예제 #1
void Epetra_BLAS::GEMV(const char TRANS, const int M, const int N,
		      const double ALPHA, const double * A, const int LDA, const double * X,
		      const double BETA, double * Y, const int INCX, const int INCY) const {
	 A, &LDA, X, &INCX, &BETA, Y, &INCY);
예제 #2
void AZ_pgmresr(double b[], double x[],double weight[], int options[],
	double params[], int proc_config[], double status[], AZ_MATRIX *Amat, 
	AZ_PRECOND *precond, struct AZ_CONVERGE_STRUCT *convergence_info)


  This routine uses Saad's restarted Genralized Minimum Residual method to solve
  the nonsymmetric matrix problem Ax = b.

  IMPORTANT NOTE: While the 2-norm of the gmres residual is available, the
  actual residual is not normally computed as part of the gmres algorithm. Thus,
  if the user uses a convergence condition (see AZ_gmres_global_scalars()) that
  is based on the 2-norm of the residual there is no need to compute the
  residual (i.e. r_avail = AZ_FALSE). However, if another norm of r is
  requested, AZ_gmres_global_scalars() sets r_avail = AZ_TRUE and the algorithm
  computes the residual.

  Author:          John N. Shadid, SNL, 1421

  Return code:     void

  Parameter list:

  Amat:            Structure used for DMSR and DVBR sparse matrix storage (see
                   file Aztec User's Guide).

  b:               Right hand side of linear system.

  x:               On input, contains the initial guess. On output contains the
                   solution to the linear system.

  weight:          Vector of weights for convergence norm #4.

  options:         Determines specific solution method and other parameters.

  params:          Drop tolerance and convergence tolerance info.

  data_org:        Array containing information on the distribution of the
                   matrix to this processor as well as communication parameters
                   (see file Aztec User's Guide).

  proc_config:     Machine configuration.  proc_config[AZ_node] is the node
                   number.  proc_config[AZ_N_procs] is the number of processors.

  status:          On output, indicates termination status:
                    0:  terminated normally.
                   -1:  maximum number of iterations taken without achieving
                   -2:  Breakdown. The algorithm can not proceed due to
                        numerical difficulties (usually a divide by zero).
                   -3:  Internal residual differs from the computed residual due
                        to a significant loss of precision.

  Amat:            Structure used to represent the matrix (see file az_aztec.h
                   and Aztec User's Guide).


  /* local variables */

  register int k;
  int          i, N, NN, converged, one = 1, iter, r_avail = AZ_FALSE;
  int          print_freq, proc, kspace;
  double     **UU, **CC, *dots, *tmp, *res;
  double       dble_tmp, r_2norm = 1.0, epsilon;
  double       rec_residual, scaled_r_norm, true_scaled_r=0.0;
  double       actual_residual = -1.0, minus_alpha, alpha;
  double       *dummy = (double *) 0;
  double       *UUblock, *CCblock;
  int          mm, ii;
  char         label[64],suffix[32], prefix[64];
  int          *data_org, str_leng, first_time = AZ_TRUE;
  double       doubleone = 1.0, minusone = -1.0, init_time = 0.0;
char *T = "T";
char *T2 = "N";

  /**************************** execution begins ******************************/

  sprintf(suffix," in gmresr%d",options[AZ_recursion_level]);
						/* set string that will be used */
                                                /* for manage_memory label      */
  /* set prefix for printing */

  str_leng = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) prefix[str_leng++] = ' ';
  for (i = 0 ; i < options[AZ_recursion_level]; i++ ) {
     prefix[str_leng++] = ' '; prefix[str_leng++] = ' '; prefix[str_leng++] = ' ';
     prefix[str_leng++] = ' '; prefix[str_leng++] = ' ';
  prefix[str_leng] = '\0';

  data_org = Amat->data_org;

  /* pull needed values out of parameter arrays */

  N            = data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border];
  epsilon      = params[AZ_tol];
  proc         = proc_config[AZ_node];
  print_freq   = options[AZ_print_freq];
  kspace       = options[AZ_kspace];

  /* Initialize some values in convergence info struct */
  convergence_info->print_info = print_freq;
  convergence_info->iteration = 0;
  convergence_info->sol_updated = 0; /* GMRES seldom updates solution */
  convergence_info->epsilon = params[AZ_tol];

