예제 #1
	REAL res;
	REAL sOk0;
	sOk0 = sqrt(fabs(Ok0));
	if(Ok0 > 0){
		res = Dh()/sOk0*sinh(sOk0*Dc(x)/Dh());
	else if(Ok0 == 0.0){
		res = Dc(x);
		res = Dh()/sOk0*sin(sOk0*Dc(x)/Dh());
	return res;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    #include "setRootCase.H"

    #include "createTime.H"
    #include "createMesh.H"
    #include "readGravitationalAcceleration.H"
    #include "createFields.H"
    #include "createMRFZones.H"
    #include "createFvOptions.H"
    #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
    #include "readTimeControls.H"
    #include "CourantNos.H"
    #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
    //for testing only with a constant interpahse mass transfer term 	    	
    dimensionedScalar gamma_LV
	 dimensionSet (1,-3,-1,0,0,0,0),
    dimensionedScalar gamma_VL
	 dimensionSet (1,-3,-1,0,0,0,0),

    // pipeline dimension 
    dimensionedScalar Dh
	 dimensionSet (0,1,0,0,0,0,0),
    // initial wall temperature
    dimensionedScalar TwallInit
	 dimensionSet (0,0,0,1,0,0,0),
    // friction factor
    scalar frictionFactor = 0.005;

    //my volScalarField declaration 
    #include "myVolScalar.H"

    //quasi-one-dimensional flow setup
    #include "changeArea.H"

    //load refprop thermodynamic library 			
    #include "refpropLibLoading.H"	

    //initialise the wall temperature 	
    Twall = TwallInit;	

    //dummy vector  
    vector unity(1,0,0);

    //start of the loop       
    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

    Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;

    while (runTime.run())
        #include "readTimeControls.H"
        #include "CourantNos.H"
        #include "setDeltaT.H"

	// interface mass and heat transfer 
	#include "massAndEnergyTransfer.H"
	// update boundary conditions (NSCBC)
	#include "NSCBCpuncture.H"

	// update wall flux (heat transfer to the vapour phase from the wall)
	#include "transportProperties.H"
	// runtime time output    
        Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;

        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
        while (pimple.loop())


	    // interface mass and heat transfer 
            //#include "massAndEnergyTransfer.H"

	    // update boundary conditions
	    p.boundaryField()[patchID] == p_ghost_update2;
            U1.boundaryField()[patchID] == vector(U_ghost_update2,0,0);
            U2.boundaryField()[patchID] == vector(U_ghost_update2,0,0);
            //thermo1.T().boundaryField()[patchID] == T_ghost_update;
            //thermo2.T().boundaryField()[patchID] == T_ghost_update;           
	    //alpha1.boundaryField()[patchID] == alpha1_ghost_update;
	    //alpha2.boundaryField()[patchID] == 1.0 - alpha1_ghost_update;

            U_bulk = mag(alpha1*U1+alpha2*U2);
	    rho_bulk = alpha1*rho1+alpha2*rho2;						
            psi_bulk =1.0/(alpha1/thermo1.psi()+alpha2/thermo2.psi());		 
            volScalarField contErr1
                fvc::ddt(alpha1, rho1) + fvc::div(alphaRhoPhi1)
              - (fvOptions(alpha1, rho1)&rho1)                      // fvOptions are the runtime semi-implicit source term 
              + alpha1*rho1*mag(U1)*areaSource
	      - gammaV

            volScalarField contErr2
                fvc::ddt(alpha2, rho2) + fvc::div(alphaRhoPhi2)
               - (fvOptions(alpha2, rho2)&rho2)                     
               + alpha2*rho2*mag(U2)*areaSource
	       - gammaL
            // update friction source term  
	    Fv = - scalar(2)*frictionFactor*alpha1*rho1*mag(U1)*mag(U1)/Dh;  
            Fl = - scalar(2)*frictionFactor*alpha2*rho2*mag(U2)*mag(U2)/Dh;
            #include "UEqns.H"

            // update friction source term for energy balance 
	    U_bulk = mag(alpha1*U1+alpha2*U2);                    				
            FvU_bulk = U_bulk*Fv;
            FlU_bulk = U_bulk*Fl;

            #include "EEqns.H"

            // --- Pressure corrector loop
            while (pimple.correct())
                #include "pEqn.H"

            #include "DDtU.H"

            if (pimple.turbCorr())

        #include "write.H"
	//const volScalarField& test = alpha1_.db().lookupObject<volScalarField>("flowAreaGrad");

	//loop over all cells:
	//forAll(mesh.C(), cellI) 
		//Info << "******* CellID: " << cellI << "*******"<< endl;

		//Getting list of all faces of current cell
		//const labelList& faces = mesh.cells()[cellI];

