PluginReceiveResult FileListTransfer::OnReceive(Packet *packet) { switch (packet->data[0]) { case ID_FILE_LIST_TRANSFER_HEADER: DecodeSetHeader(packet); return RR_STOP_PROCESSING_AND_DEALLOCATE; case ID_FILE_LIST_TRANSFER_FILE: DecodeFile(packet, true); return RR_STOP_PROCESSING_AND_DEALLOCATE; case ID_FILE_LIST_REFERENCE_PUSH: OnReferencePush(packet, true); return RR_STOP_PROCESSING_AND_DEALLOCATE; case ID_FILE_LIST_REFERENCE_PUSH_ACK: OnReferencePushAck(packet); return RR_STOP_PROCESSING_AND_DEALLOCATE; case ID_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS: if (packet->length>sizeof(MessageID)+sizeof(unsigned int)*3) { if (packet->data[sizeof(MessageID)+sizeof(unsigned int)*3]==ID_FILE_LIST_TRANSFER_FILE) { DecodeFile(packet, false); return RR_STOP_PROCESSING_AND_DEALLOCATE; } if (packet->data[sizeof(MessageID)+sizeof(unsigned int)*3]==ID_FILE_LIST_REFERENCE_PUSH) { OnReferencePush(packet, false); return RR_STOP_PROCESSING_AND_DEALLOCATE; } } break; } return RR_CONTINUE_PROCESSING; }
TEST_P (DecoderOutputTest, CompareOutput) { FileParam p = GetParam(); #if defined(ANDROID_NDK) std::string filename = std::string ("/sdcard/") + p.fileName; DecodeFile (filename.c_str(), this); #else DecodeFile (p.fileName, this); #endif unsigned char digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA1Result (&ctx_, digest); if (!HasFatalFailure()) { CompareHash (digest, p.hashStr); } }
int main() { //Local Declarations of main char actualStr[MAX_CHARS]=""; char codeStr[MAX_CHARS]=""; char forEncodingStr[MAX_CHARS]=""; FILE*infile; FILE*outfile; FILE*codefile; //Prompt user for code file name and read into two strings. while(ReadCodeFile(codefile,actualStr,codeStr)); fputs("Code File Read Successfully\n",stdout); //while loop until the user inputs QUIT or file is NULL while ((infile = OpenFile("Enter the name of the file to encode (or QUIT to end program): ", "r")) != NULL && (outfile = OpenFile("Enter the name of the file to store the encoded data (or QUIT to end the program): ", "w+")) != NULL) { ReadChar(infile,outfile,actualStr,codeStr); //reads infile and outfile and uses the actualStr/codeStr to encode the infile and print to outfile DecodeFile(infile,outfile,actualStr,codeStr); //Decodes outfile by using actualStr and codeStr and compares if it is the same as the text in infile. Prints the decoded line onto standard output fclose(infile); fclose(outfile); } puts("\nEnding program."); return 0; }
TEST_P(DecoderOutputTest, CompareOutput) { FileParam p = GetParam(); DecodeFile(p.fileName, this); unsigned char digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA1Result(&ctx_, digest); if (!HasFatalFailure()) { CompareHash(digest, p.hashStr); } }
u32 ppmd_decompress (void *dest_buffer, const u32 &dest_buffer_size, const void *source_buffer, const u32 &source_buffer_size) { PPMd_Lock(); ppmd_initialize (); stream source(source_buffer,source_buffer_size); stream dest(dest_buffer,dest_buffer_size); DecodeFile (&dest,&source,order_model,restoration_method_cut_off); PPMd_Unlock(); return (dest.tell()); }
PluginReceiveResult FileListTransfer::OnReceive(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet) { switch (packet->data[0]) { case ID_CONNECTION_LOST: case ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: RemoveReceiver(packet->playerId); break; case ID_FILE_LIST_TRANSFER_HEADER: DecodeSetHeader(packet); return RR_STOP_PROCESSING_AND_DEALLOCATE; case ID_FILE_LIST_TRANSFER_FILE: DecodeFile(packet); return RR_STOP_PROCESSING_AND_DEALLOCATE; } return RR_CONTINUE_PROCESSING; }
HRESULT CDecoder::CodeReal(ISequentialInStream *inStream, ISequentialOutStream *outStream, const UInt64 * /* inSize */, const UInt64 * /* outSize */, ICompressProgressInfo *progress) { if (!m_InStream.Create(kBufferSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!m_OutStream.Create(kBufferSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; m_InStream.SetStream(inStream); m_InStream.Init(); m_OutStream.SetStream(outStream); m_OutStream.Init(); CDecoderFlusher flusher(this); bool isBZ; RINOK(DecodeFile(isBZ, progress)); return isBZ ? S_OK: S_FALSE; }
