void FSlateRHIResourceManager::CreateTextures( const TArray< const FSlateBrush* >& Resources )

	TMap<FName,FNewTextureInfo> TextureInfoMap;

	const uint32 Stride = GPixelFormats[PF_R8G8B8A8].BlockBytes;
	for( int32 ResourceIndex = 0; ResourceIndex < Resources.Num(); ++ResourceIndex )
		const FSlateBrush& Brush = *Resources[ResourceIndex];
		const FName TextureName = Brush.GetResourceName();
		if( TextureName != NAME_None && !Brush.HasUObject() && !Brush.IsDynamicallyLoaded() && !ResourceMap.Contains(TextureName) )
			// Find the texture or add it if it doesnt exist (only load the texture once)
			FNewTextureInfo& Info = TextureInfoMap.FindOrAdd( TextureName );
			Info.bSrgb = (Brush.ImageType != ESlateBrushImageType::Linear);

			// Only atlas the texture if none of the brushes that use it tile it and the image is srgb
			Info.bShouldAtlas &= ( Brush.Tiling == ESlateBrushTileType::NoTile && Info.bSrgb && AtlasSize > 0 );

			// Texture has been loaded if the texture data is valid
			if( !Info.TextureData.IsValid() )
				uint32 Width = 0;
				uint32 Height = 0;
				TArray<uint8> RawData;
				bool bSucceeded = LoadTexture( Brush, Width, Height, RawData );

				Info.TextureData = MakeShareable( new FSlateTextureData( Width, Height, Stride, RawData ) );

				const bool bTooLargeForAtlas = (Width >= 256 || Height >= 256 || Width >= AtlasSize || Height >= AtlasSize );

				Info.bShouldAtlas &= !bTooLargeForAtlas;

				if( !bSucceeded || !ensureMsgf( Info.TextureData->GetRawBytes().Num() > 0, TEXT("Slate resource: (%s) contains no data"), *TextureName.ToString() ) )
					TextureInfoMap.Remove( TextureName );

	// Sort textures by size.  The largest textures are atlased first which creates a more compact atlas
	TextureInfoMap.ValueSort( FCompareFNewTextureInfoByTextureSize() );

	for( TMap<FName,FNewTextureInfo>::TConstIterator It(TextureInfoMap); It; ++It )
		const FNewTextureInfo& Info = It.Value();
		FName TextureName = It.Key();
		FString NameStr = TextureName.ToString();

		checkSlow( TextureName != NAME_None );

		FSlateShaderResourceProxy* NewTexture = GenerateTextureResource( Info );

		ResourceMap.Add( TextureName, NewTexture );
/** Retrieves the derived chunk from the derived data cache. */
void FAsyncStreamDerivedChunkWorker::DoWork()
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("FAsyncStreamDerivedChunkWorker::DoWork"), STAT_AsyncStreamDerivedChunkWorker_DoWork, STATGROUP_StreamingDetails);

	UE_LOG(LogAudio, Verbose, TEXT("Start of ASync DDC Chunk read for key: %s"), *DerivedDataKey);

	TArray<uint8> DerivedChunkData;

	if (GetDerivedDataCacheRef().GetSynchronous(*DerivedDataKey, DerivedChunkData))
		FMemoryReader Ar(DerivedChunkData, true);
		int32 ChunkSize = 0;
		Ar << ChunkSize;
		checkf(ChunkSize == ExpectedChunkSize, TEXT("ChunkSize(%d) != ExpectedSize(%d)"), ChunkSize, ExpectedChunkSize);
		Ar.Serialize(DestChunkData, ChunkSize);
		bRequestFailed = true;

	UE_LOG(LogAudio, Verbose, TEXT("End of ASync DDC Chunk read for key: %s"), *DerivedDataKey);
	 * The real thread entry point. It waits for work events to be queued. Once
	 * an event is queued, it executes it and goes back to waiting.
	virtual uint32 Run() override
		while (!TimeToDie)
			// This will force sending the stats packet from the previous frame.
			SET_DWORD_STAT( STAT_ThreadPoolDummyCounter, 0 );
			// We need to wait for shorter amount of time
			bool bContinueWaiting = true;
			while( bContinueWaiting )
				DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "FQueuedThread::Run.WaitForWork" ), STAT_FQueuedThread_Run_WaitForWork, STATGROUP_ThreadPoolAsyncTasks );
				// Wait for some work to do
				bContinueWaiting = !DoWorkEvent->Wait( 10 );

			IQueuedWork* LocalQueuedWork = QueuedWork;
			QueuedWork = nullptr;
			check(LocalQueuedWork || TimeToDie); // well you woke me up, where is the job or termination request?
			while (LocalQueuedWork)
				// Tell the object to do the work
				// Let the object cleanup before we remove our ref to it
				LocalQueuedWork = OwningThreadPool->ReturnToPoolOrGetNextJob(this);
		return 0;
bool FStartupPackages::LoadAll()
	bool bReturn = true;

	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Loading Startup Packages"), STAT_StartupPackages, STATGROUP_LoadTime);

	// should startup packages load from memory?
	bool bSerializeStartupPackagesFromMemory = false;
	GConfig->GetBool(TEXT("Engine.StartupPackages"), TEXT("bSerializeStartupPackagesFromMemory"), bSerializeStartupPackagesFromMemory, GEngineIni);

	// Get list of startup packages.
	TArray<FString> StartupPackages;
	// if the user wants to skip loading these, then don't (can be helpful for deleting objects in startup packages in the editor, etc)
	if (!FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("NoLoadStartupPackages")))

	if( bSerializeStartupPackagesFromMemory )
		if( GUseSeekFreeLoading )
			// kick them off to be preloaded

	return bReturn;
static bool AvoidsNavEdges(const FVector& OrgLocation, const FVector& TestVelocity, const TArray<FNavEdgeSegment>& NavEdges, float MaxZDiff)
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Avoidance: avoid nav edges"), STAT_AIAvoidanceEdgeAvoid, STATGROUP_AI);

	for (int32 Idx = 0; Idx < NavEdges.Num(); Idx++)
		const FVector2D Seg1ToSeg0(NavEdges[Idx].P1 - NavEdges[Idx].P0);
		const FVector2D NewPosToOrg(TestVelocity);
		const FVector2D OrgToSeg0(NavEdges[Idx].P0 - OrgLocation);
		const float CrossD = FVector2D::CrossProduct(Seg1ToSeg0, NewPosToOrg);
		if (FMath::Abs(CrossD) < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)

		const float CrossS = FVector2D::CrossProduct(NewPosToOrg, OrgToSeg0) / CrossD;
		const float CrossT = FVector2D::CrossProduct(Seg1ToSeg0, OrgToSeg0) / CrossD;
		if (CrossS < 0.0f || CrossS > 1.0f || CrossT < 0.0f || CrossT > 1.0f)

		const FVector CrossPt = FMath::Lerp(NavEdges[Idx].P0, NavEdges[Idx].P1, CrossT);
		const float ZDiff = FMath::Abs(OrgLocation.Z - CrossPt.Z);
		if (ZDiff > MaxZDiff)

		return false;
	return true;
예제 #6
void FAsyncIOSystemBase::BlockTillAllRequestsFinished()
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("FAsyncIOSystemBase::BlockTillAllRequestsFinished"), STAT_FAsyncIOSystemBase_BlockTillAllRequestsFinished, STATGROUP_AsyncIO_Verbose);

	// Block till all requests are fulfilled.
	while( true ) 
		bool bHasFinishedRequests = false;
			FScopeLock ScopeLock( CriticalSection );
			bHasFinishedRequests = (OutstandingRequests.Num() == 0) && (BusyWithRequest.GetValue() == 0);
		if( bHasFinishedRequests )

