예제 #1
static int read_comm_map_info(int pexoid, int Proc, PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
                              MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
  /* Local declarations. */
  char *yo = "read_comm_map_info";
  int  ielem, imap, loc_elem, iblk, max_len, offset, index;
  int  nnodei, nnodeb, nnodee, nelemi, nelemb, nncmap;
  int *int_elem, *bor_elem;
  int *proc_ids;
  int *gids, *my_procs, *recv_procs;
  int  ierr, nrecv;
  int  msg = 200;
  int  sid;
  ELEM_INFO_PTR elements = mesh->elements;
  ZOLTAN_COMM_OBJ *comm_obj;

  E_Type etype;

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  if (ne_get_loadbal_param(pexoid, &nnodei, &nnodeb, &nnodee,
                     &nelemi, &nelemb, &nncmap, &(mesh->necmap), Proc) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ne_get_loadbal_param");
    return 0;

   * get the list of the border elements in order to set
   * the border flag in the element structures
  int_elem = (int *) malloc ((nelemi + nelemb) * sizeof(int));
  if (!int_elem) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  bor_elem = int_elem + nelemi;

  if (ne_get_elem_map(pexoid, int_elem, bor_elem, Proc) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ne_get_elem_map");
    return 0;

  for (ielem = 0; ielem < nelemb; ielem++) {
    elements[bor_elem[ielem]-1].border = 1;


   * For now, only get the elemental communication maps,
   * since, in the driver, elements are only considered
   * adjacent if they share a face (same definition used
   * in element communication maps). Eventually, the ability
   * to consider elements that are connected by any nodes
   * adjacent will have to be added. When that happens,
   * the nodal communication maps will be needed.
  mesh->ecmap_cnt = (int *) malloc (mesh->necmap * sizeof(int));
  mesh->ecmap_id = (int *) malloc(mesh->necmap * sizeof(int));
  if (!mesh->ecmap_cnt || !mesh->ecmap_id) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  if (ne_get_cmap_params(pexoid, NULL, NULL, mesh->ecmap_id, 
                         mesh->ecmap_cnt, Proc) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ne_get_cmap_params");
    return 0;

  max_len = 0;
  for (imap = 0; imap < mesh->necmap; imap++)
    max_len += mesh->ecmap_cnt[imap];

  proc_ids = (int *) malloc(4 * max_len * sizeof(int));
  gids = proc_ids + max_len;
  my_procs = gids + max_len;
  recv_procs = my_procs + max_len;
  mesh->ecmap_elemids = (int *) malloc(max_len * sizeof(int));
  mesh->ecmap_sideids = (int *) malloc(max_len * sizeof(int));
  mesh->ecmap_neighids = (int *) malloc(max_len * sizeof(int));
  if (!mesh->ecmap_elemids || !mesh->ecmap_sideids || !mesh->ecmap_neighids) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  offset = 0;
  for (imap = 0; imap < mesh->necmap; imap++) {

    if(ne_get_elem_cmap(pexoid, mesh->ecmap_id[imap],
                        &(proc_ids[offset]), Proc) < 0) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ne_get_elem_cmap");
      return 0;
    offset += mesh->ecmap_cnt[imap];
  } /* End: "for (imap = 0; imap < mesh->necmap; imap++)" */

   * Decrement the ecmap_elemids by one for zero-based local numbering.
   * Convert the element ids to global ids to send to
   * the neighboring processor.
  for (ielem = 0; ielem < max_len; ielem++) {
    gids[ielem] = elements[mesh->ecmap_elemids[ielem]].globalID;
    my_procs[ielem] = Proc;
   * Now communicate with other processor to get global IDs
   * for the adjacent elements in this communication map.

  ierr = Zoltan_Comm_Create(&comm_obj, max_len, proc_ids, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
                            msg, &nrecv);
  if (ierr != ZOLTAN_OK) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from Zoltan_Comm_Create");
    return 0;
  if (nrecv != max_len) {
    /* Sanity check; this should never happen. */
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from Zoltan_Comm_Create");
    return 0;

  /* Exchange ids to neighbors.  
   * Assuming messages will be stored in order of processor number in 
   * ecmap_neighids. 
  ierr = Zoltan_Comm_Do(comm_obj, msg+1, (char *) gids, sizeof(int), 
                        (char *) (mesh->ecmap_neighids));

  /* Exchange sanity check information. 
   * Allows to check assumption that messages are stored in order of
   * processor number.
  if (ierr == ZOLTAN_OK)
    ierr = Zoltan_Comm_Do(comm_obj, msg+2, (char *) my_procs, sizeof(int), 
                          (char *) recv_procs);

  if (ierr != ZOLTAN_OK) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from Zoltan_Comm_Do");
    return 0;

  ierr = Zoltan_Comm_Destroy(&comm_obj);

  /* Sanity check: messages stored in order of processor number. */
  for (ielem = 0; ielem < max_len; ielem++) {
    if (proc_ids[ielem] != recv_procs[ielem]) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Sanity check failed; assumption wrong");
      return 0;

  /* now process all of the element ids that have been received */
  offset = 0;
  for (imap = 0; imap < mesh->necmap; imap++) {
    for (ielem = 0; ielem < mesh->ecmap_cnt[imap]; ielem++) {
      index = ielem + offset;
      /* translate from element id in the communication map to local elem id */
      loc_elem = mesh->ecmap_elemids[index];
      iblk = elements[loc_elem].elem_blk;
      etype = (E_Type) (mesh->eb_etypes[iblk]);

      if(elements[loc_elem].nadj > elements[loc_elem].adj_len) {
        /* Shouldn't happen as long as only side adjacencies are used. */
        /* adj_len == number of sides.                                 */
        /* Space should already be allocated for the adjacencies read  */
        /* from the communication maps.                                */
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Number of adj greater than adj_len");
        return 0;

      /* Store adjacency info in the adj entry corresponding to this side. */
      sid = mesh->ecmap_sideids[index] - 1;
      elements[loc_elem].adj[sid] = mesh->ecmap_neighids[index];
      elements[loc_elem].adj_proc[sid] = mesh->ecmap_id[imap];
      elements[loc_elem].edge_wgt[sid] =
             (float) get_elem_info(NSNODES, etype, mesh->ecmap_sideids[index]);

    } /* End: "for (ielem = 0; ielem < mesh->ecmap_cnt[imap]; ielem++)" */
    offset += mesh->ecmap_cnt[imap];
  } /* End: "for for (imap = 0; imap < mesh->necmap; imap++)" */
  free (proc_ids);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #2
int chaco_input_geom(
ZOLTAN_FILE *fingeom,		/* geometry input file */
char     *geomname,		/* name of geometry file */
int       nvtxs,		/* number of coordinates to read */
int      *igeom,		/* dimensionality of geometry */
float   **x,         		/* coordinates of vertices */
float   **y,
float   **z
    const char     *yo = "chaco_input_geom";
    float     xc, yc, zc =0;	/* first x, y, z coordinate */
    int       nread;		/* number of lines of coordinates read */
    int       flag;		/* any bad data at end of file? */
    int       line_num;		/* counts input lines in file */
    int       end_flag;		/* return conditional */
    int       ndims;		/* number of values in an input line */
    int       i=0;		/* loop counter */


    *x = *y = *z = NULL;
    line_num = 0;
    end_flag = 1;
    while (end_flag == 1) {
	xc = read_val(fingeom, &end_flag);

    if (end_flag == -1) {
	printf("No values found in geometry file `%s'\n", geomname);
	return (1);

    ndims = 1;
    yc = read_val(fingeom, &end_flag);
    if (end_flag == 0) {
	ndims = 2;
	zc = read_val(fingeom, &end_flag);
	if (end_flag == 0) {
	    ndims = 3;
	    read_val(fingeom, &end_flag);
	    if (!end_flag) {
		printf("Too many values on input line of geometry file `%s'\n",

		printf(" Maximum dimensionality is 3\n");
		return (1);

    *igeom = ndims;

    *x = (float *) malloc((unsigned) nvtxs * sizeof(float));
    (*x)[0] = xc;
    if (ndims > 1) {
	*y = (float *) malloc((unsigned) nvtxs * sizeof(float));
	(*y)[0] = yc;
    if (ndims > 2) {
	*z = (float *) malloc((unsigned) nvtxs * sizeof(float));
	(*z)[0] = zc;

    for (nread = 1; nread < nvtxs; nread++) {
	if (ndims == 1) {
	    i = ZOLTAN_FILE_scanf(fingeom, "%f", &((*x)[nread]));
	else if (ndims == 2) {
	    i = ZOLTAN_FILE_scanf(fingeom, "%f%f", &((*x)[nread]), &((*y)[nread]));
	else if (ndims == 3) {
	    i = ZOLTAN_FILE_scanf(fingeom, "%f%f%f", &((*x)[nread]), &((*y)[nread]),

	if (i == EOF) {
	    printf("Too few lines of values in geometry file; nvtxs=%d, but only %d read\n",
		   nvtxs, nread);
	    return (1);
	else if (i != ndims) {
	    printf("Wrong number of values in line %d of geometry file `%s'\n",
		   line_num, geomname);
	    return (1);

    /* Check for spurious extra stuff in file. */
    flag = 0;
    end_flag = 0;
    while (!flag && end_flag != -1) {
	read_val(fingeom, &end_flag);
	if (!end_flag)
	    flag = 1;
    if (flag && Debug_Chaco_Input) {
	printf("Warning: possible error in geometry file `%s'\n", geomname);
	printf(" Numerical data found after expected end of file\n");


    DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
    return (0);
예제 #3
int chaco_input_graph(
ZOLTAN_FILE *fin,			/* input file */
char     *inname,		/* name of input file */
int     **start,		/* start of edge list for each vertex */
int     **adjacency,		/* edge list data */
int      *nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in graph */
int      *vwgt_dim,		/* # of vertex weights per node */
float   **vweights,		/* vertex weight list data */
int      *ewgt_dim,		/* # of edge weights per edge */
float   **eweights 		/* edge weight list data */
    const char     *yo = "chaco_input_graph";
    int      *adjptr;		/* loops through adjacency data */
    float    *ewptr;		/* loops through edge weight data */
    int       narcs;		/* number of edges expected in graph */
    int       nedges;		/* twice number of edges really in graph */
    int       nedge;		/* loops through edges for each vertex */
    int       flag;		/* condition indicator */
    int       found_flag;	/* is vertex found in adjacency list? */
    int       skip_flag;	/* should this edge be ignored? */
    int       end_flag;		/* indicates end of line or file */
    int       vtx;		/* vertex in graph */
    int       line_num;		/* line number in input file */
    int       sum_edges;	/* total number of edges read so far */
    int       option = 0;	/* input option */
    int       using_ewgts;	/* are edge weights in input file? */
    int       using_vwgts;	/* are vertex weights in input file? */
    int       vtxnums;		/* are vertex numbers in input file? */
    int       vertex;		/* current vertex being read */
    int       new_vertex;	/* new vertex being read */
    float     weight;		/* weight being read */
    float     eweight;		/* edge weight being read */
    int       neighbor;		/* neighbor of current vertex */
    int       self_edge;	/* is a self edge encountered? */
    int       ignore_me;	/* is this edge being ignored? */
    int       ignored;		/* how many edges are ignored? */
    int       error_flag;	/* error reading input? */
    int       j;		/* loop counters */


    /* Read first line  of input (= nvtxs, narcs, option). */
    /* The (decimal) digits of the option variable mean: 1's digit not zero => input
       edge weights 10's digit not zero => input vertex weights 100's digit not zero
       => include vertex numbers */

    *start = NULL;
    *adjacency = NULL;
    *vweights = NULL;
    *eweights = NULL;

    error_flag = 0;
    line_num = 0;

    /* Read any leading comment lines */
    end_flag = 1;
    while (end_flag == 1) {
	*nvtxs = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
    if (*nvtxs <= 0) {
	printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
	printf(" Invalid number of vertices (%d).\n", *nvtxs);

    narcs = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
    if (narcs < 0) {
	printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
	printf(" Invalid number of expected edges (%d).\n", narcs);

    /*  Check if vertex or edge weights are used */
    if (!end_flag) {
	option = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
    using_ewgts = option - 10 * (option / 10);
    option /= 10;
    using_vwgts = option - 10 * (option / 10);
    option /= 10;
    vtxnums = option - 10 * (option / 10);

    /* Get weight dimensions from Chaco option */
    (*vwgt_dim) = using_vwgts;
    (*ewgt_dim) = using_ewgts;

    /* Read weight dimensions if they are specified separately */
    if (!end_flag && using_vwgts==1){
       j = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
       if (!end_flag) (*vwgt_dim) = j;
    if (!end_flag && using_ewgts==1){
       j = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
       if (!end_flag) (*ewgt_dim) = j;

    /* Discard rest of line */
    while (!end_flag)
	j = read_int(fin, &end_flag);

    /* Allocate space for rows and columns. */
    *start = (int *) malloc((unsigned) (*nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(int));
    if (narcs != 0)
	*adjacency = (int *) malloc((unsigned) (2 * narcs + 1) * sizeof(int));
	*adjacency = NULL;

    if (using_vwgts)
	*vweights = (float *) malloc((unsigned) (*nvtxs) * (*vwgt_dim) * sizeof(float));
	*vweights = NULL;

    if (using_ewgts)
	*eweights = (float *)
                     malloc((unsigned) (2 * narcs + 1) * (*ewgt_dim) * sizeof(float));
	*eweights = NULL;

    adjptr = *adjacency;
    ewptr = *eweights;
    self_edge = 0;
    ignored = 0;

    sum_edges = 0;
    nedges = 0;
    (*start)[0] = 0;
    vertex = 0;
    vtx = 0;
    new_vertex = TRUE;
    while ((using_vwgts || vtxnums || narcs) && end_flag != -1) {

	/* If multiple input lines per vertex, read vertex number. */
	if (vtxnums) {
	    j = read_int(fin, &end_flag);
	    if (end_flag) {
		if (vertex == *nvtxs)
		printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
		printf(" no vertex number in line %d.\n", line_num);
		return (1);
	    if (j != vertex && j != vertex + 1) {
		printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
		printf(" out-of-order vertex number in line %d.\n", line_num);
		return (1);
	    if (j != vertex) {
		new_vertex = TRUE;
		vertex = j;
		new_vertex = FALSE;
	    vertex = ++vtx;

	if (vertex > *nvtxs)

	/* If vertices are weighted, read vertex weight. */
	if (using_vwgts && new_vertex) {
            for (j=0; j<(*vwgt_dim); j++){
	    	weight = read_val(fin, &end_flag);
	    	if (end_flag) {
			printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
			printf(" not enough weights for vertex %d.\n", vertex);
			return (1);
	    	if ((weight < 0) && Debug_Chaco_Input) {
			printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
			printf(" negative weight entered for vertex %d.\n", vertex);
			return (1);
	    	(*vweights)[(vertex-1)*(*vwgt_dim)+j] = weight;

	nedge = 0;

	/* Read number of adjacent vertex. */
	neighbor = read_int(fin, &end_flag);

	while (!end_flag) {
	    skip_flag = FALSE;
	    ignore_me = FALSE;

            if (Debug_Chaco_Input){

    	    if (neighbor > *nvtxs) {
    		printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
    		printf(" nvtxs=%d, but edge (%d,%d) was input.\n",
    		       *nvtxs, vertex, neighbor);
    		return (1);
    	    if (neighbor < 0) {
    		printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
    		printf(" negative vertex in edge (%d,%d).\n",
    		       vertex, neighbor);
    		return (1);

    	    if (neighbor == vertex) {
    		if (!self_edge && Debug_Chaco_Input) {
    		    printf("WARNING: Self edge (%d, %d) being ignored.\n",
    			   vertex, vertex);
    		skip_flag = TRUE;

    	    /* Check if adjacency is repeated. */
    	    if (!skip_flag) {
    		found_flag = FALSE;
    		for (j = (*start)[vertex - 1]; !found_flag && j < sum_edges + nedge; j++) {
    		    if ((*adjacency)[j] == neighbor)
    			found_flag = TRUE;
    		if (found_flag) {
    		    printf("WARNING: Multiple occurences of edge (%d,%d) ignored\n",
    			vertex, neighbor);
    		    skip_flag = TRUE;
    		    if (!ignore_me) {
    			ignore_me = TRUE;

	    if (using_ewgts) {	/* Read edge weight if it's being input. */
                for (j=0; j<(*ewgt_dim); j++){
		    eweight = read_val(fin, &end_flag);

		    if (end_flag) {
		        printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
		        printf(" not enough weights for edge (%d,%d).\n", vertex, neighbor);
		        return (1);

		    if (eweight <= 0 && Debug_Chaco_Input) {
		        printf("WARNING: Bad weight entered for edge (%d,%d).  Edge ignored.\n",
			   vertex, neighbor);
		        skip_flag = TRUE;
		        if (!ignore_me) {
			    ignore_me = TRUE;
		    else {
		        *ewptr++ = eweight;

            if (Debug_Chaco_Input){

	        /* Check for edge only entered once. */
	        if (neighbor < vertex && !skip_flag) {
		    found_flag = FALSE;
		    for (j = (*start)[neighbor - 1]; !found_flag && j < (*start)[neighbor]; j++) {
		        if ((*adjacency)[j] == vertex)
			    found_flag = TRUE;
		    if (!found_flag) {
		        printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
		        printf(" Edge (%d, %d) entered but not (%d, %d)\n",
			       vertex, neighbor, neighbor, vertex);
		        error_flag = 1;

	    /* Add edge to data structure. */
	    if (!skip_flag) {
		if (++nedges > 2*narcs) {
		    printf("ERROR in graph file `%s':", inname);
		    printf(" at least %d adjacencies entered, but nedges = %d\n",
			nedges, narcs);
		    return (1);
		*adjptr++ = neighbor;

	    /* Read number of next adjacent vertex. */
	    neighbor = read_int(fin, &end_flag);

	sum_edges += nedge;
	(*start)[vertex] = sum_edges;

    /* Make sure there's nothing else in file. */
    flag = FALSE;
    while (!flag && end_flag != -1) {
	read_int(fin, &end_flag);
	if (!end_flag)
	    flag = TRUE;
    if (flag && Debug_Chaco_Input) {
	printf("WARNING: Possible error in graph file `%s'\n", inname);
	printf("         Data found after expected end of file\n");

