void CT_KeypadDriverData::ProcessResults() { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Processing results")); if (iActualStore.Count() == iExpectedStore.Count()) { for(TInt i = 0; i < iActualStore.Count(); i+=2) { if( iActualStore[i] != iExpectedStore[i] )//compare event { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected event (%d) does not match Actual event (%d)! "), iExpectedStore[i], iActualStore[i]); SetBlockResult(EFail); } else { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Expected event was: %d, Actual event matches the expected one."), iExpectedStore[i]); } if(iActualStore[i+1] == iExpectedStore[i+1]) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Expected scancode was: %d. Actual scancode matches the expected one."), iExpectedStore[i+1]); } else { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Actual scancode (%d) != expected scancode (%d)"), iActualStore[i+1], iExpectedStore[i+1]); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } } else { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Actual results array count (%d) != expected results array count (%d)"), iActualStore.Count(), iExpectedStore.Count()); SetBlockResult(EFail); } }
/** Creates a second process, runs the requested test and ensures that the specified panic occurs. @param aExecutableName The name of the new process @param aTestInfo The specification for this test @param aPanicCategory Descriptor containing the start of the expected panic string e.g. for "ALLOC:xxxxxxxx" this would be "ALLOC" @leave One of the system wide error codes */ void CTGraphicsResourceInternalBase::CreateSecondProcessAndCheckAllocPanicL(const TDesC &aExecutableName, TSgResIntTestInfo& aTestInfo, const TDesC &aPanicCategory) { // Create a second process RProcess process; TInt err = process.Create(aExecutableName, KNullDesC); TESTEL(KErrNone == err, err); CleanupClosePushL(process); // Specify the id passed to the second process TPckg<TSgResIntTestInfo> ptr(aTestInfo); err = process.SetParameter(KSecondProcessParametersSlot, ptr); TESTEL(KErrNone == err, err); // Kick off the second process and wait for it to complete // The actual testing is done in the second process TRequestStatus status; process.Logon(status); process.Resume(); User::WaitForRequest(status); if(EExitPanic != process.ExitType()) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected exit type: %d, Actual exit type: %d"), EExitPanic, process.ExitType()); TEST(EFalse); } TExitCategoryName secondProcessExitCategory = process.ExitCategory(); if(0 != secondProcessExitCategory.Match(aPanicCategory)) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected panic category: %S, Actual panic category: %S"), &aPanicCategory, &secondProcessExitCategory); TEST(EFalse); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); }
TBool CUpsClientStep::CheckDialogCreatorResultsL(TInt aIndex) { TBool checkPassed = ETrue; // checks return properties from dialog creator. if (iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iDialogCreatorInvoked != 0) { TInt instanceDia = iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iDialogCreatorInvoked; TInt dialogError = 0; iPropertyReader->GetL(instanceDia,KDc_Error,CUpsProperty::EDialogCreator, dialogError); // Checks that any error encountered by dialog creator is transmited by UPS to system server if(dialogError != iReturnData.iError && dialogError!=KErrNone) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Dialog creator found an error: %d"),&iTEFServerName,dialogError); checkPassed = EFalse; } TInt clientSidDia=0; iPropertyReader->GetL(instanceDia,KDc_ClientSid,CUpsProperty::EDialogCreator, clientSidDia); if(iExpectedClientSid != clientSidDia) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Client SID returned by dialog creator is not what is expected"),&iTEFServerName); checkPassed = EFalse; } TInt buttonsDisplayed=0; iPropertyReader->GetL(instanceDia,KDc_UpsRequestedButtons,CUpsProperty::EDialogCreator, buttonsDisplayed); TInt32 expectedButtonsDisplayed=iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iButtonsDisplayed; if(expectedButtonsDisplayed != buttonsDisplayed) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Incorrect buttons displayed."),&iTEFServerName); ERR_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Buttons displayed expected: %d"),&iTEFServerName,expectedButtonsDisplayed); ERR_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Buttons displayed received: %d"),&iTEFServerName,buttonsDisplayed); checkPassed = EFalse; } TInt serverSidDia=0; iPropertyReader->GetL(instanceDia,KDc_ServerSid,CUpsProperty::EDialogCreator, serverSidDia); if(iServerId != serverSidDia) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Server SID returned by dialog creator is not what is expected"),&iTEFServerName); checkPassed = EFalse; } TInt serviceSidDia=0; iPropertyReader->GetL(instanceDia,KDc_ServiceId,CUpsProperty::EDialogCreator, serviceSidDia); if(serviceSidDia != iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iServiceUID) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Service ID reported by dialog creator is not what is expected: %d"),&iTEFServerName,serviceSidDia); checkPassed = EFalse; } } return checkPassed; } // End of function.
