예제 #1
void DString_SubString( DString *self, DString *sub, daoint from, daoint n )
	daoint i, size = self->size;
	if( from >= size ){
		DString_Reset( sub, 0 );
	if( n < 0 || n > size ) n = size;
	if( from+n > size ) n = size-from;
	DString_Reset( sub, n );
	memcpy( sub->chars, self->chars + from, n * sizeof(char) );
예제 #2
파일: daoStream.c 프로젝트: daokoder/dao
int DaoStream_ReadStdin( DaoStream *self, DString *data, int count )
	DString_Reset( data, 0 );
	if( count >= 0 ){
		DString_Reset( data, count );
		DString_Reset( data, fread( data->chars, 1, count, stdin ) );
	}else if( count == -1 ){
		DaoFile_ReadLine( stdin, data );
		DaoFile_ReadAll( stdin, data, 0 );
	fseek( stdin, 0, SEEK_END );
	return data->size;
예제 #3
static int DaoFileStream_Read( DaoStream *stream, DString *data, int count )
	DaoFileStream *self = (DaoFileStream*) stream;

	DString_Reset( data, 0 );
	if( DaoFileStream_AtEnd( stream ) ) return -1;
	if( count >= 0 ){
		DString_Reset( data, count );
		DString_Reset( data, fread( data->chars, 1, count, self->file ) );
	}else if( count == -1 ){
		DaoFile_ReadLine( self->file, data );
		DaoFile_ReadAll( self->file, data, 0 );
	return data->size;
예제 #4
파일: daoStream.c 프로젝트: daokoder/dao
daoint DaoStream_Read( DaoStream *self, DString *output, daoint count )
	DString_Reset( output, 0 );
	if( self->Read == NULL ) return 0;
	if( count == -1 ){
		return self->Read( self, output, -1 );
	}else if( count <= -2 ){
		return self->Read( self, output, -2 );
	}else if( count <= 0x7fffffff ){
		return self->Read( self, output, count );
	DString_Reserve( output, count );
	count = DaoStream_ReadBytes( self, output->chars, count );
	if( count > 0 ) DString_Reset( output, count );
	return count;
예제 #5
파일: daoStream.c 프로젝트: daokoder/dao
static void DaoIO_Read( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoStream *self = proc->stdioStream;
	DString *ds = DaoProcess_PutChars( proc, "" );
	int ch, size, amount = -1; /* amount=-2: all; amount=-1: line; amount>=0: bytes; */
	char buf[IO_BUF_SIZE];

	if( self == NULL ) self = proc->vmSpace->stdioStream;
	if( N > 0 ){
		self = (DaoStream*) p[0];
		amount = -2;
	if( DaoIO_CheckMode( self, proc, DAO_STREAM_READABLE ) == 0 ) return;
	if( N > 1 ){
		if( p[1]->type == DAO_INTEGER ){
			amount = p[1]->xInteger.value;
			if( amount < 0 ){
				DaoProcess_RaiseError( proc, NULL, "cannot read negative amount!" );
			amount = - 1 - p[1]->xEnum.value;
	DString_Reset( ds, 0 );
	self->Read( self, ds, amount );
	if( self->mode & DAO_STREAM_AUTOCONV ) DString_ToUTF8( ds );
예제 #6
파일: daoStream.c 프로젝트: daokoder/dao
int DaoStream_ReadLine( DaoStream *self, DString *line )
	DString_Reset( line, 0 );
	if( self->Read == NULL ) return 0;
	if( self->AtEnd && self->AtEnd( self ) ) return 0;
	return self->Read( self, line, -1 ) >= 0;
예제 #7
void DaoxDataFrame_AddLabels( DaoxDataFrame *self, int dim, DMap *labels )
	DString *lab;
	DNode *it;
	if( labels->keytype != D_STRING && labels->keytype != D_VALUE ) return;
	if( labels->valtype != 0 && labels->valtype != D_VALUE ) return;
	lab = DString_New(1);
	DaoxDataFrame_AddLabelGroup( self, dim );
	for(it=DMap_First(labels); it; it=DMap_Next(labels,it)){
		DString *lab2 = it->key.pString;
		daoint idx = it->value.pInt;
		if( labels->keytype == D_VALUE ){
			if( it->key.pValue->type != DAO_STRING ) continue;
			lab2 = it->key.pValue->xString.data;
		if( labels->valtype == D_VALUE ){
			if( it->value.pValue->type != DAO_INTEGER ) continue;
			idx = it->value.pValue->xInteger.value;
		if( idx < 0 ) continue;
		DString_Reset( lab, 0 );
		DString_Append( lab, lab2 );
		DaoxDataFrame_AddLabel( self, dim, lab->mbs, idx );
	DString_Delete( lab );
예제 #8
파일: daoMain.c 프로젝트: itsky71/dao
static char* DaoReadLine( const char *s, DString *buffer )
	int ch;
	char *line;

