int killregion(UNUSED(char **args)) { if (mark > zlell) mark = zlell; if (region_active == 2) { int a, b; regionlines(&a, &b); zlecs = a; region_active = 0; cut(zlecs, b - zlecs, CUT_RAW); shiftchars(zlecs, b - zlecs); if (zlell) { if (zlecs == zlell) DECCS(); foredel(1, 0); vifirstnonblank(zlenoargs); } } else if (mark > zlecs) { if (invicmdmode()) INCPOS(mark); forekill(mark - zlecs, CUT_RAW); } else { if (invicmdmode()) INCCS(); backkill(zlecs - mark, CUT_FRONT|CUT_RAW); } return 0; }
int viyank(UNUSED(char **args)) { int c2, ret = 1; startvichange(1); if ((c2 = getvirange(0)) != -1) { cut(zlecs, c2 - zlecs, CUT_YANK); ret = 0; } vichgflag = 0; /* cursor now at the start of the range yanked. For line mode * restore the column position */ if (vilinerange && lastcol != -1) { int x = findeol(); if ((zlecs += lastcol) >= x) { zlecs = x; if (zlecs > findbol() && invicmdmode()) DECCS(); } #ifdef MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT else CCRIGHT(); #endif lastcol = -1; } return ret; }
static int dovilinerange(void) { int pos = zlecs, n = zmult; /* A number of lines is taken as the range. The current line * * is included. If the repeat count is positive the lines go * * downward, otherwise upward. The repeat count gives the * * number of lines. */ vilinerange = 1; if (!n) return 1; if (n > 0) { while(n-- && zlecs <= zlell) zlecs = findeol() + 1; if (n != -1) { zlecs = pos; return 1; } DECCS(); } else { while(n++ && zlecs >= 0) zlecs = findbol() - 1; if (n != 1) { zlecs = pos; return 1; } INCCS(); } virangeflag = 2; return 0; }
int transposechars(UNUSED(char **args)) { int ct; int n = zmult; int neg = n < 0; if (neg) n = -n; while (n--) { if (!(ct = zlecs) || zleline[zlecs - 1] == '\n') { if (zlell == zlecs || zleline[zlecs] == '\n') return 1; if (!neg) INCCS(); INCPOS(ct); } if (neg) { if (zlecs && zleline[zlecs - 1] != '\n') { DECCS(); if (ct > 1 && zleline[ct - 2] != '\n') { DECPOS(ct); } } } else { if (zlecs != zlell && zleline[zlecs] != '\n') INCCS(); } if (ct == zlell || zleline[ct] == '\n') { DECPOS(ct); } if (ct < 1 || zleline[ct - 1] == '\n') return 1; #ifdef MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT { /* * We should keep any accents etc. on their original characters. */ int start = ct, end = ct; DECPOS(start); INCPOS(end); transpose_swap(start, ct, end); } #else { ZLE_CHAR_T cc = zleline[ct - 1]; zleline[ct - 1] = zleline[ct]; zleline[ct] = cc; } #endif } return 0; }
int vicmdmode(UNUSED(char **args)) { if (invicmdmode() || selectkeymap("vicmd", 0)) return 1; mergeundo(); vichgflag = 0; if (zlecs != findbol()) DECCS(); return 0; }
int vibackwardblankwordend(char **args) { int n = zmult; if (n < 0) { int ret; zmult = -n; ret = viforwardblankwordend(args); zmult = n; return ret; } while (n--) { while (zlecs && !ZC_inblank(zleline[zlecs])) DECCS(); while (zlecs && ZC_inblank(zleline[zlecs])) DECCS(); } return 0; }
int vibackwardword(char **args) { int n = zmult; if (n < 0) { int ret; zmult = -n; ret = backwardword(args); zmult = n; return ret; } while (n--) { int nl = 0; while (zlecs) { DECCS(); if (!ZC_inblank(zleline[zlecs])) break; nl += (zleline[zlecs] == ZWC('\n')); if (nl == 2) { INCCS(); break; } } if (zlecs) { int pos = zlecs; if (Z_vialnum(zleline[pos])) { for (;;) { zlecs = pos; if (zlecs == 0) break; DECPOS(pos); if (!Z_vialnum(zleline[pos])) break; } } else { for (;;) { zlecs = pos; if (zlecs == 0) break; DECPOS(pos); if (Z_vialnum(zleline[pos]) || ZC_inblank(zleline[pos])) break; } } } } return 0; }
/* position: 0 is before, 1 after, 2 split the line */ static void pastebuf(Cutbuffer buf, int mult, int position) { int cc; if (buf->flags & CUTBUFFER_LINE) { if (position == 2) { if (!zlecs) position = 0; else if (zlecs == zlell) position = 1; } if (position == 2) { yankb = zlecs; spaceinline(buf->len + 2); zleline[zlecs++] = ZWC('\n'); ZS_memcpy(zleline + zlecs, buf->buf, buf->len); zlecs += buf->len; zleline[zlecs] = ZWC('\n'); yanke = zlecs + 1; } else if (position != 0) { yankb = zlecs = findeol(); spaceinline(buf->len + 1); zleline[zlecs++] = ZWC('\n'); yanke = zlecs + buf->len; ZS_memcpy(zleline + zlecs, buf->buf, buf->len); } else { yankb = zlecs = findbol(); spaceinline(buf->len + 1); ZS_memcpy(zleline + zlecs, buf->buf, buf->len); yanke = zlecs + buf->len + 1; zleline[zlecs + buf->len] = ZWC('\n'); } vifirstnonblank(zlenoargs); } else { if (position == 1 && zlecs != findeol()) INCCS(); yankb = zlecs; cc = buf->len; while (mult--) { spaceinline(cc); ZS_memcpy(zleline + zlecs, buf->buf, cc); zlecs += cc; } yanke = zlecs; if (zlecs && invicmdmode()) DECCS(); } }