		//loop over all faces of current cell
		//forAll( faces, faceI )
			//if (mesh.isInternalFace(faces[faceI]))
				//Info << "internal faceI: " << faceI << "    mesh.Sf()[faceI]: " << -mesh.Sf()[faceI] << "    mesh.magSf()[faceI]: " << mesh.magSf()[faceI] << endl;
				//Info << "boundary faceI: " << faceI << "    mesh.Sf()[faceI]: " << -mesh.Sf()[faceI] << "    mesh.magSf()[faceI]: " << mesh.magSf()[faceI] << endl;

		//} //move on to next face  
		//Info << " " << endl;
	//}//move on to next cell 

	Info<< "ExecutionTime = "
            << runTime.elapsedCpuTime()
            << " s\n\n" << endl;

    Info<< "End\n" << endl;

    return 0;
예제 #3
	void Integration::SODE()
		const int  NOR = Global::NOR;
		double eps = Global::eps;
		double t0 = Global::t0;
		double te = Global::te;
		double step = Global::step;
		double SVi[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) SVi[i] = Global::SV(i, 0);

		char lineRad[300];
		vector<double> Rado(NOR);
		vector<double> h(NOR);
		vector<vector<double> > C(NOR, vector<double>(NOR));
		vector<triple > X1(NOR);
		vector<triple > V1(NOR);
		//vector<triple > Fi(NOR);

		vector <triple> A1(NOR), A2(NOR);
		vector<vector<double>> Dh(NOR, vector<double>(NOR));
		vector<triple> Alp(NOR);
		vector<triple> dF(NOR);

		double tout = t0;

		triple F0, X(SVi[0], SVi[1], SVi[2]), V(SVi[3], SVi[4], SVi[5]), Fi;

		FILE*f = fopen("Radau.txt", "r");

		fosv = fopen("sv_J2000.out", "w");
		//fprintf(fosv,"year month day hms(UTC) TDB(sec) interval(days) X Y Z Vx Vy Vz \n");

		foel = fopen("elts_J2000.out", "w");
		//	fprintf(foel,"year month day hms(UTC) TDB(sec) interval(days) A E I NODE W M \n");
		foSvEcl = fopen("sv_ECLIPJ2000.out", "w");
		foelEcl = fopen("elts_ECLIPJ2000.out", "w");
		fosvR = fopen("sv_IAUplanet.out", "w");
		//	fprintf(fosvR,"year month day hms(UTC) TDB(sec) interval(days) X Y Z Vx Vy Vz \n");

		foBL = fopen("BL.out", "w");
		//	fprintf(foBL,"year month day hms(UTC) TDB(sec) interval(days) L B H \n");

		foNEU = fopen("NEU.out", "w");
		//	fprintf(foNEU,"year month day hms(UTC) TDB(sec) interval(days) N E U \n");

		fvisi = fopen("visibility.out", "w");

		fo3bg = fopen("3body_geodetic.out", "w");
		//Ќј’ќ∆ƒ≈Ќ»≈ ƒќЋ√ќ“џ ¬ќ—’ќƒяў≈√ќ ”«Ћј Ќј “0

		//	if(Global::b_out_elts_planet || Global::b_out_sv_planet || Global::b_out_el_IAUPlanet==true){ 

		double poss[6];
		double lt1, dlt;
		triple Zorb;
		double Zpl[3];
		double TimeNode = t0;

		spkacs_c(Global::IDC, t0, "J2000", "NONE", 10, poss, &lt1, &dlt);

		triple Xv = triple(poss[0], poss[1], poss[2]);
		triple Vv = triple(poss[3], poss[4], poss[5]);
		Xv = Xv / Xv.getAbs();
		Vv = Vv / Vv.getAbs();
		Zorb = Xv&Vv / sin(triple::getAngle(Xv, Vv));

		double Z[3] = { Zorb[0], Zorb[1], Zorb[2] };

		trpos(t0, 1, Global::IDC, Z, Zpl);
		triple ZorbP = triple(Zpl);
		triple PolP = triple(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

		triple Node = ZorbP&PolP;
		Node = Node / Node.getAbs();

		double NodeA = atan2(Node[1], Node[0]);
		if (NodeA < 0.0) NodeA = NodeA + 2 * pi;

		// ѕЋјЌ≈“ќ÷≈Ќ“–»„≈— јя √–ј¬»“ј÷»ќЌЌјя ѕќ—“ќяЌЌјя
		double mu = Global::mu;

		int ii = 1;
		int jj = 0;

		while (!feof(f))
			fscanf(f, "%s\n", lineRad);
			if (ii > Misc::sum(NOR - 1) && ii <= Misc::sum(NOR))
				Rado[jj] = atof(lineRad); jj++;
			else {}
		//интегрирование назад
		if (te < t0) { step = -step; Global::Discr = -Global::Discr; }

