예제 #1
   DMTSSetRHSJacobian - set TS Jacobian evaluation function

   Not Collective

   Input Argument:
+  dm - DM to be used with TS
.  func - Jacobian evaluation function, see TSSetRHSJacobian() for calling sequence
-  ctx - context for residual evaluation

   Level: advanced

   TSSetJacobian() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
   associated with the DM.  This makes the interface consistent regardless of whether the user interacts with a DM or
   not. If DM took a more central role at some later date, this could become the primary method of setting the Jacobian.

.seealso: DMTSSetContext(), TSSetFunction(), DMTSGetJacobian(), TSSetJacobian()
PetscErrorCode DMTSSetRHSJacobian(DM dm,TSRHSJacobian func,void *ctx)
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  DMTS           tsdm;

  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm,&tsdm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (func) tsdm->ops->rhsjacobian = func;
  if (ctx)  tsdm->rhsjacobianctx = ctx;
예제 #2
   DMTSSetIJacobianSerialize - sets functions used to view and load a IJacobian context

   Not Collective

   Input Arguments:
+  dm - DM to be used with TS
.  view - viewer function
-  load - loading function

   Level: advanced

.seealso: DMTSSetContext(), TSSetFunction(), DMTSSetJacobian()
PetscErrorCode DMTSSetIJacobianSerialize(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*view)(void*,PetscViewer),PetscErrorCode (*load)(void**,PetscViewer))
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  DMTS           tsdm;

  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm,&tsdm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  tsdm->ops->ijacobianview = view;
  tsdm->ops->ijacobianload = load;
예제 #3
   DMTSSetI2Jacobian - set TS implicit Jacobian evaluation function for 2nd order systems

   Not Collective

   Input Arguments:
+  dm - DM to be used with TS
.  fun - Jacobian evaluation function, see TSSetI2Jacobian() for calling sequence
-  ctx - context for Jacobian evaluation

   Level: advanced

   TSSetI2Jacobian() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
   associated with the DM.

.seealso: TSSetI2Jacobian()
PetscErrorCode DMTSSetI2Jacobian(DM dm,TSI2Jacobian jac,void *ctx)
  DMTS           tsdm;
  PetscErrorCode ierr;

  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm,&tsdm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (jac) tsdm->ops->i2jacobian = jac;
  if (ctx) tsdm->i2jacobianctx   = ctx;
예제 #4
   DMTSGetForcingFunction - get TS forcing function evaluation function

   Not Collective

   Input Argument:
.   dm - DM to be used with TS

   Output Arguments:
+  f - forcing function evaluation function; see TSForcingFunction for details
-  ctx - context for solution evaluation

   Level: advanced

   TSSetForcingFunction() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
   associated with the DM.  This makes the interface consistent regardless of whether the user interacts with a DM or
   not. If DM took a more central role at some later date, this could become the primary method of setting the residual.

.seealso: DMTSSetContext(), TSSetFunction(), DMTSSetJacobian(), TSSetForcingFunction(), DMTSGetForcingFunction()
PetscErrorCode DMTSGetForcingFunction(DM dm,TSForcingFunction *f,void **ctx)
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  DMTS           tsdm;

  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm,&tsdm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (f)   *f   = tsdm->ops->forcing;
  if (ctx) *ctx = tsdm->forcingctx;
예제 #5
   DMTSSetI2Function - set TS implicit function evaluation function for 2nd order systems

   Not Collective

   Input Arguments:
+  dm - DM to be used with TS
.  fun - function evaluation function, see TSSetI2Function() for calling sequence
-  ctx - context for residual evaluation

   Level: advanced

   TSSetI2Function() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
   associated with the DM.

.seealso: TSSetI2Function()
PetscErrorCode DMTSSetI2Function(DM dm,TSI2Function fun,void *ctx)
  DMTS           tsdm;
  PetscErrorCode ierr;

  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm,&tsdm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (fun) tsdm->ops->i2function = fun;
  if (ctx) tsdm->i2functionctx   = ctx;
예제 #6
   DMTSSetForcingFunction - set TS forcing function evaluation function

   Not Collective

   Input Arguments:
+  dm - DM to be used with TS
.  TSForcingFunction - forcing function evaluation function
-  ctx - context for solution evaluation

   Level: advanced

   TSSetForcingFunction() is normally used, but it calls this function internally because the user context is actually
   associated with the DM.  This makes the interface consistent regardless of whether the user interacts with a DM or
   not. If DM took a more central role at some later date, this could become the primary method of setting the residual.

.seealso: DMTSSetContext(), TSSetFunction(), DMTSSetJacobian(), TSSetForcingFunction(), DMTSGetForcingFunction()
PetscErrorCode DMTSSetForcingFunction(DM dm,PetscErrorCode (*TSForcingFunction)(TS,PetscReal,Vec,void*),void *ctx)
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  DMTS           tsdm;

  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm,&tsdm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (TSForcingFunction) tsdm->ops->forcing = TSForcingFunction;
  if (ctx)  tsdm->forcingctx   = ctx;
예제 #7
파일: dmdats.c 프로젝트: ZJLi2013/petsc
   DMDATSSetIJacobianLocal - set a local residual evaluation function

   Logically Collective

   Input Arguments:
+  dm   - DM to associate callback with
.  func - local residual evaluation
-  ctx   - optional context for local residual evaluation

   Calling sequence for func:

$ func(DMDALocalInfo* info,PetscReal t,void* x,void *xdot,Mat J,Mat B,MatStructure *flg,void *ctx);

+  info - DMDALocalInfo defining the subdomain to evaluate the residual on
.  t    - time at which to evaluate the jacobian
.  x    - array of local state information
.  xdot - time derivative at this state
.  J    - Jacobian matrix
.  B    - preconditioner matrix; often same as J
.  flg  - flag indicating information about the preconditioner matrix structure (same as flag in KSPSetOperators())
-  ctx  - optional context passed above

   Level: beginner

.seealso: DMTSSetJacobian(), DMDATSSetIFunctionLocal(), DMDASNESSetJacobianLocal()
PetscErrorCode DMDATSSetIJacobianLocal(DM dm,DMDATSIJacobianLocal func,void *ctx)
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  DMTS           sdm;
  DMTS_DA        *dmdats;

  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm,&sdm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMDATSGetContext(dm,sdm,&dmdats);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  dmdats->ijacobianlocal    = func;
  dmdats->ijacobianlocalctx = ctx;
  ierr = DMTSSetIJacobian(dm,TSComputeIJacobian_DMDA,dmdats);CHKERRQ(ierr);
예제 #8
파일: dmdats.c 프로젝트: ZJLi2013/petsc
   DMDATSSetRHSFunctionLocal - set a local residual evaluation function

   Logically Collective

   Input Arguments:
+  dm - DM to associate callback with
.  imode - insert mode for the residual
.  func - local residual evaluation
-  ctx - optional context for local residual evaluation

   Calling sequence for func:

$ func(DMDALocalInfo info,PetscReal t,void *x,void *f,void *ctx)

+  info - DMDALocalInfo defining the subdomain to evaluate the residual on
.  t - time at which to evaluate residual
.  x - array of local state information
.  f - output array of local residual information
-  ctx - optional user context

   Level: beginner

.seealso: DMTSSetRHSFunction(), DMDATSSetRHSJacobianLocal(), DMDASNESSetFunctionLocal()
PetscErrorCode DMDATSSetRHSFunctionLocal(DM dm,InsertMode imode,DMDATSRHSFunctionLocal func,void *ctx)
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  DMTS           sdm;
  DMTS_DA        *dmdats;

  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm,&sdm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMDATSGetContext(dm,sdm,&dmdats);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  dmdats->rhsfunctionlocalimode = imode;
  dmdats->rhsfunctionlocal      = func;
  dmdats->rhsfunctionlocalctx   = ctx;
  ierr = DMTSSetRHSFunction(dm,TSComputeRHSFunction_DMDA,dmdats);CHKERRQ(ierr);
예제 #9
  DMPlexTSSetRHSFunctionLocal - set a local residual evaluation function

  Logically Collective

  Input Arguments:
+ dm      - DM to associate callback with
. riemann - Riemann solver
- ctx     - optional context for Riemann solve

  Calling sequence for riemann:

$ riemann(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal n[], const PetscScalar uL[], const PetscScalar uR[], PetscScalar flux[], void *ctx)

+ x    - The coordinates at a point on the interface
. n    - The normal vector to the interface
. uL   - The state vector to the left of the interface
. uR   - The state vector to the right of the interface
. flux - output array of flux through the interface
- ctx  - optional user context

  Level: beginner

.seealso: DMTSSetRHSFunctionLocal()
PetscErrorCode DMPlexTSSetRHSFunctionLocal(DM dm, void (*riemann)(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal n[], const PetscScalar uL[], const PetscScalar uR[], PetscScalar flux[], void *ctx), void *ctx)
  DMTS           dmts;
  DMTS_Plex     *dmplexts;
  PetscFV        fvm;
  PetscInt       Nf;
  PetscBool      computeGradients;
  PetscErrorCode ierr;

  PetscValidHeaderSpecific(dm, DM_CLASSID, 1);
  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm, &dmts);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMPlexTSGetContext(dm, dmts, &dmplexts);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  dmplexts->riemann             = riemann;
  dmplexts->rhsfunctionlocalctx = ctx;
  ierr = DMGetNumFields(dm, &Nf);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMGetField(dm, 0, (PetscObject *) &fvm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMPlexTSSetupGeometry(dm, fvm, dmplexts);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscFVGetComputeGradients(fvm, &computeGradients);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (computeGradients) {ierr = DMPlexTSSetupGradient(dm, fvm, dmplexts);CHKERRQ(ierr);}
  ierr = DMTSSetRHSFunction(dm, TSComputeRHSFunction_DMPlex, dmplexts);CHKERRQ(ierr);