event, Attr, nDepth);
//	) return 5; break;
	case KeyPress: if (HandleKeyPress(KeyPressFunction, Event, nKeySym)) return 0; break;
	while (XCheckMaskEvent(prDisplay, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask, &Event));
    return 0;
예제 #2
void KeyboardWidget::Setup()
    delete[] rcWhite;
    delete[] rcBlack;

    colorMap.Find("kwup", kclr[0]);
    colorMap.Find("kwdn", kclr[1]);
    colorMap.Find("kbup", kclr[2]);
    colorMap.Find("kbdn", kclr[3]);

    rcWhite = new wdgRect[whtKeys];
    rcBlack = new wdgRect[blkKeys];

    // First calculate an appropriate width/height ratio for keys
    // based on the overall size of the display area.
    // Start by calculating the width of a key as the
    // total width divided by the number of keys and the
    // height as the total height of the window. (We assume
    // the window is rectangular, wider than high.) A typical
    // piano keyboard has a ratio of 6/1 for the length
    // to width of a white key. Thus - if the resulting height
    // is more than 6 times the width, reduce the height accordingly.
    // If the resulting height is less than 5 times the width, reduce the
    // width accordingly. The black keys have a width ratio of app. 7/15 the
    // size of a white key, but the gaps in between the keys make them appear
    // wider and we use 7/10 as the ratio to make it look right and give the
    // user more area to hit with the mouse. Finally, the keyboard is centered
    // left-right at the top of the window.
    int widWhite = area.w / whtKeys;
    int hiWhite = area.h;
    if (hiWhite > (6*widWhite))
        hiWhite = 6*widWhite;
    else if (hiWhite < (5*widWhite))
        widWhite = hiWhite / 5;
    int hiBlack = (hiWhite * 2) / 3;
    int widBlack = (widWhite * 7) / 10;
    int space = (area.w - (widWhite * whtKeys)) / 2;

    // Pre-calculate the rectangles of the keys. White keys are
    // equally spaced. Black keys repeat in the 2, 3 pattern with
    // a gap inbetween the groups equal to the width of a white key.
    int xWhite = space;
    int xBlack = space + widWhite - (widBlack / 2);
    int i, on;
    int ndxw = 0;
    int ndxb = 0;
    for (on = 0; on < octs; on++)
        for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
            rcWhite[ndxw].x = (int) xWhite + area.x;
            rcWhite[ndxw].y = area.y;
            rcWhite[ndxw].w = (int) widWhite;
            rcWhite[ndxw].h = hiWhite;
            xWhite += widWhite;

        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            rcBlack[ndxb].x = (int) xBlack + area.x;
            rcBlack[ndxb].y = area.y;
            rcBlack[ndxb].w = (int) widBlack;
            rcBlack[ndxb].h = hiBlack;
            xBlack += widWhite;

        xBlack += widWhite;
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            rcBlack[ndxb].x = (int) xBlack + area.x;
            rcBlack[ndxb].y = area.y;
            rcBlack[ndxb].w = (int) widBlack;
            rcBlack[ndxb].h = hiBlack;
            xBlack += widWhite;
        xBlack += widWhite;

    // pitch class conversion for white and black keys
    knWhite[0] = 0;
    knWhite[1] = 2;
    knWhite[2] = 4;
    knWhite[3] = 5;
    knWhite[4] = 7;
    knWhite[5] = 9;
    knWhite[6] = 11;
    knBlack[0] = 1;
    knBlack[1] = 3;
    knBlack[2] = 6;
    knBlack[3] = 8;
    knBlack[4] = 10;

    lastKey = -1;
    rcLastKey = 0;