예제 #1
Genefx_ABacc_prepare( GenefxState *gfxs, int width )
     int size;

     if (!gfxs->need_accumulator)
          return true;

     size = (width + 31) & ~31;

     if (gfxs->ABsize < size) {
          void *ABstart = D_MALLOC( size * sizeof(GenefxAccumulator) * 3 + 31 );

          if (!ABstart) {
               D_WARN( "out of memory" );
               return false;

          if (gfxs->ABstart)
               D_FREE( gfxs->ABstart );

          gfxs->ABstart = ABstart;
          gfxs->ABsize  = size;
          gfxs->Aacc    = (GenefxAccumulator*) (((unsigned long)ABstart+31) & ~31);
          gfxs->Bacc    = gfxs->Aacc + size;
          gfxs->Tacc    = gfxs->Aacc + size + size;

     gfxs->Sacc = gfxs->Dacc = gfxs->Aacc;

     return true;
예제 #2
VoodooConnectionLink::VoodooConnectionLink( VoodooLink *link )
     VoodooConnection( link )
     D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Connection, "VoodooConnectionLink::%s( %p )\n", __func__, this );

     input.start   = 0;
     input.last    = 0;
     input.end     = 0;
     input.max     = 0;

     output.packets = NULL;
     output.sending = NULL;

     /* Initialize all locks. */
     direct_mutex_init( &output.lock );

     /* Initialize all wait conditions. */
     direct_waitqueue_init( &output.wait );

     /* Set default buffer limit. */

     /* Allocate buffers. */
     size_t input_buffer_size = VOODOO_CONNECTION_LINK_INPUT_BUF_MAX + VOODOO_PACKET_MAX + sizeof(VoodooPacketHeader);

     input.buffer = (u8*) D_MALLOC( input_buffer_size );

     D_INFO( "VoodooConnection/Link: Allocated "_ZU" kB input buffer at %p\n", input_buffer_size/1024, input.buffer );

     direct_tls_register( &output.tls, OutputTLS_Destructor );
예제 #3
static DFBBoolean
init_shader(GLuint prog_obj, const char *prog_src, GLenum type)
     char  *log;
     GLuint shader;
     GLint  status, log_length, char_count;
     GLint  sourceLen;

     sourceLen = strlen( prog_src );

     shader = glCreateShader(type);
     glShaderSource(shader, 1, (const char**)&prog_src, &sourceLen);

     glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
     if (status) {
          glAttachShader(prog_obj, shader);
          glDeleteShader(shader); // mark for deletion on detach
          return DFB_TRUE;
     else {
          glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length);
          log = D_MALLOC(log_length);

          glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, log_length, &char_count, log);
          D_ERROR("GLES2/Driver: shader compilation failure:\n%s\n", log);

          return DFB_FALSE;
static DFBResult
localAllocateBuffer( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
                     void                  *pool_data,
                     void                  *pool_local,
                     CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer,
                     CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
                     void                  *alloc_data )
     CoreSurface         *surface;
     LocalAllocationData *alloc = alloc_data;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, CoreSurfacePool );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( buffer, CoreSurfaceBuffer );
     D_ASSERT( alloc != NULL );

     surface = buffer->surface;
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( surface, CoreSurface );
     /* Create aligned local system surface buffer if both base address and pitch are non-zero. */
     if (dfb_config->system_surface_align_base && dfb_config->system_surface_align_pitch) {
          /* Make sure base address and pitch are a positive power of two. */
          D_ASSERT( dfb_config->system_surface_align_base >= 4 );
          D_ASSERT( !(dfb_config->system_surface_align_base & (dfb_config->system_surface_align_base-1)) );
          D_ASSERT( dfb_config->system_surface_align_pitch >= 2 );
          D_ASSERT( !(dfb_config->system_surface_align_pitch & (dfb_config->system_surface_align_pitch-1)) );

          dfb_surface_calc_buffer_size( surface, dfb_config->system_surface_align_pitch, 0,
                                        &alloc->pitch, &alloc->size );