  /* allocate memory for required vectors */

  NN    = kspace  + 1;
  /* +1: make sure everybody allocates something */

  dots  = AZ_manage_memory(2*NN*sizeof(double), AZ_ALLOC,AZ_SYS+az_iterate_id,label,&i);
  tmp   = &(dots[NN]);
  CC    = (double **) AZ_manage_memory(2*NN*sizeof(double *),
  UU    = &(CC[NN]);

  NN    = N + data_org[AZ_N_external];
  if (NN == 0) NN++; /* make sure everybody allocates something */
  NN = NN + (NN%2);  /* make sure things are aligned for intel  */

  UUblock = AZ_manage_memory(2*NN*kspace*sizeof(double),
                             AZ_ALLOC, AZ_SYS+az_iterate_id,label, &i);
  for (k = 0; k < kspace; k++) UU[k] = &(UUblock[k*NN]);
  CCblock = &(UUblock[kspace*NN]);
  for (k = 0; k < kspace; k++) CC[k] = &(CCblock[k*NN]);

  res = AZ_manage_memory(NN*sizeof(double),AZ_ALLOC,AZ_SYS+az_iterate_id,label,&i);

  AZ_compute_residual(b, x, res, proc_config, Amat);

   * Compute a few global scalars:
   *     1) ||r||                corresponding to options[AZ_conv]
   *     2) scaled ||r||         corresponding to options[AZ_conv]
  r_2norm = DDOT_F77(&N, res, &one, res, &one);
  AZ_gdot_vec(1, &r_2norm, &rec_residual, proc_config);  
  r_2norm = sqrt(r_2norm);
  rec_residual = r_2norm;

  AZ_compute_global_scalars(Amat, x, b, res,
                          weight, &rec_residual, &scaled_r_norm, options,
                          data_org, proc_config, &r_avail, NULL, NULL, NULL,
  r_2norm = rec_residual;

  converged = scaled_r_norm < epsilon;

  if ( (options[AZ_output] != AZ_none) && 
       (options[AZ_output] != AZ_last) &&
       (options[AZ_output] != AZ_summary) &&
       (options[AZ_output] != AZ_warnings) && (proc == 0) )
    (void) AZ_printf_out("%siter:    0           residual = %e\n",

  iter = 0;
/*rst change  while (!converged && iter < options[AZ_max_iter]) { */
  while (!(convergence_info->converged) && iter < options[AZ_max_iter] && !(convergence_info->isnan)) {

    convergence_info->iteration = iter;
    i = 0;

/*rst change   while (i < kspace && !converged && iter < options[AZ_max_iter]) { */
    while (i < kspace && !(convergence_info->converged) && iter < options[AZ_max_iter]
           && !(convergence_info->isnan)) {

    convergence_info->iteration = iter;

      /* v_i+1 = A M^-1 v_i */

      DCOPY_F77(&N, res , &one, UU[i], &one);

      if (iter == 1) init_time = AZ_second();

        /* Start timer. */
      static int precID = -1;
      precID = Teuchos_startTimer( "AztecOO: Operation Prec*x", precID );
      /* Stop timer. */
      Teuchos_stopTimer( precID );
      if (iter == 1) status[AZ_first_precond] = AZ_second() - init_time;

      /* Start timer. */
      static int matvecID = -1;
      matvecID = Teuchos_startTimer( "AztecOO: Operation Op*x", matvecID );
      Amat->matvec(UU[i], CC[i], Amat, proc_config);
      /* Stop timer. */
      Teuchos_stopTimer( matvecID );

      /* Start the timer. */
      static int orthoID = -1;
      orthoID = Teuchos_startTimer( "AztecOO: Orthogonalization", orthoID );

      /* Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization */

      if (!options[AZ_orthog]) { /* classical  (stabilized) */
         for (ii = 0 ; ii < 2 ; ii++ ) {
            dble_tmp = 0.0; mm = i;
            if (N == 0) for (k = 0 ; k < i ; k++) dots[k] = 0.0;
      /* Start the timer. */
      static int orthoInnerProdID = -1;
      orthoInnerProdID = Teuchos_startTimer( "AztecOO: Ortho (Inner Product)", orthoInnerProdID );
            DGEMV_F77(CHAR_MACRO(T[0]), &N, &mm, &doubleone, CCblock, &NN, CC[i], 
                   &one, &dble_tmp, dots, &one);

