char* _Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( void* cf, Name componentName, Dictionary_Entry_Key key, const char* const defaultVal ) { return Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( _Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDictionaryValue( cf, componentName, key, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( defaultVal ) ) ); }
char* Stg_ComponentFactory_PluginGetString( void* cf, void* codelet, Dictionary_Entry_Key key, const char* const defaultVal ) { return Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( _Stg_ComponentFactory_PluginGetDictionaryValue( cf, codelet, key, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( defaultVal ) ) ); }
void stgGenerateFlattenedXML( Dictionary* dictionary, Dictionary* sources, char* timeStamp ) { XML_IO_Handler* ioHandler; char* outputPath; char* flatFilename; char* flatFilenameStamped; char* slimFilename; Stream* s; Bool isEnabled; Bool ret; Bool outputSlim; s = Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)XML_IO_Handler_Type ); /* Avoid confusing messages from XML_IO_Handler. Turn it off temporarily. */ isEnabled = Stream_IsEnable( s ); Stream_EnableSelfOnly( s, False ); ioHandler = XML_IO_Handler_New(); if( sources == NULL ) ioHandler->writeSources = False; outputPath = StG_Strdup( Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_GetDefault( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"outputPath", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "./" ) ) ) ); outputSlim = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsBool( Dictionary_GetDefault( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"outputSlimmedXML", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromBool( True ) ) ); if( ! Stg_DirectoryExists( outputPath ) ) { if( Stg_FileExists( outputPath ) ) Journal_Firewall( 0, s, "outputPath '%s' is a file an not a directory! Exiting...\n", outputPath ); Journal_Printf( s, "outputPath '%s' does not exist, attempting to create...\n", outputPath ); ret = Stg_CreateDirectory( outputPath ); Journal_Firewall( ret, s, "Unable to create non-existing outputPath to '%s'\n", outputPath ); Journal_Printf( s, "outputPath '%s' successfully created!\n", outputPath ); } /* Set file names. */ Stg_asprintf( &flatFilename, "%s/%s", outputPath, "input.xml" ); IO_Handler_WriteAllToFile( ioHandler, flatFilename, dictionary, sources ); /* Format; path/input-YYYY.MM.DD-HH.MM.SS.xml. */ if (timeStamp) { Stg_asprintf( &flatFilenameStamped, "%s/%s-%s.%s", outputPath, "input", timeStamp, "xml" ); IO_Handler_WriteAllToFile( ioHandler, flatFilenameStamped, dictionary, sources ); Memory_Free( flatFilenameStamped ); } if( outputSlim && timeStamp ) { ioHandler->writeSources = False; Stg_asprintf( &slimFilename, "%s/%s-%s.%s", outputPath, "input-basic", timeStamp, "xml" ); IO_Handler_WriteAllToFile( ioHandler, slimFilename, dictionary, NULL); } Stream_EnableSelfOnly( s, isEnabled ); Stg_Class_Delete( ioHandler ); Memory_Free( flatFilename ); }
void WallVCSuite_TestWallVC( WallVCSuiteData* data ) { unsigned nDomains; unsigned nDims = 3; unsigned meshSize[3] = {3, 3, 3}; int procToWatch; double minCrds[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; double maxCrds[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; char* vcKey[] = {"WallVC_Front", "WallVC_Back", "WallVC_Left", "WallVC_Right", "WallVC_Top", "WallVC_Bottom"}; char* vcKeyName[] = {"WallVC_FrontName", "WallVC_BackName", "WallVC_LeftName", "WallVC_RightName", "WallVC_TopName", "WallVC_BottomName"}; char* varName[] = {"x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "temp"}; char input_file[PCU_PATH_MAX]; char expected_file[PCU_PATH_MAX]; Mesh* mesh; Variable_Register* variable_Register; ConditionFunction* quadCF; ConditionFunction* expCF; ConditionFunction_Register* conFunc_Register; ExtensionManager_Register* extensionMgr_Register; Dictionary* dictionary; Dictionary* sources; Stream* stream; XML_IO_Handler* io_handler; Variable* var[7]; double* array[7]; VariableCondition* vc; Index i; procToWatch = data->nProcs >=2 ? 1 : 0; io_handler = XML_IO_Handler_New(); stream = Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)"WallVCStream" ); Stream_RedirectFile( stream, "testWallVC.dat" ); dictionary = Dictionary_New(); sources = Dictionary_New(); Dictionary_Add( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"outputPath", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString("./output") ); /* Input file */ pcu_filename_input( "wallVC.xml", input_file ); IO_Handler_ReadAllFromFile( io_handler, input_file, dictionary, sources ); fflush( stdout ); extensionMgr_Register = ExtensionManager_Register_New(); /* Create a mesh. */ mesh = (Mesh*) WallVCSuite_buildMesh( nDims, meshSize, minCrds, maxCrds, extensionMgr_Register ); nDomains = Mesh_GetDomainSize( mesh, MT_VERTEX ); /* Create CF stuff */ quadCF = ConditionFunction_New( WallVCSuite_quadratic, (Name)"quadratic", NULL ); expCF = ConditionFunction_New( WallVCSuite_exponential, (Name)"exponential", NULL); conFunc_Register = ConditionFunction_Register_New( ); ConditionFunction_Register_Add(conFunc_Register, quadCF); ConditionFunction_Register_Add(conFunc_Register, expCF); /* Create variable register */ variable_Register = Variable_Register_New(); /* Create variables */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { array[i] = Memory_Alloc_Array( double, nDomains, "array[i]" ); var[i] = Variable_NewScalar( varName[i], NULL, Variable_DataType_Double, (Index*)&nDomains, NULL, (void**)&array[i], 0 ); Variable_Register_Add(variable_Register, var[i]); } array[6] = Memory_Alloc_Array( double, nDomains * 5, "array[6]" ); var[6] = Variable_NewVector( varName[6], NULL, Variable_DataType_Double, 5, &nDomains, NULL, (void**)&array[6], 0 ); Variable_Register_Add(variable_Register, var[6]); Variable_Register_BuildAll(variable_Register); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Index j, k; vc = (VariableCondition*) WallVC_New( vcKeyName[i], NULL, vcKey[i], variable_Register, conFunc_Register, dictionary, mesh ); Stg_Component_Build( vc, 0, False ); for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) memset(array[j], 0, sizeof(double)* nDomains ); memset(array[6], 0, sizeof(double)* nDomains * 5); VariableCondition_Apply(vc, NULL); if (data->rank == procToWatch) { Journal_Printf( stream,"Testing for %s\n", vcKey[i]); for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { Journal_Printf( stream,"\nvar[%u]: %.2lf", j, array[j][0]); for (k = 1; k < nDomains; k++) Journal_Printf( stream,", %.2lf", array[j][k]); } Journal_Printf( stream,"\nvar[6]: %.2lf", array[6][0]); for (j = 1; j < nDomains*5; j++) Journal_Printf( stream,", %.2lf", array[6][j]); Journal_Printf( stream,"\n\n"); for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { for (k = 0; k < nDomains; k++) Journal_Printf( stream,"%s ", VariableCondition_IsCondition(vc, k, j) ? "True " : "False"); Journal_Printf( stream,"\n"); } Journal_Printf( stream,"\n"); for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { for (k = 0; k < nDomains; k++) { VariableCondition_ValueIndex valIndex; valIndex = VariableCondition_GetValueIndex(vc, k, j); if (valIndex != (unsigned)-1) Journal_Printf( stream,"%03u ", valIndex); else Journal_Printf( stream,"XXX "); } Journal_Printf( stream,"\n"); } Journal_Printf( stream,"\n"); } Stg_Class_Delete(vc); } if (data->rank == procToWatch) { pcu_filename_expected( "testWallVC.expected", expected_file ); pcu_check_fileEq( "testWallVC.dat", expected_file ); remove( "testWallVC.dat" ); } Stg_Class_Delete(variable_Register); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { Stg_Class_Delete(var[i]); if (array[i]) Memory_Free(array[i]); } Stg_Class_Delete(extensionMgr_Register); Stg_Class_Delete(io_handler); Stg_Class_Delete(conFunc_Register); Stg_Class_Delete(quadCF); Stg_Class_Delete(expCF); Stg_Class_Delete(dictionary); Stg_Class_Delete(sources); FreeObject( mesh ); }