	DString_Reset( buffer, 0 );

	if( ! DThread_IsMain() ){
		printf( "%s", s );
		fflush( stdout );
		while( (ch = getchar()) != '\n' ) DString_AppendWChar( buffer, ch );
		return DString_GetData( buffer );

	readingline = 1;
	count = 0;

	line = readline( s );
	DString_SetChars( buffer, line );
	free( line );
	readingline = 0;
	return DString_GetData( buffer );
예제 #9
void DaoxDataColumn_SetCell( DaoxDataColumn *self, daoint i, DaoValue *value )
	if( value == NULL ){
		complex16 zero = {0.0,0.0};
		switch( self->type->tid ){
		default :
			GC_DecRC( self->cells->data.values[i] );
			self->cells->data.values[i] = value;
		case DAO_INTEGER : self->cells->data.daoints[i]   = 0; break;
		case DAO_FLOAT   : self->cells->data.floats[i]    = 0.0; break;
		case DAO_DOUBLE  : self->cells->data.doubles[i]   = 0.0; break;
		case DAO_COMPLEX : self->cells->data.complexes[i] = zero; break;
		case DAO_STRING  : DString_Reset( & self->cells->data.strings[i], 0 ); break;
	switch( self->type->tid ){
	default :
		GC_ShiftRC( value, self->cells->data.values[i] );
		self->cells->data.values[i] = value;
	case DAO_INTEGER : self->cells->data.daoints[i]   = DaoValue_GetInteger( value ); break;
	case DAO_FLOAT   : self->cells->data.floats[i]    = DaoValue_GetFloat( value );  break;
	case DAO_DOUBLE  : self->cells->data.doubles[i]   = DaoValue_GetDouble( value ); break;
	case DAO_COMPLEX : self->cells->data.complexes[i] = DaoValue_GetComplex( value ); break;
	case DAO_STRING  : DaoValue_GetString( value, & self->cells->data.strings[i] ); break;
예제 #10
static int DaoStringStream_Read( DaoStream *stream, DString *data, int count )
	DaoStringStream *self = (DaoStringStream*) stream;

	DString_Reset( data, 0 );
	if( self->offset >= self->base.buffer->size ) return -1;
	if( count >= 0 ){
		DString_SubString( self->base.buffer, data, self->offset, count );
		self->offset += data->size;
	}else if( count == -1 ){
		int delim = '\n';
		daoint pos = DString_FindChar( self->base.buffer, delim, self->offset );
		if( self->offset == 0 && (pos == DAO_NULLPOS || pos == self->base.buffer->size-1) ){
			DString_Append( data, self->base.buffer );
			self->offset = self->base.buffer->size;
		}else if( pos == DAO_NULLPOS ){
			DString_SubString( self->base.buffer, data, pos, -1 );
			self->offset = self->base.buffer->size;
			DString_SubString( self->base.buffer, data, pos, pos - self->offset + 1 );
			self->offset = pos + 1;
		if( self->base.mode & DAO_STREAM_AUTOCONV ) DString_ToUTF8( data );
		return self->offset < self->base.buffer->size;
		if( self->offset == 0 ){ 
			DString_Assign( data, self->base.buffer );
			DString_SubString( self->base.buffer, data, self->offset, -1 );
		self->offset += data->size;
	return data->size;
예제 #11
void DString_SetChars( DString *self, const char *chs )
	if( self->chars && self->chars == chs ) return;
	if( chs == NULL ){
		DString_Clear( self );
	DString_Reset( self, strlen( chs ) );
	memcpy( self->chars, chs, self->size*sizeof(char) );
예제 #12
void DaoRoutine_MakeName( DaoRoutine *self, DString *name, int max1, int max2, int max3 )
	DString *hostName = self->routHost ? self->routHost->name : NULL;
	DaoType *routType = self->routType;
	int M = (routType->attrib & DAO_TYPE_SELF) != 0;
	int N = routType->nested->size;
	int i;

	DString_Reset( name, 0 );

	/* For builtin containers, whose methods may have no routHost set: */
	if( hostName == NULL && M ) hostName = routType->nested->items.pType[0]->aux->xType.name;

