예제 #1
void main()
  int ret;
  sp_time test_timeout;
  test_timeout.sec = 5;
  test_timeout.usec = 0;
  strncpy(Spread_name, "10080", 5);
  ret = SP_connect_timeout( Spread_name, User, 0, 1, &Mbox, Private_group, test_timeout );
        if( ret != ACCEPT_SESSION ) 
                SP_error( ret );
        printf("Connected to %s with private group %s\n", Spread_name, Private_group );

  E_attach_fd( 0, READ_FD, User_command, 0, NULL, LOW_PRIORITY );
  E_attach_fd( Mbox, READ_FD, Read_message, 0, NULL, HIGH_PRIORITY );
  exit (0);
예제 #2
파일: client.c 프로젝트: Ezran/cs437
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
        int	    ret;
        int     mver, miver, pver;
        sp_time test_timeout;

        test_timeout.sec = 5;
        test_timeout.usec = 0;
        server_num = 0;


        if (!SP_version( &mver, &miver, &pver)) 
	          printf("main: Illegal variables passed to SP_version()\n");
	    printf("Spread library version is %d.%d.%d\n", mver, miver, pver);

	    ret = SP_connect_timeout( SPREAD_NAME, NULL, 0, 1, &Mbox, Private_group, test_timeout );
	    if( ret != ACCEPT_SESSION ) 
		    SP_error( ret );
	    printf("Client: connected to %s with private group %s\n", SPREAD_NAME, Private_group );


	    E_attach_fd( 0, READ_FD, User_command, 0, NULL, LOW_PRIORITY );

	    E_attach_fd( Mbox, READ_FD, Read_message, 0, NULL, HIGH_PRIORITY );


	    printf("\n > ");


	    return( 0 );
예제 #3
파일: spread.c 프로젝트: aemanov/seiscomp3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef	ARCH_PC_WIN95
	int	ret;

#ifndef ARCH_PC_WIN95
	struct group  *grp;
	struct passwd *pwd;

	Alarm_set_types( CONF_SYS ); 
        Alarm_set_priority( SPLOG_INFO );

	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "/===========================================================================\\\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| The Spread Toolkit.                                                       |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Copyright (c) 1993-2013 Spread Concepts LLC                               |\n"); 
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| All rights reserved.                                                      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| The Spread toolkit is licensed under the Spread Open-Source License.      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| You may only use this software in compliance with the License.            |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| A copy of the license can be found at http://www.spread.org/license       |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use       |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| in the Spread toolkit. For more information about Spread,                 |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| see http://www.spread.org                                                 |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| This software is distributed on an \"AS IS\" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF     |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| ANY KIND, either express or implied.                                      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Creators:                                                                 |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Yair Amir             [email protected]                              |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Michal Miskin-Amir    [email protected]                        |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Jonathan Stanton      [email protected]                      |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    John Schultz          [email protected]                      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Major Contributors:                                                       |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Ryan Caudy           [email protected] - contribution to process groups.|\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Claudiu Danilov      [email protected] - scalable, wide-area support.    |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Cristina Nita-Rotaru [email protected] - GC security.                |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Theo Schlossnagle    [email protected] - Perl, autoconf, old skiplist.  |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Dan Schoenblum       [email protected] - Java interface.             |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Special thanks to the following for discussions and ideas:                |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Ken Birman, Danny Dolev, Jacob Green, Mike Goodrich, Ben Laurie,       |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    David Shaw, Gene Tsudik, Robbert VanRenesse.                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Partial funding provided by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency  |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| (DARPA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) 2000-2004. The Spread      |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| toolkit is not necessarily endorsed by DARPA or the NSA.                  |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| For a full list of contributors, see Readme.txt in the distribution.      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| WWW:     www.spread.org     www.spreadconcepts.com                        |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Contact: [email protected]                                          |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Version %d.%02d.%02d Built %-17s                                   |\n", 
		(int)SP_MAJOR_VERSION, (int)SP_MINOR_VERSION, (int)SP_PATCH_VERSION, Spread_build_date );
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "\\===========================================================================/\n");

	Usage( argc, argv );

#ifdef	ARCH_PC_WIN95

	ret = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(1,1), &WSAData );
	if( ret != 0 )
            Alarmp( SPLOG_FATAL, NETWORK, "Spread: winsock initialization error %d\n", ret );

#endif	/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */

        /* initialize each valid authentication protocol */

        /* Initialize Access Control & Authentication */

	Conf_init( Config_file, My_name );


#ifndef	ARCH_PC_WIN95
        /* Verify that unix socket dir is safe if runing as root user */
        if (geteuid() == (uid_t) 0) {
            struct stat usock_stat;
            Alarmp( SPLOG_INFO, SECURITY, "Spread is running as root so check file locations\n");
            if (stat( SP_UNIX_SOCKET, &usock_stat)) {
                Alarmp( SPLOG_FATAL, SECURITY, "Spread unable to stat the unix domain socket dir (%s). Please verify the selected directory and restart the daemon\n", SP_UNIX_SOCKET );
                exit( 0 );

            if ( (usock_stat.st_mode & S_IWOTH) || !(usock_stat.st_uid == (uid_t) 0) )
                Alarmp( SPLOG_WARNING, PRINT, "Spread: SECURITY RISK! running as root, but unix domain socket is not in a root-only writable directory. May risk denial of service or malicious deletion of unexpected file in directory: %s\n", SP_UNIX_SOCKET );


	if( Log ) Log_init();

