MainWindow::MainWindow(Client *chat, LPCTSTR windowName, HINSTANCE hInst, int cmdShow, LRESULT (WINAPI *pWndProc)(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM), LPCTSTR menuName, int x, int y, int width, int height, UINT classStyle, DWORD windowStyle, HWND hParent) : _chat(chat), _windowName(windowName), _hInst(hInst), _cmdShow(cmdShow), _menuName(menuName), _x(x), _y(y), _width(width), _height(height), _classStyle(classStyle), _windowStyle(windowStyle), _hParent(hParent) { _szClassName = "KWndClass"; Init(pWndProc); CreateWnd(); SendMessage(hMainWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_AUTHDLG, 0); //Why is it not running?? if (!hMainWnd) { char text[100] = "Cannot create window: "; strcat(text, windowName); MessageBox(NULL, text, "Error", MB_OK); return; } ShowWindow(hMainWnd, cmdShow); }
/* *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 函数名 : CFloatDibWnd * 功能 : 构造函数 * 参数 : HWND hParentWnd - 父窗口句柄 * const CRect& rect - 被选取区域,相对于父窗口坐标 * 算法 : 将父窗口指定区域内的图像复制到浮动窗口中 * 说明 : 为选取区域浮动窗口而设 *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CFloatDibWnd::CFloatDibWnd(HWND hParentWnd, const CRect& rect,INT curDrawSize/*=55*/) { m_curDrawSize = curDrawSize; m_hParentWnd = hParentWnd; m_ChangeType = CT_MOVE; m_bCartoonWnd = FALSE; m_pHistoryDib = NULL; m_dblPreRotateAngle = 0.0; // 调整坐标,以确定左上角和右下角坐标正确 m_rcWndRect.left = rect.left <= rect.right ? rect.left : rect.right; m_rcWndRect.right = rect.left <= rect.right ? rect.right : rect.left; = <= rect.bottom ? : rect.bottom; m_rcWndRect.bottom = <= rect.bottom ? rect.bottom :; // 从指定窗口上抓取指定区域的图像到窗口图像中 m_pDib = new CDib(); m_pDib->Create(m_hParentWnd, m_rcWndRect); // 保存原始图像 m_pSrcDib = m_pDib->Clone(); CheckShowBtn(); // 创建窗口 CreateWnd(); }
static int Main(const Options *options) { if(!CreateWnd(options->showWindow)) return 1; NotifyCtl(NIM_ADD,L"",0); UpdateToolTip(FALSE); if(options->pLayoutToSet) { HKL hkl=FindLayoutHandleForDisplayName(options->pLayoutToSet); SetLayoutByHandle(hkl,FALSE); } for(;;) { int r; MSG msg; r=GetMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0); if(r==0||r==-1) break; TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } NotifyCtl(NIM_DELETE,NULL,0); return 0; }
bool iocp_server::Init(HINSTANCE hInstance) { m_hInstance = hInstance; CreateWnd(); open(); return true; }
/* *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 函数名 : CFloatDibWnd * 功能 : 构造函数 * 参数 : HWND hParentWnd - 父窗口句柄 * CDib* pDib - DIB图像指针 * 算法 : 新建浮动窗口,并居中显示,窗口内容为指定的DIB图像 * 说明 : 为粘贴图像功能而设 *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CFloatDibWnd::CFloatDibWnd(HWND hParentWnd, CDib* pDib,INT curDrawSize/*=55*/) { ASSERT(pDib); m_curDrawSize = curDrawSize; m_hParentWnd = hParentWnd; m_ChangeType = CT_MOVE; m_pHistoryDib = NULL; m_bCartoonWnd = FALSE; m_dblPreRotateAngle = 0.0; m_pDib = pDib->Clone(); ASSERT(m_pDib); // 保存原始图像 m_pSrcDib = m_pDib->Clone(); ASSERT(m_pSrcDib); // 将窗口位置设为居中 long nWidth = m_pDib->GetWidth(); long nHeight = m_pDib->GetHeight(); CRect rcWnd; ::GetWindowRect(m_hParentWnd, &rcWnd); m_rcWndRect.left = rcWnd.Width() / 2 - nWidth / 2; m_rcWndRect.right = rcWnd.Width() / 2 + nWidth / 2; = rcWnd.Height() / 2 - nHeight / 2; m_rcWndRect.bottom = rcWnd.Height() / 2 + nHeight / 2; CheckShowBtn(); //创建窗口 CreateWnd(); }
BOOL FAdWindow::LoadAd(FAdItem& pItem) { //If this is the currently displayed ad, see if //it has been hidden long enough if (m_CurrentItem.m_dwAdID == pItem.m_dwAdID && m_bAdInProgress) return FALSE; if (m_CurrentItem.m_dwAdID == pItem.m_dwAdID && !m_bAdInProgress) { DWORD dwTimeout = MIN_AD_REDISPLAY_TIMEOUT; if (IsAdShowing() || GetTickCount() - m_CurrentItem.m_LastDisplay < dwTimeout) return FALSE; } m_CurrentItem = pItem; m_bAdInProgress = TRUE; m_bAdLoaded = FALSE; if (m_hWnd == NULL && !CreateWnd()) return FALSE; return SUCCEEDED(Navigate(m_CurrentItem.m_URL)); }
