예제 #1
void Draw_Pixel_Init(SDL_Surface *super,
                     Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Uint32 color)
  Draw_Pixel(super, x, y, color);
예제 #2
void Surface::UpdatePixel( PIXDIFF &pixel )
  Uint32 color = (pixel.color.r << 24) |
                 (pixel.color.g << 16) |
                 (pixel.color.b << 8 ) |

  Draw_Pixel( sdlSurface,
              pixel.x - source.x,
              pixel.y - source.y,
              color );
void Draw_AALine(SDL_Surface* screen, float x0, float y0, 
                 float x1, float y1, float thick,
                 uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a){
	float lower, upper;
	float delta;
	//Thickness less than screen diagonal
	delta = sqrtf(screen->w*screen->w + screen->h*screen->h) + 1.0f;
	if(thick > delta){
		thick = delta;

	//Cap ends off, X dimension
	lower = 0.0f - thick;
	upper = screen->w + thick;
	x0 = std::min(upper, std::max(lower, x0));
	x1 = std::min(upper, std::max(lower, x1));

	//Cap ends off, Y dimension
	lower = 0.0f - thick;
	upper = screen->h + thick;
	y0 = std::min(upper, std::max(lower, y0));
	y1 = std::min(upper, std::max(lower, y1));

	//Steeper than shallow?
	if(abs(y1-y0) > abs(x1-x0)){
		//Re-order to go bottom to top
		if(y0 > y1){
			std::swap(x0, x1);
			std::swap(y0, y1);

		//Adjust thickness by slope factor
		thick = thick * sqrtf(float(x1-x0)*(x1-x0) + float(y1-y0)*(y1-y0)) / float(y1-y0);

		//Calculate lower/upper/delta wrt X
		delta = float(x1-x0) / float(y1-y0);
		lower = x0 - thick*0.5f;
		upper = x0 + thick*0.5f;

		//Loop over each scanline, draw
		for(int y=y0; y<=y1; y++){
			int rl = int(lower);
			int ru = int(upper);
			float pl = 1.0f - (lower - rl);
			float pu = upper - ru;

			//Plot edge then interior pixels
			Draw_Pixel(screen, rl, y, r, g, b, a*pl);
			Draw_Pixel(screen, ru, y, r, g, b, a*pu);
			for(int x=rl+1; x<ru; x++){
				Draw_Pixel(screen, x, y, r, g, b, a);

			//Update bounds
			lower += delta;
			upper += delta;

		//Draw caps
		if(x0 != x1){
			float deltal, deltau;

			//Reset bounds
			lower = x1 - thick*0.5f;
			upper = x1 + thick*0.5f;

			//Choose which gets different delta
			if(x0 < x1){
				deltal = delta;
				deltau = -1.0f / delta;
			} else{
				deltal = -1.0f / delta;
				deltau = delta;

			//Update bounds
			lower += deltal;
			upper += deltau;

			//Draw end cap
			for(int y=y1+1; lower<upper; y++){
				int rl = int(lower);
				int ru = int(upper);
				float pl = 1.0f - (lower - rl);
				float pu = upper - ru;

				//Plot edge then interior pixels
				Draw_Pixel(screen, rl, y, r, g, b, a*pl);
				Draw_Pixel(screen, ru+1, y, r, g, b, a*pu);
				for(int x=rl+1; x<=ru; x++){
					Draw_Pixel(screen, x, y, r, g, b, a);

				//Update bounds
				lower += deltal;
				upper += deltau;

			//Reset bounds
			lower = x0 - thick*0.5f;
			upper = x0 + thick*0.5f;

			//Update bounds
			std::swap(deltal, deltau);
			lower -= deltal;
			upper -= deltau;

			//Draw start cap
			for(int y=y0-1; lower<upper; y--){
				int rl = int(lower);
				int ru = int(upper);
				float pl = 1.0f - (lower - rl);
				float pu = upper - ru;

				//Plot edge then interior pixels
				Draw_Pixel(screen, rl, y, r, g, b, a*pl);
				Draw_Pixel(screen, ru+1, y, r, g, b, a*pu);
				for(int x=rl+1; x<=ru; x++){
					Draw_Pixel(screen, x, y, r, g, b, a);

