예제 #1
void dKPMusic::execute() {
	if (!s_playing)

	if (s_handle.GetSound() == 0) {
		nw4r::db::Exception_Printf_("SOUND IS NOT PLAYING!\n");

	if (s_countdownToSwitch >= 0) {
		if (s_countdownToSwitch == 0) {
			nw4r::db::Exception_Printf_("Switching brstm files to song %d.\n", s_nextSong);

			char brstmPath[48];
			sprintf(brstmPath, "/Sound/new/map%d.er", s_nextSong);

			u8 *sound = (u8*)(s_handle.GetSound());
			u8 *player = sound+0x110;
			u8 **fileStreamPointer = (u8**)(player+0x808);
			u8 *fileStream = *fileStreamPointer;
			DVDHandle *fileInfo = (DVDHandle*)(fileStream+0x28);

			if (fileInfo->unk4 == 1) {
				OSReport("Was reading chunk, will try again next frame...\n");

			if (s_nextSong > 0)
				s_countdownToFadeIn = BUFFER_CLEAR_DELAY;

			//OSReport("CANCEL successfully called!\n");
			bool result = DVDFastOpen(DVDConvertPathToEntrynum(brstmPath), fileInfo);

			nw4r::db::Exception_Printf_("StrmSound is at %p, StrmPlayer is at %p, FileStream pointer is at %p, FileStream is at %p, FileInfo is at %p\n", sound, player, fileStreamPointer, fileStream, fileInfo);
			nw4r::db::Exception_Printf_("Changed to name %s. FastOpen returned: %d\n", brstmPath, result);

			u8 *trackArray = player+0xB58;
			u8 *track = (trackArray + (0x38 * 1));
			u8 **voicePointer = (u8**)(track+4);
			u8 *voice = *voicePointer;
			nw4r::db::Exception_Printf_("Track Array: %p; Track: %p; Voice Pointer: %p; Voice: %p\n", trackArray, track, voicePointer, voice);

			for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
				int sourceBlockID = (s_nextSong*2)+i;
				u8 *sourceData = ((u8*)(s_adpcmInfoLoader.buffer)) + (0x30*sourceBlockID);
				nw4r::db::Exception_Printf_("Using ADPCM data for channel %d from block %d, data at %p\n", i, sourceBlockID, sourceData);

				if (!voice)

				Voice_SetADPCMLoop(voice, i, sourceData+0x28);

				// loop through all axVoices
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
					int axVoiceID = (i*4) + j;
					u8 **axVoicePointer = (u8**)(voice + 0xC + (axVoiceID*4));
					u8 *axVoice = *axVoicePointer;
					nw4r::db::Exception_Printf_("Setting AxVoice ID %d, with pointer at %p, located at %p\n", axVoiceID, axVoicePointer, axVoice);

					if (axVoice)
						AxVoice_SetADPCM(axVoice, sourceData);

			OSReport("All done\n");

			s_song = s_nextSong;
			s_nextSong = -1;

	} else if (s_countdownToFadeIn >= 0) {
		if (s_countdownToFadeIn == 0) {
			OSReport("Going to fade in the second track now!\n");
			if (s_handle.Exists())
				s_handle.SetTrackVolume(1<<1, FADE_IN_LEN, 1.0f);
예제 #2
 * \brief
 *		Open video file.
 *		This functions opens a video file and parses some basic file
 *		information.
 * \param fileName
 *		Name of file to open
 * \return
 *		TRUE if file could be opened and is in valid format!
BOOL AUDSimpleOpen( char* fileName )
//	u32 fileOffset = 0;
//	u32 headSize;
//	u32 audioInfoSize;
	if( audio_player.open )
#		ifdef _DEBUG
		OSReport( "*** Cannot open '%s' because audio_player already open.\n", fileName );
#		endif
		return FALSE;

