예제 #1
static void filter_shelf_coefs(unsigned long cutoff, float A, bool low, int32_t *c){
    int32_t sin, cos;
    int32_t b0, b1, a0, a1; /* s3.28 */
    const long g = integerGain(TXSqrtApprox(A)) << 4; /* 10^(db/40), s3.28 */
    sin = fsincos(cutoff/2, &cos);
    if (low) {
        const int32_t sin_div_g = DIV64(sin, g, 25);
        cos >>= 3;
        b0 = FRACMUL(sin, g) + cos;   /* 0.25 .. 4.10 */
        b1 = FRACMUL(sin, g) - cos;   /* -1 .. 3.98 */
        a0 = sin_div_g + cos;         /* 0.25 .. 4.10 */
        a1 = sin_div_g - cos;         /* -1 .. 3.98 */
    } else {
예제 #2
void gainQuantization(bcg729EncoderChannelContextStruct *encoderChannelContext, word16_t targetSignal[], word16_t filteredAdaptativeCodebookVector[], word16_t convolvedFixedCodebookVector[], word16_t fixedCodebookVector[], word64_t xy64, word64_t yy64,
                      word16_t *quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain, word16_t *quantizedFixedCodebookGain, uint16_t *gainCodebookStage1, uint16_t *gainCodebookStage2)
    int i,j;
    word64_t xz64=0, yz64=0, zz64=0;
    word32_t xy;
    word32_t yy;
    word32_t xz;
    word32_t yz;
    word32_t zz;
    uint16_t minNormalization = 31;
    uint16_t currentNormalization;
    word32_t bestAdaptativeCodebookGain, bestFixedCodebookGain;
    word64_t denominator;
    word16_t predictedFixedCodebookGain;
    uint16_t indexBaseGa=0;
    uint16_t indexBaseGb=0;
    uint16_t indexGa=0, indexGb=0;
    word64_t distanceMin = MAXINT64;

    /*** compute spec 3.9 eq63 terms first on 64 bits and then scale them if needed to fit on 32 ***/
    /* Xy64 and Yy64 already computed during adaptativeCodebookGain computation */
    for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) {
        xz64 = MAC64(xz64, targetSignal[i], convolvedFixedCodebookVector[i]); /* in Q12 */
        yz64 = MAC64(yz64, filteredAdaptativeCodebookVector[i], convolvedFixedCodebookVector[i]); /* in Q12 */
        zz64 = MAC64(zz64, convolvedFixedCodebookVector[i], convolvedFixedCodebookVector[i]); /* in Q24 */

    /* now scale this terms to have them fit on 32 bits - terms Xy, Xz and Yz shall fit on 31 bits because used in eq63 with a factor 2 */
    xy = SHR64(((xy64<0)?-xy64:xy64),30);
    yy = SHR64(yy64,31);
    xz = SHR64(((xz64<0)?-xz64:xz64),30);
    yz = SHR64(((yz64<0)?-yz64:yz64),30);
    zz = SHR64(zz64,31);

    currentNormalization = countLeadingZeros(xy);
    if (currentNormalization<minNormalization) {
        minNormalization = currentNormalization;
    currentNormalization = countLeadingZeros(xz);
    if (currentNormalization<minNormalization) {
        minNormalization = currentNormalization;
    currentNormalization = countLeadingZeros(yz);
    if (currentNormalization<minNormalization) {
        minNormalization = currentNormalization;
    currentNormalization = countLeadingZeros(yy);
    if (currentNormalization<minNormalization) {
        minNormalization = currentNormalization;
    currentNormalization = countLeadingZeros(zz);
    if (currentNormalization<minNormalization) {
        minNormalization = currentNormalization;

    if (minNormalization<31) { /* we shall normalise, values are over 32 bits */
        minNormalization = 31 - minNormalization;
        xy = (word32_t)SHR64(xy64, minNormalization);
        yy = (word32_t)SHR64(yy64, minNormalization);
        xz = (word32_t)SHR64(xz64, minNormalization);
        yz = (word32_t)SHR64(yz64, minNormalization);
        zz = (word32_t)SHR64(zz64, minNormalization);

    } else { /* no need to normalise, values already fit on 32 bits, just cast them */
        xy = (word32_t)xy64; /* in Q0 */
        yy = (word32_t)yy64; /* in Q0 */
        xz = (word32_t)xz64; /* in Q12 */
        yz = (word32_t)yz64; /* in Q12 */
        zz = (word32_t)zz64; /* in Q24 */

