예제 #1
파일: module.cpp 프로젝트: gedaiu/ldc
static void build_module_ref(std::string moduleMangle,
                             llvm::Constant *thisModuleInfo) {
  // Build the ModuleInfo reference and bracketing symbols.
  llvm::Type *const moduleInfoPtrTy = DtoPtrToType(Module::moduleinfo->type);

  std::string thismrefname = "_D";
  thismrefname += moduleMangle;
  thismrefname += "11__moduleRefZ";
  auto thismref = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
      gIR->module, moduleInfoPtrTy,
      false, // FIXME: mRelocModel != llvm::Reloc::PIC_
      DtoBitCast(thisModuleInfo, moduleInfoPtrTy), thismrefname);
예제 #2
파일: iraggr.cpp 프로젝트: lcrees/ldc
// helper function that returns the static default initializer of a variable
LLConstant* get_default_initializer(VarDeclaration* vd, Initializer* init)
    if (init)
        return DtoConstInitializer(init->loc, vd->type, init);

    if (vd->init)
        return DtoConstInitializer(vd->init->loc, vd->type, vd->init);

    if (vd->type->size(vd->loc) == 0)
        // We need to be able to handle void[0] struct members even if void has
        // no default initializer.
        return llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(DtoPtrToType(vd->type));
    return DtoConstExpInit(vd->loc, vd->type, vd->type->defaultInit(vd->loc));
예제 #3
파일: aa.cpp 프로젝트: flaviommedeiros/ldc
DValue *DtoAAIndex(Loc &loc, Type *type, DValue *aa, DValue *key, bool lvalue) {
  // D2:
  // call:
  // extern(C) void* _aaGetY(AA* aa, TypeInfo aati, size_t valuesize, void*
  // pkey)
  // or
  // extern(C) void* _aaInX(AA aa*, TypeInfo keyti, void* pkey)

  // first get the runtime function
  llvm::Function *func = getRuntimeFunction(
      loc, gIR->module, lvalue ? "_aaGetY" : "_aaInX");
  LLFunctionType *funcTy = func->getFunctionType();

  // aa param
  LLValue *aaval = lvalue ? aa->getLVal() : aa->getRVal();
  aaval = DtoBitCast(aaval, funcTy->getParamType(0));

  // pkey param
  LLValue *pkey = makeLValue(loc, key);
  pkey = DtoBitCast(pkey, funcTy->getParamType(lvalue ? 3 : 2));

  // call runtime
  LLValue *ret;
  if (lvalue) {
    LLValue *rawAATI =
        DtoTypeInfoOf(aa->type->unSharedOf()->mutableOf(), false);
    LLValue *castedAATI = DtoBitCast(rawAATI, funcTy->getParamType(1));
    LLValue *valsize = DtoConstSize_t(getTypePaddedSize(DtoType(type)));
    ret = gIR->CreateCallOrInvoke(func, aaval, castedAATI, valsize, pkey,
  } else {
    LLValue *keyti = DtoBitCast(to_keyti(aa), funcTy->getParamType(1));
    ret = gIR->CreateCallOrInvoke(func, aaval, keyti, pkey, "aa.index")

  // cast return value
  LLType *targettype = DtoPtrToType(type);
  if (ret->getType() != targettype) {
    ret = DtoBitCast(ret, targettype);

  // Only check bounds for rvalues ('aa[key]').
  // Lvalue use ('aa[key] = value') auto-adds an element.
  if (!lvalue && gIR->emitArrayBoundsChecks()) {
    llvm::BasicBlock *failbb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(
        gIR->context(), "aaboundscheckfail", gIR->topfunc());
    llvm::BasicBlock *okbb =
        llvm::BasicBlock::Create(gIR->context(), "aaboundsok", gIR->topfunc());

    LLValue *nullaa = LLConstant::getNullValue(ret->getType());
    LLValue *cond = gIR->ir->CreateICmpNE(nullaa, ret, "aaboundscheck");
    gIR->ir->CreateCondBr(cond, okbb, failbb);

    // set up failbb to call the array bounds error runtime function

    gIR->scope() = IRScope(failbb);

    llvm::Function *errorfn =
        getRuntimeFunction(loc, gIR->module, "_d_arraybounds");
        errorfn, DtoModuleFileName(gIR->func()->decl->getModule(), loc),

    // the function does not return

    // if ok, proceed in okbb
    gIR->scope() = IRScope(okbb);
  return new DVarValue(type, ret);
예제 #4
파일: nested.cpp 프로젝트: Syniurge/Calypso
DValue *DtoNestedVariable(Loc &loc, Type *astype, VarDeclaration *vd,
                          bool byref) {
  IF_LOG Logger::println("DtoNestedVariable for %s @ %s", vd->toChars(),

  // Locate context value

  Dsymbol *vdparent = vd->toParent2();

  IrFunction *irfunc = gIR->func();

