예제 #1
_ejs_invoke_closure (ejsval closure, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval* args)
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(closure)) {
        extern jschar* last_lookup;
        if (last_lookup) {
            char *last_utf8 = ucs2_to_utf8(last_lookup);
            _ejs_log ("last property lookup was for: %s\n", last_utf8);
            free (last_utf8);
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "object not a function");

#if 0
        _this = ToObject(_this);

    EJSFunction *fun = (EJSFunction*)EJSVAL_TO_OBJECT(closure);
    return fun->func (fun->env, _this, argc, args);
예제 #2
파일: ejs-error.c 프로젝트: kenny-y/echojs
static EJS_NATIVE_FUNC(_ejs_Error_prototype_toString) {
    ejsval O = *_this;
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_OBJECT(O)) {
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "Error.prototype.toString called on non-object");

    EJSObject *_thisobj = EJSVAL_TO_OBJECT(O);
    ejsval name = OP(_thisobj,Get)(O, _ejs_atom_name, O);
        name = _ejs_atom_Error;

    ejsval message = OP(_thisobj,Get)(O, _ejs_atom_message, O);
        return name;

    ejsval sep = _ejs_string_new_utf8(": ");
    return _ejs_string_concatv (name, sep, message, _ejs_null);
예제 #3
파일: ejs-error.c 프로젝트: dilijev/echo-js
static ejsval
_ejs_Error_prototype_toString (ejsval env, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval *args)
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_OBJECT(_this)) {
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "Error.prototype.toString called on non-object");

    EJSObject *_thisobj = EJSVAL_TO_OBJECT(_this);
    ejsval name = OP(_thisobj,Get)(_this, _ejs_atom_name, _this);
        name = _ejs_atom_Error;

    ejsval message = OP(_thisobj,Get)(_this, _ejs_atom_message, _this);
        return name;

    ejsval sep = _ejs_string_new_utf8(": ");
    return _ejs_string_concatv (name, sep, message, _ejs_null);
예제 #4
파일: ejs-function.c 프로젝트: eddid/jslang
_ejs_invoke_closure (ejsval closure, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval* args)
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_FUNCTION(closure)) {
        extern jschar* last_lookup;
        if (last_lookup) {
            char *last_utf8 = ucs2_to_utf8(last_lookup);
            _ejs_log ("last property lookup was for: %s\n", last_utf8);
            free (last_utf8);
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "object not a function");

        _this = ToObject(_this);

    EJSFunction *fun = (EJSFunction*)EJSVAL_TO_OBJECT(closure);
    return fun->func (fun->env, _this, argc, args);

#if not_anymore

    if (fun->bound_argc > 0) {
        ejsval* new_args = (ejsval*)malloc(sizeof(ejsval) * (fun->bound_argc + argc));
        memmove (new_args, fun->bound_args, sizeof(ejsval) * fun->bound_argc);
        memmove (&new_args[fun->bound_argc], args, argc);
        args = new_args;
        argc += fun->bound_argc;

    ejsval rv = fun->func (fun->env, fun->bound_this, argc, args);
    DEBUG_FUNCTION_EXIT (closure);

    if (fun->bound_argc > 0)
        free (args);
    return rv;
예제 #5
// ES6:
// WeakSet.prototype.delete ( value )
static EJS_NATIVE_FUNC(_ejs_WeakSet_prototype_delete) {
    ejsval value = _ejs_undefined;
    if (argc > 0) value = args[0];

    // 1. Let S be the this value.
    ejsval S = *_this;

    // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, then throw a TypeError exception.
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "delete called with non-object this.");

    // 3. If S does not have a [[WeakSetData]] internal slot throw a TypeError exception.
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "delete called with non-WeakSet this.");

    // 4. If S’s [[WeakSetData]] internal slot is undefined, then throw a TypeError exception.