				//Update bounds
				lower -= deltal;
				upper -= deltau;


	//Must have been more shallow
	//Reorder left to right
	if(x0 > x1){
		std::swap(x0, x1);
		std::swap(y0, y1);

	//Adjust thickness by slope factor
	thick = thick * sqrtf(float(x1-x0)*(x1-x0) + float(y1-y0)*(y1-y0)) / float(x1-x0);

	//Calculate lower/upper/delta wrt Y
	delta = float(y1-y0) / float(x1-x0);
	lower = y0 - thick*0.5f;
	upper = y0 + thick*0.5f;

	//Loop over each scanline, draw
	for(int x=x0; x<=x1; x++){
		int rl = int(lower);
		int ru = int(upper);
		float pl = 1.0f - (lower - rl);
		float pu = upper - ru;

		//Plot edge pixels
		Draw_Pixel(screen, x, rl, r, g, b, a*pl);
		Draw_Pixel(screen, x, ru+1, r, g, b, a*pu);
		for(int y=rl+1; y<=ru; y++){
			Draw_Pixel(screen, x, y, r, g, b, a);

		//Update bounds
		lower += delta;
		upper += delta;

	//Draw caps
	if(y0 != y1){
		float deltal, deltau;

		//Reset bounds
		lower = y1 - thick*0.5f;
		upper = y1 + thick*0.5f;

		//Choose which gets different delta
		if(y0 < y1){
			deltal = delta;
			deltau = -1.0f / delta;
		} else{
			deltal = -1.0f / delta;
			deltau = delta;

		//Update bounds
		lower += deltal;
		upper += deltau;

		//Draw end cap
		for(int x=x1+1; lower<upper; x++){
			int rl = int(lower);
			int ru = int(upper);
			float pl = 1.0f - (lower - rl);
			float pu = upper - ru;

			//Plot edge then interior pixels
			Draw_Pixel(screen, x, rl, r, g, b, a*pl);
			Draw_Pixel(screen, x, ru+1, r, g, b, a*pu);
			for(int y=rl+1; y<=ru; y++){
				Draw_Pixel(screen, x, y, r, g, b, a);

			//Update bounds
			lower += deltal;
			upper += deltau;

		//Reset bounds
		lower = y0 - thick*0.5f;
		upper = y0 + thick*0.5f;

		//Update bounds
		std::swap(deltal, deltau);
		lower -= deltal;
		upper -= deltau;

		//Draw start cap
		for(int x=x0-1; lower<upper; x--){
			int rl = int(lower);
			int ru = int(upper);
			float pl = 1.0f - (lower - rl);
			float pu = upper - ru;

			//Plot edge then interior pixels
			Draw_Pixel(screen, x, rl, r, g, b, a*pl);
			Draw_Pixel(screen, x, ru+1, r, g, b, a*pu);
			for(int y=rl+1; y<=ru; y++){
				Draw_Pixel(screen, x, y, r, g, b, a);

			//Update bounds
			lower -= deltal;
			upper -= deltau;

예제 #4
파일: sdldrawtest.c 프로젝트: 8l/bcpl
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  SDL_Surface *screen;
  int width, height;
  Uint8  video_bpp;
  Uint32 videoflags;
  int done;
  SDL_Event event;
  Uint32 then, now, frames;

  if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "SDL_Init problem: %s", SDL_GetError());

  width = 640;
  height = 480;
  video_bpp = 0;

  while ( argc > 1 ) {
           if ( strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-width") == 0 ) {
      width = atoi(argv[argc]);
    } else if ( strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-height") == 0 ) {
      height = atoi(argv[argc]);
    } else if ( strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-bpp") == 0 ) {
      video_bpp = atoi(argv[argc]);
      videoflags &= ~SDL_ANYFORMAT;
    } else if ( strcmp(argv[argc], "-fast") == 0 ) {
      videoflags = FastestFlags(videoflags, width, height, video_bpp);
    } else if ( strcmp(argv[argc], "-hw") == 0 ) {
      videoflags ^= SDL_HWSURFACE;
    } else if ( strcmp(argv[argc], "-flip") == 0 ) {
      videoflags ^= SDL_DOUBLEBUF;
    } else if ( strcmp(argv[argc], "-fullscreen") == 0 ) {
      videoflags ^= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "Use: %s [-bpp N] [-hw] [-flip] [-fast] [-fullscreen]\n",