	// Mixin classes have methods converted from constructors of component classes.
	// These methods still have the DAO_ROUT_INITOR flag. So checking the names is
	// the better way to use here.
	if( hostName && ! DString_EQ( self->routName, hostName ) ){
		if( hostName->size + self->routName->size < (max1-2) ){
			DString_Append( name, hostName );
			DString_AppendChars( name, "::" );
			DString_Append( name, self->routName );
			DString_PartialAppend( name, hostName, max1/2-1 );
			DString_AppendChars( name, "::" );
			DString_PartialAppend( name, self->routName, max1/2-1 );
		DString_PartialAppend( name, self->routName, max1 );
	if( max3 == 0 ){
		DString_AppendChars( name, "()" );
	DString_AppendChars( name, "( " );
	if( N == M+1 ){
		DaoType *type = routType->nested->items.pType[M];
		DString_PartialAppend( name, type->name, 2*max2 );
		for(i=M; i<N; ++i){
			DaoType *type = routType->nested->items.pType[i];
			if( i > M ) DString_AppendChars( name, ", " );
			if( i < M + max3 ){
				DString_PartialAppend( name, type->name, max2 );
				DString_AppendChars( name, "~~" );
	DString_AppendChars( name, " )" );
예제 #13
int DaoRegex_ChangeExt( DaoRegex *self, DString *input, DString *output,
		DString *target, int index, daoint *start2, daoint *end2 )
	daoint start = start2 ? (daoint) *start2 : 0;
	daoint end = end2 ? (daoint) *end2 : 0;
	daoint i, n=0, p1=start, p2=end, p3, last;
	DaoValue *value = NULL;
	DaoString matched = {DAO_STRING,0,0,0,0,NULL};
	DList *array = DList_New( DAO_DATA_VALUE );
	DString *tmp = DString_New();
	DString *tmp2 = DString_New();

	DString_Reset( output, 0 );
	if( self == NULL || input->size == 0 ) goto DoNothing;

	matched.value = tmp;
	Dao_ParseTarget( target, array, (DaoValue*) & matched );
	if( end == 0 ) end = p2 = DString_Size( input );
	n = last = 0;
	while( DaoRegex_Match( self, input, & p1, & p2 ) ){
		n += 1;
		if( index ==0 || n == index ){
			DString_SubString( input, tmp2, last, p1 - last );
			DString_Append( output, tmp2 );
			DString_Clear( tmp );
			for(i=0; i<array->size; i++){
				value = array->items.pValue[i];
				if( value->type == DAO_INTEGER ){
					if( DaoRegex_SubMatch( self, value->xInteger.value, & p1, & p3 ) ){
						DString_SubString( input, tmp2, p1, p3 - p1 );
						DString_Append( tmp, tmp2 );
					DString_Append( tmp, value->xString.value );
			DString_Append( output, tmp );
			last = p2;
		if( start2 ) *start2 = p1;
		if( end2 ) *end2 = p2;
		p1 = p2;
		p2 = end;
		if( index && n == index ) break;
	DString_SubString( input, tmp2, last, end - last );
	DString_Append( output, tmp2 );
	DString_Delete( tmp );
	DString_Delete( tmp2 );
	DList_Delete( array );
	return n;
예제 #14
void DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( DaoxDataFrame *self, int dim, int group, daoint i, DString *lab )
	DMap *labels = self->labels[dim]->items.pMap[group];
	DNode *it;
	DString_Reset( lab, 0 );
	for(it=DMap_First(labels); it; it=DMap_Next(labels,it)){
		if( it->value.pInt == i ){
			DString_Append( lab, it->key.pString );
예제 #15
int DaoxFont_Open( DaoxFont *self, const char *file )
	FILE *fin = fopen( file, "r" );

	DaoxFont_ResetGlyphs( self );
	DString_Reset( self->buffer, 0 );

	if( fin == NULL ) return 0;

	DaoFile_ReadAll( fin, self->buffer, 1 );
	return DaoxFont_Init( self, self->buffer );
예제 #16
파일: daoStream.c 프로젝트: wherby/dao
int DaoFile_ReadLine( FILE *fin, DString *line )
	char buf[IO_BUF_SIZE];
	DString_Reset( line, 0 );
	DString_ToMBS( line );
	if( feof( fin ) ) return 0;
		buf[IO_BUF_SIZE - 1] = 1;
		if( !fgets( buf, IO_BUF_SIZE, fin ) ) break;
		DString_AppendMBS( line, buf );
	} while( buf[IO_BUF_SIZE - 1] != 1 );
	return 1;
예제 #17
int DaoXmlParser_ParseEscapedChar( DaoXmlParser *self, DString *escape )
	DString_Reset( escape, 0 );
	if( (self->source + 2) > self->end ) return 1;
	if( *self->source != '&' ) return 1;
	self->source += 1;
	while( self->source < self->end && *self->source != ';' ){
		DString_AppendChar( escape, *self->source );
		self->source += 1;
	self->source += 1;
	return 0;
예제 #18
int DaoXmlParser_ParseIdentifier( DaoXmlParser *self, DString *string )
	char ch = *self->source;
	DString_Reset( string, 0 );
	if( !isalpha( ch ) && ch != ':' && ch != '_' ) return 1;
	while( isalnum( ch ) || ch == ':' || ch == '_' || ch == '-' || ch == '.' ){
		DString_AppendChar( string, *self->source );
		self->source += 1;
		if( self->source >= self->end ) break;
		ch = *self->source;
	return 0;
예제 #19
파일: daoStream.c 프로젝트: wherby/dao
int DaoFile_ReadAll( FILE *fin, DString *all, int close )
	char buf[IO_BUF_SIZE];
	DString_Reset( all, 0 );
	DString_ToMBS( all );
	if( fin == NULL ) return 0;
		size_t count = fread( buf, 1, IO_BUF_SIZE, fin );
		if( count ==0 ) break;
		DString_AppendDataMBS( all, buf, count );
	if( close ) fclose( fin );
	return 1;
예제 #20
static void ZIP_Compress( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DString *source = p[0]->xString.value;
	DString *res = DaoProcess_PutChars( proc, "" );
	unsigned int resLen = source->size;
	int block = 100000;
	daoint size = source->size;

