예제 #1
/* DP messaging stuff */
static HANDLE DP_MSG_BuildAndLinkReplyStruct( IDirectPlayImpl *This,
        DP_MSG_REPLY_STRUCT_LIST *lpReplyStructList, WORD wReplyCommandId )
  lpReplyStructList->replyExpected.hReceipt       = CreateEventW( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
  lpReplyStructList->replyExpected.wExpectedReply = wReplyCommandId;
  lpReplyStructList->replyExpected.lpReplyMsg     = NULL;
  lpReplyStructList->replyExpected.dwMsgBodySize  = 0;

  /* Insert into the message queue while locked */
  EnterCriticalSection( &This->lock );
    DPQ_INSERT( This->dp2->repliesExpected, lpReplyStructList, repliesExpected );
  LeaveCriticalSection( &This->lock );

  return lpReplyStructList->replyExpected.hReceipt;
예제 #2
void NS_AddRemoteComputerAsNameServer( LPCVOID                   lpcNSAddrHdr,
                                       DWORD                     dwHdrSize,
                                       LPDPMSG_ENUMSESSIONSREPLY lpMsg,
                                       LPVOID                    lpNSInfo )
  DWORD len;
  lpNSCache     lpCache = (lpNSCache)lpNSInfo;
  lpNSCacheData lpCacheNode;

  TRACE( "%p, %p, %p\n", lpcNSAddrHdr, lpMsg, lpNSInfo );

  /* See if we can find this session. If we can, remove it as it's a dup */
  DPQ_REMOVE_ENTRY_CB( lpCache->first, next, data->guidInstance, cbUglyPig,
                       lpMsg->sd.guidInstance, lpCacheNode );

  if( lpCacheNode != NULL )
    TRACE( "Duplicate session entry for %s removed - updated version kept\n",
           debugstr_guid( &lpCacheNode->data->guidInstance ) );
    cbDeleteNSNodeFromHeap( lpCacheNode );

  /* Add this to the list */
  lpCacheNode = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( *lpCacheNode ) );

  if( lpCacheNode == NULL )
    ERR( "no memory for NS node\n" );

  lpCacheNode->lpNSAddrHdr = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,
                                        dwHdrSize );
  CopyMemory( lpCacheNode->lpNSAddrHdr, lpcNSAddrHdr, dwHdrSize );

  lpCacheNode->data = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( *(lpCacheNode->data) ) );

  if( lpCacheNode->data == NULL )
    ERR( "no memory for SESSIONDESC2\n" );

  CopyMemory( lpCacheNode->data, &lpMsg->sd, sizeof( *lpCacheNode->data ) );
  len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)(lpMsg+1), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
  if ((lpCacheNode->data->lpszSessionNameA = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len )))
      WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)(lpMsg+1), -1,
                           lpCacheNode->data->lpszSessionNameA, len, NULL, NULL );

  lpCacheNode->dwTime = timeGetTime();

  DPQ_INSERT(lpCache->first, lpCacheNode, next );

  lpCache->present = lpCacheNode;

  /* Use this message as an opportunity to weed out any old sessions so
   * that we don't enum them again
  NS_PruneSessionCache( lpNSInfo );