HWND DialogWindow::CreateDialogWindow(HWND hWnd,wchar_t* Class){ HWND res; RECT rc; HINSTANCE hInst=(HINSTANCE)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd,GWLP_HINSTANCE); m_hParent=hWnd; GetWindowRect(m_hParent,&rc); RegisterWC(hInst,Class); res=CreateWnd(Class,WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_VISIBLE|WS_MINIMIZEBOX,rc.left,,0,0,NULL,NULL,hInst); m_hDlg=CreateDialogParam(hInst,Class,res,(DLGPROC)DlgCallProc,(LPARAM)this); SendMessage(res,WM_SIZE,NULL,NULL); ShowWindow(m_hParent,SW_HIDE); return res; }
dlgWndPinpadInfo::dlgWndPinpadInfo( unsigned long ulHandle, DlgPinUsage PinPusage, DlgPinOperation operation, const std::wstring & csReader, const std::wstring & PinName, const std::wstring & Message, HWND Parent) :Win32Dialog(L"WndPinpadInfo") { m_szHeader=NULL; m_szMessage=NULL; m_ModalHold = false; m_szMessage = _wcsdup( Message.c_str() ); m_ulHandle = ulHandle; std::wstring tmpTitle = L""; tmpTitle += GETSTRING_DLG(PinpadInfo); if (PinPusage == DLG_PIN_AUTH) m_szHeader = _wcsdup( L"Pin da Autenticação" ); else m_szHeader = _wcsdup( PinName.c_str() ); if(!csReader.empty()) { tmpTitle += L" - "; tmpTitle += csReader; } if( CreateWnd( tmpTitle.c_str() , 420, 280, 0, Parent ) ) { if( PinPusage == DLG_PIN_SIGN ) ImagePIN = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP2) ); else ImagePIN = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP1) ); CreateBitapMask( ImagePIN, ImagePIN_Mask ); TextFont = CreateFont( 16, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, L"Arial" ); SendMessage( Parent, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)TextFont, 0 ); } }
CMapView::CMapView(HWND hWndparent,HINSTANCE hinst,Engine* pengine,Map* pmap,VSP* pvsp) { hInst=hinst; pEngine=pengine; pMap=pmap; pVsp=pvsp; nLefttile=0; nRighttile=0; nCurzone=0; nCurlayer=0; cursormode=mode_normal; xwin=ywin=0; hWnd=CreateWnd(hWndparent); // create the window bLayertoggle.resize(10); // TEMP HACK pGraph=new CGraphView(hWnd,RenderCallback,(void*)this); }
//コンストラクタ(簡易作成) Window::Window(HINSTANCE hInstance, TCHAR *pCaption, TCHAR *pClassName, int Width, int Height) { WNDCLASSEX wc; //ウィンドウクラスを定義する ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)); wc.hInstance = hInstance; //このインスタンスへのハンドル wc.lpszClassName = pClassName; //ウィンドウクラス名 wc.lpfnWndProc = Window::WndProc; //ウィンドウプロシージャ関数 = 0; //ウィンドウスタイル(デフォルト) wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); //WNDCLASSEX構造体のサイズを設定 wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, IDI_WINLOGO); //ラージアイコン wc.hIconSm = LoadIcon(hInstance, IDI_WINLOGO); //スモールアイコン wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); //カーソルスタイル wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; //メニュー wc.cbClsExtra = 0; //エキストラ wc.cbWndExtra = 0; //必要な情報 wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH); //ウィンドウの背景 RECT rect, rcDesktop; GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rcDesktop); //デスクトップの大きさを取得 SetRect(&rect, 0, 0, Width, Height); AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, FALSE, 0); CREATEWINDOWEX cw; ZeroMemory(&cw, sizeof(CREATEWINDOWEX)); cw.dwExStyle = 0; //拡張ウィンドウスタイル cw.lpClassName = wc.lpszClassName; //ウィンドウクラスの名前 cw.lpWindowName = pCaption; //ウィンドウタイトル cw.dwStyle = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; //ウィンドウスタイル cw.x = (rcDesktop.right - rect.right) / 2; // ウィンドウの左角X座標 cw.y = (rcDesktop.bottom - rect.bottom) / 2; // ウィンドウの左角Y座標 cw.nWidth = rect.right - rect.left; // ウィンドウの幅 cw.nHeight = rect.bottom -; // ウィンドウの高さ cw.hWndParent = NULL; //親ウィンドウ cw.hMenu = NULL; //メニュー cw.hInstance = hInstance; //このプログラムのインスタンスのハンドル cw.lpParam = NULL; //追加引数 if (!CreateWnd(&wc, &cw, SW_SHOWNORMAL)) //ウィンドウ生成 { //ウィンドウ生成に失敗した場合の処理を書く } }