void _SnacRemesher_ConstructExtensions( void* _context, void* data ) { Snac_Context* context = (Snac_Context*)_context; SnacRemesher_Context* contextExt = ExtensionManager_Get( context->extensionMgr, context, SnacRemesher_ContextHandle ); Mesh* mesh = context->mesh; SnacRemesher_Mesh* meshExt = ExtensionManager_Get( context->meshExtensionMgr, mesh, SnacRemesher_MeshHandle ); char* conditionStr; Dictionary_Entry_Value* conditionCriterion; Dictionary* meshDict; Stream* error = Journal_Register( Error_Type, "Remesher" ); char tmpBuf[PATH_MAX]; Journal_Printf( context->debug, "In: %s\n", __func__ ); contextExt->debugIC = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-ICs" ); contextExt->debugCoords = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Coords" ); contextExt->debugNodes = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Nodes" ); contextExt->debugElements = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Elements" ); contextExt->debugSync = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Sync" ); /* Additional tables required over the nodeElementTbl already required by core Snac */ Mesh_ActivateNodeNeighbourTbl( mesh ); Mesh_ActivateElementNeighbourTbl( mesh ); /* Work out condition to remesh on */ if( !Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, CONDITION_STR ) ) { Journal_Printf( error, "Warning: No \"%s\" entry in dictionary... will default to \"%s\"\n", CONDITION_STR, OFF_STR ); } conditionStr = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_GetDefault( context->dictionary, CONDITION_STR, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( OFF_STR ) ) ); contextExt->OnTimeStep = 0; contextExt->onMinLengthScale = 0; if( !strcmp( conditionStr, OFF_STR ) ) { contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_Off; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is off\n" ); } else if( !strcmp( conditionStr, ONTIMESTEP_STR ) ) { contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_OnTimeStep; conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, TIMESTEPCRITERION_STR ); Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is on... activated based on timeStep\n" ); if( conditionCriterion ) { contextExt->OnTimeStep = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( conditionCriterion ); } else { } Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remeshing every %u timeSteps\n", contextExt->OnTimeStep ); } else if( !strcmp( conditionStr, ONMINLENGTHSCALE_STR ) ) { contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_OnMinLengthScale; conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, LENGTHCRITERION_STR ); Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is on... activated by minLengthScale\n" ); if( conditionCriterion ) { contextExt->onMinLengthScale = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( conditionCriterion ); } else { } Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesh when minLengthScale < %g\n", contextExt->onMinLengthScale ); } else if( !strcmp( conditionStr, ONBOTHTIMESTEPLENGTH_STR ) ) { contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_OnBothTimeStepLength; conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, TIMESTEPCRITERION_STR ); Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is on... activated by both timeStep and minLengthScale\n" ); if( conditionCriterion ) { contextExt->OnTimeStep = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( conditionCriterion ); conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, LENGTHCRITERION_STR ); contextExt->onMinLengthScale = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( conditionCriterion ); } else { } Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesh every %u timeSteps or wheen minLengthScale < %g\n", contextExt->OnTimeStep, contextExt->onMinLengthScale ); } else { contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_Off; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is defaulting to off\n" ); Journal_Printf( error, "Provided remesh condition \"%s\" unrecognised\n", conditionStr ); } /* Work out the mesh type */ meshDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, MESH_STR ) ); if( meshDict ) { char* meshTypeStr; if( !Dictionary_Get( meshDict, MESHTYPE_STR ) ) { Journal_Printf( error, "Warning: No \"%s\" entry in \"%s\"... will default to \"%s\"\n", MESHTYPE_STR, MESH_STR, CARTESIAN_STR ); } meshTypeStr = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_GetDefault( meshDict, MESHTYPE_STR, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( CARTESIAN_STR ) ) ); if( !strcmp( meshTypeStr, SPHERICAL_STR ) ) { meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Spherical; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher knows mesh as a spherical mesh\n" ); } else if( !strcmp( meshTypeStr, CARTESIAN_STR ) ) { meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Cartesian; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher knows mesh as a cartesian mesh\n" ); } else { meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Cartesian; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher assuming mesh as a cartesian mesh\n" ); Journal_Printf( error, "Provided mesh type \"%s\" unrecognised!\n", meshTypeStr ); } } else { meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Cartesian; Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher assuming mesh as a cartesian mesh\n" ); Journal_Printf( error, "No \"%s\" entry in dictionary!\n", MESH_STR ); } /* Decide whether to restore the bottom surface */ contextExt->bottomRestore = 0; if( !strcmp( Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_GetDefault( context->dictionary, "bottomRestore", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( OFF_STR ) ) ), ON_STR) ) contextExt->bottomRestore = 1; /* Register these functions for use in VCs */ ConditionFunction_Register_Add( context->condFunc_Register, ConditionFunction_New( _SnacRemesher_TestCondFunc, "SnacRemesher_TestCondFunc" ) ); /* Register these functions for use in VCs */ ConditionFunction_Register_Add( context->condFunc_Register, ConditionFunction_New( _SnacRemesher_XFunc, "SnacRemesher_XFunc" ) ); /* Register these functions for use in VCs */ ConditionFunction_Register_Add( context->condFunc_Register, ConditionFunction_New( _SnacRemesher_YFunc, "SnacRemesher_YFunc" ) ); /* Obtain the keys for the our new entry points... having the keys saves doing a string compare at run time */ contextExt->recoverNodeK = EntryPoint_Register_GetHandle( context->entryPoint_Register, SnacRemesher_EP_RecoverNode ); contextExt->interpolateNodeK = EntryPoint_Register_GetHandle( context->entryPoint_Register, SnacRemesher_EP_InterpolateNode ); contextExt->interpolateElementK = EntryPoint_Register_GetHandle( context->entryPoint_Register, SnacRemesher_EP_InterpolateElement ); /* Prepare the dump file */ if( context->rank == 0) { sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/remeshInfo.%u", context->outputPath, context->rank ); if( (contextExt->remesherOut = fopen( tmpBuf, "w+" )) == NULL ) { assert( contextExt->remesherOut /* failed to open file for writing */ ); } } /* initialize remeshing counter */ contextExt->remeshingCount = 0; }
Dictionary_Entry_Value* Dictionary_Entry_Value_Copy( Dictionary_Entry_Value* self, Bool deep ) { Dictionary_Entry_Value* copy = NULL; switch (self->type) { case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_String: copy = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( self->as.typeString ); break; case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Double: copy = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( self->as.typeDouble ); break; case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_UnsignedInt: copy = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( self->as.typeUnsignedInt ); break; case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Int: copy = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromInt( self->as.typeInt ); break; case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_UnsignedLong: copy = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedLong( self->as.typeUnsignedLong ); break; case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Bool: copy = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromBool( self->as.typeBool ); break; case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_List: if ( False == deep ) { Stream* errorStream = Journal_Register( Error_Type, "Dictionary_Entry_Value" ); Journal_Firewall( False, errorStream, "In func %s: Shallow copy operation of list DEV not supported.