TBool CUpsClientStep::CheckPolicyEvaluatorResultsL(TInt aIndex) { TBool checkPassed = ETrue; if (iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iPolicyEvaluatorInvoked != 0) { TInt instanceEva = iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iPolicyEvaluatorInvoked; TInt evaluatorError = 0; // Checks that any error encountered by policy evaluator is transmited by UPS to system server iPropertyReader->GetL(instanceEva,KPe_Error,CUpsProperty::EPolicyEvaluator, evaluatorError); if(evaluatorError != iReturnData.iError && evaluatorError!=KErrNone) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Policy evaluator found an error: %d"),&iTEFServerName,evaluatorError); checkPassed = EFalse; } TInt clientSidEva=0; iPropertyReader->GetL(instanceEva,KPe_ClientSid,CUpsProperty::EPolicyEvaluator, clientSidEva); if(iExpectedClientSid != clientSidEva) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Client SID returned by policy evaluator is not what is expected"),&iTEFServerName); checkPassed = EFalse; } TInt serverSidEva=0; iPropertyReader->GetL(instanceEva,KPe_ServerSid,CUpsProperty::EPolicyEvaluator, serverSidEva); if(iServerId != serverSidEva) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Server SID returned by policy evaluator is not what is expected"),&iTEFServerName); checkPassed = EFalse; } TInt serviceSidEva = 0; iPropertyReader->GetL(instanceEva,KPe_ServiceId,CUpsProperty::EPolicyEvaluator, serviceSidEva); if(serviceSidEva != iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iServiceUID) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Service ID reported by policy evaluator is not what is expected: %d"),&iTEFServerName,serviceSidEva); checkPassed = EFalse; } if( iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iForcePrompt) { // Read evaluator info TInt evaluatorInfo = 0; iPropertyReader->GetL(instanceEva,KPe_EvaluatorInfo,CUpsProperty::EPolicyEvaluator, evaluatorInfo); if(evaluatorInfo != iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iExpectedEvaluatorInfo) { ERR_PRINTF4(_L("%S: incorrect evaluator info:Expected: %d Received: %d"),&iTEFServerName,iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iExpectedEvaluatorInfo,evaluatorInfo); checkPassed = EFalse; } } } return checkPassed; } // End of function.
void CT_DataRSocketServ::DoCmdVersion(const TDesC& aSection) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calling RSocketServ::Version()")); TVersion version = iSocketServ->Version(); TBuf<KMaxVersionName> versionName(version.Name()); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Version name : %S"), &versionName); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Version build : %d"), (TInt)version.iBuild); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Version major : %d"), (TInt)version.iMajor); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Version minor : %d"), (TInt)version.iMinor); TPtrC expectedVersionName; if( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedVersionName(), expectedVersionName) ) { if( version.Name() != expectedVersionName ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected Version Name (%S) != Actual Version Name (%S)"), &expectedVersionName, &versionName); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } TInt intTemp; if( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedVersionBuild(), intTemp) ) { if( version.iBuild != intTemp ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected Version Build (%d) != Actual Version Build (%d)"), &intTemp, version.iBuild); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } if( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedVersionMajor(), intTemp) ) { if( version.iMajor != intTemp ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected Version Major (%d) != Actual Version Major (%d)"), &intTemp, version.iMajor); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } if( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedVersionMinor(), intTemp) ) { if( version.iMinor != intTemp ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected Version Minor (%d) != Actual Version Minor (%d)"), &intTemp, version.iMinor); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } if (version.Name() == _L("") && version.iBuild == 0 && version.iMajor == 0 && version.iMinor == 0) { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Some version fields are not set!")); SetBlockResult(EFail); } }