	// Initialise the callback status.
	audio_player.asyncOpenCallbackStatus = 0;
	s32 entry_num = DVDConvertPathToEntrynum( fileName );
	if( entry_num == -1 )
#		ifdef _DEBUG
		OSReport( "*** Cannot find '%s'\n", filename );
#		endif
		return FALSE;
	if( DVDFastOpen( entry_num, &audio_player.fileHandle ) == FALSE )
#		ifdef _DEBUG
		OSReport( "*** Cannot open: '%s'\n", fileName );
#		endif
		return FALSE;
	// Set callback status to indicate file is now open.
	audio_player.asyncOpenCallbackStatus = 1;
	// Read 'VID1' chunk from file and check for correct version.
//	if( DVDRead( &audio_player.fileHandle, &workChunk, 32, 0 ) < 0 )
	if( DVDReadAsync( &audio_player.fileHandle, &workChunk, 32, 0, AUDSimpleOpenDVDCallback ) < 0 )
#		ifdef _DEBUG
		OSReport( "*** Failed to read the header for %s.\n", fileName );
#		endif
		DVDClose( &audio_player.fileHandle );
		return FALSE;

	strncpy( audio_player.fileName, fileName, 64 );
	audio_player.fileName[63]				= 0;

	// Nothing more to do here.
	return TRUE;
//	fileOffset += 32;
	// Check file id	
//	if( workChunk.id != VID_FCC('V','I','D','1' ))
//	{
//#		ifdef _DEBUG
//		OSReport("*** No VID1 file: '%s'\n", fileName);
//#		endif
//		DVDClose( &audio_player.fileHandle );
//		return FALSE;
//	}
	// Check for correct version of vid chunk.
	// If we find this version we assume a 'special' alignment and chunk ordering which may be invalid
	// in another version of the file format.
//	if( workChunk.vid.versionMajor != 1 || workChunk.vid.versionMinor != 0 )
//	{
//#		ifdef _DEBUG
//		OSReport("*** Unsupported file version: major: %d, minor: %d\n", workChunk.vid.versionMajor, workChunk.vid.versionMajor);
//#		endif
//		DVDClose(&audio_player.fileHandle);
//		return FALSE;
//	}
//#	ifdef _DEBUG
	// Sometimes, it's required to check for a special build of the VidConv converter.
//	{
//		u32 version = VID_VERSION(workChunk.vid.vidConvMajor, workChunk.vid.vidConvMinor, workChunk.vid.vidConvBuild);
//		if(version < VID_VERSION(1,0,1))
//		OSReport("*** WARNING: Vid file created using an unsupported converter version: %d.%d.%d\n", (u32)workChunk.vid.vidConvMajor, (u32)workChunk.vid.vidConvMinor, (u32)workChunk.vid.vidConvBuild);
//	}
//#	endif

	// Check types of chunks we have in this file.
	// !!! Note that we assume start of 'HEAD' chunk at byte offset 32 from file start !!!
//	if( DVDRead( &audio_player.fileHandle, &workChunk, 32, (s32)fileOffset ) < 0 )
//	{
//#		ifdef _DEBUG
//		OSReport("*** Failed to read 'HEAD' chunk.\n");
//#		endif
//		DVDClose( &audio_player.fileHandle );
//		return FALSE;
//	}
//	if( workChunk.id != VID_FCC('H','E','A','D' ))
//	{
//#		ifdef _DEBUG
//		OSReport("*** No HEAD chunk found at expected offset\n");
//#		endif
//		DVDClose(&audio_player.fileHandle);
//		return FALSE;
//	}
	// Calculate the start of the first frame chunk
	// (we know the header chunk starts at offset 32)
//	audio_player.nextFrameOffset = workChunk.len + 32;

	// Skip 'HEAD' chunk id, len and version fields
//	fileOffset += VID_CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
	// The header chunk contains one or more header chunks for the different data types contained
	// in the stream. Parse them all...
//	headSize = workChunk.len - VID_CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
//	while( headSize >= 32 )
//	{
//		if( DVDRead( &audio_player.fileHandle, &workChunk, 32, (s32)fileOffset ) < 0 )
//		{
//#			ifdef _DEBUG
//			OSReport("*** Error reading file at offset %d\n", fileOffset);
//#			endif
//			DVDClose(&audio_player.fileHandle);
//			return FALSE;
//		}
//		fileOffset += 32;
//		headSize -= 32;

