예제 #1
void Distributions_peek (Distributions me, long column, char32 **string, long *number) {
	Distributions_checkSpecifiedColumnNumberWithinRange (me, column);
	if (my numberOfRows < 1)
		Melder_throw (me, U": I have no candidates.");
	double total = 0.0;
	for (long irow = 1; irow <= my numberOfRows; irow ++) {
		total += my data [irow] [column];
	if (total <= 0.0)
		Melder_throw (me, U": the total weight of column ", column, U" is not positive.");
	long irow;
	do {
		double rand = NUMrandomUniform (0, total), sum = 0.0;
		for (irow = 1; irow <= my numberOfRows; irow ++) {
			sum += my data [irow] [column];
			if (rand <= sum) break;
	} while (irow > my numberOfRows);   // guard against rounding errors
	if (my rowLabels [irow] == NULL)
		Melder_throw (me, U": no string in row ", irow, U".");
	if (string)
		*string = my rowLabels [irow];
	if (number)
		*number = irow;
예제 #2
double PairDistribution_Distributions_getFractionCorrect (PairDistribution me, Distributions dist, long column) {
	try {
		double correct = 0.0;
		long pairmin = 1;
		char32 string [1000];
		Distributions_checkSpecifiedColumnNumberWithinRange (dist, column);
		autoPairDistribution thee = Data_copy (me);
		Collection_sort (thy pairs.get(), PairProbability_compare);
		double total = PairDistributions_getTotalWeight_checkPositive (thee.peek());
		do {
			long pairmax = pairmin, length, ipair;
			double sum = 0.0, sumDist = 0.0;
			char32 *firstInput = ((PairProbability) thy pairs -> item [pairmin]) -> string1;
			for (ipair = pairmin + 1; ipair <= thy pairs -> size; ipair ++) {
				PairProbability prob = static_cast <PairProbability> (thy pairs -> item [ipair]);
				if (! str32equ (prob -> string1, firstInput)) {
					pairmax = ipair - 1;
			if (ipair > thy pairs -> size) pairmax = thy pairs -> size;
			for (ipair = pairmin; ipair <= pairmax; ipair ++) {
				PairProbability prob = static_cast <PairProbability> (thy pairs -> item [ipair]);
				double p = prob -> weight / total, pout = 0.0;
				Melder_sprint (string, 1000, prob -> string1, U" \\-> ", prob -> string2);
				for (long idist = 1; idist <= dist -> numberOfRows; idist ++) {
					if (str32equ (string, dist -> rowLabels [idist])) {
						pout = dist -> data [idist] [column];
				sum += p * pout;
			Melder_sprint (string, 1000, firstInput, U" \\-> ");
			length = str32len (string);
			for (long idist = 1; idist <= dist -> numberOfRows; idist ++) {
				if (str32nequ (string, dist -> rowLabels [idist], length)) {
					sumDist += dist -> data [idist] [column];
			if (sumDist != 0.0) correct += sum / sumDist;
			pairmin = pairmax + 1;
		} while (pairmin <= thy pairs -> size);
		return correct;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U" & ", dist, U": could not compute our fraction correct.");