예제 #1
int main(void){
  char name[80];
  char failMsg[80];
  int result = 0;
  int rc;

  //  the ESMC_Clock object
  ESMC_Clock clock;

  ESMC_TestStart(__FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  ESMC_TimeInterval timeStep,runDuration;
  ESMC_Time startTime, stopTime, refTime; 
  ESMC_Calendar calendar;
  ESMC_I4 yy1=2006;
  ESMC_I4 h1=0;
  ESMC_I4 h2=1;
  ESMC_CalendarType calType1=ESMC_CAL_GREGORIAN;
  int tZ1=-6;
  const ESMC_I4 one=1;
  ESMC_TimeInterval currSimTime;
  ESMC_I8 advanceCount, advanceCount1;
  ESMC_I8 initSec, currSec1;
  ESMC_R8 initHour, currHour1;

  strcpy(name, "Create ESMC_Calendar object");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  calendar = ESMC_CalendarCreate("Gregorian", ESMC_CAL_GREGORIAN, &rc);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  strcpy(name, "Set Start Time");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  rc = ESMC_TimeSet(&startTime, yy1, h1, calendar, calType1, tZ1);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  strcpy(name, "Set Stop Time");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  rc = ESMC_TimeSet(&stopTime, yy1, h2, calendar, calType1, tZ1);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  strcpy(name, "Set a TimeInterval");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  rc = ESMC_TimeIntervalSet(&timeStep, one);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  strcpy(name, "Create ESMC_Clock object");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  clock = ESMC_ClockCreate("TEST_CLOCK", timeStep, startTime, stopTime, &rc);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);
  strcpy(name, "Print ESMC_Clock object");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  rc = ESMC_ClockPrint(clock);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  strcpy(name, "Get ESMC_Clock object current time and advance count");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  rc = ESMC_ClockGet(clock, &currSimTime, &advanceCount);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  strcpy(name, "Advance the Clock object");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  rc = ESMC_ClockAdvance(clock);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  strcpy(name, "Get ESMC_Clock object current time and advance count");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  rc = ESMC_ClockGet(clock, &currSimTime, &advanceCount1);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  strcpy(name, "Get currSimTime in seconds and in hours");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  rc = ESMC_TimeIntervalGet(currSimTime, &currSec1, &currHour1);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);
  strcpy(name, "Verify that currSimTime in second units");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return 3600");
  ESMC_Test((int(currSec1)==3600), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__,
  strcpy(name, "Verify that currSimTime in hour units");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return 1");
  ESMC_Test((int(currHour1)==1), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  strcpy(name, "Destroy ESMC_Clock object");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  rc = ESMC_ClockDestroy(&clock);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  strcpy(name, "Destroy ESMC_Calendar object");
  strcpy(failMsg, "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS");
  rc = ESMC_CalendarDestroy(&calendar);
  ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS), name, failMsg, &result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

#if 0
   // perform exhaustive tests here;
   //   see #else below for non-exhaustive tests
   // future release will use run-time switching mechanism

   // test dynamic allocation of ESMC_Clock
   //   also tests default constructor
   clock_ptr = ESMC_ClockCreate(args, &rc);
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockCreate"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d, clock_ptr = %p, args = %f",
           rc, clock_ptr, args);
   ESMC_Test((clock_ptr!=0 && rc==ESMF_SUCCESS),
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);
   // test internal dynamic allocation within statically allocated
   //   ESMC_Clock
   rc = clock_ptr->ESMC_ClockConstruct(args);
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockConstruct"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d, args = %f", rc, args);
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);

   // test initialization of members of statically allocated ESMC_Clock
   //   may want to read back values via Get methods for comparison
   rc = clock_ptr->ESMC_ClockSet(args);
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockSet"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d, args = %f", rc, args);
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);

   // test setting of configuration values
   ESMC_ClockConfig config_set;
   rc = clock_ptr->ESMC_ClockSetConfig(config_set);
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockSetConfig"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d, config_set = %f", rc, config_set);
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);

   // test getting of configuration values,
   //  compare to values set previously
   ESMC_ClockConfig config_get;
   rc = clock_ptr->ESMC_ClockGetConfig(&config_get);
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockGetConfig"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d, config_get = %f", rc, config_get);
   ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS && config_get == config_set),
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);