	DString_Reserve( res, size );
	size = 1 + size / block;
	if( size > 9 ) size = 9;
	BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress( res->chars, & resLen, source->chars, source->size, size, 0, 30 );
	DString_Reset( res, resLen );
예제 #21
파일: daoStream.c 프로젝트: daokoder/dao
int DaoFile_ReadAll( FILE *fin, DString *output, int close )
	char buf[IO_BUF_SIZE];
	DString_Reset( output, 0 );
	if( fin == NULL ) return 0;
		// TODO: read directly into output;
		size_t count = fread( buf, 1, IO_BUF_SIZE, fin );
		if( count ==0 ) break;
		DString_AppendBytes( output, buf, count );
	if( close ) fclose( fin );
	return 1;
예제 #22
static void ParseKeyValueString( DaoProcess *proc, DaoMap *mulmap, DaoMap *map, const char *data )
    const char *end = data + strlen( data );
    DaoValue *vk = (DaoValue*) DaoProcess_NewString( proc, NULL, 0 );
    DaoValue *vv = (DaoValue*) DaoProcess_NewString( proc, NULL, 0 );
    DString *key = DaoString_Get( DaoValue_CastString( vk ) );
    DString *value = DaoString_Get( DaoValue_CastString( vv ) );
    DString *buffer = key;

    buffer->size = 0;
    for(; data < end; ++data) {
        if( buffer->size >= buffer->bufSize ) DString_Reserve( buffer, 1.5*buffer->size + 8 );
        if( *data == '=' ) {
            buffer->chars[ buffer->size ] = 0;
            buffer = value;
            buffer->size = 0;
        } else if( *data == '&' || *data == ';' ) {
            buffer->chars[ buffer->size ] = 0;
            InsertKeyValue( proc, mulmap, map, vk, vv );
            DString_Reset( key, 0 );   /* also detaching shared memory; */
            DString_Reset( value, 0 ); /* also detaching shared memory; */
            buffer = key;
        } else if( *data != ' ' ) {
            if( *data == '%' ) {
                char a = tolower( data[1] );
                char b = tolower( data[2] );
                buffer->chars[ buffer->size ++ ] = (char) ((HEXTOI(a) << 4) | HEXTOI(b));
                data += 2;
            } else if( *data == '+' ) {
                buffer->chars[ buffer->size ++ ] = ' ';
            } else {
                buffer->chars[ buffer->size ++ ] = *data;
    if( key->size ) InsertKeyValue( proc, mulmap, map, vk, vv );
예제 #23
int DaoXmlParser_ParseQuotedString( DaoXmlParser *self, DString *string )
	DNode *it;
	char quote;
	DString_Reset( string, 0 );
	if( (self->source + 2) > self->end ) return 1;
	if( self->source[0] != '\'' && self->source[0] != '"' ) return 1;
	quote = self->source[0];
	self->source += 1;
	while( self->source < self->end && *self->source != quote ){
		if( DaoXmlParser_ParseFormatedChar( self, string ) ) return 1;
	self->source += 1;
	return 0;
예제 #24
파일: daoStream.c 프로젝트: daokoder/dao
int DaoFile_ReadLine( FILE *fin, DString *line )
	int ch;

	DString_Reset( line, 0 );
	if( feof( fin ) ) return 0;

	while( (ch = fgetc(fin)) != EOF ){
		if( line->size == line->bufSize ) DString_Reserve( line, 5 + 1.2*line->size );
		line->chars[ line->size ++ ] = ch;
		line->chars[ line->size ] = '\0';
		if( ch == '\n' ) break;
	return 1;
예제 #25
static void ZIP_Decompress( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DString *source = p[0]->xString.value;
	DString *res = DaoProcess_PutChars( proc, "" );
	unsigned int resLen;

