int GetStringToken( char cCharacter, char *pcToken) /* STRING_TOKEN :== dquote <any> dquote */ { int iResult; int iCurrentLine; iCurrentLine = CurrentLine(); cCharacter = GetChar(); while ((cCharacter != '"') && (iCurrentLine == CurrentLine())) { *(pcToken++) = cCharacter; cCharacter = GetChar(); } /* end of line, or " is found. Check for error and try to recover */ if (iCurrentLine == CurrentLine()) { iResult = STRING_TOKEN; } else { iResult = UNTERMINATED_STRING_READ; UngetChar(); } *pcToken = 0; return iResult; }
void CStringParser::ProcessReadString(const TDesC8& aReadString) { LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy] Starting CStringParse::ProcessReadString()")); LOGTEXT2(_L8("[Ltsy] Read String = %S"), &aReadString); for (TInt nBufferOffset = 0; nBufferOffset < aReadString.Length(); nBufferOffset++) { TText8 tChar = aReadString[nBufferOffset]; // we have already found a char which is a delimiter of the Line // so would dismiss any of delimiter following this one already found if (iInDelimiter && (tChar == '\r' || tChar == '\n')) { continue; } // move on lastchar *iLastChar++ = tChar; // Diacarding characters if our buffer was overflowed if (iLastChar >= iBufferEnd) { iLastChar = iBufferEnd; } // we anyway to find out the delimiter and notify the obser the line was found if (tChar == '\r' || tChar == '\n') { iInDelimiter = ETrue; TPtrC8 tLine(CurrentLine()); LOGTEXT2(_L8("[Ltsy] Line Content = %S"), &tLine); TRAPD(err, iReadLineNotify->NotifyOneLineFoundL(KErrNone, tLine)); if (err != KErrNone) { ClearCurrentLine(); } } else { if(iInDelimiter) // the last char is a delimiter { iInDelimiter=EFalse; iLineStart=iLastChar-1; if(tChar == '>') { TPtrC8 tLine(CurrentLine()); TRAPD(err, iReadLineNotify->NotifyOneLineFoundL(KErrNone, tLine)); if (err != KErrNone) { ClearCurrentLine(); } } } } } LOGTEXT(_L8("[Ltsy] End CStringParse::ProcessReadString()")); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CATGetRevision::ParseResponseL // other CATGetPhoneCellInfo were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CATGetRevision::ParseResponseL(const TDesC8& /*aResponseBuf*/) { if (CurrentLine().Match(KLtsyOkString) != 0) { iError = KErrGeneral; return ; } RArray<TPtrC8> array; CleanupClosePushL(array); iParser->ParseRespondedBuffer(array,PrecedingLine()); iMoreInfoFlag = EFalse; TInt Count = array.Count(); if (Count < 1) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrGeneral; return ; } for(TInt i = 0; i < Count; i++) { //lex.Assign(array[2]); if (iMoreInfoFlag) { TBuf<RMobilePhone::KPhoneSerialNumberSize> Data; Data.Zero(); TInt remainingBufferSize = RMobilePhone::KPhoneSerialNumberSize - iPhoneId.iRevision.Length() - 1; if(array[i].Length() > remainingBufferSize) { Data.Copy(array[i].Mid(0,remainingBufferSize)); } else { Data.Copy(array[i]); } iPhoneId.iRevision.Append(KSpaceSeparator); iPhoneId.iRevision.Append(Data); } else { if(array[i].Length() > RMobilePhone::KPhoneSerialNumberSize) { iPhoneId.iRevision.Copy(array[i].Mid(0,RMobilePhone::KPhoneSerialNumberSize)); } else { iPhoneId.iRevision.Copy(array[i]); } iMoreInfoFlag = ETrue; } } iMoreInfoFlag = EFalse; CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNone; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CATDetectNetwork::ParseResponseL // should be // +COPS: (status,"longname","shortname",code),... ,,(list),(list) // +COPS: [list of supported (<stat>,long alphanumeric <oper>,short alphanumeric // <oper>,numeric <oper>)s] // <stat>: // 0 unknown // 1 available // 2 current // 3 forbidden // <oper>: string type; <format> indicates if the format is alphanumeric or numeric; // long alphanumeric format can be upto 16 characters long and short format up to 8 // characters (refer GSM MoU SE.13 [9]); numeric format is the GSM Location Area // Identification number (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause which consists of // a three BCD digit country code coded as in ITU-T E.212 Annex A [10], plus a two // BCD digit network code, which is administration specific; returned <oper> shall // not be in BCD format, but in IRA characters converted from BCD; hence the number // has structure: (country code digit 3)(country code digit 2)(country code digit 1) // (network code digit 2)(network code digit 1) // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CATDetectNetwork::ParseResponseL(const TDesC8& /*aResponseBuf*/) { if (CurrentLine().Match(KLtsyOkString) != 0) { iError = KErrGeneral; return ; } if(iList) { delete iList; iList = NULL; } iList=CMobilePhoneNetworkListV2::NewL(); RArray<TPtrC8> array; CleanupClosePushL(array); iParser->ParseRespondedBuffer(array,PrecedingLine()); TInt Count = array.Count(); if (Count < 1) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return ; } if( array[0].MatchF(KGetDetectNetworkRepondStr)==KErrNotFound) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return ; } TInt count = array.Count() - 1; for (TInt i = 1;i < count;i++) { RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV2 info; // This TSY only supports GSM mode so we can hardcode this info.iMode=RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeGsm; TInt val; TLex8 lex(array[i]); lex.Val(val); info.iStatus = RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkStatus(val); i++; info.iLongName.Copy(array[i]); i++; if(array[i].Length() > info.iShortName.MaxLength()) info.iShortName.Copy(array[i].Mid(0,info.iShortName.MaxLength())); else info.iShortName.Copy(array[i]); i++; User::LeaveIfError(NetworkIdL(array[i],info.iCountryCode, info.iNetworkId)); // MNC and MCC iList->AddEntryL(info); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); } //ParseResponseL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAtSmsNack::ParseResponseL // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAtSmsNack::ParseResponseL(const TDesC8& /*aResponseBuf*/) { if (CurrentLine().Match(KLtsyOkString) == 0) { iError = KErrNone; } else { iError = KErrGeneral; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CATGprsSetProfileReq::ParseResponseL() // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CATGprsSetProfileReq::ParseResponseL(const TDesC8& /*aResponseBuf*/) { if (CurrentLine().Match(KLtsyOkString) == 0) { iError = KErrNone; } else { iError = KErrGeneral; } }
void ListLog::tailButtonData() { if(list_audition_tail_playing) { list_log->auditionStop(); } else { if(!list_audition_head_playing) { list_log->auditionTail(CurrentLine()); } } }
virtual void KeyDown(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) { int32 mods = 0; BMessage* msg = Window() ? Window()->CurrentMessage() : 0; if( msg ) { msg->FindInt32("modifiers",&mods); } if( *bytes == B_ESCAPE ) { BString tmp = mOrigText; mOrigText = Text(); SetText(tmp.String()); mHasChanged = true; BMessage msg(INLINE_FINALUPDATE_MSG); mOwner.SendMessage(&msg); return; } if( *bytes == '\n' || *bytes == '\r' ) { BMessage msg(INLINE_FINALUPDATE_MSG); mOwner.SendMessage(&msg); return; } if( Window() && Parent() ) { if( *bytes == B_UP_ARROW && CurrentLine() <= 0 ) { BMessage msg(INLINE_GOTOPREVIOUS_MSG); mOwner.SendMessage(&msg); return; } else if( *bytes == B_DOWN_ARROW && CurrentLine() >= (CountLines()-1) ) { BMessage msg(INLINE_GOTONEXT_MSG); mOwner.SendMessage(&msg); return; } } inherited::KeyDown(bytes, numBytes); }
void ListLog::trackButtonData() { int line=CurrentLine(); QString logname=list_log->logName().left(list_log->logName().length()-4); if((line>=0)&&(!logname.isEmpty())) { RDMacro *rml=new RDMacro(); rml->setRole(RDMacro::Cmd); rml->setEchoRequested(false); rml->setCommand(RDMacro::VT); rml->setAddress(QHostAddress("")); rml->setArgQuantity(2); rml->setArg(0,logname); rml->setArg(1,line); rdripc->sendRml(rml); delete rml; } }
void ListLog::playButtonData() { int line=CurrentLine(); if(line<0) { return; } switch(list_playbutton_mode) { case ListLog::ButtonPlay: switch(CurrentStatus()) { case RDLogLine::Scheduled: case RDLogLine::Paused: if(line<0) { return; } list_log->play(line,RDLogLine::StartManual); ClearSelection(); break; default: break; } break; case ListLog::ButtonStop: if(list_pause_allowed) { list_log->pause(line); } else { list_log->stop(line); } ClearSelection(); break; case ListLog::ButtonDisabled: break; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAtPhbkGetPhoneStoreInfo::ParseResponseL // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAtPhbkGetPhoneStoreInfo::ParseResponseL(const TDesC8& /*aResponseBuf*/) { if( iState == ESetPhoneStoreComplete ) { if (CurrentLine().Match(KLtsyOkString) == 0) { iError = KErrNone; } else { iError = KErrGeneral; } } else if( iState == EGetPhoneStoreInfoComplete ) { /** * Here is an Example * +CPBS: "SM",6,250 * ADN phonebook is selected,6 locations are used and * total 250 locations are available */ iError = KErrNone; RArray<TPtrC8> array; CleanupClosePushL(array); iParser->ParseRespondedBuffer(array,Buffer()); //remove AT+CPBS if(array[0].MatchF(KAnyATCommand) != KErrNotFound) { array.Remove(0); } TInt count = array.Count(); #ifdef _DEBUG for( TInt i=0;i<count;i++ ) { LOGTEXT3(_L8("CAtPhbkGetPhoneStoreInfo::ParseResponseL\tarray[%d]=%S"), i,&array[i]); } #endif if (count <= 1) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return; } if(array[0].MatchF(KCPBSResponseString) == KErrNotFound) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return; } //parse used TLex8 lex(array[2]); TUint16 val; TInt ret = lex.Val(val,EDecimal); if(ret != KErrNone) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = ret; return; } iPhoneStoreInfo.iUsedEntries = val; //parse total TLex8 lex1(array[3]); ret = lex1.Val(val,EDecimal); if(ret != KErrNone) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = ret; return; } iPhoneStoreInfo.iTotalEntries = val; iPhoneStoreInfo.iType = RMobilePhoneStore::EPhoneBookStore; LOGTEXT3(_L8("CAtPhbkGetPhoneStoreInfo::ParseResponseL\tPreferred store used=%d, total=%d"), iPhoneStoreInfo.iUsedEntries,iPhoneStoreInfo.iTotalEntries); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&array); } else { /** * Parse result of AT+CPMS? * Response:+CPMS:<mem1>,<used1>,<total1>,<mem2>,<used2>,<total2> * Here only the first mem is used. mem1 is SM */ iError = KErrNone; RArray<TPtrC8> array; CleanupClosePushL(array); iParser->ParseRespondedBuffer(array,Buffer()); if(array[0].MatchF(KAnyATCommand) != KErrNotFound) { array.Remove(0); } TInt Count = array.Count(); if (Count <= 1) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return; } if(array[0].MatchF(KCPMSResponseString) == KErrNotFound) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return; } //parse name TPtrC8 name(array[1]); //parse used TLex8 lex(array[2]); TUint16 val; TInt ret = lex.Val(val,EDecimal); if(ret != KErrNone) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = ret; return; } iPhoneStoreInfo.iUsedEntries = val; //parse total TLex8 lex1(array[3]); ret = lex1.Val(val,EDecimal); if(ret != KErrNone) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = ret; return; } iPhoneStoreInfo.iTotalEntries = val; iPhoneStoreInfo.iType = RMobilePhoneStore::EShortMessageStore; LOGTEXT3(_L8("CAtPhbkGetPhoneStoreInfo::ParseResponseL\tPreferred store used=%d, total=%d"), iPhoneStoreInfo.iUsedEntries,iPhoneStoreInfo.iTotalEntries); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&array); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAtPhbkEnGetInfo::ParseResponseL // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAtPhbkEnGetInfo::ParseResponseL(const TDesC8& /*aResponseBuf*/) { if( iState==ESetEnStoreComplete ) { if (CurrentLine().Match(KLtsyOkString) == 0) { iError = KErrNone; } else { iError = KErrGeneral; } } else if( iState==EGetEnStoreInfoComplete ) { /** * Here is an Example * +CPBS: "EN",2,16 * phonebooken is selected,2 locations are used and * total 16 locations are available */ iError = KErrNone; RArray<TPtrC8> array; CleanupClosePushL(array); iParser->ParseRespondedBuffer(array,Buffer()); //remove AT+CPBS if(array[0].MatchF(KAnyATCommand)!=KErrNotFound) { array.Remove(0); } TInt count = array.Count(); #ifdef _DEBUG for( TInt i=0;i<count;i++ ) { LOGTEXT3(_L8("CAtPhbkEnGetInfo::ParseResponseL\tarray[%d]=%S"), i,&array[i]); } #endif if (count <= 1) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return; } if(array[0].MatchF(KCPBSResponseString)==KErrNotFound) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return; } //parse used TLex8 lex(array[2]); TUint16 val; TInt ret=lex.Val(val,EDecimal); if(ret!=KErrNone) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = ret; return; } iUsed = val; //parse total TLex8 lex1(array[3]); ret=lex1.Val(val,EDecimal); if(ret!=KErrNone) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = ret; return; } iTotal = val; LOGTEXT3(_L8("CAtPhbkEnGetInfo::ParseResponseL\tPreferred store used=%d, total=%d"), iUsed,iTotal); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&array); } }
/// SingleComponentLSScan::ParseMCU // Parse a single MCU in this scan. Return true if there are more // MCUs in this row. bool SingleComponentLSScan::ParseMCU(void) { #if ACCUSOFT_CODE int lines = m_ulRemaining[0]; // total number of MCU lines processed. UBYTE preshift = m_ucLowBit + FractionalColorBitsOf(); struct Line *line = CurrentLine(0); // // If a DNL marker is present, the number of remaining lines is zero. Fix it. if (m_pFrame->HeightOf() == 0) { assert(lines == 0); lines = 8; } assert(m_ucCount == 1); // // A "MCU" in respect to the code organization is eight lines. if (lines > 8) { lines = 8; } if (m_pFrame->HeightOf() > 0) m_ulRemaining[0] -= lines; assert(lines > 0); // Loop over lines and columns do { LONG length = m_ulWidth[0]; LONG *lp = line->m_pData; #ifdef DEBUG_LS int xpos = 0; static int linenumber = 0; printf("\n%4d : ",++linenumber); #endif StartLine(0); if (BeginReadMCU(m_Stream.ByteStreamOf())) { // No error handling strategy. No RST in scans. Bummer! do { LONG a,b,c,d; // neighbouring values. LONG d1,d2,d3; // local gradients. GetContext(0,a,b,c,d); d1 = d - b; // compute local gradients d2 = b - c; d3 = c - a; if (isRunMode(d1,d2,d3)) { LONG run = DecodeRun(length,m_lRunIndex[0]); // // Now fill the data. while(run) { // Update so that the next process gets the correct value. UpdateContext(0,a); // And insert the value into the target line as well. *lp++ = a << preshift; #ifdef DEBUG_LS printf("%4d:<%2x> ",xpos++,a); #endif run--,length--; // As long as there are pixels on the line. } // // More data on the line? I.e. the run did not cover the full m_lJ samples? // Now decode the run interruption sample. if (length) { bool negative; // the sign variable bool rtype; // run interruption type LONG errval; // the prediction error LONG merr; // the mapped