예제 #1
 * Locates the kallsyms_token_index table.
 * Storing the address in pThis->AddrKernelTokenIndex and the size of the token
 * table in pThis->cbKernelTokenTable.
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   pUVM                The user mode VM handle.
 * @param   pThis               The Linux digger data.
static int dbgDiggerLinuxFindTokenIndex(PUVM pUVM, PDBGDIGGERLINUX pThis)
     * The kallsyms_token_table is very much like a string table.  Due to the
     * nature of the compression algorithm it is reasonably short (one example
     * here is 853 bytes), so we'll not be reading it in chunks but in full.
     * To be on the safe side, we read 8KB, ASSUMING we won't run into unmapped
     * memory or any other nasty stuff...
        uint8_t  ab[0x2000];
        uint16_t au16[0x2000 / sizeof(uint16_t)];
    } uBuf;
    DBGFADDRESS CurAddr = pThis->AddrKernelTokenTable;
    int rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0 /*idCpu*/, &CurAddr, &uBuf, sizeof(uBuf));
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;

     * We've got two choices here, either walk the string table or look for
     * the next structure, kallsyms_token_index.
     * The token index is a table of 256 uint16_t entries (index by bytes
     * from kallsyms_names) that gives offsets in kallsyms_token_table.  It
     * starts with a zero entry and the following entries are sorted in
     * ascending order.  The range of the entries are reasonably small since
     * kallsyms_token_table is small.
     * The alignment seems to be sizeof(unsigned long), just like
     * kallsyms_token_table.
     * So, we start by looking for a zero 16-bit entry.
    uint32_t cIncr = (pThis->f64Bit ? sizeof(uint64_t) : sizeof(uint32_t)) / sizeof(uint16_t);

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(uBuf) / sizeof(uint16_t) - 16; i += cIncr)
        if (   uBuf.au16[i] == 0
            && uBuf.au16[i + 1] >  0
            && uBuf.au16[i + 1] <= LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_TOKEN_LEN
            && (uint16_t)(uBuf.au16[i + 2] - uBuf.au16[i + 1] - 1U) <= (uint16_t)LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_TOKEN_LEN
            && (uint16_t)(uBuf.au16[i + 3] - uBuf.au16[i + 2] - 1U) <= (uint16_t)LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_TOKEN_LEN
            && (uint16_t)(uBuf.au16[i + 4] - uBuf.au16[i + 3] - 1U) <= (uint16_t)LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_TOKEN_LEN
            && (uint16_t)(uBuf.au16[i + 5] - uBuf.au16[i + 4] - 1U) <= (uint16_t)LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_TOKEN_LEN
            && (uint16_t)(uBuf.au16[i + 6] - uBuf.au16[i + 5] - 1U) <= (uint16_t)LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_TOKEN_LEN
            pThis->AddrKernelTokenIndex = CurAddr;
            DBGFR3AddrAdd(&pThis->AddrKernelTokenIndex, i * sizeof(uint16_t));
            pThis->cbKernelTokenTable = i * sizeof(uint16_t);
            return VINF_SUCCESS;

    Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxFindTokenIndex: Failed (%RGv..%RGv)\n", CurAddr.FlatPtr, CurAddr.FlatPtr + (RTGCUINTPTR)sizeof(uBuf)));
    return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
예제 #2
파일: DBGFStack.cpp 프로젝트: etiago/vbox
 * Read stack memory.
DECLINLINE(int) dbgfR3Read(PUVM pUVM, VMCPUID idCpu, void *pvBuf, PCDBGFADDRESS pSrcAddr, size_t cb, size_t *pcbRead)
    int rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, idCpu, pSrcAddr, pvBuf, cb);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        /* fallback: byte by byte and zero the ones we fail to read. */
        size_t cbRead;
        for (cbRead = 0; cbRead < cb; cbRead++)
            DBGFADDRESS Addr = *pSrcAddr;
            rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, idCpu, DBGFR3AddrAdd(&Addr, cbRead), (uint8_t *)pvBuf + cbRead, 1);
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        if (cbRead)
            rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
        memset((char *)pvBuf + cbRead, 0, cb - cbRead);
        *pcbRead = cbRead;
        *pcbRead = cb;
    return rc;
예제 #3
 * Checks if there is a likely kallsyms_names fragment at pHitAddr.
 * @returns true if it's a likely fragment, false if not.
 * @param   pUVM                The user mode VM handle.
 * @param   pHitAddr            The address where paNeedle was found.
 * @param   pabNeedle           The fragment we've been searching for.
 * @param   cbNeedle            The length of the fragment.
static bool dbgDiggerLinuxIsLikelyNameFragment(PUVM pUVM, PCDBGFADDRESS pHitAddr, uint8_t const *pabNeedle, uint8_t cbNeedle)
     * Examples of lead and tail bytes of our choosen needle in a randomly
     * picked kernel:
     *         k  o  b  j
     *     22  6b 6f 62 6a  aa
     *     fc  6b 6f 62 6a  aa
     *     82  6b 6f 62 6a  5f      - ascii trail byte (_).
     *     ee  6b 6f 62 6a  aa
     *     fc  6b 6f 62 6a  5f      - ascii trail byte (_).
     *  0a 74  6b 6f 62 6a  5f ea   - ascii lead (t) and trail (_) bytes.
     *  0b 54  6b 6f 62 6a  aa      - ascii lead byte (T).
     * ... omitting 29 samples similar to the last two ...
     *     d8  6b 6f 62 6a  aa
     *     d8  6b 6f 62 6a  aa
     *     d8  6b 6f 62 6a  aa
     *     d8  6b 6f 62 6a  aa
     *  f9 5f  6b 6f 62 6a  5f 94   - ascii lead and trail bytes (_)
     *  f9 5f  6b 6f 62 6a  0c      - ascii lead byte (_).
     *     fd  6b 6f 62 6a  0f
     *  ... enough.
    uint8_t         abBuf[32];
    DBGFADDRESS     ReadAddr = *pHitAddr;
    DBGFR3AddrSub(&ReadAddr, 2);
    int rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0 /*idCpu*/, &ReadAddr, abBuf, 2 + cbNeedle + 2);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        if (memcmp(&abBuf[2], pabNeedle, cbNeedle) == 0) /* paranoia */
            uint8_t const bLead = abBuf[1] == '_' || abBuf[1] == 'T' || abBuf[1] == 't' ? abBuf[0] : abBuf[1];
            uint8_t const offTail = 2 + cbNeedle;
            uint8_t const bTail = abBuf[offTail] == '_' ? abBuf[offTail] : abBuf[offTail + 1];
            if (   bLead >= 1 && (bLead < 0x20 || bLead >= 0x80)
                && bTail >= 1 && (bTail < 0x20 || bTail >= 0x80))
                return true;
            Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIsLikelyNameFragment: failed at %RGv: bLead=%#x bTail=%#x (offTail=%#x)\n",
                 pHitAddr->FlatPtr, bLead, bTail, offTail));
            Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIsLikelyNameFragment: failed at %RGv: Needle changed!\n", pHitAddr->FlatPtr));
        Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIsLikelyNameFragment: failed at %RGv: %Rrc\n", pHitAddr->FlatPtr, rc));

    return false;
예제 #4
 * Disarms an int 3 breakpoint.
 * This is used to implement both DBGFR3BpClear() and DBGFR3BpDisable().
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   pVM         The VM handle.
 * @param   pBp         The breakpoint.
static int dbgfR3BpInt3Disarm(PVM pVM, PDBGFBP pBp)
    /* @todo SMP support! */
    VMCPUID idCpu = 0;

     * Check that the current byte is the int3 instruction, and restore the original one.
     * We currently ignore invalid bytes.
    DBGFADDRESS     Addr;
    DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pVM, &Addr, pBp->GCPtr);
    uint8_t         bCurrent;
    int rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pVM, idCpu, &Addr, &bCurrent, 1);
    if (bCurrent == 0xcc)
        rc = DBGFR3MemWrite(pVM, idCpu, &Addr, &pBp->u.Int3.bOrg, 1);
    return rc;
예제 #5
 * Arms an int 3 breakpoint.
 * This is used to implement both DBGFR3BpSetReg() and DBGFR3BpEnable().
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   pVM         The VM handle.
 * @param   pBp         The breakpoint.
static int dbgfR3BpInt3Arm(PVM pVM, PDBGFBP pBp)
    /** @todo should actually use physical address here! */

    /* @todo SMP support! */
    VMCPUID idCpu = 0;

     * Save current byte and write int3 instruction.
    DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pVM, &Addr, pBp->GCPtr);
    int rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pVM, idCpu, &Addr, &pBp->u.Int3.bOrg, 1);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        static const uint8_t s_bInt3 = 0xcc;
        rc = DBGFR3MemWrite(pVM, idCpu, &Addr, &s_bInt3, 1);
    return rc;
예제 #6
 * @interface_method_impl{DBGCCMDHLP,pfnMemRead}
static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcHlpMemRead(PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, void *pvBuffer, size_t cbRead, PCDBGCVAR pVarPointer, size_t *pcbRead)
    PDBGC       pDbgc = DBGC_CMDHLP2DBGC(pCmdHlp);
    DBGFADDRESS Address;
    int         rc;

     * Dummy check.
    if (cbRead == 0)
        if (*pcbRead)
            *pcbRead = 0;
        return VINF_SUCCESS;

     * Convert Far addresses getting size and the correct base address.
     * Getting and checking the size is what makes this messy and slow.
    DBGCVAR Var = *pVarPointer;
    switch (pVarPointer->enmType)
        case DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FAR:
            /* Use DBGFR3AddrFromSelOff for the conversion. */
            rc = DBGFR3AddrFromSelOff(pDbgc->pUVM, pDbgc->idCpu, &Address, Var.u.GCFar.sel, Var.u.GCFar.off);
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                return rc;