   // test setting of ESMC_Clock members values
   <value type> value_set;
   rc = clock_ptr->ESMC_ClockSet<Value>(value_set);
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockSet<Value>"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d, value_set = %f", rc, value_set);
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);

   // test getting of ESMC_Clock members values,
   //   compare to values set previously
   <value type> value_get;
   rc = clock_ptr->ESMC_ClockGet<Value>(&value_get);
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockGet<Value>"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d, value_get = %f", rc, value_get);
   ESMC_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS && value_get == value_set),
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);
   // test validate method via option string
   char validate_options[ESMF_MAXSTR];
   rc = clock_ptr->ESMC_ClockValidate(validate_options);
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockValidate"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d, validate_options = %s", rc, validate_options);
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);

   // test print method via option string
   char print_options[ESMF_MAXSTR];
   rc = clock_ptr->ESMC_ClockPrint(print_options);
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockPrint"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d, print_options = %s", rc, print_options);
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);

   // test internal dynamic deallocation within statically allocated 
   //   ESMC_Clock
   rc = clock_ptr->ESMC_ClockDestruct();
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockDestruct"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d", rc);
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);

   // test dynamic deallocation of ESMC_Clock
   //   also tests destructor
   rc = ESMC_ClockDestroy(clock_ptr);
   sprintf(name, "ESMC_ClockDestroy"); 
   sprintf(failMsg, "rc = %d, clock_ptr = %p", rc, clock_ptr);
              name, failMsg, &result, ESMF_SRCLINE);


   // perform non-exhaustive tests here;
   //   use same templates as above


  ESMC_TestEnd(result, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0);

  // return number of failures to environment; 0 = success (all pass)
  printf("result = %d\n",result);
예제 #2
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   // result code
   int rc;

   //Set finalrc to success
   int finalrc=ESMF_SUCCESS;

   // instantiate a clock
   ESMC_Clock *clock;

   // instantiate a calendar
   ESMC_Calendar *gregorianCalendar;

   // instantiate timestep, start and stop times
   ESMCI::TimeInterval timeStep;
   ESMCI::Time startTime;
   ESMCI::Time stopTime;

   // initialize calendar to be Gregorian type
   gregorianCalendar = ESMC_CalendarCreate(9, "Gregorian", 
                                           ESMC_CAL_GREGORIAN, &rc);

   if (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS) {
       finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE;

   // initialize time interval to 1 hour
   int h = 1;
   rc = timeStep.ESMCI::TimeInterval::set(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &h);

   if (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS) {
       finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE;

   // initialize start time to 3/27/2003
   int yy = 2003;
   int mm = 3, dd = 27;
   rc = startTime.ESMCI::Time::set(&yy, 0, &mm, &dd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
                               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

   if (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS) {
       finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE;

   // initialize stop time to 3/29/2003
   yy = 2003; mm = 3; dd = 29;
   rc = stopTime.ESMCI::Time::set(&yy, 0, &mm, &dd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
                              0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

   if (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS) {
       finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE;

   // initialize the clock with the above values
   clock = ESMC_ClockCreate(7, "Clock 1", &timeStep, &startTime, &stopTime, 
                            0, 0, 0, &rc);

   if (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS) {
       finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE;

   // time step from start time to stop time
   while (!clock->ESMC_ClockIsStopTime(&rc)) {
     rc = clock->ESMC_ClockAdvance();

     if (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS) {
         finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE;


   // get the number of times the clock was advanced
   ESMC_I8 advanceCount;
   rc = clock->ESMC_ClockGet(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                             0, 0, 0, &advanceCount);

   if (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS) {
       finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE;

   printf("The clock was advanced %d times.\n", advanceCount);
   // Test for the correct number of advance counts.
   if (advanceCount != 48) {
       finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE;

   rc = ESMC_ClockDestroy(&clock);

   if (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS) {
       finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE;

   rc = ESMC_CalendarDestroy(&gregorianCalendar);

   if (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS) {
       finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE;

   if (finalrc == ESMF_SUCCESS) {
        printf("PASS: ESMC_ClockEx.C\n");
   else {
        printf("FAIL: ESMC_ClockEx.C\n");

 } // end ESMC_ClockEx