예제 #1
파일: BLA.c 프로젝트: akohlsmith/lwip-psoc5
* Function Name: BLA_SetFlashByte
* Summary:
*  Sets byte at specified address in Flash.
* Parameters:  
*  None
* Returns:
*  None
void BLA_SetFlashByte(uint32 address, uint8 runType) 
    uint32 flsAddr = address - CYDEV_FLASH_BASE;
    uint8 rowData[CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE];

    #if !(CY_PSOC4)
        uint8 arrayId = (flsAddr / CYDEV_FLS_SECTOR_SIZE);
    #endif  /* !(CY_PSOC4) */

    uint16 rowNum = ((flsAddr % CYDEV_FLS_SECTOR_SIZE) / CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE);
    uint32 baseAddr = address - (address % CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE);
    uint16 idx;

    for (idx = 0; idx < CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE; idx++)
        rowData[idx] = BLA_GET_CODE_DATA(baseAddr + idx);
    rowData[address % CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE] = runType;

        CySysFlashWriteRow(rowNum, rowData);
        CyWriteRowData(arrayId, rowNum, rowData);
    #endif  /* (CY_PSOC4) */
예제 #2
* Function Name: Bootloader_SetFlashByte
* Summary:
*  Writes a byte to the specified Flash memory location.
* Parameters:
*  address:
*      The address in Flash memory where data will be written
*  runType:
*      Byte to be written
* Return:
*  None
void Bootloader_SetFlashByte(uint32 address, uint8 runType) 
  uint32 flsAddr = address - CYDEV_FLASH_BASE;
  uint8  rowData[CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE];

  uint8 arrayId = ( uint8 )(flsAddr / CYDEV_FLS_SECTOR_SIZE);
  uint16 rowNum = ( uint16 )((flsAddr % CYDEV_FLS_SECTOR_SIZE) / CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE);

  uint32 baseAddr = address - (address % CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE);
  uint16 idx;

  for(idx = 0u; idx < CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE; idx++)
      rowData[idx] = Bootloader_GET_CODE_BYTE(baseAddr + idx);

  rowData[address % CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE] = runType;

  (void) CyWriteRowData(arrayId, rowNum, rowData);

  * When writing Flash, data in the instruction cache can become stale.
  * Therefore, the cache data does not correlate to the data just written to
  * Flash. A call to CyFlushCache() is required to invalidate the data in the
  * cache and force fresh information to be loaded from Flash.
예제 #3
파일: config.c 프로젝트: fhgwright/SCSI2SD
void configInit(BoardConfig* config)
	// The USB block will be powered by an internal 3.3V regulator.
	// The PSoC must be operating between 4.6V and 5V for the regulator
	// to work.
	usbInEpState = usbDebugEpState = USB_IDLE;
	usbReady = 0; // We don't know if host is connected yet.

	int invalid = 1;
	uint8_t* rawConfig = getConfigByIndex(0);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
		if (rawConfig[i])
			invalid = 0;
	if (invalid)
		// Save a default config.

예제 #4
파일: config.c 프로젝트: fhgwright/SCSI2SD
// Public method for storing MODE SELECT results.
void configSave(int scsiId, uint16_t bytesPerSector)
	int cfgIdx;
	for (cfgIdx = 0; cfgIdx < MAX_SCSI_TARGETS; ++cfgIdx)
		const TargetConfig* tgt = getConfigByIndex(cfgIdx);
		if ((tgt->scsiId & CONFIG_TARGET_ID_BITS) == scsiId)
			// Save row to flash
			// We only save the first row of the configuration
			// this contains the parameters changeable by a MODE SELECT command
			uint8_t rowData[CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE];
			TargetConfig* rowCfgData = (TargetConfig*)&rowData;
			memcpy(rowCfgData, tgt, sizeof(rowData));
			rowCfgData->bytesPerSector = bytesPerSector;

