int APIENTRY WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { int argc = __argc; char **argv = __argv; #else int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #endif int seed = time(NULL); bool verifyexit = false; bool check_mods = false; std::string dump; dump_mode dmode = dump_mode::TSV; std::vector<std::string> opts; std::string world; /** if set try to load first save in this world on startup */ // Set default file paths #ifdef PREFIX #define Q(STR) #STR #define QUOTE(STR) Q(STR) PATH_INFO::init_base_path(std::string(QUOTE(PREFIX))); #else PATH_INFO::init_base_path(""); #endif #if (defined USE_HOME_DIR || defined USE_XDG_DIR) PATH_INFO::init_user_dir(); #else PATH_INFO::init_user_dir("./"); #endif PATH_INFO::set_standard_filenames(); MAP_SHARING::setDefaults(); { const char *section_default = nullptr; const char *section_map_sharing = "Map sharing"; const char *section_user_directory = "User directories"; const std::array<arg_handler, 12> first_pass_arguments = {{ { "--seed", "<string of letters and or numbers>", "Sets the random number generator's seed value", section_default, [&seed](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; const unsigned char *hash_input = (const unsigned char *) params[0]; seed = djb2_hash(hash_input); return 1; } }, { "--jsonverify", nullptr, "Checks the cdda json files", section_default, [&verifyexit](int, const char **) -> int { verifyexit = true; return 0; } }, { "--check-mods", "[mods...]", "Checks the json files belonging to cdda mods", section_default, [&check_mods,&opts]( int n, const char *params[] ) -> int { check_mods = true; test_mode = true; for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { opts.emplace_back( params[ i ] ); } return 0; } }, { "--dump-stats", "<what> [mode = TSV] [opts...]", "Dumps item stats", section_default, [&dump,&dmode,&opts](int n, const char *params[]) -> int { if( n < 1 ) { return -1; } test_mode = true; dump = params[ 0 ]; for( int i = 2; i < n; ++i ) { opts.emplace_back( params[ i ] ); } if( n >= 2 ) { if( !strcmp( params[ 1 ], "TSV" ) ) { dmode = dump_mode::TSV; return 0; } else if( !strcmp( params[ 1 ], "HTML" ) ) { dmode = dump_mode::HTML; return 0; } else { return -1; } } return 0; } }, { "--world", "<name>", "Load world", section_default, [&world](int n, const char *params[]) -> int { if( n < 1 ) { return -1; } world = params[0]; return 1; } }, { "--basepath", "<path>", "Base path for all game data subdirectories", section_default, [](int num_args, const char **params) { if (num_args < 1) return -1; PATH_INFO::init_base_path(params[0]); PATH_INFO::set_standard_filenames(); return 1; } }, { "--shared", nullptr, "Activates the map-sharing mode", section_map_sharing, [](int, const char **) -> int { MAP_SHARING::setSharing(true); MAP_SHARING::setCompetitive(true); MAP_SHARING::setWorldmenu(false); return 0; } }, { "--username", "<name>", "Instructs map-sharing code to use this name for your character.", section_map_sharing, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; MAP_SHARING::setUsername(params[0]); return 1; } }, { "--addadmin", "<username>", "Instructs map-sharing code to use this name for your character and give you " "access to the cheat functions.", section_map_sharing, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; MAP_SHARING::addAdmin(params[0]); return 1; } }, { "--adddebugger", "<username>", "Informs map-sharing code that you're running inside a debugger", section_map_sharing, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; MAP_SHARING::addDebugger(params[0]); return 1; } }, { "--competitive", nullptr, "Instructs map-sharing code to disable access to the in-game cheat functions", section_map_sharing, [](int, const char **) -> int { MAP_SHARING::setCompetitive(true); return 0; } }, { "--userdir", "<path>", "Base path for user-overrides to files from the ./data directory and named below", section_user_directory, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; PATH_INFO::init_user_dir(params[0]); PATH_INFO::set_standard_filenames(); return 1; } } }}; // The following arguments are dependent on one or more of the previous flags and are run // in a second pass. const std::array<arg_handler, 9> second_pass_arguments = {{ { "--worldmenu", nullptr, "Enables the world menu in the map-sharing code", section_map_sharing, [](int, const char **) -> int { MAP_SHARING::setWorldmenu(true); return true; } }, { "--datadir", "<directory name>", "Sub directory from which game data is loaded", nullptr, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; PATH_INFO::update_pathname("datadir", params[0]); PATH_INFO::update_datadir(); return 1; } }, { "--savedir", "<directory name>", "Subdirectory for game saves", section_user_directory, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; PATH_INFO::update_pathname("savedir", params[0]); return 1; } }, { "--configdir", "<directory name>", "Subdirectory for game configuration", section_user_directory, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; PATH_INFO::update_pathname("config_dir", params[0]); PATH_INFO::update_config_dir(); return 1; } }, { "--memorialdir", "<directory name>", "Subdirectory for memorials", section_user_directory, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; PATH_INFO::update_pathname("memorialdir", params[0]); return 1; } }, { "--optionfile", "<filename>", "Name of the options file within the configdir", section_user_directory, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; PATH_INFO::update_pathname("options", params[0]); return 1; } }, { "--keymapfile", "<filename>", "Name of the keymap file within the configdir", section_user_directory, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; PATH_INFO::update_pathname("keymap", params[0]); return 1; } }, { "--autopickupfile", "<filename>", "Name of the autopickup options file within the configdir", nullptr, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; PATH_INFO::update_pathname("autopickup", params[0]); return 1; } }, { "--motdfile", "<filename>", "Name of the message of the day file within the motd directory", nullptr, [](int num_args, const char **params) -> int { if (num_args < 1) return -1; PATH_INFO::update_pathname("motd", params[0]); return 1; } }, }}; // Process CLI arguments. const size_t num_first_pass_arguments = sizeof(first_pass_arguments) / sizeof(first_pass_arguments[0]); const size_t num_second_pass_arguments = sizeof(second_pass_arguments) / sizeof(second_pass_arguments[0]); int saved_argc = --argc; // skip program name const char **saved_argv = (const char **)++argv; while (argc) { if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--help")) { printHelpMessage(, num_first_pass_arguments,, num_second_pass_arguments); return 0; } else { bool arg_handled = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_first_pass_arguments; ++i) { auto &arg_handler = first_pass_arguments[i]; if (!strcmp(argv[0], arg_handler.flag)) { argc--; argv++; int args_consumed = arg_handler.handler(argc, (const char **)argv); if (args_consumed < 0) { printf("Failed parsing parameter '%s'\n", *(argv - 1)); exit(1); } argc -= args_consumed; argv += args_consumed; arg_handled = true; break; } } // Skip other options. if (!arg_handled) { --argc; ++argv; } } } while (saved_argc) { bool arg_handled = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_second_pass_arguments; ++i) { auto &arg_handler = second_pass_arguments[i]; if (!strcmp(saved_argv[0], arg_handler.flag)) { --saved_argc; ++saved_argv; int args_consumed = arg_handler.handler(saved_argc, saved_argv); if (args_consumed < 0) { printf("Failed parsing parameter '%s'\n", *(argv - 1)); exit(1); } saved_argc -= args_consumed; saved_argv += args_consumed; arg_handled = true; break; } } // Ingore unknown options. if (!arg_handled) { --saved_argc; ++saved_argv; } } } if (!assure_dir_exist(FILENAMES["user_dir"].c_str())) { printf("Can't open or create %s. Check permissions.\n", FILENAMES["user_dir"].c_str()); exit(1); } setupDebug(); /** * OS X does not populate locale env vars correctly (they usually default to * "C") so don't bother trying to set the locale based on them. */ #if (!defined MACOSX) if (setlocale(LC_ALL, "") == NULL) { DebugLog(D_WARNING, D_MAIN) << "Error while setlocale(LC_ALL, '')."; } else { #endif try { std::locale::global( std::locale( "" ) ); } catch( const std::exception& ) { // if user default locale retrieval isn't implemented by system try{ // default to basic C locale std::locale::global( std::locale::classic() ); } catch( const std::exception &err ) { debugmsg( "%s", err.what() ); exit_handler(-999); } } #if (!defined MACOSX) } #endif get_options().init(); get_options().load(); set_language(); // in test mode don't initialize curses to avoid escape sequences being inserted into output stream if( !test_mode ) { try { catacurses::init_interface(); } catch( const std::exception &err ) { // can't use any curses function as it has not been initialized std::cerr << "Error while initializing the interface: " << err.what() << std::endl; DebugLog( D_ERROR, DC_ALL ) << "Error while initializing the interface: " << err.what() << "\n"; return 1; } } srand(seed); g = new game; // First load and initialize everything that does not // depend on the mods. try { g->load_static_data(); if (verifyexit) { exit_handler(0); } if( !dump.empty() ) { init_colors(); exit( g->dump_stats( dump, dmode, opts ) ? 0 : 1 ); } if( check_mods ) { init_colors(); loading_ui ui( false ); exit( g->check_mod_data( opts, ui ) && !test_dirty ? 0 : 1 ); } } catch( const std::exception &err ) { debugmsg( "%s", err.what() ); exit_handler(-999); } // Now we do the actual game. g->init_ui(); curs_set(0); // Invisible cursor here, because MAPBUFFER.load() is crash-prone #if (!(defined _WIN32 || defined WINDOWS)) struct sigaction sigIntHandler; sigIntHandler.sa_handler = exit_handler; sigemptyset(&sigIntHandler.sa_mask); sigIntHandler.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &sigIntHandler, NULL); #endif #ifdef LOCALIZE std::string lang = ""; #if (defined _WIN32 || defined WINDOWS) lang = getLangFromLCID( GetUserDefaultLCID() ); #else const char *v = setlocale( LC_ALL, NULL ); if( v != NULL ) { lang = v; if( lang == "C" ) { lang = "en"; } } #endif if( get_option<std::string>( "USE_LANG" ).empty() && ( lang.empty() || !isValidLanguage( lang ) ) ) { select_language(); set_language(); } #endif while( true ) { if( !world.empty() ) { if( !g->load( world ) ) { break; } world.clear(); // ensure quit returns to opening screen } else { main_menu menu; if( !menu.opening_screen() ) { break; } } while( !g->do_turn() ); }; exit_handler(-999); return 0; }
