예제 #1
 * WPrintfLine - printf text on a window line
vi_rc WPrintfLine( window_id w, int line, char *str, ... )
    va_list     al;
    char        tmp[MAX_STR];

    va_start( al, str );
    MyVSprintf( tmp, str, al );
    va_end( al );
    tmp[EditVars.WindMaxWidth - 1] = 0;

    return( DisplayLineInWindow( w, line, tmp ) );

} /* WPrintfLine */
예제 #2
 * StatusLine - display a line in the status window
static void StatusLine( int line, char *str, int format )
    int         len, width, blanks, i, j;
    type_style  *style;

    len = strlen( str );
    width = WindowAuxInfo( status_window_id, WIND_INFO_TEXT_COLS );
    style = &statusw_info.text_style;
    switch( format ) {
    case FMT_RIGHT:
        blanks = 0;
        if( width > len ) {
            blanks = width - len;
    case FMT_CENTRE:
        blanks = 0;
        if( width > len ) {
            blanks = (width - len) / 2;
        DisplayLineInWindow( status_window_id, line, str );
    i = 1;
    while( i <= blanks ) {
        SetCharInWindowWithColor( status_window_id, line, i, ' ', style );
    j = 0;
    while( j < len && i <= width ) {
        SetCharInWindowWithColor( status_window_id, line, i, str[j], style );
        j += 1;
        i += 1;
    while( i <= width ) {
        SetCharInWindowWithColor( status_window_id, line, i, ' ', style );

} /* StatusLine */
예제 #3
 * Message2 - display message on line 2
void Message2( char *str, ... )
    va_list     al;
    char        tmp[MAX_STR];

    if( !EditFlags.EchoOn || MessageWindow == NO_WINDOW ) {
    va_start( al, str );
    MyVSprintf( tmp,str, al );
    va_end( al );
    tmp[EditVars.WindMaxWidth - 1] = 0;

    if( !EditFlags.LineDisplay ) {
        DisplayLineInWindow( MessageWindow, 2, tmp );
    } else {
        MyPrintf( "%s\n", tmp );

} /* Message2 */
예제 #4
 * Message2 - display message on line 2
void Message2( const char *str, ... )
    va_list     al;
    char        tmp[MAX_STR];

    if( !EditFlags.EchoOn || BAD_ID( message_window_id ) ) {
    va_start( al, str );
    MyVSprintf( tmp,str, al );
    va_end( al );
    tmp[EditVars.WindMaxWidth - 1] = '\0';

    if( !EditFlags.LineDisplay ) {
        DisplayLineInWindow( message_window_id, 2, tmp );
    } else {
        MyPrintf( "%s\n", tmp );

} /* Message2 */
예제 #5
 * ResizeWindow - give a window a new size
vi_rc ResizeWindow( window_id wn, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int scrflag )
    wind        *tmp, *w;
    int         bt, k;
//    char        *txt, *tptr;
//    char        *ot;
//    int         i, j;

    w = AccessWindow( wn );

    if( !ValidDimension( x1, y1, x2, y2, w->has_border ) ) {
        ReleaseWindow( w );
        return( ERR_WIND_INVALID );

    tmp = AllocWindow( x1, y1, x2, y2, w->has_border, w->border_color1,
                       w->border_color2, w->text_color, w->background_color );
    tmp->id = wn;
    tmp->has_gadgets = w->has_gadgets;
    // txt = MemAlloc( w->width + 1 );
    // tptr = txt;

    RestoreOverlap( wn, scrflag );

    Windows[wn] = tmp;
    tmp->accessed = TRUE;
    ResetOverlap( tmp );
    MarkOverlap( wn );

     * display the new text
    k = 1;
    bt = (int) w->has_border;
    ClearWindow( wn );
    if( w->title != NULL ) {
        WindowTitle( wn, w->title );
    } else {
        DrawBorder( wn );
#if 0
    for( j = bt; j < w->height - bt; j++ ) {

        ot = &(w->text[(j * w->width) * sizeof( char_info )]);
        for( i = bt; i < w->width - bt; i++ ) {
            *txt++ = ot[i * sizeof( char_info )];
        *txt = 0;
        DisplayLineInWindow( wn, k++, tptr );
        txt = tptr;
    DCResize( CurrentInfo );

    FreeWindow( w );

    ReleaseWindow( tmp );
    return( ERR_NO_ERR );

} /* ResizeWindow */
예제 #6
 * displayGenericLines - display all lines in a window
static vi_rc displayGenericLines( file *f, linenum pagetop, int leftcol,
                                linenum hilite, type_style *style, hilst *hilist,
                                char **vals, int valoff )
    int         i, j, k, text_lines;
    linenum     cl = pagetop;
    fcb         *cfcb, *tfcb;
    line        *cline;
    hilst       *ptr;
    type_style  *text, *hot_key;
    window_info *info;
    type_style  base;
    char        tmp[MAX_STR];
//    bool        disabled;
    vi_rc       rc;