            AZ_gdot_vec(i, dots, tmp, proc_config);
      Teuchos_stopTimer( orthoInnerProdID );

      /* Start the timer. */
      static int orthoUpdateID = -1;
      orthoUpdateID = Teuchos_startTimer( "AztecOO: Ortho (Update)", orthoUpdateID );
            DGEMV_F77(CHAR_MACRO(T2[0]), &N, &mm, &minusone, CCblock, &NN, dots, 
                   &one, &doubleone, CC[i], &one);
            DGEMV_F77(CHAR_MACRO(T2[0]), &N, &mm, &minusone, UUblock, &NN, dots,
                   &one, &doubleone, UU[i], &one);
      Teuchos_stopTimer( orthoUpdateID );
      else {                    /* modified */
        for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
          alpha = AZ_gdot(N, CC[k], CC[i], proc_config);
          minus_alpha = -alpha;
          DAXPY_F77(&N, &minus_alpha, CC[k], &one, CC[i], &one);
          DAXPY_F77(&N, &minus_alpha, UU[k], &one, UU[i], &one);

      /* normalize vector */

      static int orthoNormID = -1;
      orthoNormID = Teuchos_startTimer( "AztecOO: Ortho (Norm)", orthoNormID );
      dble_tmp = sqrt(AZ_gdot(N, CC[i], CC[i], proc_config));
      Teuchos_stopTimer( orthoNormID );

      if (dble_tmp  > DBL_EPSILON*r_2norm)
        dble_tmp  = 1.0 / dble_tmp;
        dble_tmp = 0.0;

      DSCAL_F77(&N, &dble_tmp, CC[i], &one);
      DSCAL_F77(&N, &dble_tmp, UU[i], &one);

      dble_tmp = AZ_gdot(N, CC[i], res, proc_config);
      DAXPY_F77(&N, &dble_tmp, UU[i], &one, x, &one);
      dble_tmp = -dble_tmp;
      DAXPY_F77(&N, &dble_tmp, CC[i], &one, res, &one);

      /* Stop the timer. */
      Teuchos_stopTimer( orthoID );

      /* determine residual norm & test convergence */

      r_2norm      = sqrt(AZ_gdot(N, res, res, proc_config));
      rec_residual = r_2norm;

       * Compute a few global scalars:
       *     1) ||r||                corresponding to options[AZ_conv]
       *     2) scaled ||r||         corresponding to options[AZ_conv]
       * NOTE: if r_avail = AZ_TRUE or AZ_FIRST is passed in, we perform
       * step 1), otherwise ||r|| is taken as rec_residual.

      AZ_compute_global_scalars(Amat, x, b, res,
                              weight, &rec_residual, &scaled_r_norm, options,
                              data_org, proc_config, &r_avail, dummy, dummy,
                              dummy, convergence_info);

      converged = scaled_r_norm < epsilon;

/*rst change      if ( (iter%print_freq == 0) && proc == 0) */
      if ( (iter%print_freq == 0) &&
           (options[AZ_conv]!=AZTECOO_conv_test) && proc == 0)
        (void) AZ_printf_out("%siter: %4d           residual = %e\n",prefix,iter,

      i++;      /* subspace dim. counter dim(K) = i - 1 */
#ifdef out
      if (options[AZ_check_update_size] & converged)
         converged = AZ_compare_update_vs_soln(N, -1.,dble_tmp, UU[i-1], x,
                                           options[AZ_output], proc_config, &first_time);

      if (converged) {

        /* compute true residual using 'v[kspace]' as a temporary vector */

        AZ_scale_true_residual(x, b,
                               res, weight, &actual_residual, &true_scaled_r,
                               options, data_org, proc_config, Amat,

        converged = true_scaled_r < params[AZ_tol];

        if (!converged && (AZ_get_new_eps(&epsilon, scaled_r_norm,
                                          options, proc_config) == AZ_QUIT)) {

           * Computed residual has converged, actual residual has not
           * converged, AZ_get_new_eps() has decided that it is time to quit.