/** Test BTAddr() */ void CT_InquirySockAddrData::DoCmdBTAddr(const TDesC& aSection) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TInquirySockAddr BTAddr Call")); TBTDevAddr btDevAddr = iData->BTAddr(); TBuf<KMaxSockAddrSize> tmpbtDevAddr; btDevAddr.GetReadable(tmpbtDevAddr); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Returned BT Addres = (%S)"), &tmpbtDevAddr); TBuf<KMaxSockAddrSize> tmptBTDevAddrData; TPtrC tBTDevAddrName; TBool foundParameter=EFalse; TBool result = EFalse; if(GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KTBTDevAddr(), tBTDevAddrName)) { foundParameter=ETrue; TBTDevAddr* tBTDevAddrData=static_cast<TBTDevAddr*>(GetDataObjectL(tBTDevAddrName)); tBTDevAddrData->GetReadable(tmptBTDevAddrData); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Expected BT address = (%S) from ini file"), &tmptBTDevAddrData); result = btDevAddr==(*tBTDevAddrData); if ( !result ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("BT Address (%S) is not as expected (%S)"),&tmpbtDevAddr, &tmptBTDevAddrData); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } TInt intBtDevAddr=0; if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KIntDevAddr(), intBtDevAddr)) { foundParameter=ETrue; const TBTDevAddr expectedBTAddr(intBtDevAddr); result = btDevAddr==(expectedBTAddr); btDevAddr.GetReadable(tmpbtDevAddr); if ( !result ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("BT Address (%S) is not as expected (%d)"), &tmpbtDevAddr, intBtDevAddr); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } if( !foundParameter ) { ERR_PRINTF3(KLogMissingParameters, &KTBTDevAddr(), &KIntDevAddr()); SetBlockResult(EFail); } }
/** Function : doTestStepL Description : Checks the provisioned SNAP information for the POP account settings of a test case. @return : TVerdict - Test step result */ TVerdict CT_MsgCheckPopSNAPSetting::doTestStepL() { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Step : CheckPopSNAPSetting")); if(ReadIni()) { CEmailAccounts* accounts = CEmailAccounts::NewL(); CleanupStack::PushL(accounts); CImIAPPreferences* popIapPrefs = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC(); TPopAccount popAccountId; CT_MsgUtilsCentralRepository::GetPopAccountL((TDes&)iPopAccountName,popAccountId); accounts->LoadPopIapSettingsL(popAccountId, *popIapPrefs); TBool actualSNAPDefintion = popIapPrefs->SNAPDefined(); if (actualSNAPDefintion == iExpectedSNAPDefinition) { if (actualSNAPDefintion) { TInt expectedSNAPPreference = 0; if(!GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KSNAPPreference, expectedSNAPPreference)) { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("An expected SNAP ID value is not specified")); SetTestStepResult(EFail); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,accounts); // popIapPrefs, accounts return TestStepResult(); } TInt actualSNAPPreference = popIapPrefs->SNAPPreference(); if (actualSNAPPreference != expectedSNAPPreference) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Actual SNAP ID [%d] does not equal Expected SNAP ID [%d]"),actualSNAPPreference,expectedSNAPPreference); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } else { INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Actual SNAP ID [%d] equals Expected SNAP ID [%d]"),actualSNAPPreference,expectedSNAPPreference); } } } else { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Actual SNAP Defintion [%d] does not equal Expected SNAP Defintion [%d]"),actualSNAPDefintion,iExpectedSNAPDefinition); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,accounts); // popIapPrefs, accounts } return TestStepResult(); }
/** Calls CFbsFont::HasCharacter() */ void CT_DataFbsFont::DoCmdHasCharacter(const TDesC& aSection) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsFont::HasCharacter()")); // get character code from parameters TInt charCode = 0; if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KCharCode(), charCode)) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KCharCode()); SetBlockResult(EFail); } else { // call HasCharacter() TBool actual = iFbsFont->HasCharacter(charCode); TBool expected; if(GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedBool(), expected)) { // check that the value is as expected if (actual != expected) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The value is not as expected! expected: %d, actual: %d"), expected, actual); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } } }
/** Calls CFbsFont::RawTextWidthInPixels() */ void CT_DataFbsFont::DoCmdRawTextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aSection) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsFont::RawTextWidthInPixels()")); // get text from parameters TPtrC text; if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KText(), text)) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KText()); SetBlockResult(EFail); } else { // call RawTextWidthInPixels() TInt width = iFbsFont->RawTextWidthInPixels(text); // check result against MeasureText() TInt measureTextWidth = iFbsFont->MeasureText(text); if ( width != measureTextWidth) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The result of RawTextWidthInPixels() is not the same as for MeasureText(): %d, and %d"), width, measureTextWidth); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } }
TVerdict CTestStepSDevSoundClientThreadNoCap::DoVerifyResult() { if (iCallbackError != iExpectedValue) { ERR_PRINTF3 (_L("DevSound ToneFinished returned %d, expected %d"), iCallbackError, iExpectedValue); return EFail; } if (iServerResult != KErrUnderflow) { ERR_PRINTF2 (_L("DevSound(server-side) ToneFinished returned %d, expected 0"), iServerResult); return EFail; } if (iCallbackArray[EToneFinished] != 1) { ERR_PRINTF2 (_L("DevSound ToneFinished was called %d times, expected 1"), iCallbackArray[EToneFinished]); return EFail; } TInt tot = GetCallbackTotal(); if (tot > 1) { ERR_PRINTF2 (_L("DevSound called %d callbacks, expected 1"), tot); return EFail; } return EPass; }
