BOOST_FOREACH(Entity * e, entities) { if(e) { for(size_t j = 0; j < MAX_ANIMS; j++) { EERIE_ANIMMANAGER_ReleaseHandle(e->anims[j]); e->anims[j] = NULL; } for(size_t count = 0; count < MAX_ANIM_LAYERS; count++) { memset(&e->animlayer[count], 0, sizeof(ANIM_USE)); e->animlayer[count].cur_anim = NULL; e->animlayer[count].next_anim = NULL; } } }
void ReleaseAnimFromIO(Entity * io, long num) { for(long count = 0; count < MAX_ANIM_LAYERS; count++) { AnimLayer & layer = io->animlayer[count]; if(layer.cur_anim == io->anims[num]) { layer = AnimLayer(); layer.cur_anim = NULL; } if(layer.next_anim == io->anims[num]) layer.next_anim = NULL; } EERIE_ANIMMANAGER_ReleaseHandle(io->anims[num]); io->anims[num] = NULL; }
Entity::~Entity() { cleanReferences(); if(g_cameraEntity == this) { g_cameraEntity = NULL; } // Releases ToBeDrawn Transparent Polys linked to this object ! tweaks.clear(); if(obj && !(ioflags & IO_CAMERA) && !(ioflags & IO_MARKER) && !(ioflags & IO_GOLD)) { delete obj, obj = NULL; } spells.removeTarget(this); delete tweakerinfo; delete tweaky, tweaky = NULL; ReleaseScript(&script); ReleaseScript(&over_script); for(size_t n = 0; n < MAX_ANIMS; n++) { if(anims[n]) { EERIE_ANIMMANAGER_ReleaseHandle(anims[n]); anims[n] = NULL; } } lightHandleDestroy(dynlight); delete usepath; delete symboldraw; symboldraw = NULL; if(ioflags & IO_NPC) { delete _npcdata; } else if(ioflags & IO_ITEM) { free(_itemdata->equipitem); delete _itemdata; } else if(ioflags & IO_FIX) { delete _fixdata; } else if(ioflags & IO_CAMERA && _camdata) { if(g_camera == &_camdata->cam) { SetActiveCamera(&g_playerCamera); } delete _camdata; } if(SecondaryInventory && SecondaryInventory->io == this) { SecondaryInventory = NULL; } if(TSecondaryInventory && TSecondaryInventory->io == this) { TSecondaryInventory = NULL; } delete inventory; if(m_index != size_t(-1)) { entities.remove(m_index); } }
Entity::~Entity() { cleanReferences(); if(!FAST_RELEASE) { TREATZONE_RemoveIO(this); } if(ignit_light > -1) { DynLight[ignit_light].exist = 0, ignit_light = -1; } if(ignit_sound != audio::INVALID_ID) { ARX_SOUND_Stop(ignit_sound), ignit_sound = audio::INVALID_ID; } if(FlyingOverIO == this) { FlyingOverIO = NULL; } if((MasterCamera.exist & 1) && == this) { MasterCamera.exist = 0; } if((MasterCamera.exist & 2) && MasterCamera.want_io == this) { MasterCamera.exist = 0; } ARX_INTERACTIVE_DestroyDynamicInfo(this); IO_UnlinkAllLinkedObjects(this); // Releases ToBeDrawn Transparent Polys linked to this object ! tweaks.clear(); ARX_SCRIPT_Timer_Clear_For_IO(this); if(obj && !(ioflags & IO_CAMERA) && !(ioflags & IO_MARKER) && !(ioflags & IO_GOLD)) { delete obj, obj = NULL; } ARX_SPELLS_RemoveAllSpellsOn(this); delete tweakerinfo; delete tweaky, tweaky = NULL; RemoveFromAllInventories(this); ReleaseScript(&script); ReleaseScript(&over_script); for(long n = 0; n < MAX_ANIMS; n++) { if(anims[n]) { EERIE_ANIMMANAGER_ReleaseHandle(anims[n]); anims[n] = NULL; } } if(damagedata >= 0) { damages[damagedata].exist = 0; } if(ValidDynLight(dynlight)) { DynLight[dynlight].exist = 0, dynlight = -1; } if(ValidDynLight(halo.dynlight)) { DynLight[halo.dynlight].exist = 0, halo.dynlight = -1; } free(usepath); free(symboldraw), symboldraw = NULL; if(ioflags & IO_NPC) { delete _npcdata; } else if(ioflags & IO_ITEM) { free(_itemdata->equipitem); free(_itemdata); } else if(ioflags & IO_FIX) { free(_fixdata); } else if(ioflags & IO_CAMERA && _camdata) { if(ACTIVECAM == &_camdata->cam) { ACTIVECAM = &subj; } free(_camdata); } if(TSecondaryInventory && TSecondaryInventory->io == this) { TSecondaryInventory = NULL; } free(inventory); if(m_index != size_t(-1)) { entities.remove(m_index); } if(pIOChangeWeapon == this) { pIOChangeWeapon = NULL; // TODO we really need a proper weak_ptr } }