            /* don't bother with flat selectors (for now). */
            if (!DBGFADDRESS_IS_FLAT(&Address))
                DBGFSELINFO SelInfo;
                rc = DBGFR3SelQueryInfo(pDbgc->pUVM, pDbgc->idCpu, Address.Sel,
                                        DBGFSELQI_FLAGS_DT_GUEST | DBGFSELQI_FLAGS_DT_ADJ_64BIT_MODE, &SelInfo);
                if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                    RTGCUINTPTR cb; /* -1 byte */
                    if (DBGFSelInfoIsExpandDown(&SelInfo))
                        if (    !SelInfo.u.Raw.Gen.u1Granularity
                            &&  Address.off > UINT16_C(0xffff))
                            return VERR_OUT_OF_SELECTOR_BOUNDS;
                        if (Address.off <= SelInfo.cbLimit)
                            return VERR_OUT_OF_SELECTOR_BOUNDS;
                        cb = (SelInfo.u.Raw.Gen.u1Granularity ? UINT32_C(0xffffffff) : UINT32_C(0xffff)) - Address.off;
                        if (Address.off > SelInfo.cbLimit)
                            return VERR_OUT_OF_SELECTOR_BOUNDS;
                        cb = SelInfo.cbLimit - Address.off;
                    if (cbRead - 1 > cb)
                        if (!pcbRead)
                            return VERR_OUT_OF_SELECTOR_BOUNDS;
                        cbRead = cb + 1;
            Var.enmType = DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FLAT;
            Var.u.GCFlat = Address.FlatPtr;

        case DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FLAT:
        case DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_PHYS:
        case DBGCVAR_TYPE_HC_FLAT:
        case DBGCVAR_TYPE_HC_PHYS:

            return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;

     * Copy page by page.
    size_t cbLeft = cbRead;
    for (;;)
         * Calc read size.
        size_t cb = RT_MIN(PAGE_SIZE, cbLeft);
        switch (pVarPointer->enmType)
            case DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FLAT: cb = RT_MIN(cb, PAGE_SIZE - (Var.u.GCFlat & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)); break;
            case DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_PHYS: cb = RT_MIN(cb, PAGE_SIZE - (Var.u.GCPhys & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)); break;
            case DBGCVAR_TYPE_HC_FLAT: cb = RT_MIN(cb, PAGE_SIZE - ((uintptr_t)Var.u.pvHCFlat & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)); break;
            case DBGCVAR_TYPE_HC_PHYS: cb = RT_MIN(cb, PAGE_SIZE - ((size_t)Var.u.HCPhys & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)); break; /* size_t: MSC has braindead loss of data warnings! */
            default: break;

         * Perform read.
        switch (Var.enmType)
            case DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FLAT:
                rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pDbgc->pUVM, pDbgc->idCpu,
                                   DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pDbgc->pUVM, &Address, Var.u.GCFlat),
                                   pvBuffer, cb);

            case DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_PHYS:
                rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pDbgc->pUVM, pDbgc->idCpu,
                                   DBGFR3AddrFromPhys(pDbgc->pUVM, &Address, Var.u.GCPhys),
                                   pvBuffer, cb);

            case DBGCVAR_TYPE_HC_PHYS:
            case DBGCVAR_TYPE_HC_FLAT:
                DBGCVAR Var2;
                rc = dbgcOpAddrFlat(pDbgc, &Var, DBGCVAR_CAT_ANY, &Var2);
                if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                    /** @todo protect this!!! */
                    memcpy(pvBuffer, Var2.u.pvHCFlat, cb);
                    rc = 0;
                    rc = VERR_INVALID_POINTER;


         * Check for failure.
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            if (pcbRead && (*pcbRead = cbRead - cbLeft) > 0)
                return VINF_SUCCESS;
            return rc;

         * Next.
        cbLeft -= cb;
        if (!cbLeft)
        pvBuffer = (char *)pvBuffer + cb;
        rc = DBGCCmdHlpEval(pCmdHlp, &Var, "%DV + %d", &Var, cb);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            if (pcbRead && (*pcbRead = cbRead - cbLeft) > 0)
                return VINF_SUCCESS;
            return rc;

     * Done
    if (pcbRead)
        *pcbRead = cbRead;
    return 0;
예제 #7
 * Loads the kernel symbols from the kallsyms tables.
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   pUVM                The user mode VM handle.
 * @param   pThis               The Linux digger data.
static int dbgDiggerLinuxLoadKernelSymbols(PUVM pUVM, PDBGDIGGERLINUX pThis)
     * Allocate memory for temporary table copies, reading the tables as we go.
    uint32_t const cbGuestAddr = pThis->f64Bit ? sizeof(uint64_t) : sizeof(uint32_t);
    void *pvAddresses = RTMemAllocZ(pThis->cKernelSymbols * cbGuestAddr);
    int rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0 /*idCpu*/, &pThis->AddrKernelAddresses, pvAddresses, pThis->cKernelSymbols * cbGuestAddr);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        uint8_t *pbNames = (uint8_t *)RTMemAllocZ(pThis->cbKernelNames);
        rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0 /*idCpu*/, &pThis->AddrKernelNames, pbNames, pThis->cbKernelNames);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            char *pszzTokens = (char *)RTMemAllocZ(pThis->cbKernelTokenTable);
            rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0 /*idCpu*/, &pThis->AddrKernelTokenTable, pszzTokens, pThis->cbKernelTokenTable);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                uint16_t *paoffTokens = (uint16_t *)RTMemAllocZ(256 * sizeof(uint16_t));
                rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0 /*idCpu*/, &pThis->AddrKernelTokenIndex, paoffTokens, 256 * sizeof(uint16_t));
                if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                     * Figure out the kernel start and end.
                    RTGCUINTPTR uKernelStart = pThis->AddrKernelAddresses.FlatPtr;
                    RTGCUINTPTR uKernelEnd   = pThis->AddrKernelTokenIndex.FlatPtr + 256 * sizeof(uint16_t);
                    uint32_t    i;
                    if (cbGuestAddr == sizeof(uint64_t))
                        uint64_t *pauAddrs = (uint64_t *)pvAddresses;
                        for (i = 0; i < pThis->cKernelSymbols; i++)
                            if (   pauAddrs[i] < uKernelStart
                                && LNX64_VALID_ADDRESS(pauAddrs[i])
                                && uKernelStart - pauAddrs[i] < LNX_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE)
                                uKernelStart = pauAddrs[i];

