예제 #1
IDirect3DDevice9* CreateDevice9(HINSTANCE dll, IDirect3D9** d3d9, D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9 *d3dai)
    qDebug("creating d3d9 device...");
    typedef IDirect3D9* (WINAPI *Create9Func)(UINT SDKVersion);
    Create9Func Create9 = (Create9Func)GetProcAddress(dll, "Direct3DCreate9");
    if (!Create9) {
        qWarning("Symbol not found: Direct3DCreate9");
        return NULL;
    *d3d9 = Create9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
    if (!(*d3d9)) {
        qWarning("Direct3DCreate9 failed");
        return NULL;
    if (d3dai)
        DX_WARN((*d3d9)->GetAdapterIdentifier(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, 0, d3dai));

    IDirect3DDevice9 *d3d9dev = NULL;
                                     D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, GetShellWindow(),// GetDesktopWindow(), //GetShellWindow()?
                                     &d3dpp, &d3d9dev))
              , NULL);
    qDebug("IDirect3DDevice9 created");
    return d3d9dev;
예제 #2
bool EGLInteropResource::ensureD3DDevice()
    if (device9)
        return true;
    if (!dll9)
        dll9 = LoadLibrary(TEXT("D3D9.DLL"));
    if (!dll9) {
        qWarning("cuda::EGLInteropResource cannot load d3d9.dll");
        return false;
    ZeroMemory(&ai9, sizeof(ai9));
    device9 = DXHelper::CreateDevice9Ex(dll9, (IDirect3D9Ex**)(&d3d9), &ai9);
    if (!device9) {
        qWarning("Failed to create d3d9 device ex, fallback to d3d9 device");
        device9 = DXHelper::CreateDevice9(dll9, &d3d9, &ai9);
    if (!device9)
        return false;
    qDebug() << QString().sprintf("CUDA.D3D9 (%.*s, vendor %lu, device %lu, revision %lu)",
                                    sizeof(ai9.Description), ai9.Description,
                                    ai9.VendorId, ai9.DeviceId, ai9.Revision);

    // move to ensureResouce
    DX_ENSURE(device9->CreateQuery(D3DQUERYTYPE_EVENT, &query9), false);
    return !!device9;
예제 #3
bool EGLInteropResource::map(IDirect3DSurface9* surface, GLuint tex, int w, int h, int)
    if (!ensureSurface(w, h)) {
        return false;
    const RECT src = { 0, 0, (~0-1)&w, (~0-1)&h};
    DX_ENSURE(d3ddev->StretchRect(surface, &src, dx_surface, NULL, D3DTEXF_NONE), false);
    if (dx_query) {
        // Flush the draw command now. Ideally, this should be done immediately before the draw call that uses the texture. Flush it once here though.
        dx_query->Issue(D3DISSUE_END); //StretchRect does not supports odd values
        // ensure data is copied to egl surface. Solution and comment is from chromium
        // The DXVA decoder has its own device which it uses for decoding. ANGLE has its own device which we don't have access to.
        // The above code attempts to copy the decoded picture into a surface which is owned by ANGLE.
        // As there are multiple devices involved in this, the StretchRect call above is not synchronous.
        // We attempt to flush the batched operations to ensure that the picture is copied to the surface owned by ANGLE.
        // We need to do this in a loop and call flush multiple times.
        // We have seen the GetData call for flushing the command buffer fail to return success occassionally on multi core machines, leading to an infinite loop.
        // Workaround is to have an upper limit of 10 on the number of iterations to wait for the Flush to finish.
        int k = 0;
        while ((dx_query->GetData(NULL, 0, D3DGETDATA_FLUSH) == FALSE) && ++k < 10) {
    DYGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex));
    eglBindTexImage(egl->dpy, egl->surface, EGL_BACK_BUFFER);
    DYGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0));
    return true;
예제 #4
bool EGLInteropResource::ensureD3D9CUDA(int w, int h, int W, int H)
    TexRes &r = res[0];// 1 NV12 texture
    if (r.w == w && r.h == h && r.W == W && r.H == H && r.cuRes)
        return true;
    if (!ctx) {
        // TODO: how to use pop/push decoder's context without the context in opengl context
        if (!ensureD3DDevice())
            return false;
        // CUdevice is different from decoder's
        CUDA_ENSURE(cuD3D9CtxCreate(&ctx, &dev, CU_CTX_SCHED_BLOCKING_SYNC, device9), false);
        CUDA_WARN(cuStreamCreate(&res[0].stream, CU_STREAM_DEFAULT));
        CUDA_WARN(cuStreamCreate(&res[1].stream, CU_STREAM_DEFAULT));
#endif //USE_STREAM
        qDebug("cuda contex on gl thread: %p", ctx);
        CUDA_ENSURE(cuCtxPopCurrent(&ctx), false); // TODO: why cuMemcpy2D need this
    if (r.cuRes) {
        CUDA_ENSURE(cuGraphicsUnregisterResource(r.cuRes), false);
        r.cuRes = NULL;