\n", __func__ ); } else { Dictionary_Entry_Value* cur = self->as.typeList->first; Dictionary_Entry_Value* copiedEntry = NULL; copy = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); while ( cur ) { copiedEntry = Dictionary_Entry_Value_Copy( cur, True ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( copy, copiedEntry ); cur = cur->next; } } break; case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Struct: if ( False == deep ) { copy = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromStruct( self->as.typeStruct ); } else { Dictionary* copiedDict; copiedDict = (Dictionary*)Stg_Class_Copy( self->as.typeStruct, NULL, True, NULL, NULL ); copy = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromStruct( copiedDict ); } break; default: { Stream* errorStream = Journal_Register( Error_Type, "Dictionary_Entry_Value" ); Journal_Firewall( False, errorStream, "In func %s: self->type '%d' is invalid.\n", __func__, self->type ); } } return copy; }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { MPI_Comm CommWorld; int rank; int numProcessors; int procToWatch; Dictionary* dictionary; Snac_Context* snacContext; Element_LocalIndex elementIndex; Node_LocalIndex nodeIndex; double minLengthScale; double speedOfSound; Mass mass; Mass inertialMass; Force force; Snac_Node* node; Force balance; Stream* stream; Index elementNode_lI; Coord *coord; Index timeStep; Dictionary_Entry_Value* pluginsList; Dictionary_Entry_Value* velocityBCs; Dictionary_Entry_Value* vcList; Dictionary_Entry_Value* varStruct; Dictionary_Entry_Value* eachVarList; Dictionary_Entry_Value* vxStruct; /* Initialise MPI, get world info */ MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ); Snac_Init( &argc, &argv ); MPI_Comm_dup( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &CommWorld ); MPI_Comm_size( CommWorld, &numProcessors ); MPI_Comm_rank( CommWorld, &rank ); stream = Journal_Register (InfoStream_Type, "myStream"); if( argc >= 2 ) { procToWatch = atoi( argv[1] ); } else { procToWatch = 0; } if( rank == procToWatch ) printf( "Watching rank: %i\n", rank ); /* Read input */ dictionary = Dictionary_New(); dictionary->add( dictionary, "rank", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( rank ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "numProcessors", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( numProcessors ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "meshSizeI", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( 3 ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "meshSizeJ", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( 3 ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "meshSizeK", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( 3 ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "minX", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "minY", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( -1.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "minZ", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "maxX", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 1.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "maxY", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "maxZ", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 1.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "gravity", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0 ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "dtType", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "constant" ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "timeStep", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 1.0 ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "topo_kappa", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0 ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "alpha", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0 ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "forceCalcType", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "complete" ) ); pluginsList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); Dictionary_Add( dictionary, "plugins", pluginsList ); velocityBCs = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); vcList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); /* left wall */ varStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); eachVarList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); vxStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "vx" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "double" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0 ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( eachVarList, vxStruct ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "WallVC" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "wall", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "left" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "variables", eachVarList ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( vcList, varStruct ); /* right wall */ varStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); eachVarList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); vxStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "vx" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "double" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.01 ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( eachVarList, vxStruct ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "WallVC" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "wall", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "right" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "variables", eachVarList ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( vcList, varStruct ); /* back wall */ varStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); eachVarList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); vxStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "vz" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "double" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0 ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( eachVarList, vxStruct ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "WallVC" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "wall", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "back" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "variables", eachVarList ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( vcList, varStruct ); /* front wall */ varStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); eachVarList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); vxStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "vz" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "double" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0 ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( eachVarList, vxStruct ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "WallVC" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "wall", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "front" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "variables", eachVarList ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( vcList, varStruct ); /* bottom wall */ varStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); eachVarList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); vxStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "vy" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "double" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0 ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( eachVarList, vxStruct ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "WallVC" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "wall", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "bottom" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "variables", eachVarList ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( vcList, varStruct ); /* top wall */ varStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); eachVarList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); vxStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "vy" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "double" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0 ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( eachVarList, vxStruct ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "WallVC" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "wall", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "top" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "variables", eachVarList ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( vcList, varStruct ); /* add to dictionary */ Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( velocityBCs, "vcList", vcList ); Dictionary_Add( dictionary, "velocityBCs", velocityBCs ); /* Build the context */ snacContext = Snac_Context_New( 0.0f, 10.0f, sizeof(Snac_Node), sizeof(Snac_Element), CommWorld, dictionary ); /* Construction phase -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Stg_Component_Construct( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, &snacContext, True ); /* Building phase ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Stg_Component_Build( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, False ); /* Initialisaton phase ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Stg_Component_Initialise( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, False ); /* Check the coordinates of the nodes. */ for( elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < snacContext->mesh->elementLocalCount; elementIndex ++ ) { printf( "Element: %u, Coords: ", elementIndex ); for( elementNode_lI = 0; elementNode_lI < 8; elementNode_lI++ ) { printf( "(%g %g %g) ", Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, elementIndex, elementNode_lI )[0], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, elementIndex, elementNode_lI )[1], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, elementIndex, elementNode_lI )[2] ); } printf( "\n" ); } /* Check the velocity field. */ for( elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < snacContext->mesh->elementLocalCount; elementIndex ++ ) { printf( "Element: %u, Vel: ",elementIndex ); for( elementNode_lI = 0; elementNode_lI < 8; elementNode_lI++ ) { printf( "(%g %g %g) ", Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, elementIndex, elementNode_lI )->velocity[0], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, elementIndex, elementNode_lI )->velocity[1], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, elementIndex, elementNode_lI )->velocity[2] ); } printf( "\n" ); } /* Check the coordinates of the nodes. */ for( elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < snacContext->mesh->elementLocalCount; elementIndex ++ ) { printf( "Element: %u, Coords: ", elementIndex ); for( elementNode_lI = 0; elementNode_lI < 8; elementNode_lI++ ) { printf( "(%g %g %g) ", Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, elementIndex, elementNode_lI )[0], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, elementIndex, elementNode_lI )[1], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, elementIndex, elementNode_lI )[2] ); } printf( "\n" ); } /* Loop until the static solution is reached. */ timeStep = 0; while( timeStep < 10 ) { for( elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < snacContext->mesh->elementLocalCount; elementIndex++ ) { double elementMinLengthScale; Snac_UpdateElementMomentum( snacContext, elementIndex, &elementMinLengthScale ); if( elementMinLengthScale < minLengthScale ) { minLengthScale = elementMinLengthScale; } } /* Find the global minLengthScale, and then calculate the new dt and speed of sound, assuming frac=0.5, * strain_inert=1.0e-5f & vbc_max=3.0e-10f */ { double localMinLengthScale = minLengthScale; MPI_Allreduce( &localMinLengthScale, &minLengthScale, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, CommWorld ); //snacContext->dt = minLengthScale * 0.5f * 1.0e-5f / 3.0e-10f; speedOfSound = minLengthScale * 0.5f / snacContext->dt; } /* For each element, calculate strain-rate and then stress */ for( elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < snacContext->mesh->elementLocalCount; elementIndex++ ) { Snac_StrainRate( (Context*)snacContext, elementIndex ); SnacTest_Stress( (Context*)snacContext, elementIndex ); } for( nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < snacContext->mesh->nodeLocalCount; nodeIndex++ ) { node = Snac_Node_At( snacContext, nodeIndex ); Snac_Force( snacContext, nodeIndex, speedOfSound, &mass, &inertialMass, &force, &balance ); Snac_UpdateNodeMomentum_PreProcess( snacContext, nodeIndex, inertialMass, force ); Snac_UpdateNodeMomentum( snacContext, nodeIndex, inertialMass, force ); } timeStep++; } /* Check coordinates. */ for( nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < snacContext->mesh->nodeLocalCount; nodeIndex++ ) { coord = Snac_NodeCoord_P( snacContext, nodeIndex ); printf( "Node %u : coord = %g %g %g\n", nodeIndex, (*coord)[0],(*coord)[1],(*coord)[2]); } /* Stg_Class_Delete stuff */ Stg_Class_Delete( snacContext ); Stg_Class_Delete( dictionary ); /* Close off MPI */ MPI_Finalize(); return 0; /* success */ }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { MPI_Comm CommWorld; int rank; int numProcessors; int procToWatch; Dictionary* dictionary; Snac_Context* snacContext; Element_LocalIndex elementIndex; Node_LocalIndex nodeIndex; double minLengthScale; double speedOfSound; Mass mass; Mass inertialMass; Force force; Force balance; Stream* stream; Dictionary_Entry_Value* nodeICs; Dictionary_Entry_Value* vcList; Dictionary_Entry_Value* varStruct; Dictionary_Entry_Value* eachVarList; Dictionary_Entry_Value* vxStruct; Dictionary_Entry_Value* vyStruct; Dictionary_Entry_Value* vzStruct; /* Initialise MPI, get world info */ MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ); Snac_Init( &argc, &argv ); MPI_Comm_dup( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &CommWorld ); MPI_Comm_size( CommWorld, &numProcessors ); MPI_Comm_rank( CommWorld, &rank ); stream = Journal_Register (Info_Type, "myStream"); if( argc >= 2 ) { procToWatch = atoi( argv[1] ); } else { procToWatch = 0; } if( rank == procToWatch ) printf( "Watching rank: %i\n", rank ); /* Read input */ dictionary = Dictionary_New(); dictionary->add( dictionary, "rank", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( rank ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "numProcessors", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( numProcessors ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "meshSizeI", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( 4 ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "meshSizeJ", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( 4 ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "meshSizeK", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( 4 ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "minX", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "minY", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( -300.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "minZ", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "maxX", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 300.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "maxY", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 0.0f ) ); dictionary->add( dictionary, "maxZ", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 300.0f ) ); nodeICs = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); vcList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); varStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); eachVarList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); vxStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); vyStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); vzStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "vx" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "double" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vxStruct, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 3.0e-10f ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vyStruct, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "vy" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vyStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "double" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vyStruct, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 3.0e-10f ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vzStruct, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "vz" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vzStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "double" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( vzStruct, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 6.0e-10f ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( eachVarList, vxStruct ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( eachVarList, vyStruct ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( eachVarList, vzStruct ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "type", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "AllNodesVC" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( varStruct, "variables", eachVarList ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( vcList, varStruct ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( nodeICs, "vcList", vcList ); Dictionary_Add( dictionary, "nodeICs", nodeICs ); /* Build the context */ snacContext = Snac_Context_New( 0.0f, 10.0f, sizeof(Snac_Node), sizeof(Snac_Element), CommWorld, dictionary ); /* Construction phase -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Stg_Component_Construct( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, &snacContext, True ); /* Building phase ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Stg_Component_Build( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, False ); /* Initialisaton phase ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Stg_Component_Initialise( snacContext, 0 /* dummy */, False ); /* Work out the first element's tetrahedra values, and print them. */ printf( "Element: 0, Coords: (%g %g %g), (%g %g %g), (%g %g %g), (%g %g %g), (%g %g %g) (%g %g %g) (%g %g %g) (%g %g %g)\n", Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 0 )[0], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 0 )[1], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 0 )[2], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 1 )[0], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 1 )[1], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 1 )[2], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 3 )[0], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 3 )[1], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 3 )[2], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 2 )[0], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 2 )[1], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 2 )[2], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 4 )[0], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 4 )[1], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 4 )[2], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 5 )[0], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 5 )[1], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 5 )[2], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 7 )[0], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 7 )[1], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 7 )[2], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 6 )[0], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 6 )[1], Snac_Element_NodeCoord( snacContext, 0, 6 )[2] ); printf( "Element: 0, Vel: (%g %g %g), (%g %g %g), (%g %g %g), (%g %g %g), (%g %g %g) (%g %g %g) (%g %g %g) (%g %g %g)\n", Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 0 )->velocity[0], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 0 )->velocity[1], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 0 )->velocity[2], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 1 )->velocity[0], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 1 )->velocity[1], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 1 )->velocity[2], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 3 )->velocity[0], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 3 )->velocity[1], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 3 )->velocity[2], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 2 )->velocity[0], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 2 )->velocity[1], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 2 )->velocity[2], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 4 )->velocity[0], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 4 )->velocity[1], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 4 )->velocity[2], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 5 )->velocity[0], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 5 )->velocity[1], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 5 )->velocity[2], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 7 )->velocity[0], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 7 )->velocity[1], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 7 )->velocity[2], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 6 )->velocity[0], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 6 )->velocity[1], Snac_Element_Node_P( snacContext, 0, 6 )->velocity[2] ); /* Snac_Material_Print( &snacContext->materialProperty[Snac_Element_At( snacContext, 0 )->material_I], stream ); */ /* Update all the elements, and in the process work out this processor's minLengthScale */ elementIndex = 0; Snac_UpdateElementMomentum( (Context*)snacContext, elementIndex, &minLengthScale ); for( elementIndex = 1; elementIndex < snacContext->mesh->elementLocalCount; elementIndex++ ) { double elementMinLengthScale; Snac_UpdateElementMomentum( (Context*)snacContext, elementIndex, &elementMinLengthScale ); if( elementMinLengthScale < minLengthScale ) { minLengthScale = elementMinLengthScale; } } /* Find the global minLengthScale, and then calculate the new dt and speed of sound, assuming frac=0.5, * strain_inert=1.0e-5f & vbc_max=3.0e-10f */ { double localMinLengthScale = minLengthScale; MPI_Allreduce( &localMinLengthScale, &minLengthScale, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, CommWorld ); snacContext->dt = minLengthScale * 0.5f * 1.0e-5f / 3.0e-10f; speedOfSound = minLengthScale * 0.5f / snacContext->dt; } printf( "Global minLengthScale: %g\n", minLengthScale ); printf( "Dt: %g\n", snacContext->dt ); printf( "Speed of sound: %g\n", speedOfSound ); /* For each element, calculate strain-rate and then stress */ for( elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < snacContext->mesh->elementLocalCount; elementIndex++ ) { Snac_StrainRate( (Context*)snacContext, elementIndex ); SnacTest_Stress( (Context*)snacContext, elementIndex ); } /* For each node, calculate the mass, force, veloity and coordinates */ for( nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < snacContext->mesh->nodeLocalCount; nodeIndex++ ) { Snac_Force( (Context*)snacContext, nodeIndex, speedOfSound, &mass, &inertialMass, &force, &balance ); Snac_UpdateNodeMomentum( (Context*)snacContext, nodeIndex, inertialMass, force ); } /* For each element... just print out the info... too complicated to work out which ones have the same value */ for( elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < snacContext->mesh->elementLocalCount; elementIndex++ ) { double elementMinLengthScale; Tetrahedra_Index tetra_I; Snac_UpdateElementMomentum( (Context*)snacContext, elementIndex, &elementMinLengthScale ); for( tetra_I = 0; tetra_I < Tetrahedra_Count; tetra_I++ ) { printf( "Element: %u, tetrahedra: %u, strain: (%g %g %g) (%g %g %g)\n", elementIndex, tetra_I, Snac_Element_At( snacContext, elementIndex )->tetra[tetra_I].strain[0][0], Snac_Element_At( snacContext, elementIndex )->tetra[tetra_I].strain[1][1], Snac_Element_At( snacContext, elementIndex )->tetra[tetra_I].strain[2][2], Snac_Element_At( snacContext, elementIndex )->tetra[tetra_I].strain[0][1], Snac_Element_At( snacContext, elementIndex )->tetra[tetra_I].strain[0][2], Snac_Element_At( snacContext, elementIndex )->tetra[tetra_I].strain[1][2] ); } } /* Stg_Class_Delete stuff */ Stg_Class_Delete( snacContext ); Stg_Class_Delete( dictionary ); /* Close off MPI */ MPI_Finalize(); return 0; /* success */ }