	/* TODO: get decompressed size from the compressed data? */
	DString_Reserve( res, source->size );
	resLen = res->bufSize;
	while( resLen == res->bufSize ){
		DString_Reserve( res, 2*resLen );
		resLen = res->bufSize;
		BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress( res->chars, & resLen, source->chars, source->size, 0, 0 );
	DString_Reset( res, resLen );
예제 #26
static void DaoIO_ReadFile( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DString *res = DaoProcess_PutChars( proc, "" );
	daoint silent = p[1]->xBoolean.value;
	if( DString_Size( p[0]->xString.value ) ==0 ){
		char buf[4096];
			size_t count = fread( buf, 1, sizeof( buf ), stdin );
			if( count ==0 ) break;
			DString_AppendBytes( res, buf, count );
		FILE *fin = DaoIO_OpenFile( proc, p[0]->xString.value, "r", silent );
		struct stat info;
		if( fin == NULL ) return;
		fstat( fileno( fin ), &info );
		DString_Reserve( res, info.st_size );
		DString_Reset( res, fread( res->chars, 1, info.st_size, fin ) );
		fclose( fin );
예제 #27
void DaoCGI_SendFile( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
    DString *mbs;
    DString *file = DaoValue_TryGetString( p[0] );
    DString *mime = DaoValue_TryGetString( p[1] );
    DString *notfound = DaoValue_TryGetString( p[2] );
    char buf[IO_BUF_SIZE];
    FILE *fin = fopen( DString_GetData( file ), "r" );
    if( fin == NULL ) {
        printf( "%s", DString_GetData( notfound ) );
    mbs = DString_New();
    printf( "Content-Type: %s\n\n", DString_GetData( mime ) );
    while(1) {
        size_t count = fread( buf, 1, IO_BUF_SIZE, fin );
        if( count ==0 ) break;
        DString_Reset( mbs, 0 );
        DString_AppendBytes( mbs, buf, count );
        DaoFile_WriteString( stdout, mbs );
    fclose( fin );
    DString_Delete( mbs );
예제 #28
static void FRAME_PRINT( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int n )
	DaoxDataFrame *self = (DaoxDataFrame*) p[0];
	DaoxDataFrame *original = self->original;
	DaoStream *stream = proc->stdioStream;
	DaoStream *sstream = DaoStream_New();
	DaoValue valueBuffer, *nulls[3] = {NULL,NULL,NULL};
	DVector *rlabwidth = DVector_New( sizeof(int) );
	DVector *clabwidth = DVector_New( sizeof(int) );
	DVector *decimals = DVector_New( sizeof(int) );
	DVector *scifmts = DVector_New( sizeof(int) );
	DVector *aligns = DVector_New( sizeof(int) );
	DString *label = DString_New(1);
	daoint d, g, i, j, k, s, N, M, K, J = 1;
	int idwidth, maxwidth = 16, maxdec = 3;
	char idfmt[16];
	char fmt[16];
	char buf[512];

	sstream->attribs |= DAO_IO_STRING;
	memset( &valueBuffer, 0, sizeof(DaoValue) );
	if( stream == NULL ) stream = proc->vmSpace->stdioStream;
	if( self->original == NULL ){
		DaoxDataFrame_PrepareSlices( self );
		DaoDataFrame_MakeSlice( self, proc, nulls, 3, self->slices );
		original = self;
	N = self->slices->items.pVector[0]->data.daoints[1];
	M = self->slices->items.pVector[1]->data.daoints[1];
	K = self->slices->items.pVector[2]->data.daoints[1];
	DString_Reset( label, 10 + 4*sizeof(void*) + log10(1+N+M+K) );
	sprintf( label->mbs, "\nDataFrame[%p]", self );
	DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, label->mbs );
	if( original != self ){
		sprintf( label->mbs, " (Slices from DataFrame[%p])", original );
		DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, label->mbs );
	sprintf( label->mbs, "\nDimensions: Rows=%" DAO_INT_FORMAT ";", N );
	DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, label->mbs );
	sprintf( label->mbs, " Cols=%" DAO_INT_FORMAT ";", M );
	DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, label->mbs );
	sprintf( label->mbs, " Deps=%" DAO_INT_FORMAT ";\n", K );
	DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, label->mbs );

	idwidth = 1 + (int)log10(N+1);
	for(i=0; i<N; ++i){
		daoint ii = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[0], i );
		int width = 1 + (int)log10(ii+1);
		if( width > idwidth ) idwidth = width;
	sprintf( idfmt, "%%%i%s:", idwidth, DAO_INT_FORMAT );

	if( M == 1 ){
		maxwidth = 64;
		maxdec = 24;
	}else if( M == 2 ){
		maxwidth = 40;
		maxdec = 12;
	}else if( M <= 4 ){
		maxwidth = 24;
		maxdec = 6;

