예제 #1
파일: MiniMule.cpp 프로젝트: e1z0/sMule
BOOL CMiniMule::OnInitDialog()
	ASSERT( GetCurrentThreadId() == g_uMainThreadId );
	ASSERT( m_iInCallback == 0 );
	CString strHtmlFile = theApp.GetSkinFileItem(_T("MiniMule"), _T("HTML"));
	if (!strHtmlFile.IsEmpty())
		if (_taccess(strHtmlFile, 0) == 0)
			m_strCurrentUrl = CreateFilePathUrl(strHtmlFile, INTERNET_SCHEME_FILE);
			m_nHtmlResID = 0;
			m_szHtmlResID = NULL;
			m_bResolveImages = false;

	if (m_strCurrentUrl.IsEmpty())
		TCHAR szModulePath[MAX_PATH];
		DWORD dwModPathLen = GetModuleFileName(AfxGetResourceHandle(), szModulePath, _countof(szModulePath));
		if (dwModPathLen != 0 && dwModPathLen < _countof(szModulePath))
			m_strCurrentUrl = CreateFilePathUrl(szModulePath, INTERNET_SCHEME_RES);
			m_strCurrentUrl.AppendFormat(_T("/%d"), m_nHtmlResID);
			m_nHtmlResID = 0;
			m_szHtmlResID = NULL;
			m_bResolveImages = true;

	// TODO: Only in debug build: Check the size of the dialog resource right before 'OnInitDialog'
	// to ensure the window is small enough!

	if (m_uWndTransparency)
		m_layeredWnd.SetTransparentPercentage(m_hWnd, m_uWndTransparency);

	//MORPH START - Changed by SiRoB, ModID
	SetWindowText(_T("sMule v") + theApp.m_strCurVersionLong);
	SetWindowText(_T("šMule v") + theApp.m_strCurVersionLong);
	//MORPH END   - Changed by SiRoB, ModID

	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control
예제 #2
BOOL CMiniMule::OnInitDialog()
	ASSERT( m_iInCallback == 0 );

	if (m_strCurrentUrl.IsEmpty())
		TCHAR szModulePath[MAX_PATH];
		if (GetModuleFileName(AfxGetResourceHandle(), szModulePath, ARRSIZE(szModulePath)))
			m_strCurrentUrl = CreateFilePathUrl(szModulePath, INTERNET_SCHEME_RES);
			m_strCurrentUrl.AppendFormat(_T("/%d"), m_nHtmlResID);
			m_nHtmlResID = 0;
			m_szHtmlResID = NULL;
			m_bResolveImages = true;

	// TODO: Only in debug build: Check the size of the dialog resource right before 'OnInitDialog'
	// to ensure the window is small enough!

	if (m_uWndTransparency)
		m_layeredWnd.SetTransparentPercentage(m_hWnd, m_uWndTransparency);

	SetWindowText(_T("eMule v") + theApp.m_strCurVersionLong);

	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control
예제 #3
void CMiniMule::UpdateContent(UINT uUpDatarate, UINT uDownDatarate)
    ASSERT( GetCurrentThreadId() == _uMainThreadId );
    if (m_bResolveImages)
        static const LPCTSTR _apszConnectedImgs[] =

        UINT uIconIdx = theApp.emuledlg->GetConnectionStateIconIndex();
        if (uIconIdx >= ARRSIZE(_apszConnectedImgs))
            uIconIdx = 0;

        TCHAR szModulePath[_MAX_PATH];
        if (GetModuleFileName(AfxGetResourceHandle(), szModulePath, ARRSIZE(szModulePath)))
            CString strFilePathUrl(CreateFilePathUrl(szModulePath, INTERNET_SCHEME_RES));
            CComPtr<IHTMLImgElement> elm;
            GetElementInterface(_T("connectedImg"), &elm);
            if (elm)
                CString strResourceURL;
                strResourceURL.Format(_T("%s/%s"), strFilePathUrl, _apszConnectedImgs[uIconIdx]);

