예제 #1
bool ObjectRecord::saveToStream(std::ofstream& outStream) const
  if (!outStream.good())
     DuskLog() << "ObjectRecord::saveToStream: ERROR: Stream contains errors!\n";
     return false;

  unsigned int len;
  //write header "ObjS"
  outStream.write((const char*) &cHeaderObjS, sizeof(uint32_t)); //Object, Static
  //write ID
  len = ID.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(unsigned int));
  outStream.write(ID.c_str(), len);
  //write mesh
  len = Mesh.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(unsigned int));
  outStream.write(Mesh.c_str(), len);
  //write collision flag
  outStream.write((const char*) &collide, sizeof(bool));
  if (!outStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ObjectRecord::saveToStream: Error while writing data to "
              << "stream. Current object is \""<<ID<<"\".\n";
    return false;
  return outStream.good();
예제 #2
bool dusk::Scripting::RegisterFunction(const string& funcName, LuaCallback callback)
    if (funcName.empty())
        DuskLog("error", "Cannot register a function with no name");
        return false;

    if (callback == nullptr)
        DuskLog("error", "Cannot register a fucntion with no callback");

    if (s_Functions.contains_key(funcName))
        DuskLog("error", "Cannot register a function twice");
        return false;

    s_Functions.add(funcName, callback);

    for (auto it : s_ScriptHosts)
        it->RegisterFunction(funcName, callback);

    return true;
예제 #3
bool LightRecord::saveToStream(std::ofstream& outStream) const
  if (!outStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "LightRecord::saveToStream: ERROR: bad stream.\n";
    return false;
  //write header Light
  outStream.write((const char*) &cHeaderLight, sizeof(unsigned int));
  //write ID
  const unsigned int len = ID.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(unsigned int));
  outStream.write(ID.c_str(), len);
  //write colour data
  outStream.write((const char*) &red, sizeof(float));
  outStream.write((const char*) &green, sizeof(float));
  outStream.write((const char*) &blue, sizeof(float));
  outStream.write((const char*) &radius, sizeof(float));
  //write light type
  outStream.write((const char*) &type, sizeof(Ogre::Light::LightTypes));
  if (!outStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "LightRecord::saveToStream: ERROR: while writing light "
              << "data. Current ID is \""<<ID<<"\".\n";
    return false;
  return outStream.good();
예제 #4
bool ContainerRecord::saveToStream(std::ofstream& outStream) const
  if (!outStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ContainerRecord::saveToStream: ERROR: stream contains errors!\n";
    return false;

  uint32_t len = 0;
  //header "Cont"
  outStream.write((const char*) &cHeaderCont, sizeof(uint32_t));
  len = ID.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  outStream.write(ID.c_str(), len);
  len = Mesh.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  outStream.write(Mesh.c_str(), len);
  if (!ContainerInventory.saveToStream(outStream))
    DuskLog() << "ContainerRecord::saveStream: ERROR while writing "
              << "container's inventory.\n";
    return false;
  return outStream.good();
예제 #5
bool SoundRecord::saveToStream(std::ofstream& outStream) const
  if (!outStream.good())
     DuskLog() << "SoundRecord::saveToStream: ERROR: Stream contains errors!\n";
     return false;

  //write header "Soun"
  outStream.write((const char*) &cHeaderSoun, sizeof(uint32_t)); //Sound
  //write ID
  uint32_t len = ID.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  outStream.write(ID.c_str(), len);
  //write path
  len = filePath.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  outStream.write(filePath.c_str(), len);
  if (!outStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "SoundRecord::saveToStream: Error while writing data to "
              << "stream. Current object is \""<<ID<<"\".\n";
    return false;

  return outStream.good();
예제 #6
bool ObjectRecord::loadFromStream(std::ifstream& inStream)
  unsigned int len;
  uint32_t Header = 0;
  char ID_Buffer[256], Mesh_Buffer[256];