	for(g=0; g<original->labels[DAOX_DF_ROW]->size; ++g){
		int width = 0;
		for(i=0; i<N; ++i){
			daoint ii = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[0], i );
			DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( original, DAOX_DF_ROW, g, ii, label );
			if( label->size > width ) width = label->size;
			if( width > maxwidth ) break;
		if( width > maxwidth ) width = maxwidth;
		DVector_PushInt( rlabwidth, width );
	for(j=0; j<M; ++j){
		int w, datatype, max = 0, min = 0, dec = 0;
		daoint width, jj = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[2], j );
		DaoxDataColumn *col = (DaoxDataColumn*) original->columns->items.pVoid[jj];
		DVector *cells = col->cells;

		datatype = DaoType_GetDataType( col->type );
		width = DaoxDataColumn_GetPrintWidth( col, 16 );
		for(i=0; i<N && i<1000; ++i){
			daoint v, ii = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[0], i );
			complex16 com;
			switch( datatype ){
			case DAO_INTEGER :
				v = cells->data.daoints[ii];
				w = log10( fabs(v) + 1E-32 ) + (v < 0);
				if( w > max ) max = w;
			case DAO_FLOAT   :
				CheckPrintWidth( cells->data.floats[ii], & max, & min, & dec );
			case DAO_DOUBLE  :
				CheckPrintWidth( cells->data.doubles[ii], & max, & min, & dec );
			case DAO_COMPLEX :
				com = cells->data.complexes[ii];
				CheckPrintWidth( com.real, & max, & min, & dec );
				CheckPrintWidth( com.imag, & max, & min, & dec );
			case DAO_STRING :
				if( cells->data.strings[i].size > max ) max = cells->data.strings[i].size;
			default :
		if( dec > maxdec ) dec = maxdec;
		if( col->type->tid == DAO_COMPLEX ){
			max *= 2;
			min *= 2;
		if( datatype == 0 ){
			width = maxwidth;
			DVector_PushInt( aligns, 1 );
			DVector_PushInt( scifmts, 0 );
			DVector_PushInt( decimals, 0 );
		}else if( datatype == DAO_STRING ){
			width = max;
			DVector_PushInt( aligns, 1 );
			DVector_PushInt( scifmts, 0 );
			DVector_PushInt( decimals, 0 );
		}else if( max >= maxwidth || min <= -dec ){
			width = 16;
			DVector_PushInt( aligns, 0 );
			DVector_PushInt( scifmts, 1 );
			DVector_PushInt( decimals, dec );
			width = max + dec + 1;
			if( col->type->tid == DAO_COMPLEX ) width += dec + 6;
			DVector_PushInt( aligns, 0 );
			DVector_PushInt( scifmts, 0 );
			DVector_PushInt( decimals, dec );

		for(g=0; g<original->labels[DAOX_DF_COL]->size; ++g){
			DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( original, DAOX_DF_COL, g, jj, label );
			if( label->size > width ) width = label->size;
			if( width > maxwidth ) break;
		if( width > maxwidth ) width = maxwidth;
		DVector_PushInt( clabwidth, width );

	for(k=0; k<K; ++k){
		daoint kk = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[2], k );
		DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "Depth: " );
		DaoStream_WriteInt( stream, kk );
		DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, ";" );
		if( original->labels[DAOX_DF_DEP]->size ) DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\nLabels:" );
		for(g=0; g<original->labels[DAOX_DF_DEP]->size; ++g){
			DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( original, DAOX_DF_DEP, g, kk, label );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, " " );
			DaoStream_WriteString( stream, label );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, ";" );
		DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\n" );
		for(j=0; j<M; j=J){
			int width2, width = idwidth+1;
			for(i=0; i<rlabwidth->size; ++i) width += rlabwidth->data.ints[i] + 1;
			width += 1;

			J = j;
			width2 = width;
			for(J=j; J<M; ++J){
				daoint jj = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[1], J );
				width2 += clabwidth->data.ints[J] + 2;
				if( width2 > 80 ){
					width2 -= clabwidth->data.ints[J] + 2;
			if( J == j ) J += 1;