void TokensTree::eraseToken(Token* oldToken) { if(!oldToken) return; int idx = oldToken->m_Self; if(m_Tokens[idx]!=oldToken) return; // Step 1: Detach token from its parent Token* parentToken = 0; if((size_t)(oldToken->m_ParentIndex) >= m_Tokens.size()) oldToken->m_ParentIndex = -1; if(oldToken->m_ParentIndex >= 0) parentToken = m_Tokens[oldToken->m_ParentIndex]; if(parentToken) parentToken->m_Children.erase(idx); TokenIdxSet nodes; TokenIdxSet::iterator it; // Step 2: Detach token from its ancestors nodes = (oldToken->m_DirectAncestors); for(it = nodes.begin();it!=nodes.end(); it++) { int ancestoridx = *it; if(ancestoridx < 0 || (size_t)ancestoridx >= m_Tokens.size()) continue; Token* ancestor = m_Tokens[ancestoridx]; if(ancestor) ancestor->m_Descendants.erase(idx); } oldToken->m_Ancestors.clear(); oldToken->m_DirectAncestors.clear(); // Step 3: erase children nodes = (oldToken->m_Children); // Copy the list to avoid interference for(it = nodes.begin();it!=nodes.end(); it++) eraseToken(*it); // m_Children SHOULD be empty by now - but clear anyway. oldToken->m_Children.clear(); // Step 4: erase descendants nodes = oldToken->m_Descendants; // Copy the list to avoid interference for(it = nodes.begin();it!=nodes.end(); it++) { if(*it == idx) // that should not happen, we can not be our own descendant, but in fact that can happen with boost { DebugLog(cc_text("Break out the loop to erase descendants, to avoid a crash. We can not be our own descendant !!")); break; } eraseToken(*it); } // m_Descendants SHOULD be empty by now - but clear anyway. oldToken->m_Descendants.clear(); // Step 5: Detach token from the SearchTrees int idx2 = m_Tree.GetItemIdx(oldToken->m_Name); if(idx2) { TokenIdxSet& curlist = m_Tree.GetItemAtPos(idx2); curlist.erase(idx); } // Now, from the global namespace (if applicable) if(oldToken->m_ParentIndex == -1) { m_GlobalNameSpace.erase(idx); m_TopNameSpaces.erase(idx); } // Step 6: Finally, erase it from the list. eraseTokenFromList(idx); }
string SDLInit(const char *title, int2 &screensize, bool fullscreen) { //SDL_SetMainReady(); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER /* | SDL_INIT_AUDIO*/) < 0) { return SDLError("Unable to initialize SDL"); } SDL_SetEventFilter(SDLHandleAppEvents, nullptr); DebugLog(-1, "SDL initialized..."); SDL_LogSetAllPriority(SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_WARN); // on demand now //extern bool sfxr_init(); //if (!sfxr_init()) // return SDLError("Unable to initialize audio"); #ifdef PLATFORM_MOBILE SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 2); #else //certain older Intel HD GPUs and also Nvidia Quadro 1000M don't support 3.1 ? the 1000M is supposed to support 4.2 //SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 3); //SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 1); #ifndef WIN32 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_FLAG); #endif SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 4); #endif //SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 0); // set this if we're in 2D mode for speed on mobile? SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RETAINED_BACKING, 1); // because we redraw the screen each frame SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); DebugLog(-1, "SDL about to figure out display mode..."); #ifdef PLATFORM_MOBILE landscape = screensize.x() >= screensize.y(); int modes = SDL_GetNumDisplayModes(0); screensize = int2(0); for (int i = 0; i < modes; i++) { SDL_DisplayMode mode; SDL_GetDisplayMode(0, i, &mode); //printf("mode: %d %d\n", mode.w, mode.h); if (landscape ? mode.w > screensize.x() : mode.h > screensize.y()) { screensize = int2(mode.w, mode.h); } } DebugLog(-1, inttoa(screensize.x())); DebugLog(-1, inttoa(screensize.y())); DebugLog(-1, "SDL about to create window..."); _sdl_window = SDL_CreateWindow(title, 0, 0, screensize.x(), screensize.y(), SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS); DebugLog(-1, _sdl_window ? "SDL window passed..." : "SDL window FAILED..."); if (landscape) SDL_SetHint("SDL_HINT_ORIENTATIONS", "LandscapeLeft LandscapeRight"); int ax = 0, ay = 0; SDL_GetWindowSize(_sdl_window, &ax, &ay); int2 actualscreensize(ax, ay); //screenscalefactor = screensize.x / actualscreensize.x; // should be 2 on retina #ifdef __IOS__ assert(actualscreensize == screensize); screensize = actualscreensize; #else screensize = actualscreensize; // __ANDROID__ DebugLog(-1, inttoa(screensize.x())); DebugLog(-1, inttoa(screensize.y())); #endif #else _sdl_window = SDL_CreateWindow(title, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, screensize.x(), screensize.y(), SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE | (fullscreen ? SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP : 0)); #endif if (!_sdl_window) return SDLError("Unable to create window"); DebugLog(-1, "SDL window opened..."); _sdl_context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(_sdl_window); DebugLog(-1, _sdl_context ? "SDL context passed..." : "SDL context FAILED..."); if (!_sdl_context) return SDLError("Unable to create OpenGL context"); DebugLog(-1, "SDL OpenGL context created..."); /* SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 4); */ #ifndef __IOS__ SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1); // vsync on #endif SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE); SDL_JoystickUpdate(); for(int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) { SDL_Joystick *joy; if (joy = SDL_JoystickOpen(i)) { DebugLog(-1, "Detected joystick: %s (%d axes, %d buttons, %d balls, %d hats)\n", SDL_JoystickName(joy), SDL_JoystickNumAxes(joy), SDL_JoystickNumButtons(joy), SDL_JoystickNumBalls(joy), SDL_JoystickNumHats(joy)); }; }; starttime = SDL_GetTicks(); lastmillis = starttime - 16; // ensure first frame doesn't get a crazy delta return ""; }
void HelloScene::OnOptionButtonClick(CBView* item,int index) { DebugLog("HelloScene::OnOptionButtonClick [%d]\n",index); }
bool X3100monitor::start(IOService * provider) { if (!provider || !super::start(provider)) return false; if (!(fakeSMC = waitForService(serviceMatching(kFakeSMCDeviceService)))) { WarningLog("Can't locate fake SMC device, kext will not load"); return false; } IOMemoryDescriptor * theDescriptor; IOPhysicalAddress bar = (IOPhysicalAddress)((VCard->configRead32(kMCHBAR)) & ~0xf); DebugLog("Fx3100: register space=%08lx\n", (long unsigned int)bar); theDescriptor = IOMemoryDescriptor::withPhysicalAddress (bar, 0x2000, kIODirectionOutIn); // | kIOMapInhibitCache); if(theDescriptor != NULL) { mmio = theDescriptor->map(); if(mmio != NULL) { mmio_base = (volatile UInt8 *)mmio->getVirtualAddress(); #if DEBUG DebugLog(" MCHBAR mapped\n"); for (int i=0; i<0x2f; i +=16) { DebugLog("%04lx: ", (long unsigned int)i+0x1000); for (int j=0; j<16; j += 1) { DebugLog("%02lx ", (long unsigned int)INVID8(i+j+0x1000)); } DebugLog("\n"); } #endif } else { InfoLog(" MCHBAR failed to map\n"); return -1; } } char name[5]; //try to find empty key for (int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) { snprintf(name, 5, KEY_FORMAT_GPU_DIODE_TEMPERATURE, i); UInt8 length = 0; void * data = 0; IOReturn result = fakeSMC->callPlatformFunction(kFakeSMCGetKeyValue, true, (void *)name, (void *)&length, (void *)&data, 0); if (kIOReturnSuccess == result) { continue; } if (addSensor(name, TYPE_SP78, 2, i)) { numCard = i; break; } } if (kIOReturnSuccess != fakeSMC->callPlatformFunction(kFakeSMCAddKeyHandler, false, (void *)name, (void *)TYPE_SP78, (void *)2, this)) { WarningLog("Can't add key to fake SMC device, kext will not load"); return false; } return true; }
CGameLoaderHandler::~CGameLoaderHandler() { UnloadGame(); DebugLog("Destructing the game loader component..."); };
CFileSystem::~CFileSystem() { DebugLog("CFileSystem::~CFileSystem"); };