void TimeIntegrationSuite_TestDriver( TimeIntegrationSuiteData* data, char *_name, char *_DerivName0, char *_DerivName1, int _order ) { Stg_ComponentFactory* cf; Stream* stream; Dictionary* dictionary; TimeIntegrator* timeIntegrator; TimeIntegrand* timeIntegrand; TimeIntegrand* timeIntegrandList[2]; DomainContext* context; Variable* variable; Variable* variableList[2]; double* array; double* array2; Index size0 = 11; Index size1 = 7; Index array_I; Index timestep = 0; Index maxTimesteps = 10; Bool simultaneous; unsigned order; double error = 0.0; Name derivName; double tolerance = 0.001; Index integrand_I; Index integrandCount = 2; char expected_file[PCU_PATH_MAX]; dictionary = Dictionary_New(); Dictionary_Add( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"outputPath", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString("./output") ); Dictionary_Add( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"DerivName0", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString(_DerivName0) ); Dictionary_Add( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"DerivName1", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString(_DerivName1) ); context = DomainContext_New( "context", 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, NULL ); cf = stgMainConstruct( dictionary, NULL, data->comm, context ); stgMainBuildAndInitialise( cf ); ContextEP_Append( context, AbstractContext_EP_Dt, TimeIntegrationSuite_GetDt ); /* Create Stuff */ order = _order; simultaneous = False; variableList[0] = Variable_NewVector( "testVariable", (AbstractContext*)context, Variable_DataType_Double, 2, &size0, NULL, (void**)&array, NULL ); variableList[1] = Variable_NewVector( "testVariable2", (AbstractContext*)context, Variable_DataType_Double, 2, &size1, NULL, (void**)&array2, NULL ); timeIntegrator = TimeIntegrator_New( "testTimeIntegrator", order, simultaneous, NULL, NULL ); timeIntegrator->context = context; timeIntegrandList[0] = TimeIntegrand_New( "testTimeIntegrand0", context, timeIntegrator, variableList[0], 0, NULL, True ); timeIntegrandList[1] = TimeIntegrand_New( "testTimeIntegrand1", context, timeIntegrator, variableList[1], 0, NULL, True ); Journal_Enable_AllTypedStream( True ); stream = Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)"EulerStream" ); Stream_RedirectFile( stream, _name ); Stream_Enable( timeIntegrator->info, False ); derivName = Dictionary_GetString( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"DerivName0" ); timeIntegrandList[0]->_calculateTimeDeriv = TimeIntegrationSuite_GetFunctionPtr( derivName ); Journal_Printf( stream, "DerivName0 - %s\n", derivName ); derivName = Dictionary_GetString( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"DerivName1" ); timeIntegrandList[1]->_calculateTimeDeriv = TimeIntegrationSuite_GetFunctionPtr( derivName ); Journal_Printf( stream, "DerivName1 - %s\n", derivName ); /* Print Stuff to file */ Journal_PrintValue( stream, order ); Journal_PrintBool( stream, simultaneous ); /* Add stuff to EPs */ TimeIntegrator_AppendSetupEP( timeIntegrator, "start1", TimeIntegrationSuite_TestContextType, CURR_MODULE_NAME, context ); TimeIntegrator_AppendFinishEP( timeIntegrator, "finish1", TimeIntegrationSuite_TestVariableType, CURR_MODULE_NAME, variableList[0] ); TimeIntegrator_PrependSetupEP( timeIntegrator, "start0", TimeIntegrationSuite_TestVariableType, CURR_MODULE_NAME, variableList[0] ); TimeIntegrator_PrependFinishEP( timeIntegrator, "finish0", TimeIntegrationSuite_TestContextType, CURR_MODULE_NAME, context ); /* Build */ Stg_Component_Build( variableList[0], context, False ); Stg_Component_Build( variableList[1], context, False ); Stg_Component_Build( timeIntegrator, context, False ); Stg_Component_Build( timeIntegrandList[0], context, False ); Stg_Component_Build( timeIntegrandList[1], context, False ); array = Memory_Alloc_Array( double, 2 * size0, "name" ); array2 = Memory_Alloc_Array( double, 2 * size1, "name" ); /* Initialise */ memset( array, 0, sizeof(double) * 2 * size0 ); memset( array2, 0, sizeof(double) * 2 * size1 ); Stg_Component_Initialise( timeIntegrator, context, False ); Stg_Component_Initialise( variableList[0], context, False ); Stg_Component_Initialise( variableList[1], context, False ); Stg_Component_Initialise( timeIntegrandList[0], context, False ); Stg_Component_Initialise( timeIntegrandList[1], context, False ); for ( timestep = 0.0 ; timestep < maxTimesteps ; timestep ++ ) { Journal_Printf( stream, "Step %u - Time = %.3g\n", timestep, context->currentTime ); Stg_Component_Execute( timeIntegrator, context, True ); context->currentTime += AbstractContext_Dt( context ); for ( integrand_I = 0 ; integrand_I < integrandCount ; integrand_I++ ) { timeIntegrand = timeIntegrandList[ integrand_I ]; variable = variableList[ integrand_I ]; for ( array_I = 0 ; array_I < variable->arraySize ; array_I++ ) { if ( timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_ConstantTimeDeriv ) { error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 0 ) - 2.0 * array_I * context->currentTime ); error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 1 ) + array_I * context->currentTime ); } else if ( timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_ConstantTimeDeriv2 ) { error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 0 ) + 0.5 * array_I * context->currentTime ); error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 1 ) - 3 * array_I * context->currentTime ); } else if ( timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_LinearTimeDeriv ) { error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 0 ) - array_I * context->currentTime * context->currentTime ); error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 1 ) + 0.5 * array_I * context->currentTime * context->currentTime ); } else if ( timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_LinearTimeDeriv2 ) { error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 0 ) + 0.25 * array_I * context->currentTime * context->currentTime ); error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 1 ) - 1.5 * array_I * context->currentTime * context->currentTime ); } else if ( timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_CubicTimeDeriv ) { error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 0 ) - 2.0 * array_I * ( 0.25 * pow( context->currentTime, 4.0 ) - pow( context->currentTime, 3.0)/3.0)); error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 1 ) + array_I * ( 0.25 * pow( context->currentTime, 4.0 ) - pow( context->currentTime, 3.0 )/3.0)); } else if ( timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_CubicTimeDeriv2 ) { error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 0 ) + 0.5 * array_I * ( 0.25 * pow( context->currentTime, 4.0 ) - pow( context->currentTime, 3.0)/3.0)); error += fabs( Variable_GetValueAtDouble( variable, array_I, 1 ) - 3.0 * array_I * ( 0.25 * pow( context->currentTime, 4.0 ) - pow( context->currentTime, 3.0 )/3.0)); } else Journal_Firewall( 0 , Journal_Register( Error_Type, (Name)CURR_MODULE_NAME ), "Don't understand _calculateTimeDeriv = %p\n", timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv ); } } } pcu_check_lt( error, tolerance ); if ( error < tolerance ) Journal_Printf( stream, "Passed\n" ); else Journal_Printf( stream, "Failed - Error = %lf\n", error ); Journal_Enable_AllTypedStream( False ); if ( timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_ConstantTimeDeriv || timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_ConstantTimeDeriv2 ) { pcu_filename_expected( "testTimeIntegrationEulerOutput.expected", expected_file ); } else if ( timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_LinearTimeDeriv || timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_LinearTimeDeriv2 ) { pcu_filename_expected( "testTimeIntegrationRK2Output.expected", expected_file ); } else if ( timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_CubicTimeDeriv || timeIntegrand->_calculateTimeDeriv == TimeIntegrationSuite_CubicTimeDeriv2 ) { pcu_filename_expected( "testTimeIntegrationRK4Output.expected", expected_file ); } pcu_check_fileEq( _name, expected_file ); /* Destroy stuff */ Stream_CloseAndFreeFile( stream ); Memory_Free( array ); Memory_Free( array2 ); Stg_Class_Delete( variable ); _Stg_Component_Delete( timeIntegrator ); _Stg_Component_Delete( timeIntegrandList[0] ); _Stg_Component_Delete( timeIntegrandList[1] ); remove( _name ); }