/** Function : RetriveSearchSortResultL Description : Retrieves the search/sort result @return : none */ void CT_MsgSearchSortByQueryObject::RetriveSearchSortResultL(const TInt aIterationLimit, TMsvSearchSortResultType aResultType) { // Get the number of messages satisfying the search/sort request TInt resultCount = iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortOperation->GetResultCountL(); WriteIntToConfig(ConfigSection(), KCountOfResult, resultCount); // Get the search/sort result according to user preference TMsvId messageId, serviceId; TMsvEntry messageEntry; iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortResultArray.Reset(); // Flush out the existing search/sort result if (aIterationLimit > 0 && aResultType == EMsvResultAsTMsvId) // Iteration limit is one and result type is TMsvId { for(TInt index = 0; index < resultCount; ++index) { iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortOperation->GetNextResultL(messageId); // Get the corresponding index entry and append the same to array of entries. iSharedDataCommon.iSession->GetEntry(messageId, serviceId, messageEntry); iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortResultArray.Append(messageEntry); } } else if(aIterationLimit > 0 && aResultType == EMsvResultAsTMsvEntry) // Iteration limit is one and result type is TMsvEntry { for(TInt index = 0; index < resultCount; ++index) { iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortOperation->GetNextResultL(messageEntry); iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortResultArray.Append(messageEntry); } } else if (aIterationLimit == 0 && aResultType == EMsvResultAsTMsvId) // No iteration and result type is TMsvId { RArray<TMsvId> idArray; TRAPD(error, iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortOperation->GetResultsL(idArray)); if(error == KErrNone) { // Get the corresponding index entries and create an array of entries. for(TInt index = 0; index < idArray.Count(); ++index) { iSharedDataCommon.iSession->GetEntry(idArray[index], serviceId, messageEntry); iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortResultArray.Append(messageEntry); } } else { SetTestStepError(error); } } else // No iteration and result type is TMsvEntry { // RArray<TMsvEntry> entryArray; TRAPD(error, iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortOperation->GetResultsL(iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortResultArray)); SetTestStepError(error); } // Ensure Number of Entries in iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortResultArray is same as the result count if(iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortResultArray.Count() != resultCount) { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("MisMatch in Result count and Entries retrieved")); ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Search-sort result count= %d Entries retrieved= %d"), resultCount, iSharedDataCommon.iSearchSortResultArray.Count()); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } }
/** * * Check the config file for a TInt value * * @param "const TDesC &aSectName" * Section name to check in * * @param "const TDesC &aKeyName" * Key name to check for * * @param "TInt &aResult" * TInt returned from config file * * @return "TBool" * Result (ETrue if found) * * @xxxx * */ EXPORT_C TBool RTestStep::GetIntFromConfig(const TDesC &aSectName, const TDesC &aKeyName, TInt &aResult) { // check file available if ( !iConfigDataAvailable ) { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("No config file available")); return EFalse; } TBool ret = EFalse; TPtrC result; // get the value ret = iConfigData->FindVar(aSectName, aKeyName, result); // if failed to decode display error if (!ret) { // display error message ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Failed to read section:%S key:%S "), &aSectName, &aKeyName ); // return fail return EFalse; } // use TLex to convert to a TInt TLex lex(result); if (lex.Val(aResult) == KErrNone) return ETrue; else return EFalse; }
/** * * Check the config file for a boolean value * * @param "const TDesC &aSectName" * Section name to check in * * @param "const TDesC &aKeyName" * Key name to check for * * @param "Bool &aResult" * TBool returned from config file * * @return "TBool" * Result (ETrue if found) * * @xxxx * */ EXPORT_C TBool RTestStep::GetBoolFromConfig(const TDesC &aSectName, const TDesC &aKeyName, TBool &aResult) { // check file available if (!iConfigDataAvailable) { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("No config file available")); return EFalse; } TBool ret = EFalse; TPtrC result; // get the value ret = iConfigData->FindVar(aSectName, aKeyName, result); // if failed to decode display error if (!ret) { // display error message ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Failed to read section:%S key:%S "), &aSectName, &aKeyName ); // return fail return EFalse; } // set result as a TBool if (result.FindF(_L("true")) == KErrNotFound) aResult = EFalse; else aResult = ETrue; // return success return ETrue; }