  //read header "ObjS" (Object, Static)
  inStream.read((char*) &Header, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (Header!=cHeaderObjS)
    DuskLog() << "ObjectRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: Stream contains invalid "
              << "record header.\n";
    return false;
  //read length of ID
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(unsigned int));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "ObjectRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: ID cannot be longer than "
              << "255 characters.\n";
    return false;
  //read ID
  memset(ID_Buffer, 0, 256);
  inStream.read(ID_Buffer, len);
  ID_Buffer[len] = '\0'; //add terminating null character
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ObjectRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading data.\n";
    return false;
  //read length of mesh name
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(unsigned int));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "ObjectRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: Name of Mesh cannot be "
              << "longer than 255 characters.\n";
    return false;
  //read mesh
  memset(Mesh_Buffer, 0, 256);
  inStream.read(Mesh_Buffer, len);
  Mesh_Buffer[len] = '\0'; //add terminating null character
  //read collision flag
  bool collision_flag = true;
  inStream.read((char*) &collision_flag, sizeof(bool));
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ObjectRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading data.\n";
    return false;
  //now set the data
  ID = std::string(ID_Buffer);
  Mesh = std::string(Mesh_Buffer);
  collide = collision_flag;
  return true;
예제 #7
bool LightRecord::loadFromStream(std::ifstream& inStream)
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "LightRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: stream contains errors.\n";
    return false;
  char ID_Buffer[256];
  uint32_t Header = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &Header, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (Header != cHeaderLight)
    DuskLog() << "LightRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: invalid record header.\n";
    return false;
  //read ID length
  Header = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &Header, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (Header>255)
    DuskLog() << "LightRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: ID is longer than 255"
              << "characters.\n";
    return false;
  //read ID
  memset(ID_Buffer, 0, Header+1);
  inStream.read(ID_Buffer, Header);
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "LightRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading light's"
              << " ID from stream.\n";
    return false;
  ID_Buffer[Header] = '\0'; //make sure it's NUL-terminated
  ID = std::string(ID_Buffer);
  //read RGB and radius
  inStream.read((char*) &red, sizeof(float));
  inStream.read((char*) &green, sizeof(float));
  inStream.read((char*) &blue, sizeof(float));
  inStream.read((char*) &radius, sizeof(float));
  //read light type
  inStream.read((char*) &type, sizeof(Ogre::Light::LightTypes));
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "LightRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading light's"
              << " colour values from stream.\n";
    return false;
  //normalise values, just to be safe
  return true;
예제 #8
bool SoundRecord::loadFromStream(std::ifstream& inStream)
  uint32_t len = 0;
  //read header "Soun" (Sound)
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len!=cHeaderSoun)
    DuskLog() << "SoundRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: Stream contains invalid "
              << "record header.\n";
    return false;
  //read length of ID
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "SoundRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: ID cannot be longer than "
              << "255 characters.\n";
    return false;
  //read ID
  char buffer[256];
  memset(buffer, 0, 256);
  inStream.read(buffer, len);
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "SoundRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading ID.\n";
    return false;
  ID = std::string(buffer);
  //read length of path
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "SoundRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: File path cannot "
              << "be longer than 255 characters.\n";
    return false;
  //read mesh
  memset(buffer, 0, 256);
  inStream.read(buffer, len);
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "SoundRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading path data.\n";
    return false;
  filePath = std::string(buffer);