		//System::Threading::Thread Worker ^ = gcnew System::Threading::Thread(delegate() {  });
		//собственно, сам интегртор:
		while (abs(te - t0) != 0e0)
			if (abs(te - t0) < 1e-12) break;
			if (step > 0)
				if (t0 + step > te) step = te - t0;
				if (t0 + step < te) step = te - t0;

			for (int i = 0; i < NOR; i++) h[i] = step*Rado[i];

			for (int k = 0; k < NOR; k++)
				Dh[k][k] = h[k];
				for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
					Dh[k][j] = h[k] - h[j];

			//числа Cтирлинга
			for (int i = 0; i < NOR; i++)
				C[i][i] = 1.0;
				if (i > 0) C[i][0] = -h[i - 1] * C[i - 1][0];
				for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) C[i][j] = C[i - 1][j - 1] - h[i - 1] * C[i - 1][j];

			F0 = Force::force_SODE(t0, X, V);

			for (int j = 0; j < NOR; j++)
				X1[j] = X + V*h[j] + F0*h[j] * h[j] / 2;
				V1[j] = V + F0*h[j];
				Fi = Force::force_SODE(t0 + h[j], X1[j], V1[j]);

				dF[j] = Fi - F0;

			Alp[0] = dF[0] / h[0];
			for (int k = 1; k < NOR; k++)
				Alp[k] = dF[k] / h[k];
				for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
					Alp[k] = (Alp[k] - Alp[j]) / Dh[k][j];

			for (int k = 0; k < NOR; k++)
				A1[k] = triple(0., 0., 0.);
				for (int i = k; i < NOR; i++) A1[k] = A1[k] + Alp[i] * C[i][k];

			int ij = 0;
			for (;;)
				for (int k = 0; k < NOR; k++)
					triple 	v2 = A1[0] * 0.5;
					triple 	x2 = A1[0] * (1.0 / 6.0);

					for (int i = 1; i < NOR; i++)
						v2 = v2 + A1[i] * (pow(h[k], i) / (i + 2));
						x2 = x2 + A1[i] * (pow(h[k], i) / (i + 2) / (i + 3));

					v2 = V1[k] + v2*(pow(h[k], 2));
					x2 = X1[k] + x2*(pow(h[k], 3));
					Fi = Force::force_SODE(t0 + h[k], x2, v2);

					dF[k] = Fi - F0;

				Alp[0] = dF[0] / h[0];
				for (int k = 1; k < NOR; k++)
					Alp[k] = dF[k] / h[k];
					for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
						Alp[k] = (Alp[k] - Alp[j]) / Dh[k][j];

				for (int k = 0; k < NOR; k++)
					A2[k] = triple(0.0, 0., 0.);
					for (int i = k; i < NOR; i++) A2[k] = A2[k] + Alp[i] * C[i][k];

				vector <triple> dV(NOR);
				double max = 0;
				vector<double> mdV(NOR);
				for (int i = 0; i < NOR; i++)
					dV[i] = A2[i] - A1[i];
					mdV[i] = dV[i].getAbs();
					if (max <abs( mdV[i])) max = abs(mdV[i]);
				if (max < eps && ij>2)	goto exit;
				if (ij > 7)	goto exit;

				A1 = A2;


		exit:   triple dv = A1[0] * 0.5;
			triple dx = A1[0] * (1.0 / 6.0);

			for (int i = 1; i < NOR; i++)
				dv = dv + A1[i] * (pow(step, i) / (i + 2.0));
				dx = dx + A1[i] * (pow(step, i) / (i + 2.0) / (i + 3.0));

			//запись результатов:
			//int ik=int(t0-ts)%Global::Discr;
			if (Global::Discr != 0)
				while (abs(tout - t0) < abs(step))
					double hout = tout - t0;

					triple dvo = A1[0] * 0.5;
					triple dxo = A1[0] * (1.0 / 6.0);
					for (int i = 1; i < NOR; i++)
						dvo = dvo + A1[i] * (pow(hout, i) / (i + 2.0));
						dxo = dxo + A1[i] * (pow(hout, i) / (i + 2.0) / (i + 3.0));

					triple Xout = X + V*hout + F0*(hout*hout / 2.0) + dxo*(hout*hout*hout);
					triple Vout = V + F0*hout + dvo*(hout*hout);

					write(tout, Xout, Vout);

					tout += Global::Discr;

			X = X + V*step + F0*(step*step / 2.0) + dx*(step*step*step);
			V = V + F0*step + dv*(step*step);

			t0 += step;


		write(t0, X, V);








예제 #4
	REAL res;
	REAL abr;
	return res*Dh();
예제 #5
	REAL res;
	REAL abr;
	return res*Dh();