예제 #1
/** initialize()
	Sets up the UARTS, configures pin directions, says hello, then blinks at you.
void initialize(void)
	//init the UART0 to the Computer
	stdout = &uart_output;
	stdin  = &uart_input;
	//Initialize the AX12 UART1
	//Initialize Pin Directions and States for I/O

	//We're live.  Say Hello
	//Blink The Board LED and all Dynamixel LEDs to show We're good to go
	for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++) ax12SetRegister(i, AX_LED, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++) ax12SetRegister(i, AX_LED, 1);
	for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++) ax12SetRegister(i, AX_LED, 0);
예제 #2
	USB interrupt handler

	@todo Get all 11 bits of frame number instead of just 8

	Endpoint interrupts are mapped to the slow interrupt
void USBHwISR(void)
	U32	dwStatus;
	U32 dwIntBit;
	U8	bEPStat, bDevStat, bStat;
	int i;
	U16	wFrame;

// LED9 monitors total time in interrupt routine

	// handle device interrupts
	dwStatus = USBDevIntSt;

	// frame interrupt
	if (dwStatus & FRAME) {
		// clear int
		USBDevIntClr = FRAME;
		// call handler
		if (_pfnFrameHandler != NULL) {

	// device status interrupt
	if (dwStatus & DEV_STAT) {
		/*	Clear DEV_STAT interrupt before reading DEV_STAT register.
			This prevents corrupted device status reads, see
			LPC2148 User manual revision 2, 25 july 2006.
		USBDevIntClr = DEV_STAT;
		bDevStat = USBHwCmdRead(CMD_DEV_STATUS);
		if (bDevStat & (CON_CH | SUS_CH | RST)) {
			// convert device status into something HW independent
			bStat = ((bDevStat & CON) ? DEV_STATUS_CONNECT : 0) |
					((bDevStat & SUS) ? DEV_STATUS_SUSPEND : 0) |
					((bDevStat & RST) ? DEV_STATUS_RESET : 0);
			// call handler
			if (_pfnDevIntHandler != NULL) {

	// endpoint interrupt
	if (dwStatus & EP_SLOW) {
		// clear EP_SLOW
		USBDevIntClr = EP_SLOW;
		// check all endpoints
		for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
			dwIntBit = (1 << i);
			if (USBEpIntSt & dwIntBit) {
				// clear int (and retrieve status)
				USBEpIntClr = dwIntBit;
				bEPStat = USBCmdData;
				// convert EP pipe stat into something HW independent
				bStat = ((bEPStat & EPSTAT_FE) ? EP_STATUS_DATA : 0) |
						((bEPStat & EPSTAT_ST) ? EP_STATUS_STALLED : 0) |
						((bEPStat & EPSTAT_STP) ? EP_STATUS_SETUP : 0) |
						((bEPStat & EPSTAT_EPN) ? EP_STATUS_NACKED : 0) |
						((bEPStat & EPSTAT_PO) ? EP_STATUS_ERROR : 0);
				// call handler
				if (_apfnEPIntHandlers[i / 2] != NULL) {
					_apfnEPIntHandlers[i / 2](IDX2EP(i), bStat);

예제 #3
/** Main program entry point. This routine contains the overall program flow
int main(void)
	initialize(); 	//Configures Ports, sets default values, etc.

	//Loop Forever
	for (;;)
		//we add data starting with an '.' to the buffer until we get the newline character.
		fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin); 	//Get the actual input (reads up to and including newline character)
		cmd = input[1]; 						//command char is always the first char of the input data after the '.'
		//Command = 'q' - Query for the current status
		if (cmd == 'q')
			memset(input, 0, sizeof(input)); 							//Clear previous input
			fprintf(stdout, ".q%d,%d\n",   FIRMWARE_VERSION, NUM_MOTORS);  			//ACK w/ Firmware Version, # of Motors
		//Command = 'l' - Command to Control Debug LED
		else if (cmd == 'l')
			if (input[2] == '1')		DEBUG_LED_ON();					//Turn LED On
			else if (input[2] == '0')	DEBUG_LED_OFF();				//Turn LED Off
			memset(input, 0, sizeof(input)); 							//Clear previous input
			fprintf(stdout, ".l%d\n", DEBUG_LED_STATE());				//ACK		
		//Command = 'v' - Sets all motor speeds
		//Comma separated entries telling all motors to set certain speeds
		//Assumes motor IDs are 0 <-> NUM_MOTORS-1
		else if (cmd == 'v')
			parse_serial();						//Read the input string to an array of values
			memset(input, 0, sizeof(input)); 	//Clear previous input
			//send those speed commands
			for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++)
				ax12SetRegister2(i, AX_GOAL_SPEED_L, vals[i]);
			//Only after we have commanded all the speeds, can we check the status
			fprintf(stdout, ".v");														//ACK Character
			//Send ACK Info
			for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++)
				fprintf(stdout, "%d", ax12GetRegister(i, AX_GOAL_SPEED_L, 2));	//Return velocity setting
				if (i<NUM_MOTORS-1) fprintf(stdout, ",");								//Print delimiter
			fprintf(stdout, "\n");														//ACK Newline
		//Command = 'c' - Command all the motors to a new position
		//Comma separated entries telling all motors to move to positions from 0-1023
		//Assumes motor IDs are 0 <-> NUM_MOTORS-1
		else if (cmd == 'c')
			parse_serial();						//Read the input string to an array of positions
			memset(input, 0, sizeof(input)); 	//Clear previous input
			//send those position commands
			for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++)
				ax12SetRegister2(i, AX_GOAL_POSITION_L, vals[i]);
			//Only after we have commanded all the positions, can we check the status
			fprintf(stdout, ".c");														//ACK Character
			//Send ACK Info
			for (int i = 0; i<NUM_MOTORS; i++)
				while(ax12GetRegister(i,AX_MOVING,1));									//Wait for this motor to finish moving
				fprintf(stdout, "%d", ax12GetRegister(i, AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L, 2));	//Return the present position
				if (i<NUM_MOTORS-1) fprintf(stdout, ",");								//Print delimiter
			fprintf(stdout, "\n");														//ACK Newline