  return (!filePath.empty() and !ID.empty());
예제 #9
bool CommandPlaySound::execute(Dusk::Scene* scene, int count)
    Source & src = Sound::get().getSource(m_Noise);
    case sopPlay:
        return src.play();
    case sopPause:
        return src.pause();
    case sopUnPause:
        return src.unPause();
    case sopStop:
        return src.stop();
    case sopReplay:
        //New version of Sound has no Replay method yet. Instead we are using
        //a combination of Stop and Play to simulate the former Replay method.
        if (src.stop())
            return src.play();
        return false;
    DuskLog() << "CommandPlaySound::execute: ERROR: unknown op code parameter.\n";
    return false;
예제 #10
void Inventory::addItem(const std::string& ItemID, const unsigned int count)
    if (ItemID.empty() or count==0)
        DuskLog() << "Inventory::addItem: ERROR: ItemID is emtpy string or amount "
                  << "is zero!\n";
    std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::iterator iter = m_Items.find(ItemID);
    if (iter!=m_Items.end())
        //there are already items of given ID
        iter->second = iter->second + count;
        m_Items[ItemID] = count;
    //adjust weight of inventory according to added items
    if (Database::getSingleton().hasTypedRecord<ItemRecord>(ItemID))
        m_TotalWeight = m_TotalWeight +count*Database::getSingleton().getTypedRecord<ItemRecord>(ItemID).weight;
        //if there's no such item in item base, it must have been a weapon
        m_TotalWeight = m_TotalWeight +count*Database::getSingleton().getTypedRecord<WeaponRecord>(ItemID).weight;
예제 #11
bool Inventory::saveToStream(std::ofstream& OutStream) const
    if (!OutStream.good())
        DuskLog() << "Inventory::saveToStream: ERROR: stream contains errors!\n";
        return false;
    OutStream.write((char*) &cHeaderInve, sizeof(unsigned int));
    //write number of items
    unsigned int len = m_Items.size();
    OutStream.write((char*) &len, sizeof(unsigned int));
    //write items (ID and amount)
    std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator traverse;
    traverse = m_Items.begin();
    while (traverse != m_Items.end())
        len = traverse->first.length();
        OutStream.write((char*) &len, sizeof(unsigned int));
        OutStream.write(traverse->first.c_str(), len);
        OutStream.write((char*) &(traverse->second), sizeof(unsigned int));
    return OutStream.good();
예제 #12
bool Inventory::loadFromStream(std::ifstream& InStream)
    if (!InStream.good())
        DuskLog() << "Inventory::loadFromStream: ERROR: stream contains errors!\n";
        return false;
    unsigned int len=0, i, count=0;
    InStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(unsigned int));
    if (len!=cHeaderInve)
        DuskLog() << "Inventory::loadFromStream: ERROR: stream contains unexpected header!\n";
        return false;
    //read number of items
    InStream.read((char*) &count, sizeof(unsigned int));
    char ID_Buffer[256];
    ID_Buffer[0] = ID_Buffer[255] = '\0';
    for (i=0; i<count; i++)
    {   //read loop
        InStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(unsigned int));
        if (len>255)
            DuskLog() << "Inventory::loadFromStream: ERROR: ID is longer than 255 characters!\n";
            return false;
        InStream.read(ID_Buffer, len);
        if (!InStream.good())
            DuskLog() << "Inventory::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading item ID!\n";
            return false;
        ID_Buffer[len] = '\0';
        InStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(unsigned int));
        if (!InStream.good())
            DuskLog() << "Inventory::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading item amount!\n";
            return false;
        addItem(std::string(ID_Buffer), len);
    return InStream.good();
예제 #13
bool ContainerRecord::loadFromStream(std::ifstream& inStream)
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ContainerRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: stream contains errors!\n";
    return false;
  uint32_t len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len != cHeaderCont)
    DuskLog() << "ContainerRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: stream contains unexpected header!\n";
    return false;
  char ID_Buffer[256];
  memset(ID_Buffer, 0, 256);
  //read ID
  len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "ContainerRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: ID is "
              << "longer than 255 characters!\n";
    return false;
  inStream.read(ID_Buffer, len);
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ContainerRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while "
              << "reading ID from stream!\n";
    return false;
  //read Mesh
  char Mesh_Buffer[256];
  memset(Mesh_Buffer, 0, 256);
  len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "ContainerRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: mesh path "
              << "is longer than 255 characters!\n";
    return false;
  inStream.read(Mesh_Buffer, len);
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ContainerRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while "
              << "reading mesh path from stream!\n";
    return false;
  Inventory temp;
  if (!temp.loadFromStream(inStream))
    DuskLog() << "ContainerRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while "
              << "reading inventory contens from stream!\n";
    return false;
  //all right so far
  return inStream.good();
예제 #14
bool VehicleRecord::saveToStream(std::ofstream& outStream) const
  if (!outStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::saveToStream: ERROR: stream contains errors!\n";
    return false;

  uint32_t len = 0;
  float temp;

  //header "Vehi"
  outStream.write((const char*) &cHeaderVehi, sizeof(uint32_t));
  len = ID.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  outStream.write(ID.c_str(), len);
  len = Mesh.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  outStream.write(Mesh.c_str(), len);
  len = Name.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  outStream.write(Name.c_str(), len);
  outStream.write((const char*) &MaxSpeed, sizeof(MaxSpeed));
  //number of Mountpoints
  len = Mountpoints.size();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(len));
  //write mountpoint data
  for (len=0; len<Mountpoints.size(); ++len)
    // -- offset
    temp = Mountpoints.at(len).offset.x;
    outStream.write((const char*) &temp, sizeof(float));
    temp = Mountpoints.at(len).offset.y;
    outStream.write((const char*) &temp, sizeof(float));
    temp = Mountpoints.at(len).offset.z;
    outStream.write((const char*) &temp, sizeof(float));
    // -- rotation
    temp = Mountpoints.at(len).rotation.w;
    outStream.write((const char*) &temp, sizeof(float));
    temp = Mountpoints.at(len).rotation.x;
    outStream.write((const char*) &temp, sizeof(float));
    temp = Mountpoints.at(len).rotation.y;
    outStream.write((const char*) &temp, sizeof(float));
    temp = Mountpoints.at(len).rotation.z;
    outStream.write((const char*) &temp, sizeof(float));

  return outStream.good();
예제 #15
bool ProjectileRecord::saveToStream(std::ofstream& outStream) const
  if (!outStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ProjectileRecord::saveToStream: ERROR: stream contains errors!\n";
    return false;

  uint32_t len = 0;