예제 #5
파일: config.c 프로젝트: fhgwright/SCSI2SD
static void
writeFlashCommand(const uint8_t* cmd, size_t cmdSize)
	if (cmdSize < 259)
		return; // ignore.
	uint8_t flashArray = cmd[257];
	uint8_t flashRow = cmd[258];

	int status = CyWriteRowData(flashArray, flashRow, cmd + 1);

	uint8_t response[] =
	hidPacket_send(response, sizeof(response));
예제 #6
* The following code is OBSOLETE and must not be used.
void Bootloadable_1_SetFlashByte(uint32 address, uint8 runType)
    uint32 flsAddr = address - CYDEV_FLASH_BASE;
    uint8  rowData[CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE];

#if !(CY_PSOC4)
    uint8 arrayId = ( uint8 )(flsAddr / CYDEV_FLS_SECTOR_SIZE);
#endif  /* !(CY_PSOC4) */

#if (CY_PSOC4)
    uint16 rowNum = ( uint16 )(flsAddr / CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE);
    uint16 rowNum = ( uint16 )((flsAddr % CYDEV_FLS_SECTOR_SIZE) / CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE);
#endif  /* (CY_PSOC4) */

    uint32 baseAddr = address - (address % CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE);
    uint16 idx;

    for (idx = 0u; idx < CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE; idx++)
        rowData[idx] = Bootloadable_1_GET_CODE_DATA(baseAddr + idx);
    rowData[address % CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE] = runType;

    (void) CySysFlashWriteRow((uint32) rowNum, rowData);
    (void) CyWriteRowData(arrayId, rowNum, rowData);
#endif  /* (CY_PSOC4) */

    * When writing to flash, data in the instruction cache can become obsolete.
    * Therefore, the cache data does not correlate to the data just written to
    * flash. A call to CyFlushCache() is required to invalidate the data in the
    * cache and force fresh information to be loaded from flash.
#endif /* (CY_PSOC5) */
예제 #7
* Function Name: BlockLoad
* Summary:
*  Writes an arbitrary block to NVM (flash or EEPROM)
* Parameters:
*   char   mem: 'E' or 'F' for EEPROM or Flash; others undefined
*   uint16 size: number of bytes to be written
*   uint8* buffer: pointer to buffer to be written
* Return:
*  The result of the write attempt.
*   '\r' - okay
*   '?'  - failure for some reason
static char BlockLoad(char mem, uint16 size, uint8* buffer, uint32 address)
  char retVal = '?';
  if ((mem != 'E') && (mem != 'F'))
    return retVal;
  /* Passed the first test: this is a valid write. Now, which kind? */
  if (mem == 'E')
    /* EEPROM writes unimplmented (yet) */
  else if (mem == 'F')
    uint8  rowData[CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE];
    uint8* dataBuffer = buffer;
    /* There are several pieces of information we may need:
    *   arrayId - which *array* of flash is this? This is a big block of many
    *             rows; in the 5888, it's 0x10000 long.
    *   rowNum  - which row within that array? *Not* absolute row id!
    *   baseAddr - if the address is not row aligned, which row does it start
    *             within?
    *   offset  - where, within that row, does the data start?
    *   multirow - do we need to do more than one row write to cover this data?
    uint8 arrayId = ( uint8 )(address / CYDEV_FLS_SECTOR_SIZE);
    uint16 rowNum = ( uint16 )((address % CYDEV_FLS_SECTOR_SIZE) / \

