예제 #1
void precon_lusgs(SpMatrix* A, const Matrix<double>& r, Matrix<double>& z)
// Multiplies r by the LU-SGS preconditioner matrix of A, and stores the result in z
	SpMatrix L;
	SpMatrix U;
	Matrix<double> D(A->rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> Dinv(A->rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> z_initial(z.rows(), 1);
	for(int i = 0; i < z.rows(); i++)
		z_initial(i) = z.get(i);
	for(int i = 0; i < A->rows(); i++)
		Dinv(i) = 1.0/D(i);
	double temp = 0;
	Matrix<double> zold(A->rows(),1);
	// solve (D+L)*zold = r by forward substitution
예제 #2
void cisstAlgorithmICP_IMLP::ComputeCovDecomposition_NonIter(const vct3x3 &M, vct3x3 &Minv, vct3x3 &N, vct3x3 &Ninv, double &det_M)
  // Compute eigen decomposition of M
  //   M = V*diag(S)*V'
  vct3    eigenValues;
  vct3x3  eigenVectors;
  ComputeCovEigenDecomposition_NonIter(M, eigenValues, eigenVectors);

  // Compute Minv
  //   Minv = V*diag(1/S)*V'
  static vctFixedSizeMatrix<double, 3, 3, VCT_COL_MAJOR> V_Sinv;
  static vct3 Sinv;
  Sinv[0] = 1.0 / eigenValues[0];
  Sinv[1] = 1.0 / eigenValues[1];
  Sinv[2] = 1.0 / eigenValues[2];
  V_Sinv.Column(0) = eigenVectors.Column(0)*Sinv[0];
  V_Sinv.Column(1) = eigenVectors.Column(1)*Sinv[1];
  V_Sinv.Column(2) = eigenVectors.Column(2)*Sinv[2];
  Minv.Assign(V_Sinv * eigenVectors.TransposeRef());

  // Compute Decomposition of Minv = N'*N
  //   Minv = R*D^2*R' = N'*N     M = R*Dinv^2*R' => R' = V', Dinv = sqrt(S)
  //   N = D*R'      Ninv = R*inv(D)
  vct3 Dinv(
  N.Row(0) = eigenVectors.Column(0) / Dinv[0];
  N.Row(1) = eigenVectors.Column(1) / Dinv[1];
  N.Row(2) = eigenVectors.Column(2) / Dinv[2];
  Ninv.Column(0) = eigenVectors.Column(0)*Dinv[0];
  Ninv.Column(1) = eigenVectors.Column(1)*Dinv[1];
  Ninv.Column(2) = eigenVectors.Column(2)*Dinv[2];
  // Compute determinant of M
  det_M = eigenValues.ProductOfElements();
예제 #3
// Note: this function depends on the SamplePreMatch() function
//       to set the noise model of the current transformed sample
//       point before this function is called
void cisstAlgorithmICP_IMLP::ComputeNodeMatchCov( cisstCovTreeNode *node )
  // Note:  This function is called when searching a node that is using 
  //        its own noise model rather than that of its parent node

  // Compute the effective noise model for this node, assuming the noise 
  //  model of the transformed sample point has already been computed

  // noise model of transformed sample
  M = sample_RMxRt_sigma2;
  // add the effective My for this node
  M.Element(0,0) += node->EigMax;
  M.Element(1,1) += node->EigMax;
  M.Element(2,2) += node->EigMax;

  // TODO: can this be done using only the eigen decomposition
  //       of RMxRt
  // Compute Decomposition of M
  //   M = V*S*V'
  vct3    eigenValues;
  vct3x3  eigenVectors;  
  ComputeCovEigenDecomposition_NonIter(M, eigenValues, eigenVectors);

  // Compute Decomposition of Minv = N'*N
  //   Minv = R*D^2*R' = N'*N     M = R*Dinv^2*R' => R' = V', Dinv = sqrt(S)
  //   N = D*R'      Ninv = R*inv(D)
  vct3 Dinv(
  N.Row(0) = eigenVectors.Column(0) / Dinv[0];
  N.Row(1) = eigenVectors.Column(1) / Dinv[1];
  N.Row(2) = eigenVectors.Column(2) / Dinv[2];
  //N.Row(0) = eigenVectors.TransposeRef().Row(0) / Dinv[0];
  //N.Row(1) = eigenVectors.TransposeRef().Row(1) / Dinv[1];
  //N.Row(2) = eigenVectors.TransposeRef().Row(2) / Dinv[2];
  Dmin = 1.0/Dinv[0]; // eigenvalues are automatically arranged in order of decreasing magnitude

  //// Compute Decomposition of M
  //static vctFixedSizeMatrix<double, 3, 3, VCT_COL_MAJOR> A;
  //static vctFixedSizeMatrix<double, 3, 3, VCT_COL_MAJOR> U;
  //static vctFixedSizeMatrix<double, 3, 3, VCT_COL_MAJOR> Vt;
  //static vct3 S;
  //static nmrSVDFixedSizeData<3, 3, VCT_COL_MAJOR>::VectorTypeWorkspace workspace;
  //  A.Assign(M);
  //  nmrSVD(A, U, S, Vt, workspace);
  //catch (...)
  //  assert(0);
  //// Compute Decomposition of Minv = N'*N
  ////   Minv = R*D^2*R' = N'*N     M = R*Dinv^2*R' => R' = V', Dinv = sqrt(S)
  ////   N = D*R'
  ////   Ninv = R*inv(D)
  //static vct3 Dinv;
  //Dinv[0] = sqrt(S[0]);
  //Dinv[1] = sqrt(S[1]);
  //Dinv[2] = sqrt(S[2]);
  //N.Row(0) = Vt.Row(0) / Dinv[0];
  //N.Row(1) = Vt.Row(1) / Dinv[1];
  //N.Row(2) = Vt.Row(2) / Dinv[2];
  //Dmin = 1.0 / Dinv[0]; // eigenvalues are automatically arranged in order of decreasing magnitude