			//@todo streaming: this should be replaced by waiting for an event.
			FPlatformProcess::SleepNoStats( 0.001f );
				void DoWork()
					DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "FAllocPool::DoWork" ), Stat_FAllocPool_DoWork, STATGROUP_Quick );

					int8* IntAlloc = new int8[223311];
					int8* LeakTask = new int8[100000];
					delete[] IntAlloc;
				static void Alloc()
					DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "FAllocTask::Alloc" ), Stat_FAllocTask_Alloc, STATGROUP_Quick );

					int8* IntAlloc = new int8[112233];
					int8* LeakTask = new int8[100000];
					delete[] IntAlloc;
FString FSandboxPlatformFile::ConvertToSandboxPath( const TCHAR* Filename ) const
	// Mostly for the malloc profiler to flush the data.
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("FSandboxPlatformFile::ConvertToSandboxPath"), STAT_SandboxPlatformFile_ConvertToSandboxPath, STATGROUP_LoadTimeVerbose);

	// convert to a standardized path (relative)
	FString SandboxPath = Filename;

	if ((bSandboxEnabled == true) && (SandboxDirectory.Len() > 0))
		// See whether Filename is relative to root directory.
		// if it's not inside the root, then just use it
		FString FullSandboxPath = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(SandboxPath);
		FString FullGameDir;
		if (FPaths::IsProjectFilePathSet())
			FullGameDir = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FPaths::GetPath(FPaths::GetProjectFilePath()) + TEXT("/"));
			FullGameDir = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FPaths::GameDir());
			SandboxPath = FPaths::Combine(*SandboxDirectory, *FPaths::GetBaseFilename(FPaths::GetProjectFilePath()), *FullSandboxPath + FullGameDir.Len());
			SandboxPath = FPaths::Combine(*SandboxDirectory, FApp::GetGameName(), *FullSandboxPath + FullGameDir.Len());
		else if (FullSandboxPath.StartsWith(*AbsoluteRootDirectory))
			SandboxPath = FPaths::Combine(*SandboxDirectory, *FullSandboxPath + AbsoluteRootDirectory.Len());
			int32 SeparatorIndex = SandboxPath.Find(TEXT("/"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
			int32 SeparatorIndex2 = SandboxPath.Find(TEXT("\\"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
			if (SeparatorIndex < 0 || (SeparatorIndex2 >= 0 && SeparatorIndex2 < SeparatorIndex))
				SeparatorIndex = SeparatorIndex2;
			if( FPaths::IsDrive( SandboxPath.Mid( 0, SeparatorIndex ) ) == false )
				FString Dir = FPlatformProcess::BaseDir();
				SandboxPath = Dir / SandboxPath;
				SandboxPath = SandboxPath.Replace( *RelativeRootDirectory, *SandboxDirectory, ESearchCase::IgnoreCase );

	return SandboxPath;
예제 #10
bool FProjectManager::LoadModulesForProject( const ELoadingPhase::Type LoadingPhase )
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Loading Game Modules"), STAT_GameModule, STATGROUP_LoadTime);

	bool bSuccess = true;

	if ( CurrentProject.IsValid() )
		TMap<FName, EModuleLoadResult> ModuleLoadFailures;
		FModuleDescriptor::LoadModulesForPhase(LoadingPhase, CurrentProject->Modules, ModuleLoadFailures);

		if ( ModuleLoadFailures.Num() > 0 )
			FText FailureMessage;
			for ( auto FailureIt = ModuleLoadFailures.CreateConstIterator(); FailureIt; ++FailureIt )
				const EModuleLoadResult FailureReason = FailureIt.Value();

				if( FailureReason != EModuleLoadResult::Success )
					const FText TextModuleName = FText::FromName(FailureIt.Key());

					if ( FailureReason == EModuleLoadResult::FileNotFound )
						FailureMessage = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("PrimaryGameModuleNotFound", "The game module '{0}' could not be found. Please ensure that this module exists and that it is compiled."), TextModuleName );
					else if ( FailureReason == EModuleLoadResult::FileIncompatible )
						FailureMessage = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("PrimaryGameModuleIncompatible", "The game module '{0}' does not appear to be up to date. This may happen after updating the engine. Please recompile this module and try again."), TextModuleName );
					else if ( FailureReason == EModuleLoadResult::FailedToInitialize )
						FailureMessage = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("PrimaryGameModuleFailedToInitialize", "The game module '{0}' could not be successfully initialized after it was loaded."), TextModuleName );
					else if ( FailureReason == EModuleLoadResult::CouldNotBeLoadedByOS )
						FailureMessage = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("PrimaryGameModuleCouldntBeLoaded", "The game module '{0}' could not be loaded. There may be an operating system error or the module may not be properly set up."), TextModuleName );
						ensure(0);	// If this goes off, the error handling code should be updated for the new enum values!
						FailureMessage = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("PrimaryGameModuleGenericLoadFailure", "The game module '{0}' failed to load for an unspecified reason.  Please report this error."), TextModuleName );

					// Just report the first error

			FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, FailureMessage);
			bSuccess = false;

	return bSuccess;
예제 #11
	 * Tells the thread there is work to be done. Upon completion, the thread
	 * is responsible for adding itself back into the available pool.
	 * @param InQueuedWork The queued work to perform
	void DoWork(IQueuedWork* InQueuedWork)
		DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "FQueuedThread::DoWork" ), STAT_FQueuedThread_DoWork, STATGROUP_ThreadPoolAsyncTasks );

		check(QueuedWork == nullptr && "Can't do more than one task at a time");
		// Tell the thread the work to be done
		QueuedWork = InQueuedWork;
		// Tell the thread to wake up and do its job
예제 #12
 * Thread-safe abstract compression routine. Compresses memory from uncompressed buffer and writes it to compressed
 * buffer. Updates CompressedSize with size of compressed data.
 * @param	CompressedBuffer			Buffer compressed data is going to be written to
 * @param	CompressedSize	[in/out]	Size of CompressedBuffer, at exit will be size of compressed data
 * @param	UncompressedBuffer			Buffer containing uncompressed data
 * @param	UncompressedSize			Size of uncompressed data in bytes
 * @return true if compression succeeds, false if it fails because CompressedBuffer was too small or other reasons
static bool appCompressMemoryZLIB( void* CompressedBuffer, int32& CompressedSize, const void* UncompressedBuffer, int32 UncompressedSize )
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "Compress Memory ZLIB" ), STAT_appCompressMemoryZLIB, STATGROUP_Compression );

	// Zlib wants to use unsigned long.
	unsigned long ZCompressedSize	= CompressedSize;
	unsigned long ZUncompressedSize	= UncompressedSize;
	// Compress data
	bool bOperationSucceeded = compress( (uint8*) CompressedBuffer, &ZCompressedSize, (const uint8*) UncompressedBuffer, ZUncompressedSize ) == Z_OK ? true : false;
	// Propagate compressed size from intermediate variable back into out variable.
	CompressedSize = ZCompressedSize;
	return bOperationSucceeded;
void UGameplayCueManager::InitObjectLibraries(TArray<FString> Paths, UObjectLibrary* ActorObjectLibrary, UObjectLibrary* StaticObjectLibrary, FOnGameplayCueNotifySetLoaded OnLoadDelegate, FShouldLoadGCNotifyDelegate ShouldLoadDelegate)
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Loading Library"), STAT_ObjectLibrary, STATGROUP_LoadTime);

	bAccelerationMapOutdated = false;
	FFormatNamedArguments Args;
	FScopedSlowTask SlowTask(0, FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("AbilitySystemEditor", "BeginLoadingGameplayCueNotify", "Loading GameplayCue Library"), Args));

	FScopeCycleCounterUObject PreloadScopeActor(ActorObjectLibrary);

	// ---------------------------------------------------------
	// Determine loading scheme.
	// Sync at startup in commandlets like cook.
	// Async at startup in all other cases
	// ---------------------------------------------------------

	const bool bSyncFullyLoad = IsRunningCommandlet();
	const bool bAsyncLoadAtStartup = !bSyncFullyLoad && ShouldAsyncLoadAtStartup();
	if (bSyncFullyLoad)
		FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("Fully Loaded GameplayCueNotify object library"));
		SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)