  //header "Proj"
  outStream.write((const char*) &cHeaderProj, sizeof(uint32_t));
  len = ID.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  outStream.write(ID.c_str(), len);
  len = Mesh.length();
  outStream.write((const char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  outStream.write(Mesh.c_str(), len);
  outStream.write((const char*) &DefaultTTL, sizeof(float));
  outStream.write((const char*) &DefaultVelocity, sizeof(float));
  outStream.write((const char*) &times, sizeof(uint8_t));
  outStream.write((const char*) &dice, sizeof(uint8_t));
  if (!outStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ProjectileRecord::saveToStream: Error while writing data to "
              << "stream. Current projectile is \""<<ID<<"\".\n";
    return false;

  return outStream.good();
예제 #16
bool ProjectileRecord::loadFromStream(std::ifstream& inStream)
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ProjectileRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: stream contains errors!\n";
    return false;
  uint32_t len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len != cHeaderProj)
    DuskLog() << "ProjectileRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: stream "
              << "contains unexpected header!\n";
    return false;
  char Buffer[256];
  memset(Buffer, 0, 256);
  //read ID
  len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "ProjectileRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: ID is "
              << "longer than 255 characters!\n";
    return false;
  inStream.read(Buffer, len);
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ProjectileRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while "
              << "reading ID from stream!\n";
    return false;
  Buffer[len] = '\0';
  ID = std::string(Buffer);

  //read Mesh
  len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "ProjectileRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: mesh "
              << "path is longer than 255 characters!\n";
    return false;
  inStream.read(Buffer, len);
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ProjectileRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while "
              << "reading mesh path from stream!\n";
    return false;
  Buffer[len] = '\0';

  Mesh = std::string(Buffer);
  inStream.read((char*) &DefaultTTL, sizeof(float));
  inStream.read((char*) &DefaultVelocity, sizeof(float));
  inStream.read((char*) &times, sizeof(uint8_t));
  inStream.read((char*) &dice, sizeof(uint8_t));
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "ProjectileRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while "
              << "reading projectile data from stream!\n";
    return false;
  return true;
예제 #17
bool VehicleRecord::loadFromStream(std::ifstream& inStream)
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: stream "
              << "contains errors!\n";
    return false;
  uint32_t len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len != cHeaderVehi)
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: stream "
              << "contains unexpected header!\n";
    return false;
  char Buffer[256];
  memset(Buffer, 0, 256);
  //read ID
  len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: ID is longer "
              << "than 255 characters!\n";
    return false;
  inStream.read(Buffer, len);
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading "
              << "ID from stream!\n";
    return false;
  Buffer[len] = '\0';
  ID = std::string(Buffer);
  //read mesh
  len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: mesh path of "
              << "vehicle \""<<ID<<"\" is longer than 255 characters!\n";
    return false;
  memset(Buffer, 0, 256);
  inStream.read(Buffer, len);
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading "
              << "mesh path from stream!\n";
    return false;
  Mesh = std::string(Buffer);
  //read name
  len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(uint32_t));
  if (len>255)
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR: name of vehicle \""
              << ID <<"\" is longer than 255 characters!\n";
    return false;
  memset(Buffer, 0, 256);
  inStream.read(Buffer, len);
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading "
              << "name from stream!\n";
    return false;
  Buffer[len] = '\0';
  Name = std::string(Buffer);
  inStream.read((char*) &MaxSpeed, sizeof(MaxSpeed));
  if (MaxSpeed<0.0f)
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading "
              << "data from stream. Vehicle has invalid maximum speed.\n";
    return false;
  //number of Mountpoints
  len = 0;
  inStream.read((char*) &len, sizeof(len));
  if (!inStream.good())
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading "
              << "data from stream!\n";
    return false;
  if (len>cMaxMountpointCount)
    DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading "
              << "data from stream! Number of mountpoints is too big. Current "
              << "value is "<<len<<", but only up to "
              << cMaxMountpointCount << " are allowed.\n";
    return false;
  //read the mountpoint data
  float w, x, y, z;
  MountpointData mpd;
  unsigned int i;
  for (i=0; i<len; ++i)
    // -- offset first
    inStream.read((char*) &x, sizeof(float));
    inStream.read((char*) &y, sizeof(float));
    inStream.read((char*) &z, sizeof(float));
    mpd.offset = Ogre::Vector3(x,y,z);
    // -- rotation
    inStream.read((char*) &w, sizeof(float));
    inStream.read((char*) &x, sizeof(float));
    inStream.read((char*) &y, sizeof(float));
    inStream.read((char*) &z, sizeof(float));
    mpd.rotation = Ogre::Quaternion(w,x,y,z);
    if (!inStream.good())
      DuskLog() << "VehicleRecord::loadFromStream: ERROR while reading"
                << " mountpoint data from stream!\n";
      return false;
  //Did all go well so far?
  return inStream.good();