#ifndef	ARCH_PC_WIN95

	/* Yupp, we're paranoid */
	if (geteuid() != (uid_t) 0) {
            Alarmp( SPLOG_WARNING, SECURITY, "Spread: not running as root, won't chroot\n" );
	else if ( (grp = getgrnam(Conf_get_group())) == NULL
                  || (pwd = getpwnam(Conf_get_user())) == NULL ) {
            Invalid_privilege_decrease(Conf_get_user(), Conf_get_group());
	else if (chdir(Conf_get_runtime_dir()) < 0
                  || chroot(Conf_get_runtime_dir()) < 0 ) {
            Alarmp( SPLOG_FATAL, SECURITY, "Spread: FAILED chroot to '%s'\n",
                   Conf_get_runtime_dir() );
	else if ( setgroups(1, &grp->gr_gid) < 0
                  || setgid(grp->gr_gid) < 0
                  || setuid(pwd->pw_uid) < 0) {
            Invalid_privilege_decrease(Conf_get_user(), Conf_get_group());
	} else {
            Alarmp( SPLOG_INFO, SECURITY, "Spread: setugid and chroot successeful\n" );

#endif	/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */


	return 0;
예제 #4
파일: mcast.c 프로젝트: sshamilton/mspread
void setup(struct initializers *i) {
  /* Sets up all ports */
  /* and waits for the start_mcast message to start the actual process */
   int              mcast_addr;
   int              start = 0;
   int              bytes;
   int              num, c, num_groups, r, ret;
   int              service_type = 0;
   int              responded=0;
   int16            mess_type;
   int              endian_mismatch=0;
   int				response[10];   
   struct		    timeval timeout;
   unsigned char      ttl_val;
   char             target_groups[MAX_MEMBERS][MAX_GROUP_NAME];
   char             logfilename[10];
   char             sender[MAX_GROUP_NAME];
   char             groups[10][MAX_GROUP_NAME];
   char mess_buf[MAX_MESS_LEN];
   sp_time test_timeout;
   struct packet_structure *p=malloc(sizeof(struct packet_structure));
   snprintf(logfilename, 10, "%d.out", machine_index);
   logfile = fopen(logfilename, "w");
   ret = SP_connect_timeout( Spread_name, User, 0, 1, &Mbox, Private_group, test_timeout );
   if( ret != ACCEPT_SESSION ) 
	 SP_error( ret );
   printf("User: connected to %s with private group %s\n", Spread_name, Private_group );
   ret = SP_join(Mbox, group); printf("Join group %s:%d\n", group, ret);
   if (machine_index == 1) {
    for (c=1; c <= total_machines; c++) {
       response[c] = 0;
       completed[c] = 0;
     /* Collect up the users, and send start message when everyone is in the group */
    while (responded < 1) {
	  ret = SP_receive( Mbox, &service_type, sender, 100, &num_groups, target_groups, 
                &mess_type, &endian_mismatch, sizeof(mess_buf), mess_buf );
      p = (struct packet_structure *)mess_buf;
      if (p->type == 4) {
          printf("ret = %d Got machine id %d\n", ret, p->machine_index);
          /* Add this machine to the array and check to see if we are done */
          response[p->machine_index] = 1; 
          printf("Got response from %d\n", p->machine_index);
          r = 1;
          for (c=1; c <= total_machines; c++) {
                if (response[c] == 0) r =0; 
          if (r==1) responded = 1;
      else if (p->type == 3 && machine_index == 1)
        completed[p->machine_index] = 1;
      /* Send start sending message to everyone */
      if (r=1) /*All ready */ {
        p->type=  2; printf("Ready to go..\n");
        ret= SP_multicast( Mbox, AGREED_MESS, group, 1, sizeof(struct packet_structure), (char *)p );
    else { /*We are not machine index 1*/
    /*Send ready to begin message */
    p->type = 4;
    p->machine_index = machine_index;    
    ret= SP_multicast( Mbox, AGREED_MESS, group, 1, sizeof(struct packet_structure), (char *)p );
    printf("Join=%d, group %s\n", ret, group);
    if( ret < 0 ) 
            SP_error( ret );
      printf("Sent: %d\n", ret);

예제 #5
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	int	ret;
        int     mver, miver, pver;
        sp_time test_timeout;

        test_timeout.sec = 5;
        test_timeout.usec = 0;

	Usage( argc, argv );
        if (!SP_version( &mver, &miver, &pver)) 
	  printf("main: Illegal variables passed to SP_version()\n");
	printf("Spread library version is %d.%d.%d\n", mver, miver, pver);
        printf("Spread library version is %1.2f\n", SP_version() );
        if (Use_Pword)
                strncpy(Pword_user.username, Pword_username, 32);
                Pword_user.username[32] = '\0';
                strncpy(Pword_user.password, Pword_password, 8);
                Pword_user.password[8] = '\0';
                SP_set_auth_method("PWORD", pword_authenticate, &Pword_user);
	ret = SP_connect_timeout( Spread_name, User, 0, 1, &Mbox, Private_group, test_timeout );
	if( ret != ACCEPT_SESSION ) 
		SP_error( ret );
	printf("User: connected to %s with private group %s\n", Spread_name, Private_group );