	// ---------------------------------------------------------
	// Look for GameplayCueNotifies that handle events
	// ---------------------------------------------------------
	TArray<FAssetData> ActorAssetDatas;

	TArray<FAssetData> StaticAssetDatas;

	TArray<FGameplayCueReferencePair> CuesToAdd;
	BuildCuesToAddToGlobalSet(ActorAssetDatas, GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(AGameplayCueNotify_Actor, GameplayCueName), bAsyncLoadAtStartup, CuesToAdd, OnLoadDelegate, ShouldLoadDelegate);
	BuildCuesToAddToGlobalSet(StaticAssetDatas, GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UGameplayCueNotify_Static, GameplayCueName), bAsyncLoadAtStartup, CuesToAdd, OnLoadDelegate, ShouldLoadDelegate);

예제 #14
void FStreamedAudioChunk::Serialize(FArchive& Ar, UObject* Owner, int32 ChunkIndex)
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT("FStreamedAudioChunk::Serialize"), STAT_StreamedAudioChunk_Serialize, STATGROUP_LoadTime );

	bool bCooked = Ar.IsCooking();
	Ar << bCooked;

	BulkData.Serialize(Ar, Owner, ChunkIndex);
	Ar << DataSize;

	if (!bCooked)
		Ar << DerivedDataKey;
예제 #15
void FAsyncIOSystemBase::InternalRead( IFileHandle* FileHandle, int64 Offset, int64 Size, void* Dest )
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("FAsyncIOSystemBase::InternalRead"), STAT_AsyncIOSystemBase_InternalRead, STATGROUP_AsyncIO_Verbose);

	FScopeLock ScopeLock( ExclusiveReadCriticalSection );

	STAT(double ReadTime = 0);
		PlatformReadDoNotCallDirectly( FileHandle, Offset, Size, Dest );

	// The platform might actually read more than Size due to aligning and internal min read sizes
	// though we only really care about throttling requested bandwidth as it's not very accurate
	// to begin with.
	STAT(ConstrainBandwidth(Size, ReadTime));
예제 #16
void USoundWave::SerializeCookedPlatformData(FArchive& Ar)
	if (IsTemplate())

	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT("USoundWave::SerializeCookedPlatformData"), STAT_SoundWave_SerializeCookedPlatformData, STATGROUP_LoadTime );

	if (Ar.IsCooking() && Ar.IsPersistent())

		FName PlatformFormat = Ar.CookingTarget()->GetWaveFormat(this);
		FString DerivedDataKey;
		GetStreamedAudioDerivedDataKey(*this, PlatformFormat, DerivedDataKey);

		FStreamedAudioPlatformData *PlatformDataToSave = CookedPlatformData.FindRef(DerivedDataKey);

		if (PlatformDataToSave == NULL)
			PlatformDataToSave = new FStreamedAudioPlatformData();
			PlatformDataToSave->Cache(*this, PlatformFormat, EStreamedAudioCacheFlags::InlineChunks | EStreamedAudioCacheFlags::Async);

			CookedPlatformData.Add(DerivedDataKey, PlatformDataToSave);

		PlatformDataToSave->Serialize(Ar, this);

		check(RunningPlatformData == NULL);

		// Don't serialize streaming data on servers, even if this platform supports streaming in theory
		RunningPlatformData = new FStreamedAudioPlatformData();
		RunningPlatformData->Serialize(Ar, this);
예제 #17
static bool appCompressMemoryGZIP(void* CompressedBuffer, int32& CompressedSize, const void* UncompressedBuffer, int32 UncompressedSize)
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "Compress Memory GZIP" ), STAT_appCompressMemoryGZIP, STATGROUP_Compression );

	z_stream gzipstream;
	gzipstream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
	gzipstream.zfree = Z_NULL;
	gzipstream.opaque = Z_NULL;

	// Setup input buffer
	gzipstream.next_in = (uint8*)UncompressedBuffer;
	gzipstream.avail_in = UncompressedSize;

	// Init deflate settings to use GZIP
	int windowsBits = 15;
	int GZIP_ENCODING = 16;
		windowsBits | GZIP_ENCODING,

	// Setup output buffer
	const unsigned long GzipHeaderLength = 12;
	// This is how much memory we may need, however the consumer is allocating memory for us without knowing the required length.
	//unsigned long CompressedMaxSize = deflateBound(&gzipstream, gzipstream.avail_in) + GzipHeaderLength;
	gzipstream.next_out = (uint8*)CompressedBuffer;
	gzipstream.avail_out = UncompressedSize;

	int status = 0;
	bool bOperationSucceeded = false;
	while ((status = deflate(&gzipstream, Z_FINISH)) == Z_OK);
	if (status == Z_STREAM_END)
		bOperationSucceeded = true;

	// Propagate compressed size from intermediate variable back into out variable.
	CompressedSize = gzipstream.total_out;
	return bOperationSucceeded;
예제 #18
 * Thread-safe abstract compression routine. Compresses memory from uncompressed buffer and writes it to compressed
 * buffer. Updates CompressedSize with size of compressed data.
 * @param	UncompressedBuffer			Buffer containing uncompressed data
 * @param	UncompressedSize			Size of uncompressed data in bytes
 * @param	CompressedBuffer			Buffer compressed data is going to be read from
 * @param	CompressedSize				Size of CompressedBuffer data in bytes
 * @return true if compression succeeds, false if it fails because CompressedBuffer was too small or other reasons
bool appUncompressMemoryZLIB( void* UncompressedBuffer, int32 UncompressedSize, const void* CompressedBuffer, int32 CompressedSize )
    DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "Uncompress Memory ZLIB" ), STAT_appUncompressMemoryZLIB, STATGROUP_Compression );

    // Zlib wants to use unsigned long.
    unsigned long ZCompressedSize	= CompressedSize;
    unsigned long ZUncompressedSize	= UncompressedSize;

    z_stream stream;
    stream.zalloc = &zalloc;
    stream.zfree = &zfree;
    stream.opaque = Z_NULL;
    stream.next_in = (uint8*)CompressedBuffer;
    stream.avail_in = ZCompressedSize;
    stream.next_out = (uint8*)UncompressedBuffer;
    stream.avail_out = ZUncompressedSize;

    int32 Result = inflateInit(&stream);

    if(Result != Z_OK)
        return false;

    // Uncompress data.
    Result = inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);

    if(Result == Z_STREAM_END)
        ZUncompressedSize = stream.total_out;

    Result = inflateEnd(&stream);

    // These warnings will be compiled out in shipping.
    UE_CLOG(Result == Z_MEM_ERROR, LogCompression, Warning, TEXT("appUncompressMemoryZLIB failed: Error: Z_MEM_ERROR, not enough memory!"));
    UE_CLOG(Result == Z_BUF_ERROR, LogCompression, Warning, TEXT("appUncompressMemoryZLIB failed: Error: Z_BUF_ERROR, not enough room in the output buffer!"));
    UE_CLOG(Result == Z_DATA_ERROR, LogCompression, Warning, TEXT("appUncompressMemoryZLIB failed: Error: Z_DATA_ERROR, input data was corrupted or incomplete!"));

    const bool bOperationSucceeded = (Result == Z_OK);

    // Sanity check to make sure we uncompressed as much data as we expected to.
    check( UncompressedSize == ZUncompressedSize );
    return bOperationSucceeded;
예제 #19
 * Thread-safe abstract compression routine. Compresses memory from uncompressed buffer and writes it to compressed
 * buffer. Updates CompressedSize with size of compressed data.
 * @param	UncompressedBuffer			Buffer containing uncompressed data
 * @param	UncompressedSize			Size of uncompressed data in bytes
 * @param	CompressedBuffer			Buffer compressed data is going to be read from
 * @param	CompressedSize				Size of CompressedBuffer data in bytes
 * @return true if compression succeeds, false if it fails because CompressedBuffer was too small or other reasons
bool appUncompressMemoryZLIB( void* UncompressedBuffer, int32 UncompressedSize, const void* CompressedBuffer, int32 CompressedSize )
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "Uncompress Memory ZLIB" ), STAT_appUncompressMemoryZLIB, STATGROUP_Compression );