HRESULT CDecoder::CodeReal(ISequentialInStream *inStream, ISequentialOutStream *outStream, ICompressProgressInfo *progress) { IsBz = false; BzWasFinished = false; CrcError = false; try { if (!Base.BitDecoder.Create(kBufferSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!m_OutStream.Create(kBufferSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (inStream) Base.BitDecoder.SetStream(inStream); CDecoderFlusher flusher(this); if (_needInStreamInit) { Base.BitDecoder.Init(); _needInStreamInit = false; } _inStart = Base.BitDecoder.GetProcessedSize(); Base.BitDecoder.AlignToByte(); m_OutStream.SetStream(outStream); m_OutStream.Init(); RINOK(DecodeFile(progress)); flusher.NeedFlush = false; return Flush(); } catch(const CInBufferException &e) { return e.ErrorCode; } catch(const COutBufferException &e) { return e.ErrorCode; } catch(...) { return E_FAIL; } }
HRESULT CDecoder::CodeReal(ISequentialInStream *inStream, ISequentialOutStream *outStream, bool &isBZ, ICompressProgressInfo *progress) { isBZ = false; try { if (!m_InStream.Create(kBufferSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!m_OutStream.Create(kBufferSize)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (inStream) m_InStream.SetStream(inStream); CDecoderFlusher flusher(this, inStream != NULL); if (_needInStreamInit) { m_InStream.Init(); _needInStreamInit = false; } _inStart = m_InStream.GetProcessedSize(); m_InStream.AlignToByte(); m_OutStream.SetStream(outStream); m_OutStream.Init(); RINOK(DecodeFile(isBZ, progress)); flusher.NeedFlush = false; return Flush(); } catch(const CInBufferException &e) { return e.ErrorCode; } catch(const COutBufferException &e) { return e.ErrorCode; } catch(...) { return E_FAIL; } }
main() { struct sockaddr_in server; struct sockaddr_in client; pid_t pid; int sock; int sock_client; int sin_size; int byte_recv; char send_data[1024]; char recv_data[1024]; struct hostent *host; int stat_val; pid_t child_pid; int checkuser, checkpass; huffman_node_t *huffmanTree; /* root of huffman tree */ int opt; char *inFile, *outFile; MODES mode; long numbyte; // number of byte receive // Tao kiem soat tin hieu signal(SIGCHLD, handle_child); if((sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) == -1) { perror("Socket"); exit(0); } server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_port = htons(PORT); server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* Cach Khac Lay LocalHost server.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)host->h_addr); server.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_ntoa(); */ bzero(&(server.sin_zero),8); if(bind(sock,(struct sockaddr*)&server,sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { perror("bind() error!!"); exit(0); } if(listen(sock,BACKLOG) == -1) { perror("Listen() error!!"); exit(0); } while(1) { sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); sock_client = accept(sock,(struct sockaddr*)&client,&sin_size); if( sock_client == -1) { perror("Accept() error!!\n"); exit(0); } // Forking Server pid = fork(); switch(pid) { case -1: //khong the tao them chuong trinh con printf("can't fork()\n"); break; case 0: close(sock); /* Child Socket Listening ; */ printf("Have a connection from:%s\n\n",inet_ntoa(client.sin_addr)); send(sock_client,"\t\tDang nhap he thong!\n\t\tUsername:"******"Username: %s \n" , recv_data); //kiem tra username recv_data[byte_recv-1] = '\0'; if(strcmp(recv_data,"conghoan")!=0) { send(sock_client,"sai",50,0);//neu sai ten checkuser =-1; } else { send(sock_client,"dung",50,0);//neu dung user checkuser =0; } if(checkuser == -1) { //send(sock_client,"0",1,0); send(sock_client,"\tTai khoan nay chua ton tai, nhap Username => Dang ki\n\t\tUsername:"******"New Username: %s \n" , recv_data); send(sock_client,"\tNhap Password => Dang ki\n\t\tPassword:"******"New Password: %s \n" , recv_data); send(sock_client,"Dang ki thanh cong",50,0); close(sock_client); /* Close With terminal of Child Socket */ break; } else { send(sock_client,"\n\t\tPassword:"******"Password: %s \n" , recv_data); //kiem tra password recv_data[byte_recv-1] = '\0'; if(strcmp(recv_data,"conghoan")!