/** doTestStepL() Reads the expected count from the ini file. Obtains the count of the POP accounts created and compares against the expected number. @return Returns the test step result. */ TVerdict CT_MsgVerifyPopAccountsCount::doTestStepL() { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Step: Verify Pop Accounts Count")); TInt expectedCount = -1; if(!GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KExpectedCount, expectedCount) && expectedCount < 0) { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("ExpectedCount is not Specified or < 0")); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } else { CEmailAccounts *account = CEmailAccounts::NewLC(); RArray<TPopAccount> arrayPopAccounts; account->GetPopAccountsL(arrayPopAccounts); TInt count = arrayPopAccounts.Count(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account); arrayPopAccounts.Reset(); if (count != expectedCount) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Number of POP accounts do not match ! expected = %d actual = %d"), expectedCount, count); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } else { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Number of POP accounts matched value = %d !"), expectedCount); } } return TestStepResult(); }
/** Test SetBTAddr() */ void CT_InquirySockAddrData::DoCmdSetBTAddr(const TDesC& aSection) { TPtrC tBTDevAddrName; TBool foundParameter=EFalse; if(GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KTBTDevAddr(), tBTDevAddrName)) { foundParameter=ETrue; CT_BTDevAddrData* tBTDevAddrData=static_cast<CT_BTDevAddrData*>(GetDataWrapperL(tBTDevAddrName)); const TBTDevAddr* btDevAddr = tBTDevAddrData->GetAddress(); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TInquirySockAddr SetBTAddr Call")); iData->SetBTAddr(*btDevAddr); } TInt intBtDevAddr=0; if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KIntDevAddr(), intBtDevAddr)) { foundParameter=ETrue; const TBTDevAddr btDevAddr(intBtDevAddr); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TInquirySockAddr SetBTAddr Call")); iData->SetBTAddr(btDevAddr); } if( !foundParameter ) { ERR_PRINTF3(KLogMissingParameters, &KTBTDevAddr(), &KIntDevAddr()); SetBlockResult(EFail); } }
void CTestDevVideoPlayClock::MmcspuoTick(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime) { iPeriodicUtilityIteration++; TUint currentTime = I64LOW(aTime.Int64()); TUint predictedTime = iPeriodicUtilityIteration * KTestClock2Seconds; if (!TimeComparison(currentTime, predictedTime, KTestClockBigDeviationMS)) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Error - Periodic Utility time comparison failed: Got %u; Expected %u"), currentTime, predictedTime); iPeriodicUtilityTestVerdict = EFail; iPeriodicUtility->Stop(); CActiveScheduler::Stop(); } else { INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Periodic Utility time comparison passed: Got %u; Expected %u"), currentTime, predictedTime); } if (iPeriodicUtilityIteration >= 5) { iPeriodicUtility->Stop(); CActiveScheduler::Stop(); } }
void CT_DataAnimDll::DoCmdLoad(const TDesC& aSection) { TInt err = KErrNone; // Get test data for command input parameter(s) TPtrC fileName; if(!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KPlugInFileName(), fileName)) { ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KPlugInFileName()); SetBlockResult(EFail); } else { // Execute command and log parameters if (iAnimDll != NULL) { INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdLoad1); err = iAnimDll->Load(fileName); } // Check the command return code if(err != KErrNone) { ERR_PRINTF3(KLogErrLoad, err, &fileName); SetError(err); } } }
/** * * TestInitialize * @param aDataType * @param aMode * @result TVerdict * */ TVerdict CTestStepSDevSoundPlayDataCap::TestInitialize(TMMFState aMode) { TFourCC pcm16(KMMFFourCCCodePCM16); //default to pcm16 data type iCallbackError = KErrNone; iExpectedValue = KErrNone; ResetCallbacks(); iAL->InitialiseActiveListener(); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initializing DevSound")); // Initialize TRAPD(err, iMMFDevSound->InitializeL(*this, pcm16, aMode)); if (err) { WARN_PRINTF2 (_L("DevSound InitializeL left with error = %d"), err); return EInconclusive; } else { CActiveScheduler::Start(); if (iCallbackError != iExpectedValue) { ERR_PRINTF3 (_L("DevSound InitializeComplete returned %d, expected %d"), iCallbackError, iExpectedValue); return EFail; } if (iCallbackArray[EInitComplete] != 1) { ERR_PRINTF2 (_L("DevSound InitializeComplete was called %d times, expected 1"), iCallbackArray[EInitComplete]); return EFail; } } return EPass; }
