void RunOSTests() { // STUDENT: run any os-level tests here int handle = 0; char *file1 = "test1"; char mem[20000]; char mem_read[20000]; int start_byte = 0; int num_bytes = 0; int ct = 0; char stuff = 'a'; int ct_err = 0; // first, initialize the file system if(DfsOpenFileSystem() == DFS_FAIL) { dbprintf('s', "ostests: failed to open file system.\n"); } //make sure such file does not exist, if yes, error if(DfsInodeFilenameExists(file1) != DFS_FAIL) { dbprintf('s', "Error: found unexisted file.\n"); } // now create an inode for such file handle = DfsInodeOpen(file1); // now check if such file exists printf("hello.\n"); if(DfsInodeFilenameExists(file1) != handle) { dbprintf('s', "Error: file inode did not create.\n"); } // start to write bytes into memory // first write something into the mem for(ct = 0; ct < 512; ct++) { mem[ct] = stuff; stuff = 'z' ? 'a' : (stuff + 1); } // now that mem is stuffed, we write part of it into file num_bytes = 350; // write 350 bytes start_byte = 0; // start from 25th byte //////////////////////// ERROR HERE /////////////////////// if(DfsInodeWriteBytes(handle, mem, start_byte, num_bytes) != num_bytes) { dbprintf('s', "dfs write: write 350 bytes failed.\n"); } // now check if previous 25 bytes are empty and all stuff are written, read from 0, to 512 if(DfsInodeReadBytes(handle, mem_read, 0, 512) != num_bytes) { dbprintf('s', "dfs read: read 350 bytes failed.\n"); } // now test if the read data is identicle to the written // first test if first 25 are 0 for(ct = 0; ct < 25; ct++) { if(mem_read[ct] != 0) { ct_err++; } } /* dbprintf('s', "Among the first 25 data, %d are not correct.\n", ct_err); */ printf("Among the first 25 data, %d are not correct.\n", ct_err); // then test if next 350 bytes are what were written ct_err = 0; for(; ct < 375; ct++) { if(mem_read[ct] != mem[ct-25]) { ct_err++; } } /* dbprintf('s', "Among the next 350 bytes, %d are not correct.\n", ct_err); */ printf("Among the next 350 bytes, %d are not correct.\n", ct_err); // last check if the remaining 138 bytes are null ct_err = 0; for(; ct < 512; ct++) { if(mem_read[ct] != 0) { ct_err++; } } /* dbprintf('s', "Among the last 138 bytes, %d are not correct.\n", ct_err); */ printf("Among the last 138 bytes, %d are not correct.\n", ct_err); // next test if we can over write into the file // change the mem stuff = '1'; for(ct = 0; ct < 1024; ct++) { mem[ct] = stuff; stuff = '9' ? '1' : (stuff + 1); } // now write this into the previous if(DfsInodeWriteBytes(handle, (void *)mem, 0, 1024) != num_bytes) { dbprintf('s', "dfs write: write 1024 bytes failed.\n"); } // now check if previous 25 bytes are empty and all stuff are written, read from 0, to 512 if(DfsInodeReadBytes(handle, mem_read, 0, 1024) != num_bytes) { dbprintf('s', "dfs read: read 1024 bytes failed.\n"); } ct_err = 0; for(ct = 0; ct < 1024; ct++) { if(mem_read[ct] != mem[ct]) { ct_err++; } } /* dbprintf('s', "Among the first dfs block, %d are not correct.\n", ct_err); */ printf("Among the first dfs block, %d are not correct.\n", ct_err); // we need to check if those data still there after closing file system // now we test how it works when write more than one block stuff = 'a'; for(ct = 0; ct < 1025; ct++) { mem[ct] = stuff; stuff = 'z' ? 'a' : (stuff + 1); } // now write this into the previous if(DfsInodeWriteBytes(handle, (void *)mem, 1024, 1025) != num_bytes) { dbprintf('s', "dfs write: write 1024 bytes failed.\n"); } // now check if previous 25 bytes are empty and all stuff are written, read from 0, to 512 if(DfsInodeReadBytes(handle, mem_read, 1024, 1025) != num_bytes) { dbprintf('s', "dfs read: read 1024 bytes failed.\n"); } ct_err = 0; for(ct = 0; ct < 1025; ct++) { if(mem_read[ct] != mem[ct]) { ct_err++; } } /* dbprintf('s', "Among the second dfs block, %d are not correct.\n", ct_err); */ printf("Among the second dfs block, %d are not correct.\n", ct_err); // check if in the third block, all are null except the first byte if(DfsInodeReadBytes(handle, mem_read, 2048, 1024) != 1024) { dbprintf('s', "dfs read: third 1024 bytes failed.\n"); } if(mem_read[0] == 0) { dbprintf('s', "Error: previous write was not right.\n"); } for(ct = 1; ct < 1024; ct++) { if(mem_read[ct] != 0) { dbprintf('s', "Error: a byte is not written while it is not supposed to.\n"); break; } } // now we write into enough bytes to create indirect table stuff = 'A'; for(ct = 0; ct < 13313; ct++) { mem[ct] = stuff; stuff = 'Z' ? 'A' : (stuff + 1); } // write till 5th indirect block, and one more extra byte in 6th if(DfsInodeWriteBytes(handle, (void *)mem, 2048, 13313) != 13313) { dbprintf('s', "dfs write: write 13313 bytes failed.