	// Zlib wants to use unsigned long.
	unsigned long ZCompressedSize	= CompressedSize;
	unsigned long ZUncompressedSize	= UncompressedSize;
	// Uncompress data.
	const int32 Result = uncompress((uint8*)UncompressedBuffer, &ZUncompressedSize, (const uint8*)CompressedBuffer, ZCompressedSize);
	// These warnings will be compiled out in shipping.
	UE_CLOG(Result == Z_MEM_ERROR, LogCompression, Warning, TEXT("appUncompressMemoryZLIB failed: Error: Z_MEM_ERROR, not enough memory!"));
	UE_CLOG(Result == Z_BUF_ERROR, LogCompression, Warning, TEXT("appUncompressMemoryZLIB failed: Error: Z_BUF_ERROR, not enough room in the output buffer!"));
	UE_CLOG(Result == Z_DATA_ERROR, LogCompression, Warning, TEXT("appUncompressMemoryZLIB failed: Error: Z_DATA_ERROR, input data was corrupted or incomplete!"));

	const bool bOperationSucceeded = (Result == Z_OK);

	// Sanity check to make sure we uncompressed as much data as we expected to.
	check( UncompressedSize == ZUncompressedSize );
	return bOperationSucceeded;
예제 #20
void UTextureCube::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("UTextureCube::Serialize"), STAT_TextureCube_Serialize, STATGROUP_LoadTime);


	FStripDataFlags StripFlags(Ar);
	bool bCooked = Ar.IsCooking();
	Ar << bCooked;

	if (bCooked || Ar.IsCooking())

	if (Ar.IsLoading() && !Ar.IsTransacting() && !bCooked)
#endif // #if WITH_EDITOR
예제 #21
 * Renders the stats data
 * @param Viewport	The viewport to render to
 * @param Canvas	Canvas object to use for rendering
 * @param X			the X location to start rendering at
 * @param Y			the Y location to start rendering at
void RenderStats(FViewport* Viewport, class FCanvas* Canvas, int32 X, int32 Y)
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "RenderStats" ), STAT_RenderStats, STATGROUP_StatSystem );

	FGameThreadHudData* ViewData = FHUDGroupGameThreadRenderer::Get().Latest;
	if (!ViewData)
	GetStatRenderGlobals().Initialize( Viewport->GetSizeXY() );
	if( !ViewData->bDrawOnlyRawStats )
		RenderGroupedWithHierarchy(*ViewData, Viewport, Canvas, X, Y);
		// Render all counters.
		for( int32 RowIndex = 0; RowIndex < ViewData->GroupDescriptions.Num(); ++RowIndex )
			Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *ViewData->GroupDescriptions[RowIndex], GetStatRenderGlobals().StatFont, GetStatRenderGlobals().StatColor);
			Y += GetStatRenderGlobals().GetFontHeight();
예제 #22
void UGameEngine::Init(IEngineLoop* InEngineLoop)

	// Call base.

	FString NetworkProfilerTag;
	if( FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("NETWORKPROFILER="), NetworkProfilerTag ) )

	// Load all of the engine modules that we need at startup that are not editor-related

	// Load and apply user game settings

	// Create game instance.  For GameEngine, this should be the only GameInstance that ever gets created.
		FStringClassReference GameInstanceClassName = GetDefault<UGameMapsSettings>()->GameInstanceClass;
		UClass* GameInstanceClass = (GameInstanceClassName.IsValid() ? LoadObject<UClass>(NULL, *GameInstanceClassName.ToString()) : UGameInstance::StaticClass());
		GameInstance = NewObject<UGameInstance>(this, GameInstanceClass);

//  	// Creates the initial world context. For GameEngine, this should be the only WorldContext that ever gets created.
//  	FWorldContext& InitialWorldContext = CreateNewWorldContext(EWorldType::Game);

	// Initialize the viewport client.
	UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = NULL;
		ViewportClient = NewObject<UGameViewportClient>(this, GameViewportClientClass);
		ViewportClient->Init(*GameInstance->GetWorldContext(), GameInstance);
		GameViewport = ViewportClient;
		GameInstance->GetWorldContext()->GameViewport = ViewportClient;

	bCheckForMovieCapture = true;

	// Attach the viewport client to a new viewport.
		// This must be created before any gameplay code adds widgets
		bool bWindowAlreadyExists = GameViewportWindow.IsValid();
		if (!bWindowAlreadyExists)
			GameViewportWindow = CreateGameWindow();

		CreateGameViewport( ViewportClient );

		if( !bWindowAlreadyExists )

		FString Error;
		if(ViewportClient->SetupInitialLocalPlayer(Error) == NULL)
			UE_LOG(LogEngine, Fatal,TEXT("%s"),*Error);



	UE_LOG(LogInit, Display, TEXT("Game Engine Initialized.") );

	// for IsInitialized()
	bIsInitialized = true;
예제 #23
int32 EditorInit( IEngineLoop& EngineLoop )
	// Create debug exec.	
	GDebugToolExec = new FDebugToolExec;

	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Editor Initialized"), STAT_EditorStartup, STATGROUP_LoadTime);
	FScopedSlowTask SlowTask(100, NSLOCTEXT("EngineLoop", "EngineLoop_Loading", "Loading..."));

	int32 ErrorLevel = EngineLoop.Init();
	if( ErrorLevel != 0 )
		return 0;

	// Let the analytics know that the editor has started
	if ( FEngineAnalytics::IsAvailable() )
		TArray<FAnalyticsEventAttribute> EventAttributes;
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("MachineID"), FPlatformMisc::GetMachineId().ToString(EGuidFormats::Digits).ToLower()));
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("AccountID"), FPlatformMisc::GetEpicAccountId()));
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("GameName"), FApp::GetGameName()));
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("CommandLine"), FCommandLine::Get()));

		FEngineAnalytics::GetProvider().RecordEvent(TEXT("Editor.ProgramStarted"), EventAttributes);


	// Initialize the misc editor

	// Prime our array of default directories for loading and saving content files to

	// Set up the actor folders singleton

	// =================== CORE EDITOR INIT FINISHED ===================

	// Hide the splash screen now that everything is ready to go

	// Are we in immersive mode?
	const bool bIsImmersive = FPaths::IsProjectFilePathSet() && FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT( "immersive" ) );

	// Do final set up on the editor frame and show it
		// Tear down rendering thread once instead of doing it for every window being resized.

		// Startup Slate main frame and other editor windows
			const bool bStartImmersive = bIsImmersive;
			const bool bStartPIE = bIsImmersive;

			IMainFrameModule& MainFrameModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IMainFrameModule>(TEXT("MainFrame"));
			MainFrameModule.CreateDefaultMainFrame( bStartImmersive, bStartPIE );

	// Go straight to VR mode if we were asked to
		if( !bIsImmersive && FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT( "VREditor" ) ) )
			IVREditorModule& VREditorModule = IVREditorModule::Get();
			VREditorModule.EnableVREditor( true );
		else if( FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT( "ForceVREditor" ) ) )
			GEngine->DeferredCommands.Add( TEXT( "VREd.ForceVRMode" ) );

	// Check for automated build/submit option
	const bool bDoAutomatedMapBuild = FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("AutomatedMapBuild") );

	// Prompt to update the game project file to the current version, if necessary
	if ( FPaths::IsProjectFilePathSet() )

	// =================== EDITOR STARTUP FINISHED ===================
	// Stat tracking
		const float StartupTime = (float)( FPlatformTime::Seconds() - GStartTime );

		if( FEngineAnalytics::IsAvailable() )
				TEXT( "Editor.Performance.Startup" ), 
				TEXT( "Duration" ), FString::Printf( TEXT( "%.3f" ), StartupTime ) );