                        for (i = pThis->cKernelSymbols - 1; i > 0; i--)
                            if (   pauAddrs[i] > uKernelEnd
                                && LNX64_VALID_ADDRESS(pauAddrs[i])
                                && pauAddrs[i] - uKernelEnd < LNX_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE)
                                uKernelEnd = pauAddrs[i];
                        uint32_t *pauAddrs = (uint32_t *)pvAddresses;
                        for (i = 0; i < pThis->cKernelSymbols; i++)
                            if (   pauAddrs[i] < uKernelStart
                                && LNX32_VALID_ADDRESS(pauAddrs[i])
                                && uKernelStart - pauAddrs[i] < LNX_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE)
                                uKernelStart = pauAddrs[i];

                        for (i = pThis->cKernelSymbols - 1; i > 0; i--)
                            if (   pauAddrs[i] > uKernelEnd
                                && LNX32_VALID_ADDRESS(pauAddrs[i])
                                && pauAddrs[i] - uKernelEnd < LNX_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE)
                                uKernelEnd = pauAddrs[i];

                    RTGCUINTPTR cbKernel = uKernelEnd - uKernelStart;
                    pThis->cbKernel = (uint32_t)cbKernel;
                    DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &pThis->AddrKernelBase, uKernelStart);
                    Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxLoadKernelSymbols: uKernelStart=%RGv cbKernel=%#x\n", uKernelStart, cbKernel));

                     * Create a module for the kernel.
                    RTDBGMOD hMod;
                    rc = RTDbgModCreate(&hMod, "vmlinux", cbKernel, 0 /*fFlags*/);
                    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                        rc = RTDbgModSetTag(hMod, DIG_LNX_MOD_TAG); AssertRC(rc);
                        rc = VINF_SUCCESS;

                         * Enumerate the symbols.
                        uint8_t const  *pbCurAddr = (uint8_t const *)pvAddresses;
                        uint32_t        offName   = 0;
                        uint32_t        cLeft = pThis->cKernelSymbols;
                        while (cLeft-- > 0 && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                            /* Decode the symbol name first. */
                            if (RT_LIKELY(offName < pThis->cbKernelNames))
                                uint8_t cbName = pbNames[offName++];
                                if (RT_LIKELY(offName + cbName <= pThis->cbKernelNames))
                                    char     szSymbol[4096];
                                    uint32_t offSymbol = 0;
                                    while (cbName-- > 0)
                                        uint8_t  bEnc     = pbNames[offName++];
                                        uint16_t offToken = paoffTokens[bEnc];
                                        if (RT_LIKELY(offToken < pThis->cbKernelTokenTable))
                                            const char *pszToken = &pszzTokens[offToken];
                                            char ch;
                                            while ((ch = *pszToken++) != '\0')
                                                if (offSymbol < sizeof(szSymbol) - 1)
                                                    szSymbol[offSymbol++] = ch;
                                            rc = VERR_INVALID_UTF8_ENCODING;
                                    szSymbol[offSymbol < sizeof(szSymbol) ? offSymbol : sizeof(szSymbol) - 1] = '\0';

                                    /* The address. */
                                    RTGCUINTPTR uSymAddr = cbGuestAddr == sizeof(uint64_t)
                                                         ? *(uint64_t *)pbCurAddr : *(uint32_t *)pbCurAddr;
                                    pbCurAddr += cbGuestAddr;