          /* Note: The posix_memalign function requires base alignment to actually be at least four. */
          int tempRet = posix_memalign( &alloc->addr, dfb_config->system_surface_align_base, alloc->size );
          if ( tempRet != 0 ) {
              D_ERROR( "Local surface pool: Error from posix_memalign:%d with base alignment value:%d. "
                       tempRet, dfb_config->system_surface_align_base,
                       __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
              return DFB_FAILURE;
     else {
          /* Create un-aligned local system surface buffer. */

          dfb_surface_calc_buffer_size( surface, 8, 0, &alloc->pitch, &alloc->size );

          alloc->addr = D_MALLOC( alloc->size );
          if (!alloc->addr)
               return D_OOM();
     D_MAGIC_SET( alloc, LocalAllocationData );

     allocation->flags = CSALF_VOLATILE;
     allocation->size  = alloc->size;

     return DFB_OK;
예제 #5
static DFBResult
Construct( IDirectFBImageProvider *thiz,
           ... )
     DFBResult ret = DFB_FAILURE;
     IDirectFBDataBuffer *buffer;
     CoreDFB             *core;
     va_list              tag;


     va_start( tag, thiz );
     buffer = va_arg( tag, IDirectFBDataBuffer * );
     core = va_arg( tag, CoreDFB * );
     va_end( tag );
     data->base.ref    = 1;
     data->base.buffer = buffer;
     data->core   = core;

     /* Increase the data buffer reference counter. */
     buffer->AddRef( buffer );

     /* Initialize mpeg2 decoding. */
     data->dec = MPEG2_Init( mpeg2_read_func, buffer, &data->width, &data->height );
     if (!data->dec)
          goto error;

     data->stage = STAGE_INFO;

     /* Allocate image data. */
     data->image = D_MALLOC( data->width * data->height * 4 );
     if (!data->image)
          goto error;

     data->stage = STAGE_IMAGE;

     data->base.Destruct = IDirectFBImageProvider_MPEG2_Destruct;

     thiz->RenderTo = IDirectFBImageProvider_MPEG2_RenderTo;
     thiz->SetRenderCallback = IDirectFBImageProvider_MPEG2_SetRenderCallback;
     thiz->GetImageDescription = IDirectFBImageProvider_MPEG2_GetImageDescription;
     thiz->GetSurfaceDescription =

     return DFB_OK;

     if (data->dec)

     buffer->Release( buffer );


     return ret;
예제 #6
static DFBBoolean
init_program(GLuint prog_obj,
             char *vert_prog_name, const char *vert_prog_src,
             char *frag_prog_name, const char *frag_prog_src,
             DFBBoolean texcoords)
     char *log;
     GLint status, log_length, char_count;

     if (!init_shader(prog_obj, vert_prog_src, GL_VERTEX_SHADER)) {
          D_ERROR("GLES2/Driver: %s failed to compile!\n", vert_prog_name);
          return DFB_FALSE;

     if (!init_shader(prog_obj, frag_prog_src, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) {
          D_ERROR("GLES2/Driver: %s failed to compile!\n", frag_prog_name);
          return DFB_FALSE;

     // Bind vertex positions to "dfbPos" vertex attribute slot.
     glBindAttribLocation(prog_obj, GLES2VA_POSITIONS, "dfbPos");

     if (texcoords)
          // Bind vertex texture coords to "dfbUV" vertex attribute slot.
          glBindAttribLocation(prog_obj, GLES2VA_TEXCOORDS, "dfbUV");

     // Link the program object and check for errors.
     glGetProgramiv(prog_obj, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);

     if (status) {
          // Don't need the shader objects anymore.
          GLuint  shaders[2];
          GLsizei shader_count;

          glGetAttachedShaders(prog_obj, 2, &shader_count, shaders);

          glDetachShader(prog_obj, shaders[0]);
          glDetachShader(prog_obj, shaders[1]);

          return DFB_TRUE;
     else {
          // Report errors.  Shader objects detached when program is deleted.
          glGetProgramiv(prog_obj, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length);
          log = D_MALLOC(log_length);

          glGetProgramInfoLog(prog_obj, log_length, &char_count, log);
          D_ERROR("GLES2/Driver: shader program link failure:\n%s\n", log);

          return DFB_FALSE;

     glUseProgram( prog_obj );
예제 #7
static inline bool ensure_capacity( FusionVector *vector )
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( vector, FusionVector );
     D_ASSERT( vector->capacity > 0 );