    SetElementHtml(_T("connected"), CComBSTR(theApp.IsConnected() ? GetResString(IDS_YES) : GetResString(IDS_NO)));
    SetElementHtml(_T("upRate"), CComBSTR(theApp.emuledlg->GetUpDatarateString(uUpDatarate)));
    SetElementHtml(_T("downRate"), CComBSTR(theApp.emuledlg->GetDownDatarateString(uDownDatarate)));
    UINT uCompleted = 0;
    if (thePrefs.GetRemoveFinishedDownloads())
        uCompleted = thePrefs.GetDownSessionCompletedFiles();
    else if (theApp.emuledlg && theApp.emuledlg->transferwnd && theApp.emuledlg->transferwnd->downloadlistctrl.m_hWnd)
        int iTotal;
        uCompleted = theApp.emuledlg->transferwnd->downloadlistctrl.GetCompleteDownloads(-1, iTotal);	 // [Ded]: -1 to get the count of all completed files in all categories
    SetElementHtml(_T("completed"), CComBSTR(CastItoIShort(uCompleted, false, 0)));
    SetElementHtml(_T("freeSpace"), CComBSTR(CastItoXBytes(GetFreeTempSpace(-1), false, false)));
예제 #4
void CMiniMule::OnDocumentComplete(LPDISPATCH pDisp, LPCTSTR pszUrl)
    ASSERT( GetCurrentThreadId() == _uMainThreadId );
    if (theApp.emuledlg->m_pMiniMule == NULL)
        // FIX ME
        // apperently in some rare cases (high cpu load, fast double clicks) this function is called when the object is destroyed already

    CCounter cc(m_iInCallback);

    TRACE(_T("%hs: %s\n"), __FUNCTION__, pszUrl);
    // If the HTML file contains 'OnLoad' scripts, the HTML DOM is fully accessible
    // only after 'DocumentComplete', but not after 'OnNavigateComplete'
    CDHtmlDialog::OnDocumentComplete(pDisp, pszUrl);

    if (m_bResolveImages)
        TCHAR szModulePath[_MAX_PATH];
        if (GetModuleFileName(AfxGetResourceHandle(), szModulePath, ARRSIZE(szModulePath)))
            CString strFilePathUrl(CreateFilePathUrl(szModulePath, INTERNET_SCHEME_RES));

            static const struct
                LPCTSTR pszImgId;
                LPCTSTR pszResourceId;
            _aImg[] = {
                          { _T("connectedImg"),	_T("CONNECTED.GIF") },
                          { _T("uploadImg"),		_T("UPLOAD.GIF") },
                          { _T("downloadImg"),	_T("DOWNLOAD.GIF") },
                          { _T("completedImg"),	_T("COMPLETED.GIF") },
                          { _T("freeSpaceImg"),	_T("FREESPACE.GIF") },
                          { _T("restoreWndImg"),	_T("RESTOREWINDOW.GIF") },
                          { _T("openIncomingImg"),_T("OPENINCOMING.GIF") },
                          { _T("optionsImg"),		_T("PREFERENCES.GIF") }

            for (int i = 0; i < ARRSIZE(_aImg); i++)
                CComPtr<IHTMLImgElement> elm;
                GetElementInterface(_aImg[i].pszImgId, &elm);
                if (elm)
                    CString strResourceURL;
                    strResourceURL.Format(_T("%s/%s"), strFilePathUrl, _aImg[i].pszResourceId);

            CComPtr<IHTMLTable> elm;
            GetElementInterface(_T("table"), &elm);
            if (elm)
                CString strResourceURL;
                strResourceURL.Format(_T("%s/%s"), strFilePathUrl, _T("TABLEBACKGND.GIF"));

    if (m_spHtmlDoc)
        CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement> body;
        if (m_spHtmlDoc->get_body(&body) == S_OK && body)
            // NOTE: The IE control will always use the size of the associated dialog resource (IDD_MINIMULE)
            // as the minium window size. 'scrollWidth' and 'scrollHeight' will therefore never return values
            // smaller than the size of that window. To have the auto-size working correctly even for
            // very small window sizes, the size of the dialog resource should therefore be kept very small!
            // TODO: Only in debug build: Check the size of the dialog resource right before 'OnInitDialog'.
            CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement2> body2 = body;
            long lScrollWidth = 0;
            long lScrollHeight = 0;
            if (body2->get_scrollWidth(&lScrollWidth) == S_OK && lScrollWidth > 0 && body2->get_scrollHeight(&lScrollHeight) == S_OK && lScrollHeight > 0)
                AutoSizeAndPosition(CSize(lScrollWidth, lScrollHeight));


    if (m_bAutoClose)