/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: process_deleted_records * * * * Purpose: * * * * Parameters: * * * * Return value: * * * * Author: Alexander Vladishev * * * * Comments: * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void process_deleted_records(int nodeid, char *data, int sender_nodetype) { const char *__function_name = "process_deleted_records"; char *r, *lf; const ZBX_TABLE *table = NULL; zbx_uint64_t recid, *ids = NULL; int ids_alloc = 0, ids_num = 0; char *sql = NULL; size_t sql_alloc = 4 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, sql_offset = 0; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s()", __function_name); sql = zbx_malloc(sql, sql_alloc); DBbegin_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); for (r = data; '\0' != *r;) { if (NULL != (lf = strchr(r, '\n'))) *lf = '\0'; zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); if (NULL == table || 0 != strcmp(table->table, buf)) { make_delete_sql(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, table, ids, &ids_num); if (NULL == (table = DBget_table(buf))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s(): cannot find table [%s]", __function_name, buf); goto next; } } zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); ZBX_STR2UINT64(recid, buf); if ('2' == *r) /* NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_DELETE */ uint64_array_add(&ids, &ids_alloc, &ids_num, recid, 64); next: if (lf != NULL) { *lf++ = '\n'; r = lf; } else break; } make_delete_sql(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, table, ids, &ids_num); DBend_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); if (sql_offset > 16) /* In ORACLE always present begin..end; */ DBexecute("%s", sql); zbx_free(sql); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s()", __function_name); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: save_events * * * * Purpose: flushes the events into a database * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void save_events() { char *sql = NULL; size_t sql_alloc = 2 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, sql_offset = 0, i; const char *ins_event_sql = "insert into events (eventid,source,object,objectid,clock,ns,value) values "; sql = zbx_malloc(sql, sql_alloc); DBbegin_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); #ifdef HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, ins_event_sql); #endif for (i = 0; i < events_num; i++) { if (0 == events[i].eventid) events[i].eventid = DBget_maxid("events"); #ifndef HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, ins_event_sql); #endif zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "(" ZBX_FS_UI64 ",%d,%d," ZBX_FS_UI64 ",%d,%d,%d)" ZBX_ROW_DL, events[i].eventid, events[i].source, events[i].object, events[i].objectid, events[i].clock, events[i].ns, events[i].value); } #ifdef HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT sql_offset--; zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, ";\n"); #endif DBend_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); DBexecute("%s", sql); zbx_free(sql); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: save_template_lld_rules * * * * Purpose: saves template lld rule item conditions to the target host in * * database * * * * Parameters: items - [IN] the template items * * rules - [IN] the ldd rule mapping * * new_conditions - [IN] the number of new item conditions to * * be inserted * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void save_template_lld_rules(zbx_vector_ptr_t *items, zbx_vector_ptr_t *rules, int new_conditions) { char *macro_esc, *value_esc; int i, j, index; zbx_db_insert_t db_insert; zbx_lld_rule_map_t *rule; zbx_lld_rule_condition_t *condition; char *sql = NULL; size_t sql_alloc = 0, sql_offset = 0; zbx_vector_uint64_t item_conditionids; if (0 == rules->values_num) return; zbx_vector_uint64_create(&item_conditionids); if (0 != new_conditions) { zbx_db_insert_prepare(&db_insert, "item_condition", "item_conditionid", "itemid", "operator", "macro", "value", NULL); /* insert lld rule conditions for new items */ for (i = 0; i < items->values_num; i++) { zbx_template_item_t *item = items->values[i]; if (NULL == item->key) continue; if (0 == (ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE & item->flags)) continue; index = zbx_vector_ptr_bsearch(rules, &item->templateid, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_PTR_COMPARE_FUNC); if (FAIL == index) { THIS_SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN; continue; } rule = rules->values[index]; for (j = 0; j < rule->conditions.values_num; j++) { condition = rule->conditions.values[j]; zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert, rule->conditionid++, item->itemid, (int)condition->operator, condition->macro, condition->value); } } } DBbegin_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); /* update lld rule conditions for existing items */ for (i = 0; i < rules->values_num; i++) { rule = rules->values[i]; /* skip lld rules of new items */ if (0 == rule->itemid) continue; index = MIN(rule->conditions.values_num, rule->conditionids.values_num); /* update intersecting rule conditions */ for (j = 0; j < index; j++) { condition = rule->conditions.values[j]; macro_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(condition->macro); value_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(condition->value); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "update item_condition" " set operator=%d,macro='%s',value='%s'" " where item_conditionid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", (int)condition->operator, macro_esc, value_esc, rule->conditionids.values[j]); DBexecute_overflowed_sql(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); zbx_free(value_esc); zbx_free(macro_esc); } /* delete removed rule conditions */ for (j = index; j < rule->conditionids.values_num; j++) zbx_vector_uint64_append(&item_conditionids, rule->conditionids.values[j]); /* insert new rule conditions */ for (j = index; j < rule->conditions.values_num; j++) { condition = rule->conditions.values[j]; zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert, rule->conditionid++, rule->itemid, (int)condition->operator, condition->macro, condition->value); } } /* delete removed item conditions */ if (0 != item_conditionids.values_num) { zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "delete from item_condition where"); DBadd_condition_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "item_conditionid", item_conditionids.values, item_conditionids.values_num); zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, ";\n"); } DBend_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); if (16 < sql_offset) DBexecute("%s", sql); if (0 != new_conditions) { zbx_db_insert_execute(&db_insert); zbx_db_insert_clean(&db_insert); } zbx_free(sql); zbx_vector_uint64_destroy(&item_conditionids); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: save_template_items * * * * Purpose: saves template items to the target host in database * * * * Parameters: hostid - [IN] the target host * * items - [IN] the template items * * rules - [IN] the ldd rule mapping * * * ******************************************************************************/ void save_template_items(zbx_uint64_t hostid, zbx_vector_ptr_t *items) { char *sql = NULL; size_t sql_alloc = 16 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, sql_offset = 0; int new_items = items->values_num, i; zbx_uint64_t itemid; zbx_db_insert_t db_insert; sql = zbx_malloc(sql, sql_alloc); DBbegin_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); for (i = 0; i < items->values_num; i++) { char *name_esc, *delay_flex_esc, *trapper_hosts_esc, *units_esc, *formula_esc, *logtimefmt_esc, *params_esc, *ipmi_sensor_esc, *snmp_community_esc, *snmp_oid_esc, *snmpv3_securityname_esc, *snmpv3_authpassphrase_esc, *snmpv3_privpassphrase_esc, *username_esc, *password_esc, *publickey_esc, *privatekey_esc, *description_esc, *lifetime_esc, *snmpv3_contextname_esc, *port_esc; zbx_template_item_t *item = items->values[i]; /* skip new items */ if (NULL != item->key) continue; name_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->name); delay_flex_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->delay_flex); trapper_hosts_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->trapper_hosts); units_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->units); formula_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->formula); logtimefmt_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->logtimefmt); params_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->params); ipmi_sensor_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->ipmi_sensor); snmp_community_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->snmp_community); snmp_oid_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->snmp_oid); snmpv3_securityname_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->snmpv3_securityname); snmpv3_authpassphrase_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->snmpv3_authpassphrase); snmpv3_privpassphrase_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->snmpv3_privpassphrase); username_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->username); password_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->password); publickey_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->publickey); privatekey_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->privatekey); description_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->description); lifetime_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->lifetime); snmpv3_contextname_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->snmpv3_contextname); port_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(item->port); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "update items" " set name='%s'," "type=%d," "value_type=%d," "data_type=%d," "delay=%d," "delay_flex='%s'," "history=%d," "trends=%d," "status=%d," "trapper_hosts='%s'," "units='%s'," "multiplier=%d," "delta=%d," "formula='%s'," "logtimefmt='%s'," "valuemapid=%s," "params='%s'," "ipmi_sensor='%s'," "snmp_community='%s'," "snmp_oid='%s'," "snmpv3_securityname='%s'," "snmpv3_securitylevel=%d," "snmpv3_authprotocol=%d," "snmpv3_authpassphrase='%s'," "snmpv3_privprotocol=%d," "snmpv3_privpassphrase='%s'," "snmpv3_contextname='%s'," "authtype=%d," "username='******'," "password='******'," "publickey='%s'," "privatekey='%s'," "templateid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 "," "flags=%d," "description='%s'," "inventory_link=%d," "interfaceid=%s," "lifetime='%s'," "evaltype=%d," "port='%s'" " where itemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", name_esc, (int)item->type, (int)item->value_type, (int)item->data_type, item->delay, delay_flex_esc, item->history, item->trends, (int)item->status, trapper_hosts_esc, units_esc, (int)item->multiplier, (int)item->delta, formula_esc, logtimefmt_esc, DBsql_id_ins(item->valuemapid), params_esc, ipmi_sensor_esc, snmp_community_esc, snmp_oid_esc, snmpv3_securityname_esc, (int)item->snmpv3_securitylevel, (int)item->snmpv3_authprotocol, snmpv3_authpassphrase_esc, (int)item->snmpv3_privprotocol, snmpv3_privpassphrase_esc, snmpv3_contextname_esc, (int)item->authtype, username_esc, password_esc, publickey_esc, privatekey_esc, item->templateid, (int)item->flags, description_esc, (int)item->inventory_link, DBsql_id_ins(item->interfaceid), lifetime_esc, (int)item->evaltype, port_esc, item->itemid); new_items--; zbx_free(port_esc); zbx_free(snmpv3_contextname_esc); zbx_free(lifetime_esc); zbx_free(description_esc); zbx_free(privatekey_esc); zbx_free(publickey_esc); zbx_free(password_esc); zbx_free(username_esc); zbx_free(snmpv3_privpassphrase_esc); zbx_free(snmpv3_authpassphrase_esc); zbx_free(snmpv3_securityname_esc); zbx_free(snmp_oid_esc); zbx_free(snmp_community_esc); zbx_free(ipmi_sensor_esc); zbx_free(params_esc); zbx_free(logtimefmt_esc); zbx_free(formula_esc); zbx_free(units_esc); zbx_free(trapper_hosts_esc); zbx_free(delay_flex_esc); zbx_free(name_esc); } DBend_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); if (16 < sql_offset) DBexecute("%s", sql); zbx_free(sql); if (0 == new_items) return; itemid = DBget_maxid_num("items", new_items); zbx_db_insert_prepare(&db_insert, "items", "itemid", "name", "key_", "hostid", "type", "value_type", "data_type", "delay", "delay_flex", "history", "trends", "status", "trapper_hosts", "units", "multiplier", "delta", "formula", "logtimefmt", "valuemapid", "params", "ipmi_sensor", "snmp_community", "snmp_oid", "snmpv3_securityname", "snmpv3_securitylevel", "snmpv3_authprotocol", "snmpv3_authpassphrase", "snmpv3_privprotocol", "snmpv3_privpassphrase", "authtype", "username", "password", "publickey", "privatekey", "templateid", "flags", "description", "inventory_link", "interfaceid", "lifetime", "snmpv3_contextname", "evaltype", "port", NULL); for (i = 0; i < items->values_num; i++) { zbx_template_item_t *item = items->values[i]; /* skip existing items */ if (NULL == item->key) continue; zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert, itemid, item->name, item->key, hostid, (int)item->type, (int)item->value_type, (int)item->data_type, item->delay, item->delay_flex, item->history, item->trends, (int)item->status, item->trapper_hosts, item->units, (int)item->multiplier, (int)item->delta, item->formula, item->logtimefmt, item->valuemapid, item->params, item->ipmi_sensor, item->snmp_community, item->snmp_oid, item->snmpv3_securityname, (int)item->snmpv3_securitylevel, (int)item->snmpv3_authprotocol, item->snmpv3_authpassphrase, (int)item->snmpv3_privprotocol, item->snmpv3_privpassphrase, (int)item->authtype, item->username, item->password, item->publickey, item->privatekey, item->templateid, (int)item->flags, item->description, (int)item->inventory_link, item->interfaceid, item->lifetime, item->snmpv3_contextname, (int)item->evaltype, item->port); item->itemid = itemid++; } zbx_db_insert_execute(&db_insert); zbx_db_insert_clean(&db_insert); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: update_checksums * * * * Purpose: overwrite old checksums with new ones * * * * Parameters: * * * * Return value: SUCCESS - calculated successfully * * FAIL - an error occurred * * * * Author: Alexei Vladishev * * * * Comments: * * * ******************************************************************************/ int update_checksums(int nodeid, int synked_nodetype, int synked, const char *tablename, const zbx_uint64_t id, const char *fields) { const char *__function_name = "update_checksums"; char *r[2], *d[2], sync[129], *s; char c[2], sql[2][256]; char cksum[32 * 72 + 72], *ck; char *exsql = NULL; size_t exsql_alloc = 64 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, exsql_offset = 0; int cksumtype; DB_RESULT result; DB_ROW row; int f; const ZBX_TABLE *table; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s()", __function_name); exsql = zbx_malloc(exsql, exsql_alloc); DBbegin(); DBbegin_multiple_update(&exsql, &exsql_alloc, &exsql_offset); c[0] = SUCCEED == synked ? '1' : ' '; /* for new and updated records */ c[1] = SUCCEED == synked ? '2' : ' '; /* for deleted records */ if (NULL != tablename) { zbx_snprintf(sql[0], sizeof(sql[0]), " and curr.tablename='%s' and curr.recordid=" ZBX_FS_UI64, tablename, id); zbx_snprintf(sql[1], sizeof(sql[1]), " and prev.tablename='%s' and prev.recordid=" ZBX_FS_UI64, tablename, id); } else { *sql[0] = '\0'; *sql[1] = '\0'; } result = DBselect( /* new records */ "select curr.tablename,curr.recordid,prev.cksum,curr.cksum,NULL" " from node_cksum curr" " left join node_cksum prev" " on prev.nodeid=curr.nodeid" " and prev.tablename=curr.tablename" " and prev.recordid=curr.recordid" " and prev.cksumtype=%d" " where curr.nodeid=%d" " and curr.cksumtype=%d" " and prev.tablename is null%s" " union all " /* updated records */ "select curr.tablename,curr.recordid,prev.cksum,curr.cksum,prev.sync" " from node_cksum curr, node_cksum prev" " where curr.nodeid=%d" " and prev.nodeid=curr.nodeid" " and curr.tablename=prev.tablename" " and curr.recordid=prev.recordid" " and curr.cksumtype=%d" " and prev.cksumtype=%d%s" " union all " /* deleted records */ "select prev.tablename,prev.recordid,prev.cksum,curr.cksum,prev.sync" " from node_cksum prev" " left join node_cksum curr" " on curr.nodeid=prev.nodeid" " and curr.tablename=prev.tablename" " and curr.recordid=prev.recordid" " and