void IntelMausi::intelSetupRxControl(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) { struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapter->hw; u32 rctl, rfctl; /* Workaround Si errata on PCHx - configure jumbo frame flow. * If jumbo frames not set, program related MAC/PHY registers * to h/w defaults */ if (hw->mac.type >= e1000_pch2lan) { s32 ret_val; if (mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) ret_val = e1000_lv_jumbo_workaround_ich8lan(hw, true); else ret_val = e1000_lv_jumbo_workaround_ich8lan(hw, false); if (ret_val) DebugLog("Ethernet [IntelMausi]: failed to enable/disable jumbo frame workaround mode.\n"); } /* Program MC offset vector base */ rctl = intelReadMem32(E1000_RCTL); rctl &= ~(3 << E1000_RCTL_MO_SHIFT); rctl |= E1000_RCTL_BAM | E1000_RCTL_LBM_NO | E1000_RCTL_RDMTS_HALF | (adapter->hw.mac.mc_filter_type << E1000_RCTL_MO_SHIFT); /* Do not Store bad packets */ rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_SBP; /* Enable Long Packet receive */ if (mtu <= ETH_DATA_LEN) rctl &= ~E1000_RCTL_LPE; else rctl |= E1000_RCTL_LPE; /* Some systems expect that the CRC is included in SMBUS traffic. The * hardware strips the CRC before sending to both SMBUS (BMC) and to * host memory when this is enabled */ if (adapter->flags2 & FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING) rctl |= E1000_RCTL_SECRC; /* Workaround Si errata on 82577 PHY - configure IPG for jumbos */ if ((hw->phy.type == e1000_phy_82577) && (rctl & E1000_RCTL_LPE)) { u16 phy_data; e1e_rphy(hw, PHY_REG(770, 26), &phy_data); phy_data &= 0xfff8; phy_data |= (1 << 2); e1e_wphy(hw, PHY_REG(770, 26), phy_data); e1e_rphy(hw, 22, &phy_data); phy_data &= 0x0fff; phy_data |= (1 << 14); e1e_wphy(hw, 0x10, 0x2823); e1e_wphy(hw, 0x11, 0x0003); e1e_wphy(hw, 22, phy_data); } /* Set buffer sizes to 2048 */ //rctl |= (0x2 << E1000_RCTL_FLXB_SHIFT); rctl &= ~(E1000_RCTL_SZ_256 | E1000_RCTL_BSEX); /* Enable Extended Status in all Receive Descriptors */ rfctl = intelReadMem32(E1000_RFCTL); rfctl |= (E1000_RFCTL_NEW_IPV6_EXT_DIS | E1000_RFCTL_IPV6_EX_DIS | E1000_RFCTL_EXTEN | E1000_RFCTL_NFSW_DIS | E1000_RFCTL_NFSR_DIS); intelWriteMem32(E1000_RFCTL, rfctl); intelWriteMem32(E1000_RCTL, rctl); }
void load_auto_pickup(bool bCharacter) { std::ifstream fin; std::string sFile = "data/auto_pickup.txt"; if (bCharacter) { sFile = "save/" + base64_encode(g-> + ".apu.txt"; }; if(!fin.is_open()) { fin.close(); create_default_auto_pickup(bCharacter);; if(!fin.is_open()) { DebugLog() << "Could neither read nor create " << sFile << "\n"; return; } } vAutoPickupRules[(bCharacter) ? 2 : 1].clear(); std::string sLine; while(!fin.eof()) { getline(fin, sLine); if(sLine != "" && sLine[0] != '#') { int iNum = std::count(sLine.begin(), sLine.end(), ';'); if(iNum != 2) { /*int iNum = std::count(sLine.begin(), sLine.end(), ' '); if(iNum == 1) { //its an option! hurray } else {*/ DebugLog() << "Bad Rule: " << sLine << "\n"; //} } else { std::string sRule = ""; bool bActive = true; bool bExclude = false; size_t iPos = 0; int iCol = 1; do { iPos = sLine.find(";"); std::string sTemp = (iPos == std::string::npos) ? sLine : sLine.substr(0, iPos); if (iCol == 1) { sRule = sTemp; } else if (iCol == 2) { bActive = (sTemp == "T" || sTemp == "True") ? true : false; } else if (iCol == 3) { bExclude = (sTemp == "T" || sTemp == "True") ? true : false; } iCol++; if (iPos != std::string::npos) { sLine = sLine.substr(iPos+1, sLine.size()); } } while(iPos != std::string::npos); vAutoPickupRules[(bCharacter) ? 2 : 1].push_back(cPickupRules(sRule, bActive, bExclude)); } } } fin.close(); merge_vector(); createPickupRules(); }
// |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| // | Initialize | // |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| bool Player::Initialize() { GameObject::Initialize(); // Set up ship Graphic* graphic = new Graphic; graphic->SetTint(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); graphic->SetShader("Texture"); graphic->SetShader("Light"); graphic->SetTexture("shiptexture"); graphic->SetModel("ship"); graphic->SetScale(Coord(0.01f,0.01f,0.01f)); graphic->SetReflectiveness(0.95f); graphic->Initialize(); m_ship = new GameObject; m_ship->Initialize(); m_ship->SetGraphic(graphic); m_ship->SetPosition(Coord(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)); m_ship->SetOrientation(Coord(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)); // Set up left thruster m_leftThruster = new ParticleSystem; m_leftThruster->Initialize(); graphic = new Billboard; graphic->SetShader("Texture"); graphic->SetTexture("fireball"); graphic->SetAlphaBlend(true); graphic->SetScale(Coord(0.003f,0.003f,0.003f)); graphic->Initialize(); m_leftThruster->SetGraphic(graphic); m_leftThruster->SetPosition(Coord(-0.6f,0.0f,-0.7f)); m_leftThruster->SetParticleVelocity(Coord(0.0f,0.0f,-2.0f)); m_leftThruster->SetParticleVelocityVariation(Coord(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f)); m_leftThruster->SetParticleSpawnFrequency(0.01f); m_leftThruster->SetParticleDeviation(Coord(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)); m_leftThruster->SetParticleLifetime(0.5f); m_leftThruster->SetParticleFadeout(0.2f); m_leftThruster->SetMaxParticles(100); m_leftThruster->SetTint(0.8f,0.9f,1.0f); m_leftThruster->SetTintVar(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f); // Set up right thruster m_rightThruster = new ParticleSystem; m_rightThruster->Initialize(); graphic = new Billboard; graphic->SetShader("Texture"); graphic->SetTexture("fireball"); graphic->SetAlphaBlend(true); graphic->SetScale(Coord(0.003f,0.003f,0.003f)); graphic->Initialize(); m_rightThruster->SetGraphic(graphic); m_rightThruster->SetPosition(Coord(0.6f,0.0f,-0.7f)); m_rightThruster->SetParticleVelocity(Coord(0.0f,0.0f,-2.0f)); m_rightThruster->SetParticleVelocityVariation(Coord(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f)); m_rightThruster->SetParticleSpawnFrequency(0.001f); m_rightThruster->SetParticleDeviation(Coord(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)); m_rightThruster->SetParticleLifetime(0.5f); m_rightThruster->SetParticleFadeout(0.2f); m_rightThruster->SetMaxParticles(100); m_rightThruster->SetTint(0.8f,0.9f,1.0f); m_rightThruster->SetTintVar(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f); DebugLog ("Player: object initialized."); return true; }
void IntelMausi::intelDisable() { struct e1000_hw *hw = &adapterData.hw; UInt32 wufc = adapterData.wol; UInt32 ctrl, ctrlExt, rctl, status; /* Flush LPIC. */ intelFlushLPIC(); status = intelReadMem32(E1000_STATUS); if (status & E1000_STATUS_LU) wufc &= ~E1000_WUFC_LNKC; if (wolActive && wufc) { intelDown(&adapterData, false); intelSetupRxControl(&adapterData); rctl = intelReadMem32(E1000_RCTL); rctl &= ~(E1000_RCTL_UPE | E1000_RCTL_MPE); /* turn on all-multi mode if wake on multicast is enabled */ if (wufc & E1000_WUFC_MC) rctl |= E1000_RCTL_MPE; intelWriteMem32(E1000_RCTL, rctl); ctrl = intelReadMem32(E1000_CTRL); ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_ADVD3WUC; if (!(adapterData.flags2 & FLAG2_HAS_PHY_WAKEUP)) ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_EN_PHY_PWR_MGMT; intelWriteMem32(E1000_CTRL, ctrl); if (adapterData.hw.phy.media_type == e1000_media_type_fiber || adapterData.hw.phy.media_type == e1000_media_type_internal_serdes) { /* keep the laser running in D3 */ ctrlExt = intelReadMem32(E1000_CTRL_EXT); ctrlExt |= E1000_CTRL_EXT_SDP3_DATA; intelWriteMem32(E1000_CTRL_EXT, ctrlExt); } if (adapterData.flags & FLAG_IS_ICH) e1000_suspend_workarounds_ich8lan(hw); if (adapterData.flags2 & FLAG2_HAS_PHY_WAKEUP) { /* enable wakeup by the PHY */ intelInitPhyWakeup(wufc); } else { /* enable wakeup by the MAC */ intelWriteMem32(E1000_WUFC, wufc); intelWriteMem32(E1000_WUC, E1000_WUC_PME_EN); } DebugLog("Ethernet [IntelMausi]: WUFC=0x%08x.\n", wufc); } else { intelDown(&adapterData, true); intelWriteMem32(E1000_WUC, 0); intelWriteMem32(E1000_WUFC, 0); intelPowerDownPhy(&adapterData); } /* If AMT is enabled, let the firmware know that the network * interface is now closed */ if (adapterData.flags & FLAG_HAS_AMT) e1000e_release_hw_control(&adapterData); }
// |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| // | Destructor | // |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Player::~Player() { DebugLog ("Player: object destroyed."); }
// |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| // | Copy Constructor | // |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Player::Player(const Player&) { DebugLog ("Player: object copied."); }
// |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| // | Shutdown | // |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| bool Player::Shutdown() { GameObject::Shutdown(); DebugLog ("Player: object shutdown."); return true; }
// |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| // | Destructor | // |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ParticleSystem::~ParticleSystem() { DebugLog ("ParticleSystem: object destroyed."); }