          AZ_terminate_status_print(AZ_loss, iter, status, rec_residual, params,
                                    true_scaled_r, actual_residual, options,

  if ( (iter%print_freq != 0) && (proc == 0) && (options[AZ_output] != AZ_none)
       && (options[AZ_output] != AZ_warnings))
    (void) AZ_printf_out("%siter: %4d           residual = %e\n",
		   prefix,iter, scaled_r_norm);

  if (convergence_info->converged) {
    i = AZ_normal;
    scaled_r_norm = true_scaled_r;
  else if (convergence_info->isnan) i = AZ_breakdown;
  else i = AZ_maxits;

  AZ_terminate_status_print(i, iter, status, rec_residual, params,
                            scaled_r_norm, actual_residual, options,

#ifdef out
  /* check if we exceeded maximum number of iterations */

  if (converged) {
    i = AZ_normal;
    scaled_r_norm = true_scaled_r;
    i = AZ_maxits;

  AZ_terminate_status_print(i, iter, status, rec_residual, params,
                            scaled_r_norm, actual_residual, options,

} /* AZ_pgmres */
예제 #3
 void BLAS<int, double>::GEMV(ETransp trans, const int m, const int n, const double alpha, const double* A, const int lda, const double* x, const int incx, const double beta, double* y, const int incy) const
 { DGEMV_F77(CHAR_MACRO(ETranspChar[trans]), &m, &n, &alpha, A, &lda, x, &incx, &beta, y, &incy); }
예제 #4
파일: az_cg.c 프로젝트: 00liujj/trilinos
void AZ_pcg_f(double b[], double x[], double weight[], int options[],
              double params[], int proc_config[],double status[],
              AZ_MATRIX *Amat, AZ_PRECOND *precond,
              struct AZ_CONVERGE_STRUCT *convergence_info)


  Conjugate Gradient algorithm to solve the symmetric matrix problem Ax = b.

  Author:          John N. Shadid, SNL, 1421

  Return code:     void

  Parameter list:

  b:               Right hand side of linear system.

  x:               On input, contains the initial guess. On output contains the
                   solution to the linear system.

  weight:          Vector of weights for convergence norm #4.

  options:         Determines specific solution method and other parameters.

  params:          Drop tolerance and convergence tolerance info.

  proc_config:     Machine configuration.  proc_config[AZ_node] is the node
                   number.  proc_config[AZ_N_procs] is the number of processors.

  status:          On output, indicates termination status:
                    0:  terminated normally.
                   -1:  maximum number of iterations taken without achieving
                   -2:  Breakdown. The algorithm can not proceed due to
                        numerical difficulties (usually a divide by zero).
                   -3:  Internal residual differs from the computed residual due
                        to a significant loss of precision.

  Amat:            Structure used to represent the matrix (see file az_aztec.h
                   and Aztec User's Guide).

  precond:         Structure used to represent the preconditioner
                   (see file az_aztec.h and Aztec User's Guide).


  /* local variables */

  register int i;
  int          N, NN, one = 1, iter = 1, r_avail = AZ_TRUE, j;
  int          precond_flag, print_freq, proc, brkdown_will_occur = AZ_FALSE;
  double       alpha, beta = 0.0, nalpha, true_scaled_r=-1.0;
  double      *r, *z, *p, *ap, actual_residual = -1.0;
  double       r_z_dot, r_z_dot_old, p_ap_dot, rec_residual=-1.0;
  double       scaled_r_norm=-1.0, brkdown_tol = DBL_EPSILON;
  int          *data_org, str_leng, first_time = AZ_TRUE;
  char         label[64],suffix[32], prefix[64];

  double **saveme, *ptap;
  int *kvec_sizes = NULL, current_kept = 0;
  double *dots;
  double doubleone = 1., dzero = 0.;
  char *T = "T";
  char *T2 = "N";
  double *block;

  /**************************** execution begins ******************************/

  sprintf(suffix," in cg%d",options[AZ_recursion_level]);  /* set string that will be used */
                                                           /* for manage_memory label      */
  /* set prefix for printing */

  str_leng = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) prefix[str_leng++] = ' ';
  for (i = 0 ; i < options[AZ_recursion_level]; i++ ) {
    prefix[str_leng++] = ' '; prefix[str_leng++] = ' '; prefix[str_leng++] = ' ';
    prefix[str_leng++] = ' '; prefix[str_leng++] = ' ';
  prefix[str_leng] = '\0';

  /* pull needed values out of parameter arrays */

  data_org = Amat->data_org;

  N            = data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border];

  precond_flag = options[AZ_precond];
  proc         = proc_config[AZ_node];
  print_freq   = options[AZ_print_freq];