     if (!vector->elements) {
          if (vector->pool)
               vector->elements = SHMALLOC( vector->pool, vector->capacity * sizeof(void*) );
               vector->elements = D_MALLOC( vector->capacity * sizeof(void*) );

          if (!vector->elements)
               return false;
     else if (vector->count == vector->capacity) {
          void *elements;
          void *oldelements = vector->elements;
          int   capacity    = vector->capacity << 1;

          if (vector->pool)
               elements = SHMALLOC( vector->pool, capacity * sizeof(void*) );
               elements = D_MALLOC( capacity * sizeof(void*) );

          if (!elements)
               return false;

          direct_memcpy( elements, vector->elements,
                         vector->count * sizeof(void*) );

          vector->elements = elements;
          vector->capacity = capacity;

          if (vector->pool)
               SHFREE( vector->pool, oldelements );
               D_FREE( oldelements );

     return true;
예제 #8
static __inline__ void *args_alloc( void *static_buffer, size_t size )
    void *buffer = static_buffer;

    if (size > FLUXED_ARGS_BYTES) {
        buffer = D_MALLOC( size );
        if (!buffer)
            return NULL;

    return buffer;
예제 #9
static DirectNode *
tree_node_new( DirectTree *tree,
               void       *key,
               void       *value )
     DirectNode *node;

     node = D_MALLOC(sizeof (DirectNode));

     node->balance = 0;
     node->left    = NULL;
     node->right   = NULL;
     node->key     = key;
     node->value   = value;

     return node;
예제 #10
파일: fake.c 프로젝트: Distrotech/DirectFB
fusion_shm_pool_allocate( FusionSHMPoolShared  *pool,
                          int                   size,
                          bool                  clear,
                          bool                  lock,
                          void                **ret_data )
     void *data;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, FusionSHMPoolShared );

     data = clear ? D_CALLOC( 1, size ) : D_MALLOC( size );
     if (!data)
          return DR_NOSHAREDMEMORY;

     *ret_data = data;

     return DR_OK;
예제 #11
/* ------------------------------------ */
readFile (const char *filename, char **buffer, long *size)
    FILE *in;
    char *buf;
    long length;

    in = fopen (filename, "r");
    if (in == 0) {
        perror (filename);
        return -1;
    fseek (in, 0, SEEK_END);
    length = ftell (in);
    rewind (in);
    buf = D_MALLOC(length);
    fread (buf, length, 1, in);
    fclose (in);
    *size = length;
    *buffer = buf;
    return length;
static DFBResult
IDirectFBImageProvider_JPEG2000_RenderTo( IDirectFBImageProvider *thiz,
                                          IDirectFBSurface       *destination,
                                          const DFBRectangle     *dest_rect )
     IDirectFBSurface_data  *dst_data;
     CoreSurface            *dst_surface;
     CoreSurfaceBufferLock   lock;
     DFBRectangle            rect;
     DFBRegion               clip;
     DIRenderCallbackResult  cb_result = DIRCR_OK;
     DFBResult               ret       = DFB_OK;
     DIRECT_INTERFACE_GET_DATA( IDirectFBImageProvider_JPEG2000 )
     if (!destination)
          return DFB_INVARG;
     dst_data = destination->priv;
     if (!dst_data || !dst_data->surface)
          return DFB_DESTROYED;
     dst_surface = dst_data->surface;
     if (dest_rect) {
          if (dest_rect->w < 1 || dest_rect->h < 1)
               return DFB_INVARG;
          rect = *dest_rect;
          rect.x += dst_data->area.wanted.x;
          rect.y += dst_data->area.wanted.y;
     else {
          rect = dst_data->area.wanted;
     dfb_region_from_rectangle( &clip, &dst_data->area.current );
     if (!dfb_rectangle_region_intersects( &rect, &clip ))
          return DFB_OK;