=0) { send(sock_client,"sai2",50,0);//sai pass checkpass =-1; } else { send(sock_client,"dung2",50,0);//dung pass checkpass = 0; } if(checkpass == -1)//neu sai { //send(sock_client,"Dang nhap khong thanh cong",50,0); close(sock_client); /* Close With terminal of Child Socket */ break; } else { //menu chuong trinh //send(sock_client,"\t\tWelcome to my server!\n\t\tMenu:\n\t\t1: Ma hoa.\n\t\t2: Giai ma.\n\t\t3: Thoat.",100,0); send(sock_client,"\t\tWelcome to my server!\n\t\tMenu:\n\t\t1: Ma hoa.\n\t\t2: Giai ma.\n\t\t3: Thoat.",200,0); //while(1) //{ byte_recv = recv(sock_client,recv_data,1024,0); recv_data[byte_recv] = '\0'; if(strcmp(recv_data,"3")==0) { close(sock_client); /* Close With terminal of Child Socket */ break; } //if(strcmp(recv_data,"1")==0){ else { printf("\nClient da chon: %s -- Ma hoa\n" , recv_data); //nhan file va luu file FILE *pFileluu; pFileluu = fopen ("mahoa.txt", "wb"); if ((numbyte = recv(sock_client,recv_data,MAXSIZE,0)) == -1) { /* calls recv() */ printf("recv() error\n"); exit(-1); } printf ("Da nhan -%ld-ki tu", numbyte); fwrite(recv_data,1,numbyte,pFileluu);//luu lai file da nhan //fclose(pFileluu); printf("File tu Client da Upload: \n%s\n",recv_data); /* it prints server's welcome message =) */ fclose(pFileluu); //ma hoa DecodeFile(huffmanArray,"mahoa.txt","ketqua.txt"); { FILE * pFile; FILE *pFile1; long lSize; char * buffer; size_t result; int fd, numbytes; /* files descriptors */ char buf[MAXDATASIZE]; /* buf will store received text */ char buf1[MAXDATASIZE]; pFile = fopen ("ketqua.txt", "rb" ); // pFile1 = fopen ("myfile1.txt", "wb"); if (pFile==NULL) { fputs ("File error",stderr); exit (1); } // obtain file size: fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END); lSize = ftell (pFile); rewind (pFile); // allocate memory to contain the whole file: buffer = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*lSize); if (buffer == NULL) { fputs ("Memory error",stderr); exit (2); } // copy the file into the buffer: result = fread (buffer,1,lSize,pFile); if (result != lSize) { fputs ("Reading error",stderr); exit (3); } if ((numbytes = send (sock_client, buffer, lSize, 0)) == -1) { printf ("send()error\n"); exit(-1); } printf("--%ld ki tu da duoc gui di--\n", lSize); printf ("Ket thuc gui\n"); exit(-1); if ((numbytes=recv(fd,buf,MAXDATASIZE,0)) == -1) { /* calls recv() */ printf("recv() error\n"); exit(-1); } } close(sock_client); /* Close With terminal of Child Socket */ break; } } } // if(strcmp(recv_data,"2")==0){//giai ma file // printf("\nClient da chon: %s : Giai ma\n" , recv_data); // //nhan file va hien thi file // if ((numbyte = recv(sock_client,recv_data,MAXSIZE,0)) == -1){ /* calls recv() */ // printf("recv() error\n"); // exit(-1); // } // printf ("-%ld-\n", numbyte); // printf("File tu Client da Upload: %s\n",recv_data); /* it prints server's welcome message =) */ // exit(-1); // //giai ma // close(sock_client); /* Close With terminal of Child Socket */ // break; // } //} //break; case 1: if(strcmp(recv_data,"3")==0) { close(sock); /* Close Listening */ break; } break; } } close(sock_client); /* Parent Close Connect Socket */ }
int main(int ac, char * av[]) { APIRET rc; HDIR hdir=HDIR_CREATE; FILEFINDBUF3 findBuffer; ULONG findCount=1; char mask[260]; char * cp; errors=0; // Counter for batch decoder errors errfiles=0; errparts=0; aDsp=0; // all debug display datadir[0]=0; // Target directory is actual directory ad_despath[260]=0; ad_cleanmode=0; // No special modes for standalone decoder ad_crcmode=0; print("\r\n"); print("yDec-v1 (14.Nov.2001) - Public Domain - by Juergen Helbing -\r\n\r\n"); // if (ac>=1) print("[0]: %s\r\n",av[0]); // if (ac>=2) print("[1]: %s\r\n",av[1]); // if (ac>=3) print("[2]: %s\r\n",av[2]); if (ac<2) { print("Missing parameter (filename or filename*.* required) !\r\n"); usage(); return(1); } if (ac>3) { print("Illegal additional parameters !