//выполнить инициализацию плеера BOOL CDShowPlayer::Init() { BOOL hr; HWND hwnd = CreateWnd(L"dshow_wnd"); m_pPlayer = new DShowPlayer(hwnd); if (m_pPlayer == NULL) { return FALSE; } auto ansi_str = m_strFileName; const int size_of_ansi_str = 255; wchar_t ansi_wcstr[size_of_ansi_str]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansi_str.c_str(), -1, ansi_wcstr, size_of_ansi_str); std::wstring ansi_wstr = std::wstring(ansi_wcstr); hr = m_pPlayer->OpenFile(ansi_wstr.c_str()); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); // 测试创建3个 for(int n=0; n<3; ++n) { CreateWnd(QString("the number ") + QString::number(n)); } // Toolbar* t = new Toolbar(); // t->show(); // BubbleGum* b = new BubbleGum(); // b->show(); return a.exec(); }
/** * The function that makes the window and the stuff */ HWND Win32Tools::InitWindow(HINSTANCE hinstance, WNDPROC WindowProc, int width, int height, HBRUSH bgColor, char Capitian[]) { if(!RegisterThisClass(hinstance, WindowProc, bgColor)) { MessageBoxA(0, "Register class failed!", "Error", MB_OK); exit(0); } HWND hwnd = CreateWnd(hinstance, Capitian); if(!hwnd) { MessageBoxA(0, "Create Window failed!", "Error", MB_OK); exit(0); } ShowWindow(hwnd, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hwnd); return hwnd; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSettingsDialog::CreatePage(const PAGE_INFO *pInfo) // Description: Create the Window of the page specified by the page info. // Return value: TRUE if successful, or FALSE if failed // BOOL CSettingsDialog::CreatePage(const PAGE_INFO *pInfo) { BOOL bCode = FALSE; if (!pInfo || !pInfo->pWnd) return(FALSE); // If no page is specified, return NULL if (!::IsWindow(pInfo->pWnd->m_hWnd)) // If the window has not yet been created, { if (pInfo->pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CDialog))) // If the page indow is kind of dialog window { CDialog *pDlg = (CDialog*)pInfo->pWnd; bCode = pDlg->Create(pInfo->nID, this); pDlg->ModifyStyle(WS_CAPTION, 0); } else if (pInfo->pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CWnd))) // generic CWnd derived Window { CWnd *pWnd = (CWnd*)pInfo->pWnd; bCode = CreateWnd(pInfo->pWnd); // Create Window pWnd->ModifyStyle(WS_BORDER|WS_THICKFRAME, 0); // Remoce border and thick frame styles } } return(bCode); }
bool iocp_server::Init(HINSTANCE hInstance) { m_hInstance = hInstance; SetTitle("GameServer"); CreateWnd(); open(); g_logger.fatal("读取数据库"); CADO ado("felove"); int ncount = ado.GetCount("MonsterTable"); CRttiDbDataLoader::dbLoad<stMonsterData>(&ado,"select * from MonsterTable", ncount); if( ncount != stMonsterData::stdb.size()) { g_logger.error("NPC数据库成功读取的条目与实际条目不符 期待值 %d 实际值 %d", ncount, stMonsterData::stdb.size()); } g_logger.fatal("读取config"); CXMLConfigParse conf; conf.InitConfig("gamesvr"); int svrId = conf.readvalue("svrid",1); char svrname[30] = {0}; conf.readstr("svrname",svrname, sizeof(svrname) - 1, "GameServer");"%s%d线启动...",svrname,svrId); return true; }