     ret = dfb_surface_lock_buffer( dst_surface, CSBR_BACK, CSAID_CPU, CSAF_WRITE, &lock );
     if (ret)
          return ret;
     if (!data->buf) {
          int  cmptlut[3];
          int  width, height;
          int  tlx, tly;
          int  hs, vs;
          int  i, j;
          bool direct, mono;
          if (jas_image_numcmpts(data->image) > 1) {
               cmptlut[0] = jas_image_getcmptbytype(data->image,
               cmptlut[1] = jas_image_getcmptbytype(data->image,
               cmptlut[2] = jas_image_getcmptbytype(data->image,
               if (cmptlut[0] < 0 || cmptlut[1] < 0 || cmptlut[2] < 0) {
                    dfb_surface_unlock_buffer( dst_surface, &lock );
                    return DFB_UNSUPPORTED;
               mono = false;
          else {
               cmptlut[0] = cmptlut[1] = cmptlut[2] = 0;
               mono = true;
          width = jas_image_width(data->image);
          height = jas_image_height(data->image);
          tlx = jas_image_cmpttlx(data->image, 0);
          tly = jas_image_cmpttly(data->image, 0);
          hs = jas_image_cmpthstep(data->image, 0);
          vs = jas_image_cmptvstep(data->image, 0);
          data->buf = D_MALLOC( width*height*4 );
          if (!data->buf) {
               dfb_surface_unlock_buffer( dst_surface, &lock );
               return D_OOM();
          direct = (rect.w == width && rect.h == height && data->render_callback);
#define GET_SAMPLE( n, x, y ) ({ \
     int _s; \
     _s = jas_image_readcmptsample(data->image, cmptlut[n], x, y); \
     _s >>= jas_image_cmptprec(data->image, cmptlut[n]) - 8; \
     if (_s > 255) \
          _s = 255; \
     else if (_s < 0) \
          _s = 0; \
     _s; \
          for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
               u32 *dst = data->buf + i * width;
               int  x, y;
               y = (i - tly) / vs;
               if (y >= 0 && y < height) {     
                    for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                         x = (j - tlx) / hs;
                         if (x >= 0 && x < width) {
                              unsigned int r, g, b;
                              if (mono) {
                                   r = g = b = GET_SAMPLE(0, x, y);
                              else {
                                   r = GET_SAMPLE(0, x, y);
                                   g = GET_SAMPLE(1, x, y);
                                   b = GET_SAMPLE(2, x, y);
                              *dst++ = 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
                         else {
                              *dst++ = 0;
               else {
                    memset( dst, 0, width*4 );
               if (direct) {
                    DFBRectangle r = { rect.x, rect.y+i, width, 1 };
                    dfb_copy_buffer_32( data->buf + i*width,
                                        lock.addr, lock.pitch, &r, dst_surface, &clip );
                    if (data->render_callback) {                    
                         r = (DFBRectangle) { 0, i, width, 1 };
                         cb_result = data->render_callback( &r, data->render_callback_ctx );
                         if (cb_result != DIRCR_OK)
          if (!direct) {
               dfb_scale_linear_32( data->buf, width, height,
                                    lock.addr, lock.pitch, &rect, dst_surface, &clip );

               if (data->render_callback) {
                    DFBRectangle r = { 0, 0, width, height };
                    data->render_callback( &r, data->render_callback_ctx );
          if (cb_result != DIRCR_OK) {
               D_FREE( data->buf );
               data->buf = NULL;
               ret = DFB_INTERRUPTED;
     else {
          int width  = jas_image_width(data->image);
          int height = jas_image_height(data->image);
          dfb_scale_linear_32( data->buf, width, height,
                               lock.addr, lock.pitch, &rect, dst_surface, &clip );
          if (data->render_callback) {
               DFBRectangle r = {0, 0, width, height};
               data->render_callback( &r, data->render_callback_ctx );
     dfb_surface_unlock_buffer( dst_surface, &lock );
     return ret;
예제 #13
_fusion_call_process( FusionWorld *world, int call_id, FusionCallMessage *msg, void *ptr )
     FusionCallHandlerResult result = FCHR_RETURN;
     FusionCallHandler       call_handler;
     FusionCallReturn        call_ret = {
          .val = 0

     D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "%s( call_id %d, msg %p, ptr %p)\n", __FUNCTION__, call_id, msg, ptr );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( world, FusionWorld );
     D_ASSERT( msg != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( msg->handler != NULL );

     call_handler = msg->handler;

     if (direct_log_domain_check( &Fusion_Call )) // avoid call to direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at
          D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "  -> %s\n", direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at( call_handler ) );

     result = call_handler( msg->caller, msg->call_arg, ptr ? ptr : msg->call_ptr, msg->ctx, msg->serial, &call_ret.val );

     switch (result) {
          case FCHR_RETURN:
               if (msg->serial) {
                    call_ret.serial  = msg->serial;
                    call_ret.call_id = call_id;

                    while (ioctl (world->fusion_fd, FUSION_CALL_RETURN, &call_ret)) {
                         switch (errno) {
                              case EINTR:
                              case EIDRM:
                                   D_WARN( "caller withdrawn (signal?)" );
                              case EINVAL:
                                   D_ERROR( "Fusion/Call: invalid call\n" );
                                   D_PERROR( "FUSION_CALL_RETURN" );

          case FCHR_RETAIN:

               D_BUG( "unknown result %d from call handler", result );

_fusion_call_process3( FusionWorld *world, int call_id, FusionCallMessage3 *msg, void *ptr )
     FusionCallHandlerResult  result = FCHR_RETURN;
     FusionCallHandler3       call_handler;
     FusionCallReturn3        call_ret;
     char                    *ret_ptr    = NULL;
     unsigned int             ret_length = 0;

     D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "%s( call_id %d, msg %p, ptr %p)\n", __FUNCTION__, call_id, msg, ptr );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( world, FusionWorld );
     D_ASSERT( msg != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( msg->handler != NULL );

     call_handler = msg->handler;

     if (direct_log_domain_check( &Fusion_Call )) // avoid call to direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at
          D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "  -> %s\n", direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at( call_handler ) );

     if (msg->ret_length > FUSION_CALL_RETURN_DATA_MAX) {
          D_ERROR( "Fusion/Call: Maximum return data length (%u) exceeded (%u)!\n", FUSION_CALL_RETURN_DATA_MAX, msg->ret_length );
     else {
          if (msg->ret_length > FUSION_CALL_RETURN_DATA_MAX_ON_STACK) {
               ret_ptr = D_MALLOC( msg->ret_length );
               if (!ret_ptr)
               ret_ptr = alloca( msg->ret_length );

     if (ret_ptr)
          result = call_handler( msg->caller, msg->call_arg, ptr ? ptr : msg->call_ptr, msg->call_length, msg->ctx, msg->serial, ret_ptr, msg->ret_length, &ret_length );

     switch (result) {
          case FCHR_RETURN:
               if (msg->serial) {
                    call_ret.call_id = call_id;
                    call_ret.serial  = msg->serial;
                    call_ret.ptr     = ret_ptr;
                    call_ret.length  = ret_length;

                    while (ioctl (world->fusion_fd, FUSION_CALL_RETURN3, &call_ret)) {
                         switch (errno) {
                              case EINTR:
                              case EIDRM:
                                   D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "  -> caller withdrawn (signal?)\n" );
                                   goto out;
                              case EINVAL:
                                   D_ERROR( "Fusion/Call: invalid call\n" );
                                   goto out;
                                   D_PERROR( "FUSION_CALL_RETURN3" );
                                   goto out;

          case FCHR_RETAIN:

               D_BUG( "unknown result %d from call handler", result );

     if (msg->ret_length > FUSION_CALL_RETURN_DATA_MAX_ON_STACK)
          D_FREE( ret_ptr );
예제 #14
static DFBResult driver_init_driver(CoreGraphicsDevice *device,
				    GraphicsDeviceFuncs *funcs,
				    void *driver_data,
				    void *device_data,
                    CoreDFB *core)
	SiSDriverData *drv = (SiSDriverData *)driver_data;
	FBDev *dfb_fbdev;
	struct sisfb_info *fbinfo;
	u32 fbinfo_size;
	u32 zero = 0;


	dfb_fbdev = dfb_system_data();
	if (!dfb_fbdev)
		return DFB_IO;

	if (ioctl(dfb_fbdev->fd, SISFB_GET_INFO_SIZE, &fbinfo_size) == 0) {
		fbinfo = D_MALLOC(fbinfo_size);
		drv->get_info = SISFB_GET_INFO | (fbinfo_size << 16);
		drv->get_automaximize = SISFB_GET_AUTOMAXIMIZE;
		drv->set_automaximize = SISFB_SET_AUTOMAXIMIZE;
	else {
		fbinfo = D_MALLOC(sizeof(struct sisfb_info));
		drv->get_info = SISFB_GET_INFO_OLD;
		drv->get_automaximize = SISFB_GET_AUTOMAXIMIZE_OLD;
		drv->set_automaximize = SISFB_SET_AUTOMAXIMIZE_OLD;

	if (fbinfo == NULL)

	if (ioctl(dfb_fbdev->fd, drv->get_info, fbinfo) == -1) {
		return DFB_IO;

	check_sisfb_version(drv, fbinfo);


	if (drv->has_auto_maximize) {
		if (ioctl(dfb_fbdev->fd, drv->get_automaximize, &drv->auto_maximize))
			return DFB_IO;
		if (drv->auto_maximize)
			if (ioctl(dfb_fbdev->fd, drv->set_automaximize, &zero))
				return DFB_IO;

	drv->mmio_base = dfb_gfxcard_map_mmio(device, 0, -1);
	if (!drv->mmio_base)
		return DFB_IO;

	/* base functions */
	funcs->EngineSync = sis_engine_sync;
	funcs->CheckState = sis_check_state;
	funcs->SetState = sis_set_state;

	/* drawing functions */
	funcs->FillRectangle = sis_fill_rectangle;
	funcs->DrawRectangle = sis_draw_rectangle;
	funcs->DrawLine = sis_draw_line;

	/* blitting functions */
	funcs->Blit = sis_blit;
	funcs->StretchBlit = sis_stretchblit;

	/* allocate buffer for stretchBlit with colorkey */
	drv->buffer_offset = dfb_gfxcard_reserve_memory( device, 1024*768*4 );

	return DFB_OK;
예제 #15
IDirectFBFont_CreateFromBuffer( IDirectFBDataBuffer       *buffer,
                                CoreDFB                   *core,
                                const DFBFontDescription  *desc,
                                IDirectFBFont            **interface )
     DFBResult                   ret;
     DirectInterfaceFuncs       *funcs = NULL;
     IDirectFBDataBuffer_data   *buffer_data;
     IDirectFBFont              *ifont;
     IDirectFBFont_ProbeContext  ctx = {0};

     /* Get the private information of the data buffer. */
     buffer_data = (IDirectFBDataBuffer_data*) buffer->priv;
     if (!buffer_data)
          return DFB_DEAD;

     /* Provide a fallback for image providers without data buffer support. */
     ctx.filename = buffer_data->filename;

     /* try to map the "file" content first */
     if (try_map_file( buffer_data, &ctx ) != DFB_OK) {
          /* try to load the "file" content from the buffer */

          /* we need to be able to seek (this implies non-streamed,
             so we also know the size) so we can reuse the buffer */
          if (buffer->SeekTo( buffer, 0 ) == DFB_OK) {
               unsigned int size, got;

               /* get the "file" length */
               buffer->GetLength( buffer, &size );

               ctx.content = D_MALLOC( size );
               if (!ctx.content)
                    return DR_NOLOCALMEMORY;

               ctx.content_size = 0;

               while (ctx.content_size < size) {
                    unsigned int get = size - ctx.content_size;

                    if (get > 8192)
                         get = 8192;

                    ret = buffer->WaitForData( buffer, get );
                    if (ret) {
                         D_DERROR( ret, "%s: WaitForData failed!\n", __FUNCTION__ );

                    ret = buffer->GetData( buffer, get, ctx.content + ctx.content_size, &got );
                    if (ret) {
                         D_DERROR( ret, "%s: GetData failed!\n", __FUNCTION__ );

                    if (!got)

                    ctx.content_size += got;

               if (ctx.content_size != size) {
                    D_ERROR( "%s: Got size %u differs from supposed %u!\n", __FUNCTION__, ctx.content_size, size );
                    D_FREE( ctx.content );
                    return DFB_FAILURE;