error (symbol) LONG rx; // the reconstructed value UBYTE k; // golomb parameter // Get the neighbourhood. GetContext(0,a,b,c,d); // Get the prediction mode. rtype = InterruptedPredictionMode(negative,a,b); // Get the golomb parameter for run interruption coding. k = GolombParameter(rtype); // Golomb-decode the error symbol. merr = GolombDecode(k,m_lLimit - m_lJ[m_lRunIndex[0]] - 1); // Inverse the error mapping procedure. errval = InverseErrorMapping(merr + rtype,ErrorMappingOffset(rtype,rtype || merr,k)); // Compute the reconstructed value. rx = Reconstruct(negative,rtype?a:b,errval); // Update so that the next process gets the correct value. UpdateContext(0,rx); // Fill in the value into the line *lp = rx << preshift; #ifdef DEBUG_LS printf("%4d:<%2x> ",xpos++,*lp); #endif // Update the variables of the run mode. UpdateState(rtype,errval); // Update the run index now. This is not part of // EncodeRun because the non-reduced run-index is // required for the golomb coder length limit. if (m_lRunIndex[0] > 0) m_lRunIndex[0]--; } else break; // end of line. } else { UWORD ctxt; bool negative; // the sign variable. LONG px; // the predicted variable. LONG rx; // the reconstructed value. LONG errval; // the error value. LONG merr; // the mapped error value. UBYTE k; // the Golomb parameter. // Quantize the gradients. d1 = QuantizedGradient(d1); d2 = QuantizedGradient(d2); d3 = QuantizedGradient(d3); // Compute the context. ctxt = Context(negative,d1,d2,d3); // Compute the predicted value. px = Predict(a,b,c); // Correct the prediction. px = CorrectPrediction(ctxt,negative,px); // Compute the golomb parameter k from the context. k = GolombParameter(ctxt); // Decode the error symbol. merr = GolombDecode(k,m_lLimit); // Inverse the error symbol into an error value. errval = InverseErrorMapping(merr,ErrorMappingOffset(ctxt,k)); // Update the variables. UpdateState(ctxt,errval); // Compute the reconstructed value. rx = Reconstruct(negative,px,errval); // Update so that the next process gets the correct value. UpdateContext(0,rx); // And insert the value into the target line as well. *lp = rx << preshift; #ifdef DEBUG_LS printf("%4d:<%2x> ",xpos++,*lp); #endif } } while(++lp,--length); } // No error handling here. EndLine(0); line = line->m_pNext; } while(--lines); // // If this is the last line, gobble up all the // bits from bitstuffing the last byte may have left. // As SkipStuffing is idempotent, we can also do that // all the time. m_Stream.SkipStuffing(); #endif return false; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAtPhbkStoreRead::ParseResponseL // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAtPhbkStoreRead::ParseResponseL(const TDesC8& /*aResponseBuf*/) { if( iState == ESetStoreNameComplete ) { if (CurrentLine().Match(KLtsyOkString) == 0) { iError = KErrNone; } else { iError = KErrGeneral; } } else if( iState == EReadEntryComplete ) { /** * +CPBR = <index>,<number>,<129/145>,<text> * OK */ RArray<TPtrC8> array; CleanupClosePushL(array); iParser->ParseRespondedBuffer(array,Buffer()); // remove the string of AT+CPBR=.. if(array[0].MatchF(KAnyATCommand) != KErrNotFound) { array.Remove(0); } TInt count = array.Count(); #ifdef _DEBUG for( TInt i=0;i<count;i++ ) { LOGTEXT3(_L8("CAtPhbkStoreRead::ParseResponseL\tarray[%d]=%S"),i,&array[i]); } #endif if((array[1].Match(KLtsyOkString) == KErrNone)) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNone; iEndFlag = ETrue; return; } else if((array[1].Match(KLtsyErrorString) == KErrNone)) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrGeneral; iEndFlag = ETrue; return; } iError = KErrNone; //remove number line if it has if( array[0].MatchF(KCPBRSResponseString) == KErrNotFound ) { array.Remove(0); } if( array[0].MatchF(KCPBRSResponseString) == KErrNotFound ) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return; } //parse index TLex8 lex(array[1]); TUint16 val; TInt ret = lex.Val(val,EDecimal); if(ret != KErrNone) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = ret; return; } //Index iReadEntry.iIndex = val; iReadEntry.iNumber.Copy(array[2]); //Parse TON/NPI TLex8 lex1(array[3]); TUint16 val1; ret = lex1.Val(val1,EDecimal); if(ret != KErrNone) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = ret; return; } //TON/NPI iReadEntry.iTon = (TUint8)val1; iReadEntry.iText.Copy(array[4]); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CATNetworkInfo::ParseResponseL // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CATNetworkInfo::ParseResponseL(const TDesC8& /*aResponseBuf*/) { if (CurrentLine().Match(KLtsyOkString) != 0) { iError = KErrGeneral; return ; } RArray<TPtrC8> array; CleanupClosePushL(array); iParser->ParseRespondedBuffer(array,PrecedingLine()); TInt Count = array.Count(); if (Count < 1) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return ; } if( array[0].MatchF(KGetCurrentNetworkInfoResponse)==KErrNotFound) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNotFound; return ; } TInt val = 0; TLex8 lex(array[1]); lex.Val(val); iPhoneGlobals.iPhoneStatus.iLocalNetworkSel.iMethod = RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSelectionMethod(val); if(Count > 2) { TLex8 lex1(array[2]); lex1.Val(iNameFormat); switch (iNameFormat) { case 0: if(array[3].Length() > iNetworkInfo.iLongName.MaxLength()) iNetworkInfo.iLongName.Copy(array[3].Mid(0,iNetworkInfo.iLongName.MaxLength())); else iNetworkInfo.iLongName.Copy(array[3]); break; case 1: if(array[2].Length() > iNetworkInfo.iShortName.MaxLength()) iNetworkInfo.iShortName.Copy(array[3].Mid(0,iNetworkInfo.iShortName.MaxLength())); else iNetworkInfo.iShortName.Copy(array[3]); break; case 2: /*if(array[2].Length() > iNetworkInfo.iShortName.MaxLength()) iNetworkInfo.iShortName.Copy(array[3].Mid(0,iNetworkInfo.iShortName.MaxLength())); else iNetworkInfo.iShortName.Copy(array[3]);*/ User::LeaveIfError(NetworkIdL(array[3],iNetworkInfo.iCountryCode, iNetworkInfo.iNetworkId)); break; default: User::Leave(KErrGeneral); break; } } else { iError = KErrGeneral; } iNetworkInfo.iStatus=RMobilePhone::ENetworkStatusCurrent; CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); iError = KErrNone; }
/// SingleComponentLSScan::WriteMCU // Write a single MCU in this scan. bool SingleComponentLSScan::WriteMCU(void) { #if ACCUSOFT_CODE int lines = m_ulRemaining[0]; // total number of MCU lines processed. UBYTE preshift = m_ucLowBit + FractionalColorBitsOf(); struct Line *line = CurrentLine(0); assert(m_ucCount == 1); // // A "MCU" in respect to the code organization is eight lines. if (lines > 8) { lines = 8; } m_ulRemaining[0] -= lines; assert(lines > 0); // Loop over lines and columns do { LONG length = m_ulWidth[0]; LONG *lp = line->m_pData; BeginWriteMCU(m_Stream.ByteStreamOf()); // MCU is a single line. StartLine(0); do { LONG a,b,c,d,x; // neighbouring values. LONG d1,d2,d3; // local gradients. GetContext(0,a,b,c,d); x = *lp >> preshift; d1 = d - b; // compute local gradients d2 = b - c; d3 = c - a; if (isRunMode(d1,d2,d3)) { LONG runval = a; LONG runcnt = 0; do { x = *lp >> preshift; if (x - runval < -m_lNear || x - runval > m_lNear) break; // Update so that the next process gets the correct value. // Also updates the line pointers. UpdateContext(0,runval); } while(lp++,runcnt++,--length); // Encode the run. Depends on whether the run was interrupted // by the end of the line. EncodeRun(runcnt,length == 0,m_lRunIndex[0]); // Continue the encoding of the end of the run if there are more // samples to encode. if (length) { bool negative; // the sign variable bool rtype; // run interruption type LONG errval; // the prediction error LONG merr; // the mapped error (symbol) LONG rx; // the reconstructed value UBYTE k; // golomb parameter // Get the neighbourhood. GetContext(0,a,b,c,d); // Get the prediction mode. rtype = InterruptedPredictionMode(negative,a,b); // Compute the error value. errval = x - ((rtype)?(a):(b)); if (negative) errval = -errval; // Quantize the error. errval = QuantizePredictionError(errval); // Compute the reconstructed value. rx = Reconstruct(negative,rtype?a:b,errval); // Update so that the next process gets the correct value. UpdateContext(0,rx); // Get the golomb parameter for run interruption coding. k = GolombParameter(rtype); // Map the error into a symbol. merr = ErrorMapping(errval,ErrorMappingOffset(rtype,errval != 0,k)) - rtype; // Golomb-coding of the error. GolombCode(k,merr,m_lLimit - m_lJ[m_lRunIndex[0]] - 1); // Update the variables of the run mode. UpdateState(rtype,errval); // Update the run index now. This is not part of // EncodeRun because the non-reduced run-index is // required for the golomb coder length limit. if (m_lRunIndex[0] > 0) m_lRunIndex[0]--; } else break; // Line ended, abort the loop over the line. } else { UWORD ctxt; bool negative; // the sign variable. LONG px; // the predicted variable. LONG rx; // the reconstructed value. LONG errval; // the error value. LONG merr; // the mapped error value. UBYTE k; // the Golomb parameter. // Quantize the gradients. d1 = QuantizedGradient(d1); d2 = QuantizedGradient(d2); d3 = QuantizedGradient(d3); // Compute the context. ctxt = Context(negative,d1,d2,d3); // Compute the predicted value. px = Predict(a,b,c); // Correct the prediction. px = CorrectPrediction(ctxt,negative,px); // Compute the error value. errval = x - px; if (negative) errval = -errval; // Quantize the prediction error if NEAR > 0 errval = QuantizePredictionError(errval); // Compute the reconstructed value. rx = Reconstruct(negative,px,errval); // Update so that the next process gets the correct value. UpdateContext(0,rx); // Compute the golomb parameter k from the context. k = GolombParameter(ctxt); // Map the error into a symbol merr = ErrorMapping(errval,ErrorMappingOffset(ctxt,k)); // Golomb-coding of the