\n"); } // we should check this by using block print // close inode if(DfsInodeDelete(handle) != DFS_SUCCESS) { dbprintf('s', "Error: inode delete fail.\n"); } // close the file system if(DfsCloseFileSystem() != DFS_SUCCESS) { dbprintf('s', "Error: file system close fail.\n"); } printf("======================== ostests completed ===============================.\n"); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // main // // This routine is called when the OS starts up. It allocates a // PCB for the first process - the one corresponding to the initial // thread of execution. Note that the stack pointer is already // set correctly by _osinit (assembly language code) to point // to the stack for the 0th process. This stack isn't very big, // though, so it should be replaced by the system stack of the // currently running process. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i,j; int n; char buf[120]; char *userprog = (char *)0; int base=0; int numargs=0; int allargs_offset = 0; char allargs[SIZE_ARG_BUFF]; debugstr[0] = '\0'; printf ("Got %d arguments.\n", argc); printf ("Available memory: 0x%x -> 0x%x.\n", (int)lastosaddress, MemoryGetSize ()); printf ("Argument count is %d.\n", argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { printf ("Argument %d is %s.\n", i, argv[i]); } FsModuleInit (); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'D': dstrcpy (debugstr, argv[++i]); break; case 'i': n = dstrtol (argv[++i], (void *)0, 0); ditoa (n, buf); printf ("Converted %s to %d=%s\n", argv[i], n, buf); break; case 'f': { int start, codeS, codeL, dataS, dataL, fd, j; int addr = 0; static unsigned char buf[200]; fd = ProcessGetCodeInfo (argv[++i], &start, &codeS, &codeL, &dataS, &dataL); printf ("File %s -> start=0x%08x\n", argv[i], start); printf ("File %s -> code @ 0x%08x (size=0x%08x)\n", argv[i], codeS, codeL); printf ("File %s -> data @ 0x%08x (size=0x%08x)\n", argv[i], dataS, dataL); while ((n = ProcessGetFromFile (fd, buf, &addr, sizeof (buf))) > 0) { for (j = 0; j < n; j += 4) { printf ("%08x: %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", addr + j - n, buf[j], buf[j+1], buf[j+2], buf[j+3]); } } close (fd); break; } case 'u': userprog = argv[++i]; base = i; // Save the location of the user program's name break; default: printf ("Option %s not recognized.\n", argv[i]); break; } if(userprog) break; } } dbprintf ('i', "About to initialize queues.\n"); AQueueModuleInit (); dbprintf ('i', "After initializing queues.\n"); MemoryModuleInit (); dbprintf ('i', "After initializing memory.\n"); ProcessModuleInit (); dbprintf ('i', "After initializing processes.\n"); SynchModuleInit (); dbprintf ('i', "After initializing synchronization tools.\n"); KbdModuleInit (); dbprintf ('i', "After initializing keyboard.\n"); ClkModuleInit(); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { buf[i] = 'a'; } i = FsOpen ("vm", FS_MODE_WRITE); dbprintf ('i', "VM Descriptor is %d\n", i); FsSeek (i, 0, FS_SEEK_SET); FsWrite (i, buf, 80); FsClose (i); // JSM -- commented out for initial build, MUST ADD BACK IN!! DfsModuleInit(); dbprintf ('i', "After initializing dfs filesystem.\n"); //////////////////////////////////////// // JSM -- add debug stuff, and close file system before fdisk app has run // FOR TESTING PURPOSES!! i = DfsAllocateBlock(); j = DfsAllocateBlock(); DfsFreeBlock(i); DfsFreeBlock(j); dbprintf('F', "ProcessFork: closing filesystem and exiting simulator\n"); DfsCloseFileSystem(); exitsim(); //////////////////////////////////////// // Setup command line arguments if (userprog != (char *)0) { numargs=0; allargs_offset = 0; // Move through each of the argv addresses for(i=0; i<argc-base; i++) { // At each argv address, copy the string into allargs, including the '\0' for(j=0; allargs_offset < SIZE_ARG_BUFF; j++) { allargs[allargs_offset++] = argv[i+base][j]; if (argv[i+base][j] == '\0') break; // end of this string } numargs++; } allargs[SIZE_ARG_BUFF-1] = '\0'; // set last char to NULL for safety ProcessFork(0, (uint32)allargs, userprog, 1); } else { dbprintf('i', "No user program passed!\n"); } // Start the clock which will in turn trigger periodic ProcessSchedule's ClkStart(); intrreturn (); // Should never be called because the scheduler exits when there // are no runnable processes left. GracefulExit(); // NEVER RETURNS! }
void GracefulExit() { dbprintf('F', "GracefulExit: closing filesystem and exiting simulator\n"); DfsCloseFileSystem(); DfsCacheFlush(); exitsim(); }