void CT_DataRSocketServ::DoCmdNumProtocols(const TDesC& aSection) { iNumOfProtocols = 0; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calling RSocketServ::NumProtocols()")); TInt err = iSocketServ->NumProtocols(iNumOfProtocols); if( err!=KErrNone ) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("RSocketServ::NumProtocols() failed with error %d"), err); SetError(err); } else { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("RSocketServ::NumProtocols() = %d"), iNumOfProtocols); TInt expectedValue; if( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedValue(), expectedValue) ) { if( (TInt)iNumOfProtocols != expectedValue ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected NumProtocols (%d) != Actual NumProtocols (%d)"), expectedValue, iNumOfProtocols); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } } }
void CT_EntryData::DoCmdAssignmentOperatorL( const TDesC& aSection ) /** Assigns another TEntry to this TEntry using "=" operator */ { TPtrC entryObjectName; if( GET_MANDATORY_STRING_PARAMETER( KParamObject, aSection, entryObjectName ) ) { INFO_PRINTF2( _L( "Assign a %S to this TEntry" ), &entryObjectName ); TEntry* entryObject = NULL; TRAPD( err, entryObject = (TEntry*)GetDataObjectL(entryObjectName)); if ( err == KErrNone && entryObject) { *iEntry = iEntry->operator=(*entryObject); } else { ERR_PRINTF3( _L( "Object not found or not initialised: %S. Error %d"), &entryObjectName, err ); SetBlockResult( EFail ); } } if ( !FileserverUtil::VerifyTEntryDataFromIniL(*this, aSection, *iEntry)) { SetBlockResult(EFail); } }
/** * * InitializeDevSound * @param aDataType * @param aMode * @result TVerdict * */ TVerdict CTestStepSDevSound::InitializeDevSound(TFourCC& aDataType, TMMFState aMode) { iCallbackError = KErrNone; iExpectedValue = KErrNone; iAL->InitialiseActiveListener(); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initializing DevSound")); // Initialize TRAPD(err, iMMFDevSound->InitializeL(*this, aDataType, aMode)); if (err) { WARN_PRINTF2 (_L("DevSound InitializeL left with error = %d"), err); return EInconclusive; } else { CActiveScheduler::Start(); if (iCallbackError != iExpectedValue) { ERR_PRINTF3 (_L("DevSound InitializeComplete returned %d, expected %d"), iCallbackError, iExpectedValue); return EFail; } if (iCallbackArray[EInitComplete] != 1) { ERR_PRINTF2 (_L("DevSound InitializeComplete was called %d times, expected 1"), iCallbackArray[EInitComplete]); return EFail; } } return EPass; }
void CT_DataRSocketServ::DoCmdGetProtocolInfo(const TDesC& aSection) { TInt start = 1; TInt end = iNumOfProtocols; TInt index; if( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KIndex(), index) ) { start = index; end = index; } for( TInt i=start; i<=end; ++i ) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Calling RSocketServ::GetProtocolInfo(%d)"), i); TInt err = iSocketServ->GetProtocolInfo(i, iProtocolDesc); if( err!=KErrNone ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("RSocketServ::GetProtocolInfo(%d) failed with error %d"), i, err); SetError(err); } else { PrintProtocol(_L("RSocketServ::GetProtocolInfo()"), iProtocolDesc); } } }
TVerdict COomTestStep::ImplOomServerTestL() { RScsClientBase *client = ClientHandle(); if(!client) { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("ClientHandle has returned NULL. The server cannot be tested without the client handle!")); User::Leave(KErrArgument); } TInt err(0); for (TInt testCount=0; ; ++testCount) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("OOM Server Test %d"), testCount); err = client->SetServerHeapFail(testCount+1); if(KErrNone != err) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("OOM Server Test Result: Failed to set heap fail on iteration %d. Error:%d"), testCount, err); SetTestStepResult(EFail); break; } TRAPD(retStepVal, ImplTestStepL()); err = client->ResetServerHeapFail(); if(KErrNone != err) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("ResetServerHeapFail failed on iteration %d with error %d"), testCount, err); SetTestStepResult(EFail); break; } if(KErrNoMemory == retStepVal) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Received correct out of memory error on iteration %d"), testCount); } else if (KErrNone == retStepVal) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Server OOM Test Finished")); break; } else { // Propagate all errors apart from KErrNoMemory User::Leave(retStepVal); } }// for return TestStepResult(); }
/** Test GetFlowCtrl() */ void CT_RfcommRemotePortParamsData::DoCmdGetFlowCtrl(const TDesC& aSection) { TBool expected = EFalse; TBool param = EFalse; TInt flowCtrlValue = 0; TUint8 exp = 0; TUint8 flowCtrl = 0; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TRfcommRemotePortParams GetFlowCtrl Call")); TBool result = iData->GetFlowCtrl(flowCtrl); INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Return result (%d) and flow control on return (%d)"), result, flowCtrl); if(GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KExpected(), expected) ) { param = ETrue; if ( result != expected ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Result (%d) is not as expected (%d)"), result, expected); SetBlockResult(EFail); } else { if ( result ) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Verify that aFlowCtrl has been set with the expected value")); if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFlowCtrl(), flowCtrlValue) ) { param = ETrue; exp = flowCtrlValue; if ( flowCtrl != exp ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("aFlowCtrl (%d) is not as expected (%d)"), flowCtrl, exp); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } } } } if ( !param ) { ERR_PRINTF3(KLogMissingParameters, &KExpected(), &KFlowCtrl()); SetBlockResult(EFail); } }