error. GolombCode(k,merr,m_lLimit); // Update the variables. UpdateState(ctxt,errval); } } while(++lp,--length); EndLine(0); line = line->m_pNext; } while(--lines);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAtSmsReceive::CMTResponseSecondLineL // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAtSmsReceive::CMTResponseSecondLineL() { LOGTEXT(_L8("CAtSmsReceive::CMTResponseSecondLineL Enter funciton")); iError = KErrNone; iAttr.iFlags=0; TPtrC8 secondLineBuf; secondLineBuf.Set(CurrentLine()); #ifdef _DEBUG TInt totalLen = secondLineBuf.Length(); if(totalLen <= KLogMaxCharNumPerLine) { LOGTEXT2(_L8("CAtSmsReceiveMessage::CMTResponseSecondLineL\tSecondLine=%S"),&secondLineBuf); } else { TInt lines = (totalLen/KLogMaxCharNumPerLine); TInt remainingStrNum = (totalLen%KLogMaxCharNumPerLine); for(TInt i = 0; i < lines; i++) { TPtrC8 line(secondLineBuf.Mid(i*KLogMaxCharNumPerLine,KLogMaxCharNumPerLine)); LOGTEXT2(_L8("CAtSmsReceiveMessage::CMTResponseSecondLineL \tSecondLine line=%S"),&line); } TPtrC8 remaining(secondLineBuf.Right(remainingStrNum)); LOGTEXT2(_L8("CAtSmsReceiveMessage::CMTResponseSecondLineL \tSecondLine line=%S"),&remaining); } #endif // Buffer size calculated as follows; // (max pdu size + max prefixed SCA size) * number of ASCII chars used to code an octet TBuf8<(RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize+12)*2> localPdu; localPdu.Copy(secondLineBuf); // The CMT frame sometimes contains odd number of nibbles which // causes panic in ConvertAsciiToBinary() method. This type of // frames will simply be discarded. if(localPdu.Length() < (iPduLen*2)) { iError = KErrUnderflow; User::Leave(KErrUnderflow); } // // Check if we have a prefixed SCA on our pdu. // If we do then remove it. if(localPdu.Length() > (iPduLen*2)) { TInt ret = SmsAtUtil::ReadAndRemoveAddressFromAscii(localPdu,iAttr.iGsmServiceCentre); if(ret !=KErrNone) { LOGTEXT(_L8("CAtSmsReceiveMessage::CMTResponseSecondLineL Failed to read and remove SCA from PDU")); iError = ret; return; } else { iMsgReceive.iServiceCentre = iAttr.iGsmServiceCentre.iTelNumber; //for iServiceCentre iMsgReceive.iMobileScNPI = iAttr.iGsmServiceCentre.iNumberPlan; iMsgReceive.iMobileScTON = iAttr.iGsmServiceCentre.iTypeOfNumber; iAttr.iFlags|= RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmServiceCentre; } } // // Convert received pdu from ASCII into binary TInt ret = SmsAtUtil::ConvertAsciiToBinary(localPdu,iPdu); if (ret!=KErrNone) { LOGTEXT(_L8("CAtSmsReceiveMessage::CMTResponseSecondLineL Failed to code PDU into binary")); iError = ret; return; } else { iAttr.iDataFormat=RMobileSmsMessaging::EFormatGsmTpdu; iAttr.iFlags|=RMobileSmsMessaging::KSmsDataFormat; iAttr.iStatus = RMobileSmsMessaging::EMtMessageUnstoredClientAck; iAttr.iFlags|=RMobileSmsMessaging::KIncomingStatus; } LOGTEXT2(_L8("Received PDU String is %S"),&iPdu); iMsgReceive.iSmsMsg = iPdu; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHTML_text_view - KeyDown - void RHTMLtextview::KeyDown(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) { pushmenu = false; int32 c,d; GetSelection(&c, &d); BString *oldtext = new BString(Text()); BString *newtext = 0; switch(bytes[0]) { case B_ESCAPE: // - ESC { } break; case B_ENTER: // - ENTER { fTarget->SetModify(true); BString tmp = ""; if (d - OffsetAt(CurrentLine()) > 0) { for (int i = OffsetAt(CurrentLine()); i < d; i++) { if (Text()[i] == B_SPACE || Text()[i] == B_TAB) { tmp << Text()[i]; } else break; } } BTextView::KeyDown(bytes, numBytes); Insert(tmp.String()); fFileTypes->SetFontAndColor(oldtext, newtext = new BString(Text()), 0, c); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); if (PointAt(TextLength() - 1).y + 50 > fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().bottom) fTarget->fNumView->ResizeTo(fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().right, PointAt(TextLength() - 1).y + 50); } break; case '>': // - > { fTagMenu->Stop(); fTarget->SetModify(true); BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); fFileTypes->SetFontAndColor(oldtext, newtext = new BString(Text()),0,c); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); if (PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50>fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().bottom) fTarget->fNumView->ResizeTo(fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().right,PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50); } break; case '<': // - < { BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); fTarget->SetModify(true); pushmenu=true; ScrollToSelection(); fFileTypes->SetFontAndColor(oldtext, newtext = new BString(Text()),0,c); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); if (PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50>fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().bottom) fTarget->fNumView->ResizeTo(fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().right,PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50); mode=1; fTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdoTM); } break; case B_SPACE: // - SPACE { fTarget->SetModify(true); BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); fFileTypes->SetFontAndColor(oldtext, newtext = new BString(Text()),0,c); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); if (PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50>fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().bottom) fTarget->fNumView->ResizeTo(fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().right,PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50); buf1 = ""; int32 o; for (int i=c;i>=0;i--) { if (Text()[i]=='>') break; if (Text()[i]=='<') { for (o=i+1;o<=c+1;o++) { if (Text()[o]=='>') break; if (Text()[o]=='<') break; if (Text()[o]==' ') { pushmenu=true; mode=2; fTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdoTM); break; i=-1; } buf1 << Text()[o]; } } } BString str(Text()); int32 a,b; tags.clear(); a=str.FindLast('<',c); if (a>str.FindLast('>',c)) { b=str.FindFirst('>',c); int32 e=str.FindFirst('<',c); if (b>=0 && ((b<e && e>=0) || (e<0))) { while (str[a]!=' ') a++; a++; int32 i=a; while (i<b) { if (str[i]==' ') { BString tmp; str.CopyInto(tmp,a,i-a); tmp.ToLower(); if (tmp!=" " && tmp!="") tags.push_back(tmp); a=i+1; } if (str[i]=='=') { BString tmp; str.CopyInto(tmp,a,i-a); tmp.ToLower(); tags.push_back(tmp); if (str[i+1]=='"') { a=str.FindFirst('"',i+2)+1; i=a-1; } else a=i=str.FindFirst(' ',i+1); } i++; } } } } break; case B_UP_ARROW: // - UP { BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); } break; case B_DOWN_ARROW: // - DOWN { BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); } break; case B_LEFT_ARROW: // - LEFT { BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); } break; case B_RIGHT_ARROW: // - RIGHT { BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); } break; case B_PAGE_UP: // - PUP { BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); } break; case B_PAGE_DOWN: // - PDOWN { BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); } break; case B_HOME: // - HOME { BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); } break; case B_END: // - END { BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); } break; case B_BACKSPACE: // - BackSpace { fTarget->SetModify(true); BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); fFileTypes->SetFontAndColor(oldtext, newtext = new BString(Text()),0,c-1); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); if (PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50>fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().bottom) fTarget->fNumView->ResizeTo(fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().right,PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50); } break; default: { fTarget->SetModify(true); BTextView::KeyDown(bytes,numBytes); fFileTypes->SetFontAndColor(oldtext, newtext = new BString(Text()),0,c); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); if (PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50>fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().bottom) fTarget->fNumView->ResizeTo(fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().right,PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50); if (fUpdateTimer->IsActive()) fUpdateTimer->ResetTimer(); else fUpdateTimer->StartTimer(fOptions->ReakcioIdo); if (PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50>fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().bottom) fTarget->fNumView->ResizeTo(fTarget->fNumView->Bounds().right,PointAt(TextLength()-1).y+50); } } if (oldtext) delete oldtext; if (newtext) delete newtext; // ScrollToSelection(); }
int GetNewToken( char *pcToken) /******************************************************************************/ /* get a new token from the input file. Don't check for a put back token */ /* characters are classified as: */ /* cr :== carriage return character */ /* lf :== line feed character */ /* tab :== the tab character */ /* dquote :== the " character */ /* digit :== 0123456789 */ /* bindigit :== 01 */ /* hexdigit :== 0123456789ABCDEF */ /* alpha :== _abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ */ /* any :== all prtble chars except cr, lf and dqoute */ /* tab :== the tab character */ /* alphanum :== alpha | digit */ /* */ /* <x> :== zero or more x */ /* [x] :== one or more x */ /* x :== exactly one x */ /* */ /* recognized tokens are : */ /* */ /* FLOAT_TOKEN :== <digit> '.' [digit] */ /* DEC_NUMBER_TOKEN :== [digit] */ /* HEX_NUMBER_TOKEN :== '0' 'x' [hexdigit] */ /* BIN_NUMBER_TOKEN :== '0' 'b' [bindigit] */ /* IDENTIFIER_TOKEN :== alpha <alphanum> */ /* STRING_TOKEN :== dquote <any> dquote */ /* OPERATOR_TOKEN :== '=' */ /* :== '=' '=' */ /* :== '<' */ /* :== '>' */ /* :== '<' '=' */ /* :== '>' '=' */ /* :== '<' '>' */ /* :== '+' */ /* :== '-' */ /* :== '*' */ /* :== '/' */ /* :== '<' '<' */ /* :== '>' '>' */ /* :== '&' */ /* :== '|' */ /* :== '[' ']' */ /* :== '[' */ /* :== ']' */ /* DOT_TOKEN :== '.' */ /* DOTDOT_TOKEN :== '.' '.' */ /* COMMA_TOKEN :== ',' */ /* SEMICOLON_TOKEN :== ';' */ /* COLON_TOKEN :== ':' */ /* LEFT_ARROW_TOKEN :== '<' '-' */ /* RIGHT_ARROW_TOKEN :== '-' '>' */ /* OPEN_PARENTHESE_TOKEN :== '(' */ /* CLOSE_PARENTHESE_TOKEN :== ')' */ /* PRECOMPILER_TOKEN :== '#' [alpha] */ /* DELIMITER_TOKEN :== ' ' */ /* :== tab */ /* :== cr */ /* :== lf */ /******************************************************************************/ { char cCharacter; int iResult; int iCurrentLine; boolean bEoLn; char *pcTokenWalker; pcTokenWalker = pcToken; cCharacter = GetChar(); /* first skip all delimiter chars */ while (chrpos((char) cCharacter, DELIMITER_CHARS) != NULL) { cCharacter = GetChar(); } if (isDigit(cCharacter)) { /* read a DEC_NUMBER_TOKEN */ /* or read a HEX_NUMBER_TOKEN */ /* or read a BIN_NUMBER_TOKEN */ iResult = GetNumberToken(cCharacter, pcToken); } else if (isAlpha(cCharacter)) { /* read an IDENTIFIER_TOKEN */ iResult = GetIdentifierToken(cCharacter, pcToken); } else if (cCharacter == '"') { /* read a STRING_TOKEN */ iResult = GetStringToken(cCharacter, pcToken); } else if (chrpos(cCharacter, "=<>+-*/&|[].") != NULL) { /* read an OPERATOR_TOKEN */ iResult = GetOperatorToken(cCharacter, pcToken); if (strcmp((char *) pcToken, "->") == 0) iResult = RIGHT_ARROW_TOKEN; else if (strcmp((char *) pcToken, "<-") == 0) iResult = LEFT_ARROW_TOKEN; else if (strcmp((char *) pcToken, "..") == 0) iResult = DOTDOT_TOKEN; else if (strcmp((char *) pcToken, "//") == 0) { iCurrentLine = CurrentLine(); /* bEoLn (EndOfLine) will be set to true if end of line is reached */ /* undetected because of end of file. (This will also happen in the */ /* unlikely situation that an inputfile contains something like: */ /* #define COMMENT //this is comment */ /* because while parsing a preprocessor macro, the scanner refuses to */ /* go to the next line. */ bEoLn = FALSE; while ((iCurrentLine == CurrentLine()) && (!bEoLn)) { cCharacter = GetChar(); if ((cCharacter != ILLEGAL_CHAR) && (cCharacter != '\0')) { *(pcToken++) = cCharacter; } else { bEoLn = TRUE; } } iResult = COMMENT_TOKEN; if (!bEoLn) { /* End of comment detected by reading a Cr/Lf character. This */ /* read character is added to pcToken. */ /* Put cr/lf back, only to adjust the line counter... */ /* (only needed if not in the middle of a macro.) */ UngetChar(); /* Delete cr or lf character from pcToken by overwriting it with */ /* the zero character (for terminating pcToken) */ *(--pcToken) = 0; } else { /* Terminate pcToken by adding a zero character */ *(pcToken) = 0; } } } else if (cCharacter == '#') { /* read a PRECOMPILER_TOKEN */ iResult = GetPrecompilerToken(cCharacter, pcToken); } else if (cCharacter == '{') { iResult = OPEN_BRACKETS_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; *pcTokenWalker = 0; } else if (cCharacter == '}') { iResult = CLOSE_BRACKETS_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; *pcTokenWalker = 0; } else if (cCharacter == '(') { iResult = OPEN_PARENTHESES_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; *pcTokenWalker = 0; } else if (cCharacter == ')') { iResult = CLOSE_PARENTHESES_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; *pcTokenWalker = 0; } else if (cCharacter == '.') { iResult = DOT_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; cCharacter = GetChar(); while (isDigit(cCharacter)) { iResult = FLOAT_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; cCharacter = GetChar(); } UngetChar(); *pcTokenWalker = 0; } else if (cCharacter == ',') { iResult = COMMA_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; *pcTokenWalker = 0; } else if (cCharacter == ';') { iResult = SEMICOLON_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; *pcTokenWalker = 0; } else if (cCharacter == ':') { iResult = COLON_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; *pcTokenWalker = 0; } else if (cCharacter == '~') { iResult = TILDE_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; *pcTokenWalker = 0; } else if (cCharacter == '\\') { iResult = BACKSLASH_TOKEN; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; *pcTokenWalker = 0; } else if (cCharacter == 0) { /* End of file reached. */ iResult = END_OF_FILE; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; } else { /* unexpected character read */ iResult = UNEXPECTED_CHAR_READ; (*pcTokenWalker++) = cCharacter; *pcTokenWalker = 0; } return iResult; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CTestSDKDialogsControl::CTestSDKDialogsCurrentLine // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEikCaptionedControl* CTestSDKDialogsControl::CTestSDKDialogsCurrentLine() { return CurrentLine(); }
virtual uint32_t Current() const { return CurrentLine(); };