  /* Initialize some values in convergence info struct */
  convergence_info->print_info = print_freq;
  convergence_info->iteration = 0;
  convergence_info->sol_updated = 1; /* CG always updates solution */
  convergence_info->epsilon = params[AZ_tol]; /* Test against this */

  /* allocate space for necessary vectors */

  NN = N + data_org[AZ_N_external];
  if (NN == 0) NN++;  /* make sure everybody allocates something */
  NN = NN + (NN%2);   /* make sure things are aligned for assembly */
                      /* matvec on paragon. */

  p  = (double *) AZ_manage_memory(4*NN*sizeof(double),AZ_ALLOC,
                                   AZ_SYS+az_iterate_id, label, &j);
  r  = &(p[1*NN]);
  z  = &(p[2*NN]);
  ap = &(p[3*NN]);

  AZ_compute_residual(b, x, r, proc_config, Amat);

  if (options[AZ_apply_kvecs]) {
    AZ_compute_global_scalars(Amat, x, b, r,
                              weight, &rec_residual, &scaled_r_norm, options,
                              data_org, proc_config, &r_avail,NULL, NULL, &r_z_dot,
    AZ_space_for_kvecs(AZ_OLD_ADDRESS, &kvec_sizes, &saveme,
                       &ptap, options, data_org, suffix,
                       proc_config[AZ_node], &block);
    dots = (double *) AZ_allocate(2*kvec_sizes[AZ_Nkept]*sizeof(double));
    if (dots == NULL) {
      printf("Not space to apply vectors in CG\n");
    DGEMV_F77(CHAR_MACRO(T[0]),&N,&(kvec_sizes[AZ_Nkept]),&doubleone,block,&N, r, &one, &dzero, dots, &one);
    AZ_gdot_vec(kvec_sizes[AZ_Nkept], dots, &(dots[kvec_sizes[AZ_Nkept]]), proc_config);
    for (i = 0; i < kvec_sizes[AZ_Nkept]; i++) dots[i] = dots[i]/ptap[i];
    DGEMV_F77(CHAR_MACRO(T2[0]), &N, &(kvec_sizes[AZ_Nkept]), &doubleone, block, &N, dots, &one, &doubleone,
              x,  &one);

    AZ_compute_residual(b, x, r, proc_config, Amat);
    if ((options[AZ_output] != AZ_none) && (proc == 0))
      printf("\t\tApplied Previous Krylov Vectors ... \n\n");
  if (options[AZ_keep_kvecs] > 0)
    AZ_space_for_kvecs(AZ_NEW_ADDRESS, &kvec_sizes, &saveme,
                       &ptap, options, data_org, suffix,
                       proc_config[AZ_node], &block);

  /*  z = M r */
  /*  p = 0   */

  DCOPY_F77(&N, r, &one, z, &one);
  status[AZ_first_precond] = AZ_second();
  if (precond_flag)

  status[AZ_first_precond] = AZ_second() - status[AZ_first_precond];

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++ ) p[i] = 0.0;

  /* compute a few global scalars:                                 */
  /*     1) ||r||                corresponding to options[AZ_conv] */
  /*     2) scaled ||r||         corresponding to options[AZ_conv] */
  /*     3) r_z_dot = <z, r>                                       */

  AZ_compute_global_scalars(Amat, x, b, r,
                            weight, &rec_residual, &scaled_r_norm, options,
                            data_org, proc_config, &r_avail,r, z, &r_z_dot,
  true_scaled_r = scaled_r_norm;

  if ((options[AZ_output] != AZ_none) &&
      (options[AZ_output] != AZ_last) &&
      (options[AZ_output] != AZ_warnings) &&
      (options[AZ_output] != AZ_summary) &&
      (options[AZ_conv]!=AZTECOO_conv_test) && (proc == 0))
      (void) AZ_printf_out("%siter:    0           residual = %e\n",

  for (iter = 1; iter <= options[AZ_max_iter] && !(convergence_info->converged) && 
	 !(convergence_info->isnan); iter++ ) {
    convergence_info->iteration = iter;