/** DoCompareL() Comparison of 2 email messages identified by TMsvEntry @param aRecvEntry The recieved email identifier. @param aMailInfo Expected state of the recieved email. @param aSentEntry Identifier of the original sent email foir comparison purposes. @return ETrue if emails match EFalse otherwise */ TBool CT_MsgComparePopEmailMsgs::DoCompareL(TMsvEntry& aRecvEntry, CExpPop3MailInfo& aMailInfo, TMsvEntry& aSentEntry) { TBool ret = ETrue; TBool footerExists = EFalse; TInt footersize = 0; TInt nLines = GetMessageLinesL(aRecvEntry, KUidMsvEmailTextEntry, footerExists, footersize); if(nLines != aMailInfo.GetNumLinesBodyText()) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Lines of body text wrong actual = %d expected = %d!"), nLines, aMailInfo.GetNumLinesBodyText()); ret = EFalse; } nLines = GetMessageLinesL(aRecvEntry, KUidMsvEmailHtmlEntry, footerExists, footersize); if(nLines != aMailInfo.GetNumLinesHtml()) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("HTML size wrong actual = %d expected = %d!"), nLines, aMailInfo.GetNumLinesHtml()); ret = EFalse; } else if(! CheckAttachmentsL(aRecvEntry, aMailInfo, aSentEntry)) { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Attachment comparison failed !")); ret = EFalse; } else if(! footerExists && aMailInfo.GetFooterExpected()) { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("An expected footer was missing !")); ret = EFalse; } else if(footerExists && ! aMailInfo.GetFooterExpected()) { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("An unexpected footer was found !")); ret = EFalse; } else if(aMailInfo.GetFooterExpected() && aMailInfo.GetFooterSize()!=0 && aMailInfo.GetFooterSize() != footersize) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("KB left on server size wrong = %d expected = %d!"), footersize, aMailInfo.GetFooterSize()); ret = EFalse; } return ret; }
/** Test GetXOnChar() */ void CT_RfcommRemotePortParamsData::DoCmdGetXOnChar(const TDesC& aSection) { TBool expected = EFalse; TBool param = EFalse; TInt xOnCharValue = 0; TUint8 exp = 0; TUint8 xOnChar = 0; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TRfcommRemotePortParams GetXOnChar Call")); TBool result = iData->GetXOnChar(xOnChar); INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Return result (%d) and XON char on return (%d)"), result, xOnChar); if(GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KExpected(), expected) ) { param = ETrue; if ( result != expected ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Result (%d) is not as expected (%d)"), result, expected); SetBlockResult(EFail); } else { if ( result ) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Verify that aXON has been set with the expected value")); if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KXonChar(), xOnCharValue) ) { param = ETrue; exp = xOnCharValue; if ( xOnChar != exp ) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("aXON (%d) is not as expected (%d)"), xOnChar, exp); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } } } } if ( !param ) { ERR_PRINTF3(KLogMissingParameters, &KExpected(), &KXonChar()); SetBlockResult(EFail); } }
void CT_RMobileCallData::DoCmdOpenNewCall(const TTEFFunction& aSection) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START*CT_RMobileCallData::DoCmdOpenNewCall")); TBool dataOk = ETrue; TInt callNameParameter; if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KCallName, callNameParameter )) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KCallName); SetBlockResult(EFail); dataOk = EFalse; } TPtrC mobileLineName; if ( !GetStringFromConfig (aSection, KMobileLineKey (), mobileLineName)) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KMobileLineKey ); SetBlockResult(EFail); dataOk = EFalse; } if ( dataOk ) { CT_RMobileLineData* mobileLineWrapper = static_cast<CT_RMobileLineData*>(GetDataWrapperL(mobileLineName)); TName* callName; TRAPD( error, callName = mobileLineWrapper->GetCallNameL (callNameParameter) ); if(error != KErrNone) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Left while getting call name with error %d"), error); SetError(error); } else { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Open handle to RMobileCall which can be used to receive incoming or dial outgoing call.")); RMobileLine* mobileLineObject = static_cast<RMobileLine*>(GetDataObjectL(mobileLineName)); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Getting mobile call")); TRAP(error, iMobileCall = GetMobileCallL(callNameParameter)); if(error != KErrNone) { ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetMobileCallL left when trying to obtain the MobileCall with error %d"), error); SetBlockResult(EFail); } else { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening new call")); error = iMobileCall->OpenNewCall(*mobileLineObject, *callName); if ( error != KErrNone) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("OpenNewCall named: %S, failed with error [%d]"), &callName, error); SetError (error); } else { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Open new call succeeded")); } } } } INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END*CT_RMobileCallData::DoCmdOpenNewCall")); }