     /* Find a suitable implementation. */
     ret = DirectGetInterface( &funcs, "IDirectFBFont", NULL, DirectProbeInterface, &ctx );
     if (ret) {
          unmap_or_free( &ctx );
          return ret;


     /* Construct the interface. */
     ret = funcs->Construct( ifont, core, &ctx, desc );
     if (ret) {
          unmap_or_free( &ctx );
          return ret;

     /* store pointer for deletion at destroy */
          IDirectFBFont_data *data = (IDirectFBFont_data*)(ifont->priv);
          data->content = ctx.content;
          data->content_size = ctx.content_size;
          data->content_mapped = ctx.content_mapped;

     *interface = ifont;

     return DFB_OK;
예제 #16
main( int argc, char *argv[] )
     int            i;
     DirectResult   ret;
     DirectLogType  log_type  = DLT_STDERR;
     const char    *log_param = NULL;
     DirectLog     *log;

     for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
          if (!strcmp( argv[i], "-f" )) {
               if (++i < argc) {
                    log_type  = DLT_FILE;
                    log_param = argv[i];
                    return show_usage(argv[0]);
          else if (!strcmp( argv[i], "-u" )) {
               if (++i < argc) {
                    log_type  = DLT_UDP;
                    log_param = argv[i];
                    return show_usage(argv[0]);
               return show_usage(argv[0]);

     /* Initialize logging. */
     ret = direct_log_create( log_type, log_param, &log );
     if (ret)
          return -1;

     /* Set default log to use. */
     direct_log_set_default( log );

     /* Test memory leak detector by not freeing this one. */
     D_MALLOC( 1351 );

     D_INFO( "Direct/Test: Application starting...\n" );

     /* Initialize libdirect. */

     D_INFO( "Direct/Test: Application stopping...\n" );

     /* Shutdown libdirect. */

     D_INFO( "Direct/Test: You should see a leak message with debug-mem turned on...\n" );

     /* Shutdown logging. */
     direct_log_destroy( log );

     direct_config->debug = true;

     return 0;
예제 #17
static void
handle_request( VoodooManager        *manager,
                VoodooRequestMessage *request )
     DirectResult    ret;
     VoodooInstance *instance;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( manager, VoodooManager );
     D_ASSERT( request != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( request->header.size >= sizeof(VoodooRequestMessage) );
     D_ASSERT( request->header.type == VMSG_REQUEST );

     D_DEBUG( "Voodoo/Dispatch: Handling REQUEST message %llu to %u::%u %s%s(%d bytes).\n",
              (unsigned long long)request->header.serial, request->instance, request->method,
              (request->flags & VREQ_RESPOND) ? "[RESPONDING] " : "",
              (request->flags & VREQ_ASYNC) ? "[ASYNC] " : "",
              request->header.size );

     pthread_mutex_lock( &manager->instances.lock );

     instance = direct_hash_lookup( manager->instances.local, request->instance );
     if (!instance) {
          pthread_mutex_unlock( &manager->instances.lock );

          D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Dispatch: "
                   "Requested instance %u doesn't exist (anymore)!\n", request->instance );

          if (request->flags & VREQ_RESPOND)
               voodoo_manager_respond( manager, request->header.serial,
                                       DR_NOSUCHINSTANCE, VOODOO_INSTANCE_NONE,
                                       VMBT_NONE );


     if (request->flags & VREQ_ASYNC) {
          pthread_t             thread;
          DispatchAsyncContext *context;

          context = D_MALLOC( sizeof(DispatchAsyncContext) + request->header.size );
          if (!context) {
               D_WARN( "out of memory" );
               pthread_mutex_unlock( &manager->instances.lock );

          context->manager  = manager;
          context->instance = instance;
          context->request  = (VoodooRequestMessage*) (context + 1);

          direct_memcpy( context->request, request, request->header.size );

          pthread_create( &thread, NULL, dispatch_async_thread, context );
          pthread_detach( thread );
     else {
          ret = instance->dispatch( instance->proxy, instance->real, manager, request );

          if (ret && (request->flags & VREQ_RESPOND))
               voodoo_manager_respond( manager, request->header.serial,
                                       ret, VOODOO_INSTANCE_NONE,
                                       VMBT_NONE );

     pthread_mutex_unlock( &manager->instances.lock );