void DictionarySuite_TestReadAllParamFromCommandLine( DictionarySuiteData* data ) { int argc; char** argv; char** expectedKeys; Dictionary_Entry_Value** expectedVals; Index ii; Dictionary_Entry_Value* tmpStruct=NULL; Dictionary_Entry_Value* tmpStruct2=NULL; Dictionary_Entry_Value* tmpList=NULL; Index numExp = 7; argc = 16; argv = Memory_Alloc_Array_Unnamed( char*, argc ); expectedVals = Memory_Alloc_Array_Unnamed( Dictionary_Entry_Value*, numExp ); expectedKeys = Memory_Alloc_Array_Unnamed( char*, numExp ); /* Now fill in our mock command line, and create the expected values to test * against along the way */ Stg_asprintf( &argv[0], "./testStGermain"); Stg_asprintf( &argv[1], "-param=hey"); Stg_asprintf( &argv[2], "--option"); Stg_asprintf( &argv[3], "--output-dir="); Stg_asprintf( &expectedKeys[0], "output-dir" ); expectedVals[0] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "" ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[4], "--Ra=1.0e4"); Stg_asprintf( &expectedKeys[1], "Ra" ); expectedVals[1] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 1.0e4 ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[5], ""); Stg_asprintf( &expectedKeys[2], "foo" ); expectedVals[2] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( expectedVals[2], (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"bar", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 5 ) ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[6], "--hot.tub.times=fun"); Stg_asprintf( &expectedKeys[3], "hot" ); expectedVals[3] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( expectedVals[3], (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"tub", tmpStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct() ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"times", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "fun" ) ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[7], ""); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( expectedVals[2], (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"bot", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 7 ) ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[8], "--sports[]=hockey"); Stg_asprintf( &expectedKeys[4], "sports" ); expectedVals[4] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( expectedVals[4], Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "hockey" ) ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[9], "--sports[]=chess"); /* This should be overwritten by next entry, so ignore */ Stg_asprintf( &argv[10], "--sports[1]=tennis"); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( expectedVals[4], Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "tennis" ) ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[11], "--sles[].name=pressure"); Stg_asprintf( &expectedKeys[5], "sles" ); expectedVals[5] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( expectedVals[5], tmpStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct() ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "pressure" ) ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[12], "--sles[].name=temperature"); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( expectedVals[5], tmpStruct2 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct() ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "temperature" ) ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[13], "--sles[0].solver=mg"); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"solver", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "mg" ) ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[14], "--sles[1].solver=direct"); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"solver", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "direct" ) ); Stg_asprintf( &argv[15], "--some.crazy[].shit=here"); Stg_asprintf( &expectedKeys[6], "some" ); expectedVals[6] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( expectedVals[6], (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"crazy", tmpList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList() ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpList, tmpStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct() ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"shit", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "here" ) ); Dictionary_ReadAllParamFromCommandLine( data->dict, argc, argv ); for (ii=0; ii < numExp; ii++) { pcu_check_true( Dictionary_Entry_Compare( data->dict->entryPtr[ii], expectedKeys[ii])); pcu_check_true( Dictionary_Entry_Value_Compare( expectedVals[ii], data->dict->entryPtr[ii]->value )); } for (ii=0; ii < argc; ii++) { Memory_Free( argv[ii] ); } Memory_Free( argv ); for (ii=0; ii < numExp; ii++) { Memory_Free( expectedKeys[ii] ); Memory_Free( expectedVals[ii] ); } Memory_Free( expectedKeys ); Memory_Free( expectedVals ); }
void DictionarySuite_TestMerge( DictionarySuiteData* data ) { Dictionary_Entry_Value* testStruct2=NULL; Dictionary_Entry_Value* testGeomStruct2=NULL; Dictionary_Entry_Value* mergedStruct=NULL; Dictionary_Entry_Value* expectedMergedStruct=NULL; testStruct2 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct( ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"height", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( data->testDD->testStruct->height ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"anisotropic", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromBool( False ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"new_person", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "Luke" ) ); testGeomStruct2 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct( ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"geom", testGeomStruct2 ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testGeomStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"startx", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( data->testDD->testStruct->geom.startx ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testGeomStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"startz", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( 222 ) ); /* Testing Merge_Append */ DictionarySuite_PopulateDictWithTestValues( data->dict, data->testDD ); /* Do a copy of the DEV during merge, since we don't want it being deleted */ Dictionary_AddMerge( data->dict, "test_struct", Dictionary_Entry_Value_Copy( testStruct2, True ), Dictionary_MergeType_Append ); /* OK: since this was an append, we expect _two_ entries called "test_struct", * one preceding the other, one with the orig data, one with new data */ pcu_check_true( (data->testDD->testEntriesCount+1) == data->dict->count ); pcu_check_true( Dictionary_Entry_Value_Compare( data->testDD->testValues[8], Dictionary_Get( data->dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"test_struct" ) ) ); pcu_check_true( Dictionary_Entry_Value_Compare( testStruct2, data->dict->entryPtr[9]->value ) ); Dictionary_Empty( data->dict ); /* Testing Merge_Merge */ DictionarySuite_PopulateDictWithTestValues( data->dict, data->testDD ); /* The nicest way for this test I think is to manually build a merged struct * to compare against */ expectedMergedStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_Copy( data->testDD->testValues[8], True ); Dictionary_Set( expectedMergedStruct->as.typeStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"anisotropic", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromBool( False ) ); Dictionary_Add( expectedMergedStruct->as.typeStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"new_person", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "Luke" ) ); Dictionary_Set( (Dictionary_Get( expectedMergedStruct->as.typeStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"geom" ) )->as.typeStruct, "startz", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( 222 ) ); Dictionary_AddMerge( data->dict, "test_struct", Dictionary_Entry_Value_Copy( testStruct2, True ), Dictionary_MergeType_Merge ); /* This time, the new struct should be merged into the existing one */ pcu_check_true( data->testDD->testEntriesCount == data->dict->count ); mergedStruct = Dictionary_Get( data->dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"test_struct" ); pcu_check_true( Dictionary_Entry_Value_Compare( mergedStruct, expectedMergedStruct ) ); Dictionary_Empty( data->dict ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_Delete( expectedMergedStruct ); /* Testing Merge_Replace */ DictionarySuite_PopulateDictWithTestValues( data->dict, data->testDD ); Dictionary_AddMerge( data->dict, "test_struct", Dictionary_Entry_Value_Copy( testStruct2, True ), Dictionary_MergeType_Replace ); pcu_check_true( data->testDD->testEntriesCount == data->dict->count ); pcu_check_true( Dictionary_Entry_Value_Compare( testStruct2, Dictionary_Get( data->dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"test_struct" ) ) ); Dictionary_Empty( data->dict ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_Delete( testStruct2 ); }
