예제 #1
HRESULT CDIME::_HandleCandidateWorker(TfEditCookie ec, _In_ ITfContext *pContext)

	debugPrint(L"CDIME::_HandleCandidateWorker() \n");
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
	CStringRange commitString, convertedString;
	CDIMEArray<CCandidateListItem> candidatePhraseList;	
	CStringRange lastChar;
	CStringRange notify;
    if (nullptr == _pUIPresenter)
        goto Exit; //should not happen
	const WCHAR* pCandidateString = nullptr;
	DWORD_PTR candidateLen = 0;
	BOOL arrayUsingSPCode =FALSE;

	if (!_IsComposing())

	if (Global::imeMode == IME_MODE_ARRAY)// check if the _strokebuffer is array special code
		candidateLen = _pCompositionProcessorEngine->CollectWordFromArraySpeicalCode(&pCandidateString);
		if(candidateLen) arrayUsingSPCode = TRUE;
	candidateLen = 0;
	candidateLen = _pUIPresenter->_GetSelectedCandidateString(&pCandidateString);
	if (candidateLen == 0)
		if(_candidateMode == CANDIDATE_WITH_NEXT_COMPOSITION || _candidateMode == CANDIDATE_PHRASE)
			_HandleCancel(ec, pContext);
			goto Exit;
			hr = S_FALSE;
			_HandleCancel(ec, pContext);
			DoBeep(BEEP_COMPOSITION_ERROR); //beep for no valid mapping found
			goto Exit;
	if (_pCompositionProcessorEngine->IsArrayShortCode() && candidateLen == 1 && *pCandidateString == 0x2394) // empty position in arry short code table.
		hr = S_FALSE;
		if (Global::imeMode == IME_MODE_PHONETIC)
			if (CConfig::GetClearOnBeep()) _HandleCancel(ec, pContext);
			DoBeep(BEEP_COMPOSITION_ERROR); //beep for no valid mapping found
		goto Exit;
	StringCchCopy(_commitString, 1, L"\0");
	StringCchCatN(_commitString, MAX_COMMIT_LENGTH, pCandidateString, candidateLen);
	commitString.Set(_commitString, candidateLen);
	//_commitString = commitString;
	PWCHAR pwch = new (std::nothrow) WCHAR[2];  // pCandidateString will be destroyed after _detelteCanddiateList was called.
	if(candidateLen > 1)
		StringCchCopyN(pwch, 2, pCandidateString + candidateLen -1, 1); 
	}else // cnadidateLen ==1
		StringCchCopyN(pwch, 2, pCandidateString, 1); 	
	lastChar.Set(pwch, 1 );
	//-----------------do reverse conversion notify. We should not show notify in UI-less mode, thus cancel reverse conversion notify in UILess Mode
	if (!_IsUILessMode())
		if (_pITfReverseConversion[Global::imeMode])
			_AsyncReverseConversion(pContext); //asynchronized the reverse conversion with editsession for better perfomance
		//-----------------or complete real key code when input with wildcard
		else if (_isCandidateWithWildcard)
			const WCHAR* pCandidateKeyCode = nullptr;
			DWORD_PTR keyCodeLen = _pUIPresenter->_GetSelectedCandidateKeyCode(&pCandidateKeyCode);
			StringCchCopy(_commitKeyCode, 1, L"\0");
			StringCchCatN(_commitKeyCode, MAX_KEY_LENGTH, pCandidateKeyCode, keyCodeLen);
			CStringRange commitKeyCode, convertedKeyCode;
			_pCompositionProcessorEngine->GetReadingString(&convertedKeyCode, NULL, &commitKeyCode.Set(_commitKeyCode, wcslen(_commitKeyCode)));

	//-----------------do  array spcial code notify. We should not show notify in UI-less mode, thus cancel forceSP mode in UILess Mode---
	BOOL ArraySPFound = FALSE;            
	if(Global::imeMode == IME_MODE_ARRAY && !_IsUILessMode()  && !arrayUsingSPCode && (CConfig::GetArrayForceSP() || CConfig::GetArrayNotifySP()))
		CStringRange specialCode;
		CStringRange notifyText;
		ArraySPFound = _pCompositionProcessorEngine->GetArraySpeicalCodeFromConvertedText(&commitString, &specialCode); 
	convertedString = commitString;
	//----------------- do TC to SC covert if required----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		_pCompositionProcessorEngine->GetSCFromTC(&commitString, &convertedString);
	//----------------- commit the selected string  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
	if(Global::imeMode == IME_MODE_ARRAY && !_IsUILessMode()  && !arrayUsingSPCode && CConfig::GetArrayForceSP() &&  ArraySPFound )
		_HandleCancel(ec, pContext);
		return hr;
		hr = _AddComposingAndChar(ec, pContext, &convertedString);
		if (FAILED(hr))	return hr;
		// Do not send _endcandidatelist (or handleComplete) here to avoid cand dissapear in win8 metro
	//-----------------do accociated phrase (make phrase)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	if (CConfig::GetMakePhrase())
		_pCompositionProcessorEngine->GetCandidateStringInConverted(lastChar, &candidatePhraseList);

		// We have a candidate list if candidatePhraseList.Cnt is not 0
		// If we are showing reverse conversion, use UIPresenter

		if (candidatePhraseList.Count())
			CStringRange emptyComposition;
			if (!_IsComposing())
				_StartComposition(pContext);  //StartCandidateList require a valid selection from a valid pComposition to determine the location to show the candidate window
			_AddComposingAndChar(ec, pContext, &emptyComposition.Set(L" ",1)); 