    // 5. If Type(value) is not Object, then return false.
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_OBJECT(value))
        return _ejs_false;

    // 6. Let entries be the List that is the value of M’s [[WeakSetData]] internal slot.

    ejsval iset = _ejs_object_getprop(value, _ejs_WeakSetData_symbol);
        return _ejs_false;

    if (!EJSVAL_IS_SET(iset))
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "[[WeakSetData]] internal error");

    return _ejs_set_delete (iset, S);
    // 7. Repeat for each e that is an element of entries,
    //    a. If e is not empty and SameValue(e, value) is true, then
    //       i. Replace the element of entries whose value is e with an element whose value is empty.
    //       ii. Return true.
    // 8. Return false.
    return _ejs_false;
예제 #6
// ES6:
// WeakSet.prototype.add ( value )
static EJS_NATIVE_FUNC(_ejs_WeakSet_prototype_add) {
    ejsval value = _ejs_undefined;
    if (argc > 0) value = args[0];

    // 1. Let S be the this value.
    ejsval S = *_this;

    // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, then throw a TypeError exception.
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "add called with non-object this.");

    // 3. If S does not have a [[WeakSetData]] internal slot throw a TypeError exception.
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "add called with non-WeakSet this.");

    // 4. If S’s [[WeakSetData]] internal slot is undefined, then throw a TypeError exception.

    // 6. If Type(value) is not Object, then throw a TypeError exception.
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_OBJECT(value))
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "add called with non-Object value.");

    ejsval iset = _ejs_object_getprop(value, _ejs_WeakSetData_symbol);
        iset = _ejs_set_new();
        _ejs_object_setprop(value, _ejs_WeakSetData_symbol, iset);

    if (!EJSVAL_IS_SET(iset))
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "[[WeakSetData]] internal error");

    _ejs_set_add (iset, S);
    return S;
    // 7. Let entries be the List that is the value of S’s [[WeakSetData]] internal slot.
    //    a. If e is not empty and SameValue(e, value) is true, then
    //       1. Return S.
    // 8. Append value as the last element of entries.
    // 9. Return S.
예제 #7
// ES2015, June 2015
//  WeakSet ( [ iterable ] )
static EJS_NATIVE_FUNC(_ejs_WeakSet_impl) {
    ejsval iterable = _ejs_undefined;
    if (argc > 0)
        iterable = args[0];

    // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
    if (EJSVAL_IS_UNDEFINED(newTarget))
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "WeakSet constructor must be called with new");

    // 2. Let set be OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%WeakSetPrototype%", «[[WeakSetData]]»).
    // 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(set).
    // 4. Set set’s [[WeakSetData]] internal slot to a new empty List.
    ejsval set = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, _ejs_WeakSet_prototype, &_ejs_WeakSet_specops);
    *_this = set;

    // 5. If iterable is not present, let iterable be undefined.
    // 6. If iterable is either undefined or null, let iter be undefined.
    ejsval iter;
    ejsval adder;
    if (EJSVAL_IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED(iterable)) {
        iter = _ejs_undefined;
    // 7. Else,
    else {
        // a. Let adder be Get(set, "add").
        // b. ReturnIfAbrupt(adder).
        adder = Get (set, _ejs_atom_add);
        // c. If IsCallable(adder) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
        if (!IsCallable(adder))
            _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "WeakSet.prototype.add is not a function");

        // d. Let iter be GetIterator(iterable).
        // e. ReturnIfAbrupt(iter).
        iter = GetIterator(iterable, _ejs_undefined);
    // 8. If iter is undefined, return set.
    if (EJSVAL_IS_UNDEFINED(iter))
        return set;

    // 9. Repeat
    for (;;) {
        // a. Let next be IteratorStep(iter).
        // b. ReturnIfAbrupt(next).
        ejsval next = IteratorStep (iter);

        // c. If next is false, return set.
        if (!EJSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(next))
            return set;

        // d. Let nextValue be IteratorValue(next).
        // e. ReturnIfAbrupt(nextValue).
        ejsval nextValue = IteratorValue (next);

        // f. Let status be Call(adder, set, «nextValue »).
        // XXX _ejs_invoke_closure won't call proxy methods
        ejsval rv;

        EJSBool status = _ejs_invoke_closure_catch (&rv, adder, &set, 1, &nextValue, _ejs_undefined);

        // g. If status is an abrupt completion, return IteratorClose(iter, status).
        if (!status)
            return IteratorClose(iter, rv, EJS_TRUE);