예제 #1
파일: iterhash.cpp 프로젝트: xyliuke/plan9
template <class T, class BASE> byte * IteratedHashBase<T, BASE>::CreateUpdateSpace(size_t &size)
	unsigned int blockSize = this->BlockSize();
	unsigned int num = ModPowerOf2(m_countLo, blockSize);
	size = blockSize - num;
	return (byte *)DataBuf() + num;
예제 #2
    DataBuf Photoshop::setIptcIrb(const byte*     pPsData,
                                  long            sizePsData,
                                  const IptcData& iptcData)
        if (sizePsData > 0) assert(pPsData);
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "IRB block at the beginning of Photoshop::setIptcIrb\n";
        if (sizePsData == 0) std::cerr << "  None.\n";
        else hexdump(std::cerr, pPsData, sizePsData);
        const byte* record    = pPsData;
        uint32_t    sizeIptc  = 0;
        uint32_t    sizeHdr   = 0;
        DataBuf rc;
        // Safe to call with zero psData.size_
        if (0 > Photoshop::locateIptcIrb(pPsData, sizePsData,
                                         &record, &sizeHdr, &sizeIptc)) {
            return rc;
        Blob psBlob;
        const uint32_t sizeFront = static_cast<uint32_t>(record - pPsData);
        // Write data before old record.
        if (sizePsData > 0 && sizeFront > 0) {
            append(psBlob, pPsData, sizeFront);
        // Write new iptc record if we have it
        DataBuf rawIptc = IptcParser::encode(iptcData);
        if (rawIptc.size_ > 0) {
            byte tmpBuf[12];
            std::memcpy(tmpBuf, Photoshop::bimId_, 4);
            us2Data(tmpBuf + 4, iptc_, bigEndian);
            tmpBuf[6] = 0;
            tmpBuf[7] = 0;
            ul2Data(tmpBuf + 8, rawIptc.size_, bigEndian);
            append(psBlob, tmpBuf, 12);
            append(psBlob, rawIptc.pData_, rawIptc.size_);
            // Data is padded to be even (but not included in size)
            if (rawIptc.size_ & 1) psBlob.push_back(0x00);
        // Write existing stuff after record, data is rounded to be even.
        const uint32_t sizeOldData = sizeHdr + sizeIptc + (sizeIptc & 1);
        // Note: Because of the rounding, sizeFront + sizeOldData can be
        // _greater_ than sizePsData by 1 (not just equal), if the original
        // data was not padded.
        if (static_cast<uint32_t>(sizePsData) > sizeFront + sizeOldData) {
            append(psBlob, record + sizeOldData,
                   sizePsData - sizeFront - sizeOldData);
        if (psBlob.size() > 0) rc = DataBuf(&psBlob[0], static_cast<long>(psBlob.size()));
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "IRB block at the end of Photoshop::setIptcIrb\n";
        if (rc.size_ == 0) std::cerr << "  None.\n";
        else hexdump(std::cerr, rc.pData_, rc.size_);
        return rc;

    } // Photoshop::setIptcIrb
 DataBuf Value::dataArea() const
     return DataBuf(0, 0);
예제 #4
 inline DataBuf ValueType<T>::dataArea() const
     return DataBuf(pDataArea_, sizeDataArea_);
예제 #5
 DataBuf Rw2Header::write() const
     // Todo: Implement me!
     return DataBuf();
예제 #6
 DataBuf PreviewImage::copy() const
     return DataBuf(pData_, size_);
예제 #7
    DataBuf PngChunk::readRawProfile(const DataBuf& text)
        DataBuf                 info;
        register long           i;
        register unsigned char *dp;
        const char             *sp;
        unsigned int            nibbles;
        long                    length;
        unsigned char           unhex[103]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                                            0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                                            0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,0,
                                            0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                                            0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,11,12,

        sp = (char*)text.pData_+1;

        // Look for newline

        while (*sp != '\n')

        // Look for length

        while (*sp == '\0' || *sp == ' ' || *sp == '\n')

        length = (long) atol(sp);

        while (*sp != ' ' && *sp != '\n')

        // Allocate space

        if (length == 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::readRawProfile: Unable To Copy Raw Profile: invalid profile length\n";
            return DataBuf();


        if (info.size_ != length)
#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::readRawProfile: Unable To Copy Raw Profile: cannot allocate memory\n";
            return DataBuf();