IOReturn BrcmPatchRAM::hciCommand(void * command, UInt16 length) { IOReturn result; IOUSBDevRequest request = { .bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBDevice), .bRequest = 0, .wValue = 0, .wIndex = 0, .wLength = length, .pData = command }; if ((result = mInterface->DeviceRequest(&request)) != kIOReturnSuccess) AlwaysLog("[%04x:%04x]: device request failed (\"%s\" 0x%08x).\n", mVendorId, mProductId, stringFromReturn(result), result); return result; } IOReturn BrcmPatchRAM::hciParseResponse(void* response, UInt16 length, void* output, UInt8* outputLength) { HCI_RESPONSE* header = (HCI_RESPONSE*)response; IOReturn result = kIOReturnSuccess; switch (header->eventCode) { case HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_COMPLETE: { HCI_COMMAND_COMPLETE* event = (HCI_COMMAND_COMPLETE*)response; switch (event->opcode) { case HCI_OPCODE_READ_VERBOSE_CONFIG: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: READ VERBOSE CONFIG complete (status: 0x%02x, length: %d bytes).\n", mVendorId, mProductId, event->status, header->length); mFirmareVersion = *(UInt16*)(((char*)response) + 10); DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: Firmware version: v%d.\n", mVendorId, mProductId, mFirmareVersion + 0x1000); // Device does not require a firmware patch at this time if (mFirmareVersion > 0) mDeviceState = kUpdateComplete; else mDeviceState = kFirmwareVersion; break; case HCI_OPCODE_DOWNLOAD_MINIDRIVER: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: DOWNLOAD MINIDRIVER complete (status: 0x%02x, length: %d bytes).\n", mVendorId, mProductId, event->status, header->length); mDeviceState = kMiniDriverComplete; break; case HCI_OPCODE_LAUNCH_RAM: //DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: LAUNCH RAM complete (status: 0x%02x, length: %d bytes).\n", // mVendorId, mProductId, event->status, header->length); mDeviceState = kInstructionWritten; break; case HCI_OPCODE_END_OF_RECORD: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: END OF RECORD complete (status: 0x%02x, length: %d bytes).\n", mVendorId, mProductId, event->status, header->length); mDeviceState = kFirmwareWritten; break; case HCI_OPCODE_RESET: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: RESET complete (status: 0x%02x, length: %d bytes).\n", mVendorId, mProductId, event->status, header->length); mDeviceState = kResetComplete; break; default: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: Event COMMAND COMPLETE (opcode 0x%04x, status: 0x%02x, length: %d bytes).\n", mVendorId, mProductId, event->opcode, event->status, header->length); break; } if (output && outputLength) { bzero(output, *outputLength); // Return the received data if (*outputLength >= length) { DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: Returning output data %d bytes.\n", mVendorId, mProductId, length); *outputLength = length; memcpy(output, response, length); } else // Not enough buffer space for data result = kIOReturnMessageTooLarge; } break; } case HCI_EVENT_NUM_COMPLETED_PACKETS: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: Number of completed packets.\n", mVendorId, mProductId); break; case HCI_EVENT_CONN_COMPLETE: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: Connection complete event.\n", mVendorId, mProductId); break; case HCI_EVENT_DISCONN_COMPLETE: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: Disconnection complete. event\n", mVendorId, mProductId); break; case HCI_EVENT_HARDWARE_ERROR: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: Hardware error\n", mVendorId, mProductId); break; case HCI_EVENT_MODE_CHANGE: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: Mode change event.\n", mVendorId, mProductId); break; case HCI_EVENT_LE_META: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: Low-Energy meta event.\n", mVendorId, mProductId); break; default: DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: Unknown event code (0x%02x).\n", mVendorId, mProductId, header->eventCode); break; } return result; }
CGameLoaderHandler::CGameLoaderHandler() { DebugLog("Constructing the game loader component..."); };
bool BrcmPatchRAM::performUpgrade() { BrcmFirmwareStore* firmwareStore; OSArray* instructions = NULL; OSCollectionIterator* iterator = NULL; OSData* data; #ifdef DEBUG DeviceState previousState = kUnknown; #endif IOLockLock(mCompletionLock); mDeviceState = kInitialize; while (true) { #ifdef DEBUG if (mDeviceState != kInstructionWrite && mDeviceState != kInstructionWritten) DebugLog("[%04x:%04x]: State \"%s\" --> \"%s\".\n", mVendorId, mProductId, getState(previousState), getState(mDeviceState)); previousState = mDeviceState; #endif // Break out when done if (mDeviceState == kUpdateAborted || mDeviceState == kUpdateComplete) break; // Note on following switch/case: // use 'break' when a response from io completion callback is expected // use 'continue' when a change of state with no expected response (loop again) switch (mDeviceState) { case kInitialize: hciCommand(&HCI_VSC_READ_VERBOSE_CONFIG, sizeof(HCI_VSC_READ_VERBOSE_CONFIG)); break; case kFirmwareVersion: // Unable to retrieve firmware store if (!(firmwareStore = getFirmwareStore())) { mDeviceState = kUpdateAborted; continue; } instructions = firmwareStore->getFirmware(OSDynamicCast(OSString, getProperty(kFirmwareKey))); // Unable to retrieve firmware instructions if (!instructions) { mDeviceState = kUpdateAborted; continue; } // Initiate firmware upgrade hciCommand(&HCI_VSC_DOWNLOAD_MINIDRIVER, sizeof(HCI_VSC_DOWNLOAD_MINIDRIVER)); break; case kMiniDriverComplete: // Write firmware data to bulk pipe iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(instructions); if (!iterator) { mDeviceState = kUpdateAborted; continue; } // If this IOSleep is not issued, the device is not ready to receive // the firmware instructions and we will deadlock due to lack of // responses. IOSleep(10); // Write first 2 instructions to trigger response if ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, iterator->getNextObject()))) bulkWrite(data->getBytesNoCopy(), data->getLength()); if ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, iterator->getNextObject()))) bulkWrite(data->getBytesNoCopy(), data->getLength()); break; case kInstructionWrite: // should never happen, but would cause a crash if (!iterator) { mDeviceState = kUpdateAborted; continue; } if ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, iterator->getNextObject()))) bulkWrite(data->getBytesNoCopy(), data->getLength()); else // Firmware data fully written hciCommand(&HCI_VSC_END_OF_RECORD, sizeof(HCI_VSC_END_OF_RECORD)); break; case kInstructionWritten: mDeviceState = kInstructionWrite; continue; case kFirmwareWritten: hciCommand(&HCI_RESET, sizeof(HCI_RESET)); break; case kResetComplete: resetDevice(); getDeviceStatus(); mDeviceState = kUpdateComplete; continue; case kUnknown: case kUpdateComplete: case kUpdateAborted: DebugLog("Error: kUnkown/kUpdateComplete/kUpdateAborted cases should be unreachable.\n"); break; } // queue async read if (!continuousRead()) { mDeviceState = kUpdateAborted; continue; } // wait for completion of the async read IOLockSleep(mCompletionLock, NULL, 0); } IOLockUnlock(mCompletionLock); OSSafeRelease(iterator); return mDeviceState == kUpdateComplete; }
CFileSystem::CFileSystem(ILowLevelFileSystem *apLowLevelFileSystem) { mpLowLevelFileSystem = apLowLevelFileSystem; DebugLog("CFileSystem::CFileSystem"); };
std::string mod_ui::get_information( MOD_INFORMATION *mod ) { if( mod == NULL ) { return ""; } std::string modident = mod->ident; std::string note = ( !mm_tree->is_available( modident ) ) ? mm_tree->get_node( modident )->s_errors() : ""; std::ostringstream info; // color the note red! if( !note.empty() ) { std::stringstream newnote; newnote << "<color_red>" << note << "</color>"; note = newnote.str(); } std::vector<std::string> dependencies = mod->dependencies; std::vector<std::string> authors = mod->authors; std::string description = mod->description; std::string dependency_string = ""; if( !dependencies.empty() ) { DebugLog( D_PEDANTIC_INFO, DC_ALL ) << mod->name << " Dependencies --"; for( size_t i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); ++i ) { if( i > 0 ) { //~ delimiter for mod dependency enumeration dependency_string += pgettext( "mod manager", ", " ); } DebugLog( D_PEDANTIC_INFO, DC_ALL ) << "\t" << dependencies[i]; if( active_manager->mod_map.find( dependencies[i] ) != active_manager->mod_map.end() ) { dependency_string += "[" + active_manager->mod_map[dependencies[i]]->name + "]"; } else { dependency_string += "[<color_red>" + dependencies[i] + "</color>]"; } } DebugLog( D_PEDANTIC_INFO, DC_ALL ) << "\n"; } std::string author_string = ""; if( !authors.empty() ) { for( size_t i = 0; i < authors.size(); ++i ) { if( i > 0 ) { //~ delimiter for mod author enumeration author_string += pgettext( "mod manager", ", " ); } author_string += authors[i]; } info << string_format( ngettext( "Author: %s\n", "Authors: %s\n", authors.size() ), author_string.c_str() ); } else { info << _( "Authors: [UNKNOWN]\n" ); } if( !dependencies.empty() ) { info << string_format( ngettext( "Dependency: %s\n", "Dependencies: %s\n", dependencies.size() ), dependency_string.c_str() ); } else { info << _( "Dependencies: [NONE]\n" ); } if( !description.empty() ) { info << string_format( _( "Description: %s\n" ), description.c_str() ); } else { info << _( "Description: [NONE]\n" ); } if( mod->_type == MT_SUPPLEMENTAL && !note.empty() ) { info << note; } #ifndef LUA if( mod->need_lua ) { std::string lua_msg = ""; lua_msg += "<color_red>"; lua_msg += _( "This mod requires Lua but your CDDA build doesn't support it!" ); lua_msg += "</color>"; info << lua_msg; } #endif return info.str(); }