	// this will be ultimately returned from main(), so no error should be 0.
	return 0;
예제 #24
void FAsyncIOSystemBase::FulfillCompressedRead( const FAsyncIORequest& IORequest, IFileHandle* FileHandle )
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("FAsyncIOSystemBase::FulfillCompressedRead"), STAT_AsyncIOSystemBase_FulfillCompressedRead, STATGROUP_AsyncIO_Verbose);

	if (GbLogAsyncLoading == true)
		LogIORequest(TEXT("FulfillCompressedRead"), IORequest);

	// Initialize variables.
	FAsyncUncompress*		Uncompressor			= NULL;
	uint8*					UncompressedBuffer		= (uint8*) IORequest.Dest;
	// First compression chunk contains information about total size so we skip that one.
	int32						CurrentChunkIndex		= 1;
	int32						CurrentBufferIndex		= 0;
	bool					bHasProcessedAllData	= false;

	// read the first two ints, which will contain the magic bytes (to detect byteswapping)
	// and the original size the chunks were compressed from
	int64						HeaderData[2];
	int32						HeaderSize = sizeof(HeaderData);

	InternalRead(FileHandle, IORequest.Offset, HeaderSize, HeaderData);

	// if the magic bytes don't match, then we are byteswapped (or corrupted)
	bool bIsByteswapped = HeaderData[0] != PACKAGE_FILE_TAG;
	// if its potentially byteswapped, make sure it's not just corrupted
	if (bIsByteswapped)
		// if it doesn't equal the swapped version, then data is corrupted
		if (HeaderData[0] != PACKAGE_FILE_TAG_SWAPPED)
			UE_LOG(LogStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Detected data corruption [header] trying to read %lld bytes at offset %lld from '%s'. Please delete file and recook."),
				IORequest.Offset ,
				*IORequest.FileName );
		// otherwise, we have a valid byteswapped file, so swap the chunk size
			HeaderData[1] = BYTESWAP_ORDER64(HeaderData[1]);

	int32						CompressionChunkSize	= HeaderData[1];
	// handle old packages that don't have the chunk size in the header, in which case
	// we can use the old hardcoded size
	if (CompressionChunkSize == PACKAGE_FILE_TAG)

	// calculate the number of chunks based on the size they were compressed from
	int32						TotalChunkCount = (IORequest.UncompressedSize + CompressionChunkSize - 1) / CompressionChunkSize + 1;

	// allocate chunk info data based on number of chunks
	FCompressedChunkInfo*	CompressionChunks		= (FCompressedChunkInfo*)FMemory::Malloc(sizeof(FCompressedChunkInfo) * TotalChunkCount);
	int32						ChunkInfoSize			= (TotalChunkCount) * sizeof(FCompressedChunkInfo);
	void*					CompressedBuffer[2]		= { 0, 0 };
	// Read table of compression chunks after seeking to offset (after the initial header data)
	InternalRead( FileHandle, IORequest.Offset + HeaderSize, ChunkInfoSize, CompressionChunks );

	// Handle byte swapping. This is required for opening a cooked file on the PC.
	int64 CalculatedUncompressedSize = 0;
	if (bIsByteswapped)
		for( int32 ChunkIndex=0; ChunkIndex<TotalChunkCount; ChunkIndex++ )
			CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].CompressedSize	= BYTESWAP_ORDER64(CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].CompressedSize);
			CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize	= BYTESWAP_ORDER64(CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize);
			if (ChunkIndex > 0)
				CalculatedUncompressedSize += CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize;
		for( int32 ChunkIndex=1; ChunkIndex<TotalChunkCount; ChunkIndex++ )
			CalculatedUncompressedSize += CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize;

	if (CompressionChunks[0].UncompressedSize != CalculatedUncompressedSize)
		UE_LOG(LogStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Detected data corruption [incorrect uncompressed size] calculated %i bytes, requested %i bytes at offset %i from '%s'. Please delete file and recook."),
			IORequest.Offset ,
			*IORequest.FileName );

	if (ChunkInfoSize + HeaderSize + CompressionChunks[0].CompressedSize > IORequest.Size )
		UE_LOG(LogStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Detected data corruption [undershoot] trying to read %lld bytes at offset %lld from '%s'. Please delete file and recook."),
			IORequest.Offset ,
			*IORequest.FileName );

	if (IORequest.UncompressedSize != CalculatedUncompressedSize)
		UE_LOG(LogStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Detected data corruption [incorrect uncompressed size] calculated %lld bytes, requested %lld bytes at offset %lld from '%s'. Please delete file and recook."),
			IORequest.Offset ,
			*IORequest.FileName );

	// Figure out maximum size of compressed data chunk.
	int64 MaxCompressedSize = 0;
	for (int32 ChunkIndex = 1; ChunkIndex < TotalChunkCount; ChunkIndex++)
		MaxCompressedSize = FMath::Max(MaxCompressedSize, CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].CompressedSize);
		// Verify the all chunks are 'full size' until the last one...
		if (CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize < CompressionChunkSize)
			if (ChunkIndex != (TotalChunkCount - 1))
				checkf(0, TEXT("Calculated too many chunks: %d should be last, there are %d from '%s'"), ChunkIndex, TotalChunkCount, *IORequest.FileName);
		check( CompressionChunks[ChunkIndex].UncompressedSize <= CompressionChunkSize );

	int32 Padding = 0;

	// Allocate memory for compressed data.
	CompressedBuffer[0]	= FMemory::Malloc( MaxCompressedSize + Padding );
	CompressedBuffer[1] = FMemory::Malloc( MaxCompressedSize + Padding );

	// Initial read request.
	InternalRead( FileHandle, FileHandle->Tell(), CompressionChunks[CurrentChunkIndex].CompressedSize, CompressedBuffer[CurrentBufferIndex] );

	// Loop till we're done decompressing all data.
	while( !bHasProcessedAllData )
		FAsyncTask<FAsyncUncompress> UncompressTask(
			(Padding > 0)


		// Advance destination pointer.
		UncompressedBuffer += CompressionChunks[CurrentChunkIndex].UncompressedSize;
		// Check whether we are already done reading.
		if( CurrentChunkIndex < TotalChunkCount-1 )
			// Can't postincrement in if statement as we need it to remain at valid value for one more loop iteration to finish
		// the decompression.
			// Swap compression buffers to read into.
			CurrentBufferIndex = 1 - CurrentBufferIndex;
			// Read more data.
			InternalRead( FileHandle, FileHandle->Tell(), CompressionChunks[CurrentChunkIndex].CompressedSize, CompressedBuffer[CurrentBufferIndex] );
		// We were already done reading the last time around so we are done processing now.
			bHasProcessedAllData = true;
		//@todo async loading: should use event for this
		STAT(double UncompressorWaitTime = 0);
			UncompressTask.EnsureCompletion(); // just decompress on this thread if it isn't started yet

	FMemory::Free(CompressedBuffer[1] );
bool UNavigationComponent::GeneratePathTo(const FVector& GoalLocation, TSharedPtr<const FNavigationQueryFilter> QueryFilter)
	if (GetWorld() == NULL || GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem() == NULL || GetOuter() == NULL)
		return false;

	// Make sure we're trying to path to the closest valid location TO that location rather than the absolute location.
	// After talking with Steve P., if we need to ever allow pathing WITHOUT projecting to nav-mesh, it will probably be
	// best to do so using a flag while keeping this as the default behavior.  NOTE:` If any changes to this behavior
	// are made, you should search for other places in UNavigationComponent using NavMeshGoalLocation and make sure the
	// behavior remains consistent.
	// make sure that nav data is updated

	const FNavAgentProperties* NavAgentProps = MyNavAgent ? MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties() : NULL;
	if (NavAgentProps != NULL)
		FVector NavMeshGoalLocation;