                                    /* Add it without the type char. */
                                    if (uSymAddr - uKernelStart <= cbKernel)
                                        rc = RTDbgModSymbolAdd(hMod, &szSymbol[1], RTDBGSEGIDX_RVA, uSymAddr - uKernelStart,
                                                               0 /*cb*/, 0 /*fFlags*/, NULL);
                                        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                                            if (   rc == VERR_DBG_SYMBOL_NAME_OUT_OF_RANGE
                                                || rc == VERR_DBG_INVALID_RVA
                                                || rc == VERR_DBG_ADDRESS_CONFLICT
                                                || rc == VERR_DBG_DUPLICATE_SYMBOL)
                                                Log2(("dbgDiggerLinuxLoadKernelSymbols: RTDbgModSymbolAdd(,%s,) failed %Rrc (ignored)\n", szSymbol, rc));
                                                rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
                                                Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxLoadKernelSymbols: RTDbgModSymbolAdd(,%s,) failed %Rrc\n", szSymbol, rc));
                                    rc = VERR_END_OF_STRING;
                                    Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxLoadKernelSymbols: offName=%#x cLeft=%#x cbName=%#x cbKernelNames=%#x\n",
                                         offName, cLeft, cbName, pThis->cbKernelNames));
                                rc = VERR_END_OF_STRING;
                                Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxLoadKernelSymbols: offName=%#x cLeft=%#x cbKernelNames=%#x\n",
                                     offName, cLeft, pThis->cbKernelNames));

                         * Link the module into the address space.
                        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                            RTDBGAS hAs = DBGFR3AsResolveAndRetain(pUVM, DBGF_AS_KERNEL);
                            if (hAs != NIL_RTDBGAS)
                                rc = RTDbgAsModuleLink(hAs, hMod, uKernelStart, RTDBGASLINK_FLAGS_REPLACE);
                                rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
                            Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxFindTokenIndex: Failed: %Rrc\n", rc));
                        Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxFindTokenIndex: RTDbgModCreate failed: %Rrc\n", rc));
                    Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxFindTokenIndex: Reading token index at %RGv failed: %Rrc\n",
                         pThis->AddrKernelTokenIndex.FlatPtr, rc));
                Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxFindTokenIndex: Reading token table at %RGv failed: %Rrc\n",
                     pThis->AddrKernelTokenTable.FlatPtr, rc));
            Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxFindTokenIndex: Reading encoded names at %RGv failed: %Rrc\n",
                 pThis->AddrKernelNames.FlatPtr, rc));
        Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxFindTokenIndex: Reading symbol addresses at %RGv failed: %Rrc\n",
             pThis->AddrKernelAddresses.FlatPtr, rc));
    return rc;
예제 #8
 * Tries to find the end of kallsyms_names and thereby the start of
 * kallsyms_markers and kallsyms_token_table.
 * The kallsyms_names size is stored in pThis->cbKernelNames, the addresses of
 * the two other symbols in pThis->AddrKernelNameMarkers and
 * pThis->AddrKernelTokenTable.  The number of marker entries is stored in
 * pThis->cKernelNameMarkers.
 * @returns VBox status code, success indicating that all three variables have
 *          been found and taken down.
 * @param   pUVM                The user mode VM handle.
 * @param   pThis               The Linux digger data.
 * @param   pHitAddr            An address we think is inside kallsyms_names.
static int dbgDiggerLinuxFindEndOfNamesAndMore(PUVM pUVM, PDBGDIGGERLINUX pThis, PCDBGFADDRESS pHitAddr)
     * Search forward in chunks.
        uint8_t  ab[0x1000];
        uint32_t au32[0x1000 / sizeof(uint32_t)];
        uint64_t au64[0x1000 / sizeof(uint64_t)];
    } uBuf;
    bool            fPendingZeroHit = false;
    uint32_t        cbLeft  = LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_NAMES_SIZE + sizeof(uBuf);
    uint32_t        offBuf  = pHitAddr->FlatPtr & (sizeof(uBuf) - 1);
    DBGFADDRESS     CurAddr = *pHitAddr;
    DBGFR3AddrSub(&CurAddr, offBuf);
    for (;;)
        int rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0 /*idCpu*/, &CurAddr, &uBuf, sizeof(uBuf));
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return rc;

         * The kallsyms_names table is followed by kallsyms_markers we assume,
         * using sizeof(unsigned long) alignment like the preceeding symbols.
         * The kallsyms_markers table has entried sizeof(unsigned long) and
         * contains offsets into kallsyms_names.  The kallsyms_markers used to
         * index kallsyms_names and reduce seek time when looking up the name
         * of an address/symbol.  Each entry in kallsyms_markers covers 256
         * symbol names.
         * Because of this, the first entry is always zero and all the entries
         * are ascending.  It also follows that the size of the table can be
         * calculated from kallsyms_num_syms.
         * Note! We could also have walked kallsyms_names by skipping
         *       kallsyms_num_syms names, but this is faster and we will
         *       validate the encoded names later.
        if (pThis->f64Bit)
            if (   RT_UNLIKELY(fPendingZeroHit)
                && uBuf.au64[0] >= (LNX_MIN_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH + 1) * 256
                && uBuf.au64[0] <= (LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH + 1) * 256)
                return dbgDiggerLinuxFoundMarkers(pThis, DBGFR3AddrSub(&CurAddr, sizeof(uint64_t)), sizeof(uint64_t));