curr.cksumtype=%d" " where prev.nodeid=%d" " and prev.cksumtype=%d" " and curr.tablename is null%s", NODE_CKSUM_TYPE_OLD, nodeid, NODE_CKSUM_TYPE_NEW, sql[0], nodeid, NODE_CKSUM_TYPE_NEW, NODE_CKSUM_TYPE_OLD, sql[0], NODE_CKSUM_TYPE_NEW, nodeid, NODE_CKSUM_TYPE_OLD, sql[1]); while (NULL != (row = DBfetch(result))) { if (NULL == (table = DBget_table(row[0]))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "cannot find table [%s]", row[0]); continue; } memset(sync, ' ', sizeof(sync)); if (FAIL == DBis_null(row[4])) memcpy(sync, row[4], strlen(row[4])); s = sync; ck = cksum; *ck = '\0'; /* special (simpler) processing for operation DELETE */ if (SUCCEED == DBis_null(row[3])) { if (SUCCEED == synked) s[synked_nodetype] = c[1]; if ((0 == CONFIG_MASTER_NODEID || s[1] == c[1]) && (CONFIG_NODEID == nodeid || s[0] == c[1])) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&exsql, &exsql_alloc, &exsql_offset, "delete from node_cksum" " where nodeid=%d" " and cksumtype=%d" " and tablename='%s'" " and recordid=%s;\n", nodeid, NODE_CKSUM_TYPE_OLD, row[0], row[1]); DBexecute_overflowed_sql(&exsql, &exsql_alloc, &exsql_offset); continue; } s += 2; } else { r[0] = SUCCEED == DBis_null(row[2]) ? NULL : row[2]; r[1] = row[3]; f = 0; do { while ((table->fields[f].flags & ZBX_SYNC) == 0) f++; /* "host_inventory" table has more than 64 fields */ /* remaining fields are processed as one */ if (128 == s - sync) s -= 2; d[0] = NULL; d[1] = NULL; if (NULL != r[0] && NULL != (d[0] = strchr(r[0], ','))) *d[0] = '\0'; if (NULL != r[1] && NULL != (d[1] = strchr(r[1], ','))) *d[1] = '\0'; if (NULL == tablename || SUCCEED == str_in_list(fields, table->fields[f].name, ',')) { ck += zbx_snprintf(ck, 64, "%s,", NULL != r[1] ? r[1] : r[0]); if (NULL == r[0] || NULL == r[1] || 0 != strcmp(r[0], r[1])) { s[0] = s[1] = ' '; s[synked_nodetype] = c[0]; } else { if (SUCCEED == synked) s[synked_nodetype] = c[0]; } } else ck += zbx_snprintf(ck, 64, "%s,", NULL != r[0] ? r[0] : ""); s += 2; f++; if (d[0] != NULL) { *d[0] = ','; r[0] = d[0] + 1; } else r[0] = NULL; if (d[1] != NULL) { *d[1] = ','; r[1] = d[1] + 1; } else r[1] = NULL; } while (d[0] != NULL || d[1] != NULL); *--ck = '\0'; } *s = '\0'; if (SUCCEED == DBis_null(row[2]) || SUCCEED == DBis_null(row[3]) || 0 != strcmp(row[4], sync) || 0 != strcmp(row[2], row[3])) { cksumtype = (DBis_null(row[2]) == SUCCEED) ? NODE_CKSUM_TYPE_NEW : NODE_CKSUM_TYPE_OLD; zbx_snprintf_alloc(&exsql, &exsql_alloc, &exsql_offset, "update node_cksum" " set cksumtype=%d," "cksum='%s'," "sync='%s'" " where nodeid=%d" " and cksumtype=%d" " and tablename='%s'" " and recordid=%s;\n", NODE_CKSUM_TYPE_OLD, cksum, sync, nodeid, cksumtype, row[0], row[1]); DBexecute_overflowed_sql(&exsql, &exsql_alloc, &exsql_offset); } } DBfree_result(result); DBend_multiple_update(&exsql, &exsql_alloc, &exsql_offset); if (exsql_offset > 16) /* In ORACLE always present begin..end; */ DBexecute("%s", exsql); zbx_free(exsql); DBcommit(); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s()", __function_name); return SUCCEED; }
static void lld_graphs_save(zbx_uint64_t parent_graphid, zbx_vector_ptr_t *graphs, int width, int height, double yaxismin, double yaxismax, unsigned char show_work_period, unsigned char show_triggers, unsigned char graphtype, unsigned char show_legend, unsigned char show_3d, double percent_left, double percent_right, unsigned char ymin_type, unsigned char ymax_type) { const char *__function_name = "lld_graphs_save"; int i, j, new_graphs = 0, upd_graphs = 0, new_gitems = 0; zbx_lld_graph_t *graph; zbx_lld_gitem_t *gitem; zbx_vector_ptr_t upd_gitems; /* the ordered list of graphs_items which will be updated */ zbx_vector_uint64_t del_gitemids; zbx_uint64_t graphid = 0, graphdiscoveryid = 0, gitemid = 0; char *sql = NULL, *name_esc, *color_esc; size_t sql_alloc = 8 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, sql_offset = 0; zbx_db_insert_t db_insert, db_insert_gdiscovery, db_insert_gitems; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s()", __function_name); zbx_vector_ptr_create(&upd_gitems); zbx_vector_uint64_create(&del_gitemids); for (i = 0; i < graphs->values_num; i++) { graph = (zbx_lld_graph_t *)graphs->values[i]; if (0 == (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_DISCOVERED)) continue; if (0 == graph->graphid) new_graphs++; else if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE)) upd_graphs++; for (j = 0; j < graph->gitems.values_num; j++) { gitem = (zbx_lld_gitem_t *)graph->gitems.values[j]; if (0 != (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_DELETE)) { zbx_vector_uint64_append(&del_gitemids, gitem->gitemid); continue; } if (0 == (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_DISCOVERED)) continue; if (0 == gitem->gitemid) new_gitems++; else if (0 != (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_UPDATE)) zbx_vector_ptr_append(&upd_gitems, gitem); } } if (0 == new_graphs && 0 == new_gitems && 0 == upd_graphs && 0 == upd_gitems.values_num && 0 == del_gitemids.values_num) { goto out; } DBbegin(); if (0 != new_graphs) { graphid = DBget_maxid_num("graphs", new_graphs); graphdiscoveryid = DBget_maxid_num("graph_discovery", new_graphs); zbx_db_insert_prepare(&db_insert, "graphs", "graphid", "name", "width", "height", "yaxismin", "yaxismax", "show_work_period", "show_triggers", "graphtype", "show_legend", "show_3d", "percent_left", "percent_right", "ymin_type", "ymin_itemid", "ymax_type", "ymax_itemid", "flags", NULL); zbx_db_insert_prepare(&db_insert_gdiscovery, "graph_discovery", "graphdiscoveryid", "graphid", "parent_graphid", NULL); } if (0 != new_gitems) { gitemid = DBget_maxid_num("graphs_items", new_gitems); zbx_db_insert_prepare(&db_insert_gitems, "graphs_items", "gitemid", "graphid", "itemid", "drawtype", "sortorder", "color", "yaxisside", "calc_fnc", "type", NULL); } if (0 != upd_graphs || 0 != upd_gitems.values_num || 0 != del_gitemids.values_num) { sql = zbx_malloc(sql, sql_alloc); DBbegin_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); } for (i = 0; i < graphs->values_num; i++) { graph = (zbx_lld_graph_t *)graphs->values[i]; if (0 == (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_DISCOVERED)) continue; if (0 == graph->graphid) { zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert, graphid, graph->name, width, height, yaxismin, yaxismax, (int)show_work_period, (int)show_triggers, (int)graphtype, (int)show_legend, (int)show_3d, percent_left, percent_right, (int)ymin_type, graph->ymin_itemid, (int)ymax_type, graph->ymax_itemid, (int)ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED); zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert_gdiscovery, graphdiscoveryid, graphid, parent_graphid); graph->graphid = graphid++; graphdiscoveryid++; } else if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE)) { const char *d = ""; zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "update graphs set "); if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_NAME)) { name_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(graph->name); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "name='%s'", name_esc); zbx_free(name_esc); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_WIDTH)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%swidth=%d", d, width); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_HEIGHT)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%sheight=%d", d, height); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_YAXISMIN)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%syaxismin=" ZBX_FS_DBL, d, yaxismin); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_YAXISMAX)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%syaxismax=" ZBX_FS_DBL, d, yaxismax); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_SHOW_WORK_PERIOD)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%sshow_work_period=%d", d, (int)show_work_period); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_SHOW_TRIGGERS)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%sshow_triggers=%d", d, (int)show_triggers); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_GRAPHTYPE)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%sgraphtype=%d", d, (int)graphtype); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_SHOW_LEGEND)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%sshow_legend=%d", d, (int)show_legend); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_SHOW_3D)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%sshow_3d=%d", d, (int)show_3d); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_PERCENT_LEFT)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%spercent_left=" ZBX_FS_DBL, d, percent_left); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_PERCENT_RIGHT)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%spercent_right=" ZBX_FS_DBL, d, percent_right); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_YMIN_TYPE)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%symin_type=%d", d, (int)ymin_type); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_YMIN_ITEMID)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%symin_itemid=%s", d, DBsql_id_ins(graph->ymin_itemid)); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_YMAX_TYPE)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%symax_type=%d", d, (int)ymax_type); d = ","; } if (0 != (graph->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GRAPH_UPDATE_YMAX_ITEMID)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%symax_itemid=%s", d, DBsql_id_ins(graph->ymax_itemid)); } zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " where graphid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", graph->graphid); } for (j = 0; j < graph->gitems.values_num; j++) { gitem = (zbx_lld_gitem_t *)graph->gitems.values[j]; if (0 != (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_DELETE)) continue; if (0 == (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_DISCOVERED)) continue; if (0 == gitem->gitemid) { zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert_gitems, gitemid, graph->graphid, gitem->itemid, (int)gitem->drawtype, gitem->sortorder, gitem->color, (int)gitem->yaxisside, (int)gitem->calc_fnc, (int)gitem->type); gitem->gitemid = gitemid++; } } } for (i = 0; i < upd_gitems.values_num; i++) { const char *d = ""; gitem = (zbx_lld_gitem_t *)upd_gitems.values[i]; zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "update graphs_items set "); if (0 != (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_UPDATE_ITEMID)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "itemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64, gitem->itemid); d = ","; } if (0 != (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_UPDATE_DRAWTYPE)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%sdrawtype=%d", d, (int)gitem->drawtype); d = ","; } if (0 != (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_UPDATE_SORTORDER)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%ssortorder=%d", d, gitem->sortorder); d = ","; } if (0 != (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_UPDATE_COLOR)) { color_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(gitem->color); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%scolor='%s'", d, color_esc); zbx_free(color_esc); d = ","; } if (0 != (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_UPDATE_YAXISSIDE)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%syaxisside=%d", d, (int)gitem->yaxisside); d = ","; } if (0 != (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_UPDATE_CALC_FNC)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%scalc_fnc=%d", d, (int)gitem->calc_fnc); d = ","; } if (0 != (gitem->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_GITEM_UPDATE_TYPE)) zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%stype=%d", d, (int)gitem->type); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " where gitemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", gitem->gitemid); } if (0 != del_gitemids.values_num) { zbx_vector_uint64_sort(&del_gitemids, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC); zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "delete from graphs_items where"); DBadd_condition_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "gitemid", del_gitemids.values, del_gitemids.values_num); zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, ";\n"); } if (0 != upd_graphs || 0 != upd_gitems.values_num || 0 != del_gitemids.values_num) { DBend_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); DBexecute("%s", sql); zbx_free(sql); } if (0 != new_graphs) { zbx_db_insert_execute(&db_insert); zbx_db_insert_clean(&db_insert); zbx_db_insert_execute(&db_insert_gdiscovery); zbx_db_insert_clean(&db_insert_gdiscovery); } if (0 != new_gitems) { zbx_db_insert_execute(&db_insert_gitems); zbx_db_insert_clean(&db_insert_gitems); } DBcommit(); out: zbx_vector_uint64_destroy(&del_gitemids); zbx_vector_ptr_destroy(&upd_gitems); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s()", __function_name); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: update_items * * * * Purpose: process record update * * * * Parameters: * * * * Return value: SUCCEED - processed successfully * * FAIL - an error occurred * * * * Author: * * * * Comments: * * * ******************************************************************************/ static int process_items(char **sql, size_t *sql_alloc, size_t *sql_offset, int sender_nodeid, int nodeid, const ZBX_TABLE *table, const char *record, int lastrecord) { const char *r; int f, res = FAIL; zbx_uint64_t itemid = 0; char *value_esc; int clock, value_type = -1; double value_double; zbx_uint64_t value_uint64; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In process_items()"); if (*sql_offset == 0) DBbegin_multiple_update(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset); zbx_strcpy_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, "update items set prevvalue=lastvalue"); for (r = record, f = 0; table->fields[f].name != 0; f++) { if (0 != (table->flags & ZBX_HISTORY_SYNC) && 0 == (table->fields[f].flags & ZBX_HISTORY_SYNC)) continue; if (NULL == r) goto error; zbx_get_next_field(&r, &buffer, &buffer_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); if (0 == strcmp(table->fields[f].name, "itemid")) ZBX_STR2UINT64(itemid, buffer); if (table->fields[f].type == ZBX_TYPE_INT || table->fields[f].type == ZBX_TYPE_UINT || table->fields[f].type == ZBX_TYPE_ID || table->fields[f].type == ZBX_TYPE_FLOAT) { if (0 == strcmp(table->fields[f].name, "clock")) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, ",lastclock=%s", buffer); clock = atoi(buffer); } else if (0 == strcmp(table->fields[f].name, "value")) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, ",lastvalue=%s", buffer); value_type = table->fields[f].type; if (value_type == ZBX_TYPE_FLOAT) value_double = atof(buffer); else if (value_type == ZBX_TYPE_UINT) ZBX_STR2UINT64(value_uint64, buffer); } } else /* ZBX_TYPE_TEXT, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR */ { if (0 == strcmp(table->fields[f].name, "value")) { zbx_hex2binary(buffer); value_esc = DBdyn_escape_string_len(buffer, ITEM_LASTVALUE_LEN); zbx_snprintf_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, ",lastvalue='%s'", value_esc); zbx_free(value_esc); } } } if (value_type == ZBX_TYPE_FLOAT) DBadd_trend(itemid, value_double, clock); else if (value_type == ZBX_TYPE_UINT) DBadd_trend_uint(itemid, value_uint64, clock); zbx_snprintf_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, " where itemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", itemid); if (lastrecord || *sql_offset > ZBX_MAX_SQL_SIZE) { DBend_multiple_update(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset); if (DBexecute("%s", *sql) >= ZBX_DB_OK) res = SUCCEED; *sql_offset = 0; } else res = SUCCEED; return res; error: zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "NODE %d: Received invalid record from node %d for node %d [%s]", CONFIG_NODEID, sender_nodeid, nodeid, record); return FAIL; }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: process_record * * * * Purpose: process record update * * * * Parameters: * * * * Return value: SUCCEED - processed successfully * * FAIL - an error occurred * * * * Author: Alexei Vladishev * * * * Comments: * * * ******************************************************************************/ static int process_record(char **sql, size_t *sql_alloc, size_t *sql_offset, int sender_nodeid, int nodeid, const ZBX_TABLE *table, const char *record, int lastrecord, int acknowledges, zbx_vector_uint64_t *ack_eventids) { const char *r; int f, res = FAIL; char *value_esc; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In process_record()"); if (0 == *sql_offset) { DBbegin_multiple_update(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset); #ifdef HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT begin_history_sql(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, table); #endif } #if !defined(HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT) begin_history_sql(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, table); #endif zbx_chrcpy_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, '('); if (0 != (table->flags & ZBX_HISTORY_SYNC)) zbx_snprintf_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, "%d,", nodeid); for (r = record, f = 0; table->fields[f].name != 0; f++) { if (0 != (table->flags & ZBX_HISTORY_SYNC) && 0 == (table->fields[f].flags & ZBX_HISTORY_SYNC)) continue; if (NULL == r) goto error; zbx_get_next_field(&r, &buffer, &buffer_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); if (0 != acknowledges && 0 == strcmp(table->fields[f].name, "eventid")) { zbx_uint64_t eventid; ZBX_STR2UINT64(eventid, buffer); zbx_vector_uint64_append(ack_eventids, eventid); } if (table->fields[f].type == ZBX_TYPE_INT || table->fields[f].type == ZBX_TYPE_UINT || table->fields[f].type == ZBX_TYPE_ID || table->fields[f].type == ZBX_TYPE_FLOAT) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, "%s,", buffer); } else if (table->fields[f].type == ZBX_TYPE_BLOB) { if ('\0' == *buffer) zbx_strcpy_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, "'',"); else { #ifdef HAVE_POSTGRESQL size_t len; len = zbx_hex2binary(buffer); zbx_pg_escape_bytea((u_char *)buffer, len, &tmp, &tmp_alloc); zbx_snprintf_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, "'%s',", tmp); #else zbx_snprintf_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, "0x%s,", buffer); #endif } } else /* ZBX_TYPE_TEXT, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR */ { zbx_hex2binary(buffer); value_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(buffer); zbx_snprintf_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, "'%s',", value_esc); zbx_free(value_esc); } } (*sql_offset)--; #ifdef HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT zbx_strcpy_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, "),"); #else zbx_strcpy_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, ");\n"); #endif if (0 != lastrecord || *sql_offset > ZBX_MAX_SQL_SIZE) { #ifdef HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT (*sql_offset)--; zbx_strcpy_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, ";\n"); #endif DBend_multiple_update(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset); if (ZBX_DB_OK <= DBexecute("%s", *sql)) res = SUCCEED; *sql_offset = 0; if (SUCCEED == res && 0 != lastrecord && 0 != acknowledges && 0 != ack_eventids->values_num) { zbx_vector_uint64_sort(ack_eventids, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC); zbx_vector_uint64_uniq(ack_eventids, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC); zbx_strcpy_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, "update events" " set acknowledged=1" " where"); DBadd_condition_alloc(sql, sql_alloc, sql_offset, "eventid", ack_eventids->values, ack_eventids->values_num); if (ZBX_DB_OK > DBexecute("%s", *sql)) res = FAIL; *sql_offset = 0; } } else res = SUCCEED; return res; error: zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "NODE %d: Received invalid record from node %d for node %d [%s]", CONFIG_NODEID, sender_nodeid, nodeid, record); return FAIL; }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: lld_triggers_save * * * * Purpose: add or update triggers in database based on discovery rule * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void lld_triggers_save(zbx_uint64_t parent_triggerid, zbx_vector_ptr_t *triggers, unsigned char status, unsigned char type, unsigned char priority, const char *url) { const char *__function_name = "lld_triggers_save"; int i, j, new_triggers = 0, upd_triggers = 0, new_functions = 0; zbx_lld_trigger_t *trigger; zbx_lld_function_t *function; zbx_vector_ptr_t upd_functions; /* the ordered list of functions which will be updated */ zbx_vector_uint64_t del_functionids; zbx_uint64_t triggerid = 0, functionid = 0; unsigned char flags = ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UNSET; char *sql = NULL, *url_esc = NULL, *function_esc, *parameter_esc; size_t sql_alloc = 8 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, sql_offset = 0; zbx_db_insert_t db_insert, db_insert_tdiscovery, db_insert_tfunctions; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s()", __function_name); zbx_vector_ptr_create(&upd_functions); zbx_vector_uint64_create(&del_functionids); for (i = 0; i < triggers->values_num; i++) { trigger = (zbx_lld_trigger_t *)triggers->values[i]; if (0 == (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_DISCOVERED)) continue; if (0 == trigger->triggerid) { new_triggers++; } else if (0 != (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UPDATE)) { upd_triggers++; flags |= trigger->flags; } for (j = 0; j < trigger->functions.values_num; j++) { function = (zbx_lld_function_t *)trigger->functions.values[j]; if (0 != (function->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_FUNCTION_DELETE)) { zbx_vector_uint64_append(&del_functionids, function->functionid); continue; } if (0 == (function->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_FUNCTION_DISCOVERED)) continue; if (0 == function->functionid) new_functions++; else if (0 != (function->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_FUNCTION_UPDATE)) zbx_vector_ptr_append(&upd_functions, function); } } if (0 == new_triggers && 0 == new_functions && 0 == upd_triggers && 0 == upd_functions.values_num && 0 == del_functionids.values_num) { goto out; } DBbegin(); if (0 != new_triggers) { triggerid = DBget_maxid_num("triggers", new_triggers); zbx_db_insert_prepare(&db_insert, "triggers", "triggerid", "description", "expression", "priority", "status", "comments", "url", "type", "value", "state", "flags", NULL); zbx_db_insert_prepare(&db_insert_tdiscovery, "trigger_discovery", "triggerid", "parent_triggerid", NULL); } if (0 != new_functions) { functionid = DBget_maxid_num("functions", new_functions); zbx_db_insert_prepare(&db_insert_tfunctions, "functions", "functionid", "itemid", "triggerid", "function", "parameter", NULL); } if (0 != upd_triggers || 0 != upd_functions.values_num || 0 != del_functionids.values_num) { sql = zbx_malloc(sql, sql_alloc); DBbegin_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); } if (0 != (flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UPDATE_URL)) url_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(url); for (i = 0; i < triggers->values_num; i++) { char *description_esc, *expression_esc, *comments_esc; trigger = (zbx_lld_trigger_t *)triggers->values[i]; if (0 == (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_DISCOVERED)) continue; for (j = 0; j < trigger->functions.values_num; j++) { function = (zbx_lld_function_t *)trigger->functions.values[j]; if (0 != (function->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_FUNCTION_DELETE)) continue; if (0 == (function->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_FUNCTION_DISCOVERED)) continue; if (0 == function->functionid) { zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert_tfunctions, functionid, function->itemid, (0 == trigger->triggerid ? triggerid : trigger->triggerid), function->function, function->parameter); function->functionid = functionid++; } } if (0 == trigger->triggerid || 0 != (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UPDATE_EXPRESSION)) lld_expression_create(&trigger->expression, &trigger->functions); if (0 == trigger->triggerid) { zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert, triggerid, trigger->description, trigger->expression, (int)priority, (int)status, trigger->comments, url, (int)type, (int)TRIGGER_VALUE_OK, (int)TRIGGER_STATE_NORMAL, (int)ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED); zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert_tdiscovery, triggerid, parent_triggerid); trigger->triggerid = triggerid++; } else if (0 != (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UPDATE)) { const char *d = ""; zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "update triggers set "); if (0 != (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION)) { description_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(trigger->description); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "description='%s'", description_esc); zbx_free(description_esc); d = ","; } if (0 != (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UPDATE_EXPRESSION)) { expression_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(trigger->expression); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%sexpression='%s'", d, expression_esc); zbx_free(expression_esc); d = ","; } if (0 != (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UPDATE_TYPE)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%stype=%d", d, (int)type); d = ","; } if (0 != (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UPDATE_PRIORITY)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%spriority=%d", d, (int)priority); d = ","; } if (0 != (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UPDATE_COMMENTS)) { comments_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(trigger->comments); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%scomments='%s'", d, comments_esc); zbx_free(comments_esc); d = ","; } if (0 != (trigger->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_TRIGGER_UPDATE_URL)) zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%surl='%s'", d, url_esc); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " where triggerid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", trigger->triggerid); } } zbx_free(url_esc); zbx_vector_ptr_sort(&upd_functions, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_PTR_COMPARE_FUNC); for (i = 0; i < upd_functions.values_num; i++) { const char *d = ""; function = (zbx_lld_function_t *)upd_functions.values[i]; zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "update functions set "); if (0 != (function->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_FUNCTION_UPDATE_ITEMID)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "itemid=" ZBX_FS_UI64, function->itemid); d = ","; } if (0 != (function->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_FUNCTION_UPDATE_FUNCTION)) { function_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(function->function); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%sfunction='%s'", d, function_esc); zbx_free(function_esc); d = ","; } if (0 != (function->flags & ZBX_FLAG_LLD_FUNCTION_UPDATE_PARAMETER)) { parameter_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(function->parameter); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%sparameter='%s'", d, parameter_esc); zbx_free(parameter_esc); } zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " where functionid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", function->functionid); } if (0 != del_functionids.values_num) { zbx_vector_uint64_sort(&del_functionids, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC); zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "delete from functions where"); DBadd_condition_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "functionid", del_functionids.values, del_functionids.values_num); zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, ";\n"); } if (0 != upd_triggers || 0 != upd_functions.values_num || 0 != del_functionids.values_num) { DBend_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); DBexecute("%s", sql); zbx_free(sql); } if (0 != new_triggers) { zbx_db_insert_execute(&db_insert); zbx_db_insert_clean(&db_insert); zbx_db_insert_execute(&db_insert_tdiscovery); zbx_db_insert_clean(&db_insert_tdiscovery); } if (0 != new_functions) { zbx_db_insert_execute(&db_insert_tfunctions); zbx_db_insert_clean(&db_insert_tfunctions); } DBcommit(); out: zbx_vector_uint64_destroy(&del_functionids); zbx_vector_ptr_destroy(&upd_functions); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s()", __function_name); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: process_deleted_records * * * * Purpose: * * * * Parameters: * * * * Return value: * * * * Author: Alexander Vladishev * * * * Comments: * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void process_deleted_records(int nodeid, char *data) { const char *__function_name = "process_deleted_records"; typedef struct { const ZBX_TABLE *table; zbx_vector_uint64_t recids; void *next; } zbx_records_t; char *r, *lf; zbx_uint64_t recid; char *sql = NULL; size_t sql_alloc = 4 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, sql_offset = 0; zbx_records_t *first = NULL, *rec; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s()", __function_name); for (r = data; '\0' != *r;) { if (NULL != (lf = strchr(r, '\n'))) *lf = '\0'; zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); /* table name */ if (NULL == first || 0 != strcmp(first->table->table, buf)) { rec = zbx_malloc(NULL, sizeof(zbx_records_t)); if (NULL == (rec->table = DBget_table(buf))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s(): cannot find table [%s]", __function_name, buf); zbx_free(rec); goto next; } zbx_vector_uint64_create(&rec->recids); rec->next = first; first = rec; } zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); /* record id */ ZBX_STR2UINT64(recid, buf); zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); /* operation type */ if ('2' == *buf) /* deleted record */ zbx_vector_uint64_append(&rec->recids, recid); next: if (lf != NULL) { *lf++ = '\n'; r = lf; } else break; } sql = zbx_malloc(sql, sql_alloc); DBbegin_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); for (rec = first; NULL != rec; rec = rec->next) { if (0 == rec->recids.values_num) continue; zbx_vector_uint64_sort(&rec->recids, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "delete from %s where", rec->table->table); DBadd_condition_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, rec->table->recid, rec->recids.values, rec->recids.values_num); zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, ";\n"); DBexecute_overflowed_sql(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); } DBend_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); if (sql_offset > 16) /* in ORACLE always present begin..end; */ DBexecute("%s", sql); zbx_free(sql); while (NULL != first) { rec = first; first = rec->next; zbx_vector_uint64_destroy(&rec->recids); zbx_free(rec); } zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s()", __function_name); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: process_updated_records * * * * Purpose: * * * * Parameters: * * * * Return value: * * * * Author: Alexander Vladishev * * * * Comments: * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void process_updated_records(int nodeid, char *data) { const char *__function_name = "process_updated_records"; char *r, *lf, *value_esc; int op, dnum; const ZBX_TABLE *table = NULL; const ZBX_FIELD *field = NULL; zbx_uint64_t recid; char *dsql = NULL, *isql = NULL, *ifld = NULL, *ival = NULL, *usql = NULL, *ufld = NULL; size_t dsql_alloc = 4 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, dsql_offset = 0, dtmp_offset = 0, isql_alloc = 4 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, isql_offset = 0, ifld_alloc = 4 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, ifld_offset = 0, ival_alloc = 4 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, ival_offset = 0, usql_alloc = 4 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, usql_offset = 0, ufld_alloc = 4 * ZBX_KIBIBYTE, ufld_offset = 0; DB_RESULT result; DB_ROW row; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s()", __function_name); dsql = zbx_malloc(dsql, dsql_alloc); isql = zbx_malloc(isql, isql_alloc); ifld = zbx_malloc(ifld, ifld_alloc); ival = zbx_malloc(ival, ival_alloc); usql = zbx_malloc(usql, usql_alloc); ufld = zbx_malloc(ufld, ufld_alloc); #ifdef HAVE_ORACLE