\r\n"); usage(); return(1); } if (ac==3) { if (strstr(av[2],"/a")) aDsp=1; } strcpy(mask,av[1]); // local test only // strcpy(mask,"*.ntx"); // Now find all the mesages and decode them if (strchr(mask,'\\')) // Full path found -> is Drag and drop { strcpy(ad_despath,mask); cp=strrchr(ad_despath,'\\'); if (cp) { *(cp+1)=0; }; // Path for temp and target files DecodeFile(mask); // For drag and drop support ! if (errors==0) { WinMessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,HWND_DESKTOP,"End of decoder","yDecode",0,MB_OK | MB_INFORMATION); } goto done; } // Seek all matching files // Find all files which are matching the seek-mask rc=DosFindFirst(mask,&hdir,FILE_ARCHIVED|FILE_READONLY,&findBuffer,sizeof(FILEFINDBUF3),&findCount,FIL_STANDARD); if (rc) { print("No files found to match (%s)\r\n",mask); goto done; } do { if (!strstr(findBuffer.achName,".exe")) { if (aDsp) print("Decode file: (%s)\r\n",findBuffer.achName); DecodeFile(findBuffer.achName); } rc=DosFindNext(hdir,&findBuffer,sizeof(FILEFINDBUF3),&findCount); } while(rc==NO_ERROR); DosFindClose(hdir); done: if (errors|errfiles|errparts) { print("\r\n"); if (errors) print("%d error(s) during decoding.\r\n",errors); if (errfiles) print("%d file(s) with errors stored to disk\r\n",errfiles); if (errparts) print("%d corrupt part(s) detected.\r\n",errparts); WinMessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,HWND_DESKTOP,"Decoder terminated. \r\n\r\n Errors found !","yDecode",0,MB_OK|MB_ERROR); } return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int retval = 0; char *dparams[2]; int paramc = 0, params = -1; char temp[0x1000]; int done = 0; char *source = NULL; int n = 0; // Acción a realizar int action = ACTION_NONE; if (argc <= 1) { action = ACTION_HELP; setparams(0); } for (n = 1; n <= argc; n++) { char *arg; arg = (n < argc) ? argv[n] : ""; //printf("%s\n", arg); // Muestra la ayuda y sale if (strcmp(arg, "-?") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-h") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--help") == 0) { //show_help(); action = ACTION_HELP; setparams(0); } // Modificadores { // Modo raw (sin cabeceras de compresión) if (strcmp(arg, "-r") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-raw") == 0) { raw = 1; continue; } // Modo silencioso if (strcmp(arg, "-s") == 0) { silent = 1; fclose(stdout); continue; } } // Acciones { if (arg[0] == '-') { int cnt = 1; switch (arg[1]) { // Codificad case 'c': action = ACTION_ENCODE ; setparams(2); break; // Decodificia case 'd': action = ACTION_DECODE ; setparams(2); break; // Comprueba case 't': action = ACTION_TEST ; setparams(1); break; // Crea un perfil de compresión case 'p': action = ACTION_PROFILE; setparams(1); break; // Dumpea el text_buffer inicial case 'b': action = ACTION_BDUMP ; setparams(1); break; default: cnt = 0; break; } if (cnt) { done = 0; modifier = (strlen(arg) >= 3) ? atoi(arg + 2) : 3; continue; } } } if ((n < argc) && (paramc < params)) { dparams[paramc++] = arg; } if (paramc >= params) { show_header_once(); done = 1; switch (action) { case ACTION_ENCODE: if (strcmp(dparams[0], dparams[1]) != 0) { retval |= EncodeFile(dparams[0], dparams[1], raw, modifier); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Can't use same file for input and output\n"); retval |= -1; } break; case ACTION_DECODE: if (strcmp(dparams[0], dparams[1]) != 0) { retval |= DecodeFile(dparams[0], dparams[1], raw, modifier); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Can't use same file for input and output\n"); retval |= -1; } break; case ACTION_PROFILE: if (strlen(arg) < 0x900) { sprintf(temp, "%s.profile", arg); ProfileStart(temp); retval |= DecodeFile(dparams[0], NULL, raw, modifier); ProfileEnd(); } break; case ACTION_BDUMP: DumpTextBuffer(dparams[0]); break; case ACTION_TEST: retval |= CheckCompression(dparams[0], modifier); break; case ACTION_HELP: show_help(); break; default: if (n == argc) { if (paramc == params || params == 0) exit(retval); if (params == -1) show_help(); fprintf(stderr, "Expected %d params, but %d given\n", params, paramc); exit(-1); } fprintf(stderr, "Unknown parameter '%s'\n", arg); exit(-1); break; } paramc = params = 0; action = ACTION_NONE; } } show_header_once(); fprintf(stderr, "Expected %d params, but %d given\n", params, paramc); exit(-1); return 0; }