            uint32_t const cEntries = sizeof(uBuf) / sizeof(uint64_t);
            for (uint32_t i = offBuf / sizeof(uint64_t); i < cEntries; i++)
                if (uBuf.au64[i] == 0)
                    if (RT_UNLIKELY(i + 1 >= cEntries))
                        fPendingZeroHit = true;
                    if (   uBuf.au64[i + 1] >= (LNX_MIN_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH + 1) * 256
                        && uBuf.au64[i + 1] <= (LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH + 1) * 256)
                        return dbgDiggerLinuxFoundMarkers(pThis, DBGFR3AddrAdd(&CurAddr, i * sizeof(uint64_t)), sizeof(uint64_t));
            if (   RT_UNLIKELY(fPendingZeroHit)
                && uBuf.au32[0] >= (LNX_MIN_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH + 1) * 256
                && uBuf.au32[0] <= (LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH + 1) * 256)
                return dbgDiggerLinuxFoundMarkers(pThis, DBGFR3AddrSub(&CurAddr, sizeof(uint32_t)), sizeof(uint32_t));

            uint32_t const cEntries = sizeof(uBuf) / sizeof(uint32_t);
            for (uint32_t i = offBuf / sizeof(uint32_t); i < cEntries; i++)
                if (uBuf.au32[i] == 0)
                    if (RT_UNLIKELY(i + 1 >= cEntries))
                        fPendingZeroHit = true;
                    if (   uBuf.au32[i + 1] >= (LNX_MIN_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH + 1) * 256
                        && uBuf.au32[i + 1] <= (LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH + 1) * 256)
                        return dbgDiggerLinuxFoundMarkers(pThis, DBGFR3AddrAdd(&CurAddr, i * sizeof(uint32_t)), sizeof(uint32_t));

         * Advance
        if (RT_UNLIKELY(cbLeft <= sizeof(uBuf)))
            Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxFindEndOfNamesAndMore: failed (pHitAddr=%RGv)\n", pHitAddr->FlatPtr));
            return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
        cbLeft -= sizeof(uBuf);
        DBGFR3AddrAdd(&CurAddr, sizeof(uBuf));
        offBuf = 0;
예제 #9
 * Tries to find the address of the kallsyms_names, kallsyms_num_syms and
 * kallsyms_addresses symbols.
 * The kallsyms_num_syms is read and stored in pThis->cKernelSymbols, while the
 * addresses of the other two are stored as pThis->AddrKernelNames and
 * pThis->AddrKernelAddresses.
 * @returns VBox status code, success indicating that all three variables have
 *          been found and taken down.
 * @param   pUVM                The user mode VM handle.
 * @param   pThis               The Linux digger data.
 * @param   pHitAddr            An address we think is inside kallsyms_names.
static int dbgDiggerLinuxFindStartOfNamesAndSymbolCount(PUVM pUVM, PDBGDIGGERLINUX pThis, PCDBGFADDRESS pHitAddr)
     * Search backwards in chunks.
        uint8_t  ab[0x1000];
        uint32_t au32[0x1000 / sizeof(uint32_t)];
        uint64_t au64[0x1000 / sizeof(uint64_t)];
    } uBuf;
    uint32_t        cbLeft  = LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_NAMES_SIZE;
    uint32_t        cbBuf   = pHitAddr->FlatPtr & (sizeof(uBuf) - 1);
    DBGFADDRESS     CurAddr = *pHitAddr;
    DBGFR3AddrSub(&CurAddr, cbBuf);
    cbBuf += sizeof(uint64_t) - 1;      /* In case our kobj hit is in the first 4/8 bytes. */
    for (;;)
        int rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0 /*idCpu*/, &CurAddr, &uBuf, sizeof(uBuf));
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return rc;

         * We assume that the three symbols are aligned on guest pointer boundrary.
         * The boundrary between the two tables should be noticable as the number
         * is unlikely to be more than 16 millions, there will be at least one zero
         * byte where it is, 64-bit will have 5 zero bytes.  Zero bytes aren't all
         * that common in the kallsyms_names table.
         * Also the kallsyms_names table starts with a length byte, which means
         * we're likely to see a byte in the range 1..31.
         * The kallsyms_addresses are mostly sorted (except for the start where the
         * absolute symbols are), so we'll spot a bunch of kernel addresses
         * immediately preceeding the kallsyms_num_syms field.
         * Lazy bird: If kallsyms_num_syms is on a buffer boundrary, we skip
         *            the check for kernel addresses preceeding it.
        if (pThis->f64Bit)
            uint32_t i = cbBuf / sizeof(uint64_t);
            while (i-- > 0)
                if (   uBuf.au64[i] <= LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_SYMBOLS
                    && uBuf.au64[i] >= LNX_MIN_KALLSYMS_SYMBOLS)
                    uint8_t *pb = (uint8_t *)&uBuf.au64[i + 1];
                    if (   pb[0] <= LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH
                        && pb[0] >= LNX_MIN_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH)
                        if (   (i <= 0 || LNX64_VALID_ADDRESS(uBuf.au64[i - 1]))
                            && (i <= 1 || LNX64_VALID_ADDRESS(uBuf.au64[i - 2]))
                            && (i <= 2 || LNX64_VALID_ADDRESS(uBuf.au64[i - 3])))
                            return dbgDiggerLinuxFoundStartOfNames(pThis,
                                                                   DBGFR3AddrAdd(&CurAddr, (i + 1) * sizeof(uint64_t)),
                                                                   (uint32_t)uBuf.au64[i], sizeof(uint64_t));
            uint32_t i = cbBuf / sizeof(uint32_t);
            while (i-- > 0)
                if (   uBuf.au32[i] <= LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_SYMBOLS
                    && uBuf.au32[i] >= LNX_MIN_KALLSYMS_SYMBOLS)
                    uint8_t *pb = (uint8_t *)&uBuf.au32[i + 1];
                    if (   pb[0] <= LNX_MAX_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH
                        && pb[0] >= LNX_MIN_KALLSYMS_ENC_LENGTH)
                        if (   (i <= 0 || LNX32_VALID_ADDRESS(uBuf.au32[i - 1]))
                            && (i <= 1 || LNX32_VALID_ADDRESS(uBuf.au32[i - 2]))
                            && (i <= 2 || LNX32_VALID_ADDRESS(uBuf.au32[i - 3])))
                            return dbgDiggerLinuxFoundStartOfNames(pThis,
                                                                   DBGFR3AddrAdd(&CurAddr, (i + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)),
                                                                   uBuf.au32[i], sizeof(uint32_t));

