예제 #1
void GameEngine::calculateFrameRate()
	m_FrameCount += 1;
	m_FrameCountThisSecond += 1;

	double currentTime = al_current_time();
	if (currentTime - m_LastSecondTime >= 1.0)
		m_LastFrameRate = m_FrameCountThisSecond / (currentTime - m_LastSecondTime);
		m_LastSecondTime = currentTime;
		m_FrameCountThisSecond = 0;

		DEBUG_SHOW("DEBUG MAIN", "Frame Rate", std::to_string(m_LastFrameRate));
		DEBUG_SHOW("DEBUG MAIN", "Frame Total", std::to_string(m_FrameCount));
예제 #2
void Weaver::weave(PrintObject* object, CommandSocket* commandSocket)
    int maxz = object->max().z;

    int layer_count = (maxz - initial_layer_thickness) / connectionHeight + 1;


    std::vector<cura::Slicer*> slicerList;

    for(Mesh& mesh : object->meshes)
        cura::Slicer* slicer = new cura::Slicer(&mesh, initial_layer_thickness, connectionHeight, layer_count, mesh.getSettingBoolean("meshfix_keep_open_polygons"), mesh.getSettingBoolean("meshfix_extensive_stitching"));

    int starting_layer_idx;
    { // find first non-empty layer
        for (starting_layer_idx = 0; starting_layer_idx < layer_count; starting_layer_idx++)
            Polygons parts;
            for (cura::Slicer* slicer : slicerList)
            if (parts.size() > 0)
        if (starting_layer_idx > 0)
            logError("First %i layers are empty!\n", starting_layer_idx);
    std::cerr<< "chainifying layers..." << std::endl;
        int starting_z = -1;
        for (cura::Slicer* slicer : slicerList)
        if (commandSocket)
            commandSocket->sendPolygons(Inset0Type, 0, wireFrame.bottom_outline);
        wireFrame.z_bottom = slicerList[0]->layers[starting_layer_idx].z;
        Point starting_point_in_layer;
        if (wireFrame.bottom_outline.size() > 0)
            starting_point_in_layer = (wireFrame.bottom_outline.max() + wireFrame.bottom_outline.min()) / 2;
            starting_point_in_layer = (Point(0,0) + object->max() + object->min()) / 2;
        for (int layer_idx = starting_layer_idx + 1; layer_idx < layer_count; layer_idx++)
            logProgress("inset", layer_idx+1, layer_count); // abuse the progress system of the normal mode of CuraEngine
            Polygons parts1;
            for (cura::Slicer* slicer : slicerList)

            Polygons chainified;

            chainify_polygons(parts1, starting_point_in_layer, chainified, false);
            if (commandSocket)
                commandSocket->sendPolygons(Inset0Type, layer_idx - starting_layer_idx, chainified);
            if (chainified.size() > 0)
                if (starting_z == -1) starting_z = slicerList[0]->layers[layer_idx-1].z;
                WeaveLayer& layer = wireFrame.layers.back();
                layer.z0 = slicerList[0]->layers[layer_idx-1].z - starting_z;
                layer.z1 = slicerList[0]->layers[layer_idx].z - starting_z;
                layer.supported = chainified;
                starting_point_in_layer = layer.supported.back().back();
    std::cerr<< "finding horizontal parts..." << std::endl;
        Polygons* lower_top_parts = &wireFrame.bottom_outline;
        for (unsigned int layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < wireFrame.layers.size(); layer_idx++)
            logProgress("skin", layer_idx+1, wireFrame.layers.size()); // abuse the progress system of the normal mode of CuraEngine
            WeaveLayer& layer = wireFrame.layers[layer_idx];
            Polygons empty;
            Polygons& layer_above = (layer_idx+1 < wireFrame.layers.size())? wireFrame.layers[layer_idx+1].supported : empty;
            createHorizontalFill(*lower_top_parts, layer, layer_above, layer.z1);
            lower_top_parts = &layer.supported;
    // at this point layer.supported still only contains the polygons to be connected
    // when connecting layers, we further add the supporting polygons created by the roofs
    std::cerr<< "connecting layers..." << std::endl;
        Polygons* lower_top_parts = &wireFrame.bottom_outline;
        int last_z = wireFrame.z_bottom;
        for (unsigned int layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < wireFrame.layers.size(); layer_idx++) // use top of every layer but the last
            WeaveLayer& layer = wireFrame.layers[layer_idx];
            connect_polygons(*lower_top_parts, last_z, layer.supported, layer.z1, layer);
            lower_top_parts = &layer.supported;
            last_z = layer.z1;

    { // roofs:
        WeaveLayer& top_layer = wireFrame.layers.back();
        Polygons to_be_supported; // empty for the top layer
        fillRoofs(top_layer.supported, to_be_supported, -1, top_layer.z1, top_layer.roofs);
    { // bottom:
        Polygons to_be_supported; // is empty for the bottom layer, cause the order of insets doesn't really matter (in a sense everything is to be supported)
        fillRoofs(wireFrame.bottom_outline, to_be_supported, -1, wireFrame.layers.front().z0, wireFrame.bottom_infill);