/** * * DoTestStepL * @result TVerdict * */ TVerdict CTestStepSDevSoundPlayDualTone::DoTestStepL() { TInt freq1 = 100; TInt freq2 = 200; TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds dur(2000000); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing Dual Tone Playback")); //Initialize TVerdict initializeOK = InitializeDevSound(EMMFStateTonePlaying); if (initializeOK != EPass) { return EInconclusive; } iMMFDevSound->SetVolume(iMMFDevSound->MaxVolume()); iExpectedValue = KErrUnderflow; iCallbackError = KErrNone; iCallbackArray.Reset(); // Set request active iAL->InitialiseActiveListener(); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Playing Dual Tone")); TRAPD(err, iMMFDevSound->PlayDualToneL(freq1, freq2, dur)); // Start the active scheduler and catch the callback CActiveScheduler::Start(); if (err) { WARN_PRINTF2 (_L("DevSound PlayDualToneL left with error = %d"), err); return EInconclusive; } else { if (iCallbackError != iExpectedValue) { ERR_PRINTF3 (_L("DevSound ToneFinished returned %d, expected %d"), iCallbackError, iExpectedValue); return EFail; } if (iCallbackArray[EToneFinished] != 1) { ERR_PRINTF2 (_L("DevSound ToneFinished was called %d times, expected 1"), iCallbackArray[EToneFinished]); return EFail; } TInt total = 0; for (TInt i = EInitComplete; i < EDeviceMsg; i++) { total += iCallbackArray[i]; } if (total > 1) { ERR_PRINTF2 (_L("DevSound called %d callbacks, expected 1"), total); return EFail; } } return EPass; }
TBool CUpsClientStep::CheckResultsL(TInt aIndex) { TBool theReturn = ETrue; if(iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iExpectedError == KErrNone) { TUpsDecision expectedDecision = StringToTUpsDecision(iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iAccessGranted); if(expectedDecision != iReturnData.iDecision) { TPtrC decisionReceived(TUpsDecisionToString(iReturnData.iDecision)); ERR_PRINTF4(_L("%S: Decision expected: %S ,Decision received: %S"),&iTEFServerName, &iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iAccessGranted, &decisionReceived); theReturn=EFalse; } } if(iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iExpectedError != iReturnData.iError) { // Incorrect error code returned. theReturn=EFalse; ERR_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Error code expected: %d"),&iTEFServerName,iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iExpectedError); ERR_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Error code Received: %d"),&iTEFServerName,iReturnData.iError); } // checks returned properties from dialog creator & policy evaluator. if ( CheckDialogCreatorResultsL(aIndex) == EFalse || CheckPolicyEvaluatorResultsL(aIndex) == EFalse) { theReturn = EFalse; } // display the request duration and check against the ini file value, if supplied INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: UPS decision request duration: %u milliseconds"),&iTEFServerName, iReturnData.iRequestDuration); if (iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iRequestDurationThreshold > 0) { // check whether the request duration was too long if (static_cast<TInt>(iReturnData.iRequestDuration) > iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iRequestDurationThreshold) { ERR_PRINTF3(_L("%S: UPS decision request took too long: %u"), &iTEFServerName, iArraySersToRequest[aIndex].iRequestDurationThreshold); theReturn = EFalse; } } return theReturn; } // End of function.
/** Test SEID() */ void CT_AvdtpSEPInfoData::DoCmdSEIDL(const TDesC& aSection) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TAvdtpSEPInfo SEID() Call.")); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Execute SEID()")); TSEID actual = iData->SEID(); _LIT(KLogSeid,"actual seid: %d"); INFO_PRINTF2(KLogSeid, actual.SEID()); _LIT(KLogIslocalTrue, "IsLocal: true"); _LIT(KLogIslocalFalse, "IsLocal: false"); if(actual.IsLocal()) { INFO_PRINTF1(KLogIslocalTrue); } else { INFO_PRINTF1(KLogIslocalFalse); } TSEID* expected=NULL; TSEID* setbackSeid=NULL; TPtrC seidName; if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, seidName) ) { if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldSeid, seidName) ) { ERR_PRINTF3(KLogMissingParameter2, &KFldExpected, &KFldSeid); SetBlockResult(EFail); } else { _LIT(KLogSetSEIDBack,"Set SEID back. Not compare with expected."); INFO_PRINTF1(KLogSetSEIDBack); setbackSeid = static_cast<TSEID*>(GetDataObjectL(seidName)); *setbackSeid = actual; } } else { expected = static_cast<TSEID*>(GetDataObjectL(seidName)); if(expected != NULL) { if(actual != (*expected)) { ERR_PRINTF1(KLogNotExpectedValue); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } else { ERR_PRINTF1(_L("TSEID pointer is NULL")); SetBlockResult(EFail); } } }