DBbegin_multiple_update(&dsql, &dsql_alloc, &dsql_offset); DBbegin_multiple_update(&isql, &isql_alloc, &isql_offset); DBbegin_multiple_update(&usql, &usql_alloc, &usql_offset); #endif for (r = data; '\0' != *r;) { if (NULL != (lf = strchr(r, '\n'))) *lf = '\0'; /* table name */ zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); if (NULL == table || 0 != strcmp(table->table, buf)) { if (NULL == (table = DBget_table(buf))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s(): cannot find table [%s]", __function_name, buf); goto next; } } /* record id */ zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); ZBX_STR2UINT64(recid, buf); if (NULL == r) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s(): invalid record", __function_name); goto next; } if ('0' == *r) /* NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_UPDATE */ { result = DBselect("select 0 from %s where %s=" ZBX_FS_UI64, table->table, table->recid, recid); if (NULL == (row = DBfetch(result))) op = NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_ADD; else op = NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_UPDATE; DBfree_result(result); zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); ifld_offset = 0; ival_offset = 0; ufld_offset = 0; dtmp_offset = dsql_offset; dnum = 0; if (op == NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_ADD && NULL != table->uniq) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&dsql, &dsql_alloc, &dsql_offset, "delete from %s where ", table->table); } while (NULL != r) { /* field name */ zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); if (NULL == (field = DBget_field(table, buf))) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s(): cannot find field [%s.%s]", __function_name, table->table, buf); goto next; } if (NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_UPDATE == op) zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ufld, &ufld_alloc, &ufld_offset, "%s=", buf); else /* NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_ADD */ zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ifld, &ifld_alloc, &ifld_offset, "%s,", buf); /* value type (ignored) */ zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); zbx_get_next_field((const char **)&r, &buf, &buf_alloc, ZBX_DM_DELIMITER); if (0 == strcmp(buf, "NULL")) { if (NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_UPDATE == op) zbx_strcpy_alloc(&ufld, &ufld_alloc, &ufld_offset, "NULL,"); else /* NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_ADD */ zbx_strcpy_alloc(&ival, &ival_alloc, &ival_offset, "NULL,"); continue; } switch (field->type) { case ZBX_TYPE_ID: /* if the field relates the same table * for example: host.proxy_hostid relates with host.hostid */ if (NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_ADD == op && NULL != field->fk_table && 0 == strcmp(table->table, field->fk_table)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ufld, &ufld_alloc, &ufld_offset, "%s=%s,", field->name, buf); zbx_strcpy_alloc(&ival, &ival_alloc, &ival_offset, "NULL,"); break; } case ZBX_TYPE_INT: case ZBX_TYPE_UINT: case ZBX_TYPE_FLOAT: if (NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_UPDATE == op) zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ufld, &ufld_alloc, &ufld_offset, "%s,", buf); else /* NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_ADD */ { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ival, &ival_alloc, &ival_offset, "%s,", buf); if (NULL != table->uniq && SUCCEED == str_in_list(table->uniq, field->name, ',')) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&dsql, &dsql_alloc, &dsql_offset, "%s=%s and ", field->name, buf); dnum++; } } break; case ZBX_TYPE_BLOB: if ('\0' == *buf) { if (NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_UPDATE == op) zbx_strcpy_alloc(&ufld, &ufld_alloc, &ufld_offset, "'',"); else /* NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_ADD */ zbx_strcpy_alloc(&ival, &ival_alloc, &ival_offset, "'',"); } else { #if defined(HAVE_POSTGRESQL) size_t len; len = zbx_hex2binary(buf); DBbytea_escape((u_char *)buf, len, &tmp, &tmp_alloc); if (NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_UPDATE == op) zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ufld, &ufld_alloc, &ufld_offset, "'%s',", tmp); else /* NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_ADD */ zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ival, &ival_alloc, &ival_offset, "'%s',", tmp); #else if (NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_UPDATE == op) zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ufld, &ufld_alloc, &ufld_offset, "0x%s,", buf); else /* NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_ADD */ zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ival, &ival_alloc, &ival_offset, "0x%s,", buf); #endif } break; default: /* ZBX_TYPE_TEXT, ZBX_TYPE_CHAR */ zbx_hex2binary(buf); value_esc = DBdyn_escape_string(buf); if (NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_UPDATE == op) zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ufld, &ufld_alloc, &ufld_offset, "'%s',", value_esc); else /* NODE_CONFIGLOG_OP_ADD */ { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&ival, &ival_alloc, &ival_offset, "'%s',", value_esc); if (NULL != table->uniq && SUCCEED == str_in_list(table->uniq, field->name, ',')) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&dsql, &dsql_alloc, &dsql_offset, "%s='%s' and ", field->name, value_esc); dnum++; } } zbx_free(value_esc); } } if (dsql_offset != dtmp_offset) { if (dnum != num_param(table->uniq)) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s(): missing required fields [%s][%s]", __function_name, table->table, table->uniq); dsql_offset = dtmp_offset; goto next; } dsql_offset -= 5; zbx_strcpy_alloc(&dsql, &dsql_alloc, &dsql_offset, ";\n"); } if (0 != ifld_offset) { ifld[--ifld_offset] = '\0'; ival[--ival_offset] = '\0'; zbx_snprintf_alloc(&isql, &isql_alloc, &isql_offset, "insert into %s (%s,%s) values (" ZBX_FS_UI64 ",%s);\n", table->table, table->recid, ifld, recid, ival); } if (0 != ufld_offset) { ufld[--ufld_offset] = '\0'; zbx_snprintf_alloc(&usql, &usql_alloc, &usql_offset, "update %s set %s where %s=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", table->table, ufld, table->recid, recid); } if (dsql_offset > ZBX_MAX_SQL_SIZE || isql_offset > ZBX_MAX_SQL_SIZE || usql_offset > ZBX_MAX_SQL_SIZE) { DBend_multiple_update(&dsql, &dsql_alloc, &dsql_offset); DBend_multiple_update(&isql, &isql_alloc, &isql_offset); DBend_multiple_update(&usql, &usql_alloc, &usql_offset); if (dsql_offset > 16) DBexecute("%s", dsql); if (isql_offset > 16) DBexecute("%s", isql); if (usql_offset > 16) DBexecute("%s", usql); dsql_offset = 0; isql_offset = 0; usql_offset = 0; #ifdef HAVE_ORACLE DBbegin_multiple_update(&dsql, &dsql_alloc, &dsql_offset); DBbegin_multiple_update(&isql, &isql_alloc, &isql_offset); DBbegin_multiple_update(&usql, &usql_alloc, &usql_offset); #endif } } next: if (lf != NULL) { *lf++ = '\n'; r = lf; } else break; } DBend_multiple_update(&dsql, &dsql_alloc, &dsql_offset); DBend_multiple_update(&isql, &isql_alloc, &isql_offset); DBend_multiple_update(&usql, &usql_alloc, &usql_offset); if (dsql_offset > 16) DBexecute("%s", dsql); if (isql_offset > 16) DBexecute("%s", isql); if (usql_offset > 16) DBexecute("%s", usql); zbx_free(ufld); zbx_free(usql); zbx_free(ival); zbx_free(ifld); zbx_free(isql); zbx_free(dsql); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s()", __function_name); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: add_discovered_host_groups * * * * Purpose: add group to host if not added already * * * * Author: Alexander Vladishev * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void add_discovered_host_groups(zbx_uint64_t hostid, zbx_vector_uint64_t *groupids) { const char *__function_name = "add_discovered_host_groups"; DB_RESULT result; DB_ROW row; zbx_uint64_t groupid; char *sql = NULL; size_t sql_alloc = 256, sql_offset = 0; int i; zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In %s()", __function_name); sql = zbx_malloc(sql, sql_alloc); zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "select groupid" " from hosts_groups" " where hostid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 " and", hostid); DBadd_condition_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "groupid", groupids->values, groupids->values_num); result = DBselect("%s", sql); while (NULL != (row = DBfetch(result))) { ZBX_STR2UINT64(groupid, row[0]); if (FAIL == (i = zbx_vector_uint64_bsearch(groupids, groupid, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC))) { THIS_SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN; continue; } zbx_vector_uint64_remove_noorder(groupids, i); } DBfree_result(result); if (0 != groupids->values_num) { const char *ins_hosts_groups_sql = "insert into hosts_groups (hostgroupid,hostid,groupid) values "; zbx_uint64_t hostgroupid; hostgroupid = DBget_maxid_num("hosts_groups", groupids->values_num); sql_offset = 0; DBbegin_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); #ifdef HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, ins_hosts_groups_sql); #endif for (i = 0; i < groupids->values_num; i++) { #ifndef HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, ins_hosts_groups_sql); #endif zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "(" ZBX_FS_UI64 "," ZBX_FS_UI64 "," ZBX_FS_UI64 ")" ZBX_ROW_DL, hostgroupid++, hostid, groupids->values[i]); } #ifdef HAVE_MULTIROW_INSERT sql_offset--; zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, ";\n"); #endif DBend_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); DBexecute("%s", sql); } zbx_free(sql); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "End of %s()", __function_name); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: db_update_event_suppress_data * * * * Purpose: create/update event suppress data to reflect latest maintenance * * changes in cache * * * * Parameters: suppressed_num - [OUT] the number of suppressed events * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void db_update_event_suppress_data(int *suppressed_num) { zbx_vector_ptr_t event_queries, event_data; *suppressed_num = 0; zbx_vector_ptr_create(&event_queries); zbx_vector_ptr_create(&event_data); db_get_query_events(&event_queries, &event_data); if (0 != event_queries.values_num) { zbx_db_insert_t db_insert; char *sql = NULL; size_t sql_alloc = 0, sql_offset = 0; int i, j, k; zbx_event_suppress_query_t *query; zbx_event_suppress_data_t *data; zbx_vector_uint64_pair_t del_event_maintenances; zbx_vector_uint64_t maintenanceids; zbx_uint64_pair_t pair; zbx_vector_uint64_create(&maintenanceids); zbx_vector_uint64_pair_create(&del_event_maintenances); db_get_query_functions(&event_queries); db_get_query_tags(&event_queries); zbx_dc_get_running_maintenanceids(&maintenanceids); DBbegin(); if (0 != maintenanceids.values_num && SUCCEED == zbx_db_lock_maintenanceids(&maintenanceids)) zbx_dc_get_event_maintenances(&event_queries, &maintenanceids); zbx_db_insert_prepare(&db_insert, "event_suppress", "event_suppressid", "eventid", "maintenanceid", "suppress_until", NULL); DBbegin_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); for (i = 0; i < event_queries.values_num; i++) { query = (zbx_event_suppress_query_t *)event_queries.values[i]; zbx_vector_uint64_pair_sort(&query->maintenances, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC); k = 0; if (FAIL != (j = zbx_vector_ptr_bsearch(&event_data, &query->eventid, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_PTR_COMPARE_FUNC))) { data = (zbx_event_suppress_data_t *)event_data.values[j]; zbx_vector_uint64_pair_sort(&data->maintenances, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC); j = 0; while (j < data->maintenances.values_num && k < query->maintenances.values_num) { if (data->maintenances.values[j].first < query->maintenances.values[k].first) { pair.first = query->eventid; pair.second = data->maintenances.values[j].first; zbx_vector_uint64_pair_append(&del_event_maintenances, pair); j++; continue; } if (data->maintenances.values[j].first > query->maintenances.values[k].first) { if (0 == query->r_eventid) { zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert, __UINT64_C(0), query->eventid, query->maintenances.values[k].first, (int)query->maintenances.values[k].second); (*suppressed_num)++; } k++; continue; } if (data->maintenances.values[j].second != query->maintenances.values[k].second) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "update event_suppress" " set suppress_until=%d" " where eventid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 " and maintenanceid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", (int)query->maintenances.values[k].second, query->eventid, query->maintenances.values[k].first); if (FAIL == DBexecute_overflowed_sql(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset)) goto cleanup; } j++; k++; } for (;j < data->maintenances.values_num; j++) { pair.first = query->eventid; pair.second = data->maintenances.values[j].first; zbx_vector_uint64_pair_append(&del_event_maintenances, pair); } } if (0 == query->r_eventid) { for (;k < query->maintenances.values_num; k++) { zbx_db_insert_add_values(&db_insert, __UINT64_C(0), query->eventid, query->maintenances.values[k].first, (int)query->maintenances.values[k].second); (*suppressed_num)++; } } } for (i = 0; i < del_event_maintenances.values_num; i++) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "delete from event_suppress" " where eventid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 " and maintenanceid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", del_event_maintenances.values[i].first, del_event_maintenances.values[i].second); if (FAIL == DBexecute_overflowed_sql(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset)) goto cleanup; } DBend_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); if (16 < sql_offset) { if (ZBX_DB_OK > DBexecute("%s", sql)) goto cleanup; } zbx_db_insert_autoincrement(&db_insert, "event_suppressid"); zbx_db_insert_execute(&db_insert); cleanup: DBcommit(); zbx_db_insert_clean(&db_insert); zbx_free(sql); zbx_vector_uint64_pair_destroy(&del_event_maintenances); zbx_vector_uint64_destroy(&maintenanceids); } zbx_vector_ptr_clear_ext(&event_data, (zbx_clean_func_t)event_suppress_data_free); zbx_vector_ptr_destroy(&event_data); zbx_vector_ptr_clear_ext(&event_queries, (zbx_clean_func_t)zbx_event_suppress_query_free); zbx_vector_ptr_destroy(&event_queries); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: db_update_host_maintenances * * * * Purpose: update host maintenance properties in database * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void db_update_host_maintenances(const zbx_vector_ptr_t *updates) { int i; const zbx_host_maintenance_diff_t *diff; char *sql = NULL; size_t sql_alloc = 0, sql_offset = 0; DBbegin_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); for (i = 0; i < updates->values_num; i++) { char delim = ' '; diff = (const zbx_host_maintenance_diff_t *)updates->values[i]; zbx_strcpy_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "update hosts set"); if (0 != (diff->flags & ZBX_FLAG_HOST_MAINTENANCE_UPDATE_MAINTENANCEID)) { if (0 != diff->maintenanceid) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%cmaintenanceid=" ZBX_FS_UI64, delim, diff->maintenanceid); } else { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%cmaintenanceid=null", delim); } delim = ','; } if (0 != (diff->flags & ZBX_FLAG_HOST_MAINTENANCE_UPDATE_MAINTENANCE_TYPE)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%cmaintenance_type=%u", delim, diff->maintenance_type); delim = ','; } if (0 != (diff->flags & ZBX_FLAG_HOST_MAINTENANCE_UPDATE_MAINTENANCE_STATUS)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%cmaintenance_status=%u", delim, diff->maintenance_status); delim = ','; } if (0 != (diff->flags & ZBX_FLAG_HOST_MAINTENANCE_UPDATE_MAINTENANCE_FROM)) { zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, "%cmaintenance_from=%d", delim, diff->maintenance_from); } zbx_snprintf_alloc(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset, " where hostid=" ZBX_FS_UI64 ";\n", diff->hostid); if (SUCCEED != DBexecute_overflowed_sql(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset)) break; if (SUCCEED == ZBX_CHECK_LOG_LEVEL(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)) log_host_maintenance_update(diff); } DBend_multiple_update(&sql, &sql_alloc, &sql_offset); if (16 < sql_offset) DBexecute("%s", sql); zbx_free(sql); }