			sprintf( buf, "from %" DAO_INT_FORMAT " to %" DAO_INT_FORMAT ":\n", j, J-1 );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, j == 0 ? "| Columns " : "> Columns " );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
			for(g=0; g<original->labels[DAOX_DF_COL]->size; ++g){
				sprintf( fmt, "%%-%is", width );
				sprintf( buf, fmt, j == 0 ? "|" : ">" );
				DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
				for(s=j; s<J; ++s){
					daoint jj = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[1], s );
					int width = clabwidth->data.ints[s];
					int align = aligns->data.ints[s];
					if( align ){
						sprintf( fmt, "%%-%is", width );
						sprintf( fmt, "%%%is", width );
					DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( original, DAOX_DF_COL, g, jj, label );
					if( label->size > width ) DString_Reset( label, width );
					snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, label->mbs );
					DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "  " );
					DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
				DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\n" );
			printf( j == 0 ? "|" : ">" );
			while( --width2 ) printf( "-" );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, J < M ? ">" : "|" );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\n" );
			for(i=0; i<N; ++i){
				daoint ii = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[0], i );
				sprintf( buf, idfmt, ii );
				DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
				for(g=0; g<original->labels[DAOX_DF_ROW]->size; ++g){
					int width = rlabwidth->data.ints[g];
					DaoxDataFrame_GetLabel( original, DAOX_DF_ROW, g, ii, label );
					if( label->size > width ) DString_Reset( label, width );
					if( g ) DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "," );
					sprintf( fmt, "%%-%is", width );
					snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, label->mbs );
					DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
				DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, ": " );
				for(s=j; s<J; ++s){
					int scifmt = scifmts->data.ints[s];
					int dec = decimals->data.ints[s];
					int width = clabwidth->data.ints[s];
					daoint jj = DaoSlice_GetIndex( self->slices->items.pVector[2], s );
					DaoxDataColumn *col = (DaoxDataColumn*) original->columns->items.pVoid[jj];
					DaoValue *value = DaoxDataColumn_GetCell( col, i, & valueBuffer );

					DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "  " );
					if( value == NULL ){
						sprintf( fmt, "%%-%is", width );
						snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, " " );
					}else if( value->type == DAO_INTEGER ){
						sprintf( fmt, "%%%i%s", width, DAO_INT_FORMAT );
						snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, value->xInteger.value );
					}else if( value->type == DAO_FLOAT || value->type == DAO_DOUBLE ){
						double f = DaoValue_GetDouble( value );
						if( scifmt ){
							sprintf( fmt, "%%%iE", width );
							sprintf( fmt, "%%%i.%if", width, dec );
						snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, f );
					}else if( value->type == DAO_COMPLEX ){
						complex16 com = value->xComplex.value;
						char s = com.imag>=0 ? '+' : '-';
						int w = width/2-2;
						int d = dec;
						if( scifmt ){
							sprintf( fmt, "(%%%i.3E,%%%i.3E)", w, w );
							sprintf( fmt, "(%%%i.%if,%%%i.%if)", w, d, w, d );
						snprintf( buf, width, fmt, com.real, com.imag );
						DString_Reset( sstream->streamString, 0 );
						DaoValue_Print( value, proc, sstream, NULL );
						DString_Reset( label, 0 );
						DString_Append( label, sstream->streamString );
						if( label->size > width ) DString_Reset( label, width );
						DString_ChangeMBS( label, "%t", "\\t", 0 );
						DString_ChangeMBS( label, "%n", "\\n", 0 );
						sprintf( fmt, "%%-%is", width );
						snprintf( buf, width+1, fmt, label->mbs );
					DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, buf );
				DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\n" );
			DaoStream_WriteMBS( stream, "\n" );
	DaoStream_Delete( sstream );
	DVector_Delete( aligns );
	DVector_Delete( scifmts );
	DVector_Delete( decimals );
	DVector_Delete( rlabwidth );
	DVector_Delete( clabwidth );
	DString_Delete( label );
예제 #29
파일: daoMain.c 프로젝트: daokoder/dao
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	int restart = 0;
	int i, k, idsrc, vmods = 0;
	DString *opts = NULL, *args = NULL;

	/*mtrace(); */

	for(i=1; i<argc; i++){
		if( strcmp( argv[i], "-r" ) ==0 || strcmp( argv[i], "--restart" ) ==0 ){
			restart = i;
	if( restart ) DaoRestartRun( argv, argc, restart );

	vmSpace = DaoInit( argv[0] );

	idsrc = -1;
	for(i=1; i<argc; i++){
		if( strcmp( argv[i], "-e" ) ==0 || strcmp( argv[i], "--eval" ) ==0 ) break;
		/* also allows execution of script files without suffix .dao */
		if( argv[i][0] != '-' ){
			idsrc = i;