    /* p  = z + beta * p */
    /* ap = A p          */

    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) p[i] = z[i] + beta * p[i];
    Amat->matvec(p, ap, Amat, proc_config);

    if ((options[AZ_orth_kvecs]) && (kvec_sizes != NULL)) {
      for (i = 0; i < current_kept; i++) {
        alpha = -AZ_gdot(N, ap, saveme[i], proc_config)/ptap[i];
        DAXPY_F77(&N, &alpha,  saveme[i],  &one, p, &one);
      if (current_kept > 0) Amat->matvec(p, ap, Amat, proc_config);

    p_ap_dot = AZ_gdot(N, p, ap, proc_config);
    if (p_ap_dot < brkdown_tol) {

      /* possible problem */

      if (p_ap_dot < 0 || AZ_breakdown_f(N, p, ap, p_ap_dot, proc_config)) {

        /* something wrong */

        AZ_scale_true_residual(x, b, ap,
                               weight, &actual_residual, &true_scaled_r,
                               options, data_org, proc_config, Amat,
        AZ_terminate_status_print(AZ_breakdown, iter, status, rec_residual,
                                  params, true_scaled_r, actual_residual,
                                  options, proc_config);
      else brkdown_tol = 0.1 * p_ap_dot;

    alpha  = r_z_dot / p_ap_dot;
    nalpha = -alpha;

    /* x = x + alpha*p  */
    /* r = r - alpha*Ap */
    /* z = M^-1 r       */

    DAXPY_F77(&N, &alpha,  p,  &one, x, &one);

    if (iter <= options[AZ_keep_kvecs]) {
      DCOPY_F77(&N, p, &one, saveme[iter-1], &one);
      ptap[iter-1] = p_ap_dot ;
      current_kept = kvec_sizes[AZ_Nkept];
      else {
      i = (iter-1)%options[AZ_keep_kvecs];
      DCOPY_F77(&N, p, &one, saveme[i], &one);
      ptap[i] = p_ap_dot ;
    DAXPY_F77(&N, &nalpha, ap, &one, r, &one);
    DCOPY_F77(&N, r, &one, z, &one);

    if (precond_flag) precond->prec_function(z,options,proc_config,params,Amat,precond);

    r_z_dot_old = r_z_dot;

    /* compute a few global scalars:                                 */
    /*     1) ||r||                corresponding to options[AZ_conv] */
    /*     2) scaled ||r||         corresponding to options[AZ_conv] */
    /*     3) r_z_dot = <z, r>                                       */

    AZ_compute_global_scalars(Amat, x, b, r,
                              weight, &rec_residual, &scaled_r_norm, options,
                              data_org, proc_config, &r_avail, r, z, &r_z_dot,

    if (brkdown_will_occur) {
      AZ_scale_true_residual( x, b, ap,
                              weight, &actual_residual, &true_scaled_r, options,
                              data_org, proc_config, Amat,convergence_info);
      AZ_terminate_status_print(AZ_breakdown, iter, status, rec_residual,
                                params, true_scaled_r, actual_residual, options,

    beta = r_z_dot / r_z_dot_old;

    if (fabs(r_z_dot) < brkdown_tol) {

      /* possible problem */

      if (AZ_breakdown_f(N, r, z, r_z_dot, proc_config))
        brkdown_will_occur = AZ_TRUE;
        brkdown_tol = 0.1 * fabs(r_z_dot);

    if ( (iter%print_freq == 0) && (options[AZ_conv]!=AZTECOO_conv_test) && proc == 0 )
        (void) AZ_printf_out("%siter: %4d           residual = %e\n", prefix, iter,

    /* convergence tests */

    if (options[AZ_check_update_size] & convergence_info->converged)
      convergence_info->converged = AZ_compare_update_vs_soln(N, -1.,alpha, p, x,
							      options[AZ_output], proc_config, &first_time);

    if (convergence_info->converged) {
      AZ_scale_true_residual(x, b, ap,
                             weight, &actual_residual, &true_scaled_r, options,
                             data_org, proc_config, Amat, convergence_info);
       * Note: epsilon and params[AZ_tol] may not be equal due to a previous
       * call to AZ_get_new_eps().
      if (!(convergence_info->converged) && options[AZ_conv]!=AZTECOO_conv_test) {

	if (AZ_get_new_eps(&(convergence_info->epsilon), scaled_r_norm, true_scaled_r,
			   options, proc_config) == AZ_QUIT) {