    /*** compute the best gains minimizinq eq63 ***/
    /* Note this bestgain computation is not at all described in the spec, got it from ITU code */
    /* bestAdaptativeCodebookGain = (zz.xy - xz.yz) / (yy*zz) - yz^2) */
    /* bestfixedCodebookGain = (yy*xz - xy*yz) / (yy*zz) - yz^2) */
    /* best gain are computed in Q9 and Q2 and fits on 16 bits */
    denominator = MAC64(MULT32_32(yy, zz), -yz, yz); /* (yy*zz) - yz^2) in Q24 (always >= 0)*/
    /* avoid division by zero */
    if (denominator==0) { /* consider it to be one */
        bestAdaptativeCodebookGain = (word32_t)(SHR64(MAC64(MULT32_32(zz, xy), -xz, yz), 15)); /* MAC in Q24 -> Q9 */
        bestFixedCodebookGain = (word32_t)(SHR64(MAC64(MULT32_32(yy, xz), -xy, yz), 10)); /* MAC in Q12 -> Q2 */
    } else {
        /* bestAdaptativeCodebookGain in Q9 */
        uint16_t numeratorNorm;
        word64_t numerator = MAC64(MULT32_32(zz, xy), -xz, yz); /* in Q24 */
        /* check if we can shift it by 9 without overflow as the bestAdaptativeCodebookGain in computed in Q9 */
        word32_t numeratorH = (word32_t)(SHR64(numerator,32));
        numeratorH = (numeratorH>0)?numeratorH:-numeratorH;
        numeratorNorm = countLeadingZeros(numeratorH);
        if (numeratorNorm >= 9) {
            bestAdaptativeCodebookGain = (word32_t)(DIV64(SHL64(numerator,9), denominator)); /* bestAdaptativeCodebookGain in Q9 */
        } else {
            word64_t shiftedDenominator = SHR64(denominator, 9-numeratorNorm);
            if (shiftedDenominator>0) { /* can't shift left by 9 the numerator, can we shift right by 9-numeratorNorm the denominator without hiting 0 */
                bestAdaptativeCodebookGain = (word32_t)(DIV64(SHL64(numerator, numeratorNorm),shiftedDenominator)); /* bestAdaptativeCodebookGain in Q9 */
            } else {
                bestAdaptativeCodebookGain = SHL((word32_t)(DIV64(SHL64(numerator, numeratorNorm), denominator)), 9-numeratorNorm); /* shift left the division result to reach Q9 */

        numerator = MAC64(MULT32_32(yy, xz), -xy, yz); /* in Q12 */
        /* check if we can shift it by 14(it's in Q12 and denominator in Q24) without overflow as the bestFixedCodebookGain in computed in Q2 */
        numeratorH = (word32_t)(SHR64(numerator,32));
        numeratorH = (numeratorH>0)?numeratorH:-numeratorH;
        numeratorNorm = countLeadingZeros(numeratorH);

        if (numeratorNorm >= 14) {
            bestFixedCodebookGain = (word32_t)(DIV64(SHL64(numerator,14), denominator));
        } else {
            word64_t shiftedDenominator = SHR64(denominator, 14-numeratorNorm); /* bestFixedCodebookGain in Q14 */
            if (shiftedDenominator>0) { /* can't shift left by 9 the numerator, can we shift right by 9-numeratorNorm the denominator without hiting 0 */
                bestFixedCodebookGain = (word32_t)(DIV64(SHL64(numerator, numeratorNorm),shiftedDenominator)); /* bestFixedCodebookGain in Q14 */
            } else {
                bestFixedCodebookGain = SHL((word32_t)(DIV64(SHL64(numerator, numeratorNorm), denominator)), 14-numeratorNorm); /* shift left the division result to reach Q14 */

    /*** Compute the predicted gain as in spec 3.9.1 eq71 in Q6 ***/
    predictedFixedCodebookGain = (word16_t)(SHR32(MACodeGainPrediction(encoderChannelContext->previousGainPredictionError, fixedCodebookVector), 12)); /* in Q16 -> Q4 range [3,1830] */

    /***  preselection spec 3.9.2 ***/
    /* Note: spec just says to select the best 50% of each vector, ITU code go through magical constant computation to select the begining of a continuous range */
    /* much more simple here : vector are ordened in growing order so just select 2 (4 for Gb) indexes before the first value to be superior to the best gain previously computed */
    while (indexBaseGa<6 && bestFixedCodebookGain>(MULT16_16_Q14(GACodebook[indexBaseGa][1],predictedFixedCodebookGain))) { /* bestFixedCodebookGain> in Q2, GACodebook in Q12 *predictedFixedCodebookGain in Q4 -> Q16-14 */
    if (indexBaseGa>0) indexBaseGa--;
    if (indexBaseGa>0) indexBaseGa--;
    while (indexBaseGb<12 && bestAdaptativeCodebookGain>(SHR(GBCodebook[indexBaseGb][0],5))) {
    if (indexBaseGb>0) indexBaseGb--;
    if (indexBaseGb>0) indexBaseGb--;
    if (indexBaseGb>0) indexBaseGb--;
    if (indexBaseGb>0) indexBaseGb--;