  // Check whether we can access the needed frame
  FuncDeclaration *fd = irfunc->decl;
  while (fd && fd != vdparent) {
    fd = getParentFunc(fd);
  if (!fd) {
    error(loc, "function `%s` cannot access frame of function `%s`",
          irfunc->decl->toPrettyChars(), vdparent->toPrettyChars());
    return new DLValue(astype, llvm::UndefValue::get(DtoPtrToType(astype)));

  // is the nested variable in this scope?
  if (vdparent == irfunc->decl) {
    return makeVarDValue(astype, vd);

  // get the nested context
  LLValue *ctx = nullptr;
  bool skipDIDeclaration = false;
  auto currentCtx = gIR->funcGen().nestedVar;
  if (currentCtx) {
    Logger::println("Using own nested context of current function");
    ctx = currentCtx;
  } else if (irfunc->decl->isMember2()) {
        "Current function is member of nested class, loading vthis");

    AggregateDeclaration *cd = irfunc->decl->isMember2();
    LLValue *val = irfunc->thisArg;
    if (cd->isClassDeclaration()) {
      val = DtoLoad(val);
    ctx = DtoLoad(DtoGEPi(val, 0, getVthisIdx(cd), ".vthis"));
    skipDIDeclaration = true;
  } else {
    Logger::println("Regular nested function, loading context arg");

    ctx = DtoLoad(irfunc->nestArg);

  IF_LOG { Logger::cout() << "Context: " << *ctx << '\n'; }


  // Extract variable from nested context

  const auto frameType = LLPointerType::getUnqual(irfunc->frameType);
  IF_LOG { Logger::cout() << "casting to: " << *irfunc->frameType << '\n'; }
  LLValue *val = DtoBitCast(ctx, frameType);

  IrLocal *const irLocal = getIrLocal(vd);
  const auto vardepth = irLocal->nestedDepth;
  const auto funcdepth = irfunc->depth;

  IF_LOG {
    Logger::cout() << "Variable: " << vd->toChars() << '\n';
    Logger::cout() << "Variable depth: " << vardepth << '\n';
    Logger::cout() << "Function: " << irfunc->decl->toChars() << '\n';
    Logger::cout() << "Function depth: " << funcdepth << '\n';

  if (vardepth == funcdepth) {
    // This is not always handled above because functions without
    // variables accessed by nested functions don't create new frames.
    IF_LOG Logger::println("Same depth");
  } else {
    // Load frame pointer and index that...
    IF_LOG Logger::println("Lower depth");
    val = DtoGEPi(val, 0, vardepth);
    IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "Frame index: " << *val << '\n';
    val = DtoAlignedLoad(
        val, (std::string(".frame.") + vdparent->toChars()).c_str());
    IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "Frame: " << *val << '\n';

  const auto idx = irLocal->nestedIndex;
  assert(idx != -1 && "Nested context not yet resolved for variable.");

  LLSmallVector<int64_t, 2> dwarfAddrOps;

  LLValue *gep = DtoGEPi(val, 0, idx, vd->toChars());
  val = gep;
  IF_LOG {
    Logger::cout() << "Addr: " << *val << '\n';
    Logger::cout() << "of type: " << *val->getType() << '\n';
  const bool isRefOrOut = vd->isRef() || vd->isOut();
  if (isSpecialRefVar(vd)) {
    // Handled appropriately by makeVarDValue() and EmitLocalVariable(), pass
    // storage of pointer (reference lvalue).
  } else if (byref || isRefOrOut) {
    val = DtoAlignedLoad(val);
    // ref/out variables get a reference-debuginfo-type in EmitLocalVariable();
    // pass the GEP as reference lvalue in that case.
    if (!isRefOrOut)
    IF_LOG {
      Logger::cout() << "Was byref, now: " << *irLocal->value << '\n';
      Logger::cout() << "of type: " << *irLocal->value->getType() << '\n';
예제 #5
 LLType *type(Type *dty, LLType *t) override { return DtoPtrToType(dty); }
예제 #6
파일: module.cpp 프로젝트: gedaiu/ldc
static void build_dso_registry_calls(std::string moduleMangle,
                                     llvm::Constant *thisModuleInfo) {
  // Build the ModuleInfo reference and bracketing symbols.
  llvm::Type *const moduleInfoPtrTy = DtoPtrToType(Module::moduleinfo->type);

  // Order is important here: We must create the symbols in the
  // bracketing sections right before/after the ModuleInfo reference
  // so that they end up in the correct order in the object file.
  auto minfoBeg =
      new llvm::GlobalVariable(gIR->module, moduleInfoPtrTy,
                               false, // FIXME: mRelocModel != llvm::Reloc::PIC_
                               getNullPtr(moduleInfoPtrTy), "_minfo_beg");

  std::string thismrefname = "_D";
  thismrefname += moduleMangle;
  thismrefname += "11__moduleRefZ";
  auto thismref = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
      gIR->module, moduleInfoPtrTy,
      false, // FIXME: mRelocModel != llvm::Reloc::PIC_
      DtoBitCast(thisModuleInfo, moduleInfoPtrTy), thismrefname);

  auto minfoEnd =
      new llvm::GlobalVariable(gIR->module, moduleInfoPtrTy,
                               false, // FIXME: mRelocModel != llvm::Reloc::PIC_
                               getNullPtr(moduleInfoPtrTy), "_minfo_end");

  // Build the ctor to invoke _d_dso_registry.