//Basic Init, create the font, backbuffer, etc WINDOW *curses_init(void) { // _windows = new WINDOW[20]; //initialize all of our variables lastchar=-1; inputdelay=-1; int fontsize = 16; std::string typeface; int map_fontwidth = 8; int map_fontheight = 16; int map_fontsize = 16; std::string map_typeface; int overmap_fontwidth = 8; int overmap_fontheight = 16; int overmap_fontsize = 16; std::string overmap_typeface; bool fontblending; std::ifstream jsonstream(FILENAMES["fontdata"].c_str(), std::ifstream::binary); if (jsonstream.good()) { JsonIn json(jsonstream); JsonObject config = json.get_object(); // fontsize, fontblending, map_* are ignored in wincurse. fontwidth = config.get_int("fontwidth", fontwidth); fontheight = config.get_int("fontheight", fontheight); typeface = config.get_string("typeface", typeface); jsonstream.close(); } else { // User fontdata is missed. Try to load legacy fontdata. // Get and save all values. With unused. std::ifstream InStream(FILENAMES["legacy_fontdata"].c_str(), std::ifstream::binary); if(InStream.good()) { JsonIn jIn(InStream); JsonObject config = jIn.get_object(); fontwidth = config.get_int("fontwidth", fontwidth); fontheight = config.get_int("fontheight", fontheight); fontsize = config.get_int("fontsize", fontsize); typeface = config.get_string("typeface", typeface); map_fontwidth = config.get_int("map_fontwidth", fontwidth); map_fontheight = config.get_int("map_fontheight", fontheight); map_fontsize = config.get_int("map_fontsize", fontsize); map_typeface = config.get_string("map_typeface", typeface); overmap_fontwidth = config.get_int("overmap_fontwidth", fontwidth); overmap_fontheight = config.get_int("overmap_fontheight", fontheight); overmap_fontsize = config.get_int("overmap_fontsize", fontsize); overmap_typeface = config.get_string("overmap_typeface", typeface); InStream.close(); // Save legacy as user fontdata. assure_dir_exist(FILENAMES["config_dir"]); std::ofstream OutStream(FILENAMES["fontdata"].c_str(), std::ofstream::binary); if(!OutStream.good()) { DebugLog( D_ERROR, DC_ALL ) << "Can't save user fontdata file.\n" << "Check permissions for: " << FILENAMES["fontdata"].c_str(); return NULL; } JsonOut jOut(OutStream, true); // pretty-print jOut.start_object(); jOut.member("fontblending", fontblending); jOut.member("fontwidth", fontwidth); jOut.member("fontheight", fontheight); jOut.member("fontsize", fontsize); jOut.member("typeface", typeface); jOut.member("map_fontwidth", map_fontwidth); jOut.member("map_fontheight", map_fontheight); jOut.member("map_fontsize", map_fontsize); jOut.member("map_typeface", map_typeface); jOut.member("overmap_fontwidth", overmap_fontwidth); jOut.member("overmap_fontheight", overmap_fontheight); jOut.member("overmap_fontsize", overmap_fontsize); jOut.member("overmap_typeface", overmap_typeface); jOut.end_object(); OutStream << "\n"; OutStream.close(); } else { DebugLog( D_ERROR, DC_ALL ) << "Can't load fontdata files.\n" << "Check permissions for:\n" << FILENAMES["legacy_fontdata"].c_str() << "\n" << FILENAMES["fontdata"].c_str() << "\n"; return NULL; } } halfwidth=fontwidth / 2; halfheight=fontheight / 2; WindowWidth= OPTIONS["TERMINAL_X"] * fontwidth; WindowHeight = OPTIONS["TERMINAL_Y"] * fontheight; WinCreate(); //Create the actual window, register it, etc timeBeginPeriod(1); // Set Sleep resolution to 1ms CheckMessages(); //Let the message queue handle setting up the window WindowDC = GetDC(WindowHandle); backbuffer = CreateCompatibleDC(WindowDC); BITMAPINFO bmi = BITMAPINFO(); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = WindowWidth; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -WindowHeight; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; // Raw RGB bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = WindowWidth * WindowHeight * 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 16; // Colors in the palette bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 16; // Colors in the palette backbit = CreateDIBSection(0, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&dcbits, NULL, 0); DeleteObject(SelectObject(backbuffer, backbit));//load the buffer into DC // Load private fonts if (SetCurrentDirectoryW(L"data\\font")){ WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; for (HANDLE findFont = FindFirstFileW(L".\\*", &findData); findFont != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ) { if (!(findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)){ // Skip folders AddFontResourceExW(findData.cFileName, FR_PRIVATE,NULL); } if (!FindNextFile(findFont, &findData)){ FindClose(findFont); break; } } SetCurrentDirectoryW(L"..\\.."); } // Use desired font, if possible font = CreateFontW(fontheight, fontwidth, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, PROOF_QUALITY, FF_MODERN, widen(typeface).c_str()); SetBkMode(backbuffer, TRANSPARENT);//Transparent font backgrounds SelectObject(backbuffer, font);//Load our font into the DC // WindowCount=0; init_colors(); mainwin = newwin(OPTIONS["TERMINAL_Y"],OPTIONS["TERMINAL_X"],0,0); return mainwin; //create the 'stdscr' window and return its ref }
void CodecCommanderClient::stop(IOService * provider) { DebugLog("Client::stop\n"); super::stop(provider); }
static void gui_focus_event(winlist_t *win, XEvent *event) { switch (event->type) { case MapNotify: DebugLog(1, ("MapNotify\n")); if (!tray_init) { XUnmapWindow(gui->display, win->window); alarm(1); } break; case UnmapNotify: DebugLog(1, ("UnMapNotify\n")); break; case ReparentNotify: DebugLog(1, ("ReparentNotify Root(%d), Event_win(%d), Parent_Win(%d)\n", gui->root, event->xreparent.event, event->xreparent.parent)); parent_window = event->xreparent.parent; if (parent_window == gui->root) { DebugLog(1, ("Escape Manager Window\n")); tray_init = False; } break; case ConfigureNotify: case MotionNotify: /* Mouse Over */ { XConfigureEvent *e = &event->xconfigure; DebugLog(1, ("(my %d) ConfigureNotify manager=%d, Window=%d, x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d, border_w:%d, aboveWin=%d, override=%d\n",win->window, manager_window, e->window, e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height, e->border_width, e->above, e->override_redirect)); // width, height 會被改變,所以這裡要偵測大小是否被改變了 // 有的話要重新把圖示放在新的範圍中間 if (win->window == e->window && (win->width != e->width || win->height != e->height)) { DebugLog(1, ("Window size changed!\n")); /* int sw = (e->width - win->width) / 2; int sh = (e->height - win->height) / 2; int new_x = (sw > 1) ? sw : 0; int new_y = (sh > 1) ? sh : 0; XMoveWindow(gui->display, win->window, new_x, new_y); */ win->width = e->width; win->height = e->height; } gui_reread_resolution(win); } break; // case MotionNotify: /* Mouse Over */ // break; case EnterNotify: /* Mouse In */ DebugLog(1, ("EnterNotify\n")); if (!gui_msgbox_actived() && !gui_menu_actived() ) { static char s[20]; strcpy(s, "OXIM"); strcat(s, " "); strcat(s, oxim_version()); gui_show_msgbox(win, s); } break; case LeaveNotify: /* Mouse Out */ if (gui_msgbox_actived()) { gui_hide_msgbox(win); } break; case Expose: DebugLog(1, ("Expose count=%d\n", event->xexpose.count)); if (event->xexpose.count == 0) { gui_tray_draw(win); } break; case ButtonPress: /* 按下滑鼠按鍵 */ if (event->xbutton.button == Button1) { if (gui_msgbox_actived()) { gui_hide_msgbox(win); } if (gui_menu_actived()) { gui_hide_menu(); } else { gui_show_menu(win); } } break; case ClientMessage: /* Client message */ if (event->xclient.message_type == xembed_atom) { DebugLog(1, ("in tray %d\n", event->[1])); } else { DebugLog(1, ("Unknow Client message -> %d\n", event->xclient.message_type)); } break; case PropertyNotify: DebugLog(1, ("PropertyNotify\n")); break; case DestroyNotify: DebugLog(1, ("DestroyNotify\n")); break; default: DebugLog(1, ("tray win event %d\n", event->type)); } }
int cbDebuggerPlugin::RunNixConsole(wxString &consoleTty) { consoleTty = wxEmptyString; #ifndef __WXMSW__ // Start a terminal and put the shell to sleep with -e sleep 80000. // Fetch the terminal's tty, so we can tell the debugger what TTY to use, // thus redirecting program's stdin/stdout/stderr to the terminal. wxString cmd; int consolePid = 0; // Use the terminal specified by the user in the Settings -> Environment. wxString term = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("app"))->Read(_T("/console_terminal"), DEFAULT_CONSOLE_TERM); term.Replace(_T("$TITLE"), wxString(wxT("'"))+_("Program Console")+wxT("'")); cmd << term << _T(" "); const wxString &sleepCommand = MakeSleepCommand(); cmd << sleepCommand; Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceEnvVars(cmd); // The lifetime of wxProcess objects is very uncertain, so we are using a shared pointer to // prevent us accessing deleted objects. cb::shared_ptr<ConsoleProcessTerminationInfo> processInfo(new ConsoleProcessTerminationInfo); ConsoleProcess *process = new ConsoleProcess(processInfo); consolePid = wxExecute(cmd, wxEXEC_ASYNC, process); if (consolePid <= 0) return -1; // Try to find the TTY. We're using a loop, because some slow machines might make the check fail due // to a slow starting terminal. for (int ii = 0; ii < 100; ++ii) { // First, wait for the terminal to settle down, else PS won't see the sleep task Manager::Yield(); ::wxMilliSleep(200); // Try to detect if the terminal command is present or its parameters are valid. if (processInfo->FailedToStart() /*&& ii > 0*/) { Log(F(wxT("Failed to execute terminal command: '%s' (exit code: %d)"), cmd.wx_str(), processInfo->status), Logger::error); break; } // Try to find tty path and pid for the sleep command we've just executed. const ConsoleInfo &info = GetConsoleTty(consolePid); // If there is no sleep command yet, do another iteration after a small delay. if (!info.IsValid()) continue; // Try to find if the console window is still alive. Newer terminals like gnome-terminal // try to be easier on resources and use a shared server process. For these terminals the // spawned terminal process exits immediately, but the sleep command is still executed. // If we detect such case we will return the PID for the sleep command instead of the PID // for the terminal. if (kill(consolePid, 0) == -1 && errno == ESRCH) { DebugLog(F(wxT("Using sleep command's PID as console PID %d, TTY %s"), info.sleepPID, info.ttyPath.wx_str())); consoleTty = info.ttyPath; return info.sleepPID; } else { DebugLog(F(wxT("Using terminal's PID as console PID %d, TTY %s"), info.sleepPID, info.ttyPath.wx_str())); consoleTty = info.ttyPath; return consolePid; } } // failed to find the console tty if (consolePid != 0) ::wxKill(consolePid); #endif // !__WWXMSW__ return -1; }