		UE_VLOG_LOCATION(GetOwner(), GoalLocation, 34, FColor(0,127,14), TEXT("GoalLocation"));
		UE_VLOG_BOX(GetOwner(), FBox(GoalLocation - ProjectionExtent, GoalLocation + ProjectionExtent), FColor::Green, TEXT_EMPTY);

		if (ProjectPointToNavigation(GoalLocation, NavMeshGoalLocation) == QuerySuccess)
			UE_VLOG_SEGMENT(GetOwner(), GoalLocation, NavMeshGoalLocation, FColor::Blue, TEXT_EMPTY);
			UE_VLOG_LOCATION(GetOwner(), NavMeshGoalLocation, 34, FColor::Blue, TEXT_EMPTY);
			UNavigationSystem* NavSys = GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem();
			FPathFindingQuery Query(MyNavData, MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentLocation(), NavMeshGoalLocation, QueryFilter);

			const EPathFindingMode::Type Mode = bDoHierarchicalPathfinding ? EPathFindingMode::Hierarchical : EPathFindingMode::Regular;
			FPathFindingResult Result = NavSys->FindPathSync(*MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties(), Query, Mode);

			// try reversing direction
			if (bSearchFromGoalWhenOutOfNodes && !bDoHierarchicalPathfinding &&
				Result.Path.IsValid() && Result.Path->DidSearchReachedLimit())
				// quick check if path exists
				bool bPathExists = false;
					DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Pathfinding: HPA* test time"), STAT_Navigation_PathVerifyTime, STATGROUP_Navigation);
					bPathExists = NavSys->TestPathSync(Query, EPathFindingMode::Hierarchical);

				UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Log, TEXT("GeneratePathTo: out of nodes, HPA* path: %s"),
					bPathExists ? TEXT("exists, trying reversed search") : TEXT("doesn't exist"));

				// reverse search
				if (bPathExists)
					DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Pathfinding: reversed test time"), STAT_Navigation_PathReverseTime, STATGROUP_Navigation);

					TSharedPtr<FNavigationQueryFilter> Filter = QueryFilter.IsValid() ? QueryFilter->GetCopy() : MyNavData->GetDefaultQueryFilter()->GetCopy();					

					FPathFindingQuery ReversedQuery(MyNavData, Query.EndLocation, Query.StartLocation, Filter);
					Result = NavSys->FindPathSync(*MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties(), Query, Mode);

			if (Result.IsSuccessful() || Result.IsPartial())
				CurrentGoal = NavMeshGoalLocation;

				if (IsFollowing() == true)
					// make sure ticking is enabled (and it shouldn't be enabled before _first_ async path finding)

				return true;
				UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("Failed to generate path to destination"));
			UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("Destination not on navmesh (and nowhere near!)"));
		UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("UNavigationComponent::GeneratePathTo: NavAgentProps == NULL (Probably Pawn died)"));

	return false;
예제 #26
void EndInitTextLocalization()
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("EndInitTextLocalization"), STAT_EndInitTextLocalization, STATGROUP_LoadTime);

	const bool ShouldLoadEditor = WITH_EDITOR;
	const bool ShouldLoadGame = FApp::IsGame();

	FInternationalization& I18N = FInternationalization::Get();

	// Set culture according to configuration now that configs are available.
	if( FCommandLine::IsInitialized() && FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("LEET")) )
		FString RequestedCultureName;
		if (FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("CULTUREFORCOOKING="), RequestedCultureName))
			// Write the culture passed in if first install...
			if (FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("firstinstall")))
				GConfig->SetString(TEXT("Internationalization"), TEXT("Culture"), *RequestedCultureName, GEngineIni);
		// Use culture override specified on commandline.
		if (FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("CULTURE="), RequestedCultureName))
			//UE_LOG(LogInit, Log, TEXT("Overriding culture %s w/ command-line option".), *CultureName);
		// See if we've been provided a culture override in the editor
		if(GConfig->GetString( TEXT("Internationalization"), TEXT("Culture"), RequestedCultureName, GEditorGameAgnosticIni ))
			//UE_LOG(LogInit, Log, TEXT("Overriding culture %s w/ editor configuration."), *CultureName);
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
		// Use culture specified in engine configuration.
		if(GConfig->GetString( TEXT("Internationalization"), TEXT("Culture"), RequestedCultureName, GEngineIni ))
			//UE_LOG(LogInit, Log, TEXT("Overriding culture %s w/ engine configuration."), *CultureName);
			RequestedCultureName = I18N.GetDefaultCulture()->GetName();

		FString TargetCultureName = RequestedCultureName;
			TArray<FString> LocalizationPaths;
				LocalizationPaths += FPaths::GetEditorLocalizationPaths();
				LocalizationPaths += FPaths::GetGameLocalizationPaths();
			LocalizationPaths += FPaths::GetEngineLocalizationPaths();

			// Validate the locale has data or fallback to one that does.
			TArray< FCultureRef > AvailableCultures;
			I18N.GetCulturesWithAvailableLocalization(LocalizationPaths, AvailableCultures, false);

			TArray<FString> PrioritizedParentCultureNames = I18N.GetCurrentCulture()->GetPrioritizedParentCultureNames();
			FString ValidCultureName;
			for (const FString& CultureName : PrioritizedParentCultureNames)
				FCulturePtr ValidCulture = I18N.GetCulture(CultureName);
				if (ValidCulture.IsValid() && AvailableCultures.Contains(ValidCulture.ToSharedRef()))
					ValidCultureName = CultureName;

				if(RequestedCultureName != ValidCultureName)
					// Make the user aware that the localization data belongs to a parent culture.
					UE_LOG(LogTextLocalizationManager, Log, TEXT("The requested culture ('%s') has no localization data; parent culture's ('%s') localization data will be used."), *RequestedCultureName, *ValidCultureName);
				// Fallback to English.
				UE_LOG(LogTextLocalizationManager, Log, TEXT("The requested culture ('%s') has no localization data; falling back to 'en' for localization and internationalization data."), *RequestedCultureName);
				TargetCultureName = "en";


	FTextLocalizationManager::Get().LoadResources(ShouldLoadEditor, ShouldLoadGame);
	FTextLocalizationManager::Get().bIsInitialized = true;
//RickH - We could probably significantly improve speed if we put separate Z checks in place and did everything else in 2D.
FVector UAvoidanceManager::GetAvoidanceVelocity_Internal(const FNavAvoidanceData& inAvoidanceData, float DeltaTime, int32* inIgnoreThisUID)
	if (!bSystemActive)
		return inAvoidanceData.Velocity;
	if (DeltaTime <= 0.0f)
		return inAvoidanceData.Velocity;

	FVector ReturnVelocity = inAvoidanceData.Velocity * DeltaTime;
	float MaxSpeed = ReturnVelocity.Size2D();
	float CurrentTime;

	UWorld* MyWorld = Cast<UWorld>(GetOuter());
	if (MyWorld)
		CurrentTime = MyWorld->TimeSeconds;
		//No world? OK, just quietly back out and don't alter anything.
		return inAvoidanceData.Velocity;

	bool Unobstructed = true;
	bool DebugMode = IsDebugOnForAll() || (inIgnoreThisUID ? IsDebugOnForUID(*inIgnoreThisUID) : false);

	//If we're moving very slowly, just push forward. Not sure it's worth avoiding at this speed, though I could be wrong.
	if (MaxSpeed < 0.01f)
		return inAvoidanceData.Velocity;

	//DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), inAvoidanceData.Center, inAvoidanceData.Center + inAvoidanceData.Velocity, 2.5f, FColor(0,255,255), true, 0.05f, SDPG_MAX);

	for (auto& AvoidanceObj : AvoidanceObjects)
		if ((inIgnoreThisUID) && (*inIgnoreThisUID == AvoidanceObj.Key))
		FNavAvoidanceData& OtherObject = AvoidanceObj.Value;

		//Start with a few fast-rejects

		//If the object has expired, ignore it
		if (OtherObject.ShouldBeIgnored())

		//If other object is not in avoided group, ignore it
		if (inAvoidanceData.ShouldIgnoreGroup(OtherObject.GroupMask))

		//RickH - We should have a max-radius parameter/option here, so I'm just going to hardcode one for now.
		//if ((OtherObject.Radius + _AvoidanceData.Radius + MaxSpeed + OtherObject.Velocity.Size2D()) < FVector::Dist(OtherObject.Center, _AvoidanceData.Center))
		if (FVector2D(OtherObject.Center - inAvoidanceData.Center).SizeSquared() > FMath::Square(inAvoidanceData.TestRadius2D))

		if (FMath::Abs(OtherObject.Center.Z - inAvoidanceData.Center.Z) > OtherObject.HalfHeight + inAvoidanceData.HalfHeight + HeightCheckMargin)

		//If we are moving away from the obstacle, ignore it. Even if we're the slower one, let the other obstacle path around us.
		if ((ReturnVelocity | (OtherObject.Center - inAvoidanceData.Center)) <= 0.0f)

		//Create data for the avoidance routine
			FVector PointAWorld = inAvoidanceData.Center;
			FVector PointBRelative = OtherObject.Center - PointAWorld;
			FVector TowardB, SidewaysFromB;
			FVector VelAdjustment;
			FVector VelAfterAdjustment;
			float RadiusB = OtherObject.Radius + inAvoidanceData.Radius;

			PointBRelative.Z = 0.0f;
			TowardB = PointBRelative.GetSafeNormal2D();		//Don't care about height for this game. Rough height-checking will come in later, but even then it will be acceptable to do this.
			if (TowardB.IsZero())
				//Already intersecting, or aligned vertically, scrap this whole object.
			SidewaysFromB.Set(-TowardB.Y, TowardB.X, 0.0f);

			//Build collision cone (two planes) and store for later use. We might consider some fast rejection here to see if we can skip the cone entirely.
			//RickH - If we built these cones in 2D, we could avoid all the cross-product matrix stuff and just use (y, -x) 90-degree rotation.
				FVector PointPlane[2];
				FVector EffectiveVelocityB;
				FVelocityAvoidanceCone NewCone;

				//Use RVO (as opposed to VO) only for objects that are not overridden to max weight AND that are currently moving toward us.
				if ((OtherObject.OverrideWeightTime <= CurrentTime) && ((OtherObject.Velocity|PointBRelative) < 0.0f))
					float OtherWeight = (OtherObject.Weight + (1.0f - inAvoidanceData.Weight)) * 0.5f;			//Use the average of what the other wants to be and what we want it to be.
					EffectiveVelocityB = ((inAvoidanceData.Velocity * (1.0f - OtherWeight)) + (OtherObject.Velocity * OtherWeight)) * DeltaTime;
					EffectiveVelocityB = OtherObject.Velocity * DeltaTime;		//This is equivalent to VO (not RVO) because the other object is not going to reciprocate our avoidance.
				checkSlow(EffectiveVelocityB.Z == 0.0f);

				//Make the left plane
				PointPlane[0] = EffectiveVelocityB + (PointBRelative + (SidewaysFromB * RadiusB));
				PointPlane[1].Set(PointPlane[0].X, PointPlane[0].Y, PointPlane[0].Z + 100.0f);
				NewCone.ConePlane[0] = FPlane(EffectiveVelocityB, PointPlane[0], PointPlane[1]);		//First point is relative to A, which is ZeroVector in this implementation
				checkSlow((((PointBRelative+EffectiveVelocityB)|NewCone.ConePlane[0]) - NewCone.ConePlane[0].W) > 0.0f);
				if (DebugMode)
//					DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(MyWorld, EffectiveVelocityB + PointAWorld, PointPlane[0] + PointAWorld, 50.0f, FColor(64,64,64), true, 0.05f, SDPG_MAX);
//					DrawDebugLine(MyWorld, PointAWorld, EffectiveVelocityB + PointAWorld, FColor(64,64,64), true, 0.05f, SDPG_MAX, 5.0f);

				//Make the right plane
				PointPlane[0] = EffectiveVelocityB + (PointBRelative - (SidewaysFromB * RadiusB));
				PointPlane[1].Set(PointPlane[0].X, PointPlane[0].Y, PointPlane[0].Z - 100.0f);
				NewCone.ConePlane[1] = FPlane(EffectiveVelocityB, PointPlane[0], PointPlane[1]);		//First point is relative to A, which is ZeroVector in this implementation
				checkSlow((((PointBRelative+EffectiveVelocityB)|NewCone.ConePlane[1]) - NewCone.ConePlane[1].W) > 0.0f);
				if (DebugMode)
//					DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(MyWorld, EffectiveVelocityB + PointAWorld, PointPlane[0] + PointAWorld, 50.0f, FColor(64,64,64), true, 0.05f, SDPG_MAX);

				if ((((ReturnVelocity|NewCone.ConePlane[0]) - NewCone.ConePlane[0].W) > 0.0f)
					&& (((ReturnVelocity|NewCone.ConePlane[1]) - NewCone.ConePlane[1].W) > 0.0f))
					Unobstructed = false;

	if (Unobstructed)
		//Trivial case, our ideal velocity is available.
		return inAvoidanceData.Velocity;

	TArray<FNavEdgeSegment> NavEdges;
	if (EdgeProviderOb.IsValid())
		DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Avoidance: collect nav edges"), STAT_AIAvoidanceEdgeCollect, STATGROUP_AI);
		EdgeProviderInterface->GetEdges(inAvoidanceData.Center, inAvoidanceData.TestRadius2D, NavEdges);

	//Find a good velocity that isn't inside a cone.
	if (AllCones.Num())
		float AngleCurrent;
		float AngleF = ReturnVelocity.HeadingAngle();
		float BestScore = 0.0f;
		float BestScorePotential;
		FVector BestVelocity = FVector::ZeroVector;		//Worst case is we just stand completely still. Should we also allow backing up? Should we test standing still?
		const int AngleCount = 4;		//Every angle will be tested both right and left.
		float AngleOffset[AngleCount] = {FMath::DegreesToRadians<float>(23.0f), FMath::DegreesToRadians<float>(40.0f), FMath::DegreesToRadians<float>(55.0f), FMath::DegreesToRadians<float>(85.0f)};
		FVector AngleVector[AngleCount<<1];

		//Determine check angles
		for (int i = 0; i < AngleCount; ++i)
			AngleCurrent = AngleF - AngleOffset[i];
			AngleVector[(i<<1)].Set(FMath::Cos(AngleCurrent), FMath::Sin(AngleCurrent), 0.0f);
			AngleCurrent = AngleF + AngleOffset[i];
			AngleVector[(i<<1) + 1].Set(FMath::Cos(AngleCurrent), FMath::Sin(AngleCurrent), 0.0f);

		//Sample velocity-space destination points and drag them back to form lines
		for (int AngleToCheck = 0; AngleToCheck < (AngleCount<<1); ++AngleToCheck)
			FVector VelSpacePoint = AngleVector[AngleToCheck] * MaxSpeed;

			//Skip testing if we know we can't possibly get a better score than what we have already.
			//Note: This assumes the furthest point is the highest-scoring value (i.e. VelSpacePoint is not moving backward relative to ReturnVelocity)
			BestScorePotential = (VelSpacePoint|ReturnVelocity) * (VelSpacePoint|VelSpacePoint);
			if (BestScorePotential > BestScore)
				const bool bAvoidsNavEdges = NavEdges.Num() > 0 ? AvoidsNavEdges(inAvoidanceData.Center, VelSpacePoint, NavEdges, inAvoidanceData.HalfHeight) : true;
				if (bAvoidsNavEdges)
					FVector CandidateVelocity = AvoidCones(AllCones, FVector::ZeroVector, VelSpacePoint, AllCones.Num());
					float CandidateScore = (CandidateVelocity|ReturnVelocity) * (CandidateVelocity|CandidateVelocity);

					//Vectors are rated by their length and their overall forward movement.
					if (CandidateScore > BestScore)
						BestScore = CandidateScore;
						BestVelocity = CandidateVelocity;
		ReturnVelocity = BestVelocity;
		if (DebugMode)
			DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(MyWorld, inAvoidanceData.Center + inAvoidanceData.Velocity, inAvoidanceData.Center + (ReturnVelocity / DeltaTime), 75.0f, FColor(64,255,64), true, 2.0f, SDPG_MAX);

	return ReturnVelocity / DeltaTime;		//Remove prediction-time scaling
예제 #28
void USoundWave::Serialize( FArchive& Ar )
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT("USoundWave::Serialize"), STAT_SoundWave_Serialize, STATGROUP_LoadTime );

	Super::Serialize( Ar );

	bool bCooked = Ar.IsCooking();
	Ar << bCooked;

	if (FPlatformProperties::RequiresCookedData() && !bCooked && Ar.IsLoading())
		UE_LOG(LogAudio, Fatal, TEXT("This platform requires cooked packages, and audio data was not cooked into %s."), *GetFullName());


	if (Ar.IsLoading() && (Ar.UE4Ver() >= VER_UE4_SOUND_COMPRESSION_TYPE_ADDED) && (Ar.CustomVer(FFrameworkObjectVersion::GUID) < FFrameworkObjectVersion::RemoveSoundWaveCompressionName))
		FName DummyCompressionName;
		Ar << DummyCompressionName;

	bool bSupportsStreaming = false;
	if (Ar.IsLoading() && FPlatformProperties::SupportsAudioStreaming())
		bSupportsStreaming = true;
	else if (Ar.IsCooking() && Ar.CookingTarget()->SupportsFeature(ETargetPlatformFeatures::AudioStreaming))
		bSupportsStreaming = true;

	if (bCooked)
		// Only want to cook/load full data if we don't support streaming
		if (!IsStreaming() || !bSupportsStreaming)
			if (Ar.IsCooking())
				TArray<FName> ActualFormatsToSave;
				if (!Ar.CookingTarget()->IsServerOnly())
					// for now we only support one format per wav
					FName Format = Ar.CookingTarget()->GetWaveFormat(this);
					GetCompressedData(Format); // Get the data from the DDC or build it

				CompressedFormatData.Serialize(Ar, this, &ActualFormatsToSave);
				CompressedFormatData.Serialize(Ar, this);
		// only save the raw data for non-cooked packages
		RawData.Serialize( Ar, this );

	Ar << CompressedDataGuid;

	if (IsStreaming())
		if (bCooked)
			// only cook/load streaming data if it's supported
			if (bSupportsStreaming)

		if (Ar.IsLoading() && !Ar.IsTransacting() && !bCooked && !GetOutermost()->HasAnyPackageFlags(PKG_ReloadingForCooker))
예제 #29
bool FPackageName::SearchForPackageOnDisk(const FString& PackageName, FString* OutLongPackageName, FString* OutFilename, bool bUseLocalizedNames)
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("FPackageName::SearchForPackageOnDisk"), STAT_PackageName_SearchForPackageOnDisk, STATGROUP_LoadTime);

	bool bResult = false;
	double StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
	if (FPackageName::IsShortPackageName(PackageName) == false)
		// If this is long package name, revert to using DoesPackageExist because it's a lot faster.
		FString Filename;
		if (DoesPackageExist(PackageName, NULL, &Filename))
			if (OutLongPackageName)
				*OutLongPackageName = PackageName;
			if (OutFilename)
				*OutFilename = Filename;
			bResult = true;
		// Attempt to find package by its short name by searching in the known content paths.
		TArray<FString> Paths;		
			TArray<FString> RootContentPaths;
			FPackageName::QueryRootContentPaths( RootContentPaths );
			for( TArray<FString>::TConstIterator RootPathIt( RootContentPaths ); RootPathIt; ++RootPathIt )
				const FString& RootPath = *RootPathIt;
				const FString& ContentFolder = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename( RootPath );
				Paths.Add( ContentFolder );

		const FString PackageWildcard = (PackageName.Find(TEXT("."), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive) != INDEX_NONE ? PackageName : PackageName + TEXT(".*"));
		TArray<FString> Results;

		for (int32 PathIndex = 0; PathIndex < Paths.Num() && !bResult; ++PathIndex)
			// Search directly on disk. Very slow!
			IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive(Results, *Paths[PathIndex], *PackageWildcard, true, false);

			for (int32 FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < Results.Num(); ++FileIndex)
				FString Filename(Results[FileIndex]);
				if (IsPackageFilename(Results[FileIndex]))
					// Convert to long package name.
					FString LongPackageName;
					if (TryConvertFilenameToLongPackageName(Filename, LongPackageName))
						if (OutLongPackageName)
							if (bResult)
								UE_LOG(LogPackageName, Warning, TEXT("Found ambiguous long package name for '%s'. Returning '%s', but could also be '%s'."), *PackageName, **OutLongPackageName, *LongPackageName );
								*OutLongPackageName = LongPackageName;
						if (OutFilename)
							if (bResult)
								UE_LOG(LogPackageName, Warning, TEXT("Found ambiguous file name for '%s'. Returning '%s', but could also be '%s'."), *PackageName, **OutFilename, *Filename);
								*OutFilename = Filename;
						bResult = true;
	float ThisTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds() - StartTime;

	if ( bResult )
		UE_LOG(LogPackageName, Log, TEXT("SearchForPackageOnDisk took %7.3fs to resolve %s."), ThisTime, *PackageName);
		UE_LOG(LogPackageName, Log, TEXT("SearchForPackageOnDisk took %7.3fs, but failed to resolve %s."), ThisTime, *PackageName);

	return bResult;
예제 #30
void DebugLeakTest()
	if (CVarEnableLeakTest.GetValueOnGameThread() == 1)
		if (GFrameCounter == 60)
			DirectStatsCommand( TEXT( "stat namedmarker Frame-060" ), true );

		if (GFrameCounter == 120)
			DirectStatsCommand( TEXT( "stat namedmarker Frame-120" ), true );

		if (GFrameCounter == 240)
			DirectStatsCommand( TEXT( "stat namedmarker Frame-240" ), true );

		if (GFrameCounter == 300)
			GIsRequestingExit = true;

		// Realloc.
		static TArray<uint8> Array;
		static int32 Initial = 1;
			DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "LeakTest::Realloc" ), Stat_LeakTest_Realloc, STATGROUP_Quick );
			Array.AddZeroed( Initial );
			Initial += 100;

		if (GFrameCounter == 300)
			UE_LOG( LogTemp, Warning, TEXT( "Stat_ReallocTest: %i / %i" ), Array.GetAllocatedSize(), Initial );

		// General memory leak.
			DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "LeakTest::NewInt8" ), Stat_LeakTest_NewInt8, STATGROUP_Quick );
			int8* Leak = new int8[1000 * 1000];

		if (GFrameCounter < 250)
			// Background threads memory test.
			struct FAllocTask
				static void Alloc()
					DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "FAllocTask::Alloc" ), Stat_FAllocTask_Alloc, STATGROUP_Quick );

					int8* IntAlloc = new int8[112233];
					int8* LeakTask = new int8[100000];
					delete[] IntAlloc;

			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < 40; ++Index)
				FSimpleDelegateGraphTask::CreateAndDispatchWhenReady( FSimpleDelegateGraphTask::FDelegate::CreateStatic( FAllocTask::Alloc ), TStatId() );

			class FAllocPool : public FNonAbandonableTask
				void DoWork()
					DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "FAllocPool::DoWork" ), Stat_FAllocPool_DoWork, STATGROUP_Quick );

					int8* IntAlloc = new int8[223311];
					int8* LeakTask = new int8[100000];
					delete[] IntAlloc;

				TStatId GetStatId() const
					return TStatId();

			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < 40; ++Index)
				(new FAutoDeleteAsyncTask<FAllocPool>())->StartBackgroundTask();

		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < 40; ++Index)
			DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( TEXT( "DebugLeakTest::Alloc" ), Stat_LeakTest_Alloc, STATGROUP_Quick );

			int8* IntAlloc = new int8[331122];
			int8* LeakTask = new int8[100000];
			delete[] IntAlloc;

		if (GIsRequestingExit)
			// If we are writing stats data, stop it now.
			DirectStatsCommand( TEXT( "stat stopfile" ), true );