    (*start)[*nvtxs] = sum_edges;

    if (self_edge > 1 && Debug_Chaco_Input) {
	printf("WARNING: %d self edges were read and ignored.\n", self_edge);

    if (vertex != 0) {		/* Normal file was read. */
	/* Make sure narcs was reasonable. */
	if (nedges + 2 * self_edge != 2 * narcs &&
	    nedges + 2 * self_edge + ignored != 2 * narcs &&
		nedges + self_edge != 2 * narcs &&
		nedges + self_edge + ignored != 2 * narcs &&
		nedges != 2 * narcs &&
		nedges + ignored != 2 * narcs &&
		Debug_Chaco_Input) {
	    printf("WARNING: I expected %d edges entered twice, but I only count %d.\n",
	        narcs, nedges);

    else {
	/* Graph was empty */
	if (*adjacency != NULL)
	if (*vweights != NULL)
	if (*eweights != NULL)
	*start = NULL;
	*adjacency = NULL;


    DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
    return (error_flag);
예제 #4
/* Read from file and set up hypergraph. */
int read_hypergraph_file(
  int Proc,
  int Num_Proc,
  PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
  /* Local declarations. */
  const char  *yo = "read_hypergraph_file";
  char   cmesg[256];

  int    i, gnvtxs, distributed_pins = 0, edge, vertex, nextEdge;
  int    nvtxs = 0, gnhedges = 0, nhedges = 0, npins = 0;
  int    vwgt_dim=0, hewgt_dim=0, vtx, edgeSize, global_npins;
  int   *hindex = NULL, *hvertex = NULL, *hvertex_proc = NULL;
  int   *hgid = NULL;
  float *hewgts = NULL, *vwgts = NULL;
  int base = 0;   /* Smallest vertex number; usually zero or one. */
  char filename[256];

  /* Variables that allow graph-based functions to be reused. */
  /* If no chaco.graph or chaco.coords files exist, values are NULL or 0,
   * since graph is not being built. If chaco.graph and/or chaco.coords
   * exist, these arrays are filled and values stored in mesh.
   * Including these files allows for comparison of HG methods with other
   * methods, along with visualization of results and comparison of
   * LB_Eval results.
  int    ch_nvtxs = 0;        /* Temporary values for chaco_read_graph.   */
#ifdef KDDKDD
  int    ch_vwgt_dim = 0;     /* Their values are ignored, as vertex      */
  float *ch_vwgts = NULL;     /* info is provided by hypergraph file.     */
  int   *ch_start = NULL, *ch_adj = NULL, ch_ewgt_dim = 0;
  short *ch_assignments = NULL;
  float *ch_ewgts = NULL;
  int    ch_ndim = 0;
  float *ch_x = NULL, *ch_y = NULL, *ch_z = NULL;
  int    ch_no_geom = TRUE;   /* Assume no geometry info is given; reset if
				 it is provided. */
  int    file_error = 0;

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  if (Proc == 0) {

    /* Open and read the hypergraph file. */
    if (pio_info->file_type == HYPERGRAPH_FILE)
      sprintf(filename, "%s.hg", pio_info->pexo_fname);
    else if (pio_info->file_type == MATRIXMARKET_FILE)
      sprintf(filename, "%s.mtx", pio_info->pexo_fname);
    else {
	sprintf(cmesg, "fatal:  invalid file type %d", pio_info->file_type);
	Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
	return 0;

      fp = ZOLTAN_FILE_open(filename, "r", pio_info->file_comp);
      file_error = (fp == NULL);

  MPI_Bcast(&file_error, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if (file_error) {
      "fatal:  Could not open hypergraph file %s",pio_info->pexo_fname);
    Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
    return 0;

  if (pio_info->file_type == HYPERGRAPH_FILE) {
    /* read the array in on processor 0 */
    if (Proc == 0) {
      if (HG_readfile(Proc, fp, &nvtxs, &nhedges, &npins,
		    &hindex, &hvertex, &vwgt_dim, &vwgts,
		    &hewgt_dim, &hewgts, &base) != 0){
	Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from HG_readfile");
	return 0;
  else if (pio_info->file_type == MATRIXMARKET_FILE) {
     * pio_info->chunk_reader == 0  (the usual case)
     *   process 0 will read entire file in MM_readfile,
     *   and will distribute vertices in chaco_dist_graph and pins in
     *   dist_hyperedges later.   (distributed_pins==0)
     * pio_info->chunk_reader == 1  ("initial read = chunks" in zdrive.inp)
     *   process 0 will read the file in chunks, and will send vertices
     *   and pins to other processes before reading the next chunk, all
     *   in MM_readfile.  (distributed_pins==1)

    if (MM_readfile(Proc, Num_Proc, fp, pio_info,
		    &nvtxs,     /* global number of vertices */
		    &nhedges,   /* global number of hyperedges */
		    &npins,     /* local number of pins */
		    &hindex, &hvertex, &vwgt_dim, &vwgts,
		    &hewgt_dim, &hewgts, &ch_start, &ch_adj,
		    &ch_ewgt_dim, &ch_ewgts, &base, &global_npins)) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from MM_readfile");
      return 0;

    if (Proc == 0) ZOLTAN_FILE_close(fp);

    if ((Num_Proc > 1) && pio_info->chunk_reader && (global_npins > Num_Proc)){
      distributed_pins = 1;
      distributed_pins = 0;

#ifdef KDDKDD
   /* If CHACO graph file is available, read it. */

   sprintf(filename, "%s.graph", pio_info->pexo_fname);

   fp = ZOLTAN_FILE_open(filename, "r", pio_info->file_comp);
   file_error =
     (fp == NULL);

   if (!file_error) {
      /* CHACO graph file is available. */
      /* Assuming hypergraph vertices are same as chaco vertices. */
      /* Chaco vertices and their weights are ignored in rest of function. */
      if (chaco_input_graph(fp, filename, &ch_start, &ch_adj, &ch_nvtxs,
		      &ch_vwgt_dim, &ch_vwgts, &ch_ewgt_dim, &ch_ewgts) != 0) {
	Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_input_graph");
	return 0;
     ch_nvtxs = nvtxs;

    /* If coordinate file is available, read it. */
   sprintf(filename, "%s.coords", pio_info->pexo_fname);

   fp = ZOLTAN_FILE_open(filename, "r", pio_info->file_comp);
   file_error =
     (fp == NULL);

    if (!file_error) {
      /* CHACO coordinates file is available. */
      ch_no_geom = FALSE;
      if (chaco_input_geom(fpkdd, filename, ch_nvtxs, &ch_ndim,
			   &ch_x, &ch_y, &ch_z) != 0) {
	Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_input_geom");
	return 0;
#else /* KDDKDD */
  ch_nvtxs = nvtxs;
#endif /* KDDKDD */

     /* Read Chaco assignment file, if requested */
   if (pio_info->init_dist_type == INITIAL_FILE) {
     sprintf(filename, "%s.assign", pio_info->pexo_fname);

   fp = ZOLTAN_FILE_open(filename, "r", pio_info->file_comp);

   if (fp == NULL) {
     sprintf(cmesg, "Error:  Could not open Chaco assignment file %s; "
	     "initial distribution cannot be read",
     Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
     return 0;
   else {
     /* read the coordinates in on processor 0 */
     ch_assignments = (short *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(short));
     if (nvtxs && !ch_assignments) {
       Gen_Error(0, "fatal: memory error in read_hypergraph_file");
       return 0;
     /* closes fpassign when done */
     if (chaco_input_assign(fp, filename, ch_nvtxs, ch_assignments) != 0){
       Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_input_assign");
       return 0;

  MPI_Bcast(&base, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if (distributed_pins){
    gnhedges = nhedges;
    nhedges = 0;
    hewgt_dim = 0;
    hewgts = NULL;
    for (edge=0; edge<gnhedges; edge++){
      edgeSize = hindex[edge+1] - hindex[edge];
      if (edgeSize > 0) nhedges++;
    hgid = (int *)malloc(nhedges * sizeof(int));
    hvertex_proc = (int *)malloc(npins * sizeof(int));
    for (edge=0; edge<gnhedges; edge++){
      edgeSize = hindex[edge+1] - hindex[edge];
      if (edgeSize > 0){
	hgid[nextEdge] = edge+1;
	if (nextEdge < edge){
	  hindex[nextEdge+1] = hindex[nextEdge] + edgeSize;
	for (vertex=0; vertex<edgeSize; vertex++,vtx++){
	  hvertex_proc[vtx] = ch_dist_proc(hvertex[vtx], NULL, 1);
    gnvtxs = nvtxs;
    nvtxs = ch_dist_num_vtx(Proc, NULL);
    if (ch_start){    /* need to include only vertices this process owns */
      for (i=0,vertex=0; i<gnvtxs; i++){
	if ((ch_start[i+1] > ch_start[vertex]) || /* vtx has adjacencies so it's mine */
	    (ch_dist_proc(i, NULL, 0) == Proc))   /* my vtx with no adjacencies */
	  if (i > vertex){
	    ch_start[vertex+1] = ch_start[i+1];
#if 0
    debug_lists(Proc, Num_Proc, nhedges, hindex, hvertex, hvertex_proc, hgid);
  } else{

    /* Distribute hypergraph graph */
    /* Use hypergraph vertex information and chaco edge information. */

    if (!chaco_dist_graph(MPI_COMM_WORLD, pio_info, 0, &gnvtxs, &nvtxs,
	     &ch_start, &ch_adj, &vwgt_dim, &vwgts, &ch_ewgt_dim, &ch_ewgts,
	     &ch_ndim, &ch_x, &ch_y, &ch_z, &ch_assignments) != 0) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_dist_graph");
      return 0;

    if (!dist_hyperedges(MPI_COMM_WORLD, pio_info, 0, base, gnvtxs, &gnhedges,
		       &nhedges, &hgid, &hindex, &hvertex, &hvertex_proc,
		       &hewgt_dim, &hewgts, ch_assignments)) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from dist_hyperedges");
      return 0;

  /* Initialize mesh structure for Hypergraph. */
  mesh->data_type = HYPERGRAPH;
  mesh->num_elems = nvtxs;
  mesh->vwgt_dim = vwgt_dim;
  mesh->ewgt_dim = ch_ewgt_dim;
  mesh->elem_array_len = mesh->num_elems + 5;
  mesh->num_dims = ch_ndim;
  mesh->num_el_blks = 1;

  mesh->gnhedges = gnhedges;
  mesh->nhedges = nhedges;
  mesh->hewgt_dim = hewgt_dim;

  mesh->hgid = hgid;
  mesh->hindex = hindex;
  mesh->hvertex = hvertex;
  mesh->hvertex_proc = hvertex_proc;
  mesh->heNumWgts = nhedges;
  mesh->heWgtId = NULL;
  mesh->hewgts = hewgts;

  mesh->eb_etypes = (int *) malloc (5 * mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(int));
  if (!mesh->eb_etypes) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  mesh->eb_ids = mesh->eb_etypes + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_cnts = mesh->eb_ids + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nnodes = mesh->eb_cnts + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nattrs = mesh->eb_nnodes + mesh->num_el_blks;

  mesh->eb_names = (char **) malloc (mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(char *));
  if (!mesh->eb_names) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  mesh->eb_etypes[0] = -1;
  mesh->eb_ids[0] = 1;
  mesh->eb_cnts[0] = nvtxs;
  mesh->eb_nattrs[0] = 0;
   * Each element has one set of coordinates (i.e., node) if a coords file
   * was provided; zero otherwise.
  MPI_Bcast( &ch_no_geom, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (ch_no_geom)
    mesh->eb_nnodes[0] = 0;
    mesh->eb_nnodes[0] = 1;

  /* allocate space for name */
  mesh->eb_names[0] = (char *) malloc((MAX_STR_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(char));
  if (!mesh->eb_names[0]) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  strcpy(mesh->eb_names[0], "hypergraph");

  /* allocate the element structure array */
  mesh->elements = (ELEM_INFO_PTR) malloc (mesh->elem_array_len
					 * sizeof(ELEM_INFO));
  if (!(mesh->elements)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

   * initialize all of the element structs as unused by
   * setting the globalID to -1
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++)

   * now fill the element structure array with the
   * information from the Chaco file
   * Use hypergraph vertex information and chaco edge information.
  if (!chaco_fill_elements(Proc, Num_Proc, prob, mesh, gnvtxs, nvtxs,
		     ch_start, ch_adj, vwgt_dim, vwgts, ch_ewgt_dim, ch_ewgts,
		     ch_ndim, ch_x, ch_y, ch_z, ch_assignments, base)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_fill_elements");
    return 0;
#if 0
  debug_elements(Proc, Num_Proc, mesh->num_elems,mesh->elements);

  safe_free((void **)(void *) &vwgts);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ch_ewgts);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ch_vwgts);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ch_x);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ch_y);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ch_z);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ch_start);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ch_adj);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ch_assignments);

 if (Debug_Driver > 3)
   print_distributed_mesh(Proc, Num_Proc, mesh);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #5
int output_results(const char *cmd_file,
                   const char *tag,
                   int Proc,
                   int Num_Proc,
                   PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
                   PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
                   MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
 * For the first swipe at this, don't try to create a new
 * exodus/nemesis file or anything. Just get the global ids,
 * sort them, and print them to a new ascii file.
  /* Local declarations. */
  const char  *yo = "output_results";
  char   par_out_fname[FILENAME_MAX+1], ctemp[FILENAME_MAX+1];
  char cmsg[256];

  int   *global_ids = NULL;
  int   *parts = NULL;
  int   *perm = NULL;
  int   *invperm = NULL;
  int   *index = NULL;
  int    i, j;

  FILE  *fp;
/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  if (mesh->num_elems) {
     global_ids = (int *) malloc(5 * mesh->num_elems * sizeof(int));
     if (!global_ids) {
       Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
       return 0;
     parts = global_ids + mesh->num_elems;
     perm = parts + mesh->num_elems;
     invperm = perm + mesh->num_elems;
     index = invperm + mesh->num_elems;

  for (i = j = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) {
    if (mesh->elements[i].globalID >= 0) {
      global_ids[j] = mesh->elements[i].globalID;
      parts[j] = mesh->elements[i].my_part;
      perm[j] = mesh->elements[i].perm_value;
      invperm[j] = mesh->elements[i].invperm_value;
      index[j] = j;

  sort_index(mesh->num_elems, global_ids, index);

  /* generate the parallel filename for this processor */
  strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
  strcat(ctemp, ".");
  strcat(ctemp, tag);
  gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, Proc, Num_Proc);

  fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");

  if (fp == NULL){
    sprintf(cmsg, "Error in %s; %s can not be opened for writing.", yo, par_out_fname);
    Gen_Error(0, cmsg);
    return 0;

  if (Proc == 0) 
    echo_cmd_file(fp, cmd_file);

  fprintf(fp, "Global element ids assigned to processor %d\n", Proc);
  fprintf(fp, "GID\tPart\tPerm\tIPerm\n");
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++) {
    j = index[i];
    fprintf(fp, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", global_ids[j], parts[j], perm[j], invperm[j]);


  if (Output.Mesh_Info_File) {

    ELEM_INFO_PTR current_element;
    int total_nodes = 0;
    float *x, *y, *z;
    int k;
    int prev_id;

    for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++) {
      total_nodes += mesh->eb_nnodes[mesh->elements[i].elem_blk];
    global_ids = (int *) malloc(2 * total_nodes * sizeof(int));
    index = global_ids + total_nodes;
    x = (float *) calloc(3 * total_nodes,  sizeof(float));
    y = x + total_nodes;
    z = y + total_nodes;

    for (k = 0, i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++) {
      current_element = &(mesh->elements[i]);
      for (j = 0; j < mesh->eb_nnodes[current_element->elem_blk]; j++) {
        global_ids[k] = current_element->connect[j];
        x[k] = current_element->coord[j][0];
        if (mesh->num_dims > 1) 
          y[k] = current_element->coord[j][1];
        if (mesh->num_dims > 2)
          z[k] = current_element->coord[j][2];
        index[k] = k;

    sort_index(total_nodes, global_ids, index);

    strcat(par_out_fname, ".mesh");
    fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");
    fprintf(fp, "Vertex IDs and coordinates\n");
    prev_id = -1;
    for (k = 0; k < total_nodes; k++) {
      j = index[k];
      if (global_ids[j] == prev_id)
      prev_id = global_ids[j];
      fprintf(fp, "  %d  (%e, %e, %e)\n", global_ids[j], x[j], y[j], z[j]);
    fprintf(fp, "\n");
    fprintf(fp, "Element connectivity:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++) {
      current_element = &(mesh->elements[i]);
      fprintf(fp, "  %d  (", current_element->globalID);
      for (j = 0; j < mesh->eb_nnodes[current_element->elem_blk]; j++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%d  ", current_element->connect[j]);
      fprintf(fp, ")\n");