        // Copy profile, skipping white space and column 1 "=" signs

        dp      = (unsigned char*)info.pData_;
        nibbles = length * 2;

        for (i = 0; i < (long) nibbles; i++)
            while (*sp < '0' || (*sp > '9' && *sp < 'a') || *sp > 'f')
                if (*sp == '\0')
#ifdef DEBUG
                    std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::readRawProfile: Unable To Copy Raw Profile: ran out of data\n";
                    return DataBuf();


            if (i%2 == 0)
                *dp = (unsigned char) (16*unhex[(int) *sp++]);
                (*dp++) += unhex[(int) *sp++];

        return info;

    } // PngChunk::readRawProfile
예제 #8
    DataBuf PngChunk::parsePngChunk(const byte* pData, long size, long& index, int keysize)
        DataBuf arr;

        if(!strncmp((char*)PNG_CHUNK_TYPE(pData, index), "zTXt", 4))
            // Extract a deflate compressed Latin-1 text chunk

#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: We found a zTXt field\n";
            // we get the compression method after the key
            const byte* compressionMethod = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            if ( *compressionMethod != 0x00 )
                // then it isn't zlib compressed and we are sunk
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: Non-standard zTXt compression method.\n";
                throw Error(14);

            // compressed string after the compression technique spec
            const byte* compressedText      = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+2);
            unsigned int compressedTextSize = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-2;

            // security check, also considering overflow wraparound from the addition --
            // we may endup with a /smaller/ index if we wrap all the way around
            long firstIndex       = (long)(compressedText - pData);
            long onePastLastIndex = firstIndex + compressedTextSize;
            if ( onePastLastIndex > size || onePastLastIndex <= firstIndex)
                throw Error(14);

            zlibUncompress(compressedText, compressedTextSize, arr);
        else if (!strncmp((char*)PNG_CHUNK_TYPE(pData, index), "tEXt", 4))
            // Extract a non-compressed Latin-1 text chunk
#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: We found a tEXt field\n";
            // the text comes after the key, but isn't null terminated
            const byte* text = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            long textsize    = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-1;

            // security check, also considering overflow wraparound from the addition --
            // we may endup with a /smaller/ index if we wrap all the way around
            long firstIndex       = (long)(text - pData);
            long onePastLastIndex = firstIndex + textsize;

            if ( onePastLastIndex > size || onePastLastIndex <= firstIndex)
                throw Error(14);

            arr = DataBuf(text, textsize);
        else if(!strncmp((char*)PNG_CHUNK_TYPE(pData, index), "iTXt", 4))
            // Extract a deflate compressed or uncompressed UTF-8 text chunk

            // we get the compression flag after the key
            const byte* compressionFlag = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            // we get the compression method after the compression flag
            const byte* compressionMethod = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            // language description string after the compression technique spec
            const byte* languageText      = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            unsigned int languageTextSize = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-1;
            // translated keyword string after the language description
            const byte* translatedKeyText      = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
            unsigned int translatedKeyTextSize = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-1;

            if ( *compressionFlag == 0x00 )
                // then it's an uncompressed iTXt chunk
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: We found an uncompressed iTXt field\n";

                // the text comes after the translated keyword, but isn't null terminated
                const byte* text = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
                long textsize    = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-1;

                // security check, also considering overflow wraparound from the addition --
                // we may endup with a /smaller/ index if we wrap all the way around
                long firstIndex       = (long)(text - pData);
                long onePastLastIndex = firstIndex + textsize;

                if ( onePastLastIndex > size || onePastLastIndex <= firstIndex)
                    throw Error(14);

                arr = DataBuf(text, textsize);
            else if ( *compressionMethod == 0x00 )
                // then it's a zlib compressed iTXt chunk
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: We found a zlib compressed iTXt field\n";

                // the compressed text comes after the translated keyword, but isn't null terminated
                const byte* compressedText = &PNG_CHUNK_DATA(pData, index, keysize+1);
                long compressedTextSize    = getLong(&pData[index], bigEndian)-keysize-1;

                // security check, also considering overflow wraparound from the addition --
                // we may endup with a /smaller/ index if we wrap all the way around
                long firstIndex       = (long)(compressedText - pData);
                long onePastLastIndex = firstIndex + compressedTextSize;
                if ( onePastLastIndex > size || onePastLastIndex <= firstIndex)
                    throw Error(14);

                zlibUncompress(compressedText, compressedTextSize, arr);
                // then it isn't zlib compressed and we are sunk
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: Non-standard iTXt compression method.\n";
                throw Error(14);
#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cerr << "Exiv2::PngChunk::parsePngChunk: We found a field, not expected though\n";
            throw Error(14);

    return arr;

    } // PngChunk::parsePngChunk