	   * Computed residual has converged, actual residual has not converged,
	   * AZ_get_new_eps() has decided that it is time to quit.
	  AZ_terminate_status_print(AZ_loss, iter, status, rec_residual, params,
				    true_scaled_r, actual_residual, options,
  if ( (iter%print_freq != 0) && (proc == 0) && (options[AZ_output] != AZ_none)
       && (options[AZ_output] != AZ_warnings) &&
      (options[AZ_conv]!=AZTECOO_conv_test) )
      (void) AZ_printf_out("%siter: %4d           residual = %e\n", prefix, iter,

  /* check if we exceeded maximum number of iterations */

  if (convergence_info->converged) {
    i = AZ_normal; scaled_r_norm = true_scaled_r; }
  else if (convergence_info->isnan) i = AZ_breakdown;
    i = AZ_maxits;

  AZ_terminate_status_print(i, iter, status, rec_residual, params,
                            scaled_r_norm, actual_residual, options,

} /* AZ_pcg */
예제 #5
void dvbr_sparax_basic(int m, double *val, int *bindx, int *rpntr,
                       int *cpntr, int *bpntr, double *b, double *c,
                       int exchange_flag, int *data_org, int *proc_config)


  c = Ab:
  Sparse (square) matrix-vector multiply, using the variable block row (VBR)
  data structure (A = val).

  Author:          Scott A. Hutchinson, SNL, 1421

  Return code:     void

  Parameter list:

  m:               Number of (block) rows in A.

  val:             Array containing the entries of the matrix. The matrix is
                   stored block-row-by-block-row. Each block entry is dense and
                   stored by columns (VBR).

  bpntr:           Arrays used for DMSR and DVBR sparse matrix storage (see
                   Aztec User's Guide).

  b:               Right hand side of linear system.

  c:               On output contains the solution to the linear system.

  exchange_flag:   Flag which controls call to AZ_exchange_bdry() (ignored in
                   serial implementation).

  data_org:        Array containing information on the distribution of the
                   matrix to this processor as well as communication parameters
                   (see Aztec User's Guide).



  /* local variables */

  register double *x;
  register double *c_pntr;
  register int     iblk_row, j, jblk, iblk_size;
  int              m1, ib1, n1;
  int              bpoff, rpoff;
  int              ione = 1;
  int              irpntr, irpntr_next;
  int              ibpntr, ibpntr_next = 0;
  double           one = 1.0;
  double          *val_pntr;
  char            *N = "N";

  /**************************** execution begins *****************************/

  /* exchange boundary info */

  if (exchange_flag) AZ_exchange_bdry(b, data_org, proc_config);

  /* offset of the first block */

  bpoff = *bpntr;
  rpoff = *rpntr;

  /* zero the result vector */

  for (j = 0; j < rpntr[m] - rpoff; c[j++] = 0.0);

  val_pntr    = val;
  irpntr_next = *rpntr++;
  c          -= rpoff;

  /* loop over block rows */

  for (iblk_row = 0; iblk_row < m; iblk_row++) {

    irpntr      = irpntr_next;
    irpntr_next = *rpntr++;

    ibpntr      = ibpntr_next;
    ibpntr_next = *bpntr++ - bpoff;

    /* set result pointer */

    c_pntr      = c + irpntr;

    /* number of rows in the current row block */

    m1          = irpntr_next - irpntr;

    /* loop over each block in the current row block */

    for (j = ibpntr; j < ibpntr_next; j++) {
      jblk = *(bindx+j);

      /* the starting point column index of the current block */

      ib1 = *(cpntr+jblk);

      /* number of columns in the current block */

      n1 = cpntr[jblk + 1] - ib1;
      iblk_size = m1*n1;

      /****************** Dense matrix-vector multiplication *****************/

       * Get base addresses

      x = b + ib1;

       * Special case the m1 = n1 = 1 case

      if (iblk_size == 1)
        *c_pntr += *val_pntr * *x;

      else if (m1 == n1) {

         * Inline small amounts of work

        switch (m1) {

        case 2:
          c_pntr[0] += val_pntr[0]*x[0] + val_pntr[2]*x[1];
          c_pntr[1] += val_pntr[1]*x[0] + val_pntr[3]*x[1];

        case 3:
          c_pntr[0] += val_pntr[0]*x[0] + val_pntr[3]*x[1] + val_pntr[6]*x[2];
          c_pntr[1] += val_pntr[1]*x[0] + val_pntr[4]*x[1] + val_pntr[7]*x[2];
          c_pntr[2] += val_pntr[2]*x[0] + val_pntr[5]*x[1] + val_pntr[8]*x[2];

