예제 #1
void ahrs_update_gps(void) {

  if (gps.fix == GPS_FIX_3D && ins.status == INS_RUNNING) {
    ins_gps_fix_once = TRUE;

    if (state.utm_initialized_f) {
      // position (local ned)
      ins_impl.meas.pos_gps.x = (gps.utm_pos.north / 100.0f) - state.utm_origin_f.north;
      ins_impl.meas.pos_gps.y = (gps.utm_pos.east / 100.0f) - state.utm_origin_f.east;
      ins_impl.meas.pos_gps.z = state.utm_origin_f.alt - (gps.hmsl / 1000.0f);
      // speed
      ins_impl.meas.speed_gps.x = gps.ned_vel.x / 100.0f;
      ins_impl.meas.speed_gps.y = gps.ned_vel.y / 100.0f;
      ins_impl.meas.speed_gps.z = gps.ned_vel.z / 100.0f;
    if (state.ned_initialized_f) {
      struct EcefCoor_f ecef_pos, ecef_vel;
      ECEF_FLOAT_OF_BFP(ecef_pos, gps.ecef_pos);
      ned_of_ecef_point_f(&ins_impl.meas.pos_gps, &state.ned_origin_f, &ecef_pos);
      ECEF_FLOAT_OF_BFP(ecef_vel, gps.ecef_vel);
      ned_of_ecef_vect_f(&ins_impl.meas.speed_gps, &state.ned_origin_f, &ecef_vel);

예제 #2
파일: state.c 프로젝트: Merafour/paparazzi
void stateCalcPositionEcef_f(void)
  if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_ECEF_F)) {

  if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_ECEF_I)) {
    ECEF_FLOAT_OF_BFP(state.ecef_pos_f, state.ecef_pos_i);
  } else if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_NED_F) && state.ned_initialized_f) {
    ecef_of_ned_point_f(&state.ecef_pos_f, &state.ned_origin_f, &state.ned_pos_f);
  } else if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_NED_I) && state.ned_initialized_i) {
    /* transform ned_i -> ecef_i -> ecef_f, set status bits */
    ecef_of_ned_pos_i(&state.ecef_pos_i, &state.ned_origin_i, &state.ned_pos_i);
    SetBit(state.pos_status, POS_ECEF_F);
    ECEF_FLOAT_OF_BFP(state.ecef_pos_f, state.ecef_pos_i);
  } else if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_LLA_F)) {
    ecef_of_lla_f(&state.ecef_pos_f, &state.lla_pos_f);
  } else if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_LLA_I)) {
    LLA_FLOAT_OF_BFP(state.lla_pos_f, state.lla_pos_i);
    SetBit(state.pos_status, POS_LLA_F);
    ecef_of_lla_f(&state.ecef_pos_f, &state.lla_pos_f);
  } else {
    /* could not get this representation,  set errno */
    //struct EcefCoor_f _ecef_zero = {0.0f};
    //return _ecef_zero;
  /* set bit to indicate this representation is computed */
  SetBit(state.pos_status, POS_ECEF_F);
예제 #3
파일: state.c 프로젝트: CheBuzz/paparazzi
void stateCalcPositionLla_f(void) {
  if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_LLA_F))

  if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_LLA_I)) {
    LLA_FLOAT_OF_BFP(state.lla_pos_f, state.lla_pos_f);
  else if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_ECEF_F)) {
    lla_of_ecef_f(&state.lla_pos_f, &state.ecef_pos_f);
  else if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_ECEF_I)) {
    /* transform ecef_i -> ecef_f -> lla_f, set status bits */
    ECEF_FLOAT_OF_BFP(state.ecef_pos_f, state.ecef_pos_i);
    SetBit(state.pos_status, POS_ECEF_F);
    lla_of_ecef_f(&state.lla_pos_f, &state.ecef_pos_f);
  else if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_NED_F)) {
    /* transform ned_f -> ecef_f -> lla_f, set status bits */
    ecef_of_ned_point_f(&state.ecef_pos_f, &state.ned_origin_f, &state.ned_pos_f);
    SetBit(state.pos_status, POS_ECEF_F);
    lla_of_ecef_f(&state.lla_pos_f, &state.ecef_pos_f);
  else if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_NED_I)) {
    /* transform ned_i -> ned_f -> ecef_f -> lla_f, set status bits */
    NED_FLOAT_OF_BFP(state.ned_pos_f, state.ned_pos_i);
    SetBit(state.pos_status, POS_NED_F);
    ecef_of_ned_point_f(&state.ecef_pos_f, &state.ned_origin_f, &state.ned_pos_f);
    SetBit(state.pos_status, POS_ECEF_F);
    lla_of_ecef_f(&state.lla_pos_f, &state.ecef_pos_f);
  else if (bit_is_set(state.pos_status, POS_UTM_F)) {
    lla_of_utm_f(&state.lla_pos_f, &state.utm_pos_f);
  else {
    /* could not get this representation,  set errno */
    //struct LlaCoor_f _lla_zero = {0.0};
    //return _lla_zero;
  /* set bit to indicate this representation is computed */
  SetBit(state.pos_status, POS_LLA_F);
예제 #4
/** Convert a ECEF to LLA.
 * @param[out] out  LLA in degrees*1e7 and mm above ellipsoid
 * @param[in]  in   ECEF in cm
void lla_of_ecef_i(struct LlaCoor_i *out, struct EcefCoor_i *in)

  /* convert our input to floating point */
  struct EcefCoor_f in_f;
  ECEF_FLOAT_OF_BFP(in_f, *in);
  /* calls the floating point transformation */
  struct LlaCoor_f out_f;
  lla_of_ecef_f(&out_f, &in_f);
  /* convert the output to fixed point       */
  LLA_BFP_OF_REAL(*out, out_f);
#else // use double precision by default
  /* convert our input to floating point */
  struct EcefCoor_d in_d;
  ECEF_DOUBLE_OF_BFP(in_d, *in);
  /* calls the floating point transformation */
  struct LlaCoor_d out_d;
  lla_of_ecef_d(&out_d, &in_d);
  /* convert the output to fixed point       */
  LLA_BFP_OF_REAL(*out, out_d);