		// We analyze the 1st 32 bytes of the chunk for a known header format
//		if(workChunk.id == VID_FCC('A','U','D','H'))
//		{
			// Allocate memory for audio header chunk
//			audio_player.audioHeaderChunk = (u8*)((*audio_player.cbAlloc)(workChunk.len));
//			audioInfoSize = workChunk.len - VID_CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
			// Copy the already loaded part
//			memcpy(audio_player.audioHeaderChunk, &workChunk, 32);
//			workChunk.len -= 32;
			// Read additional audio header bytes if the audio header is greater that 32 bytes
//			if(workChunk.len >= 32)
//			{
//				ASSERT((workChunk.len&31)==0);
//				if( DVDRead( &audio_player.fileHandle, audio_player.audioHeaderChunk + 32, workChunk.len, (s32)fileOffset ) < 0 )
//				{
//#					ifdef _DEBUG
//					OSReport("*** Error reading file at offset %d\n", fileOffset);
//#					endif
//					DVDClose(&audio_player.fileHandle);
//					return FALSE;
//				}
//				fileOffset += workChunk.len;
//				headSize -= workChunk.len;
//			}

			// Setup and calc the number of bytes which we are allowed to copy into the audioInfo struct
//			memcpy(&audio_player.audioInfo, audio_player.audioHeaderChunk+VID_CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE, MIN(audioInfoSize, sizeof(audio_player.audioInfo)));
//		}
//		else
//		{
//			// Skip unknown chunks. We already read 32 bytes for the header which we must subtract here.
//			fileOffset += workChunk.len - 32;
///			headSize -= workChunk.len - 32;
//		}
//	}
	// check if we have the correct vaud file version (>0)
//	if(audio_player.audioInfo.vaudex.version == 0)
//	{
//#		ifdef _DEBUG
//		OSReport("*** Invalid version in vaud file.");
//#		endif
//		DVDClose(&audio_player.fileHandle);
//		return FALSE;
//	}

	// we can only play audio files which have the following fiels set.
	// Note that in case of VIDEO files this fields are allowed to be 0.
//	ASSERT(audio_player.audioInfo.vaudex.maxBufferSize > 0);
//	ASSERT(audio_player.audioInfo.vaudex.frameCount > 0);
//	ASSERT(audio_player.audioInfo.vaudex.frameTimeMs > 0);
	// read beginning of 1st frame chunk to get required size information
//	if( DVDRead( &audio_player.fileHandle, &workChunk, 32 , (s32)audio_player.nextFrameOffset ) < 0 )
//	{
//#		ifdef _DEBUG
//		OSReport("*** Failed to read 'FRAM' chunk.\n");
//#		endif
//		DVDClose(&audio_player.fileHandle);
//		return FALSE;
//	}

//	if( workChunk.id != VID_FCC('F','R','A','M') )
//	{
//#		ifdef _DEBUG
//		OSReport("*** No FRAM chunk found.");
//#		endif
//		DVDClose(&audio_player.fileHandle);
//		return FALSE;
//	}

//	audio_player.nextFrameSize = workChunk.len; 		// 32 bytes of this chunk are already consumed, but we want to 'preload' the NEXT chunk's FRAM header
//	audio_player.nextFrameOffset += 32;
//	audio_player.firstFrameOffset = audio_player.nextFrameOffset;
//	audio_player.firstFrameSize   = audio_player.nextFrameSize;

//	strncpy(audio_player.fileName, fileName, 64);
//	audio_player.fileName[63] = 0;
//	audio_player.open 			 	= TRUE;

//	audio_player.readIndex 			= 0;
//	audio_player.decodeIndex 			= 0;
//	audio_player.lastDecodedFrame		= 0;
//	audio_player.error 			 	= FALSE;
//	audio_player.preFetchState 	 	= FALSE;
//	audio_player.loopMode			 	= FALSE;
//	audio_player.asyncDvdRunning		= FALSE;
//	audio_player.currentFrameCount 	= 0;
//	audio_player.readBufferBaseMem	= 0;

//	return TRUE;