  // This is the DSO slot for use by the druntime implementation.
  auto dsoSlot =
      new llvm::GlobalVariable(gIR->module, getVoidPtrType(), false,
                               getNullPtr(getVoidPtrType()), "ldc.dso_slot");

  // Okay, so the theory is easy: We want to have one global constructor and
  // destructor per object (i.e. executable/shared library) that calls
  // _d_dso_registry with the respective DSO record. However, there are a
  // couple of issues that make this harder than necessary:
  //  1) The natural way to implement the "one-per-image" part would be to
  //     emit a weak reference to a weak function into a .ctors.<somename>
  //     section (llvm.global_ctors doesn't support the necessary
  //     functionality, so we'd use our knowledge of the linker script to work
  //     around that). But as of LLVM 3.4, emitting a symbol both as weak and
  //     into a custom section is not supported by the MC layer. Thus, we have
  //     to use a normal ctor/dtor and manually ensure that we only perform
  //     the call once. This is done by introducing ldc.dso_initialized.
  //  2) To make sure the .minfo section isn't removed by the linker when
  //     using --gc-sections, we need to keep a reference to it around in
  //     _every_ object file (as --gc-sections works per object file). The
  //     natural place for this is the ctor, where we just load a reference
  //     on the stack after the DSO record (to ensure LLVM doesn't optimize
  //     it out). However, this way, we need to have at least one ctor
  //     instance per object file be pulled into the final executable. We
  //     do this here by making the module mangle string part of its name,
  //     even thoguht this is slightly wasteful on -singleobj builds.
  // It might be a better idea to simply use a custom linker script (using
  // INSERT AFTER… so as to still keep the default one) to avoid all these
  // problems. This would mean that it is no longer safe to link D objects
  // directly using e.g. "g++ dcode.o cppcode.o", though.

  auto dsoInitialized = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
      gIR->module, llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(gIR->context()), false,
      llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(gIR->context()), 0),

  // There is no reason for this cast to void*, other than that removing it
  // seems to trigger a bug in the llvm::Linker (at least on LLVM 3.4)
  // causing it to not merge the %object.ModuleInfo types properly. This
  // manifests itself in a type mismatch assertion being triggered on the
  // minfoUsedPointer store in the ctor as soon as the optimizer runs.
  llvm::Value *minfoRefPtr = DtoBitCast(thismref, getVoidPtrType());

  std::string ctorName = "ldc.dso_ctor.";
  ctorName += moduleMangle;
  llvm::Function *dsoCtor = llvm::Function::Create(
      llvm::FunctionType::get(llvm::Type::getVoidTy(gIR->context()), false),
      llvm::GlobalValue::LinkOnceODRLinkage, ctorName, &gIR->module);
  build_dso_ctor_dtor_body(dsoCtor, dsoInitialized, dsoSlot, minfoBeg, minfoEnd,
                           minfoRefPtr, false);
  llvm::appendToGlobalCtors(gIR->module, dsoCtor, 65535);

  std::string dtorName = "ldc.dso_dtor.";
  dtorName += moduleMangle;
  llvm::Function *dsoDtor = llvm::Function::Create(
      llvm::FunctionType::get(llvm::Type::getVoidTy(gIR->context()), false),
      llvm::GlobalValue::LinkOnceODRLinkage, dtorName, &gIR->module);
  build_dso_ctor_dtor_body(dsoDtor, dsoInitialized, dsoSlot, minfoBeg, minfoEnd,
                           minfoRefPtr, true);
  llvm::appendToGlobalDtors(gIR->module, dsoDtor, 65535);
예제 #7
파일: abi-x86-64.cpp 프로젝트: rainers/ldc
 LLType* type(Type* dty, LLType* t) {
     return DtoPtrToType(dty);
예제 #8
파일: dvalue.cpp 프로젝트: Syniurge/Calypso
DSpecialRefValue::DSpecialRefValue(Type *t, LLValue *v) : DLValue(v, t) {
  assert(v->getType() == DtoPtrToType(t)->getPointerTo());
예제 #9
파일: dvalue.cpp 프로젝트: Syniurge/Calypso
DLValue::DLValue(Type *t, LLValue *v) : DValue(t, v) {
  // v may be an addrspace qualified pointer so strip it before doing a pointer
  // equality check.
  assert(t->toBasetype()->ty == Ttuple ||
         stripAddrSpaces(v->getType()) == DtoPtrToType(t));
예제 #10
파일: abi-x86-64.cpp 프로젝트: Heromyth/ldc
 LLType *type(Type *t) override { return DtoPtrToType(t); }