        case 4:
          c_pntr[0] += val_pntr[0]*x[0] + val_pntr[4]*x[1] + val_pntr[8] *x[2]
            + val_pntr[12]*x[3];
          c_pntr[1] += val_pntr[1]*x[0] + val_pntr[5]*x[1] + val_pntr[9] *x[2]
            + val_pntr[13]*x[3];
          c_pntr[2] += val_pntr[2]*x[0] + val_pntr[6]*x[1] + val_pntr[10]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[14]*x[3];

          c_pntr[3] += val_pntr[3]*x[0] + val_pntr[7]*x[1] + val_pntr[11]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[15]*x[3];

        case 5:
          c_pntr[0] += val_pntr[0]*x[0] + val_pntr[5]*x[1] + val_pntr[10]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[15]*x[3] + val_pntr[20]*x[4];
          c_pntr[1] += val_pntr[1]*x[0] + val_pntr[6]*x[1] + val_pntr[11]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[16]*x[3] + val_pntr[21]*x[4];
          c_pntr[2] += val_pntr[2]*x[0] + val_pntr[7]*x[1] + val_pntr[12]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[17]*x[3] + val_pntr[22]*x[4];
          c_pntr[3] += val_pntr[3]*x[0] + val_pntr[8]*x[1] + val_pntr[13]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[18]*x[3] + val_pntr[23]*x[4];
          c_pntr[4] += val_pntr[4]*x[0] + val_pntr[9]*x[1] + val_pntr[14]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[19]*x[3] + val_pntr[24]*x[4];

        case 6:
          c_pntr[0] += val_pntr[0]*x[0] + val_pntr[6] *x[1] + val_pntr[12]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[18]*x[3] + val_pntr[24]*x[4] + val_pntr[30]*x[5];
          c_pntr[1] += val_pntr[1]*x[0] + val_pntr[7] *x[1] + val_pntr[13]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[19]*x[3] + val_pntr[25]*x[4] + val_pntr[31]*x[5];
          c_pntr[2] += val_pntr[2]*x[0] + val_pntr[8] *x[1] + val_pntr[14]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[20]*x[3] + val_pntr[26]*x[4] + val_pntr[32]*x[5];
          c_pntr[3] += val_pntr[3]*x[0] + val_pntr[9] *x[1] + val_pntr[15]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[21]*x[3] + val_pntr[27]*x[4] + val_pntr[33]*x[5];
          c_pntr[4] += val_pntr[4]*x[0] + val_pntr[10]*x[1] + val_pntr[16]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[22]*x[3] + val_pntr[28]*x[4] + val_pntr[34]*x[5];
          c_pntr[5] += val_pntr[5]*x[0] + val_pntr[11]*x[1] + val_pntr[17]*x[2]
            + val_pntr[23]*x[3] + val_pntr[29]*x[4] + val_pntr[35]*x[5];


           * For most computers, a really well-optimized assembly-coded level 2
           * blas for small blocks sizes doesn't exist.  It's better to
           * optimize your own version, and take out all the overhead from the
           * regular dgemv call.  For large block sizes, it's also a win to
           * check for a column of zeroes; this is what dgemv_ does.  The
           * routine dgemvnsqr_() is a fortran routine that contains optimized
           * code for the hp, created from the optimizing preprocessor. Every
           * workstation will probably have an entry here eventually, since
           * this is a key optimization location.

/* #ifdef AZ_PA_RISC */
/*           dgemvnsqr_(&m1, val_pntr, x, c_pntr); */
/* #else */
          if (m1 < 10)
            AZ_dgemv2(m1, n1, val_pntr, x, c_pntr);
            DGEMV_F77(CHAR_MACRO(N[0]), &m1, &n1, &one, val_pntr, &m1, x, &ione, &one, c_pntr,
/* #endif */


      /* nonsquare cases */

      else {
        if (m1 < 10)
          AZ_dgemv2(m1, n1, val_pntr, x, c_pntr);
          DGEMV_F77(CHAR_MACRO(N[0]), &m1, &n1, &one, val_pntr, &m1, x, &ione, &one, c_pntr,

      val_pntr += iblk_size;

} /* dvbr_sparax_basic */