			_pUIPresenter->_SetCandidateTextColor(CConfig::GetPhraseColor(), CConfig::GetItemBGColor());    // Text color is green
			_pUIPresenter->_SetCandidateSelectedTextColor(CConfig::GetSelectedColor(), CConfig::GetSelectedBGColor());    
			_pUIPresenter->_SetCandidateNumberColor(CConfig::GetNumberColor(), CConfig::GetItemBGColor());    
			_pUIPresenter->_SetCandidateFillColor(CConfig::GetItemBGColor());//(HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1));    // Background color is window
			_pUIPresenter->_SetCandidateText(&candidatePhraseList, _pCompositionProcessorEngine->GetCandidateListIndexRange(),
				TRUE, _pCompositionProcessorEngine->GetCandidateWindowWidth());
			_pUIPresenter->_SetCandidateSelection(-1, FALSE); // set selected index to -1 if showing phrase candidates
			_candidateMode = CANDIDATE_PHRASE;
			_isCandidateWithWildcard = FALSE;	
		{   //cancel the composition if the phrase lookup return 0 results

		_DeleteCandidateList(TRUE, pContext); // endCanddiateUI if not doing associated phrase.
    return hr;
예제 #2
static bool GenericEventProc( gui_window *gui, gui_event gui_ev, void *param )
#if !defined( _UI )
    static bool         first_time = TRUE;
    unsigned            id;
    DLG_WINDOW_SET      *result;
    a_dialog_header     *curr_dialog;
    static int          initializing = FALSE;
    char                buff[MAXBUF];
    gui_text_metrics    metrics;

    if( gui == NULL ) return( FALSE );
    result = GUIGetExtra( gui );
    curr_dialog = result->current_dialog;

    switch( gui_ev ) {
        initializing = TRUE;
        UpdateControlVisibility( gui, curr_dialog, TRUE );
        SetDefaultVals( gui, curr_dialog );
        SetFocusCtrl( gui, curr_dialog );
        GUIGetTextMetrics( gui, &metrics );
        if( stricmp( curr_dialog->name, "InsertDisk" ) == 0 ) {
#if defined( __OS2__ )
            int         i;
            for( i = 0; i < curr_dialog->num_controls; i++ ) {
                if( curr_dialog->controls[i].control_class == GUI_EDIT_MLE ) {
                    GUILimitEditText( gui, curr_dialog->controls[i].id, -1 );
                    GUISetText( gui, curr_dialog->controls[i].id,
                                curr_dialog->controls[i].text );
#if defined( _UI )
        if( stricmp( curr_dialog->name, "Welcome" ) == 0 ) {
            if( GetVariableIntVal( "AutoOptionsDialog" ) == 1 ) {
                // call Options dialog
                DoDialogWithParent( gui, "Options" );
#if !defined( _UI )
        first_time = TRUE;
        initializing = FALSE;
        return( TRUE );
#if !defined( _UI )
    case GUI_PAINT:
        if( first_time ) {
            first_time = FALSE;
            if( stricmp( curr_dialog->name, "Welcome" ) == 0 ) {
                if( GetVariableIntVal( "AutoOptionsDialog" ) == 1 ) {
                    // call Options dialog
                    DoDialogWithParent( gui, "Options" );
    case GUI_DESTROY:
        GUI_GETID( param, id );
        switch( id ) {
        case CTL_OK:
        case CTL_PREVIOUS:
        case CTL_FIRST:
        case CTL_SKIP:
            GetVariableVals( gui, curr_dialog, TRUE );
            GUICloseDialog( gui );
            result->state = IdToDlgState( id );
        case CTL_CANCEL:
            GUICloseDialog( gui );
            result->state = DLG_CAN;
        case CTL_DONE:
            GUICloseDialog( gui );
            result->state = DLG_DONE;
        case CTL_OPTIONS:  // Options button on Welcome dialog
            // call Options dialog
            DoDialogWithParent( gui, "Options" );
            GetVariableVals( gui, curr_dialog, FALSE );
                const char      *dlg_name;
                a_dialog_header *child;
                int             old_val;
                dlg_state       return_state;

                dlg_name = VarGetStrVal( GetVariableById( id ) );
                if( dlg_name != NULL ) {
                    child = FindDialogByName( dlg_name );
                    if( child != NULL ) {
                        GetVariableVals( gui, curr_dialog, FALSE );
                        if( child->any_check != NO_VAR ) {
                            old_val = VarGetIntVal( child->any_check );
                            SetVariableByHandle( child->any_check, "1" );
                            GUISetChecked( gui, VarGetId( child->any_check ), 1 );
                            CheckChildChecks( child );
                            return_state = DoDialogByPointer( gui, child );
                            if( return_state != DLG_CAN &&
                                return_state != DLG_DONE ) {
                                CheckAnyCheck( gui, child );
                            } else {
                                SetVariableByHandle( child->any_check, old_val ? "1" : "0" );
                                GUISetChecked( gui, VarGetId( child->any_check ), old_val );
                        } else {
                            DoDialogByPointer( gui, child );
            if( !initializing ) GetVariableVals( gui, curr_dialog, FALSE );

            UpdateControlVisibility( gui, curr_dialog, FALSE );

        case CTL_HELP:
            strcpy( buff, "Help_" );
            strcat( buff, curr_dialog->name );
            DoDialogWithParent( gui, buff );
        return( TRUE );
    return( FALSE );