예제 #1
static int cmpaffix(const void *s1,const void *s2){
  int lc;
  if (((const DPS_AFFIX*)s1)->type < ((const DPS_AFFIX*)s2)->type) {
    return -1;
  if (((const DPS_AFFIX*)s1)->type > ((const DPS_AFFIX*)s2)->type) {
    return 1;
  lc = strcmp(((const DPS_AFFIX*)s1)->lang,((const DPS_AFFIX*)s2)->lang);
  if (lc == 0) {
    if ( (((const DPS_AFFIX*)s1)->replen == 0) && (((const DPS_AFFIX*)s2)->replen == 0) ) {
      return 0;
    if (((const DPS_AFFIX*)s1)->replen == 0) {
      return -1;
    if (((const DPS_AFFIX*)s2)->replen == 0) {
      return 1;
      dpsunicode_t u1[BUFSIZ], u2[BUFSIZ];
      DpsUniStrCpy(u1,((const DPS_AFFIX*)s1)->repl); 
      DpsUniStrCpy(u2,((const DPS_AFFIX*)s2)->repl); 
      if (((const DPS_AFFIX*)s1)->type == 'p') {
	*u1 &= 255; *u2 &= 255;
	return DpsUniStrCmp(u1, u2);
      } else {
	u1[((const DPS_AFFIX*)s1)->replen - 1] &= 255; u2[((const DPS_AFFIX*)s2)->replen -1] &= 255;
	return DpsUniStrBCmp(u1, u2);
  return lc;
예제 #2
static dpsunicode_t *DpsSegmentProcess(DPS_CHINALIST *List, dpsunicode_t *line) {
  int top, nextid, *position, *next, len, maxid, i, current, father, needinsert, iindex;
  unsigned int h;
  double *value, p;
  dpsunicode_t **result;
  dpsunicode_t *otv, space[] = {32, 0};
  DPS_CHINAWORD *chinaword, chiw;

  if (/*(line[0] >= 0x80) &&*/ (List->hash != NULL)) {

    len = DpsUniLen(line);
    maxid = 2 * len + 1;
    position = (int*)DpsMalloc(maxid * sizeof(int));
    if (position == NULL) return NULL;
    next = (int*)DpsMalloc(maxid * sizeof(int));
    if (next == NULL) {
      return NULL;
    value = (double*)DpsMalloc(maxid * sizeof(double));
    if (value == NULL) {
      DPS_FREE(position); DPS_FREE(next);
      return NULL;
    result = (dpsunicode_t **)DpsMalloc(maxid * sizeof(dpsunicode_t *));
    if (result == NULL) {
      DPS_FREE(position); DPS_FREE(next); DPS_FREE(value);
      return NULL;
    top = 0;
/*    value[0] = 1;*/
    value[0] = 1.0 * List->total * len; 
    position[0] = 0;
    next[0] = -1;
    result[0] = (dpsunicode_t*)DpsUniDup(&space[1]);
    nextid = 1;

/*    fprintf(stderr, "SegmentProcess start: len -- %d\n", len);*/

    while ((top != -1) && (!((position[top] >= len) && (next[top] == -1)))) {

/*      fprintf(stderr, "top: %d  position: %d (len: %d)  next:%d\n", top, position[top], len, next[top]);*/

/*   # find the first open path */
      current = top;
      father = top;
      while ((current != -1) && (position[current] >= len)) {
	father = current;
	current = next[current];
/*   # remove this path */
      if (current == top) {
	top = next[top];
      } else {
	next[father] = next[current];

      if (current == -1) {
/*       # no open path, finished, take the first path */
	next[top] = -1;
      } else {
	otv = &line[position[current]];
	h = (unsigned int)(otv[0] & 0xffff);