  /*Video mode activation*/
  screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, video_bpp, videoflags);
  if (!screen) {
    fprintf(stderr, "I can not activate video mode: %dx%d: %s\n",
            width, height, SDL_GetError());

  Uint32 c_white = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 255,255,255);
  Uint32 c_gray = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 200,200,200);
  Uint32 c_dgray= SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 64,64,64);
  Uint32 c_cyan = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 32,255,255);

  //SDL_Rect r = {100,300,50,50};
  //SDL_SetClipRect(screen, &r);  //Test of clipping code

  frames = 0;
  then = SDL_GetTicks();
  done = 0;
  while( !done ) {
  Draw_Line(screen, 100,100, 30,0, c_white);
  Draw_Line(screen, 30,0, 100,100, c_white);

  Draw_Line(screen, 100,100, 30,0, c_white);
  Draw_Line(screen, 30,0, 100,100, c_white);
  Draw_Line(screen, 0,0, 100,100, c_white);
  Draw_Line(screen, 100,100, 300,200, c_white);
  Draw_Line(screen, 200,300, 250,400,
                SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 128,128,255));
  Draw_Line(screen, 500,50, 600,70,
                SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 128,255,128));
  Draw_Line(screen, 500,50, 600,70,
                SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 128,255,128));
  //Draw_Circle(screen, 100+frames%200, 100, 50, c_white);
  Draw_Circle(screen, 100+(frames/3)%200, 100+(frames/2)%173, 50,
              SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 128+frames,255+frames,68+frames));

  Draw_Circle(screen, 150,150, 5, c_white);
  Draw_Circle(screen, 150,150, 4,
                 SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 64,64,64));
  Draw_Circle(screen, 150,150, 3,
                 SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 255,0,0));
  Draw_Circle(screen, 150,150, 2,
                 SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0,255,0));
  Draw_Circle(screen, 150,150, 1,
                 SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0,0,255));

  Draw_Line(screen, 500,100, 600,120,
                SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 128,255,128));
  Draw_Circle(screen, 601,121, 2, c_white);

  Draw_Circle(screen, 400,200, 2, c_white);
  Draw_Line(screen, 400,200, 409,200, c_white);
  Draw_Circle(screen, 409,200, 2, c_white);
  Draw_Line(screen, 400,200, 400,250, c_white);
  Draw_Circle(screen, 400,250, 2, c_white);
  Draw_Line(screen, 409,200, 400,250, c_white);

  Draw_Line(screen, 400,300, 409,300, c_gray);
  Draw_Line(screen, 400,300, 400,350, c_gray);
  Draw_Line(screen, 409,300, 400,350, c_dgray);
  Draw_Rect(screen, 398,298, 4,4, c_cyan);
  Draw_Rect(screen, 407,298, 4,4, c_cyan);
  Draw_Rect(screen, 398,348, 4,4, c_cyan);

  Draw_HLine(screen, 10,400, 50, c_white);
  Draw_VLine(screen, 60,400, 360, c_white);
  Draw_Rect(screen, 500,400, 50,50, c_white);
  Draw_Pixel(screen, 510,410, c_white);
  Draw_Pixel(screen, 520,420,
             SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 255,0,0));
  Draw_Pixel(screen, 530,430,
             SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0,255,0));
  Draw_Pixel(screen, 540,440,
             SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0,0,255));

  Draw_Ellipse(screen, 100,300, 60,30, c_white);
  Draw_FillEllipse(screen, 300,300, 30,60,
               SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 64,64,200));
  Draw_Ellipse(screen, 300,300, 30,60,
               SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 255,0,0));

  Draw_Round(screen, 200,20, 70,50, 10, c_white);
  Draw_Round(screen, 300,20, 70,50, 20,
             SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 255,0,0));
  Draw_FillRound(screen, 390,20, 70,50, 20,
                 SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 255,0,0));
  Draw_Round(screen, 390,20, 70,50, 20, c_cyan);

  /*Draw_Round(screen, 500,400, 5,3, 4, c_cyan);*/

  Draw_Rect(screen, 499,199, 52,72,
            SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 255,255,0));
  //Draw_FillRect(screen, 500,200, 50,70,
  //              SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 64,200,64));