         * Advance
        if (RT_UNLIKELY(cbLeft <= sizeof(uBuf)))
            Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxFindStartOfNamesAndSymbolCount: failed (pHitAddr=%RGv)\n", pHitAddr->FlatPtr));
            return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
        cbLeft -= sizeof(uBuf);
        DBGFR3AddrSub(&CurAddr, sizeof(uBuf));
        cbBuf = sizeof(uBuf);
예제 #10
 * @interface_method_impl{DBGFOSIDMESG,pfnQueryKernelLog}
static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgDiggerLinuxIDmsg_QueryKernelLog(PDBGFOSIDMESG pThis, PUVM pUVM, uint32_t fFlags, uint32_t cMessages,
                                                            char *pszBuf, size_t cbBuf, size_t *pcbActual)

    if (cMessages < 1)

     * Resolve the symbols we need and read their values.
    RTDBGAS  hAs = DBGFR3AsResolveAndRetain(pUVM, DBGF_AS_KERNEL);
    RTDBGMOD hMod;
    int rc = RTDbgAsModuleByName(hAs, "vmlinux", 0, &hMod);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return VERR_NOT_FOUND;

    RTGCPTR  GCPtrLogBuf;
    uint32_t cbLogBuf;
    uint32_t idxFirst;
    uint32_t idxNext;

    struct { void *pvVar; size_t cbHost, cbGuest; const char *pszSymbol; } aSymbols[] =
        { &GCPtrLogBuf, sizeof(GCPtrLogBuf),    pData->f64Bit ? sizeof(uint64_t) : sizeof(uint32_t),   "log_buf" },
        { &cbLogBuf,    sizeof(cbLogBuf),       sizeof(cbLogBuf),                                      "log_buf_len" },
        { &idxFirst,    sizeof(idxFirst),       sizeof(idxFirst),                                      "log_first_idx" },
        { &idxNext,     sizeof(idxNext),        sizeof(idxNext),                                       "log_next_idx" },
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(aSymbols); i++)
        RTDBGSYMBOL SymInfo;
        rc = RTDbgModSymbolByName(hMod, aSymbols[i].pszSymbol, &SymInfo);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            RT_BZERO(aSymbols[i].pvVar, aSymbols[i].cbHost);
            Assert(aSymbols[i].cbHost >= aSymbols[i].cbGuest);
            DBGFADDRESS Addr;
            rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0 /*idCpu*/,
                               DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, (RTGCPTR)SymInfo.Value + pData->AddrKernelBase.FlatPtr),
                               aSymbols[i].pvVar,  aSymbols[i].cbGuest);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIDmsg_QueryKernelLog: Reading '%s' at %RGv: %Rrc\n", aSymbols[i].pszSymbol, Addr.FlatPtr, rc));
            Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIDmsg_QueryKernelLog: Error looking up '%s': %Rrc\n", aSymbols[i].pszSymbol, rc));
        return VERR_NOT_FOUND;

     * Check if the values make sense.
    if (pData->f64Bit ? !LNX64_VALID_ADDRESS(GCPtrLogBuf) : !LNX32_VALID_ADDRESS(GCPtrLogBuf))
        Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIDmsg_QueryKernelLog: 'log_buf' value %RGv is not valid.\n", GCPtrLogBuf));
        return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
    if (   cbLogBuf < 4096
        || !RT_IS_POWER_OF_TWO(cbLogBuf)
        || cbLogBuf > 16*_1M)
        Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIDmsg_QueryKernelLog: 'log_buf_len' value %#x is not valid.\n", cbLogBuf));
        return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
    uint32_t const cbLogAlign = 4;
    if (   idxFirst > cbLogBuf - sizeof(LNXPRINTKHDR)
        || (idxFirst & (cbLogAlign - 1)) != 0)
        Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIDmsg_QueryKernelLog: 'log_first_idx' value %#x is not valid.\n", idxFirst));
        return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
    if (   idxNext > cbLogBuf - sizeof(LNXPRINTKHDR)
        || (idxNext & (cbLogAlign - 1)) != 0)
        Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIDmsg_QueryKernelLog: 'log_next_idx' value %#x is not valid.\n", idxNext));
        return VERR_NOT_FOUND;