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #6
int chaco_fill_elements(
  int        Proc,
  int        Num_Proc,
  PROB_INFO_PTR prob,            /* problem description */
  MESH_INFO_PTR mesh,            /* mesh information for the problem */
  int        gnvtxs,             /* global number of vertices across all procs*/
  int        nvtxs,              /* number of vertices in local graph */
  int       *start,              /* start of edge list for each vertex */
  int       *adj,                /* edge list data */
  int        vwgt_dim,           /* # of weights per vertex */
  float     *vwgts,              /* vertex weight list data */
  int        ewgt_dim,           /* # of weights per edge */
  float     *ewgts,              /* edge weight list data */
  int        ndim,               /* dimension of the geometry */
  float     *x,                  /* x-coordinates of the vertices */
  float     *y,                  /* y-coordinates of the vertices */
  float     *z,                  /* z-coordinates of the vertices */
  short     *assignments,        /* assignments from Chaco file; may be NULL */
  int       base                 /* smallest vertex number to use; 
                                    base == 1 for Chaco; 
                                    may be 0 or 1 for HG files. */
  /* Local declarations. */
  int i, j, k, elem_id, *local_ids = NULL;
  int num_vtx, min_vtx, max_vtx; 
  int *vtx_list = NULL;
  const char *yo = "chaco_fill_elements";
/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  chaco_init_local_ids(&local_ids, &vtx_list, &min_vtx, &max_vtx, &num_vtx, 
                       gnvtxs, assignments, base);

  for (i = 0; i < num_vtx; i++) {
    mesh->elements[i].globalID = vtx_list[i]+base;  /* GlobalIDs are 1-based
                                                       in Chaco; may be 0-based
                                                       or 1-based in HG files */
    if (vwgts != NULL){
      for (j=0; j<vwgt_dim; j++) {
        mesh->elements[i].cpu_wgt[j] = vwgts[i*vwgt_dim+j];
      mesh->elements[i].cpu_wgt[0] = 1.0;
    mesh->elements[i].elem_blk = 0; /* only one elem block for all vertices */

    if (assignments)
      mesh->elements[i].my_part = assignments[vtx_list[i]];
      mesh->elements[i].my_part = Proc;  /* Init partition is starting proc.*/

    if (mesh->num_dims > 0) {
      /* One set of coords per element. */
      mesh->elements[i].connect = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
      mesh->elements[i].connect[0] = mesh->elements[i].globalID;
      mesh->elements[i].coord = (float **) malloc(sizeof(float *));
      mesh->elements[i].coord[0] = (float *) calloc(mesh->num_dims,
      mesh->elements[i].coord[0][0] = x[i];
      mesh->elements[i].avg_coord[0] = x[i];
      if (mesh->num_dims > 1) {
        mesh->elements[i].coord[0][1] = y[i];
        mesh->elements[i].avg_coord[1] = y[i];
        if (mesh->num_dims > 2) {
          mesh->elements[i].coord[0][2] = z[i];
          mesh->elements[i].avg_coord[2] = z[i];

  for (i = 0; i < num_vtx; i++) {
    /* now start with the adjacencies */
    if (start != NULL)
      mesh->elements[i].nadj = start[i+1] - start[i];
      mesh->elements[i].nadj = 0;
    if (mesh->elements[i].nadj > 0) {
      mesh->elements[i].adj_len = mesh->elements[i].nadj;
      mesh->elements[i].adj = (int *) malloc (mesh->elements[i].nadj * sizeof(int));
      mesh->elements[i].adj_proc = (int *) malloc (mesh->elements[i].nadj * sizeof(int));
      if (!(mesh->elements[i].adj) || !(mesh->elements[i].adj_proc)) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
        return 0;
      if (ewgts != NULL) {
        mesh->elements[i].edge_wgt = (float *) malloc (mesh->elements[i].nadj * sizeof(float));
        if (!(mesh->elements[i].edge_wgt)) {
          Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
          return 0;
        mesh->elements[i].edge_wgt = NULL;

      for (j = 0; j < mesh->elements[i].nadj; j++) {
        elem_id = adj[start[i] + j] - (1-base);  /* Chaco is 1-based;
                                                    HG may be 0 or 1 based. */

        /* determine which processor the adjacent vertex is on */
        k = ch_dist_proc(elem_id, assignments, base);

         * if the adjacent element is on this processor
         * then find the local id for that element
        if (k == Proc) 
          mesh->elements[i].adj[j] = local_ids[elem_id-base-min_vtx];
        else /* use the global id */
          mesh->elements[i].adj[j] = elem_id;

        mesh->elements[i].adj_proc[j] = k;

        if (ewgts != NULL)
          mesh->elements[i].edge_wgt[j] = ewgts[start[i] + j];
    } /* End: "if (mesh->elements[i].nadj > 0)" */
  } /* End: "for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++)" */

  safe_free((void **)(void *) &vtx_list);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &local_ids);

  if (!build_elem_comm_maps(Proc, mesh)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "Fatal: error building initial elem comm maps");
    return 0;

  if (Debug_Driver > 3)
    print_distributed_mesh(Proc, Num_Proc, mesh);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #7
static int setup_mesh_struct(
  int        Proc,
  int        Num_Proc,
  PROB_INFO_PTR prob,            /* problem description */
  MESH_INFO_PTR mesh,            /* mesh information for the problem */
  PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,       /* element distribution info*/
  ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE   gnvtxs,             /* global number of vertices across all procs*/
  int        nvtxs,              /* number of vertices in local graph */
  int       *start,              /* start of edge list for each vertex */
  ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE  *adj,                /* edge list data */
  int        vwgt_dim,           /* # of weights per vertex */
  float     *vwgts,              /* vertex weight list data */
  int        ewgt_dim,           /* # of weights per edge */
  float     *ewgts,              /* edge weight list data */
  int        ndim,               /* dimension of the geometry */
  float     *x,                  /* x-coordinates of the vertices */
  float     *y,                  /* y-coordinates of the vertices */
  float     *z                   /* z-coordinates of the vertices */
const char *yo = "setup_mesh_struct";
int i, j, k;


  /* Initialize mesh structure for Chaco mesh. */
  mesh->data_type = ZOLTAN_GRAPH;
  mesh->vwgt_dim = vwgt_dim;
  mesh->ewgt_dim = ewgt_dim;
  mesh->num_elems = nvtxs;
  mesh->elem_array_len = mesh->num_elems + 5;
  mesh->num_dims = ndim;
  mesh->num_el_blks = 1;

  mesh->eb_etypes = (int *) malloc (4 * mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(int));
  if (!mesh->eb_etypes) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  mesh->eb_ids = mesh->eb_etypes + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nnodes = mesh->eb_ids + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nattrs = mesh->eb_nnodes + mesh->num_el_blks;

  mesh->eb_cnts = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *) malloc (mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE));
  if (!mesh->eb_cnts) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  mesh->eb_names = (char **) malloc (mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(char *));
  if (!mesh->eb_names) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  mesh->eb_etypes[0] = -1;
  mesh->eb_ids[0] = 1;
  mesh->eb_cnts[0] = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE)nvtxs;
  mesh->eb_nattrs[0] = 0;

  mesh->hindex = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
  mesh->hindex[0] = 0;
  mesh->eb_nnodes[0] = 1;

  /* allocate space for name */
  mesh->eb_names[0] = (char *) malloc(16* sizeof(char));
  if (!mesh->eb_names[0]) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  strcpy(mesh->eb_names[0], "random-graph");

  /* allocate the element structure array */
  mesh->elements = (ELEM_INFO_PTR) malloc (mesh->elem_array_len * sizeof(ELEM_INFO));
  if (!(mesh->elements)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  /* write element data */

  for (i = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) 

  min_vtx = local_to_global_id_map(0, Proc);

  for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
    mesh->elements[i].globalID = local_to_global_id_map(i, Proc);
    if (vwgts != NULL){
      for (j=0; j<vwgt_dim; j++) {
        mesh->elements[i].cpu_wgt[j] = vwgts[i*vwgt_dim+j];
      mesh->elements[i].cpu_wgt[0] = 1.0;

    mesh->elements[i].elem_blk = 0;
    mesh->elements[i].my_part = Proc;

    if (mesh->num_dims > 0) {
      /* One set of coords per element. */
      mesh->elements[i].connect = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *) malloc(sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE));
      mesh->elements[i].connect[0] = mesh->elements[i].globalID;
      mesh->elements[i].coord = (float **) malloc(sizeof(float *));
      mesh->elements[i].coord[0] = (float *) calloc(mesh->num_dims, sizeof(float));  
      mesh->elements[i].coord[0][0] = x[i];
      mesh->elements[i].avg_coord[0] = x[i];
      if (mesh->num_dims > 1) {
        mesh->elements[i].coord[0][1] = y[i];
        mesh->elements[i].avg_coord[1] = y[i];
        if (mesh->num_dims > 2) {
          mesh->elements[i].coord[0][2] = z[i];
          mesh->elements[i].avg_coord[2] = z[i];

  for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
    /* now start with the adjacencies */
    if (start != NULL)
      mesh->elements[i].nadj = start[i+1] - start[i];
      mesh->elements[i].nadj = 0;
    if (mesh->elements[i].nadj > 0) {
      mesh->elements[i].adj_len = mesh->elements[i].nadj;
      mesh->elements[i].adj = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *) malloc (mesh->elements[i].nadj * sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE));
      mesh->elements[i].adj_proc = (int *) malloc (mesh->elements[i].nadj * sizeof(int));
      if (!(mesh->elements[i].adj) || !(mesh->elements[i].adj_proc)) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
        return 0;
      if (ewgts != NULL) {
        mesh->elements[i].edge_wgt = (float *) malloc (mesh->elements[i].nadj * sizeof(float));
        if (!(mesh->elements[i].edge_wgt)) {
          Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
          return 0;
        mesh->elements[i].edge_wgt = NULL;

      for (j = 0; j < mesh->elements[i].nadj; j++) {
        elem_id = adj[start[i] + j];

        k = global_to_proc_owner_map(elem_id, Num_Proc, Proc);

         * if the adjacent element is on this processor
         * then find the local id for that element
        if (k == Proc) 
          mesh->elements[i].adj[j] = elem_id-min_vtx;
        else /* use the global id */
          mesh->elements[i].adj[j] = elem_id;

        mesh->elements[i].adj_proc[j] = k;

        if (ewgts != NULL)
          mesh->elements[i].edge_wgt[j] = ewgts[start[i] + j];
    } /* End: "if (mesh->elements[i].nadj > 0)" */
  } /* End: "for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++)" */

  if (!build_elem_comm_maps(Proc, mesh)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "Fatal: error building initial elem comm maps");
    return 0;

  if (Debug_Driver > 3)
    print_distributed_mesh(Proc, Num_Proc, mesh);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #8
static int input_assign_inv(
ZOLTAN_FILE* finassign,		/* input assignment file */
char     *inassignname,		/* name of input assignment file */
int       nvtxs,		/* number of vertices to output */
short    *assignment)		/* values to be printed */
    const char *yo = "input_assign_inv";
    int       set;		/* set number being read */
    int       size;		/* number of vertices in set */
    int       total;		/* total number of vertices read */
    int       done;		/* have I hit end of file yet? */
    int       end_flag;		/* return flag from read_int() */
    int       i, j, k;		/* loop counter */


    /* Get the assignment vector one line at a time, checking as you go. */

    /* Initialize assignment to help error detection. */
    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
	assignment[i] = -1;

    /* First read past any comments at top. */
    total = 0;
    set = 0;
    end_flag = 1;
    while (end_flag == 1) {
	size = read_int(finassign, &end_flag);

    if (end_flag == -1) {
	printf("ERROR: In assignment file `%s'\n", inassignname);
	printf("       No values found\n");
        DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
	return (1);

    if (size < 0) {
	printf("ERROR: In assignment file `%s'\n", inassignname);
	printf("       Size of set %d less than zero (%d)\n", set, size);
        DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
	return (1);

    if (total + size > nvtxs) {
	printf("ERROR: In assignment file `%s'\n", inassignname);
	printf("       Total set sizes greater than nvtxs (%d)\n", nvtxs);
        DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
	return (1);

    done = FALSE;
    while (!done && total < nvtxs) {
	for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
	    j = ZOLTAN_FILE_scanf(finassign, "%d", &k);
	    if (j != 1) {
	        printf("ERROR: Too few values in assignment file `%s'.\n",
                DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
	        return (1);

	    if (k <= 0 || k > nvtxs) {
		printf("ERROR: In assignment file `%s'\n", inassignname);
		printf("       Entry %d of set %d invalid (%d)\n", 
		    total + i, set, k);
                DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
		return (1);

	    if ((int) assignment[k - 1] != -1) {
		printf("ERROR: In assignment file `%s'\n", inassignname);
		printf("       Vertex %d assigned to multiple sets\n", k);
                DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
		return (1);

	    assignment[k - 1] = (short) set;

	total += size;
	j = ZOLTAN_FILE_scanf(finassign, "%d", &size);
	if (j != 1) {
	    if (total != nvtxs) {
	        printf("ERROR: Too few values in assignment file `%s'.\n",
                DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
		return (1);
	    else {
		done = TRUE;
		size = 0;

	if (size < 0) {
	    printf("ERROR: In assignment file `%s'\n", inassignname);
	    printf("       Size of set %d less than zero (%d)\n", set, size);
            DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
	    return (1);

	if (total + size > nvtxs) {
	    printf("ERROR: In assignment file `%s'\n", inassignname);
	    printf("       Total set sizes greater than nvtxs (%d)\n", nvtxs);
            DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
	    return (1);

    DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
    return (0);
예제 #9
int build_elem_comm_maps(int proc, MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
 * Build element communication maps, given a distributed mesh.
 * This routine builds initial communication maps for Chaco input
 * (for Nemesis, initial communication maps are read from the Nemesis file)
 * and rebuilds communication maps after data migration.
 * One communication map per neighboring processor is built.
 * The corresponding maps on neighboring processors
 * must be sorted in the same order, so that neighboring processors do not
 * have to use ghost elements.   For each communication map's pair of
 * processors, the lower-numbered processor determines the order of the
 * elements in the communication map.  The sort key is the elements' global
 * IDs on the lower-number processor; the secondary key is the neighboring
 * elements global IDs.  The secondary key is used when a single element
 * must communicate with more than one neighbor.

const char *yo = "build_elem_comm_maps";
int i, j;
ELEM_INFO *elem;
ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE iadj_elem;
int iadj_proc;
int indx;
int num_alloc_maps;
int max_adj = 0;
int max_adj_per_map;
int cnt, offset;
int *sindex = NULL;
int tmp;
struct map_list_head *tmp_maps = NULL, *map = NULL;

  DEBUG_TRACE_START(proc, yo);

   *  Free the old maps, if they exist.

  if (mesh->ecmap_id != NULL) {
    safe_free((void **) &(mesh->ecmap_id));
    safe_free((void **) &(mesh->ecmap_cnt));
    safe_free((void **) &(mesh->ecmap_elemids));
    safe_free((void **) &(mesh->ecmap_sideids));
    safe_free((void **) &(mesh->ecmap_neighids));
    mesh->necmap = 0;

   *  Look for off-processor adjacencies.
   *  Loop over all elements 

  num_alloc_maps = MAP_ALLOC;
  mesh->ecmap_id = (int *) malloc(num_alloc_maps * sizeof(int));
  mesh->ecmap_cnt = (int *) malloc(num_alloc_maps * sizeof(int));
  tmp_maps = (struct map_list_head*) malloc(num_alloc_maps 
                                          * sizeof(struct map_list_head));

  if (mesh->ecmap_id == NULL || mesh->ecmap_cnt == NULL || tmp_maps == NULL) {
    Gen_Error(0, "Fatal:  insufficient memory");
    DEBUG_TRACE_END(proc, yo);
    return 0;

  for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++) {
    elem = &(mesh->elements[i]);
    for (j = 0; j < elem->adj_len; j++) {

      /* Skip NULL adjacencies (sides that are not adjacent to another elem). */
      if (elem->adj[j] == ZOLTAN_ID_INVALID) continue;

      iadj_elem = elem->adj[j];
      iadj_proc = elem->adj_proc[j];

      if (iadj_proc != proc) {
         * Adjacent element is off-processor.
         * Add this element to the temporary data structure for 
         * the appropriate neighboring processor.
        if ((indx = in_list2(iadj_proc, mesh->necmap, mesh->ecmap_id)) == -1) {
           * Start a new communication map.

          if (mesh->necmap >= num_alloc_maps) {
            num_alloc_maps += MAP_ALLOC;
            mesh->ecmap_id = (int *) realloc(mesh->ecmap_id,
                                            num_alloc_maps * sizeof(int));
            mesh->ecmap_cnt = (int *) realloc(mesh->ecmap_cnt,
                                             num_alloc_maps * sizeof(int));
            tmp_maps = (struct map_list_head *) realloc(tmp_maps,
                               num_alloc_maps * sizeof(struct map_list_head));
            if (mesh->ecmap_id == NULL || mesh->ecmap_cnt == NULL || 
                tmp_maps == NULL) {
              Gen_Error(0, "Fatal:  insufficient memory");
              DEBUG_TRACE_END(proc, yo);
              return 0;
          mesh->ecmap_id[mesh->necmap] = iadj_proc;
          mesh->ecmap_cnt[mesh->necmap] = 0;
          map = &(tmp_maps[mesh->necmap]);
          map->glob_id  = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *) malloc(MAP_ALLOC * sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE));
          map->elem_id  = (int *) malloc(MAP_ALLOC * sizeof(int));
          map->side_id  = (int *) malloc(MAP_ALLOC * sizeof(int));
          map->neigh_id = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *) malloc(MAP_ALLOC * sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE));
          if (map->glob_id == NULL || map->elem_id == NULL || 
              map->side_id == NULL || map->neigh_id == NULL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "Fatal:  insufficient memory");
            DEBUG_TRACE_END(proc, yo);
            return 0;
          map->map_alloc_size = MAP_ALLOC;
          indx = mesh->necmap;
        /* Add to map for indx. */
        map = &(tmp_maps[indx]);
        if (mesh->ecmap_cnt[indx] >= map->map_alloc_size) {
          map->map_alloc_size += MAP_ALLOC;
          map->glob_id  = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *) realloc(map->glob_id, map->map_alloc_size * sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE));
          map->elem_id  = (int *) realloc(map->elem_id, 
                                          map->map_alloc_size * sizeof(int));
          map->side_id  = (int *) realloc(map->side_id, 
                                          map->map_alloc_size * sizeof(int));
          map->neigh_id = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *) realloc(map->neigh_id, map->map_alloc_size * sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE));
          if (map->glob_id == NULL || map->elem_id == NULL || 
              map->side_id == NULL || map->neigh_id == NULL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "Fatal:  insufficient memory");
            DEBUG_TRACE_END(proc, yo);
            return 0;
        tmp = mesh->ecmap_cnt[indx];
        map->glob_id[tmp] = elem->globalID;
        map->elem_id[tmp] = i;
        map->side_id[tmp] = j+1;  /* side is determined by position in
                                          adj array (+1 since not 0-based). */
        map->neigh_id[tmp] = iadj_elem;

   * If no communication maps, don't need to do anything else. 

  if (mesh->necmap > 0) {

     * Allocate data structure for element communication map arrays.

    mesh->ecmap_elemids  = (int *) malloc(max_adj * sizeof(int));
    mesh->ecmap_sideids  = (int *) malloc(max_adj * sizeof(int));
    mesh->ecmap_neighids = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *) malloc(max_adj * sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE));

     * Allocate temporary memory for sort index.
    max_adj_per_map = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < mesh->necmap; i++)
      if (mesh->ecmap_cnt[i] > max_adj_per_map)
        max_adj_per_map = mesh->ecmap_cnt[i];
    sindex = (int *) malloc(max_adj_per_map * sizeof(int));

    cnt = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < mesh->necmap; i++) {

      map = &(tmp_maps[i]);
      for (j = 0; j < mesh->ecmap_cnt[i]; j++)
        sindex[j] = j;

       * Sort the map so that adjacent processors have the same ordering
       * for the communication.  
       * Assume the ordering of the lower-numbered processor in the pair
       * of communicating processors.

      if (proc < mesh->ecmap_id[i]) 
        quicksort_pointer_inc_id_id(sindex, map->glob_id, map->neigh_id,
                                    0, mesh->ecmap_cnt[i]-1);
        quicksort_pointer_inc_id_id(sindex, map->neigh_id, map->glob_id,
                                    0, mesh->ecmap_cnt[i]-1);

       * Copy sorted data into elem map arrays. 

      offset = cnt;
      for (j = 0; j < mesh->ecmap_cnt[i]; j++) {
        mesh->ecmap_elemids[offset]  = map->elem_id[sindex[j]];
        mesh->ecmap_sideids[offset]  = map->side_id[sindex[j]];
        mesh->ecmap_neighids[offset] = map->neigh_id[sindex[j]];

      cnt += mesh->ecmap_cnt[i];

  /* Free temporary data structure. */
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->necmap; i++) {
    safe_free((void **) &(tmp_maps[i].glob_id));
    safe_free((void **) &(tmp_maps[i].elem_id));
    safe_free((void **) &(tmp_maps[i].side_id));
    safe_free((void **) &(tmp_maps[i].neigh_id));
  safe_free((void **) &tmp_maps);
  safe_free((void **) &sindex);

  if (Test.DDirectory) 
    compare_maps_with_ddirectory_results(proc, mesh);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #10
int create_a_graph(
  int Proc,
  int Num_Proc,
  PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
  const char  *yo = "create_a_graph";

  /* The graph (and geometry) is created in parallel by each process, as opposed to being 
   * created by process 0 and then dealt out to the other processes.  This allows us to
   * create graphs where the number of vertices is larger than a number which would
   * fit in the memory of one process.
   * Geometrically the graph is a cylinder extending in the z-direction.
   * Each process creates points along a circle in an x-y plane, and knows which process has the 
   * plane adjacent to it and what global ID has been assigned to the neighbors with the same 
   * x and y value as its points.  So adjacency information is easily created.

  ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE    i, nvtxs, gnvtxs, num4;
  ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE    gid;
  long left=0, right=0;
  int    vwgt_dim=0, ewgt_dim=0;
  int    ndim = 0, next;

  int *start;

  float *ewgts = NULL, *vwgts = NULL;
  float *x = NULL, *y = NULL, *z = NULL;

  double theta, delta, radius, m, length, step; 

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  gnvtxs = pio_info->init_size;
  ndim = pio_info->init_dim;
  vwgt_dim = pio_info->init_vwgt_dim;
  if (vwgt_dim<1) vwgt_dim=1; /* For now, insist on 1 or more weights. */

  /* for simplicity coerce number of vertices on a process to a multiple of 4 */

  nvtxs = gnvtxs / Num_Proc;

  if (nvtxs > 4){ 
    num4 = nvtxs / 4;
    nvtxs = num4 * 4;
    num4 = 1;
    nvtxs = 4;

  gnvtxs = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE)nvtxs * Num_Proc;

  if (Proc == 0){
    printf("create_a_graph: Graph will have " ZOLTAN_ID_SPEC " vertices, " ZOLTAN_ID_SPEC " on each process\n",
               gnvtxs, nvtxs);

  /* Each process has the same number of vertices.  Let's determine their global IDs */

  initialize_vertex_global_id_info(nvtxs, Num_Proc);

  /* Calculate vertex coordinates and adjacencies */

  x = (float *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(float));
  if (ndim > 1) y = (float *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(float));
  if (ndim > 2) z = (float *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(float));
  vwgts = (float *) malloc(vwgt_dim*nvtxs * sizeof(float));
  if (!x || (ndim > 1 && !y) || (ndim > 2 && !z) || !vwgts) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error allocating memory.");
    return 0;

  if (ndim == 1){
    /* a line */

    step = 1.0 / 500.0;
    length = (double)nvtxs * step;
    x[0] = length * (float)Proc;
    for (i=1; i < nvtxs; i++){
      x[i] = x[i+1] + step;
  else if (ndim == 2){
    /* a circle */
    radius = (double)nvtxs/500.0;
    theta = (2 * M_PI ) / (double)Num_Proc;
    delta = theta / (double)nvtxs;
    m = (theta * Proc);
    for (i=0; i < nvtxs; i++, m += delta){
      x[i] = radius * cos(m);
      y[i] = radius * sin(m);
  else if (ndim == 3){
    /* a cylinder */

    radius = (double)nvtxs/500.0;
    delta = M_PI_2 / (double)(num4 + 1);
    theta = delta;
    i = 0;

    while (theta < M_PI_2){
      /* points along first quadrant of a circle in the plane z=Proc */
      x[i] = radius * cos(theta);
      y[i] = radius * sin(theta);
      z[i] = (float)Proc;
      theta += delta;

    for (i=0; i < num4; i++){
      /* second quadrant */
      x[num4+i] = -x[num4 - i - 1];
      y[num4+i] = y[num4 - i - 1];
      z[num4+i] = (float)Proc;

      /* third quadrant */
      x[2*num4+i] = -x[i];
      y[2*num4+i] = -y[i];
      z[2*num4+i] = (float)Proc;

      /* third quadrant */
      x[3*num4+i] = x[num4 - i - 1];
      y[3*num4+i] = -y[num4 - i - 1];
      z[3*num4+i] = (float)Proc;

  for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)  {
    if (pio_info->init_vwgt_dim == 0) 
      /* Unit weights if no weights were requested. */
      vwgts[i] = 1.0;
    else {
      int jj;
      for (jj = 0; jj < vwgt_dim; jj++)  {
        /* Only assign one of the weight dimensions a weight>0. */
        /* Modify to get more complicated test cases. */
        if (jj == (int)(i%vwgt_dim))
          vwgts[i*vwgt_dim+jj] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          vwgts[i*vwgt_dim+jj] = 0.0;

  start = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (nvtxs + 1));

  if (ndim < 3){

    /* each vertex has one or two neighbors */

    adj = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE) * 2 * nvtxs);

    start[0] = 0;
    next = 0;

    for (i=0; i < nvtxs; i++){
      gid = local_to_global_id_map(i, Proc);

      if (ndim == 1){
        left = gid - 1;
        right = gid + 1;
      else if (ndim == 2){
        left = (gid == 0) ? (gnvtxs - 1) : (gid - 1);
        right =  (gid == gnvtxs - 1) ? 0 : (gid + 1);

      start[i+1] = start[i];

      if (left >= 0){
        adj[next++] = left;

      if (right < gnvtxs){
        adj[next++] = left;

    /* each vertex has 2 neighbors on this process, and one or two off process */

    adj = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE) * 4 * nvtxs);

    start[0] = 0;
    next = 0;

    for (i=0; i < nvtxs; i++){
      gid = local_to_global_id_map(i, Proc);

      left = (i == 0) ? local_to_global_id_map(nvtxs-1, Proc) : local_to_global_id_map(i-1, Proc);
      right = (i == nvtxs-1) ? local_to_global_id_map(0, Proc) : local_to_global_id_map(i+1, Proc);

      start[i+1] = start[i];

      adj[next++] = left;

      adj[next++] = right;

      left = gid - nvtxs;
      right = gid + nvtxs;

      if (left >= 0){
        adj[next++] = left;
      if (right < gnvtxs){
        adj[next++] = right;

  /* TODO - edge weights? */

  if (!setup_mesh_struct(Proc, Num_Proc, prob, mesh, pio_info, gnvtxs, nvtxs,
                     start, adj, vwgt_dim, vwgts, ewgt_dim, ewgts,
                     ndim, x, y, z)){
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_setup_mesh_struct");
    return 0;

  safe_free((void **) &adj);
  safe_free((void **) &vwgts);
  safe_free((void **) &ewgts);
  safe_free((void **) &start);
  safe_free((void **) &x);
  safe_free((void **) &y);
  safe_free((void **) &z);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #11
int migrate_elements(
  int Proc,
  struct LB_Struct *lb,
  int num_gid_entries, 
  int num_lid_entries,
  int num_imp,
  LB_ID_PTR imp_gids,
  LB_ID_PTR imp_lids,
  int *imp_procs,
  int num_exp,
  LB_ID_PTR exp_gids,
  LB_ID_PTR exp_lids,
  int *exp_procs)
/* Local declarations. */
char *yo = "migrate_elements";

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/

   * register migration functions
  if (LB_Set_Fn(lb, LB_PRE_MIGRATE_FN_TYPE, (void (*)()) migrate_pre_process,
                (void *) mesh) == LB_FATAL) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from LB_Set_Fn()\n");
    return 0;

  if (LB_Set_Fn(lb, LB_POST_MIGRATE_FN_TYPE, (void (*)()) migrate_post_process,
                (void *) mesh) == LB_FATAL) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from LB_Set_Fn()\n");
    return 0;

  if (LB_Set_Fn(lb, LB_OBJ_SIZE_FN_TYPE, (void (*)()) migrate_elem_size,
               (void *) mesh) == LB_FATAL) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from LB_Set_Fn()\n");
    return 0;

  if (LB_Set_Fn(lb, LB_PACK_OBJ_FN_TYPE, (void (*)()) migrate_pack_elem,
                (void *) mesh) == LB_FATAL) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from LB_Set_Fn()\n");
    return 0;

  if (LB_Set_Fn(lb, LB_UNPACK_OBJ_FN_TYPE, (void (*)()) migrate_unpack_elem,
                (void *) mesh) == LB_FATAL) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from LB_Set_Fn()\n");
    return 0;

  if (LB_Help_Migrate(lb, 
                      num_imp, imp_gids, imp_lids, imp_procs,
                      num_exp, exp_gids, exp_lids, exp_procs) == LB_FATAL) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from LB_Help_Migrate()\n");
    return 0;

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;

예제 #12
/* Read "matrixmarket plus", the format written by Zoltan_Generate_Files.
 * This format is our own extension of the NIST Matrix Market file
 * format.  We wished to store vertex and edge weights, and also
 * pin, vertex weight and edge weight ownership data in the file.
 * Here are some rules from the NIST design document:
 *  1. lines are limited to 1024 characters
 *  2. blank lines may appear anywhere after the first line
 *  3. numeric data on a line is separated by one or more blanks
 *  4. real data is in floating-point decimal format, can use "e" notation
 *  5. all indices are 1-based
 *  6. character data may be upper or lower case.
 * The contents of the file reflects the data returned by the
 * application in the hypergraph query functions.  In particular:
 * Each process supplied some subset of pins to Zoltan.  Each owned
 * some of the vertices and supplied weights for those.  Each may have
 * supplied weights for edges.  The edges need not be the edges of
 * their pins.  More than one process may have supplied a weight for
 * the same edge.
int read_mtxplus_file(
  int Proc,
  int Num_Proc,
  PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
  /* Local declarations. */
  const char  *yo = "read_mtxplus_file";
  char filename[256], cmesg[256];
  struct stat statbuf;
  int rc, fsize, i, j;
  char *filebuf=NULL;
  FILE* fp;
  int nGlobalEdges, nGlobalVtxs, vtxWDim, edgeWDim;
  int nMyPins, nMyVtx, nMyEdgeWgts;
  int *myPinI, *myPinJ, *myVtxNum, *myEWGno;
  float *myVtxWgts, *myEdgeWgts;
  int status;
  int numHEdges;
  int *edgeGno, *edgeIdx, *pinGno;


  /* Process 0 reads the file and broadcasts it */

  if (Proc == 0) {
    fsize = 0;

    sprintf(filename, "%s.mtxp", pio_info->pexo_fname);
    if (pio_info->file_comp == GZIP)
      sprintf(filename, "%s.gz", filename);

    rc = stat(filename, &statbuf);

    if (rc == 0){
      fsize = statbuf.st_size;
      fp = fopen(filename, "r");

      if (!fp){
	fsize = 0;
	filebuf = (char *)malloc(fsize+1);

	rc = fread(filebuf, 1, fsize, fp);

	if (rc != fsize){
	  fsize = 0;
	  fp = NULL;
	  filebuf[fsize] = 0;

  MPI_Bcast(&fsize, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if (fsize == 0) {
    sprintf(cmesg, "fatal:  Could not open/read hypergraph file %s", filename);
    Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
    return 0;

  if (Proc > 0){
    filebuf = (char *)malloc(fsize);

  MPI_Bcast(filebuf, fsize, MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* Each process reads through the file, obtaining it's
   * pins, vertex weights and edge weights.  The file lists
   * global IDs for the vertices and edges.  These will be
   * assigned global numbers based on the order they appear
   * in the file.  The global numbers begin with zero.
   * Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.

  rc = process_mtxp_file(pio_info, filebuf, fsize, Num_Proc, Proc,
	  &nGlobalEdges, &nGlobalVtxs, &vtxWDim, &edgeWDim,
	  &nMyPins, &myPinI, &myPinJ,
	  &nMyVtx, &myVtxNum, &myVtxWgts,
	  &nMyEdgeWgts, &myEWGno, &myEdgeWgts);


  MPI_Allreduce(&rc, &status, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if (status != Num_Proc){
    return 0;

   * From the lists of pins, create edge lists.  (Unless
   * the initial pin distribution is by column, in which
   * case we will test the hypergraph query interface's
   * ability to accept pins by column rather than row.)

  if (pio_info->init_dist_pins != INITIAL_COL){       /* CRS */
    rc = create_edge_lists(nMyPins, myPinI, myPinJ,
	    &numHEdges, &edgeGno, &edgeIdx, &pinGno);
    mesh->format = ZOLTAN_COMPRESSED_EDGE;
  else{                                               /* CCS */
    /* actually creating vertex lists, since we switched
     * the role of I and J in the argument list.
    rc = create_edge_lists(nMyPins, myPinJ, myPinI,
	    &numHEdges, &edgeGno, &edgeIdx, &pinGno);
    mesh->format = ZOLTAN_COMPRESSED_VERTEX;

  MPI_Allreduce(&rc, &status, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if (status != Num_Proc){
    return 0;

  safe_free((void **)(void *)&myPinI);
  safe_free((void **)(void *)&myPinJ);

  /* Initialize mesh structure for Hypergraph. */
  mesh->data_type = HYPERGRAPH;
  mesh->num_elems = nMyVtx;
  mesh->vwgt_dim = vtxWDim;
  mesh->ewgt_dim = 0;
  mesh->elem_array_len = mesh->num_elems + 5;
  mesh->num_dims = 0;
  mesh->num_el_blks = 1;

  mesh->gnhedges = nGlobalEdges;
  mesh->nhedges = numHEdges;     /* (or num vertices if CCS) */
  mesh->hewgt_dim = edgeWDim;

  mesh->hgid = edgeGno;          /* (or vertex gno if CCS) */
  mesh->hindex = edgeIdx;        /* (or vertex index if CCS) */
  mesh->hvertex = pinGno;        /* (or gno of pin edge if CCS) */
  mesh->hvertex_proc = NULL;     /* don't know don't care */
  mesh->heNumWgts = nMyEdgeWgts;
  mesh->heWgtId = myEWGno;
  mesh->hewgts = myEdgeWgts;

  mesh->eb_etypes = (int *) malloc (5 * mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(int));
  if (!mesh->eb_etypes) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  mesh->eb_ids = mesh->eb_etypes + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_cnts = mesh->eb_ids + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nnodes = mesh->eb_cnts + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nattrs = mesh->eb_nnodes + mesh->num_el_blks;

  mesh->eb_names = (char **) malloc (mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(char *));
  if (!mesh->eb_names) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  mesh->eb_etypes[0] = -1;
  mesh->eb_ids[0] = 1;
  mesh->eb_cnts[0] = nGlobalVtxs;
  mesh->eb_nattrs[0] = 0;
  mesh->eb_nnodes[0] = 0;

  /* allocate space for name */
  mesh->eb_names[0] = (char *) malloc((MAX_STR_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(char));
  if (!mesh->eb_names[0]) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  strcpy(mesh->eb_names[0], "hypergraph");

  /* allocate the element structure array */
  mesh->elements = (ELEM_INFO_PTR) malloc (mesh->elem_array_len
					 * sizeof(ELEM_INFO));
  if (!(mesh->elements)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

   * Write the element structure with the vertices and weights
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) {
    if (i < mesh->num_elems){
      mesh->elements[i].globalID = myVtxNum[i];
      mesh->elements[i].my_part  = Proc;
      for (j=0; j<vtxWDim; j++){
	mesh->elements[i].cpu_wgt[j] = myVtxWgts[i*vtxWDim + j];

  safe_free((void **)(void *) &myVtxWgts);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &myVtxNum);

 if (Debug_Driver > 3)
   print_distributed_mesh(Proc, Num_Proc, mesh);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #13
static int dist_hyperedges(
  MPI_Comm comm,		/* MPI Communicator */
  PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,      /* Parallel IO info */
  int     host_proc,		/* processor where all the data is initially */
  int     base,                 /* indicates whether input is 0-based or
				   1-based (i.e., is lowest vertex number
				   0 or 1?). */
  int     gnvtxs,               /* global number of vertices */
  int     *gnhedges,		/* global number of hyperedges */
  int     *nhedges,		/* local number of hyperedges */
  int     **hgid,		/* global hyperedge numbers */
  int     **hindex,		/* Starting hvertex entry for hyperedges */
  int     **hvertex,		/* Array of vertices in hyperedges; returned
				   values are global IDs for vertices */
  int     **hvertex_proc,	/* Array of processor assignments for
				   vertices in hvertex.  */
  int     *hewgt_dim,           /* number of weights per hyperedge */
  float   **hewgts,		/* hyperedge weight list data */
  short   *assignments          /* assignments from Chaco file; may be NULL */
 * Distribute hyperedges from one processor to all processors.
 * Vertex distribution is assumed already done through chaco_dist_graph.
 * The memory for the hyperedges on the host node is freed
 * and fresh memory is allocated for the distributed hyperedges.

const char *yo = "dist_hyperedges";
int nprocs, myproc, i, h, p = 0;
int *old_hindex = NULL, *old_hvertex = NULL, *old_hvertex_proc = NULL;
int *size = NULL, *num_send = NULL;
int *send = NULL;
int *send_hgid = NULL, *send_hindex = NULL;
int *send_hvertex = NULL, *send_hvertex_proc = NULL;
int max_size, max_num_send;
int hcnt[2];
int hecnt, hvcnt;
float *old_hewgts = NULL;
float *send_hewgts = NULL;
MPI_Status status;
int num_dist_procs;
int hedge_init_dist_type;

  hedge_init_dist_type = (pio_info->init_dist_type != INITIAL_FILE
			  ? pio_info->init_dist_type

  /* Determine number of processors and my rank. */
  MPI_Comm_size (comm, &nprocs );
  MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &myproc );

  DEBUG_TRACE_START(myproc, yo);

  if (pio_info->init_dist_procs > 0 && pio_info->init_dist_procs <= nprocs)
    num_dist_procs = pio_info->init_dist_procs;
    /* Reset num_dist_procs if not set validly by input */
    num_dist_procs = nprocs;