    /*** test all possibilities of Ga and Gb indexes and select the best one ***/
    xy = -SHL(xy,1); /* xy term is always used with a -2 factor */
    xz = -SHL(xz,1); /* xz term is always used with a -2 factor */
    yz = SHL(yz,1); /* yz term is always used with a 2 factor */

    for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
            /* compute gamma->gc and gp */
            word16_t gp =  ADD16(GACodebook[i+indexBaseGa][0], GBCodebook[j+indexBaseGb][0]); /* result in Q14 */
            word16_t gamma =  ADD16(GACodebook[i+indexBaseGa][1], GBCodebook[j+indexBaseGb][1]); /* result in Q3.12 (range [0.185, 5.05])*/
            word32_t gc = MULT16_16_Q14(gamma, predictedFixedCodebookGain); /* gamma in Q12, predictedFixedCodebookGain in Q4 -> Q16 -14 -> Q2 */

            /* compute E as in eq63 (first term excluded) */
            word64_t acc = MULT32_32(MULT16_16(gp, gp), yy); /* acc = gp^2*yy  gp in Q14, yy in Q0 -> acc in Q28 */
            acc = MAC64(acc, MULT16_16(gc, gc), zz); /* gc in Q2, zz in Q24 -> acc in Q28, note gc is on 32 bits but in a range making gc^2 fitting on 32 bits */
            acc = MAC64(acc, SHL32((word32_t)gp, 14), xy); /* gp in Q14 shifted to Q28, xy in Q0 -> acc in Q28 */
            acc = MAC64(acc, SHL32(gc, 14), xz); /* gc in Q2 shifted to Q16, xz in Q12 -> acc in Q28 */
            acc = MAC64(acc, MULT16_16(gp,gc), yz); /* gp in Q14, gc in Q2 yz in Q12 -> acc in Q28 */

            if (acc<distanceMin) {
                distanceMin = acc;
                indexGa = i+indexBaseGa;
                indexGb = j+indexBaseGb;
                *quantizedAdaptativeCodebookGain = gp;
                *quantizedFixedCodebookGain = (word16_t)SHR(gc, 1);

    /* update the previous gain prediction error */
    computeGainPredictionError(ADD16(GACodebook[indexGa][1], GBCodebook[indexGb][1]), encoderChannelContext->previousGainPredictionError);

    /* mapping of indexes */
    *gainCodebookStage1 = indexMappingGA[indexGa];
    *gainCodebookStage2 = indexMappingGB[indexGb];

예제 #3
static void filter_shelf_coefs(unsigned long cutoff, float A, bool low, int32_t *c){
    int32_t sin, cos;
    int32_t b0, b1, a0, a1; /* s3.28 */
    const long g = integerGain(TXSqrtApprox(A)) << 4; /* 10^(db/40), s3.28 */
    sin = fsincos(cutoff/2, &cos);
    if (low) {
        const int32_t sin_div_g = DIV64(sin, g, 25);
        cos >>= 3;
        b0 = FRACMUL(sin, g) + cos;   /* 0.25 .. 4.10 */
        b1 = FRACMUL(sin, g) - cos;   /* -1 .. 3.98 */
        a0 = sin_div_g + cos;         /* 0.25 .. 4.10 */
        a1 = sin_div_g - cos;         /* -1 .. 3.98 */
    } else {
        const int32_t cos_div_g = DIV64(cos, g, 25);
        sin >>= 3;
        b0 = sin + FRACMUL(cos, g);   /* 0.25 .. 4.10 */
        b1 = sin - FRACMUL(cos, g);   /* -3.98 .. 1 */
        a0 = sin + cos_div_g;         /* 0.25 .. 4.10 */
        a1 = sin - cos_div_g;         /* -3.98 .. 1 */
    const int32_t rcp_a0 = DIV64(1, a0, 57); /* 0.24 .. 3.98, s2.29 */
    *c++ = FRACMUL_SHL(b0, rcp_a0, 1);       /* 0.063 .. 15.85 */
    *c++ = FRACMUL_SHL(b1, rcp_a0, 1);       /* -15.85 .. 15.85 */
    *c++ = -FRACMUL_SHL(a1, rcp_a0, 1);      /* -1 .. 1 */

TXBiquadFilter TXBiquadFilter::biShelfFilter
(float sampleRate,