void LobbyReceiveHandler::sessionIn(const ConnectInfo* connectInfo) { DebugLog("LobbyReceiveHandler::sessionIn"); }
int CEncryptedDatagramSocket::DecryptReceivedClient(BYTE* pbyBufIn, int nBufLen, BYTE** ppbyBufOut, uint32 dwIP, uint32* nReceiverVerifyKey, uint32* nSenderVerifyKey) const{ int nResult = nBufLen; *ppbyBufOut = pbyBufIn; if (nReceiverVerifyKey == NULL || nSenderVerifyKey == NULL){ ASSERT( false ); return nResult; } *nReceiverVerifyKey = 0; *nSenderVerifyKey = 0; if (nResult <= CRYPT_HEADER_WITHOUTPADDING /*|| !thePrefs.IsClientCryptLayerSupported()*/) return nResult; switch (pbyBufIn[0]){ case OP_EMULEPROT: case OP_KADEMLIAPACKEDPROT: case OP_KADEMLIAHEADER: case OP_UDPRESERVEDPROT1: case OP_UDPRESERVEDPROT2: case OP_PACKEDPROT: return nResult; // no encrypted packet (see description on top) } // might be an encrypted packet, try to decrypt RC4_Key_Struct keyReceiveKey; uint32 dwValue = 0; // check the marker bit which type this packet could be and which key to test first, this is only an indicator since old clients have it set random // see the header for marker bits explanation byte byCurrentTry = ((pbyBufIn[0] & 0x03) == 3) ? 1 : (pbyBufIn[0] & 0x03); byte byTries; if (Kademlia::CKademlia::GetPrefs() == NULL) { // if kad never run, no point in checking anything except for ed2k encryption byTries = 1; byCurrentTry = 1; } else byTries = 3; bool bKadRecvKeyUsed = false; bool bKad = false; do{ byTries--; MD5Sum md5; if (byCurrentTry == 0) { // kad packet with NodeID as key bKad = true; bKadRecvKeyUsed = false; if (Kademlia::CKademlia::GetPrefs()) { uchar achKeyData[18]; memcpy(achKeyData, Kademlia::CKademlia::GetPrefs()->GetKadID().GetData(), 16); memcpy(achKeyData + 16, pbyBufIn + 1, 2); // random key part sent from remote client md5.Calculate(achKeyData, sizeof(achKeyData)); } } else if (byCurrentTry == 1) { // ed2k packet bKad = false; bKadRecvKeyUsed = false; uchar achKeyData[23]; md4cpy(achKeyData, thePrefs.GetUserHash()); achKeyData[20] = MAGICVALUE_UDP; memcpy(achKeyData + 16, &dwIP, 4); memcpy(achKeyData + 21, pbyBufIn + 1, 2); // random key part sent from remote client md5.Calculate(achKeyData, sizeof(achKeyData)); } else if (byCurrentTry == 2) { // kad packet with ReceiverKey as key bKad = true; bKadRecvKeyUsed = true; if (Kademlia::CKademlia::GetPrefs()) { uchar achKeyData[6]; PokeUInt32(achKeyData, Kademlia::CPrefs::GetUDPVerifyKey(dwIP)); memcpy(achKeyData + 4, pbyBufIn + 1, 2); // random key part sent from remote client md5.Calculate(achKeyData, sizeof(achKeyData)); } } else ASSERT( false ); RC4CreateKey(md5.GetRawHash(), 16, &keyReceiveKey, true); RC4Crypt(pbyBufIn + 3, (uchar*)&dwValue, sizeof(dwValue), &keyReceiveKey); byCurrentTry = (byCurrentTry + 1) % 3; } while (dwValue != MAGICVALUE_UDP_SYNC_CLIENT && byTries > 0); // try to decrypt as ed2k as well as kad packet if needed (max 3 rounds) if (dwValue == MAGICVALUE_UDP_SYNC_CLIENT){ // yup this is an encrypted packet // debugoutput notices // the following cases are "allowed" but shouldn't happen given that there is only our implementation yet if (bKad && (pbyBufIn[0] & 0x01) != 0) DebugLog(_T("Received obfuscated UDP packet from clientIP: %s with wrong key marker bits (kad packet, ed2k bit)"), ipstr(dwIP)); else if (bKad && !bKadRecvKeyUsed && (pbyBufIn[0] & 0x02) != 0) DebugLog(_T("Received obfuscated UDP packet from clientIP: %s with wrong key marker bits (kad packet, nodeid key, recvkey bit)"), ipstr(dwIP)); else if (bKad && bKadRecvKeyUsed && (pbyBufIn[0] & 0x02) == 0) DebugLog(_T("Received obfuscated UDP packet from clientIP: %s with wrong key marker bits (kad packet, recvkey key, nodeid bit)"), ipstr(dwIP)); uint8 byPadLen; RC4Crypt(pbyBufIn + 7, (uchar*)&byPadLen, 1, &keyReceiveKey); nResult -= CRYPT_HEADER_WITHOUTPADDING; if (nResult <= byPadLen){ DebugLogError(_T("Invalid obfuscated UDP packet from clientIP: %s, Paddingsize (%u) larger than received bytes"), ipstr(dwIP), byPadLen); return nBufLen; // pass through, let the Receivefunction do the errorhandling on this junk } if (byPadLen > 0) RC4Crypt(NULL, NULL, byPadLen, &keyReceiveKey); nResult -= byPadLen; if (bKad){ if (nResult <= 8){ DebugLogError(_T("Obfuscated Kad packet with mismatching size (verify keys missing) received from clientIP: %s"), ipstr(dwIP)); return nBufLen; // pass through, let the Receivefunction do the errorhandling on this junk; } // read the verify keys RC4Crypt(pbyBufIn + CRYPT_HEADER_WITHOUTPADDING + byPadLen, (uchar*)nReceiverVerifyKey, 4, &keyReceiveKey); RC4Crypt(pbyBufIn + CRYPT_HEADER_WITHOUTPADDING + byPadLen + 4, (uchar*)nSenderVerifyKey, 4, &keyReceiveKey); nResult -= 8; } *ppbyBufOut = pbyBufIn + (nBufLen - nResult); RC4Crypt((uchar*)*ppbyBufOut, (uchar*)*ppbyBufOut, nResult, &keyReceiveKey); //Xman // Maella -Accurate measure of bandwidth: eDonkey data + control, network adapter- /* theStats.AddDownDataOverheadCrypt(nBufLen - nResult); */ theApp.pBandWidthControl->AddeMuleInObfuscation(nBufLen - nResult); //Xman end //DEBUG_ONLY( DebugLog(_T("Received obfuscated UDP packet from clientIP: %s, Key: %s, RKey: %u, SKey: %u"), ipstr(dwIP), bKad ? (bKadRecvKeyUsed ? _T("ReceiverKey") : _T("NodeID")) : _T("UserHash") // , nReceiverVerifyKey != 0 ? *nReceiverVerifyKey : 0, nSenderVerifyKey != 0 ? *nSenderVerifyKey : 0) ); return nResult; // done } else{ DebugLogWarning(_T("Obfuscated packet expected but magicvalue mismatch on UDP packet from clientIP: %s, Possible RecvKey: %u"), ipstr(dwIP), Kademlia::CPrefs::GetUDPVerifyKey(dwIP)); return nBufLen; // pass through, let the Receivefunction do the errorhandling on this junk } }
void CClientList::Process() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cleanup banned client list // const uint32 cur_tick = ::GetTickCount(); if (m_dwLastBannCleanUp + BAN_CLEANUP_TIME < cur_tick) { m_dwLastBannCleanUp = cur_tick; POSITION pos = m_bannedList.GetStartPosition(); uint32 nKey; uint32 dwBantime; while (pos != NULL) { m_bannedList.GetNextAssoc( pos, nKey, dwBantime ); if (dwBantime + CLIENTBANTIME < cur_tick ) RemoveBannedClient(nKey); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cleanup tracked client list // if (m_dwLastTrackedCleanUp + TRACKED_CLEANUP_TIME < cur_tick) { m_dwLastTrackedCleanUp = cur_tick; if (thePrefs.GetLogBannedClients()) AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Cleaning up TrackedClientList, %i clients on List..."), m_trackedClientsList.GetCount()); POSITION pos = m_trackedClientsList.GetStartPosition(); uint32 nKey; CDeletedClient* pResult; while (pos != NULL) { m_trackedClientsList.GetNextAssoc( pos, nKey, pResult ); if (pResult->m_dwInserted + KEEPTRACK_TIME < cur_tick ){ m_trackedClientsList.RemoveKey(nKey); delete pResult; } } if (thePrefs.GetLogBannedClients()) AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("...done, %i clients left on list"), m_trackedClientsList.GetCount()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process Kad client list // //We need to try to connect to the clients in m_KadList //If connected, remove them from the list and send a message back to Kad so we can send a ACK. //If we don't connect, we need to remove the client.. //The sockets timeout should delete this object. //MORPH START - Removed by Stulle, Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd] /* POSITION pos1, pos2; */ //MORPH END - Removed by Stulle, Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd] // buddy is just a flag that is used to make sure we are still connected or connecting to a buddy. buddyState buddy = Disconnected; //MORPH START - Changed by Stulle, Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd] /* for (pos1 = m_KadList.GetHeadPosition(); (pos2 = pos1) != NULL; ) { m_KadList.GetNext(pos1); CUpDownClient* cur_client = m_KadList.GetAt(pos2); */ for (POSITION pos = m_KadList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { POSITION posLast = pos; CUpDownClient* cur_client = m_KadList.GetNext(pos); //MORPH END - Changed by Stulle, Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd] if( !Kademlia::CKademlia::IsRunning() ) { //Clear out this list if we stop running Kad. //Setting the Kad state to