     * Read the whole log buffer.
    uint8_t *pbLogBuf = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(cbLogBuf);
    if (!pbLogBuf)
        Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIDmsg_QueryKernelLog: Failed to allocate %#x bytes for log buffer\n", cbLogBuf));
        return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
    rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0 /*idCpu*/, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, GCPtrLogBuf), pbLogBuf, cbLogBuf);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIDmsg_QueryKernelLog: Error reading %#x bytes of log buffer at %RGv: %Rrc\n",
             cbLogBuf, Addr.FlatPtr, rc));
        return VERR_NOT_FOUND;

     * Count the messages in the buffer while doing some basic validation.
    uint32_t const cbUsed = idxFirst == idxNext ? cbLogBuf /* could be empty... */
                          : idxFirst < idxNext  ? idxNext - idxFirst : cbLogBuf - idxFirst + idxNext;
    uint32_t cbLeft    = cbUsed;
    uint32_t offCur    = idxFirst;
    uint32_t cLogMsgs  = 0;

    while (cbLeft > 0)
        PCLNXPRINTKHDR pHdr = (PCLNXPRINTKHDR)&pbLogBuf[offCur];
        if (!pHdr->cbTotal)
            /* Wrap around packet, most likely... */
            if (cbLogBuf - offCur >= cbLeft)
            offCur = 0;
            pHdr = (PCLNXPRINTKHDR)&pbLogBuf[offCur];
        if (RT_UNLIKELY(   pHdr->cbTotal > cbLogBuf - sizeof(*pHdr) - offCur
                        || pHdr->cbTotal > cbLeft
                        || (pHdr->cbTotal & (cbLogAlign - 1)) != 0
                        || pHdr->cbTotal < (uint32_t)pHdr->cbText + (uint32_t)pHdr->cbDict + sizeof(*pHdr) ))
            Log(("dbgDiggerLinuxIDmsg_QueryKernelLog: Invalid printk_log record at %#x: cbTotal=%#x cbText=%#x cbDict=%#x cbLogBuf=%#x cbLeft=%#x\n",
                 offCur, pHdr->cbTotal, pHdr->cbText, pHdr->cbDict, cbLogBuf, cbLeft));
            rc = VERR_INVALID_STATE;

        if (pHdr->cbText > 0)

        /* next */
        offCur += pHdr->cbTotal;
        cbLeft -= pHdr->cbTotal;
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;

     * Copy the messages into the output buffer.
    offCur = idxFirst;
    cbLeft = cbUsed;

    /* Skip messages that the caller doesn't want. */
    if (cMessages < cLogMsgs)
        uint32_t cToSkip = cLogMsgs - cMessages;
        while (cToSkip > 0)
            PCLNXPRINTKHDR pHdr = (PCLNXPRINTKHDR)&pbLogBuf[offCur];
            if (!pHdr->cbTotal)
                offCur = 0;
                pHdr = (PCLNXPRINTKHDR)&pbLogBuf[offCur];
            if (pHdr->cbText > 0)

            /* next */
            offCur += pHdr->cbTotal;
            cbLeft -= pHdr->cbTotal;

    /* Now copy the messages. */
    size_t offDst = 0;
    while (cbLeft > 0)
        PCLNXPRINTKHDR pHdr = (PCLNXPRINTKHDR)&pbLogBuf[offCur];
        if (!pHdr->cbTotal)
            if (cbLogBuf - offCur >= cbLeft)
            offCur = 0;
            pHdr = (PCLNXPRINTKHDR)&pbLogBuf[offCur];

        if (pHdr->cbText > 0)
            char  *pchText = (char *)(pHdr + 1);
            size_t cchText = RTStrNLen(pchText, pHdr->cbText);
            if (offDst + cchText < cbBuf)
                memcpy(&pszBuf[offDst], pHdr + 1, cchText);
                pszBuf[offDst + cchText] = '\n';
            else if (offDst < cbBuf)
                memcpy(&pszBuf[offDst], pHdr + 1, cbBuf - offDst);
            offDst += cchText + 1;

        /* next */
        offCur += pHdr->cbTotal;
        cbLeft -= pHdr->cbTotal;

    /* Done with the buffer. */

    /* Make sure we've reserved a char for the terminator. */
    if (!offDst)
        offDst = 1;

    /* Set return size value. */
    if (pcbActual)
        *pcbActual = offDst;

     * All VBox strings are UTF-8 and bad things may in theory happen if we
     * pass bad UTF-8 to code which assumes it's all valid.  So, we enforce
     * UTF-8 upon the guest kernel messages here even if they (probably) have
     * no defined code set in reality.
    if (offDst <= cbBuf)
        pszBuf[offDst - 1] = '\0';
        return VINF_SUCCESS;

    if (cbBuf)
        pszBuf[cbBuf - 1] = '\0';