dlgWndAskPIN::dlgWndAskPIN( DlgPinInfo pinInfo, DlgPinUsage PinPusage, std::wstring & Header, std::wstring & PINName, bool UseKeypad, HWND Parent ) :Win32Dialog(L"WndAskPIN") { m_UseKeypad = UseKeypad; PinResult[0] = ' '; PinResult[1] = (char)0; std::wstring tmpTitle = L""; if( PinPusage == DLG_PIN_SIGN ) tmpTitle += GETSTRING_DLG(SigningWith); else tmpTitle += GETSTRING_DLG(Asking); tmpTitle += L" "; tmpTitle += PINName; m_ulPinMinLen = pinInfo.ulMinLen; m_ulPinMaxLen = pinInfo.ulMaxLen; szHeader = Header.c_str(); szPIN = PINName.c_str(); int Height = 280; if( m_UseKeypad ) Height = 480; if( CreateWnd( tmpTitle.c_str() , 480, Height, 0, Parent ) ) { RECT clientRect; GetClientRect( m_hWnd, &clientRect ); TextFont = CreateFont( 16, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, L"MS Shell Dlg" ); //OK Button HWND hOkButton = CreateWindow( L"BUTTON", GETSTRING_DLG(Ok), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, clientRect.right - 160, clientRect.bottom - 36, 72, 24, m_hWnd, (HMENU)IDB_OK, m_hInstance, NULL ); EnableWindow( hOkButton, false ); //Cancel Button HWND hCancelButton = CreateWindow( L"BUTTON", GETSTRING_DLG(Cancel), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_TEXT, clientRect.right - 80, clientRect.bottom - 36, 72, 24, m_hWnd, (HMENU)IDB_CANCEL, m_hInstance, NULL ); m_KeypadHeight=0; //Virtual Keypad if( m_UseKeypad ) { int top = 60; int hMargin = 12; int vMargin = 12; int btnwidth = 48; int btnheight = 48; int totwidth = btnwidth*3 + 2*hMargin; int totheight = btnheight*4 +3*vMargin; int left = (clientRect.right - clientRect.left - totwidth)/2; m_KeypadHeight = top + totheight + 8; for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { if( i == 3 && j == 0 ) continue; HWND hOkButton = CreateWindow( L"BUTTON", L"", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_OWNERDRAW, //BS_FLAT, left + ( btnwidth + hMargin )* j, top + ( btnheight + vMargin ) * i, btnwidth, btnheight, m_hWnd, (HMENU)(long long)(IDB_KeypadStart + 3*i + j ), m_hInstance, NULL ); } } ImageKP_BTN[0] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_0) ); ImageKP_BTN[1] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_1) ); ImageKP_BTN[2] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_2) ); ImageKP_BTN[3] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_3) ); ImageKP_BTN[4] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_4) ); ImageKP_BTN[5] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_5) ); ImageKP_BTN[6] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_6) ); ImageKP_BTN[7] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_7) ); ImageKP_BTN[8] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_8) ); ImageKP_BTN[9] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_9) ); ImageKP_BTN[10] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_CE) ); ImageKP_BTN[11] = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_KP_BTN) ); CreateBitapMask( ImageKP_BTN[11], ImageKP_BTN_Mask ); //MWLOG(LEV_DEBUG, MOD_DLG, L" dlgWndAskPIN : Virtual pinpad - LoadBitmap"); } DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER | ES_PASSWORD; if( pinInfo.ulFlags & PIN_FLAG_DIGITS ) dwStyle |= ES_NUMBER; LONG pinTop=0; LONG pinLeft=clientRect.right/2 - 100 + 40; if( m_UseKeypad ) pinTop = + 20; else pinTop = clientRect.bottom - 80; HWND hTextEdit = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"EDIT", L"", dwStyle, pinLeft, pinTop, 160, 26, m_hWnd, (HMENU)IDC_EDIT, m_hInstance, NULL ); SendMessage( hTextEdit, EM_LIMITTEXT, m_ulPinMaxLen, 0 ); HWND hStaticText = CreateWindow( L"STATIC", szPIN, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_RIGHT, pinLeft-100, pinTop +4 , 96, 22, m_hWnd, (HMENU)IDC_STATIC, m_hInstance, NULL ); SendMessage( hStaticText, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)TextFont, 0 ); SendMessage( hOkButton, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)TextFont, 0 ); SendMessage( hCancelButton, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)TextFont, 0 ); if( PinPusage == DLG_PIN_SIGN ) ImagePIN = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_PINSIGN) ); else ImagePIN = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_PIN) ); CreateBitapMask( ImagePIN, ImagePIN_Mask ); SetFocus(GetDlgItem( m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT )); } }