KS_NONE causes it to be removed in the switch below. cur_client->SetKadState(KS_NONE); } switch(cur_client->GetKadState()) { case KS_QUEUED_FWCHECK: case KS_QUEUED_FWCHECK_UDP: //Another client asked us to try to connect to them to check their firewalled status. cur_client->TryToConnect(true, true); break; case KS_CONNECTING_FWCHECK: //Ignore this state as we are just waiting for results. break; case KS_FWCHECK_UDP: case KS_CONNECTING_FWCHECK_UDP: // we want a UDP firewallcheck from this client and are just waiting to get connected to send the request break; case KS_CONNECTED_FWCHECK: //We successfully connected to the client. //We now send a ack to let them know. if (cur_client->GetKadVersion() >= KADEMLIA_VERSION7_49a){ // the result is now sent per TCP instead of UDP, because this will fail if our intern UDP port is unreachable. // But we want the TCP testresult regardless if UDP is firewalled, the new UDP state and test takes care of the rest ASSERT( cur_client->socket != NULL && cur_client->socket->IsConnected() ); if (thePrefs.GetDebugClientTCPLevel() > 0) DebugSend("OP_KAD_FWTCPCHECK_ACK", cur_client); Packet* pPacket = new Packet(OP_KAD_FWTCPCHECK_ACK, 0, OP_EMULEPROT); if (!cur_client->SafeConnectAndSendPacket(pPacket)) cur_client = NULL; } else { if (thePrefs.GetDebugClientKadUDPLevel() > 0) DebugSend("KADEMLIA_FIREWALLED_ACK_RES", cur_client->GetIP(), cur_client->GetKadPort()); Kademlia::CKademlia::GetUDPListener()->SendNullPacket(KADEMLIA_FIREWALLED_ACK_RES, ntohl(cur_client->GetIP()), cur_client->GetKadPort(), 0, NULL); } //We are done with this client. Set Kad status to KS_NONE and it will be removed in the next cycle. if (cur_client != NULL) cur_client->SetKadState(KS_NONE); break; case KS_INCOMING_BUDDY: //A firewalled client wants us to be his buddy. //If we already have a buddy, we set Kad state to KS_NONE and it's removed in the next cycle. //If not, this client will change to KS_CONNECTED_BUDDY when it connects. if( m_nBuddyStatus == Connected ) cur_client->SetKadState(KS_NONE); break; case KS_QUEUED_BUDDY: //We are firewalled and want to request this client to be a buddy. //But first we check to make sure we are not already trying another client. //If we are not already trying. We try to connect to this client. //If we are already connected to a buddy, we set this client to KS_NONE and it's removed next cycle. //If we are trying to connect to a buddy, we just ignore as the one we are trying may fail and we can then try this one. if( m_nBuddyStatus == Disconnected ) { buddy = Connecting; m_nBuddyStatus = Connecting; cur_client->SetKadState(KS_CONNECTING_BUDDY); cur_client->TryToConnect(true, true); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } else if( m_nBuddyStatus == Connected ) cur_client->SetKadState(KS_NONE); break; case KS_CONNECTING_BUDDY: //We are trying to connect to this client. //Although it should NOT happen, we make sure we are not already connected to a buddy. //If we are we set to KS_NONE and it's removed next cycle. //But if we are not already connected, make sure we set the flag to connecting so we know //things are working correctly. if( m_nBuddyStatus == Connected ) cur_client->SetKadState(KS_NONE); else { ASSERT( m_nBuddyStatus == Connecting ); buddy = Connecting; } break; case KS_CONNECTED_BUDDY: //A potential connected buddy client wanting to me in the Kad network //We set our flag to connected to make sure things are still working correctly. buddy = Connected; //If m_nBuddyStatus is not connected already, we set this client as our buddy! if( m_nBuddyStatus != Connected ) { m_pBuddy = cur_client; m_nBuddyStatus = Connected; theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } if( m_pBuddy == cur_client && theApp.IsFirewalled() && cur_client->SendBuddyPingPong() ) { if (thePrefs.GetDebugClientTCPLevel() > 0) DebugSend("OP__BuddyPing", cur_client); Packet* buddyPing = new Packet(OP_BUDDYPING, 0, OP_EMULEPROT); theStats.AddUpDataOverheadOther(buddyPing->size); VERIFY( cur_client->SendPacket(buddyPing, true, true) ); cur_client->SetLastBuddyPingPongTime(); } break; default: //MORPH START - Changed by Stulle, Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd] /* RemoveFromKadList(cur_client); */ //removed function overhead if(cur_client == m_pBuddy) { //MORPH START - Added by Stulle, Fix for setting buddy state on removing buddy [WiZaRd] buddy = Disconnected; m_nBuddyStatus = Disconnected; //MORPH END - Added by Stulle, Fix for setting buddy state on removing buddy [WiZaRd] m_pBuddy = NULL; theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } m_KadList.RemoveAt(posLast); //MORPH END - Changed by Stulle, Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd] } } //We either never had a buddy, or lost our buddy.. if( buddy == Disconnected ) { if( m_nBuddyStatus != Disconnected || m_pBuddy ) { if( Kademlia::CKademlia::IsRunning() && theApp.IsFirewalled() && Kademlia::CUDPFirewallTester::IsFirewalledUDP(true)) { //We are a lowID client and we just lost our buddy. //Go ahead and instantly try to find a new buddy. Kademlia::CKademlia::GetPrefs()->SetFindBuddy(); } m_pBuddy = NULL; m_nBuddyStatus = Disconnected; theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } } if ( Kademlia::CKademlia::IsConnected() ) { //we only need a buddy if direct callback is not available if( Kademlia::CKademlia::IsFirewalled() && Kademlia::CUDPFirewallTester::IsFirewalledUDP(true)) { //TODO 0.49b: Kad buddies won'T work with RequireCrypt, so it is disabled for now but should (and will) //be fixed in later version // Update: Buddy connections itself support obfuscation properly since 0.49a (this makes it work fine if our buddy uses require crypt) // ,however callback requests don't support it yet so we wouldn't be able to answer callback requests with RequireCrypt, protocolchange intended for the next version if( m_nBuddyStatus == Disconnected && Kademlia::CKademlia::GetPrefs()->GetFindBuddy() && !thePrefs.IsClientCryptLayerRequired()) { DEBUG_ONLY( DebugLog(_T("Starting Buddysearch")) ); //We are a firewalled client with no buddy. We have also waited a set time //to try to avoid a false firewalled status.. So lets look for a buddy.. if( !Kademlia::CSearchManager::PrepareLookup(Kademlia::CSearch::FINDBUDDY, true, Kademlia::CUInt128(true).Xor(Kademlia::CKademlia::GetPrefs()->GetKadID())) ) { //This search ID was already going. Most likely reason is that //we found and lost our buddy very quickly and the last search hadn't //had time to be removed yet. Go ahead and set this to happen again //next time around. Kademlia::CKademlia::GetPrefs()->SetFindBuddy(); } } } else { if( m_pBuddy ) { //Lets make sure that if we have a buddy, they are firewalled! //If they are also not firewalled, then someone must have fixed their firewall or stopped saturating their line.. //We just set the state of this buddy to KS_NONE and things will be cleared up with the next cycle. if( !m_pBuddy->HasLowID() ) m_pBuddy->SetKadState(KS_NONE); } } } else { if( m_pBuddy ) { //We are not connected anymore. Just set this buddy to KS_NONE and things will be cleared out on next cycle. m_pBuddy->SetKadState(KS_NONE); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cleanup client list // CleanUpClientList(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process Direct Callbacks for Timeouts // ProcessConnectingClientsList(); }
// |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| // | Copy Constructor | // |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ParticleSystem::ParticleSystem(const ParticleSystem&) { DebugLog ("ParticleSystem: object copied."); }
void CBSlideBar::onButtonClick(CBView* target, int index) { DebugLog("click [%d] button in CBSlideBar\n",index); if(m_buttonClick) m_buttonClick->invoke(target,index); }
void CMMI::Communication(void) { COMM_BUFFER mmiToSeq; if(FALSE == m_kamelas.Recv((PBYTE)&mmiToSeq)) return; switch(mmiToSeq.nCmd) { case CMD_RD_PKG_DATA: { int nSize = sizeof(double) * MAX_PKG_DATA; double* pOrigin = &g_nv.m_pNVdata->dbPkgData[0]; double* pTarget = &mmiToSeq.buffer.pkgData.dData[0]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_WR_PKG_DATA: { int nStart = mmiToSeq.buffer.pkgData.nStart; int nEnd = mmiToSeq.buffer.pkgData.nEnd; int nSize = GetSize(nStart, nEnd, sizeof(double), MAX_PKG_DATA); if(nSize < 0) { DebugLog(L"CMD_WR_PKG_DATA fail : range err!!"); break; } double* pOrigin = &mmiToSeq.buffer.pkgData.dData[nStart]; double* pTarget = &g_nv.m_pNVdata->dbPkgData[nStart]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_RD_NDM: { int nSize = sizeof(int) * MAX_NDM_DATA; int* pOrigin = &g_nv.m_pNVdata->nDmData[0]; int* pTarget = &mmiToSeq.buffer.nDm.nData[0]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_WR_NDM: { int nStart = mmiToSeq.buffer.nDm.nStart; int nEnd = mmiToSeq.buffer.nDm.nEnd; int nSize = GetSize(nStart, nEnd, sizeof(int), MAX_NDM_DATA); if(nSize < 0) { DebugLog(L"CMD_WR_NDM fail : range err!!"); break; } int* pOrigin = &mmiToSeq.buffer.nDm.nData[nStart]; int* pTarget = &g_nv.m_pNVdata->nDmData[nStart]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_RD_DDM: { int nSize = sizeof(double) * MAX_DDM_DATA; double* pOrigin = &g_nv.m_pNVdata->dbDmData[0]; double* pTarget = &mmiToSeq.buffer.dDm.dData[0]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_WR_DDM: { int nStart = mmiToSeq.buffer.dDm.nStart; int nEnd = mmiToSeq.buffer.dDm.nEnd; int nSize = GetSize(nStart, nEnd, sizeof(double), MAX_DDM_DATA); if(nSize < 0) { DebugLog(L"CMD_WR_DDM fail : range err!!"); break; } double* pOrigin = &mmiToSeq.buffer.dDm.dData[nStart]; double* pTarget = &g_nv.m_pNVdata->dbDmData[nStart]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_RD_USESKIP: { int nSize = sizeof(int) * MAX_USE_SKIP_DATA; int* pOrigin = &g_nv.m_pNVdata->bUseSkipData[0]; int* pTarget = &mmiToSeq.buffer.useSkip.nData[0]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_WR_USESKIP: { int nStart = mmiToSeq.buffer.useSkip.nStart; int nEnd = mmiToSeq.buffer.useSkip.nEnd; int nSize = GetSize(nStart, nEnd, sizeof(int), MAX_USE_SKIP_DATA); if(nSize < 0) { DebugLog(L"CMD_WR_USESKIP fail : range err!!"); break; } int* pOrigin = &mmiToSeq.buffer.useSkip.nData[nStart]; int* pTarget = &g_nv.m_pNVdata->bUseSkipData[nStart]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_RD_IO: { PWORD pTarget, pOrigin; int nSize; nSize = INPUTCH_CNT * sizeof(WORD); pTarget = &[0]; pOrigin = &g_input.m_ch[0]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); nSize = OUTPUTCH_CNT * sizeof(WORD); pTarget = &[0]; pOrigin = &g_output.m_ch[0]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_WR_IO: { if(!g_opr.bStop || g_opr.bPaused) break; int nStart =; int nEnd =; int nSize = GetSize(nStart, nEnd, sizeof(WORD), OUTPUTCH_CNT); if(nSize < 0) { DebugLog(L"CMD_WR_IO fail : range err!!"); break; } WORD* pOrigin = &[nStart]; WORD* pTarget = &g_output.m_ch[nStart]; memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_RD_ERROR: { UINT nSize = sizeof(UINT) * 10; UINT *pTarget = &mmiToSeq.buffer.nErr[0]; UINT *pOrigin = g_err.GetAddr(); memcpy(pTarget, pOrigin, nSize); } break; case CMD_RD_MT_STATUS: { int nMtNo = mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.nMtNo; if(!Between(nMtNo, 0, 19)) break; mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.state.bServoOn = g_mt[nMtNo].m_state.bServoOn; mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.state.bCCw = g_mt[nMtNo].m_state.bLimitCCw; mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.state.bCw = g_mt[nMtNo].m_state.bLimitCw; mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.state.bOrg = g_mt[nMtNo].m_state.bOrg; mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.state.bHome = g_mt[nMtNo].IsHome(); mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.state.bDriving = g_mt[nMtNo].m_state.bDriving; mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.state.bPaused = g_mt[nMtNo].IsPaused(); mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.state.dRealCnt = g_mt[nMtNo].m_state.nRealCnt; mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.state.bAlarm = g_mt[nMtNo].m_state.bAlarm; mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.state.nCurIndex = g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCurIndex; } break; case CMD_WR_MT_CMD: { int nMtNo = mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.nMtNo; if(!Between(nMtNo, 0, 19)) break; int nCmd = mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.control.nControlType; int nIndex = mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.control.nCmdIndexNo; int nDir = mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.control.nDir; int nPulse = (int)(mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.control.dPulse); int nJogVel= g_nv.NDm(jogSpeed); //g_mt[nMtNo].m_config.nFastHomeSpeed; switch(nCmd) { case MTCMD_SERVO_ON: if(!g_opr.bStop) break; g_mt[nMtNo].ServoOn(); break; case MTCMD_SERVO_OFF: if(!g_opr.bStop) break; g_mt[nMtNo].ServoOff(); break; case MTCMD_INDEX_MOVE: if(g_nv.NDm(doorOpen)) { g_err.ChkDoor(); break; } if(!g_opr.bStop || g_opr.bEmg || g_opr.bPaused || g_allHome.m_bStartAll || AOn(iMarkProg)) break; // if(!g_MtSafety.CanMove(nMtNo, nIndex)) // break; if(!g_err.ChkMtSafety(nMtNo, nIndex)) break; // Rear Stage 동기화 Move if (MT_REAR_STAGE == nMtNo) { int nBasePos = g_mt[MT_REAR_STAGE].m_table.nPos[nIndex]; int nTargetPos = nBasePos - (int)(g_nv.Dm(rearStageSyncOffset) * 1000); g_mt[MT_REAR_STAGE].PMove(nIndex, nTargetPos); break; } g_mt[nMtNo].Move(nIndex); break; case MTCMD_JOG_MOVE: if(g_nv.NDm(doorOpen)) { g_err.ChkDoor(); break; } if(!g_opr.bStop || g_opr.bEmg || g_opr.bPaused || g_allHome.m_bStartAll || AOn(iMarkProg)) break; // if(!g_MtSafety.CanMove(nMtNo)) // break; if(g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCmdIndex < MTINDEX_WAIT) { g_mt[nMtNo].m_nNextIndex = g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCmdIndex; g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCmdIndex = g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCurIndex = MTINDEX_WAIT; } if(nDir) g_mt[nMtNo].RMove(200000, nJogVel); //1회 최대 이동량은 200mm else g_mt[nMtNo].RMove(-200000, nJogVel); break; case MTCMD_JOG_STOP: g_mt[nMtNo].Stop(TRUE); break; case MTCMD_R_MOVE: if(g_nv.NDm(doorOpen)) { g_err.ChkDoor(); break; } if(!g_opr.bStop || g_opr.bEmg || g_opr.bPaused || g_allHome.m_bStartAll) break; // if(!g_MtSafety.CanMove(nMtNo)) // break; if(g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCmdIndex < MTINDEX_WAIT) { g_mt[nMtNo].m_nNextIndex = g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCmdIndex; g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCmdIndex = g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCurIndex = MTINDEX_WAIT; } if(nDir) g_mt[nMtNo].RMove(nPulse, nJogVel); else g_mt[nMtNo].RMove(nPulse * (-1), nJogVel); break; case MTCMD_A_MOVE: { if(g_nv.NDm(doorOpen)) { g_err.ChkDoor(); break; } if(!g_opr.bStop || g_opr.bEmg || g_opr.bPaused || g_allHome.m_bStartAll) break; // if(!g_MtSafety.CanMove(nMtNo)) // break; if(g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCmdIndex < MTINDEX_WAIT) { g_mt[nMtNo].m_nNextIndex = g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCmdIndex; g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCmdIndex = g_mt[nMtNo].m_nCurIndex = MTINDEX_WAIT; } int nAMovePos = nPulse - g_mt[nMtNo].m_state.nCmdCnt; g_mt[nMtNo].RMove(nAMovePos); } break; case MTCMD_ALL_HOME: break; case MTCMD_HOME: if(g_nv.NDm(doorOpen)) { g_err.ChkDoor(); break; } if(!g_opr.bStop || g_opr.bEmg || g_opr.bPaused || g_allHome.m_bStartAll) break; // if(!g_MtSafety.CanMove(nMtNo)) // break; g_mt[nMtNo].CancelHomeSearch(); g_mt[nMtNo].StartHomeSearch(); break; case MTCMD_RESET: g_mt[nMtNo].AlarmClear(); break; case MTCMD_STOP: g_mt[nMtNo].Stop(FALSE); break; } } break; case CMD_RD_MTTABLE: { int nMtNo = mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.nMtNo; if(!Between(nMtNo, 0, 19)) break; for(int nIndex = 0; nIndex < MAX_MTARRAY; nIndex++) { mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.table.dPos[nIndex] = g_mt[nMtNo].m_table.nPos[nIndex]; mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.table.dSpeed[nIndex] = g_mt[nMtNo].m_table.nSpeed[nIndex]; } } break; case CMD_WR_MTTABLE: { int nMtNo = mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.nMtNo; if(!Between(nMtNo, 0, 19)) break; for(int nIndex = 0; nIndex < MAX_MTARRAY; nIndex ++) { g_mt[nMtNo].m_table.nPos[nIndex] = (int)(mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.table.dPos[nIndex]); g_mt[nMtNo].m_table.nSpeed[nIndex] = (int)(mmiToSeq.buffer.mtData.table.dSpeed[nIndex]); if(g_mt[nMtNo].m_config.nMaxSpeed < g_mt[nMtNo].m_table.nSpeed[nIndex]) { g_mt[nMtNo].m_table.nSpeed[nIndex] = g_mt[nMtNo].m_config.nMaxSpeed; } } g_nv.WriteMtTable(nMtNo, g_mt[nMtNo].m_table); } break; case CMD_WR_PRSVI: // break; case CMD_RD_MARK_COORD_F: // break; case CMD_RD_MARK_COORD_R: // break; case CMD_WR_ID_SEL_MAP_DATA: { // 초기화 Data(0) 검출.. g_LdMz.m_bSelMapDataInitErr = TRUE; g_LdMz.m_bSelMapDataErr = FALSE; int nMaxCnt = (int)(g_nv.PkgData(unitXcnt) * g_nv.PkgData(unitYcnt) * g_nv.PkgData(blockCount)); for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) { if(i < nMaxCnt) { g_LdMz.m_Info.nSelectMapData[i] = mmiToSeq.buffer.nIdSelMapData[i]; // Data 오류 검출(1 이상의 값은 쓰레기 Data) if(1 < g_LdMz.m_Info.nSelectMapData[i]) g_LdMz.m_bSelMapDataErr = TRUE; if(1 == g_LdMz.m_Info.nSelectMapData[i]) g_LdMz.m_bSelMapDataInitErr = FALSE; } else { g_LdMz.m_Info.nSelectMapData[i] = 0; } } } break; case CMD_RD_MK_SEL_MAP_DATA: { int nMaxCnt = (int)(g_nv.PkgData(unitXcnt) * g_nv.PkgData(unitYcnt) * g_nv.PkgData(blockCount)); BOOL bErr = FALSE; for(int nCnt = 0; nCnt < 300; nCnt++) { if(nCnt < nMaxCnt) { if(1 == g_nv.PkgData(useSkipSelectMap)) mmiToSeq.buffer.nMkSelMapData[nCnt] = g_mkSelMap.nData[nCnt]; else mmiToSeq.buffer.nMkSelMapData[nCnt] = _GOOD_; if(1 < mmiToSeq.buffer.nMkSelMapData[nCnt]) bErr = TRUE; } else { mmiToSeq.buffer.nMkSelMapData[nCnt] = 0; } } if(bErr) g_err.Save(ER_LSR_WRONG_MAP_DATA); } break; case CMD_RD_QC_SEL_MAP_DATA: { int nMaxCnt = (int)(g_nv.PkgData(unitXcnt) * g_nv.PkgData(unitYcnt) * g_nv.PkgData(blockCount)); BOOL bErr = FALSE; for(int nCnt = 0; nCnt < 300; nCnt++) { if(nCnt < nMaxCnt) { if(1 == g_nv.PkgData(useSkipSelectMap)) mmiToSeq.buffer.nQcSelMapData[nCnt] = g_qcSelMap.nData[nCnt]; else mmiToSeq.buffer.nQcSelMapData[nCnt] = _GOOD_; if(1 < mmiToSeq.buffer.nQcSelMapData[nCnt]) bErr = TRUE; } else { mmiToSeq.buffer.nQcSelMapData[nCnt] = 0; } } if(bErr) { g_err.Save(ER_QC_WRONG_MAP_DATA); } } break; } if(FALSE == m_kamelas.Send((PBYTE)&mmiToSeq)) { DebugLog(L"Kamelas Err : Failed to send data!!"); } }