/*       # if the first character doesn't have word phrase in the dict.*/
	if (List->hash[h] == 0) {
	  List->hash[h] = 1 /*2*/;

	i = List->hash[h];
	if (i + position[current] > len) {
	  i = len - position[current];
	/*i = i + 1*/ /*2*/;
	otv = NULL;
	for (; i > 0; i-- /*2*/) {
	  /*i = i - 1*/ /*2*/;
	  otv = DpsUniNDup(&line[position[current]], (size_t)i);
	  chinaword = DpsChineseListFind(List, otv);

	  if (i == 1 /*2*/ && chinaword == NULL) {
	    otv = DpsUniNDup(&line[position[current]], 1/*2*/);
	    chiw.word = otv;
	    chiw.freq = 1;
	    DpsChineseListAdd(List, chinaword = &chiw);
/*	    DpsChineseListSort(List);*/
	    /*i = 1*//*2*//*;*/

	  if ((chinaword != NULL) && chinaword->freq) {
/*       # pronode()   */
/*	  value[nextid] = value[current] * chinaword->freq / List->total;*/
	    p = (double)chinaword->freq / List->total;
	    value[nextid] = value[current] / (-1.0 * log(p) / log(10.0));
	    position[nextid] = position[current] + i;
	    h = DpsUniLen(result[current]) + DpsUniLen(otv) + 2;
	    result[nextid] = (dpsunicode_t*)DpsXmalloc((size_t)h * sizeof(dpsunicode_t));
	    if (result[nextid] == NULL) {
	      DPS_FREE(position); DPS_FREE(next); DPS_FREE(value); DPS_FREE(result);
	      return NULL;
	    DpsUniStrCpy(result[nextid], result[current]);
	    DpsUniStrCat(result[nextid], space);
	    DpsUniStrCat(result[nextid], otv);
    # check to see whether there is duplicated path
    # if there is a duplicate path, remove the small value path
	    needinsert = 1;
	    iindex = top;
	    father = top;
	    while (iindex != -1) {
	      if (position[iindex] == position[nextid]) {
		if (0.85 * value[iindex] >= value[nextid]) {
		  needinsert = 0;
		} else {
		  if (top == iindex) {
		    next[nextid] = next[iindex];
		    top = nextid;
		    needinsert = 0;
    /*          } else {
	          next[nextid] = next[father];*/ /*  next[father] = next[nextid];*/
		iindex = -1;
	      } else {
		father = iindex;
		iindex = next[iindex];
/*    # insert the new path into the list */
/*	    fprintf(stderr, "current:%d  position:%d  i:%d  value[current]:%.12lf  nextid:%d  value[nextid]:%.12lf\n", 
		    current, position[current], i, value[current], nextid, value[nextid]);*/
	    if (needinsert == 1) {
	      while ((iindex != -1) && (value[iindex] > value[nextid])) {
		father = iindex;
		iindex = next[iindex];
	      if (top == iindex) {
		next[nextid] = top;
		top = nextid;
	      } else {
		next[father] = nextid;
		next[nextid] = iindex;
	    if (nextid >= maxid) {
	      maxid +=128;
	      position = (int*)DpsRealloc(position, maxid * sizeof(int));
	      next = (int*)DpsRealloc(next, maxid * sizeof(int));
	      value = (double*)DpsRealloc(value, maxid * sizeof(double));
	      result = (dpsunicode_t **)DpsRealloc(result, maxid * sizeof(dpsunicode_t *));
	      if (position == NULL || next == NULL || value == NULL || result == NULL) {
		DPS_FREE(position); DPS_FREE(next); DPS_FREE(value);
		if (result != NULL) {
		  for (i = 0; i < nextid; i++) {
		    if (i != top) DPS_FREE(result[i]);
		return NULL;

	} /*while ((i >= 1) && ( chinaword == NULL));*/


    DPS_FREE(position); DPS_FREE(next);
    for (i = 0; i < nextid; i++) {
      if (i != top) DPS_FREE(result[i]);
    otv = result[top];
    DPS_FREE(value); DPS_FREE(result);
    return otv;

  } else {
    return (dpsunicode_t*)DpsUniDup(line);
예제 #3
/* string append */
dpsunicode_t *DpsUniStrCat(dpsunicode_t *s, const dpsunicode_t *append) {
  size_t len = DpsUniLen(s);
  DpsUniStrCpy(&s[len], append);
  return s;