    // create d3d resource for interop
    if (!surface9_nv12) {
        // TODO: need pitch from cuvid to ensure cuMemcpy2D can copy the whole pitch
                                         //, H
                                         , H*3/2
                                         , 1
                                         , D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC //D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC is lockable // 0 is from NV example. cudaD3D9.h says The primary rendertarget may not be registered with CUDA. So can not be D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET?
                                         //, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET
                                         , D3DFMT_L8
                                         //, (D3DFORMAT)MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2') // can not create nv12. use 2 textures L8+A8L8?
                                         , D3DPOOL_DEFAULT // must be D3DPOOL_DEFAULT for cuda?
                                         , &texture9_nv12
                                         , NULL) // - Resources allocated as shared may not be registered with CUDA.
                  , false);
        DX_ENSURE(device9->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(W, H, (D3DFORMAT)MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2'), D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &surface9_nv12, NULL), false);

    // TODO: cudaD3D9.h says NV12 is not supported
    // CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE if register D3D9 surface
    // TODO: why flag CU_GRAPHICS_REGISTER_FLAGS_WRITE_DISCARD is invalid while it's fine for opengl
    CUDA_ENSURE(cuGraphicsD3D9RegisterResource(&r.cuRes, texture9_nv12, CU_GRAPHICS_REGISTER_FLAGS_NONE), false);
    return true;
예제 #5
bool EGLInteropResource::map(int picIndex, const CUVIDPROCPARAMS &param, GLuint tex, int w, int h, int H, int plane)
    // plane is always 0 because frame is rgb
    AutoCtxLock locker((cuda_api*)this, lock);
    if (!ensureResource(w, h, param.Reserved[0], H, tex)) // TODO surface size instead of frame size because we copy the device data
        return false;
    //CUDA_ENSURE(cuCtxPushCurrent(ctx), false);
    CUdeviceptr devptr;
    unsigned int pitch;

    CUDA_ENSURE(cuvidMapVideoFrame(dec, picIndex, &devptr, &pitch, const_cast<CUVIDPROCPARAMS*>(&param)), false);
    CUVIDAutoUnmapper unmapper(this, dec, devptr);
    // TODO: why can not use res[plane].stream? CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
    CUDA_ENSURE(cuGraphicsMapResources(1, &res[plane].cuRes, 0), false);
    CUarray array;
    CUDA_ENSURE(cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(&array, res[plane].cuRes, 0, 0), false);
    CUDA_ENSURE(cuGraphicsUnmapResources(1, &res[plane].cuRes, 0), false); // mapped array still accessible!