void DictionarySuite_SetupTestDictData( DictionarySuite_TestDictData* testDD ) { Index ii=0; Index iter=0; Dictionary_Entry_Value* testStruct; Dictionary_Entry_Value* testStruct2; Dictionary_Entry_Value* testList; testDD->testEntriesCount = 9; testDD->testKeys = Memory_Alloc_Array_Unnamed( char*, testDD->testEntriesCount ); testDD->testValues = Memory_Alloc_Array_Unnamed( Dictionary_Entry_Value*, testDD->testEntriesCount ); for ( ii=0; ii< testDD->testEntriesCount; ii++ ) { testDD->testKeys[ii] = NULL; testDD->testValues[ii] = NULL; } Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testString, "hello" ); Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testPlaceHolder, "test_double" ); testDD->testDouble=45.567; testDD->testUint = 5; testDD->testInt = -5; testDD->testUnsignedlong = 52342423; testDD->testBool = True; iter = 0; Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testKeys[iter], "test_cstring" ); testDD->testValues[iter] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( testDD->testString ); Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testKeys[++iter], "test_double" ); testDD->testValues[iter] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( testDD->testDouble ); Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testKeys[++iter], "test_uint" ); testDD->testValues[iter] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( testDD->testUint ); Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testKeys[++iter], "test_int" ); testDD->testValues[iter] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromInt( testDD->testInt ); Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testKeys[++iter], "test_unsignedlong" ); testDD->testValues[iter] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedLong( testDD->testUnsignedlong ); Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testKeys[++iter], "test_bool" ); testDD->testValues[iter] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( testDD->testBool ); Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testKeys[++iter], "test_placeholder" ); testDD->testValues[iter] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( testDD->testPlaceHolder ); /* adding a list */ testDD->testListCount = 5; testDD->testList = Memory_Alloc_Array_Unnamed( double, testDD->testListCount ); for (ii=0; ii<testDD->testListCount; ii++ ) { testDD->testList[ii] = 10.0 * ii; } testList = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testKeys[++iter], "test_list" ); testDD->testValues[iter] = testList; for (ii=0; ii < testDD->testListCount; ii++ ) { Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( testList, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble(testDD->testList[ii]) ); } /* Adding members to a struct */ testDD->testStruct = Memory_Alloc_Unnamed( TestStruct ); testDD->testStruct->height = 37; testDD->testStruct->anisotropic = True; Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testStruct->person, "Patrick" ); testDD->testStruct->geom.startx = 45; testDD->testStruct->geom.starty = 60; testDD->testStruct->geom.startz = 70; testStruct = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Stg_asprintf( &testDD->testKeys[++iter], "test_struct" ); testDD->testValues[iter] = testStruct; Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"height", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( testDD->testStruct->height ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"anisotropic", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromBool( testDD->testStruct->anisotropic ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"person", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( testDD->testStruct->person ) ); /* Adding a 2nd struct within the first struct */ testStruct2 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct( ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"geom", testStruct2 ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"startx", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( testDD->testStruct->geom.startx ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"starty", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( testDD->testStruct->geom.starty ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( testStruct2, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"startz", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromUnsignedInt( testDD->testStruct->geom.startz ) ); }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { Stream* stream = NULL; Dictionary* dictionary; Dictionary_Entry_Value* tmpVal0; Dictionary_Entry_Value* tmpVal1; MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ); BaseFoundation_Init( &argc, &argv ); BaseIO_Init( &argc, &argv ); stream = Journal_Register (Info_Type, "myStream"); dictionary = Dictionary_New(); tmpVal0 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "bill" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 1.0f ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "inside", tmpVal1 ); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "bottom" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "top" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "list_one", tmpVal1 ); Dictionary_Add( dictionary, "one", tmpVal0 ); tmpVal0 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "new_name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "frank" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 2.0f ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "inside", tmpVal1 ); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "left" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "right" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "list_one", tmpVal1 ); Dictionary_AddMerge( dictionary, "one", tmpVal0, Dictionary_MergeType_Append ); Print( dictionary, stream ); Stg_Class_Delete( dictionary ); dictionary = Dictionary_New(); tmpVal0 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "bill" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 1.0f ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "inside", tmpVal1 ); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "bottom" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "top" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "list_one", tmpVal1 ); Dictionary_Add( dictionary, "one", tmpVal0 ); tmpVal0 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "new_name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "frank" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 2.0f ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "inside", tmpVal1 ); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "left" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "right" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "list_one", tmpVal1 ); Dictionary_AddMerge( dictionary, "one", tmpVal0, Dictionary_MergeType_Merge ); Print( dictionary, stream ); Stg_Class_Delete( dictionary ); dictionary = Dictionary_New(); tmpVal0 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "bill" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 1.0f ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "inside", tmpVal1 ); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "bottom" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "top" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "list_one", tmpVal1 ); Dictionary_Add( dictionary, "one", tmpVal0 ); tmpVal0 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewStruct(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "new_name", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "frank" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal1, "value", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble( 2.0f ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "inside", tmpVal1 ); tmpVal1 = Dictionary_Entry_Value_NewList(); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "left" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( tmpVal1, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "right" ) ); Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddMember( tmpVal0, "list_one", tmpVal1 ); Dictionary_AddMerge( dictionary, "one", tmpVal0, Dictionary_MergeType_Replace ); Print( dictionary, stream ); Stg_Class_Delete( dictionary ); BaseIO_Finalise(); BaseFoundation_Finalise(); MPI_Finalize(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }