예제 #1
int p_broadcast_send(struct p_broadcast_conn *c, const void *data, size_t length)
	PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] Sending message of size %d\n", (int)length);

		PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] ^ Error: Broadcast packet is too long.\n");
		return 0;

	if (c == NULL)
		PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] ^ Error: Broadcast Connection is NULL\n");
		return 0;

	packetbuf_set_addr(PACKETBUF_ADDR_SENDER, &linkaddr_node_addr);
	packetbuf_set_datalen(length + sizeof(uint16_t));

	// copy payload into packet
	memcpy(packetbuf_dataptr(), data, length);

	// copy hash to end of packet
	uint16_t hash = packet_hash(data, length);
	memcpy(packetbuf_dataptr() + (uintptr_t)length, &hash, sizeof(uint16_t));

	PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] ^ Hash: %02X Datalen: %d\n", hash, packetbuf_datalen());
	PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] ^ Data: ");
	DEBUG_DUMP_DATA(packetbuf_dataptr(), packetbuf_datalen());

	int status = abc_send(&(c->abc));

	if (status == 0)
		PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] Broadcast could not be sent.\n");

	return status;
예제 #2
static void recv_from_abc(struct abc_conn *bc)

	if (bc == NULL)
		PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] Error: ABC Connection is NULL\n");

	linkaddr_t sender;
	struct p_broadcast_conn *c = (struct p_broadcast_conn *)bc;

	linkaddr_copy(&sender, packetbuf_addr(PACKETBUF_ADDR_SENDER));

	uint16_t actual_hash = packet_hash(packetbuf_dataptr(), packetbuf_datalen() - sizeof(uint16_t));
	uint8_t *hash_ptr = packetbuf_dataptr() + (uintptr_t)(packetbuf_datalen() - sizeof(uint16_t));
	uint16_t transmitted_hash = (hash_ptr[1] << 8) + (hash_ptr[0]);

	PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] Received message of size %d from %d.%d.\n", packetbuf_datalen() - sizeof(uint16_t), sender.u8[0], sender.u8[1]);
	PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] ^ Data: ");
	DEBUG_DUMP_DATA(packetbuf_dataptr(), packetbuf_datalen());

	PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] ^ Hash: %02X\n", transmitted_hash);

	if (actual_hash != transmitted_hash)
		PRINTF("[pbroadcast.c] ^ Incorrect hash (expected %02X, but is %02X); discarding received packet.\n", transmitted_hash, actual_hash);

	if (c->received)
		c->received(c, &sender, packetbuf_dataptr(), packetbuf_datalen() - sizeof(uint16_t));
예제 #3
int beginServerHandshake( INOUT SESSION_INFO *sessionInfoPtr, 
						  INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO *handshakeInfo )
	STREAM *stream = &handshakeInfo->stream;
	int length, resumedSessionID = CRYPT_ERROR;
	int packetOffset, status;

	assert( isWritePtr( sessionInfoPtr, sizeof( SESSION_INFO ) ) );
	assert( isWritePtr( handshakeInfo, sizeof( SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO ) ) );

	/* Read and process the client hello */
	status = readHSPacketSSL( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, &length,
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );
	sMemConnect( stream, sessionInfoPtr->receiveBuffer, length );
	status = processHelloSSL( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, stream, TRUE );
	sMemDisconnect( stream );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		if( status != OK_SPECIAL )
			return( status );

		/* The client has sent us a sessionID in an attempt to resume a 
		   previous session, see if it's in the session cache */
		resumedSessionID = \
			lookupScoreboardEntry( sessionInfoPtr->sessionSSL->scoreboardInfoPtr,
					SCOREBOARD_KEY_SESSIONID_SVR, handshakeInfo->sessionID, 
					&lookupResult );
		resumedSessionID = CRYPT_ERROR;	/* Disable for Suite B tests */

	/* Handle session resumption.  If it's a new session or the session data 
	   has expired from the cache, generate a new session ID */
	if( cryptStatusError( resumedSessionID ) )
		setMessageData( &msgData, handshakeInfo->sessionID, SESSIONID_SIZE );
		status = krnlSendMessage( SYSTEM_OBJECT_HANDLE, 
								  IMESSAGE_GETATTRIBUTE_S, &msgData, 
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			return( status );
		handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength = SESSIONID_SIZE;
		/* We're resuming a previous session, remember the premaster secret */
		status = attributeCopyParams( handshakeInfo->premasterSecret, 
									  lookupResult.dataSize );
		ENSURES( cryptStatusOK( status ) );

	/* Get the nonce that's used to randomise all crypto operations and set 
	   up the server DH/ECDH context if necessary */
	setMessageData( &msgData, handshakeInfo->serverNonce, SSL_NONCE_SIZE );
	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) && isKeyxAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) )
		status = initDHcontextSSL( &handshakeInfo->dhContext, NULL, 0,
							( handshakeInfo->authAlgo != CRYPT_ALGO_NONE ) ? \
							sessionInfoPtr->privateKey : CRYPT_UNUSED,
							isEccAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) ? \
								handshakeInfo->eccCurveID : CRYPT_ECCCURVE_NONE );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );

	/* Build the server hello, certificate, optional certificate request, 
	   and done packets:

		uint24		len
		byte[2]		version = { 0x03, 0x0n }
		byte[32]	nonce
		byte		sessIDlen
		byte[]		sessID
		uint16		suite
		byte		copr = 0
	  [	uint16	extListLen		-- RFC 3546/RFC 4366
			byte	extType
			uint16	extLen
			byte[]	extData ] 

	   We have to be careful how we handle extensions because the RFC makes 
	   the rather optimistic assumption that implementations can handle the 
	   presence of unexpected data at the end of the hello packet, to avoid 
	   problems with this we avoid sending extensions unless they're in 
	   response to extensions already sent by the client */
	status = openPacketStreamSSL( stream, sessionInfoPtr, CRYPT_USE_DEFAULT, 
								  SSL_MSG_HANDSHAKE );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );
	status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_SERVER_HELLO, 
									 &packetOffset );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		sMemDisconnect( stream );
		return( status );
	sputc( stream, SSL_MAJOR_VERSION );
	sputc( stream, sessionInfoPtr->version );
	swrite( stream, handshakeInfo->serverNonce, SSL_NONCE_SIZE );
	sputc( stream, handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength );
	swrite( stream, handshakeInfo->sessionID, 
			handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength );
	writeUint16( stream, handshakeInfo->cipherSuite ); 
	status = sputc( stream, 0 );	/* No compression */
	if( handshakeInfo->hasExtensions )
		status = writeServerExtensions( stream, handshakeInfo );
	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
		status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		sMemDisconnect( stream );
		return( status );

	/* If it's a resumed session then the server hello is followed 
	   immediately by the change cipherspec, which is sent by the shared 
	   handshake completion code */
	if( !cryptStatusError( resumedSessionID ) )
		status = completePacketStreamSSL( stream, 0 );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			status = hashHSPacketWrite( handshakeInfo, stream, 0 );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

		/* Tell the caller that it's a resumed session, leaving the stream
		   open in order to write the change cipherspec message that follows 
		   the server hello in a resumed session */
		DEBUG_PRINT(( "Resuming session with client based on "
					  "sessionID = \n" ));
		DEBUG_DUMP_DATA( handshakeInfo->sessionID, 
						 handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength );
		return( OK_SPECIAL );

	/*	...	(optional server supplemental data)
		uint24		len
		uint16		type
		uint16		len
		byte[]		value
		... */

	/*	...
		(optional server certificate chain)
		... */
	if( handshakeInfo->authAlgo != CRYPT_ALGO_NONE )
		status = writeSSLCertChain( sessionInfoPtr, stream );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

	/*	...			(optional server keyex)
		uint24		len
		uint16		dh_pLen
		byte[]		dh_p
		uint16		dh_gLen
		byte[]		dh_g
		uint16		dh_YsLen
		byte[]		dh_Ys
	  [	byte		hashAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
	  [	byte		sigAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
		uint16		signatureLen
		byte[]		signature
		byte		curveType
		uint16		namedCurve
		uint8		ecPointLen		-- NB uint8 not uint16
		byte[]		ecPoint
	  [	byte		hashAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
	  [	byte		sigAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
		uint16		signatureLen
		byte[]		signature */
	if( isKeyxAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) )
		KEYAGREE_PARAMS keyAgreeParams;
		void *keyData = DUMMY_INIT_PTR;
		int keyDataOffset, keyDataLength = DUMMY_INIT;

		/* Perform phase 1 of the DH/ECDH key agreement process */
		memset( &keyAgreeParams, 0, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
		status = krnlSendMessage( handshakeInfo->dhContext,
								  IMESSAGE_CTX_ENCRYPT, &keyAgreeParams,
								  sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			zeroise( &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

		/* Write the DH/ECDH key parameters and public value and sign them */
		status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_SERVER_KEYEXCHANGE, 
										 &packetOffset );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			zeroise( &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );
		keyDataOffset = stell( stream );
		status = exportAttributeToStream( stream, handshakeInfo->dhContext,
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			if( isEccAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) )
				sputc( stream, keyAgreeParams.publicValueLen );
				swrite( stream, keyAgreeParams.publicValue,
						keyAgreeParams.publicValueLen );
				status = writeInteger16U( stream, keyAgreeParams.publicValue, 
										  keyAgreeParams.publicValueLen );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			keyDataLength = stell( stream ) - keyDataOffset;
			status = sMemGetDataBlockAbs( stream, keyDataOffset, &keyData, 
										  keyDataLength );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			status = createKeyexSignature( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo,
										   stream, keyData, keyDataLength );
		zeroise( &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

	/*	...			(optional request for client certificate authentication)
		uint24		len
		byte		certTypeLen
		byte[]		certType = { RSA, DSA, ECDSA }
	  [	uint16	sigHashListLen		-- TLS 1.2 ]
	  [		byte	hashAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
	  [		byte	sigAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
		uint16		caNameListLen = 4
			uint16	caNameLen = 2
			byte[]	caName = { 0x30, 0x00 }
		... */
	if( clientCertAuthRequired( sessionInfoPtr ) )
		status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_SERVER_CERTREQUEST, 
										 &packetOffset );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );
		status = writeCertRequest( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, stream );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

	/*	...
		uint24		len = 0 */
	status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_SERVER_HELLODONE, 
									 &packetOffset );
	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
		status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		sMemDisconnect( stream );
		return( status );

	/* Send the combined server packets to the client.  We perform the 
	   assorted hashing of the packets in between the network ops where 
	   it's effectively free */
	status = sendPacketSSL( sessionInfoPtr, stream, FALSE );
	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
		status = hashHSPacketWrite( handshakeInfo, stream, 0 );
	sMemDisconnect( stream );
	return( status );