  Draw_FillCircle(screen, 500,330, 30, c_cyan);

  SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    while ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) ) {
      switch (event.type) {
        case SDL_KEYDOWN:
        case SDL_QUIT:
          done = 1;


  now = SDL_GetTicks();
  if ( now > then ) {
    printf("%2.2f frames per second\n",

  fprintf(stderr, "[END]\n");
  return 0;

예제 #5
int Game_Main(void *parms, int num_parms)
// this is the workhorse of your game it will be called
// continuously in real-time this is like main() in C
// all the calls for you game go here!

int index; // looping var

// check of user is trying to exit
    PostMessage(main_window_handle, WM_DESTROY,0,0);

// start the timing clock

// clear the drawing surface
DDraw_Fill_Surface(lpddsback, 0);

// get the input from the mouse
lpdimouse->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIMOUSESTATE), (LPVOID)&mouse_state);

// move the mouse cursor

// test bounds

// first x boundaries
if (mouse_x >= screen_width)
   mouse_x = screen_width-1;
if (mouse_x < 0)
   mouse_x = 0;

// now the y boundaries
if (mouse_y >= screen_height)
   mouse_y= screen_height-1;
if (mouse_y < 0)
   mouse_y = 0;

// position the pointer bob to the mouse coords
pointer.x = mouse_x - 16;
pointer.y = mouse_y - 16;

// test what the user is doing with the mouse
if ((mouse_x > 3) && (mouse_x < 500-3) && 
    (mouse_y > 3) && (mouse_y < SCREEN_HEIGHT-3))
   // mouse is within canvas region

   // if left button is down then draw
   if (mouse_state.rgbButtons[0])
      // test drawing mode
      if (buttons_state[BUTTON_PENCIL])
         // draw a pixel 
         Draw_Pixel(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_color, canvas.buffer, canvas.width);
         Draw_Pixel(mouse_x+1, mouse_y, mouse_color, canvas.buffer, canvas.width);
         Draw_Pixel(mouse_x, mouse_y+1, mouse_color, canvas.buffer, canvas.width);
         Draw_Pixel(mouse_x+1, mouse_y+1, mouse_color, canvas.buffer, canvas.width);
         // draw spray
         for (index=0; index<10; index++)
             // get next particle
             int sx=mouse_x-8+rand()%16;
             int sy=mouse_y-8+rand()%16;
             // make sure particle is in bounds
             if (sx > 0 && sx < 500 && sy > 0 && sy < screen_height)
                Draw_Pixel(sx, sy, mouse_color, canvas.buffer, canvas.width);
             } // end for index

         } // end else

      } // end if left button
    else // right button is eraser
    if (mouse_state.rgbButtons[1])
       // test drawing mode
       if (buttons_state[BUTTON_PENCIL]) 
          // erase a pixel 
          Draw_Pixel(mouse_x, mouse_y, 0, canvas.buffer, canvas.width);
          Draw_Pixel(mouse_x+1, mouse_y, 0, canvas.buffer, canvas.width);
          Draw_Pixel(mouse_x, mouse_y+1, 0, canvas.buffer, canvas.width);
          Draw_Pixel(mouse_x+1, mouse_y+1, 0, canvas.buffer, canvas.width);
          } // end if
          // erase spray
          for (index=0; index<20; index++)
              // get next particle
              int sx=mouse_x-8+rand()%16;
              int sy=mouse_y-8+rand()%16;
              // make sure particle is in bounds
              if (sx > 0 && sx < 500 && sy > 0 && sy < screen_height)
                 Draw_Pixel(sx, sy, 0, canvas.buffer, canvas.width);
              } // end for index
          } // end else
       } // end if left button
   } // end if
if ( (mouse_x > 500+16) && (mouse_x < 500+16+8*9) &&
     (mouse_y > 8)      && (mouse_y < 8+32*9))
   // within palette

   // test if button left button is down
   if (mouse_state.rgbButtons[0])
      // see what color cell user is pointing to
      int cell_x = (mouse_x - (500+16))/9;
      int cell_y = (mouse_y - (8))/9;

      // change color
      mouse_color = cell_x + cell_y*8;