// The main loop int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance, HINSTANCE hprevinstance, LPSTR lpcmdline, int nshowcmd) { MSG msg; // Create a windows class for subsequently creating windows WNDCLASSEX ex; ex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC; ex.lpfnWndProc = WinProc; ex.cbClsExtra = 0; ex.cbWndExtra = 0; ex.hInstance = hinstance; ex.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); ex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); ex.hbrBackground = NULL; ex.lpszMenuName = NULL; ex.lpszClassName = WNDCLASSNAME; ex.hIconSm = NULL; if (!RegisterClassEx(&ex)) { MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to register the windows class", "Window Reg Error", MB_OK); return 1; } // Create the windows CreateWnd(hinstance, SCRWIDTH, SCRHEIGHT, SCRDEPTH); // Prompt the user for a filename and directory OPENFILENAME ofn; // common dialog box structure ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn)); char szFile[260]; // buffer for file name HWND hwndsave; // create the save as window hwndsave = CreateWindowEx(NULL, WNDCLASSNAME, WNDNAME, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, 100, 100, 600, 600, NULL, NULL, hinstance, NULL); HANDLE hf; // file handle szFile[0] = '\0'; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hwndsave; ofn.lpstrFilter = "Text\0*.TXT\0"; ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile) / sizeof(*szFile); ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = NULL; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = (LPSTR)NULL; ofn.Flags = OFN_SHOWHELP | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; ofn.lpstrTitle = "Specify the filename"; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "txt"; GetSaveFileName(&ofn); //Create a file to store the offset position at each point in time FILE *str; fopen_s(&str, ofn.lpstrFile, "w"); //Set the filename for the DAQ data strncpy_s(syncfnamebuf, 100, ofn.lpstrFile, strlen(ofn.lpstrFile) - 4); strcat_s(syncfnamebuf, 100, "_SYNC.txt"); syncfname = syncfnamebuf; // Print local time as a string. char s[30]; size_t i; struct tm tim; time_t now; now = time(NULL); localtime_s(&tim, &now); i = strftime(s, 30, "%b %d, %Y; %H:%M:%S\n", &tim); fprintf(str, "Current date and time: %s\n", s); // Variables to store the treadmill update signal float dx0Now = 0.0f; float dx1Now = 0.0f; float dy0Now = 0.0f; float dy1Now = 0.0f; InitOffset(); Sleep(1000); int cw = 1; // Move the open loop stripe in a clockwise direction int ccw = -1; // Move the open loop stripe in a counterclockwise direction int randomreset = 1; PFNWGLSWAPINTERVALEXTPROC wglSwapIntervalEXT = NULL; PFNWGLGETSWAPINTERVALEXTPROC wglGetSwapIntervalEXT = NULL; wglSwapIntervalEXT = (PFNWGLSWAPINTERVALEXTPROC)wglGetProcAddress("wglSwapIntervalEXT"); wglGetSwapIntervalEXT = (PFNWGLGETSWAPINTERVALEXTPROC)wglGetProcAddress("wglGetSwapIntervalEXT"); // The main loop while (!quit) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) quit = true; TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } // Timestamp closed loop output in order to recreate later QueryPerformanceCounter(&li); float netTime = (li.QuadPart - CounterStart) / PCFreq; if (randomreset) { //Generate a random starting offset srand(time(0)); io_mutex.lock(); BallOffsetRot = fmod(rand(), 180) - 90; BallOffsetFor = 