     * get pointer to first line on page, and window info
    rc = GimmeLinePtr( pagetop, f, &cfcb, &cline );
    if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
        return( rc );
    base.foreground = WindowAuxInfo( cWin, WIND_INFO_TEXT_COLOR );
    base.background = WindowAuxInfo( cWin, WIND_INFO_BACKGROUND_COLOR );
    base.font = WindowAuxInfo( cWin, WIND_INFO_TEXT_FONT );
    text_lines = WindowAuxInfo( cWin, WIND_INFO_TEXT_LINES );

     * mark all fcb's as being not in display
    for( tfcb = f->fcbs.head; tfcb != NULL; tfcb = tfcb->next ) {
        tfcb->on_display = FALSE;
    cfcb->on_display = TRUE;

     * run through each line in the window
    ptr = hilist;
    if( ptr != NULL ) {
        ptr += pagetop - 1;
    for( j = 1; j <= text_lines; j++ ) {
        if( cline != NULL ) {
            if( isMenu ) {
                if( InvokeMenuHook( CurrentMenuNumber, cl ) == -1 ) {
//                    disabled = TRUE;
                    if( cl == hilite ) {
                        info = &activegreyedmenu_info;
                    } else {
                        info = &greyedmenu_info;
                } else {
//                    disabled = FALSE;
                    if( cl == hilite ) {
                        info = &activemenu_info;
                    } else {
                        info = &menuw_info;
                text = &info->text;
                hot_key = &info->hilight;
            } else {
                text = &base;
                if( cl == hilite ) {
                    text = style;
                hot_key = text;

             * now, display what we can of the line on the window
            if( cline->len == 0 ) {
                DisplayCrossLineInWindow( cWin, j );
                goto evil_goto;
            } else if( cline->len > leftcol ) {
                if( vals != NULL ) {
                    i = cline->len - leftcol;
                    strncpy( tmp, &(cline->data[leftcol]), EditVars.WindMaxWidth + 5 );
                    for( k = i; k < valoff; k++ ) {
                        tmp[k] = ' ';
                    tmp[k] = 0;
                    strcat( tmp, vals[j + pagetop - 2] );
                    DisplayLineInWindowWithColor( cWin, j, tmp, text, 0 );
                } else {
                    DisplayLineInWindowWithColor( cWin, j, cline->data, text, leftcol );
            } else {
                DisplayLineInWindowWithColor( cWin, j, SingleBlank, text, 0 );
            if( ptr != NULL ) {
                SetCharInWindowWithColor( cWin, j, 1 + ptr->_offs, ptr->_char, hot_key );
evil_goto:  if( ptr != NULL ) {
                ptr += 1;
            rc = GimmeNextLinePtr( f, &cfcb, &cline );
            if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
                if( rc == ERR_NO_MORE_LINES ) {
                return( rc );
            cfcb->on_display = TRUE;
        } else {
            DisplayLineInWindow( cWin, j, "~" );

    return( ERR_NO_ERR );

} /* displayGenericLines */
예제 #7
 * fileGrep - search a single dir and build list of files
static void fileGrep( char *dir, char **list, int *clist, window_id wn )
    char        fn[FILENAME_MAX], data[FILENAME_MAX], ts[FILENAME_MAX];
    char        path[FILENAME_MAX];
    char        drive[_MAX_DRIVE], directory[_MAX_DIR], name[_MAX_FNAME];
    char        ext[_MAX_EXT];
    int         i;
#if defined( __WIN__ ) && defined( __NT__ )
    LVITEM      lvi;
    vi_rc       rc;

     * get file path prefix
    _splitpath( dir, drive, directory, name, ext );
    strcpy( path, drive );
    strcat( path, directory );
//    _makepath( path, drive, directory, NULL,NULL );

     * run through each entry and search it; building a list of matches
    rc = GetSortDir( dir, FALSE );
    if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {
    for( i = 0; i < DirFileCount; i++ ) {
        if( !(DirFiles[i]->attr & _A_SUBDIR ) ) {

            strcpy( fn, path );
            strcat( fn, DirFiles[i]->name );
#ifdef __WIN__
            EditFlags.BreakPressed = SetGrepDialogFile( fn );
            DisplayLineInWindow( wn, 1, fn );
            if( EditFlags.BreakPressed ) {
            if( isFgrep ) {
                rc = fSearch( fn, ts );
            } else {
                rc = eSearch( fn, ts );
            if( rc == FGREP_FOUND_STRING ) {

                ExpandTabsInABuffer( ts, strlen( ts ), data, MAX_DISP );
                strcpy( ts, data );
                MySprintf( data, "%X \"%s\"", fn, ts );
#ifdef __WIN__
                 * for windows - the handle passed in is the list box
                 * and the entire string is added to it but only the file
                 * name is added to the list
#ifdef __NT__
                if( IsCommCtrlLoaded() ) {
                    lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
                    lvi.iItem = SendMessage( wn, LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0L );
                    lvi.iSubItem = 0;
                    lvi.pszText = fn;
                    SendMessage( wn, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvi );
                    lvi.iSubItem = 1;
                    lvi.pszText = ts;
                    SendMessage( wn, LVM_SETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvi );
                } else {
                    SendMessage( wn, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)data );
                    MySprintf( data, "%X", fn );
#ifdef __NT__
                AddString( &(list[*clist]), data );

            } else if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) {

} /* fileGrep */