      } // end if
   } // end if
if ((mouse_x > 500) && (mouse_x < (500+100)) &&
    (mouse_y > 344) && (mouse_y < (383+34)) )
   // within button area
   // test for each button
   for (index=0; index<4; index++)
       if ((mouse_x > buttons_x[index]) && (mouse_x < (buttons_x[index]+32)) &&
           (mouse_y > buttons_y[index]) && (mouse_y < (buttons_y[index]+34)) )

       } // end for

   // at this point we know where the user is, now determine what he
   // is doing with the buttons
         case BUTTON_SPRAY:
             // if left button is down simply activate spray mode
             if (mouse_state.rgbButtons[0])
                // depress button
                buttons_state[index] = 1;

               // de-activate pencil mode
                buttons_state[BUTTON_PENCIL] = 0;
                } // end if
                // make sure button is up
                // buttons_state[index] = 0;
                } // end else

             } break;
         case BUTTON_PENCIL:
             // if left button is down activate spray mode
             if (mouse_state.rgbButtons[0])
                // depress button
                buttons_state[index] = 1;

                // de-activate spray mode
                buttons_state[BUTTON_SPRAY] = 0;

                } // end if
                // make sure button is up
                // buttons_state[index] = 0;
                } // end else

             } break;

         case BUTTON_ERASE:
             // test if left button is down, if so clear screen
             if (mouse_state.rgbButtons[0])
                // clear memory

                // depress button
                buttons_state[index] = 1;
                } // end if
                // make sure button is up
                buttons_state[index] = 0;
                } // end else
             } break;
         case BUTTON_EXIT:
             // test if left button down, if so bail
             if (mouse_state.rgbButtons[0])
                  PostMessage(main_window_handle, WM_DESTROY,0,0);

             } break;

         } // end switch

   } // end if
   // no mans land

   } // end else

// lock back buffer

// draw the canvas
Draw_Bitmap(&canvas, back_buffer, back_lpitch,0);

// draw control panel

// unlock back buffer

// draw the color palette
for (int col=0; col < 256; col++)
    Draw_Rectangle(500+16+(col%8)*9,   8+(col/8)*9,
                   500+16+(col%8)*9+8, 8+(col/8)*9+8,
    } // end for col

// draw the current color selected

// draw the buttons
for (index=0; index<4; index++)
    // set position of button bob
    buttons.x = buttons_x[index];
    buttons.y = buttons_y[index];

    // now select the on/off frame based on if the
    // button is off
    if (buttons_state[index]==0)
        buttons.curr_frame = index;
    else // button is on
        buttons.curr_frame = index+4;

    // draw the button
    Draw_BOB(&buttons, lpddsback);

    } // end for index

static int green = 0;

// display coords
sprintf(buffer,"Pointer (%d,%d)",mouse_x,mouse_y);
Draw_Text_GDI(buffer, 8,screen_height - 16,RGB(0,255,0),lpddsback);
Draw_Text_GDI("T3D Paint Version 2.0 - Press <ESC> to Exit.",0,0,RGB(0,(green & 255),0),lpddsback);

// a little animation

// draw the cursor last

// flip the surfaces

// sync to 30 fps

// return success

} // end Game_Main
예제 #6
/* Main program */
int main(){
        /* not Locals */
        lapack_complex_double *a, *temp, * u, *vt;
        lapack_int m = M, n = N, lda = LDA, ldu = LDU, ldvt = LDVT, info;
        /* Local arrays */
		//void prtdat();
		double *s;
        double *superb; 
        int svd_count=0;
		int i, j ,ix ,iy, index, ii, jj ;    
		double  x_min,
				stepx,						/* step size for finding gridpoints coordinates in x and y dimension.*/
		double e=0.1;        
		/* Array used for the ploting of
		* grid, as an input to the 
		* draw_pseudospectra function. */
		double *plot;
		//double plot[n][n]; 
		COLOUR colour;
		BITMAP4 col,grey = {128,128,128,0};
        /* Memory alocations*/
		temp = malloc((lda*m)*sizeof(lapack_complex_double));
		a = malloc((lda*m)*sizeof(lapack_complex_double));
		u = malloc((ldu*m)*sizeof(lapack_complex_double));
		vt = malloc((ldvt*n)*sizeof(lapack_complex_double));
		s = malloc(m*sizeof(double));
		superb = malloc(min(m,n)*sizeof(double));
		plot = malloc((NGRID*NGRID)*sizeof(double));
		z = malloc((NGRID*NGRID)*sizeof(double _Complex));
		//allocating the 2D array data.
	  if ((data = malloc(SCALE*NGRID*sizeof(double *))) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Failed to malloc space for the data\n");
   for (i=0;i<SCALE*NGRID;i++) {
      if ((data[i] = malloc(SCALE*NGRID*sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr,"Failed to malloc space for the data\n");
   for (i=0;i<SCALE*NGRID;i++){
      for (j=0;j<SCALE*NGRID;j++){
         data[i][j] = 0;
	 //   printf("%f\t",data[i][j]);
		printf("        ---------------------------------           \n");
		printf ("Starting Computing Pseudopsecta of grcar Matrix\n");
		printf("Give the doundaries of the 2-dimenional domain\n");
		printf("Insert the minimum value of x-axis\n");
		printf("Insert the maximum value of x-axis\n");
		printf("Insert the minimum value of y-axis\n");
		printf("Insert the maximun value of y-axis\n");
		//printf("Give the grid size you want:\n");
		/*if (x_min==0.0)*/  x_min=XMIN;
		/*if (x_max==0.0)*/  x_max=XMAX;
		/*if (y_min==0.0)*/  y_min=YMIN;
		/*if (y_max==0.0)*/  y_max=YMAX;
		/* Initialize grid */
		printf("The size of the domain is: X=[%f-%f]  Y=[%f-%f] \n",x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max);
		printf("To stepx einai %f\n",stepx);
		printf("To stepy einai %f\n",stepy);	

	   for (i =0; i <NGRID*NGRID; i++){
			z[i]=x_min+(i/n * stepx)+(y_min + (i%n * stepy))*I;
		 // z[i]=lapack_make_complex_double( i/n,i%n); just for testing
		//**	printf( " (%6.2f,%6.2f)", lapack_complex_double_real(z[i]), lapack_complex_double_imag(z[i]) );

	   for (i = 0; i < lda*m ; i=i+n ){	
				a[i]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
				a[i+1]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
				a[i+2]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
				a[i+3]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
			else if(i == (n-3)*n ){
				a[i+j]=lapack_make_complex_double( -1,0);
				a[i+(j+1)]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
				a[i+(j+2)]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
				a[i+(j+3)]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
			else if(i == (n-2)*n ){
				a[i+j]=lapack_make_complex_double( -1,0);
				a[i+(j+1)]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
				a[i+(j+2)]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
			else if(i == (n-1)*n ){
				a[i+j]=lapack_make_complex_double( -1,0);
				a[i+(j+1)]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
				a[i+j]=lapack_make_complex_double( -1,0);
				a[i+(j+1)]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
				a[i+(j+2)]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
				a[i+(j+3)]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);
				a[i+(j+4)]=lapack_make_complex_double( 1,0);