    CUDA_MEMCPY2D cu2d;
    memset(&cu2d, 0, sizeof(cu2d));
    // Y plane
    cu2d.srcDevice = devptr;
    cu2d.srcMemoryType = CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE;
    cu2d.srcPitch = pitch;
    cu2d.dstArray = array;
    cu2d.dstMemoryType = CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY;
    cu2d.dstPitch = pitch;
    // the whole size or copy size?
    cu2d.WidthInBytes = res[plane].W; // the same value as texture9_nv12
    cu2d.Height = H*3/2;
    if (res[plane].stream)
        CUDA_ENSURE(cuMemcpy2DAsync(&cu2d, res[plane].stream), false);
        CUDA_ENSURE(cuMemcpy2D(&cu2d), false);
    //TODO: delay cuCtxSynchronize && unmap. do it in unmap(tex)?
    // map to an already mapped resource will crash. sometimes I can not unmap the resource in unmap(tex) because if context switch error
    // so I simply unmap the resource here
        if (res[plane].stream) {
            //CUDA_WARN(cuCtxSynchronize(), false); //wait too long time? use cuStreamQuery?
            CUDA_WARN(cuStreamSynchronize(res[plane].stream)); //slower than CtxSynchronize
         * This function provides the synchronization guarantee that any CUDA work issued
         * in \p stream before ::cuGraphicsUnmapResources() will complete before any
         * subsequently issued graphics work begins.
         * The graphics API from which \p resources were registered
         * should not access any resources while they are mapped by CUDA. If an
         * application does so, the results are undefined.
//        CUDA_ENSURE(cuGraphicsUnmapResources(1, &res[plane].cuRes, 0), false);
    D3DLOCKED_RECT rect_src, rect_dst;
    DX_ENSURE(texture9_nv12->LockRect(0, &rect_src, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY), false);
    DX_ENSURE(surface9_nv12->LockRect(&rect_dst, NULL, D3DLOCK_DISCARD), false);
    memcpy(rect_dst.pBits, rect_src.pBits, res[plane].W*H*3/2); // exactly w and h
    DX_ENSURE(surface9_nv12->UnlockRect(), false);
    DX_ENSURE(texture9_nv12->UnlockRect(0), false);
#if 0
    //IDirect3DSurface9 *raw_surface = NULL;
    //DX_ENSURE(texture9_nv12->GetSurfaceLevel(0, &raw_surface), false);
    const RECT src = { 0, 0, w, h*3/2};
    DX_ENSURE(device9->StretchRect(raw_surface, &src, surface9_nv12, NULL, D3DTEXF_NONE), false);
    if (!map(surface9_nv12, tex, w, h, H))
        return false;
    return true;
예제 #6
bool EGLInteropResource::ensureD3D9EGL(int w, int h) {
    if (surface9 && res[0].w == w && res[0].h == h)
        return true;
    QPlatformNativeInterface *nativeInterface = QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface();
    egl->dpy = static_cast<EGLDisplay>(nativeInterface->nativeResourceForContext("eglDisplay", QOpenGLContext::currentContext()));
    EGLConfig egl_cfg = static_cast<EGLConfig>(nativeInterface->nativeResourceForContext("eglConfig", QOpenGLContext::currentContext()));
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma message("ANGLE version in Qt<5.5 does not support eglQueryContext. You must upgrade your runtime ANGLE libraries")
#warning "ANGLE version in Qt<5.5 does not support eglQueryContext. You must upgrade your runtime ANGLE libraries"
#endif //_MSC_VER
#endif //Q_OS_WIN
    // eglQueryContext() added (Feb 2015): https://github.com/google/angle/commit/8310797003c44005da4143774293ea69671b0e2a
    egl->dpy = eglGetCurrentDisplay();
    qDebug("EGL version: %s, client api: %s", eglQueryString(egl->dpy, EGL_VERSION), eglQueryString(egl->dpy, EGL_CLIENT_APIS));
    // TODO: check runtime egl>=1.4 for eglGetCurrentContext()
    EGLint cfg_id = 0;
    EGL_ENSURE(eglQueryContext(egl->dpy, eglGetCurrentContext(), EGL_CONFIG_ID , &cfg_id) == EGL_TRUE, false);
    qDebug("egl config id: %d", cfg_id);
    EGLint nb_cfg = 0;
    EGL_ENSURE(eglGetConfigs(egl->dpy, NULL, 0, &nb_cfg) == EGL_TRUE, false);
    qDebug("eglGetConfigs number: %d", nb_cfg);
    QVector<EGLConfig> cfgs(nb_cfg); //check > 0
    EGL_ENSURE(eglGetConfigs(egl->dpy, cfgs.data(), cfgs.size(), &nb_cfg) == EGL_TRUE, false);
    EGLConfig egl_cfg = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < nb_cfg; ++i) {
        EGLint id = 0;
        eglGetConfigAttrib(egl->dpy, cfgs[i], EGL_CONFIG_ID, &id);
        if (id == cfg_id) {
            egl_cfg = cfgs[i];
    qDebug("egl display:%p config: %p", egl->dpy, egl_cfg);
    // check extensions
    QList<QByteArray> extensions = QByteArray(eglQueryString(egl->dpy, EGL_EXTENSIONS)).split(' ');
    // ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer will be used if possible
    const bool kEGL_ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer = extensions.contains("EGL_ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer");
    const bool kEGL_ANGLE_query_surface_pointer = extensions.contains("EGL_ANGLE_query_surface_pointer");
    if (!kEGL_ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer && !kEGL_ANGLE_query_surface_pointer) {
        qWarning("EGL extension 'kEGL_ANGLE_query_surface_pointer' or 'ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer' is required!");
        return false;
    GLint has_alpha = 1; //QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->format().hasAlpha()
    eglGetConfigAttrib(egl->dpy, egl_cfg, EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA, &has_alpha); //EGL_ALPHA_SIZE
    EGLint attribs[] = {
        EGL_WIDTH, w,
        EGL_HEIGHT, h,