  /* Broadcast to all procs */
  MPI_Bcast( hewgt_dim, 1, MPI_INT, host_proc, comm);
  MPI_Bcast( nhedges, 1, MPI_INT, host_proc, comm);
  *gnhedges = *nhedges;

  /* Initialize */
  if (*gnhedges == 0) {
    *hindex = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
    if (!(*hindex)) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
      return 0;
    (*hindex)[0] = 0;
    *hvertex = NULL;
    *hvertex_proc = NULL;
    return 1;

  if (nprocs == 1) {
    *nhedges = *gnhedges;
    *hgid = (int *) malloc(*gnhedges * sizeof(int));
    *hvertex_proc = (int *) malloc((*hindex)[*gnhedges] * sizeof(int));
    if ((*gnhedges && !(*hgid)) || ((*hindex)[*gnhedges] && !(*hvertex_proc))) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
      return 0;
    for (h = 0; h < *gnhedges; h++)
      (*hgid)[h] = h + base;           /* Want the same numbering than for vertices */
    for (h = 0; h < (*hindex)[*gnhedges]; h++)
      (*hvertex_proc)[h] = 0;
    return 1;
  if (myproc == host_proc) {
    /* Store pointers to original data */
    old_hindex  = *hindex;
    old_hvertex = *hvertex;
    old_hewgts = *hewgts;
    old_hvertex_proc = (int *) malloc(old_hindex[*gnhedges] * sizeof(int));

    /* Allocate space for size and send flags */
    size = (int *) calloc(2 * nprocs, sizeof(int));
    num_send = size + nprocs;
    send = (int *) malloc(*gnhedges * sizeof(int *));
    if ((old_hindex[*gnhedges] && !old_hvertex_proc) || !size ||
        (*gnhedges && !send)) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: memory error");
      return 0;

    /* Determine to which processors hyperedges should be sent */
    for (h = 0; h < *gnhedges; h++) {
      if (hedge_init_dist_type == INITIAL_CYCLIC)
	p = h % num_dist_procs;
      else if (hedge_init_dist_type == INITIAL_LINEAR)
	p = (int) ((float) h * (float) num_dist_procs / (float)(*gnhedges));
      else if (hedge_init_dist_type == INITIAL_OWNER)
	p = ch_dist_proc(old_hvertex[old_hindex[h]], assignments, base);
      size[p] += (old_hindex[h+1] - old_hindex[h]);
      send[h] = p;
      for (i = old_hindex[h]; i < old_hindex[h+1]; i++)
	old_hvertex_proc[i] = ch_dist_proc(old_hvertex[i], assignments, base);

    /* Determine size of send buffers and allocate them. */
    max_size = 0;
    max_num_send = 0;
    for (p = 0; p < nprocs; p++) {
      if (size[p] > max_size) max_size = size[p];
      if (num_send[p] > max_num_send) max_num_send = num_send[p];

    send_hgid = (int *) malloc((max_num_send) * sizeof(int));
    send_hindex = (int *) malloc((max_num_send+1) * sizeof(int));
    send_hvertex = (int *) malloc(max_size * sizeof(int));
    send_hvertex_proc = (int *) malloc(max_size * sizeof(int));
    if (*hewgt_dim)
      send_hewgts = (float *) malloc(max_num_send*(*hewgt_dim)*sizeof(float));
    if ((max_num_send && !send_hgid) || !send_hindex ||
	(max_size && (!send_hvertex || !send_hvertex_proc)) ||
	(max_num_send && *hewgt_dim && !send_hewgts)) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: memory error in dist_hyperedges");
      return 0;

    /* Load and send data */
    for (p = 0; p < nprocs; p++) {

      if (p == myproc) continue;

      hecnt = 0;
      hvcnt = 0;
      send_hindex[0] = 0;
      for (h = 0; h < *gnhedges; h++) {
	if (send[h]==p) {
	  send_hgid[hecnt] = h + base; /* Want the same numbering than for vertices */
	  send_hindex[hecnt+1] = send_hindex[hecnt]
			       + (old_hindex[h+1] - old_hindex[h]);
	  for (i = 0; i < *hewgt_dim; i++)
	    send_hewgts[hecnt*(*hewgt_dim)+i] = old_hewgts[h*(*hewgt_dim)+i];
	  for (i = old_hindex[h]; i < old_hindex[h+1]; i++) {
	    send_hvertex[hvcnt] = old_hvertex[i];
	    send_hvertex_proc[hvcnt] = old_hvertex_proc[i];

      hcnt[0] = hecnt;
      hcnt[1] = hvcnt;

      MPI_Send(hcnt, 2, MPI_INT, p, 1, comm);
      MPI_Send(send_hgid, hecnt, MPI_INT, p, 2, comm);
      MPI_Send(send_hindex, hecnt+1, MPI_INT, p, 3, comm);
      MPI_Send(send_hvertex, hvcnt, MPI_INT, p, 4, comm);
      MPI_Send(send_hvertex_proc, hvcnt, MPI_INT, p, 5, comm);
      if (*hewgt_dim)
	MPI_Send(send_hewgts, hecnt*(*hewgt_dim), MPI_FLOAT, p, 6, comm);

    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_hgid);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_hindex);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_hvertex);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_hvertex_proc);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_hewgts);

    /* Copy data owned by myproc into new local storage */
    *nhedges = num_send[myproc];
    *hgid = (int *) malloc(*nhedges * sizeof(int));
    *hindex = (int *) malloc((*nhedges+1) * sizeof(int));
    *hvertex = (int *) malloc(size[myproc] * sizeof(int));
    *hvertex_proc = (int *) malloc(size[myproc] * sizeof(int));
    if (*hewgt_dim)
      *hewgts = (float *) malloc(*nhedges * *hewgt_dim * sizeof(float));
    if ((*nhedges && !(*hgid)) || !(*hindex) ||
	(size[myproc] && (!(*hvertex) || !(*hvertex_proc))) ||
	(*nhedges && *hewgt_dim && !(*hewgts))) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: memory error in dist_hyperedges");
      return 0;

    hecnt = 0;
    hvcnt = 0;
    (*hindex)[0] = 0;

    for (h = 0; h < *gnhedges; h++) {
      if (send[h]==myproc) {
	(*hgid)[hecnt] = h + base;  /* Want the same numbering than for vertices */
	(*hindex)[hecnt+1] = (*hindex)[hecnt]
			   + (old_hindex[h+1] - old_hindex[h]);
	for (i = 0; i < *hewgt_dim; i++)
	  (*hewgts)[hecnt*(*hewgt_dim)+i] = old_hewgts[h*(*hewgt_dim)+i];
	for (i = old_hindex[h]; i < old_hindex[h+1]; i++) {
	  (*hvertex_proc)[hvcnt] = old_hvertex_proc[i];
	  (*hvertex)[hvcnt] = old_hvertex[i];  /* Global index */

    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &size);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_hindex);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_hvertex);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_hvertex_proc);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_hewgts);
  else {
    /* host_proc != myproc; receive hedge data from host_proc */
    MPI_Recv(hcnt, 2, MPI_INT, host_proc, 1, comm, &status);
    *nhedges = hcnt[0];
    *hgid = (int *) malloc(hcnt[0] * sizeof(int));
    *hindex = (int *) malloc((hcnt[0]+1) * sizeof(int));
    *hvertex = (int *) malloc(hcnt[1] * sizeof(int));
    *hvertex_proc = (int *) malloc(hcnt[1] * sizeof(int));
    if (*hewgt_dim)
      *hewgts = (float *) malloc(hcnt[0] * *hewgt_dim * sizeof(float));
    if ((hcnt[0] && !(*hgid)) || !(*hindex) ||
	(hcnt[1] && (!(*hvertex) || !(*hvertex_proc))) ||
	(hcnt[0] && *hewgt_dim && !(*hewgts))) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: memory error in dist_hyperedges");
      return 0;
    MPI_Recv(*hgid, hcnt[0], MPI_INT, host_proc, 2, comm, &status);
    MPI_Recv(*hindex, hcnt[0]+1, MPI_INT, host_proc, 3, comm, &status);
    MPI_Recv(*hvertex, hcnt[1], MPI_INT, host_proc, 4, comm, &status);
    MPI_Recv(*hvertex_proc, hcnt[1], MPI_INT, host_proc, 5, comm, &status);
    if (*hewgt_dim)
      MPI_Recv(*hewgts, hcnt[0]* *hewgt_dim, MPI_FLOAT, host_proc, 6, comm,

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(myproc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #14
int chaco_dist_graph(
  MPI_Comm comm,		/* MPI Communicator */
  PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,      /* Parallel IO info */
  int     host_proc,		/* processor where all the data is initially */
  int     *gnvtxs,		/* number of vertices in global graph */
  int     *nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in local graph */
  int     **xadj,		/* start of edge list for each vertex */
  int     **adjncy,		/* edge list data */
  int     *vwgt_dim,            /* number of weights per vertex */
  float   **vwgts,		/* vertex weight list data */
  int     *ewgt_dim,            /* number of weights per edge */
  float   **ewgts,		/* edge weight list data */
  int     *ndim,                /* dimension of the geometry */
  float   **x,                  /* x-coordinates of the vertices */
  float   **y,                  /* y-coordinates of the vertices */
  float   **z,                  /* z-coordinates of the vertices */
  short   **assignments         /* assignments from Chaco file; may be NULL */
  const char *yo = "chaco_dist_graph";
  int nprocs, myproc, i, j, k, n, p, nedges, nsend, max_nvtxs, v, adj_cnt;
  int offset, use_graph, nvtx_edges;
  int *old_xadj = NULL, *old_adjncy = NULL, *size = NULL;
  int *send_xadj = NULL, *send_adjncy = NULL;
  int *vtx_list = NULL;
  float *old_x = NULL, *old_y = NULL, *old_z = NULL;
  float *send_x = NULL, *send_y = NULL, *send_z = NULL;
  float *old_vwgts = NULL, *old_ewgts = NULL;
  float *send_vwgts = NULL, *send_ewgts = NULL;
  MPI_Status status;

  /* Determine number of processors and my rank. */
  MPI_Comm_size (comm, &nprocs );
  MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &myproc );

  DEBUG_TRACE_START(myproc, yo);

  /* Initialize */
  use_graph = (*xadj  != NULL);
  /* Handle serial case and return. */
  if (nprocs == 1) {
    /* Set values expected to be returned by this function. */
    /* All array pointers are unchanged.                    */
    *gnvtxs = *nvtxs;
    /* Initialize distribution, so other routines using it work. */
    ch_dist_init(nprocs, *gnvtxs, pio_info, assignments, host_proc, comm);

    return 1;

  /* Broadcast to all procs */
  MPI_Bcast( vwgt_dim, 1, MPI_INT, host_proc, comm);
  MPI_Bcast( ewgt_dim, 1, MPI_INT, host_proc, comm);
  MPI_Bcast( &use_graph, 1, MPI_INT, host_proc, comm);
  MPI_Bcast( ndim, 1, MPI_INT, host_proc, comm);
  MPI_Bcast( nvtxs, 1, MPI_INT, host_proc, comm);
  *gnvtxs = *nvtxs;

  /* Initialize the chaco distribution on all processors */
  ch_dist_init(nprocs, *gnvtxs, pio_info, assignments, host_proc, comm);
  /* Store pointers to original data */
  if (myproc == host_proc) {
    old_xadj   = *xadj;
    *xadj      = NULL;
    old_adjncy = *adjncy;
    *adjncy    = NULL;
    old_x      = *x;
    old_y      = *y;
    old_z      = *z;

  /* Allocate space for new distributed graph data */
  n = *nvtxs = ch_dist_num_vtx(myproc, *assignments);

  if (use_graph) {
    *xadj = (int *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(int));
    if (*xadj == NULL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
      return 0;
  if (*vwgt_dim){
    old_vwgts = *vwgts;
    *vwgts = NULL;
    if (n > 0) {
      *vwgts = (float *) malloc(n*(*vwgt_dim)*sizeof(float));
      if (*vwgts == NULL) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
        return 0;
  if (*ndim > 0) {
    *x = (float *)  malloc(n*sizeof(float));
    if (*ndim > 1) {
      *y = (float *)  malloc(n*sizeof(float));
      if (*ndim > 2) {
        *z = (float *)  malloc(n*sizeof(float));

   * Distribute vertex data (xadj, coordinates, etc ) to all procs 

  if (myproc == host_proc){

    /* Allocate space for send buffers  (size = max num vtx per proc ) */
    max_nvtxs = ch_dist_max_num_vtx(*assignments);
    if (use_graph) {
      send_xadj = (int *) malloc((max_nvtxs+1)*sizeof(int));
      if (send_xadj == NULL) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
        return 0;
    if (*vwgt_dim) {
      send_vwgts = (float *) malloc(max_nvtxs*(*vwgt_dim)*sizeof(float));
      if (send_vwgts == NULL) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
        return 0;
    if (*ndim > 0) {
      send_x = (float *) malloc(max_nvtxs*sizeof(float));
      if (send_x == NULL) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
        return 0;
      if (*ndim > 1) {
        send_y = (float *) malloc(max_nvtxs*sizeof(float));
        if (send_y == NULL) {
          Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
          return 0;
        if (*ndim > 2) {
          send_z = (float *) malloc(max_nvtxs*sizeof(float));
          if (send_z == NULL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
            return 0;

    /* Allocate space for list of vertices on a given processor */
    vtx_list = (int *) malloc(max_nvtxs*sizeof(int));
    if (vtx_list == NULL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
      return 0;

    /* Allocate array to accumulate number of edges to be sent to each proc. */
    if (use_graph) {
      size = (int *) malloc(nprocs*sizeof(int));
      if (size == NULL) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
        return 0;

    /* For each processor, gather its vertex information and send it. */
    for (p = 0; p < nprocs; p++){
      if (use_graph) size[p] = 0;

      /* Get list of vertices to be assigned to processor p */
      ch_dist_vtx_list(vtx_list, &nsend, p, *assignments);

      if (p == myproc){

        /* Loop over vertices assigned to myproc; copy the vertex */
        /* data into local arrays.                                */

        if (use_graph) (*xadj)[0] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < nsend; i++) {
          v = vtx_list[i];
          if (use_graph) {
            size[p] += old_xadj[v+1]-old_xadj[v];
            (*xadj)[i+1] = (*xadj)[i] + old_xadj[v+1] - old_xadj[v];

          if (*vwgt_dim){
            for (j=0; j<*vwgt_dim; j++)
              (*vwgts)[i*(*vwgt_dim)+j] = old_vwgts[v*(*vwgt_dim)+j];

          if (*ndim > 0) {
            (*x)[i] = old_x[v];
            if (*ndim > 1) {
              (*y)[i] = old_y[v];
              if (*ndim > 2) {
                (*z)[i] = old_z[v];
      else {

        /* Loop over vertices assigned to proc p to gather */
        /* vertex data into send buffers                   */

        if (use_graph) send_xadj[0] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < nsend; i++) {
          v = vtx_list[i];
          if (use_graph) {
            size[p] += old_xadj[v+1]-old_xadj[v];
            send_xadj[i+1] = send_xadj[i] + old_xadj[v+1] - old_xadj[v];
          if (*vwgt_dim){
            for (j=0; j<*vwgt_dim; j++)
              send_vwgts[i*(*vwgt_dim)+j] = old_vwgts[v*(*vwgt_dim)+j];
          if (*ndim > 0) {
            send_x[i] = old_x[v];
            if (*ndim > 1) {
              send_y[i] = old_y[v];
              if (*ndim > 2) {
                send_z[i] = old_z[v];

        /* Send vertex data to proc p. */
        if (use_graph)
          MPI_Send(send_xadj, nsend+1, MPI_INT, p, 1, comm);
        if (*vwgt_dim)
          MPI_Send(send_vwgts, nsend*(*vwgt_dim), MPI_FLOAT, p, 2, comm);
        if (*ndim > 0) {
          MPI_Send(send_x, nsend, MPI_FLOAT, p, 3, comm);
          if (*ndim > 1) {
            MPI_Send(send_y, nsend, MPI_FLOAT, p, 4, comm);
            if (*ndim > 2) {
              MPI_Send(send_z, nsend, MPI_FLOAT, p, 5, comm);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_xadj);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_vwgts);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_x);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_y);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_z);
  else {
    /* host_proc != myproc; receive vertex data from host_proc */
    if (use_graph)
      MPI_Recv (*xadj, (*nvtxs)+1, MPI_INT, host_proc, 1, comm, &status);
    if (*vwgt_dim)
      MPI_Recv (*vwgts, (*nvtxs)*(*vwgt_dim), MPI_FLOAT, host_proc, 2, comm, &status);
    if (*ndim > 0) {
      MPI_Recv(*x, *nvtxs,  MPI_FLOAT, host_proc, 3, comm, &status);
      if (*ndim > 1) {
        MPI_Recv(*y, *nvtxs, MPI_FLOAT, host_proc, 4, comm, &status);
        if (*ndim > 2) {
          MPI_Recv(*z, *nvtxs, MPI_FLOAT, host_proc, 5, comm, &status);

   * Distribute edge data to all procs 

  if (use_graph) {

    if (*ewgt_dim) {
      old_ewgts = *ewgts;
      *ewgts = NULL;

    /* Allocate space for edge data */
    nedges = (*xadj)[ *nvtxs];
    if (nedges > 0) {
      *adjncy = (int *) malloc(nedges * sizeof (int));
      if (*adjncy == NULL) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
        return 0;
      if (*ewgt_dim){
        *ewgts = (float *) malloc(nedges*(*ewgt_dim) * sizeof (float));
        if (*ewgts == NULL) {
          Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
          return 0;

    /* Gather and send/receive edge data */

    if (myproc == host_proc){

      /* For each processor, gather its edge data and send it. */
      for (p = 0; p < nprocs; p++){
        if (size[p] == 0) continue;

        /* Get list of vertices to be assigned to processor p */
        ch_dist_vtx_list(vtx_list, &nsend, p, *assignments);

        adj_cnt = 0;
        if (p == myproc) {

          /* Loop over vertices assigned to myproc copy the edge */
          /* data into local arrays.                             */

          for (i = 0; i < nsend; i++) {
            v = vtx_list[i];
            offset = old_xadj[v];
            nvtx_edges = old_xadj[v+1] - old_xadj[v];
            for (j = 0; j < nvtx_edges; j++) {
              (*adjncy)[adj_cnt] = old_adjncy[offset+j];
              if (*ewgt_dim){ 
                for (k=0; k<*ewgt_dim; k++)
                  (*ewgts)[adj_cnt*(*ewgt_dim)+k] = old_ewgts[(offset+j)*(*ewgt_dim)+k];
        else { /* p != myproc */

          /* allocate send buffers; size = num edges to send to proc p */
          nvtx_edges = 0;
          for (i = 0; i < nsend; i++) {
            v = vtx_list[i];
            nvtx_edges += old_xadj[v+1] - old_xadj[v];
          send_adjncy = (int *) malloc(nvtx_edges * sizeof(int));
          if (send_adjncy == NULL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
            return 0;
          if (*ewgt_dim) {
            send_ewgts = (float *) malloc(nvtx_edges*(*ewgt_dim) * sizeof(float));
            if (send_ewgts == NULL) {
              Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
              return 0;

          /* Loop over vertices assigned to proc p to gather */
          /* edge data into send buffers                     */

          for (i = 0; i < nsend; i++) {
            v = vtx_list[i];
            offset = old_xadj[v];
            nvtx_edges = old_xadj[v+1] - old_xadj[v];
            for (j = 0; j < nvtx_edges; j++) {
              send_adjncy[adj_cnt] = old_adjncy[offset+j];
              if (*ewgt_dim){
                for (k=0; k<*ewgt_dim; k++)
                  send_ewgts[adj_cnt*(*ewgt_dim)+k] = old_ewgts[(offset+j)*(*ewgt_dim)+k];
          /* Send edge data to proc p. */
          MPI_Send(send_adjncy, size[p], MPI_INT, p, 6, comm);
          if (*ewgt_dim)
            MPI_Send(send_ewgts, size[p]*(*ewgt_dim), MPI_FLOAT, p, 7, comm);
          safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_adjncy);
          safe_free((void **)(void *) &send_ewgts);
    else {
      /* host_proc != myproc; receive edge data from host_proc */
      if (nedges > 0) {
        MPI_Recv (*adjncy, nedges, MPI_INT, host_proc, 6, comm, &status);
        if (*ewgt_dim)
          MPI_Recv (*ewgts, nedges*(*ewgt_dim), MPI_FLOAT, host_proc, 7, comm, &status);

  /* Free space on host proc */
  if (myproc == host_proc){
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_xadj);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_adjncy);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_vwgts);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_ewgts);

    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_x);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_y);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &old_z);
    safe_free((void **)(void *) &vtx_list);
  if (size != NULL) safe_free((void **)(void *) &size);
  DEBUG_TRACE_END(myproc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #15
int create_random_input(
  int Proc,
  int Num_Proc,
  PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
  /* Local declarations. */
  const char  *yo = "create_random_input";

  int    i, j, nvtxs, gnvtxs;
  int    vwgt_dim=0, ewgt_dim=0;
  int    ndim = 0;
  int   *start = NULL, *adj = NULL;
  int    no_geom = FALSE;

  float *ewgts = NULL, *vwgts = NULL;
  float *x = NULL, *y = NULL, *z = NULL;

  short *assignments = NULL;

  char filename[256];
  FILE *fpg = NULL, *fpc = NULL;  /* Files to echo random input */

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  if (Proc == 0) {

    /* Adapted from read_chaco_graph; build same values as read_chaco_graph
     * and then let random input be distributed as a Chaco graph would be. */

    /* read the array in on processor 0 */
    nvtxs = pio_info->init_size;
    ndim = pio_info->init_dim;
    vwgt_dim = pio_info->init_vwgt_dim;
    if (vwgt_dim<1) vwgt_dim=1; /* For now, insist on 1 or more weights. */

    if (nvtxs <= OUTPUT_FILES_MAX_NVTXS) {
      sprintf(filename, "%s.graph", pio_info->pexo_fname);
      fpg = fopen(filename, "w");
      sprintf(filename, "%s.coords", pio_info->pexo_fname);
      fpc = fopen(filename, "w");

    if (nvtxs > 0) {
      /* Allocate space for vertex weights and coordinates. */
      x = (float *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(double));
      if (ndim > 1) y = (float *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(double));
      if (ndim > 2) z = (float *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(double));
      vwgts = (float *) malloc(vwgt_dim*nvtxs * sizeof(float));
      if (!x || (ndim > 1 && !y) || (ndim > 2 && !z) || !vwgts) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error allocating memory.");
        return 0;

      /* Generate random coordinates and weights. */
      switch (ndim) {
      case 1:
        for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)  {
          x[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          if (fpc != NULL) fprintf(fpc, "%e\n", x[i]);
      case 2:
        for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)  {
          x[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          y[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          if (fpc != NULL) fprintf(fpc, "%e %e\n", x[i], y[i]);
      case 3:
        for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)  {
          x[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          y[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          z[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          if (fpc != NULL) fprintf(fpc, "%e %e %e\n", x[i], y[i], z[i]);

      for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)  {
        if (pio_info->init_vwgt_dim == 0) 
          /* Unit weights if no weights were requested. */
          vwgts[i] = 1.0;
          for (j = 0; j < vwgt_dim; j++)  {
            /* Only assign one of the weight dimensions a weight>0. */
            /* Modify to get more complicated test cases. */
            if (j == i%vwgt_dim)
              vwgts[i*vwgt_dim+j] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
              vwgts[i*vwgt_dim+j] = 0.0;

      /* KDDSJP:  Need to add edge info here.  Later.  For now, set no edges */
      ewgt_dim = 0;
      start = (int *) malloc((nvtxs+1) * sizeof(int));
      adj = NULL;
      ewgts = NULL;
      for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
        start[i] = 0;
      start[nvtxs] = 0;
      if (fpg != NULL) {
        if (vwgt_dim==1)
          fprintf(fpg, "%d %d 010\n", nvtxs, start[nvtxs]);
          fprintf(fpg, "%d %d 010 %d\n", nvtxs, start[nvtxs], vwgt_dim);
      for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
        if (fpg != NULL) 
          for (j = 0; j < vwgt_dim; j++) 
            fprintf(fpg, "%e ", vwgts[i*vwgt_dim+j]);
        /* KDDSJP Print edges here */
        if (fpg != NULL) fprintf(fpg, "\n");
    if (fpg != NULL) fclose(fpg);
    if (fpc != NULL) fclose(fpc);

  /* Distribute graph */
  if (!chaco_dist_graph(MPI_COMM_WORLD, pio_info, 0, &gnvtxs, &nvtxs, 
             &start, &adj, &vwgt_dim, &vwgts, &ewgt_dim, &ewgts, 
             &ndim, &x, &y, &z, &assignments)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_dist_graph");
    return 0;

  if (!chaco_setup_mesh_struct(Proc, Num_Proc, prob, mesh, gnvtxs, nvtxs,
                     start, adj, vwgt_dim, vwgts, ewgt_dim, ewgts,
                     ndim, x, y, z, assignments, 1, no_geom)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_setup_mesh_struct");
    return 0;

  safe_free((void **)(void *) &adj);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &vwgts);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ewgts);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &start);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &x);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &y);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &z);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &assignments);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #16
int output_gnu(const char *cmd_file,
               const char *tag,
               int Proc,
               int Num_Proc,
               PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
               PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
               MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
 * For 2D problems, output files that can be read by gnuplot for looking at
 * results.
 * We'll do 3D problems later.
 * One gnuplot file is written for each partition.  
 * When number of partitions == number of processors, there is one file per
 * processor.
 * For Chaco input files, the file written contains coordinates of owned
 * nodes and all nodes in that partition connected to the owned nodes. When
 * drawn "with linespoints", the subdomains are drawn, but lines connecting the
 * subdomains are not drawn.
 * For Nemesis input files, the file written contains the coordinates of
 * each node of owned elements.  When drawn "with lines", the element outlines
 * for each owned element are drawn.
 * In addition, processor 0 writes a gnuplot command file telling gnuplot how
 * to process the individual coordinate files written.  This file can be used
 * with the gnuplot "load" command to simplify generation of the gnuplot.
  /* Local declarations. */
  const char  *yo = "output_gnu";
  char   par_out_fname[FILENAME_MAX+1], ctemp[FILENAME_MAX+1];
  ELEM_INFO *current_elem, *nbor_elem;
  int    nbor, num_nodes;
  const char  *datastyle = NULL;
  int    i, j, nelems;
  int    prev_part = -1;
  int    max_part = -1;
  float    locMaxX = INT_MIN;
  float    locMinX = INT_MAX;
  float    locMaxY = INT_MIN;
  float    locMinY = INT_MAX;
  float    globMaxX = INT_MIN;
  float    globMinX = INT_MAX;
  float    globMaxY = INT_MIN;
  float    globMinY = INT_MAX;
  int    gmax_part = Num_Proc-1;
  int    gnum_part = Num_Proc;
  int   *parts = NULL;
  int   *index = NULL;
  int   *elem_index = NULL;
  FILE  *fp = NULL;
/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/

  if(Output.Gnuplot < 0)
    Gen_Error(0,"warning: 'gnuplot output' parameter set to invalid negative value.");
    return 0;


  if (mesh->num_dims > 2) {
    Gen_Error(0, "warning: cannot generate gnuplot data for 3D problems.");
    DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
    return 0;

  if (mesh->eb_nnodes[0] == 0) {
    /* No coordinate information is available.  */
    Gen_Error(0, "warning: cannot generate gnuplot data when no coordinate"
                 " input is given.");
    DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
    return 0;

   * Build arrays of partition number to sort by.  Index and elem_index arrays 
   * will be used even when plotting by processor numbers (for generality), 
   * so build it regardless. 
  nelems = mesh->num_elems - mesh->blank_count;

  if (nelems > 0) {
    parts = (int *) malloc(3 * nelems * sizeof(int));
    index = parts + nelems;
    elem_index = index + nelems;
    for (j = 0, i = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) {
      current_elem = &(mesh->elements[i]);
      if (current_elem->globalID >= 0) {

        if (mesh->blank_count && (mesh->blank[i] == 1)) continue;
        if (current_elem->my_part > max_part) max_part = current_elem->my_part;
        parts[j] = (Output.Plot_Partition ? current_elem->my_part : Proc);
        index[j] = j;
        elem_index[j] = i;
  if (Output.Plot_Partition) {
    /* Sort by partition numbers.  Assumes # parts >= # proc. */
    if (nelems > 0) 
      sort_index(nelems, parts, index);
    MPI_Allreduce(&max_part, &gmax_part, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    gnum_part = gmax_part + 1;

  /* generate the parallel filename for this processor */
  strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
  strcat(ctemp, ".");
  strcat(ctemp, tag);
  strcat(ctemp, ".gnu");

  if (pio_info->file_type == CHACO_FILE ||
      pio_info->file_type == NO_FILE_POINTS ||
      pio_info->file_type == NO_FILE_TRIANGLES ||
      pio_info->file_type == HYPERGRAPH_FILE) {
     * For each node of Chaco graph, print the coordinates of the node.
     * Then, for each neighboring node on the processor, print the neighbor's
     * coordinates.
    datastyle = "linespoints";
    for (i = 0; i < nelems; i++) {
      current_elem = &(mesh->elements[elem_index[index[i]]]);
      if (parts[index[i]] != prev_part) {
        if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
        gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, 
                         parts[index[i]], Num_Proc);
        fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");
        prev_part = parts[index[i]];
      /* Include the point itself, so that even if there are no edges,
       * the point will appear.  */
      fprintf(fp, "\n%e %e\n", 
              current_elem->coord[0][0], current_elem->coord[0][1]);

      /* save max and min x/y coords */
      if(current_elem->coord[0][0] < locMinX)
        locMinX = current_elem->coord[0][0];
      if(current_elem->coord[0][0] > locMaxX)
        locMaxX = current_elem->coord[0][0];
      if(current_elem->coord[0][1] < locMinY)
        locMinY = current_elem->coord[0][1];
      if(current_elem->coord[0][1] > locMaxY)
        locMaxY = current_elem->coord[0][1];

      if (Output.Gnuplot>1)

        for (j = 0; j < current_elem->nadj; j++) {
          if (current_elem->adj_proc[j] == Proc) {  /* Nbor is on same proc */
            if (mesh->blank_count && (mesh->blank[current_elem->adj[j]] == 1))
            if (!Output.Plot_Partition || 
                mesh->elements[current_elem->adj[j]].my_part == 
                             current_elem->my_part) {  
              /* Not plotting partitions, or nbor is in same partition */
              /* Plot the edge.  Need to include current point and nbor point
               * for each edge. */
              fprintf(fp, "\n%e %e\n", 
                  current_elem->coord[0][0], current_elem->coord[0][1]);
              nbor = current_elem->adj[j];
              nbor_elem = &(mesh->elements[nbor]);
              fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n",
                      nbor_elem->coord[0][0], nbor_elem->coord[0][1]);




  else if (pio_info->file_type == NEMESIS_FILE) { /* Nemesis input file */
     *  For each element of Nemesis input file, print the coordinates of its
     *  nodes.  No need to follow neighbors, as decomposition is by elements.
    double sum[2];
    datastyle = "lines";
    for (i = 0; i < nelems; i++) {
      current_elem = &(mesh->elements[elem_index[index[i]]]);
      if (parts[index[i]] != prev_part) {
        if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
        gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, 
                         parts[index[i]], Num_Proc);
        fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");
        prev_part = parts[index[i]];
      num_nodes = mesh->eb_nnodes[current_elem->elem_blk];
      sum[0] = sum[1] = 0.0;
      for (j = 0; j < num_nodes; j++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n", 
                current_elem->coord[j][0], current_elem->coord[j][1]);
        sum[0] += current_elem->coord[j][0];
        sum[1] += current_elem->coord[j][1];
      fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n", current_elem->coord[0][0], 
      fprintf(fp, "\n");
      /* Print small + in center of element */
      sum[0] /= num_nodes;
      sum[1] /= num_nodes;
      fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n",   sum[0] - 0.001, sum[1]);
      fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n\n", sum[0] + 0.001, sum[1]);
      fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n",   sum[0], sum[1] - 0.001);
      fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n\n", sum[0], sum[1] + 0.001);
  if (nelems == 0 && !Output.Plot_Partition) { 
    /* Open a file just so one exists; satisfies the gnuload file. */
    gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, Proc, Num_Proc);
    fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");
  if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &parts);

  if (Proc == 0) {
    /* Write gnu master file with gnu commands for plotting */
    strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
    strcat(ctemp, ".");
    strcat(ctemp, tag);
    strcat(ctemp, ".gnuload");
    fp = fopen(ctemp, "w");
    fprintf(fp, "set nokey\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set nolabel\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noxzeroaxis\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noyzeroaxis\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noxtics\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noytics\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set data style %s\n", datastyle);

    /* resize range so that there is a 5% border around data */
    fprintf(fp, "set xrange [%f:%f] \n ",globMinX-(globMaxX-globMinX)/20
    fprintf(fp, "set yrange [%f:%f] \n ",globMinY-(globMaxY-globMinY)/20

    fprintf(fp, "plot ");
    strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
    strcat(ctemp, ".");
    strcat(ctemp, tag);
    strcat(ctemp, ".gnu");
    for (i = 0; i < gnum_part; i++) {
      gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, i, Num_Proc);
      fprintf(fp, "\"%s\"", par_out_fname);
      if (i != gnum_part-1) {
        fprintf(fp, ",\\\n");
    fprintf(fp, "\n");

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #17
int create_random_triangles(
  int Proc,
  int Num_Proc,
  PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
  /* Local declarations. */
  const char  *yo = "create_random_input";

  int    i, j, w, nvtxs, gnvtxs, ntri;
  int    vwgt_dim=0, ewgt_dim=0;
  int    ndim = 0;
  int   *start = NULL, *adj = NULL;
  int    no_geom = FALSE;

  float *ewgts = NULL, *vwgts = NULL;
  float *x = NULL, *y = NULL, *z = NULL;
  float wgt, diff;

  short *assignments = NULL;

  char filename[256];
  FILE *fpg = NULL, *fpc = NULL;  /* Files to echo random input */

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  if (Proc == 0) {

    /* Adapted from read_chaco_graph; build same values as read_chaco_graph
     * and then let random input be distributed as a Chaco graph would be. */

    /* read the array in on processor 0 */
    ntri = pio_info->init_size;
    nvtxs = ntri * 3;
    ndim = pio_info->init_dim;
    vwgt_dim = pio_info->init_vwgt_dim;
    if (vwgt_dim<1) vwgt_dim=1; /* For now, insist on 1 or more weights. */

    if (ntri <= OUTPUT_FILES_MAX_NVTXS) {
      sprintf(filename, "%s.graph", pio_info->pexo_fname);
      fpg = fopen(filename, "w");
      sprintf(filename, "%s.coords", pio_info->pexo_fname);
      fpc = fopen(filename, "w");

    if (nvtxs > 0) {
      /* Allocate space for vertex weights and coordinates. */
      x = (float *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(double));
      if (ndim > 1) y = (float *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(double));
      if (ndim > 2) z = (float *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(double));
      vwgts = (float *) malloc(vwgt_dim*nvtxs * sizeof(float));
      if (!x || (ndim > 1 && !y) || (ndim > 2 && !z) || !vwgts) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error allocating memory.");
        return 0;

      /* Generate random triangles and vertex weights. */
      diff = 1.0/50.0; 

      switch (ndim) {
      case 1:
        for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i+=3)  {
          x[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          x[i+1] = x[i] - diff;
          x[i+2] = x[i] + diff;
          if (fpc != NULL) fprintf(fpc, "%e\n%e\n%e\n", x[i],x[i+1],x[i+2]);
      case 2:
        for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i+=3)  {
          x[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          y[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          x[i+1] = x[i] - diff;
          y[i+1] = y[i];
          x[i+2] = x[i];
          y[i+2] = y[i] + diff;
          if (fpc != NULL) fprintf(fpc, "%e %e\n%e %e\n%e %e\n", 
                           x[i], y[i],x[i+1], y[i+1],x[i+2], y[i+2]);
      case 3:
        for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i+=3)  {
          x[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          y[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          z[i] = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
          x[i+1] = x[i] - diff;
          y[i+1] = y[i];
          z[i+1] = z[i];
          x[i+2] = x[i];
          y[i+2] = y[i] + diff;
          z[i+2] = z[i];
          if (fpc != NULL) fprintf(fpc, "%e %e %e\n%e %e %e\n%e %e %e\n", 
                   x[i], y[i], z[i],x[i+1], y[i+1], z[i+1],x[i+2], y[i+2], z[i+2]);

      if (pio_info->init_vwgt_dim == 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)  {
          /* Unit weights if no weights were requested. */
          vwgts[i] = 1.0;
        memset(vwgts, 0, nvtxs * sizeof(float));
        for (i=0,w=0; i < ntri; i++)  {
          for (j = 0; j < vwgt_dim; j++)  {
            /* Each point of triangle gets the same weight. */
            /* Only assign one of the weight dimensions a weight>0. */
            /* Modify to get more complicated test cases. */
            if (j == i%vwgt_dim){
              wgt = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
              vwgts[w+j] = wgt;
              w += vwgt_dim;
              vwgts[w+j] = wgt;
              w += vwgt_dim;
              vwgts[w+j] = wgt;
              w += vwgt_dim;

      /* Each vertex has two neighbors */

      ewgt_dim = 0;
      start = (int *) malloc((nvtxs+1) * sizeof(int));
      adj = (int *)malloc(nvtxs*2*sizeof(int));
      ewgts = NULL;
      for (i = 0; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
        start[i] = i*2;

      for (i=0, w=0, j=1; i < ntri; i++,j+=3){
        /* j is first vertex (1-based) in triangle */
        adj[w++] = j+1;   /* adjacencies of vertex j */
        adj[w++] = j+2;
        adj[w++] = j+2;   /* adjacencies of vertex j+1 */
        adj[w++] = j;
        adj[w++] = j;     /* adjacencies of vertex j+2 */
        adj[w++] = j+1;
      if (fpg != NULL) {
        if (vwgt_dim==1)
          fprintf(fpg, "%d %d 010\n", nvtxs, nvtxs);
          fprintf(fpg, "%d %d 010 %d\n", nvtxs, nvtxs, vwgt_dim);
        for (i = 0, w=0; i < nvtxs; i++, w += 2) {
          for (j = 0; j < vwgt_dim; j++) 
            fprintf(fpg, "%e ", vwgts[i*vwgt_dim+j]);
          fprintf(fpg, "%d %d",adj[w],adj[w+1]);
          fprintf(fpg, "\n");
    if (fpg != NULL) fclose(fpg);
    if (fpc != NULL) fclose(fpc);

  /* Distribute graph */
  if (!chaco_dist_graph(MPI_COMM_WORLD, pio_info, 0, &gnvtxs, &nvtxs, 
             &start, &adj, &vwgt_dim, &vwgts, &ewgt_dim, &ewgts, 
             &ndim, &x, &y, &z, &assignments)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_dist_graph");
    return 0;

  if (!chaco_setup_mesh_struct(Proc, Num_Proc, prob, mesh, gnvtxs, nvtxs,
                     start, adj, vwgt_dim, vwgts, ewgt_dim, ewgts,
                     ndim, x, y, z, assignments, 1, no_geom)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_setup_mesh_struct");
    return 0;

  safe_free((void **)(void *) &adj);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &vwgts);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ewgts);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &start);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &x);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &y);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &z);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &assignments);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #18
static int input_assign_normal(
ZOLTAN_FILE*     finassign,		/* input assignment file */
char     *inassignname,		/* name of input assignment file */
int       nvtxs,		/* number of vertices to output */
short    *assignment)		/* values to be printed */
    const char *yo = "input_assign_normal";
    int       flag;		/* logical conditional */
    int       end_flag;		/* return flag from read_int() */
    int       i, j;		/* loop counter */


    /* Get the assignment vector one line at a time, checking as you go. */
    /* First read past any comments at top. */
    end_flag = 1;
    while (end_flag == 1) {
	assignment[0] = read_int(finassign, &end_flag);

    if (assignment[0] < 0) {
	printf("ERROR: Entry %d in assignment file `%s' less than zero (%d)\n",
	       1, inassignname, assignment[0]);
        DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
	return (1);

    if (end_flag == -1) {
	printf("ERROR: No values found in assignment file `%s'\n", inassignname);
        DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
	return (1);

    flag = 0;
    if (assignment[0] > nvtxs)
	flag = assignment[1];
    for (i = 1; i < nvtxs; i++) {
	j = ZOLTAN_FILE_scanf(finassign, "%hd", &(assignment[i]));
	if (j != 1) {
	    printf("ERROR: Too few values in assignment file `%s'.\n", inassignname);
            DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
	    return (1);
	if (assignment[i] < 0) {
	    printf("ERROR: Entry %d in assignment file `%s' less than zero (%d)\n",
		   i+1, inassignname, assignment[i]);
            DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
	    return (1);
	if (assignment[i] > nvtxs) {	/* warn since probably an error */
	    if (assignment[i] > flag)
		flag = assignment[i];

    if (flag && Debug_Chaco_Input) {
	printf("WARNING: Possible error in assignment file `%s'\n", inassignname);
	printf("         More assignment sets (%d) than vertices (%d)\n", flag, nvtxs);

    /* Check for spurious extra stuff in file. */
    flag = FALSE;
    end_flag = 0;
    while (!flag && end_flag != -1) {
	read_int(finassign, &end_flag);
	if (!end_flag)
	    flag = TRUE;
    if (flag && Debug_Chaco_Input) {
	printf("WARNING: Possible error in assignment file `%s'\n", inassignname);
	printf("         Numerical data found after expected end of file\n");

    DEBUG_TRACE_END(0, yo);
    return (0);
예제 #19
int migrate_elements(
    int Proc,
    MESH_INFO_PTR mesh,
    struct Zoltan_Struct *zz,
    int num_gid_entries,
    int num_lid_entries,
    int num_imp,
    ZOLTAN_ID_PTR imp_gids,
    ZOLTAN_ID_PTR imp_lids,
    int *imp_procs,
    int *imp_to_part,
    int num_exp,
    ZOLTAN_ID_PTR exp_gids,
    ZOLTAN_ID_PTR exp_lids,
    int *exp_procs,
    int *exp_to_part)
    /* Local declarations. */
    char *yo = "migrate_elements";

    /***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/
    DEBUG_TRACE_START(Proc, yo);

     * register migration functions
    if (!Test.Null_Lists) {
        /* If not passing NULL lists, let Help_Migrate call the
         * pre-processing and post-processing routines.
        if (Zoltan_Set_Fn(zz, ZOLTAN_PRE_MIGRATE_PP_FN_TYPE,
                          (void (*)()) migrate_pre_process,
                          (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Set_Fn()\n");
            return 0;

        if (Zoltan_Set_Fn(zz, ZOLTAN_POST_MIGRATE_PP_FN_TYPE,
                          (void (*)()) migrate_post_process,
                          (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Set_Fn()\n");
            return 0;

    if (Test.Multi_Callbacks) {
        if (Zoltan_Set_Fn(zz, ZOLTAN_OBJ_SIZE_MULTI_FN_TYPE,
                          (void (*)()) migrate_elem_size_multi,
                          (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Set_Fn()\n");
            return 0;

        if (Zoltan_Set_Fn(zz, ZOLTAN_PACK_OBJ_MULTI_FN_TYPE,
                          (void (*)()) migrate_pack_elem_multi,
                          (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Set_Fn()\n");
            return 0;

        if (Zoltan_Set_Fn(zz, ZOLTAN_UNPACK_OBJ_MULTI_FN_TYPE,
                          (void (*)()) migrate_unpack_elem_multi,
                          (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Set_Fn()\n");
            return 0;
    else {
        if (Zoltan_Set_Fn(zz, ZOLTAN_OBJ_SIZE_FN_TYPE,
                          (void (*)()) migrate_elem_size,
                          (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Set_Fn()\n");
            return 0;

        if (Zoltan_Set_Fn(zz, ZOLTAN_PACK_OBJ_FN_TYPE,
                          (void (*)()) migrate_pack_elem,
                          (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Set_Fn()\n");
            return 0;

        if (Zoltan_Set_Fn(zz, ZOLTAN_UNPACK_OBJ_FN_TYPE,
                          (void (*)()) migrate_unpack_elem,
                          (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Set_Fn()\n");
            return 0;

    if (Test.Null_Lists == NONE) {
        if (Zoltan_Migrate(zz, num_imp, imp_gids, imp_lids, imp_procs, imp_to_part,
                           num_exp, exp_gids, exp_lids, exp_procs, exp_to_part)
                == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Migrate()\n");
            return 0;
    else {
        /* Call Zoltan_Help_Migrate with empty import lists. */
        /* Have to "manually" call migrate_pre_process and migrate_post_process. */
        int ierr = 0;
        migrate_pre_process((void *) mesh, 1, 1,
                            num_imp, imp_gids, imp_lids, imp_procs, imp_to_part,
                            num_exp, exp_gids, exp_lids, exp_procs, exp_to_part,
        if (Test.Null_Lists == IMPORT_LISTS) {
            if (Zoltan_Migrate(zz,
                               -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                               num_exp, exp_gids, exp_lids, exp_procs, exp_to_part)
                    == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
                Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Migrate()\n");
                return 0;
        else {
            if (Zoltan_Migrate(zz,
                               num_imp, imp_gids, imp_lids, imp_procs, imp_to_part,
                               -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
                    == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
                Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Zoltan_Migrate()\n");
                return 0;
        migrate_post_process((void *) mesh, 1, 1,
                             num_imp, imp_gids, imp_lids, imp_procs, imp_to_part,
                             num_exp, exp_gids, exp_lids, exp_procs, exp_to_part,

    DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
    return 1;

예제 #20
int chaco_setup_mesh_struct(
  int        Proc,
  int        Num_Proc,
  PROB_INFO_PTR prob,            /* problem description */
  MESH_INFO_PTR mesh,            /* mesh information for the problem */
  int        gnvtxs,             /* global number of vertices across all procs*/
  int        nvtxs,              /* number of vertices in local graph */
  int       *start,              /* start of edge list for each vertex */
  int       *adj,                /* edge list data */
  int        vwgt_dim,           /* # of weights per vertex */
  float     *vwgts,              /* vertex weight list data */
  int        ewgt_dim,           /* # of weights per edge */
  float     *ewgts,              /* edge weight list data */
  int        ndim,               /* dimension of the geometry */
  float     *x,                  /* x-coordinates of the vertices */
  float     *y,                  /* y-coordinates of the vertices */
  float     *z,                  /* z-coordinates of the vertices */
  short     *assignments,        /* assignments from Chaco file; may be NULL */
  int       base,                /* smallest vertex number to use; 
                                    base == 1 for Chaco; 
                                    may be 0 or 1 for HG files. */
  int       no_geom              /* flag indicating whether coords are avail. */
const char *yo = "chaco_setup_mesh_struct";
int i;


  /* Initialize mesh structure for Chaco mesh. */
  mesh->data_type = ZOLTAN_GRAPH;
  mesh->vwgt_dim = vwgt_dim;
  mesh->ewgt_dim = ewgt_dim;
  mesh->num_elems = nvtxs;
  mesh->elem_array_len = mesh->num_elems + 5;
  mesh->num_dims = ndim;
  mesh->num_el_blks = 1;

  mesh->eb_etypes = (int *) malloc (5 * mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(int));
  if (!mesh->eb_etypes) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  mesh->eb_ids = mesh->eb_etypes + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_cnts = mesh->eb_ids + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nnodes = mesh->eb_cnts + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nattrs = mesh->eb_nnodes + mesh->num_el_blks;

  mesh->eb_names = (char **) malloc (mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(char *));
  if (!mesh->eb_names) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  mesh->eb_etypes[0] = -1;
  mesh->eb_ids[0] = 1;
  mesh->eb_cnts[0] = nvtxs;
  mesh->eb_nattrs[0] = 0;

  mesh->hindex = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
  mesh->hindex[0] = 0;

   * Each element has one set of coordinates (i.e., node) if a coords file
   * was provided; zero otherwise. 
  MPI_Bcast( &no_geom, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (no_geom)
    mesh->eb_nnodes[0] = 0;
    mesh->eb_nnodes[0] = 1;

  /* allocate space for name */
  mesh->eb_names[0] = (char *) malloc((MAX_STR_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(char));
  if (!mesh->eb_names[0]) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  strcpy(mesh->eb_names[0], "chaco");

  /* allocate the element structure array */
  mesh->elements = (ELEM_INFO_PTR) malloc (mesh->elem_array_len 
                                         * sizeof(ELEM_INFO));
  if (!(mesh->elements)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

   * intialize all of the element structs as unused by
   * setting the globalID to -1
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) 

   * now fill the element structure array with the
   * information from the Chaco file
  if (!chaco_fill_elements(Proc, Num_Proc, prob, mesh, gnvtxs, nvtxs,
                     start, adj, vwgt_dim, vwgts, ewgt_dim, ewgts, 
                     ndim, x, y, z, assignments, 1)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_fill_elements");
    return 0;

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #21
static int read_elem_info(int pexoid, int Proc, PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
                          MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
  /* Local declarations. */
  char  *yo = "read_elem_info";
  int    iblk, ielem, inode, lnode, cnode, iplace, len;
  int    max_nsur = 0;
  int    i;
  int   *nmap, *emap, *connect;
  int  **sur_elem, *nsurnd;
  ELEM_INFO_PTR elements = mesh->elements;

  double tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
  float *xptr = NULL, *yptr = NULL, *zptr = NULL;
/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  /* allocate memory for the global number maps */
  nmap = (int *) malloc ((mesh->num_nodes + mesh->num_elems) * sizeof(int));
  if (!nmap) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  emap = nmap + mesh->num_nodes;

   * get the global maps
  if (ex_get_elem_num_map(pexoid, emap) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_get_elem_num_map");
    return 0;

  if (ex_get_node_num_map(pexoid, nmap) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_get_node_num_map");
    return 0;

  /* allocate memory for the coordinates */
  xptr = (float *) malloc (mesh->num_dims * mesh->num_nodes * sizeof(float));
  if (!xptr) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  switch (mesh->num_dims) {
    case 3:
      zptr = xptr + 2 * mesh->num_nodes;
      /* FALLTHRU */
    case 2:
      yptr = xptr + mesh->num_nodes;

  if (ex_get_coord(pexoid, xptr, yptr, zptr) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_get_coord");
    return 0;

   * figure out which element block needs
   * the most space for its connect table
  len = 0;
  for (iblk = 0; iblk < mesh->num_el_blks; iblk++)
    if ((iplace = mesh->eb_cnts[iblk] * mesh->eb_nnodes[iblk]) > len)
      len = iplace;

  connect = (int *) malloc (len * sizeof(int));
  if (!connect) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  /* Fill the Connect table, Coordinates, Global Ids for each element        */
  iplace = 0;
  for (iblk = 0; iblk < mesh->num_el_blks; iblk++) {

    if (mesh->eb_cnts[iblk] > 0) {
      if (ex_get_elem_conn(pexoid, mesh->eb_ids[iblk], connect) < 0) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_get_elem_conn");
        return 0;

      cnode = 0;
      for (ielem = 0; ielem < mesh->eb_cnts[iblk]; ielem++) {
        /* set some fields in the element structure */
        elements[iplace].border = 0;
        elements[iplace].globalID = emap[iplace];
        elements[iplace].elem_blk = iblk;
        elements[iplace].my_part = Proc;
        elements[iplace].perm_value = -1;
        elements[iplace].invperm_value = -1;
        elements[iplace].nadj = 0;
        elements[iplace].adj_len = 0;
        /* first weights are all 1 for now */
        elements[iplace].cpu_wgt[0] = 1.0;
        if (MAX_CPU_WGTS>1){
          /* second weights will be set later */
          elements[iplace].cpu_wgt[1] = 0.0;
          /* make artificial data for more multi-weights */
          for (i = 2; i < MAX_CPU_WGTS; i++)
            elements[iplace].cpu_wgt[i] = elements[iplace].my_part +
        elements[iplace].mem_wgt = 1.0;

        /* allocate space for the connect list and the coordinates */
        elements[iplace].connect = (int *) malloc(mesh->eb_nnodes[iblk] *
        if (!(elements[iplace].connect)) {
          Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
          return 0;

        elements[iplace].coord = (float **) malloc(mesh->eb_nnodes[iblk] *
                                                   sizeof(float *));
        if (!(elements[iplace].coord)) {
          Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
          return 0;

        /* save the connect table as local numbers for the moment */
        tmp0 = tmp1 = tmp2 = 0.;
        for (inode = 0; inode < mesh->eb_nnodes[iblk]; inode++) {
          lnode = connect[cnode] - 1;
          elements[iplace].connect[inode] = lnode;

          elements[iplace].coord[inode] = (float *) calloc(mesh->num_dims,
          if (!(elements[iplace].coord[inode])) {
            Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
            return 0;

          switch (mesh->num_dims) {
            case 3:
              elements[iplace].coord[inode][2] = zptr[lnode];
              tmp2 += zptr[lnode];
              /* FALLTHRU */
            case 2:
              elements[iplace].coord[inode][1] = yptr[lnode];
              tmp1 += yptr[lnode];
              /* FALLTHRU */
            case 1:
              elements[iplace].coord[inode][0] = xptr[lnode];
              tmp0 += xptr[lnode];
        } /* End: "for (inode = 0; inode < mesh->eb_nnodes[iblk]; inode++)" */

        elements[iplace].avg_coord[0] = tmp0 / mesh->eb_nnodes[iblk];
        elements[iplace].avg_coord[1] = tmp1 / mesh->eb_nnodes[iblk];
        elements[iplace].avg_coord[2] = tmp2 / mesh->eb_nnodes[iblk];


      } /* End: "for (ielem = 0; ielem < mesh->eb_cnts[iblk]; ielem++)" */
    } /* End: "if (mesh->eb_cnts[iblk] > 0)" */
  } /* End: "for (iblk = 0; iblk < mesh->num_el_blks; iblk++)" */

  /* free some memory */

  /* Find the adjacency list for each element                              */
  /*	Part one: find the surrounding elements for each node                */
  sur_elem = (int **) malloc(mesh->num_nodes * sizeof(int *));
  if (!sur_elem) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  nsurnd = (int *) malloc(mesh->num_nodes * sizeof(int));
  if (!nsurnd) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  if (!find_surnd_elem(mesh, sur_elem, nsurnd, &max_nsur)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from find_surnd_elems");
    return 0;

  /*	Part two: Find the adjacencies on this processor                     */
  /*		and get the edge weights                                     */ 
  if (!find_adjacency(Proc, mesh, sur_elem, nsurnd, max_nsur)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from find_adjacency");
    return 0;

   * convert the node numbers in the connect lists to Global IDs
   * since they will be much easier to work with
  for (ielem = 0; ielem < mesh->num_elems; ielem++) {
    iblk = elements[ielem].elem_blk;
    for (inode = 0; inode < mesh->eb_nnodes[iblk]; inode++) {
      elements[ielem].connect[inode] = nmap[elements[ielem].connect[inode]];

   * let cpu_wgt[1] be the number of sides (surfaces) not
   * connected to other elements. (useful test case for multi-weight
   * load balancing).
  if (MAX_CPU_WGTS>1){
    for (ielem = 0; ielem < mesh->num_elems; ielem++) {
      elements[ielem].cpu_wgt[1] = elements[ielem].adj_len - elements[ielem].nadj;
      /* EBEB Strangely, nadj is often one less than expected so subtract one from the wgt to compensate. */
      if (elements[ielem].cpu_wgt[1] >= 1.0)
        elements[ielem].cpu_wgt[1] -= 1.0;

  for (inode = 0; inode < mesh->num_nodes; inode++) free(sur_elem[inode]);


  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #22
int read_chaco_file(int Proc,
                    int Num_Proc,
                    PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
                    PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
                    MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
  /* Local declarations. */
  const char  *yo = "read_chaco_mesh";
  char   cmesg[256];
  char   chaco_fname[FILENAME_MAX + 8];

  int    nvtxs, gnvtxs;
  int    vwgt_dim=0, ewgt_dim=0;
  int    ndim = 0;
  int   *start = NULL, *adj = NULL;
  int    no_geom = FALSE;

  float *ewgts = NULL, *vwgts = NULL;
  float *x = NULL, *y = NULL, *z = NULL;

  short *assignments = NULL;

  int file_error;
/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  /* Set Debug_Chaco_Input */
  if (Debug_Driver > 2) Debug_Chaco_Input = 1;

  if (Proc == 0) {

    /* Open and read the Chaco graph file. */
    sprintf(chaco_fname, "%s.graph", pio_info->pexo_fname);

    fp = ZOLTAN_FILE_open(chaco_fname, "r", pio_info->file_comp);
    file_error = (fp == NULL);

  MPI_Bcast(&file_error, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if (file_error) {
    sprintf(cmesg, "fatal:  Could not open Chaco graph file %s",
    Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
    return 0;

  if (Proc == 0) {
    /* read the array in on processor 0 */
    if (chaco_input_graph(fp, chaco_fname, &start, &adj, &nvtxs,
                           &vwgt_dim, &vwgts, &ewgt_dim, &ewgts) != 0) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_input_graph");
      return 0;

    /* Read Chaco geometry file, if provided. */
    sprintf(chaco_fname, "%s.coords", pio_info->pexo_fname);

    fp = ZOLTAN_FILE_open(chaco_fname, "r", pio_info->file_comp);
    if (fp == NULL) {
      no_geom = TRUE;
      sprintf(cmesg, "warning:  Could not open Chaco geometry file %s; "
              "no geometry data will be read",
      Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
    else {
      /* read the coordinates in on processor 0 */
      if (chaco_input_geom(fp, chaco_fname, nvtxs, &ndim, &x, &y, &z) != 0) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_input_geom");
        return 0;

/* Try to create a geometry that isn't nicely symmetric */
int i, j;
double min[3], max[3], a[3], b[3];
min[0] = max[0] = x[0];
if (ndim > 1){
  min[1] = max[1] = y[0];
  if (ndim > 2)
    min[2] = max[2] = z[0];
for (i=1; i<nvtxs; i++) {
  if (x[i] < min[0]) min[0] = x[i];
  else if (x[i] > max[0]) max[0] = x[i];
  if (ndim > 1){
    if (y[i] < min[1]) min[1] = y[i];
    else if (y[i] > max[1]) max[1] = y[i];
    if (ndim > 2){
      if (z[i] < min[2]) min[2] = z[i];
      else if (z[i] > max[2]) max[2] = z[i];
for (i=0; i<ndim; i++)  /* point inside but near edge of geometry */
  a[i] = ((max[i] - min[i]) * .1) + min[i];

for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) { /* move 2/3 of points much closer to "a" */
  if (i%3 == 0) continue;
  b[0] = x[i];
  if (ndim > 1){
    b[1] = y[i];
    if (ndim > 2){
      b[2] = z[i];
  for (j=0; j<ndim; j++){
    b[j] = a[j] + ((b[j] - a[j])*.1);
  x[i] = b[0];
  if (ndim > 1){
    y[i] = b[1];
    if (ndim > 2){
      z[i] = b[2];

    /* Read Chaco assignment file, if requested */
    if (pio_info->init_dist_type == INITIAL_FILE) {
      sprintf(chaco_fname, "%s.assign", pio_info->pexo_fname);
      if (pio_info->file_comp == GZIP)
	sprintf(chaco_fname, "%s.gz", chaco_fname);

      fp = ZOLTAN_FILE_open(chaco_fname, "r", pio_info->file_comp);
      if (fp == NULL) {
        sprintf(cmesg, "Error:  Could not open Chaco assignment file %s; "
                "initial distribution cannot be read",
        Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
        return 0;
      else {
        /* read the coordinates in on processor 0 */
        assignments = (short *) malloc(nvtxs * sizeof(short));
        if (!assignments) {
          Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
          return 0;
        if (chaco_input_assign(fp, chaco_fname, nvtxs, assignments) != 0) {
          Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_input_assign");
          return 0;

  /* Distribute graph */
  if (!chaco_dist_graph(MPI_COMM_WORLD, pio_info, 0, &gnvtxs, &nvtxs, 
             &start, &adj, &vwgt_dim, &vwgts, &ewgt_dim, &ewgts, 
             &ndim, &x, &y, &z, &assignments) != 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_dist_graph");
    return 0;

  if (!chaco_setup_mesh_struct(Proc, Num_Proc, prob, mesh, gnvtxs, nvtxs,
                     start, adj, vwgt_dim, vwgts, ewgt_dim, ewgts, 
                     ndim, x, y, z, assignments, 1, no_geom)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from chaco_setup_mesh_struct");
    return 0;

  safe_free((void **)(void *) &adj);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &vwgts);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &ewgts);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &start);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &x);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &y);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &z);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &assignments);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
예제 #23
int read_exoII_file(int Proc,
                    int Num_Proc,
                    PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
                    PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
                    MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
  Gen_Error(0, "Fatal:  Nemesis requested but not linked with driver.");
  return 0;

#else /* ZOLTAN_NEMESIS */
  /* Local declarations. */
  char  *yo = "read_exoII_mesh";
  char   par_nem_fname[FILENAME_MAX+1], title[MAX_LINE_LENGTH+1];
  char   cmesg[256];

  float  ver;

  int    i, pexoid, cpu_ws = 0, io_ws = 0;
  int   *nnodes = NULL, *etypes = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG_EXO
  int    j, k, elem;
  FILE  *fdtmp;

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  /* since this is a test driver, set error reporting in exodus */
  ex_opts(EX_VERBOSE | EX_DEBUG);

  /* generate the parallel filename for this processor */
  gen_par_filename(pio_info->pexo_fname, par_nem_fname, pio_info, Proc,

   * check whether parallel file exists.  do the check with fopen 
   * as ex_open coredumps on the paragon when files do not exist.

  if ((fdtmp = fopen(par_nem_fname, "r")) == NULL) {
    sprintf(cmesg,"fatal: parallel Exodus II file %s does not exist",
    Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
    return 0;

   * now open the existing parallel file using Exodus calls.

  if ((pexoid = ex_open(par_nem_fname, EX_READ, &cpu_ws, &io_ws,
                        &ver)) < 0) {
    sprintf(cmesg,"fatal: could not open parallel Exodus II file %s",
    Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
    return 0;

  /* and get initial information */
  if (ex_get_init(pexoid, title, &(mesh->num_dims),
                  &(mesh->num_nodes), &(mesh->num_elems),
                  &(mesh->num_el_blks), &(mesh->num_node_sets),
                  &(mesh->num_side_sets)) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_get_init");
    return 0;

  /* alocate some memory for the element blocks */
  mesh->data_type = MESH;
  mesh->vwgt_dim = 1;  /* One weight for now. */
  mesh->ewgt_dim = 1;  /* One weight for now. */
  mesh->eb_etypes = (int *) malloc (5 * mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(int));
  if (!mesh->eb_etypes) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  mesh->eb_ids = mesh->eb_etypes + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_cnts = mesh->eb_ids + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nnodes = mesh->eb_cnts + mesh->num_el_blks;
  mesh->eb_nattrs = mesh->eb_nnodes + mesh->num_el_blks;

  mesh->eb_names = (char **) malloc (mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(char *));
  if (!mesh->eb_names) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  mesh->hindex = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
  mesh->hindex[0] = 0;

  if (ex_get_elem_blk_ids(pexoid, mesh->eb_ids) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_get_elem_blk_ids");
    return 0;

  /* allocate temporary storage for items needing global reduction.   */
  /* nemesis does not store most element block info about blocks for  */
  /* which the processor owns no elements.                            */
  /* we, however, use this information in migration, so we need to    */
  /* accumulate it for all element blocks.    kdd 2/2001              */

  if (mesh->num_el_blks > 0) {
    nnodes = (int *) malloc(2 * mesh->num_el_blks * sizeof(int));
    if (!nnodes) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
      return 0;
    etypes = nnodes + mesh->num_el_blks;

  /* get the element block information */
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_el_blks; i++) {

    /* allocate space for name */
    mesh->eb_names[i] = (char *) malloc((MAX_STR_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(char));
    if (!mesh->eb_names[i]) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
      return 0;

    if (ex_get_elem_block(pexoid, mesh->eb_ids[i], mesh->eb_names[i],
                          &(mesh->eb_cnts[i]), &(nnodes[i]),
                          &(mesh->eb_nattrs[i])) < 0) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_get_elem_block");
      return 0;

    if (mesh->eb_cnts[i] > 0) {
      if ((etypes[i] =  (int) get_elem_type(mesh->eb_names[i],
                                            mesh->num_dims)) == E_TYPE_ERROR) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: could not get element type");
        return 0;
    else etypes[i] = (int) NULL_EL;

  /* Perform reduction on necessary fields of element blocks.  kdd 2/2001 */
  MPI_Allreduce(nnodes, mesh->eb_nnodes, mesh->num_el_blks, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 
  MPI_Allreduce(etypes, mesh->eb_etypes, mesh->num_el_blks, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, 
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_el_blks; i++) {
    strcpy(mesh->eb_names[i], get_elem_name(mesh->eb_etypes[i]));

   * allocate memory for the elements
   * allocate a little extra for element migration latter
  mesh->elem_array_len = mesh->num_elems + 5;
  mesh->elements = (ELEM_INFO_PTR) malloc (mesh->elem_array_len 
                                         * sizeof(ELEM_INFO));
  if (!(mesh->elements)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

   * intialize all of the element structs as unused by
   * setting the globalID to -1
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) 

  /* read the information for the individual elements */
  if (!read_elem_info(pexoid, Proc, prob, mesh)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from read_elem_info");
    return 0;

  /* read the communication information */
  if (!read_comm_map_info(pexoid, Proc, prob, mesh)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from read_comm_map_info");
    return 0;

  /* Close the parallel file */
  if(ex_close (pexoid) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ex_close");
    return 0;

  /* print out the distributed mesh */
  if (Debug_Driver > 3)
    print_distributed_mesh(Proc, Num_Proc, mesh);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;

#endif /* ZOLTAN_NEMESIS */
예제 #24
int migrate_elements(
  int Proc,
  Zoltan &zz,
  int num_gid_entries, 
  int num_lid_entries,
  int num_imp,
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR imp_gids,
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR imp_lids,
  int *imp_procs,
  int *imp_to_part,
  int num_exp,
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR exp_gids,
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR exp_lids,
  int *exp_procs,
  int *exp_to_part)
/* Local declarations. */
const char *yo = "migrate_elements";

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/

   * register migration functions
  if (!Test.Null_Lists) {
    /* If not passing NULL lists, let Help_Migrate call the
     * pre-processing and post-processing routines.
    if (zz.Set_Pre_Migrate_PP_Fn(migrate_pre_process,
                      (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Set_Pre_Migrate_PP_Fn()\n");
      return 0;

    if (zz.Set_Post_Migrate_PP_Fn(migrate_post_process,
                      (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Set_Post_Migrate_PP_Fn()\n");
      return 0;

  if (Test.Multi_Callbacks) {
    if (zz.Set_Obj_Size_Multi_Fn(migrate_elem_size_multi,
                      (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Set_Obj_Size_Multi_Fn()\n");
      return 0;

    if (zz.Set_Pack_Obj_Multi_Fn(migrate_pack_elem_multi,
                      (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Set_Pack_Obj_Multi_Fn()\n");
      return 0;
    if (zz.Set_Unpack_Obj_Multi_Fn(migrate_unpack_elem_multi,
                      (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Set_Unpack_Obj_Multi_Fn()\n");
      return 0;
  else {
    if (zz.Set_Obj_Size_Fn(migrate_elem_size,
                      (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Set_Obj_Size_Fn()\n");
      return 0;

    if (zz.Set_Pack_Obj_Fn(migrate_pack_elem,
                      (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Set_Pack_Obj_Fn()\n");
      return 0;

    if (zz.Set_Unpack_Obj_Fn(migrate_unpack_elem,
                      (void *) mesh) == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Set_Unpack_Obj_Fn()\n");
      return 0;

  if (Test.Null_Lists == NONE) {
    if (zz.Migrate(num_imp, imp_gids, imp_lids, imp_procs, imp_to_part,
                   num_exp, exp_gids, exp_lids, exp_procs, exp_to_part)
                   == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Migrate()\n");
      return 0;
  else {
    /* Call zz.Help_Migrate with empty import lists. */
    /* Have to "manually" call migrate_pre_process and migrate_post_process. */
    int ierr = 0;
    migrate_pre_process((void *) mesh, 1, 1,
                        num_imp, imp_gids, imp_lids, imp_procs, imp_to_part,
                        num_exp, exp_gids, exp_lids, exp_procs, exp_to_part,
    if (Test.Null_Lists == IMPORT_LISTS) {
      if (zz.Migrate(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                     num_exp, exp_gids, exp_lids, exp_procs, exp_to_part)
                     == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Migrate()\n");
        return 0;
    else {
      if (zz.Migrate(num_imp, imp_gids, imp_lids, imp_procs, imp_to_part,
                    -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
                    == ZOLTAN_FATAL) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  error returned from Migrate()\n");
        return 0;
    migrate_post_process((void *) mesh, 1, 1,  
                         num_imp, imp_gids, imp_lids, imp_procs, imp_to_part,
                         num_exp, exp_gids, exp_lids, exp_procs, exp_to_part,

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;

예제 #25
int output_gnu(char *cmd_file,
               char *tag,
               int Proc,
               int Num_Proc,
               PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
               PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
               MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
 * For 2D problems, output files that can be read by gnuplot for looking at
 * results.
 * We'll do 3D problems later.
 * One gnuplot file is written for each processor.  

 * For Chaco input files, the file written contains coordinates of owned
 * nodes and all nodes on that processor connected to the owned nodes. When
 * drawn "with linespoints", the subdomains are drawn, but lines connecting the
 * subdomains are not drawn.
 * For Nemesis input files, the file written contains the coordinates of
 * each node of owned elements.  When drawn "with lines", the element outlines
 * for each owned element are drawn.
 * In addition, processor 0 writes a gnuplot command file telling gnuplot how
 * to process the individual coordinate files written.  This file can be used
 * with the gnuplot "load" command to simplify generation of the gnuplot.
  /* Local declarations. */
  char  *yo = "output_gnu";
  char   par_out_fname[FILENAME_MAX+1], ctemp[FILENAME_MAX+1];
  ELEM_INFO *current_elem, *nbor_elem;
  int    nbor, num_nodes;
  char  *datastyle;
  int    i, j;

  FILE  *fp;
/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  if (mesh->num_dims > 2) {
    Gen_Error(0, "warning: cannot generate gnuplot data for 3D problems.");
    DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
    return 0;

  if (mesh->eb_nnodes[0] == 0) {
    /* No coordinate information is available.  */
    Gen_Error(0, "warning: cannot generate gnuplot data when no coordinate"
                 " input is given.");
    DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
    return 0;

  /* generate the parallel filename for this processor */
  strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
  strcat(ctemp, ".");
  strcat(ctemp, tag);
  strcat(ctemp, ".gnu");
  gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, Proc, Num_Proc);

  fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");

  if (pio_info->file_type == CHACO_FILE) {
     * For each node of Chaco graph, print the coordinates of the node.
     * Then, for each neighboring node on the processor, print the neighbor's
     * coordinates.
    datastyle = "linespoints";
    for (i = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) {
      current_elem = &(mesh->elements[i]);
      if (current_elem->globalID >= 0) {
        /* Include the point itself, so that even if there are no edges,
         * the point will appear.  */
        fprintf(fp, "\n%e %e\n", 
                current_elem->coord[0][0], current_elem->coord[0][1]);
        for (j = 0; j < current_elem->nadj; j++) {
          if (current_elem->adj_proc[j] == Proc) {
            /* Plot the edge.  Need to include current point and nbor point
             * for each edge. */
            fprintf(fp, "\n%e %e\n", 
                current_elem->coord[0][0], current_elem->coord[0][1]);
            nbor = current_elem->adj[j];
            nbor_elem = &(mesh->elements[nbor]);
            fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n",
                    nbor_elem->coord[0][0], nbor_elem->coord[0][1]);
  else { /* Nemesis input file */
     *  For each element of Nemesis input file, print the coordinates of its
     *  nodes.  No need to follow neighbors, as decomposition is by elements.
    datastyle = "lines";
    for (i = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) {
      current_elem = &(mesh->elements[i]);
      if (current_elem->globalID >= 0) {
        num_nodes = mesh->eb_nnodes[current_elem->elem_blk];
        for (j = 0; j < num_nodes; j++) {
          fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n", 
                  current_elem->coord[j][0], current_elem->coord[j][1]);
        fprintf(fp, "\n");

  if (Proc == 0) {
    /* Write gnu master file with gnu commands for plotting */
    strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
    strcat(ctemp, ".");
    strcat(ctemp, tag);
    strcat(ctemp, ".gnuload");
    fp = fopen(ctemp, "w");
    fprintf(fp, "set nokey\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set nolabel\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noxzeroaxis\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noyzeroaxis\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noxtics\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noytics\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set data style %s\n", datastyle);

    fprintf(fp, "plot ");
    strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
    strcat(ctemp, ".");
    strcat(ctemp, tag);
    strcat(ctemp, ".gnu");
    for (i = 0; i < Num_Proc; i++) {
      gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, i, Num_Proc);
      fprintf(fp, "\"%s\"", par_out_fname);
      if (i != Num_Proc-1) {
        fprintf(fp, ",\\\n");
    fprintf(fp, "\n");

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;