mod_export void backkill(int ct, int flags) { UNMETACHECK(); if (flags & CUT_RAW) { zlecs -= ct; } else { int origcs = zlecs; while (ct--) DECCS(); ct = origcs - zlecs; } cut(zlecs, ct, flags); shiftchars(zlecs, ct); CCRIGHT(); }
mod_export void backdel(int ct, int flags) { if (flags & CUT_RAW) { if (zlemetaline != NULL) { shiftchars(zlemetacs -= ct, ct); } else { shiftchars(zlecs -= ct, ct); CCRIGHT(); } } else { int n = ct, origcs = zlecs; DPUTS(zlemetaline != NULL, "backdel needs CUT_RAW when metafied"); while (n--) DECCS(); shiftchars(zlecs, origcs - zlecs); CCRIGHT(); } }
int videlete(UNUSED(char **args)) { int c2, ret = 1; startvichange(1); if ((c2 = getvirange(0)) != -1) { forekill(c2 - zlecs, CUT_RAW); ret = 0; if (vilinerange && zlell) { if (zlecs == zlell) DECCS(); foredel(1, 0); vifirstnonblank(zlenoargs); } } vichgflag = 0; return ret; }
int viswapcase(UNUSED(char **args)) { int eol, n = zmult; startvichange(-1); if (n < 1) return 1; eol = findeol(); while (zlecs < eol && n--) { if (ZC_ilower(zleline[zlecs])) zleline[zlecs] = ZC_toupper(zleline[zlecs]); else if (ZC_iupper(zleline[zlecs])) zleline[zlecs] = ZC_tolower(zleline[zlecs]); INCCS(); } if (zlecs && zlecs == eol) DECCS(); return 0; }
int vibackwardword(char **args) { int n = zmult; if (n < 0) { int ret; zmult = -n; ret = viforwardword(args); zmult = n; return ret; } while (n--) { int nl = 0; while (zlecs) { DECCS(); if (!ZC_inblank(zleline[zlecs])) break; nl += (zleline[zlecs] == ZWC('\n')); if (nl == 2) { INCCS(); break; } } if (zlecs) { int pos = zlecs; int cc = wordclass(zleline[pos]); for (;;) { zlecs = pos; if (zlecs == 0) break; DECPOS(pos); if (wordclass(zleline[pos]) != cc || ZC_inblank(zleline[pos])) break; } } } return 0; }
void zlecore(void) { Keymap km; #if !defined(HAVE_POLL) && defined(HAVE_SELECT) struct timeval tv; fd_set foofd; FD_ZERO(&foofd); #endif pushheap(); /* * A widget function may decide to exit the shell. * We never exit directly from functions, to allow * the shell to tidy up, so we have to test for * that explicitly. */ while (!done && !errflag && !exit_pending) { UNMETACHECK(); statusline = NULL; vilinerange = 0; reselectkeymap(); selectlocalmap(invicmdmode() && region_active && (km = openkeymap("visual")) ? km : NULL); bindk = getkeycmd(); selectlocalmap(NULL); if (bindk) { if (!zlell && isfirstln && !(zlereadflags & ZLRF_IGNOREEOF) && lastchar == eofchar) { /* * Slight hack: this relies on getkeycmd returning * a value for the EOF character. However, * undefined-key is fine. That's necessary because * otherwise we can't distinguish this case from * a ^C. */ eofsent = 1; break; } if (execzlefunc(bindk, zlenoargs, 0)) { handlefeep(zlenoargs); if (eofsent) break; } handleprefixes(); /* for vi mode, make sure the cursor isn't somewhere illegal */ if (invicmdmode() && zlecs > findbol() && (zlecs == zlell || zleline[zlecs] == ZWC('\n'))) DECCS(); handleundo(); } else { errflag |= ERRFLAG_ERROR; break; } #ifdef HAVE_POLL if (baud && !(lastcmd & ZLE_MENUCMP)) { struct pollfd pfd; int to = cost * costmult / 1000; /* milliseconds */ if (to > 500) to = 500; pfd.fd = SHTTY; = POLLIN; if (!kungetct && poll(&pfd, 1, to) <= 0) zrefresh(); } else #else # ifdef HAVE_SELECT if (baud && !(lastcmd & ZLE_MENUCMP)) { FD_SET(SHTTY, &foofd); tv.tv_sec = 0; if ((tv.tv_usec = cost * costmult) > 500000) tv.tv_usec = 500000; if (!kungetct && select(SHTTY+1, (SELECT_ARG_2_T) & foofd, NULL, NULL, &tv) <= 0) zrefresh(); } else # endif #endif if (!kungetct) zrefresh(); freeheap(); } region_active = 0; popheap(); }