static void sendMsg(struct MsgCore_pvt* mcp, Dict* msgDict, struct Address* addr, struct Allocator* allocator) { struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator); // Send the encoding scheme definition Dict_putString(msgDict, CJDHTConstants_ENC_SCHEME, mcp->schemeDefinition, allocator); // And tell the asker which interface the message came from int encIdx = EncodingScheme_getFormNum(mcp->scheme, addr->path); Assert_true(encIdx != EncodingScheme_getFormNum_INVALID); Dict_putInt(msgDict, CJDHTConstants_ENC_INDEX, encIdx, allocator); // send the protocol version Dict_putInt(msgDict, CJDHTConstants_PROTOCOL, Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL, allocator); if (!Defined(SUBNODE)) { String* q = Dict_getStringC(msgDict, "q"); String* sq = Dict_getStringC(msgDict, "sq"); if (q || sq) { Log_debug(mcp->log, "Send query [%s] to [%s]", ((q) ? q->bytes : sq->bytes), Address_toString(addr, alloc)->bytes); String* txid = Dict_getStringC(msgDict, "txid"); Assert_true(txid); String* newTxid = String_newBinary(NULL, txid->len + 1, alloc); Bits_memcpy(&newTxid->bytes[1], txid->bytes, txid->len); newTxid->bytes[0] = '1'; Dict_putStringC(msgDict, "txid", newTxid, alloc); } } struct Message* msg = Message_new(0, 2048, alloc); BencMessageWriter_write(msgDict, msg, NULL); //Log_debug(mcp->log, "Sending msg [%s]", Escape_getEscaped(msg->bytes, msg->length, alloc)); // Sanity check (make sure the addr was actually calculated) Assert_true(addr->ip6.bytes[0] == 0xfc); struct DataHeader data; Bits_memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct DataHeader)); DataHeader_setVersion(&data, DataHeader_CURRENT_VERSION); DataHeader_setContentType(&data, ContentType_CJDHT); Message_push(msg, &data, sizeof(struct DataHeader), NULL); struct RouteHeader route; Bits_memset(&route, 0, sizeof(struct RouteHeader)); Bits_memcpy(route.ip6, addr->ip6.bytes, 16); route.version_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(addr->protocolVersion); = Endian_hostToBigEndian64(addr->path); Bits_memcpy(route.publicKey, addr->key, 32); Message_push(msg, &route, sizeof(struct RouteHeader), NULL); Iface_send(&mcp->pub.interRouterIf, msg); }
static int incomingFromDHT(struct DHTMessage* dmessage, void* vpf) { struct Pathfinder_pvt* pf = Identity_check((struct Pathfinder_pvt*) vpf); struct Message* msg = dmessage->binMessage; struct Address* addr = dmessage->address; if (addr->path == 1) { // Message to myself, can't handle this later because encrypting a message to yourself // causes problems. DHTModuleRegistry_handleIncoming(dmessage, pf->registry); return 0; } // Sanity check (make sure the addr was actually calculated) Assert_true(AddressCalc_validAddress(addr->ip6.bytes)); Message_shift(msg, PFChan_Msg_MIN_SIZE, NULL); struct PFChan_Msg* emsg = (struct PFChan_Msg*) msg->bytes; Bits_memset(emsg, 0, PFChan_Msg_MIN_SIZE); DataHeader_setVersion(&emsg->data, DataHeader_CURRENT_VERSION); DataHeader_setContentType(&emsg->data, ContentType_CJDHT); Bits_memcpy(emsg->route.ip6, addr->ip6.bytes, 16); emsg->route.version_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(addr->protocolVersion); emsg-> = Endian_hostToBigEndian64(addr->path); emsg->route.flags |= RouteHeader_flags_PATHFINDER; SwitchHeader_setVersion(&emsg->, SwitchHeader_CURRENT_VERSION); Bits_memcpy(emsg->route.publicKey, addr->key, 32); Assert_true(!Bits_isZero(emsg->route.publicKey, 32)); Assert_true(emsg->; Assert_true(emsg->route.version_be); Message_push32(msg, PFChan_Pathfinder_SENDMSG, NULL); if (dmessage->replyTo) { // see incomingMsg dmessage->replyTo->pleaseRespond = true; //Log_debug(pf->log, "send DHT reply"); return 0; } //Log_debug(pf->log, "send DHT request"); Iface_send(&pf->pub.eventIf, msg); return 0; }
static Iface_DEFUN incomingFromTunIf(struct Message* msg, struct Iface* tunIf) { struct TUNAdapter_pvt* ud = Identity_containerOf(tunIf, struct TUNAdapter_pvt, pub.tunIf); uint16_t ethertype = TUNMessageType_pop(msg, NULL); int version = Headers_getIpVersion(msg->bytes); if ((ethertype == Ethernet_TYPE_IP4 && version != 4) || (ethertype == Ethernet_TYPE_IP6 && version != 6)) { Log_debug(ud->log, "DROP packet because ip version [%d] " "doesn't match ethertype [%u].", version, Endian_bigEndianToHost16(ethertype)); return NULL; } if (ethertype == Ethernet_TYPE_IP4) { return Iface_next(&ud->pub.ipTunnelIf, msg); } if (ethertype != Ethernet_TYPE_IP6) { Log_debug(ud->log, "DROP packet unknown ethertype [%u]", Endian_bigEndianToHost16(ethertype)); return NULL; } if (msg->length < Headers_IP6Header_SIZE) { Log_debug(ud->log, "DROP runt"); return NULL; } struct Headers_IP6Header* header = (struct Headers_IP6Header*) msg->bytes; if (!AddressCalc_validAddress(header->destinationAddr)) { return Iface_next(&ud->pub.ipTunnelIf, msg); } if (Bits_memcmp(header->sourceAddr, ud->myIp6, 16)) { if (Defined(Log_DEBUG)) { uint8_t expectedSource[40]; AddrTools_printIp(expectedSource, ud->myIp6); uint8_t packetSource[40]; AddrTools_printIp(packetSource, header->sourceAddr); Log_debug(ud->log, "DROP packet from [%s] because all messages must have source address [%s]", packetSource, expectedSource); } return NULL; } if (!Bits_memcmp(header->destinationAddr, ud->myIp6, 16)) { // I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter TUNMessageType_push(msg, ethertype, NULL); return Iface_next(tunIf, msg); } if (!Bits_memcmp(header->destinationAddr, "\xfc\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01", 16)) { return Iface_next(&ud->pub.magicIf, msg); } // first move the dest addr to the right place. Bits_memmoveConst(&header->destinationAddr[-DataHeader_SIZE], header->destinationAddr, 16); Message_shift(msg, DataHeader_SIZE + RouteHeader_SIZE - Headers_IP6Header_SIZE, NULL); struct RouteHeader* rh = (struct RouteHeader*) msg->bytes; struct DataHeader* dh = (struct DataHeader*) &rh[1]; Bits_memset(dh, 0, DataHeader_SIZE); DataHeader_setContentType(dh, header->nextHeader); DataHeader_setVersion(dh, DataHeader_CURRENT_VERSION); // Other than the ipv6 addr at the end, everything is zeros right down the line. Bits_memset(rh, 0, RouteHeader_SIZE - 16); return Iface_next(&ud->pub.upperDistributorIf, msg); }