    HANDLE share_handle = NULL;
    if (!kEGL_ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer && kEGL_ANGLE_query_surface_pointer) {
        EGL_ENSURE((egl->surface = eglCreatePbufferSurface(egl->dpy, egl_cfg, attribs)) != EGL_NO_SURFACE, false);
        qDebug("pbuffer surface: %p", egl->surface);
        PFNEGLQUERYSURFACEPOINTERANGLEPROC eglQuerySurfacePointerANGLE = reinterpret_cast<PFNEGLQUERYSURFACEPOINTERANGLEPROC>(eglGetProcAddress("eglQuerySurfacePointerANGLE"));
        if (!eglQuerySurfacePointerANGLE) {
            qWarning("EGL_ANGLE_query_surface_pointer is not supported");
            return false;
        EGL_ENSURE(eglQuerySurfacePointerANGLE(egl->dpy, egl->surface, EGL_D3D_TEXTURE_2D_SHARE_HANDLE_ANGLE, &share_handle), false);

    // _A8 for a yuv plane
     * d3d resource share requires windows >= vista: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb219800(v=vs.85).aspx
     * from extension files:
     * d3d9: level must be 1, dimensions must match EGL surface's
     * d3d9ex or d3d10:
    DX_ENSURE(device9->CreateTexture(w, h, 1,
                                        has_alpha ? D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 : D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,
                                        &share_handle) , false);
    DX_ENSURE(texture9->GetSurfaceLevel(0, &surface9), false);

    if (kEGL_ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer) {
        // requires extension EGL_ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer
        // egl surface size must match d3d texture's
        // d3d9ex or d3d10 is required
        EGL_ENSURE((egl->surface = eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer(egl->dpy, EGL_D3D_TEXTURE_2D_SHARE_HANDLE_ANGLE, share_handle, egl_cfg, attribs)), false);
        qDebug("pbuffer surface from client buffer: %p", egl->surface);
    return true;