예제 #1
void test_iter_modify_entry(void **state)
    /* Test that deleting entry under cursor does not interrupt iteration */

    CF_DB *db;
    assert_int_equal(OpenDB(&db, dbid_classes), true);

    assert_int_equal(WriteDB(db, "foobar", "abc", 3), true);
    assert_int_equal(WriteDB(db, "bazbaz", "def", 3), true);
    assert_int_equal(WriteDB(db, "booo", "ghi", 3), true);

    CF_DBC *cursor;
    assert_int_equal(NewDBCursor(db, &cursor), true);

    char *key;
    int ksize;
    void *value;
    int vsize;

    assert_int_equal(NextDB(db, cursor, &key, &ksize, &value, &vsize), true);

    assert_int_equal(DBCursorWriteEntry(cursor, "eee", 3), true);

    assert_int_equal(NextDB(db, cursor, &key, &ksize, &value, &vsize), true);
    assert_int_equal(NextDB(db, cursor, &key, &ksize, &value, &vsize), true);

    assert_int_equal(DeleteDBCursor(db, cursor), true);

예제 #2
void NoteClassUsage(AlphaList baselist, int purge)
    CF_DB *dbp;
    CF_DBC *dbcp;
    void *stored;
    char *key;
    int ksize, vsize;
    Event e, entry, newe;
    double lsea = SECONDS_PER_WEEK * 52;        /* expire after (about) a year */
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    Item *list = NULL;
    const Item *ip;
    double lastseen;
    double vtrue = 1.0;         /* end with a rough probability */

/* Only do this for the default policy, too much "downgrading" otherwise */

    if (MINUSF)

    AlphaListIterator it = AlphaListIteratorInit(&baselist);

    for (ip = AlphaListIteratorNext(&it); ip != NULL; ip = AlphaListIteratorNext(&it))
        if ((IGNORECLASS(ip->name)))
            CfDebug("Ignoring class %s (not packing)", ip->name);

        IdempPrependItem(&list, ip->name, NULL);

    if (!OpenDB(&dbp, dbid_classes))

/* First record the classes that are in use */

    for (ip = list; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next)
        if (ReadDB(dbp, ip->name, &e, sizeof(e)))
            CfDebug("FOUND %s with %lf\n", ip->name, e.Q.expect);
            lastseen = now - e.t;
            newe.t = now;

            newe.Q = QAverage(e.Q, vtrue, 0.7);
            lastseen = 0.0;
            newe.t = now;
            /* With no data it's 50/50 what we can say */
            newe.Q = QDefinite(0.5 * vtrue);

        if (lastseen > lsea)
            CfDebug("Class usage record %s expired\n", ip->name);
            DeleteDB(dbp, ip->name);
            WriteDB(dbp, ip->name, &newe, sizeof(newe));

/* Then update with zero the ones we know about that are not active */

    if (purge)
/* Acquire a cursor for the database and downgrade classes that did not
 get defined this time*/

        if (!NewDBCursor(dbp, &dbcp))
            CfOut(cf_inform, "", " !! Unable to scan class db");

        memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry));

        while (NextDB(dbp, dbcp, &key, &ksize, &stored, &vsize))
            time_t then;
            char eventname[CF_BUFSIZE];

            memset(eventname, 0, CF_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy(eventname, (char *) key, ksize);

            if (stored != NULL)
                memcpy(&entry, stored, sizeof(entry));

                then = entry.t;
                lastseen = now - then;

                if (lastseen > lsea)
                    CfDebug("Class usage record %s expired\n", eventname);
                else if (!IsItemIn(list, eventname))
                    newe.t = then;

                    newe.Q = QAverage(entry.Q, 0, 0.5);

                    if (newe.Q.expect <= 0.0001)
                        CfDebug("Deleting class %s as %lf is zero\n", eventname, newe.Q.expect);
                        CfDebug("Downgrading class %s from %lf to %lf\n", eventname, entry.Q.expect, newe.Q.expect);
                        DBCursorWriteEntry(dbcp, &newe, sizeof(newe));

        DeleteDBCursor(dbp, dbcp);

예제 #3
static void PurgeMultipleIPReferences(CF_DB *dbp, char *rkey, char *ipaddress)
    CF_DBC *dbcp;
    KeyHostSeen q;
    double lastseen, lsea = LASTSEENEXPIREAFTER;
    void *stored;
    char *key;
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    int qsize, ksize, update_address, keys_match;

// This is an expensive call, but it is the price we pay for consistency
// Make sure we only call it if we have to

    if (!NewDBCursor(dbp, &dbcp))
        CfOut(cf_inform, "", " !! Unable to scan the last seen db");

    while (NextDB(dbp, dbcp, &key, &ksize, &stored, &qsize))
        keys_match = false;

        if (strcmp(key + 1, rkey + 1) == 0)
            keys_match = true;

        memcpy(&q, stored, sizeof(q));

        lastseen = (double) now - q.Q.q;

        if (lastseen > lsea)
            CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Last-seen record for %s expired after %.1lf > %.1lf hours\n", key,
                  lastseen / 3600, lsea / 3600);

        // Avoid duplicate address/key pairs

        if (keys_match && strcmp(q.address, ipaddress) != 0)
            CfOut(cf_verbose, "",
                  " ! Synchronizing %s's address as this host %s seems to have moved from location %s to %s", key, rkey,
                  q.address, ipaddress);
            strcpy(q.address, ipaddress);
            update_address = true;
        else if (!keys_match && strcmp(q.address, ipaddress) == 0)
            CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " ! Updating %s's address (%s) as this host %s seems to have gone off line", key,
                  ipaddress, rkey);
            strcpy(q.address, CF_UNKNOWN_IP);
            update_address = true;
            update_address = false;

        if (update_address)
            DBCursorWriteEntry(dbcp, &q, sizeof(q));

    DeleteDBCursor(dbp, dbcp);