예제 #1
/** \brief One-dimensional matching.

This function performs the sort matching on a single dimension.

\param ep_list the endpoints list
\param out the matrix that is going to keep the result of the matching
\param subscr_set_before the array to be used as the the set of "before" subscriptions
\param subscr_set_after the array to be used as the the set of "after" subscriptions
\param size_update the number of update extents
\param size_subscr the number of subscription extents
void sort_matching_1D(const list_ptr ep_list, const bitmatrix out, const bitvector subscr_set_before, const bitvector subscr_set_after, const _UINT size_update, const _UINT size_subscr)
	_UINT i;
	_UINT bit_pos;
	_UINT line_width;
	_UINT list_size;
	_UINT update_ep_count;

	// two endpoints for each extent
	list_size = (size_update + size_subscr) * 2;
	// number of elements on each line of the bit matrix
	line_width = BIT_VEC_WIDTH(size_subscr);
	// number of endpoints of update extents
	update_ep_count = size_update * 2;

	// sort the endpoints list
	sort_list(ep_list, list_size);

	// set no subscription extent to "before"
	memset(subscr_set_before, 0x00, line_width * sizeof(bitvec_elem));
	// set all the subscription extents to "after"
	memset(subscr_set_after, 0xFF, line_width * sizeof(bitvec_elem));

	// for each endpoint in the list, but stops when all update extents endpoints are processed
	// (only when processing update extents endpoints the algorithm writes on the matching matrix)
	for (i = 0; update_ep_count > 0; i++)
		// if it's the endpoint of a subscription extent
		if (ep_list[i].id < size_subscr)
			// calculate the element in the bit vector that contains the bit
			bit_pos = BIT_TO_POS(ep_list[i].id);
			// if it's the lower endpoint
			if (ep_list[i].is_lower_point)
				// clear the bit in the bit vector (remove the subscription extent from the "after" set)
				BIT_CLEAR(subscr_set_after[bit_pos], DBIT(BIT_POS_IN_VEC(ep_list[i].id, bit_pos)));
			else // if it's the upper endpoint
				// set the bit in the bit vector (add the subscription extent to the "before" set)
				BIT_SET(subscr_set_before[bit_pos], DBIT(BIT_POS_IN_VEC(ep_list[i].id, bit_pos)));
		else // if it's the endpoint of an update extent
			// if it's the lower endpoint
			if (ep_list[i].is_lower_point)
#ifdef __LOWMEM
				// bitwise OR (write all the subscription extents in the "before" set in the update extent's line in the bit matrix)
				vector_bitwise_or(out[ep_list[i].id - size_subscr], subscr_set_before, line_width);
#else // __LOWMEM
				// the subscription extents in the "before" set don't match with this update extent
				// (write the bits of the "before" set in the update extent's line in the bit matrix)
				memcpy(out[ep_list[i].id - size_subscr], subscr_set_before, line_width * sizeof(bitvec_elem));
#endif // __LOWMEM
			else // if it's the upper endpoint
				// bitwise OR (write all the subscription extents in the "after" set in the update extent's line in the bit matrix)
				vector_bitwise_or(out[ep_list[i].id - size_subscr], subscr_set_after, line_width);
예제 #2
파일: 5370.c 프로젝트: jks-prv/5370_proc
void dev_decode_regs(insn_attrs_t *ia, u1_t rw, u2_t addr, u1_t data)
	int pr = (ia == 0);
	u4_t f;
	char *strs[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, **s = strs, **p = strs;

	//printf("ARM read %s @ 0x%x 0x%x <", arm_rreg[addr - ADDR_ARM(0)], addr, data);

	if (rw) switch (addr) {

		DBIT(pr, s, data, DSR_TRIG_LVL_STOP);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, DSR_TRIG_LVL_START);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, DSR_SPARE);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, DSR_VOK);

	case RREG_I1:
		DBIT(pr, s, data, I1_IRQ);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, I1_RTI_MASK);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, I1_RST_TEST);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, I1_SRATE);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, I1_LRMT);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, I1_LRTL);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, I1_MAN_ARM);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, I1_IO_FLO);

	case RREG_ST:
		DBIT(pr, s, data, ST_OVEN);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, ST_EXT);

	case RREG_N0ST:
		DBIT(pr, s, data, N0ST_N3_OVFL);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, N0ST_EOM);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, N0ST_N0_POS);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, N0ST_ARMED);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, N0ST_PLL_OOL);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, N0ST_N0_OVFL);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, N0ST_N1N2_B17);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, N0ST_N1N2_B16);


	//printf("ARM write %s @ 0x%x 0x%x <", arm_wreg[addr - ADDR_ARM(0)], addr, data);

	if (!rw) switch (addr) {

		DBIT(pr, s, data, DCW_START_DAC_OE_L);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, DCW_STOP_DAC_OE_L);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, DCW_RELAY);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, DCW_LOCK_FIX);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, DCW_SPARE);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, DCW_HRMT_SLOPE);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, DCW_FWD_REV_START);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, DCW_FWD_REV_STOP);

	case WREG_O2:
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O2_FLAG);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O2_SRATE_EN);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O2_HTOGL);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O2_GATE_MODE);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O2_HARMCT3);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O2_ARM_MODE);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O2_MAN_ARM);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O2_ARM_EN);

	case WREG_O1:
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O1_LRM_MASK);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O1_RTI_MASK);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O1_LHLDEN);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O1_STOPSW);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O1_STARTSW);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O1_HSET2);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O1_HSET1);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O1_HSTD);

	case WREG_O3:
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O3_SELF_CLR);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O3_RST_TEST);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O3_LARMRST);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O3_LOLRST);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O3_N3_OVRST);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O3_N0_OVRST);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O3_N3_RST);
		DBIT(pr, s, data, O3_N012_RST);

	if (!*p) return;
	if (!pr) f = ia->flags;
	//if (!pr && (f & _BIT)) PF("<%s> ", *p); else
	if (pr || (!pr && (f & (_BIT | _AND | _OR | _XOR)))) {
		PF("%s<", pr? "" : "[msk]   ");
		int first=1;
		for (p=strs; p!=s; first=0, p++) PF("%s%s", first? "":", ", *p);
		PF("> ");
	} else
	if (!pr && *p) PF("FIXME %08x <%s> ", f, *p);
예제 #3
/** \brief One-dimensional matching.