	// For single file deployment.
	// Identify the script argument, such that the arguments before the script
	// can be passed in as virtual machine arguments.
	// Example: ./script --restart script.dao ...
	args = DString_Copy( vmSpace->daoBinFile );
	DString_Erase( args, 0, vmSpace->daoBinPath->size );
	DString_AppendChars( args, ".dao" );
	idsrc = 1;
	for(i=1; i<argc; i++){
		if( strcmp( argv[i], args->chars ) == 0 ){
			idsrc = i;
	vmods = DaoVmSpace_AddVirtualModules( vmSpace, dao_virtual_modules );
	DString_Reset( args, 0 );

	k = idsrc;
	if( k < 0 ) k = argc;

	if( opts == NULL ) opts = DString_New();
	if( args == NULL ) args = DString_New();
	for(i=1; i<k; i++ ){
		DString_AppendChars( opts, argv[i] );
		DString_AppendChar( opts, '\1' );
	if( idsrc >= 0 ){
		idsrc += 1;
		for(i=idsrc; i<argc; i++ ){
			DString_AppendChars( args, argv[i] );
			DString_AppendChar( args, '\1' );
	DaoVmSpace_ParseOptions( vmSpace, DString_GetData( opts ) );

	if( vmods ){
		DString_InsertChars( args, "/@/\1", 0, 0, 0 );
		DString_InsertChars( args, dao_virtual_modules[0].name, 3, 0, 0 );
		/* set the path for the virtual files: */
		DaoVmSpace_SetPath( vmSpace, "/@/" );
	if( idsrc < 0 && argc == 1 ){
		DString_AppendChar( opts, '\1' );
		DString_AppendChars( opts, "-vi" );
		DaoVmSpace_ParseOptions( vmSpace, DString_GetData( opts ) );

	DaoVmSpace_ReadLine( vmSpace, DaoReadLine );
	DaoVmSpace_AddHistory( vmSpace, (AddHistory) add_history );
	read_history( NULL );

	signal( SIGINT, DaoSignalHandler );
	signal( SIGSEGV, DaoStackTrace );

	/* Start execution. */
	k = DaoVmSpace_RunMain( vmSpace, DString_GetData( args ) );

	write_history( NULL );

	DString_Delete( args );
	DString_Delete( opts );
	return k;
예제 #30
void DaoProfiler_Report( DaoProfiler *self0, DaoStream *stream )
	DaoComplex com = {DAO_COMPLEX,0,0,0,1,{0.0,0.0}};
	DaoxProfiler *self = (DaoxProfiler*) self0;
	DMap *summary = DMap_New( DAO_DATA_VALUE, 0 );
	DMap *summary2 = DMap_New( DAO_DATA_VALUE, 0 );
	DString *name1 = DString_New();
	DString *name2 = DString_New();
	DNode *it, *it2;
	int count, max = 20;
	char buf1[32];
	char buf2[24];
	char buf[120];

	for(it=DMap_First(self->profile); it; it=DMap_Next(self->profile,it)){
		DaoRoutine *callee = (DaoRoutine*) it->key.pValue;
		com.value = DaoProfiler_Sum( it->value.pMap );
		com.value.real = - com.value.real;
		com.value.imag = - com.value.imag;
		DMap_Insert( summary, & com, it );

	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "\n" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter2 );
	snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), header_format, "Routine", "#Calls", "CPU Time" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter2 );
	for(count=max,it=DMap_First(summary); it; it=DMap_Next(summary,it),--count){
		DNode *it2 = (DNode*) it->value.pVoid;
		dao_complex data = it->key.pValue->xComplex.value;
		DaoRoutine *callee = (DaoRoutine*) it2->key.pValue;
		DaoRoutine_MakeName( callee, name1, 28, 10, 2 );
		snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), row_format, name1->chars, (int) -data.imag, -data.real );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
		if( count == 0 ) break;

	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "\n" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter3 );
	snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), header_format2, "Routine", "Caller", "#Calls", "CPU Time" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter3 );
	for(count=max,it=DMap_First(summary); it; it=DMap_Next(summary,it),--count){
		DNode *it2 = (DNode*) it->value.pVoid;
		DaoRoutine *callee = (DaoRoutine*) it2->key.pValue;
		DMap *profile = it2->value.pMap;

		DaoRoutine_MakeName( callee, name1, 30, 0, 0 );

		DMap_Reset( summary2 );
		for(it2=DMap_First(profile); it2; it2=DMap_Next(profile,it2)){
			DaoRoutine *caller = (DaoRoutine*) it2->key.pValue;
			DaoComplex *data = (DaoComplex*) it2->value.pValue;
			com.value.real = - data->value.real;
			com.value.imag = - data->value.imag;
			DMap_Insert( summary2, & com, caller );
		for(it2=DMap_First(summary2); it2; it2=DMap_Next(summary2,it2)){
			DaoRoutine *caller = (DaoRoutine*) it2->value.pValue;
			dao_complex data = it2->key.pValue->xComplex.value;
			DString_Reset( name2, 0 );
			if( caller ) DaoRoutine_MakeName( caller, name2, 22, 0, 0 );
			snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), row_format2, name1->chars, name2->chars, (int) -data.imag, -data.real );
			DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
			DString_Reset( name1, 0 );
		if( count == 0 ) break;
	DString_Delete( name1 );
	DString_Delete( name2 );