0.0f;//-dist2stripe*0.5; BallOffsetSide = 0.0f; io_mutex.unlock(); randomreset = 0; } /////////////////////// EXPERIMENT SPECIFICS LIVE HERE ///////////////////////////// if (netTime < 1) { closed = 1; olsdir = 0; } if (netTime > 1 && netTime < 0.5 * 60) { closed = 1; olsdir = 0; } if (netTime > 0.5 * 60 && netTime < 4.5 * 60) { closed = 1; olsdir = 1; } if (netTime > 4.5 * 60 && netTime < 5 * 60) { closed = 1; olsdir = 0; } if (netTime > 5 * 60) break; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Switch contexts and draw wglMakeCurrent(hdc1, hglrc); RenderFrame(olsdir); //Swapbuffers SwapBuffers(hdc1); // Note the time that's passed QueryPerformanceCounter(&li); netTime = (li.QuadPart - CounterStart) / PCFreq; // Pull out the relevant values io_mutex.lock(); if (closed) BallOffsetRotNow = BallOffsetRot; BallOffsetForNow = BallOffsetFor; BallOffsetSideNow = BallOffsetSide; dx0Now = dx0; dx1Now = dx1; dy0Now = dy0; dy1Now = dy1; io_mutex.unlock(); //Print the elapsed time fprintf(str, "Elapsed time:\t%f\t", netTime); //Print the offset to the log file fprintf(str, "Rotational Offset:\t%f\t", BallOffsetRotNow); fprintf(str, "Forward Offset:\t%f\t", BallOffsetForNow); fprintf(str, "Lateral Offset:\t%f\t", BallOffsetSideNow); fprintf(str, "dx0:\t%f\t", dx0Now); fprintf(str, "dx1:\t%f\t", dx1Now); fprintf(str, "dy0:\t%f\t", dy0Now); fprintf(str, "dy1:\t%f\t", dy1Now); fprintf(str, "closed:\t%d\t", closed); fprintf(str, "olsdir:\t%d\n", olsdir); if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) || (netTime > 30 * 60)) SysShutdown(); } GLShutdown(); fclose(str); return msg.lParam; }
bool AWinControlBase::Create() { if( m_pWindow ) return true; InitControls(); m_pWindow = CreateWnd(); if( m_pWindow == NULL ) return false; m_pWindow->AddRef(); HWND hParent = NULL; AControl* pParent = dynamic_cast<AControl*>( GetParent() ); if( pParent ) hParent = pParent->GetUICore()->GetHandle(); if( !m_pWindow->Create(hParent,m_WindowPos) ) { m_pWindow->Release(); m_pWindow = NULL; throw AException(_T("窗口创建失败!")); return false; } AContainer* pcParent = dynamic_cast<AContainer*>(GetParent()); if( pcParent ) pcParent->GetUICore()->AddWatcher(this); //再进行下面的处理 if( m_WindowPos == wpDesign ) { ::SetWindowPos(GetHandle(),HWND_NOTOPMOST,GetLeft(),GetTop(),GetWidth(),GetHeight(),SWP_NOREDRAW|SWP_HIDEWINDOW); } else if( m_WindowPos == wpCenterScreen ) { ARect rScreen; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,&rScreen,0); int dw = (rScreen.right-rScreen.left-GetWidth())/2; int dh = (; m_iLeft = (rScreen.left+dw); m_iTop = (; ::SetWindowPos(GetHandle(),HWND_NOTOPMOST,GetLeft(),GetTop(),GetWidth(),GetHeight(),SWP_NOREDRAW|SWP_HIDEWINDOW); } else { ARect r; ::GetWindowRect(GetHandle(),&r); //::SetWindowPos(GetHandle(),HWND_NOTOPMOST,r.left,,r.GetWidth(),r.GetHeight(),0); m_iLeft = r.left; m_iTop =; m_iWidth = r.GetWidth(); m_iHeight = r.GetHeight(); } //::SetWindowPos(GetHandle(),HWND_NOTOPMOST,GetLeft(),GetTop(),GetWidth(),GetHeight(),0);//SWP_NOREDRAW|SWP_HIDEWINDOW); //::SetWindowPos(GetHandle(),HWND_NOTOPMOST,GetLeft(),GetTop(),GetWidth(),GetHeight(),SWP_NOREDRAW|SWP_HIDEWINDOW); DoCreate(); ConnectEvent(); DoLayout(); Refresh(); //HRGN hRgn = ::CreateRoundRectRgn(0,0,GetWidth()+1,GetHeight()+1,5,5); //::SetWindowRgn(m_pWindow->GetHandle(),hRgn,FALSE); //::DeleteObject(hRgn); AEvent evt; OnCreate.Call(this,&evt); return true; }