This function performs the sort matching on a single dimension. It's the start routine of the threads created by the function sort_matching().

\remarks This is the Linux version of the function.

\param pVoid a void pointer to the structure containing the parameters

\retval a pointer to the error code, or NULL if an error happened during the allocation of the return code memory
void *sort_matching_1D(void *pVoid)
#endif // _MSC_VER
	_UINT i;
	_UINT bit_pos;
	_UINT line;
	_UINT line_width;
	_UINT list_size;
	_UINT update_ep_count;
	thread_params params;
	list_ptr ep_list;
	bitvector subscr_set_before;
	bitvector subscr_set_after;
#ifndef _MSC_VER
	_ERR_CODE *err;
	// allocate the memory for the return value
	err = (_ERR_CODE *)malloc(sizeof(_ERR_CODE));
	if (err == NULL)
		return NULL;
#endif // _MSC_VER

	params = *(thread_params *)pVoid;

	line_width = BIT_VEC_WIDTH(params.data.size_subscr);

	// two endpoints for each extent
	list_size = (params.data.size_update + params.data.size_subscr) * 2;

	// allocate the "list"
	ep_list = (list_ptr)malloc(list_size * sizeof(list_t));
	// allocate the two subscription extents sets (setting no subscription extent to "before" with calloc)
	subscr_set_before = (bitvector)calloc(line_width, sizeof(bitvec_elem));
	subscr_set_after = (bitvector)malloc(line_width * sizeof(bitvec_elem));
	if (ep_list == NULL || subscr_set_before == NULL || subscr_set_after == NULL)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
		_endthreadex((unsigned int)err_alloc);
		return (unsigned int)err_alloc;
#else // _MSC_VER
		*err = err_alloc;
		pthread_exit((void *)err);
		return (void *)err;
#endif // _MSC_VER

	// fill the endpoints "list" with the data of the dimension to be processed
	set_endpoints_list(params.data, ep_list, params.dimension);

	// number of elements on each line of the bit matrix
	line_width = BIT_VEC_WIDTH(params.data.size_subscr);
	// number of endpoints of update extents
	update_ep_count = params.data.size_update * 2;

	// sort the endpoints list
	sort_list(ep_list, list_size);

	// set all the subscription extents to "after"
	memset(subscr_set_after, 0xFF, line_width * sizeof(bitvec_elem));
	// for each endpoint in the list, but stops when all update extents endpoints are processed
	// (only when processing update extents endpoints the algorithm writes on the matching matrix)
	for (i = 0; update_ep_count > 0; i++)
		// if it's the endpoint of a subscription extent
		if (ep_list[i].id < params.data.size_subscr)
			// calculate the element in the bit vector that contains the bit
			bit_pos = BIT_TO_POS(ep_list[i].id);
			// if it's the lower endpoint
			if (ep_list[i].is_lower_point)
				// clear the bit in the bit vector (remove the subscription extent from the "after" set)
				BIT_CLEAR(subscr_set_after[bit_pos], DBIT(BIT_POS_IN_VEC(ep_list[i].id, bit_pos)));
			else // if it's the upper endpoint
				// set the bit in the bit vector (add the subscription extent to the "before" set)
				BIT_SET(subscr_set_before[bit_pos], DBIT(BIT_POS_IN_VEC(ep_list[i].id, bit_pos)));
		else // if it's the endpoint of an update extent

			line = ep_list[i].id - params.data.size_subscr;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
			// wait for mutex if the line is in use from another thread
			if (WaitForSingleObject(params.line_mutex[line], INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
				_endthreadex((unsigned int)err_threads);
				return (unsigned int)err_threads;
#else // _MSC_VER
			// wait for mutex if the line is in use from another thread
			if (pthread_mutex_lock(&params.line_mutex[line]) != 0)
				*err = err_threads;
				pthread_exit((void *)err);
				return (void *)err;
#endif // _MSC_VER

			// if it's the lower endpoint
			if (ep_list[i].is_lower_point)
				// bitwise OR (write all the subscription extents in the "before" set in the update extent's line in the bit matrix)
				vector_bitwise_or(params.out[line], subscr_set_before, line_width);
			else // if it's the upper endpoint
				// bitwise OR (write all the subscription extents in the "after" set in the update extent's line in the bit matrix)
				vector_bitwise_or(params.out[line], subscr_set_after, line_width);

#ifdef _MSC_VER
			// release mutex
			if (ReleaseMutex(params.line_mutex[line]) == 0)
				_endthreadex((unsigned int)err_threads);
				return (unsigned int)err_threads;
#else // _MSC_VER
			// release mutex
			if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&params.line_mutex[line]) != 0)
				*err = err_threads;
				pthread_exit((void *)err);
				return (void *)err;
#endif // _MSC_VER

#ifndef __NOFREE
	// free memory
#endif // __NOFREE

#ifdef _MSC_VER
	_endthreadex((unsigned int)err_none);
	return (unsigned int)err_none;
#else // _MSC_VER
	*err = err_none;
	pthread_exit((void *)err);
	return (void *)err;
#endif // _MSC_VER