예제 #1
static int armature_split_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
	Object *ob = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
	bArmature *arm = (bArmature *)ob->data;
	EditBone *bone;

	for (bone = arm->edbo->first; bone; bone = bone->next) {
		if (bone->parent && (bone->flag & BONE_SELECTED) != (bone->parent->flag & BONE_SELECTED)) {
			bone->parent = NULL;
			bone->flag &= ~BONE_CONNECTED;
	for (bone = arm->edbo->first; bone; bone = bone->next) {
		ED_armature_ebone_select_set(bone, (bone->flag & BONE_SELECTED) != 0);

	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_BONE_SELECT, ob);

예제 #2
 * near duplicate of #armature_duplicate_selected_exec,
 * except for parenting part (keep in sync)
static int armature_symmetrize_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
	bArmature *arm;
	EditBone *ebone_iter;
	EditBone *ebone_first_dupe = NULL;  /* The beginning of the duplicated mirrored bones in the edbo list */

	Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
	const int direction = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "direction");
	const int axis = 0;

	arm = obedit->data;

	/* cancel if nothing selected */
	if (CTX_DATA_COUNT(C, selected_bones) == 0)

	ED_armature_sync_selection(arm->edbo); // XXX why is this needed?


	/* Select mirrored bones */
	for (ebone_iter = arm->edbo->first; ebone_iter; ebone_iter = ebone_iter->next) {
		if (EBONE_VISIBLE(arm, ebone_iter) &&
		    (ebone_iter->flag & BONE_SELECTED))
			char name_flip[MAX_VGROUP_NAME];

			BKE_deform_flip_side_name(name_flip, ebone_iter->name, false);

			if (STREQ(name_flip, ebone_iter->name)) {
				/* if the name matches, we don't have the potential to be mirrored, just skip */
				ebone_iter->flag &= ~(BONE_SELECTED | BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL);
			else {
				EditBone *ebone = ED_armature_bone_find_name(arm->edbo, name_flip);

				if (ebone) {
					if ((ebone->flag & BONE_SELECTED) == 0) {
						/* simple case, we're selected, the other bone isn't! */
						ebone_iter->temp.ebone = ebone;
					else {
						/* complicated - choose which direction to copy */
						float axis_delta;

						axis_delta = ebone->head[axis] - ebone_iter->head[axis];
						if (axis_delta == 0.0f) {
							axis_delta = ebone->tail[axis] - ebone_iter->tail[axis];

						if (axis_delta == 0.0f) {
							/* both mirrored bones exist and point to eachother and overlap exactly.
							 * in this case theres no well defined solution, so de-select both and skip.
							ebone->flag      &= ~(BONE_SELECTED | BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL);
							ebone_iter->flag &= ~(BONE_SELECTED | BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL);
						else {
							EditBone *ebone_src, *ebone_dst;
							if (((axis_delta < 0.0f) ? -1 : 1) == direction) {
								ebone_src = ebone;
								ebone_dst = ebone_iter;
							else {
								ebone_src = ebone_iter;
								ebone_dst = ebone;

							ebone_src->temp.ebone = ebone_dst;
							ebone_dst->flag &= ~(BONE_SELECTED | BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL);

	/*	Find the selected bones and duplicate them as needed, with mirrored name */
	for (ebone_iter = arm->edbo->first; ebone_iter && ebone_iter != ebone_first_dupe; ebone_iter = ebone_iter->next) {
		if (EBONE_VISIBLE(arm, ebone_iter) &&
		    (ebone_iter->flag & BONE_SELECTED) &&
		    /* will be set if the mirror bone already exists (no need to make a new one) */
		    (ebone_iter->temp.ebone == NULL))
			char name_flip[MAX_VGROUP_NAME];

			BKE_deform_flip_side_name(name_flip, ebone_iter->name, false);

			/* bones must have a side-suffix */
			if (!STREQ(name_flip, ebone_iter->name)) {
				EditBone *ebone;

				ebone = duplicateEditBone(ebone_iter, name_flip, arm->edbo, obedit);

				if (!ebone_first_dupe) {
					ebone_first_dupe = ebone;

	/*	Run through the list and fix the pointers */
	for (ebone_iter = arm->edbo->first; ebone_iter && ebone_iter != ebone_first_dupe; ebone_iter = ebone_iter->next) {
		if (ebone_iter->temp.ebone) {
			/* copy all flags except for ... */
			const int flag_copy = ((int)~0) & ~(BONE_SELECTED | BONE_ROOTSEL | BONE_TIPSEL);

			EditBone *ebone = ebone_iter->temp.ebone;

			/* copy flags incase bone is pre-existing data */
			ebone->flag = (ebone->flag & ~flag_copy) | (ebone_iter->flag & flag_copy);

			if (ebone_iter->parent == NULL) {
				/* If this bone has no parent,
				 * Set the duplicate->parent to NULL
				ebone->parent = NULL;
				ebone->flag &= ~BONE_CONNECTED;
			else {
				/* the parent may have been duplicated, if not lookup the mirror parent */
				EditBone *ebone_parent =
				        (ebone_iter->parent->temp.ebone ?
				         ebone_iter->parent->temp.ebone : ED_armature_bone_get_mirrored(arm->edbo, ebone_iter->parent));

				if (ebone_parent == NULL) {
					/* If the mirror lookup failed, (but the current bone has a parent)
					 * then we can assume the parent has no L/R but is a center bone.
					 * So just use the same parent for both.
					ebone_parent = ebone_iter->parent;
					ebone->flag &= ~BONE_CONNECTED;

				ebone->parent = ebone_parent;

			/* Lets try to fix any constraint subtargets that might
			 * have been duplicated
			updateDuplicateSubtarget(ebone, arm->edbo, obedit);


	/* Selected bones now have their 'temp' pointer set,
	 * so we don't need this anymore */

	/* Deselect the old bones and select the new ones */
	for (ebone_iter = arm->edbo->first; ebone_iter && ebone_iter != ebone_first_dupe; ebone_iter = ebone_iter->next) {
		if (EBONE_VISIBLE(arm, ebone_iter)) {
			ebone_iter->flag &= ~(BONE_SELECTED | BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL);

	/* New bones will be selected, but some of the bones may already exist */
	for (ebone_iter = arm->edbo->first; ebone_iter && ebone_iter != ebone_first_dupe; ebone_iter = ebone_iter->next) {
		EditBone *ebone = ebone_iter->temp.ebone;
		if (ebone && EBONE_SELECTABLE(arm, ebone)) {
			ED_armature_ebone_select_set(ebone, true);

	/* correct the active bone */
	if (arm->act_edbone && arm->act_edbone->temp.ebone) {
		arm->act_edbone = arm->act_edbone->temp.ebone;

	postEditBoneDuplicate(arm->edbo, obedit);


	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_BONE_SELECT, obedit);