dlgWndBadPIN::dlgWndBadPIN( std::wstring & PINName, unsigned long RemainingTries, HWND Parent ) :Win32Dialog(L"WndBadPIN") { std::wstring tmpTitle = L""; if(wcscmp(L"nl",langbad.c_str())==0) tmpTitle += (L"Atenção"); else tmpTitle += GETSTRING_DLG(Notification); tmpTitle += L": "; tmpTitle += GETSTRING_DLG(Bad); tmpTitle += L" "; if ( wcsstr(const_cast<wchar_t*>( PINName.c_str()), (L"PIN da Autentica")) != 0) tmpTitle += (L"Pin da Autenticação"); else tmpTitle += PINName; wchar_t tmpBuf[128]; std::wstring tmpStr = L""; _itow_s( RemainingTries, tmpBuf, 128, 10 ); szHeader = new wchar_t[128]; szBody = L""; tmpStr = GETSTRING_DLG(Bad); tmpStr += L" \""; if ( wcsstr(const_cast<wchar_t*>( PINName.c_str()), (L"PIN da Autentica")) != 0) tmpStr += (L"Pin da Autenticação"); else tmpStr += PINName; tmpStr += L"\": "; tmpStr += tmpBuf; tmpStr += L" "; tmpStr += GETSTRING_DLG(RemainingAttempts); wcscpy_s( szHeader, 128, tmpStr.c_str() ); if( RemainingTries == 0 ) { if ( wcsstr(const_cast<wchar_t*>( PINName.c_str()), (L"PIN da Autentica")) != 0) tmpTitle += (L"Pin da Autenticação"); else tmpTitle += PINName; tmpStr += L" "; tmpStr = GETSTRING_DLG(PinBlocked); szBody = tmpStr.c_str(); } else { szBody = GETSTRING_DLG(TryAgainOrCancel); } if( CreateWnd( tmpTitle.c_str() , 280, 230, 0, Parent ) ) { RECT clientRect; GetClientRect( m_hWnd, &clientRect ); TextFont = CreateFont( 16, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, L"MS Shell Dlg" ); if( RemainingTries == 0 ) { HWND hOkButton = CreateWindow( L"BUTTON", GETSTRING_DLG(Ok), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, clientRect.right - 160, clientRect.bottom - 36, 72, 24, m_hWnd, (HMENU)IDB_OK, m_hInstance, NULL ); SendMessage( hOkButton, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)TextFont, 0 ); } else { HWND hRetryButton = CreateWindow( L"BUTTON", GETSTRING_DLG(Retry), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, clientRect.right - 160, clientRect.bottom - 36, 72, 24, m_hWnd, (HMENU)IDB_RETRY, m_hInstance, NULL ); SendMessage( hRetryButton, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)TextFont, 0 ); HWND hCancelButton = CreateWindow( L"BUTTON", GETSTRING_DLG(Cancel), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_TEXT, clientRect.right - 80, clientRect.bottom - 36, 72, 24, m_hWnd, (HMENU)IDB_CANCEL, m_hInstance, NULL ); SendMessage( hCancelButton, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)TextFont, 0 ); } HWND hStaticText = CreateWindow( L"STATIC", szBody, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_CENTER, 0, clientRect.bottom - 76, clientRect.right, 22, m_hWnd, (HMENU)IDC_STATIC, m_hInstance, NULL ); SendMessage( hStaticText, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)TextFont, 0 ); ImagePIN = LoadBitmap( m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_PIN) ); CreateBitapMask( ImagePIN, ImagePIN_Mask ); } }
void Entry(void) { HHOOK hHook=NULL; HOOKPROC pfnHookProc; HWND hWnd=NULL; int result=1; g_controlMsg=RegisterWindowMessageA(CONTROL_MESSAGE_NAME); g_hDLL=LoadLibraryA(DLL_NAME); if(!g_hDLL) { DWORD err=GetLastError(); char msg[500]; FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,NULL,err,0,msg,sizeof msg,NULL); MessageBoxA(NULL,msg,DLL_NAME,MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); goto done; } g_pfnSetKeyboardLayout=(SetKeyboardLayoutFn)FindProc("SetKeyboardLayout"); if(!g_pfnSetKeyboardLayout) goto done; pfnHookProc=(HOOKPROC)FindProc(HOOKNAME("KBSwitchCBTHookProc")); if(!pfnHookProc) goto done; hHook=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT,pfnHookProc,g_hDLL,0); if(!hHook) goto done; hWnd=CreateWnd(); if(hWnd) { for(;;) { int r; MSG msg; r=GetMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0); if(r==0||r==-1) break; TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } result=0; } done: if(hWnd) { DestroyWindow(hWnd); hWnd=NULL; } if(hHook) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(hHook); hHook=NULL; } if(g_hDLL) { FreeLibrary(g_hDLL); g_hDLL=NULL; } ExitProcess(result); }
HWND Window::AutoRegistCreateWnd(LPCTSTR Class,DWORD Style,int x,int y,int width,int height,HWND hParent,HMENU hMenu,HINSTANCE hInst){ RegisterWC(hInst,Class); return CreateWnd(Class,Style,x,y,width,height,hParent,hMenu,hInst); }
//コンストラクタ(詳細作成) Window::Window(WNDCLASSEX *pWCE, CREATEWINDOWEX *pCWE) { CreateWnd(pWCE, pCWE, SW_SHOWNORMAL); //ウィンドウ生成 }
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hinstance, HINSTANCE hprevinstance, LPSTR lpcmdline, int nshowcmd ) { MSG msg; WNDCLASSEX ex; int argc; char cmdline[512]; const char* argv[32]; char* tok; // Convert command line into C-style argc & argv. strcpy( cmdline, lpcmdline ); argv[0] = "cylindrix"; argc = 1; tok = strtok( cmdline, " \t" ); while ( tok ) { argv[argc++] = tok; tok = strtok( 0, " \t" ); } ex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); = CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW|CS_OWNDC; ex.lpfnWndProc = WinProc; ex.cbClsExtra = 0; ex.cbWndExtra = 0; ex.hInstance = hinstance; ex.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); ex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); ex.hbrBackground = NULL; ex.lpszMenuName = NULL; ex.lpszClassName = WNDCLASSNAME; ex.hIconSm = NULL; if ( !RegisterClassEx( &ex ) ) { MessageBox( NULL, "Failed to register the window class", "Window Reg Error", MB_OK ); return 1; } // Create the window CreateWnd( hinstance, screenw, screenh, SCRDEPTH, WINDOWED ); GameInit( argc, argv ); // The message loop while ( !quit ) { quit = GameLoop(); // clear keys pressed. memset( keysPressed, 0, 255 ); SwapBuffers( hdc ); if ( PeekMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) quit = TRUE; TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } } GameShutdown(); SysShutdown(); return msg.lParam; }
/* *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 函数名 : SetCartoonDib * 功能 : 设置卡通窗口的 Dib 图像 * 参数 : CString strDibFileName - 加载位图的文件名 * 算法 : * 前置条件 : m_pDib 已初始化 * 后置条件 : 删除现存的位图,赋于新的位图,销毁现存窗口,新建一个窗口并居中显示 *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void CFloatDibWnd::SetCartoonDib(CString strDibFileName) { if(!FileExist(strDibFileName)) return; DestroyWindow(); if (m_pDib) { m_pDib->Destroy(); delete m_pDib; } // Canvas * pWnd = (Canvas *)GetParent(); // CRect wndRect = pWnd->GetCanvasWndRect(); // 从文件中导入图片 m_pDib = new CDib(); m_pDib->Load(strDibFileName); // m_pDib->ChangeImageSize(nWidth, nHeight); CRect rcWnd; ::GetWindowRect(m_hParentWnd, &rcWnd); // 初始化时的窗口大小 long nWidth = m_pDib->GetWidth(); long nHeight = m_pDib->GetHeight(); double scaleXY = nWidth/nHeight; double scaleYX = nHeight/nWidth; double scaleDef = rcWnd.Width()/rcWnd.Height(); if(scaleXY <= scaleDef) { if(nWidth > rcWnd.Width()-4) { nWidth = rcWnd.Width()-20; nHeight = nWidth * scaleYX; } } else { if(nHeight > rcWnd.Height() - 4) { nHeight = rcWnd.Height() -4; nWidth = nHeight * scaleXY; } } //根据主窗口上滑块的位置计算图象加载的大小 if(g_stuPaintSet.bCartoonOrgSize) { m_rcWndRect.left = rcWnd.Width() / 2 - nWidth / 2; m_rcWndRect.right = rcWnd.Width() / 2 + nWidth / 2; = rcWnd.Height() / 2 - nHeight / 2; m_rcWndRect.bottom = rcWnd.Height() / 2 + nHeight / 2; } else { DOUBLE scale = m_curDrawSize/110.0; m_rcWndRect.left = rcWnd.Width() / 2 - DOUBLE(nWidth / 2.0)*scale; m_rcWndRect.right = rcWnd.Width() / 2 + DOUBLE(nWidth / 2.0)*scale; = rcWnd.Height() / 2 - DOUBLE(nHeight / 2.0)*scale; m_rcWndRect.bottom = rcWnd.Height() / 2 + DOUBLE(nHeight / 2.0)*scale; } // 保存原始图像 if (m_pSrcDib) delete m_pSrcDib; m_pSrcDib = m_pDib->Clone(); CheckShowBtn(); // 创建窗口 CreateWnd(); }