    uint32 baseAddr = address - (address % CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE);
    uint32 offset = address % CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE;
    uint8 multiRow = 0;
    uint8 currentRow = 0;
    if (size > (CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE - offset))
      multiRow = 1;
    /* Metadata created; let's write! */
      uint16 idx;
      /* Partial row write section */
      if ((size != CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE) || (offset != 0))
        /* If this isn't a full row write, we need to cache the existing row */
        for(idx = 0u; idx < CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE; idx++)
          rowData[idx] = Bootloader_GET_CODE_BYTE(baseAddr + \
                         (CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE*currentRow) + idx);
        dataBuffer = rowData;
        /* Now load the passed data into the dataBuffer at the offset, making
        *   sure that we don't write past the end of the buffer */
        memcpy(dataBuffer + offset, buffer, \
          ((CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE - offset) > size) ? \
          (CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE - offset) : \
      (void) CyWriteRowData(arrayId, rowNum, dataBuffer);
      buffer += (CYDEV_FLS_ROW_SIZE - offset);
      offset = 0;
    }  while (currentRow <= multiRow);
    retVal = '\r';
    * When writing Flash, data in the instruction cache can become stale.
    * Therefore, the cache data does not correlate to the data just written to
    * Flash. A call to CyFlushCache() is required to invalidate the data in 
    * the cache and force fresh information to be loaded from Flash.
  return retVal;
예제 #8
    cystatus Em_EEPROM_Write(const uint8 srcBuf[], const uint8 eepromPtr[], uint32 byteCount)
#endif /* (!CY_PSOC3) */
    uint8 writeBuffer[CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW];
    uint32 arrayId;
    uint32 rowId;
    uint32 dstIndex;
    uint32 srcIndex;
    cystatus rc;
    uint32 eeOffset;
    uint32 byteOffset;
    #if (!CY_PSOC4)
        #if (CYDEV_ECC_ENABLE == 0)
            uint8 rowBuffer[CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW + CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ECC_ROW];
        #endif /* CYDEV_ECC_ENABLE == 0) */
    #endif /* (!CY_PSOC4) */

    eeOffset = (uint32)eepromPtr;
    #if (CY_PSOC3)
        eeOffset &= Em_EEPROM_CODE_ADDR_MASK;
    #endif /* (CY_PSOC3) */

    /* Make sure, that eepromPtr[] points to ROM */
    #if (CY_PSOC3)
        if (((uint32)eepromPtr >= Em_EEPROM_CODE_ADDR_OFFSET) &&
            (((uint32)eepromPtr + byteCount) <= Em_EEPROM_CODE_ADDR_END))
        if (((uint32)eepromPtr + byteCount) < Em_EEPROM_FLASH_END_ADDR)
    #endif /* (CY_PSOC3) */
        #if (!CY_PSOC4)

            #if(CYDEV_ECC_ENABLE == 0)
        #endif /* (!CY_PSOC4) */

        arrayId = eeOffset / CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ARRAY;
        rowId = (eeOffset / CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW) % Em_EEPROM_ROWS_IN_ARRAY;
        byteOffset = (CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ARRAY * arrayId) + (CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW * rowId);
        srcIndex = 0u;

        rc = CYRET_SUCCESS;

        while ((srcIndex < byteCount) && (CYRET_SUCCESS == rc))
            /* Copy data to the write buffer either from the source buffer or from the flash */
            for (dstIndex = 0u; dstIndex < CY_FLASH_SIZEOF_ROW; dstIndex++)
                if ((byteOffset >= eeOffset) && (srcIndex < byteCount))
                    writeBuffer[dstIndex] = srcBuf[srcIndex];
                    writeBuffer[dstIndex] = CY_GET_XTND_REG8(CYDEV_FLASH_BASE + byteOffset);

            /* Write flash row */
            #if (CY_PSOC4)
                rc = CySysFlashWriteRow(rowId, writeBuffer);
                rc = CyWriteRowData((uint8)arrayId, (uint16)rowId, writeBuffer);
            #endif /* (CY_PSOC4) */

            /* Go to the next row */
            #if (CY_FLASH_NUMBER_ARRAYS > 1)
                if (rowId >= Em_EEPROM_ROWS_IN_ARRAY)
                    rowId = 0u;
            #endif /* (CY_FLASH_NUMBER_ARRAYS > 1) */

        /* Flush both Cache and PHUB prefetch buffer */
        #if (CY_PSOC5)
        #elif (CY_PSOC3)
            CY_FLASH_CONTROL_REG |= 6u;
        #endif /* (CY_PSOC5) */
        rc = CYRET_BAD_PARAM;

    /* Mask return codes from flash, if they are not supported */
    if ((CYRET_SUCCESS != rc) && (CYRET_BAD_PARAM != rc))
        rc = CYRET_UNKNOWN;
    return (rc);