		//print_matrix("Entry Matrix A", m, n, a, lda );
		for (iy = 0; iy < NGRID*NGRID; iy++){   
			 //printf("temp size %d, a size %d",(lda*m)*sizeof(*temp),(lda*m)*sizeof(*a));
			memcpy(temp, a ,(lda*m)*sizeof(*temp));
			 //~ print_matrix( "Entry Matrix Temp just after memcopy", m, n, temp, lda );
			 //~ print_matrix( "Entry Matrix A just after memcopy", m, n, a, lda );
			// printf( "To  z[%d](%6.4f,%6.4f)\n",iy,lapack_complex_double_real(z[iy]),lapack_complex_double_imag(z[iy]) );
			for (i = 0; i < lda*m ; i=i+(n+1)){	
				//~ printf("%d",i);
				//~ printf( "To  a[%d](%6.2f,%6.2f)\t",i, lapack_complex_double_real(a[i]), lapack_complex_double_imag(a[i]) );
				//~ printf( "To  z[%d](%6.2f,%6.2f)\n",iy,lapack_complex_double_real(z[iy]),lapack_complex_double_imag(z[iy]) );
				//~ temp[index] = lapack_make_complex_double(lapack_complex_double_real(a[index])-lapack_complex_double_real(z[iy]),  lapack_complex_double_imag(a[index])-lapack_complex_double_imag(z[iy])    );
				//~ printf( " temp[%d](%6.2f,%6.2f)", i,lapack_complex_double_real(temp[i]), lapack_complex_double_imag(temp[i]) );
				//~ printf( "\n");
			//printf("GRCAR MATRIX AFTER SUBSTRACTION (%d,%d)\n",iy/n,iy%n);
			//~ print_matrix( "Entry Matrix Temp just before", m, n, temp, lda );
			/* Executable statements */
			//~ print_matrix( "AT THE BEGINING OF THE FOR LOOP", m, n, a, lda );
			printf( "LAPACKE_zgesvd (row-major, high-level) Example Program Results(%d,%d)\n",iy/NGRID,iy%NGRID);
			/* Compute SVD */
			info = LAPACKE_zgesvd( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'N', 'N', m, n, temp, lda, s, NULL, ldu, NULL, ldvt, superb );
			//~ print_matrix( "IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOR LOOP", m, n, a, lda );
			//~ print_matrix( "IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOR LOOP-TEMP", m, n, temp, lda );
			/* Check for convergence */
			if( info > 0 ) {
				printf( "The algorithm computing SVD failed to converge.\n" );
				exit( 1 );
			/* Print singular values */
			if( info == 0){
//				printf("Solution\n");	
				for ( i= 0; i< m; i++ ) {
//					printf(" s[ %d ] = %f\n", i, s[ i ] );
			if(s[m-1] <= e){
				printf("THIS ELEMENT BELONGS TO PSEUDOSPECTRA (%d,%d):%6.10f\n",(iy/NGRID+1),(iy%NGRID+1),s[m-1]);
				/*to index tis parapanw ektupwshs anaferetai sto index tou antistoixou mhtrwou apo thn synarthsh ths matlab grcar_example.m*/
				//~ plot[iy/n][iy%n]=s[m-1];
			 //~ else   plot[iy/n][iy%n]=0;
				else plot[iy]=0;
	//~ print_rmatrix( "Singular values", 1, m, s, 1 );
	/* Print left singular vectors */
	// print_matrix( "Left singular vectors (stored columnwise)", m, m, u, ldu );
	/* Print right singular vectors */
	// print_matrix( "Right singular vectors (stored rowwise)", m, n, vt, ldvt );
		prtdat(NGRID, NGRID, plot, "svd.data");
		printf("Total number of svd evaluations in the %d,%d grid is:\t %d\n",NGRID,NGRID,svd_count);
		//giving values to data from plot
		for (i = 0; i<NGRID*NGRID; i++)  data[SCALE*(i/NGRID)][SCALE*(i%NGRID)] = plot[i];
    BITMAP4 black = {0,0,0,0};
		//~ contours[0] = 0.1;
		//~ contours[1] = 0.01;
		//~ contours[2] = 0.001;
		//~ contours[3] = 0.0001;
		//~ contours[4] = 0.00001;
		if ((image = Create_Bitmap(SCALE*NGRID,SCALE*NGRID)) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Malloc of bitmap failed\n");
 Erase_Bitmap(image,SCALE*NGRID,SCALE*NGRID,grey); /* Not strictly necessary */
   for (j=0;j<SCALE*NGRID;j++) {
      for (i=0;i<SCALE*NGRID;i++) {
         colour = GetColour(data[i][j],0,0.1,1);      /////////////////////////////////////////////
         col.r = colour.r * 255;
        // col.b = colour.b * 255;
       //  Draw_Pixel(image,SCALE*NGRID,SCALE*NGRID,(double)i,(double)j,col);
        //          colour = GetColour(data[i][j],0,0.0001,1);      /////////////////////////////////////////////
       //  col.g = colour.g * 255;

   /* Finally do the contouring */
   fprintf(stderr,"Drew %d vectors\n",vectorsdrawn);

      Write the image as a TGA file 
      See bitmaplib.c for more details, or write "image"
      in your own prefered format.
   if ((fp = fopen("image.tga","w")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open output image\n");

} /* End of LAPACKE_zgesvd Example */