예제 #1
void updateBoardAlignment(int16_t roll, int16_t pitch)
    const float sinAlignYaw = sin_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(boardAlignment()->yawDeciDegrees));
    const float cosAlignYaw = cos_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(boardAlignment()->yawDeciDegrees));

    boardAlignmentMutable()->rollDeciDegrees += -sinAlignYaw * pitch + cosAlignYaw * roll;
    boardAlignmentMutable()->pitchDeciDegrees += cosAlignYaw * pitch + sinAlignYaw * roll;

예제 #2
파일: imu.c 프로젝트: Feldsalat/inav
static void imuCalculateEstimatedAttitude(float dT)
    float courseOverGround = 0;

    int accWeight = 0;
    bool useMag = false;
    bool useCOG = false;

    accWeight = imuCalculateAccelerometerConfidence();

    if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG) && isMagnetometerHealthy()) {
        useMag = true;
#if defined(GPS)
    else if (STATE(FIXED_WING) && sensors(SENSOR_GPS) && STATE(GPS_FIX) && gpsSol.numSat >= 5 && gpsSol.groundSpeed >= 300) {
        // In case of a fixed-wing aircraft we can use GPS course over ground to correct heading
        if (gpsHeadingInitialized) {
            courseOverGround = DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(gpsSol.groundCourse);
            useCOG = true;
        else {
            // Re-initialize quaternion from known Roll, Pitch and GPS heading
            imuComputeQuaternionFromRPY(attitude.values.roll, attitude.values.pitch, gpsSol.groundCourse);
            gpsHeadingInitialized = true;

    imuMahonyAHRSupdate(dT,     imuMeasuredRotationBF.A[X], imuMeasuredRotationBF.A[Y], imuMeasuredRotationBF.A[Z],
                        accWeight, imuMeasuredGravityBF.A[X], imuMeasuredGravityBF.A[Y], imuMeasuredGravityBF.A[Z],
                        useMag, magADC[X], magADC[Y], magADC[Z],
                        useCOG, courseOverGround);

예제 #3
void initBoardAlignment(void)
    if (isBoardAlignmentStandard(boardAlignment())) {
        standardBoardAlignment = true;
    } else {
        fp_angles_t rotationAngles;

        standardBoardAlignment = false;

        rotationAngles.angles.roll  = DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(boardAlignment()->rollDeciDegrees );
        rotationAngles.angles.pitch = DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(boardAlignment()->pitchDeciDegrees);
        rotationAngles.angles.yaw   = DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(boardAlignment()->yawDeciDegrees  );

        rotationMatrixFromAngles(&boardRotMatrix, &rotationAngles);
예제 #4
파일: imu.c 프로젝트: gamani/betaflight-bak
static void imuCalculateEstimatedAttitude(void)
    static biquad_t accLPFState[3];
    static bool accStateIsSet;
    static uint32_t previousIMUUpdateTime;
    float rawYawError = 0;
    int32_t axis;
    bool useAcc = false;
    bool useMag = false;
    bool useYaw = false;

    uint32_t currentTime = micros();
    uint32_t deltaT = currentTime - previousIMUUpdateTime;
    previousIMUUpdateTime = currentTime;

    // Smooth and use only valid accelerometer readings
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        if (imuRuntimeConfig->acc_cut_hz) {
            if (accStateIsSet) {
                accSmooth[axis] = lrintf(applyBiQuadFilter((float) accADC[axis], &accLPFState[axis]));
            } else {
                for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) BiQuadNewLpf(imuRuntimeConfig->acc_cut_hz, &accLPFState[axis], 1000);
                accStateIsSet = true;
        } else {
            accSmooth[axis] = accADC[axis];

    if (imuIsAccelerometerHealthy()) {
        useAcc = true;

    if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG) && isMagnetometerHealthy()) {
        useMag = true;
#if defined(GPS)
    else if (STATE(FIXED_WING) && sensors(SENSOR_GPS) && STATE(GPS_FIX) && GPS_numSat >= 5 && GPS_speed >= 300) {
        // In case of a fixed-wing aircraft we can use GPS course over ground to correct heading
        rawYawError = DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(attitude.values.yaw - GPS_ground_course);
        useYaw = true;

    imuMahonyAHRSupdate(deltaT * 1e-6f,
                        gyroADC[X] * gyroScale, gyroADC[Y] * gyroScale, gyroADC[Z] * gyroScale,
                        useAcc, accSmooth[X], accSmooth[Y], accSmooth[Z],
                        useMag, magADC[X], magADC[Y], magADC[Z],
                        useYaw, rawYawError);


    imuCalculateAcceleration(deltaT); // rotate acc vector into earth frame
예제 #5
void mavlinkSendAttitude(void)
    uint16_t msgLength;
    mavlink_msg_attitude_pack(0, 200, &mavMsg,
        // time_boot_ms Timestamp (milliseconds since system boot)
        // roll Roll angle (rad)
        // pitch Pitch angle (rad)
        // yaw Yaw angle (rad)
        // rollspeed Roll angular speed (rad/s)
        // pitchspeed Pitch angular speed (rad/s)
        // yawspeed Yaw angular speed (rad/s)
    msgLength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(mavBuffer, &mavMsg);
    mavlinkSerialWrite(mavBuffer, msgLength);
예제 #6
void applyFixedWingPitchRollThrottleController(navigationFSMStateFlags_t navStateFlags, uint32_t currentTime)
    int16_t pitchCorrection = 0;        // >0 climb, <0 dive
    int16_t rollCorrection = 0;         // >0 right, <0 left
    int16_t throttleCorrection = 0;     // raw throttle

    int16_t minThrottleCorrection = posControl.navConfig->fw_min_throttle - posControl.navConfig->fw_cruise_throttle;
    int16_t maxThrottleCorrection = posControl.navConfig->fw_max_throttle - posControl.navConfig->fw_cruise_throttle;

    // Mix Pitch/Roll/Throttle
    if (isPitchAdjustmentValid && (navStateFlags & NAV_CTL_ALT)) {
        pitchCorrection += posControl.rcAdjustment[PITCH];
        throttleCorrection += DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(posControl.rcAdjustment[PITCH]) * posControl.navConfig->fw_pitch_to_throttle;
        throttleCorrection = constrain(throttleCorrection, minThrottleCorrection, maxThrottleCorrection);

    if (isRollAdjustmentValid && (navStateFlags & NAV_CTL_POS)) {
        pitchCorrection += ABS(posControl.rcAdjustment[ROLL]) * (posControl.navConfig->fw_roll_to_pitch / 100.0f);
        rollCorrection += posControl.rcAdjustment[ROLL];

    // Speed controller - only apply in POS mode
    if (navStateFlags & NAV_CTL_POS) {
        throttleCorrection += applyFixedWingMinSpeedController(currentTime);
        throttleCorrection = constrain(throttleCorrection, minThrottleCorrection, maxThrottleCorrection);

    // Limit and apply
    if (isPitchAdjustmentValid && (navStateFlags & NAV_CTL_ALT)) {
        // PITCH angle is measured in opposite direction ( >0 - dive, <0 - climb)
        pitchCorrection = constrain(pitchCorrection, -DEGREES_TO_CENTIDEGREES(posControl.navConfig->fw_max_dive_angle), DEGREES_TO_CENTIDEGREES(posControl.navConfig->fw_max_climb_angle));
        rcCommand[PITCH] = -pidAngleToRcCommand(pitchCorrection, posControl.pidProfile->max_angle_inclination[FD_PITCH]);

    if (isRollAdjustmentValid && (navStateFlags & NAV_CTL_POS)) {
        rollCorrection = constrain(rollCorrection, -DEGREES_TO_CENTIDEGREES(posControl.navConfig->fw_max_bank_angle), DEGREES_TO_CENTIDEGREES(posControl.navConfig->fw_max_bank_angle));
        rcCommand[ROLL] = pidAngleToRcCommand(rollCorrection, posControl.pidProfile->max_angle_inclination[FD_ROLL]);

        // Calculate coordinated turn rate based on velocity and banking angle
        if (posControl.actualState.velXY >= 300.0f) {
            float targetYawRateDPS = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(tan_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-rollCorrection)) * GRAVITY_CMSS / posControl.actualState.velXY);
            rcCommand[YAW] = pidRateToRcCommand(targetYawRateDPS, currentControlRateProfile->rates[FD_YAW]);
        else {
            rcCommand[YAW] = 0;

    if ((navStateFlags & NAV_CTL_ALT) || (navStateFlags & NAV_CTL_POS)) {
        uint16_t correctedThrottleValue = constrain(posControl.navConfig->fw_cruise_throttle + throttleCorrection, posControl.navConfig->fw_min_throttle, posControl.navConfig->fw_max_throttle);
        rcCommand[THROTTLE] = constrain(correctedThrottleValue, posControl.escAndServoConfig->minthrottle, posControl.escAndServoConfig->maxthrottle);
예제 #7
파일: imu.c 프로젝트: Feldsalat/inav
STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void imuComputeQuaternionFromRPY(int16_t initialRoll, int16_t initialPitch, int16_t initialYaw)
    if (initialRoll > 1800) initialRoll -= 3600;
    if (initialPitch > 1800) initialPitch -= 3600;
    if (initialYaw > 1800) initialYaw -= 3600;

    float cosRoll = cos_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(initialRoll) * 0.5f);
    float sinRoll = sin_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(initialRoll) * 0.5f);

    float cosPitch = cos_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(initialPitch) * 0.5f);
    float sinPitch = sin_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(initialPitch) * 0.5f);

    float cosYaw = cos_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-initialYaw) * 0.5f);
    float sinYaw = sin_approx(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-initialYaw) * 0.5f);

    q0 = cosRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw;
    q1 = sinRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw;
    q2 = cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw;
    q3 = cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw;