#ifndef	_REENTRANT
	E_attach_fd( 0, READ_FD, User_command, 0, NULL, LOW_PRIORITY );

	E_attach_fd( Mbox, READ_FD, Read_message, 0, NULL, HIGH_PRIORITY );
#endif	/* _REENTRANT */


	printf("\nUser> ");

	Num_sent = 0;


#ifndef		ARCH_PC_WIN95
		ret = pthread_create( &Read_pthread, NULL, Read_thread_routine, 0 );
#else		/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */
		Read_pthread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, Read_thread_routine, NULL, 0, &ret );
#endif		/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */

#ifdef __bsdi__
		/* bug in BSDI */

#else	/* _REENTRANT */

#ifndef		ARCH_PC_WIN95
#else		/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */
#endif		/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */

#endif	/* _REENTRANT */

	return( 0 );
예제 #6
파일: monitor.c 프로젝트: Fran89/seiscomp3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	int	i;
        int     ret;

	Alarm_set_types( NONE ); 

	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "/===========================================================================\\\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| The Spread Toolkit.                                                       |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Copyright (c) 1993-2014 Spread Concepts LLC                               |\n"); 
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| All rights reserved.                                                      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| The Spread package is licensed under the Spread Open-Source License.      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| You may only use this software in compliance with the License.            |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| A copy of the license can be found at http://www.spread.org/license       |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use       |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| in the Spread toolkit. For more information about Spread,                 |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| see http://www.spread.org                                                 |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| This software is distributed on an \"AS IS\" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF     |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| ANY KIND, either express or implied.                                      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Creators:                                                                 |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Yair Amir             [email protected]                              |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Michal Miskin-Amir    [email protected]                        |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Jonathan Stanton      [email protected]                      |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    John Schultz          [email protected]                      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Contributors:                                                             |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Amy Babay            [email protected] - accelerated ring protocol.     |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Ryan Caudy           [email protected] - contribution to process groups.|\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Claudiu Danilov      [email protected] - scalable, wide-area support.    |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Cristina Nita-Rotaru [email protected] - GC security.                |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Theo Schlossnagle    [email protected] - Perl, autoconf, old skiplist   |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Dan Schoenblum   [email protected] - Java Interface Developer.       |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Special thanks to the following for discussions and ideas:                |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Ken Birman, Danny Dolev, Jacob Green, Mike Goodrich, Ben Laurie,       |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    David Shaw, Gene Tsudik, Robbert VanRenesse.                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Partial funding provided by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency  |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| (DARPA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) 2000-2004. The Spread      |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| toolkit is not necessarily endorsed by DARPA or the NSA.                  |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| For a full list of contributors, see Readme.txt in the distribution.      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| WWW:     www.spread.org     www.spreadconcepts.com                        |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Contact: [email protected]                                          |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Version %d.%02d.%02d Built %-17s                                   |\n", 
		(int)SP_MAJOR_VERSION, (int)SP_MINOR_VERSION, (int)SP_PATCH_VERSION, Spread_build_date );
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "\\===========================================================================/\n");

#ifdef ARCH_PC_WIN95
        ret = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(2,0), &WSAData );
        if( ret != 0 )
            Alarm( EXIT, "sptmonitor: main: winsock initialization error %d\n", ret );
#endif	/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */

	Usage( argc, argv );


	for( i=0; i < Conf_num_procs( &Cn ); i++ )
		Partition[i] = 0;

	for( i=0; i < Conf_num_procs( &Cn ); i++ )
		Status_vector[i] = 0;

	Pack_scat.elements[0].len = sizeof( packet_header );
	Pack_scat.elements[0].buf = (char *)&Pack;

	Pack.proc_id = My.id;
	Pack.seq = My_port;
	Pack.memb_id.proc_id = 15051963;

	Report_scat.num_elements = 2;
	Report_scat.elements[0].buf = (char *)&Report_pack;
	Report_scat.elements[0].len = sizeof(packet_header);
	Report_scat.elements[1].buf = (char *)&GlobalStatus;
	Report_scat.elements[1].len = sizeof(status);

        SendChan = DL_init_channel( SEND_CHANNEL , My_port, 0, 0 );

        Report_socket = DL_init_channel( RECV_CHANNEL, My_port, 0, 0 );

	E_init(); /* both reentrent and non-reentrant code uses events */

#ifndef	_REENTRANT
	E_attach_fd( 0, READ_FD, User_command, 0, NULL, LOW_PRIORITY );

        E_attach_fd( Report_socket, READ_FD, Report_message, 0, NULL, HIGH_PRIORITY );
#endif	/* _REENTRANT */



#ifndef	        ARCH_PC_WIN95
	ret = pthread_create( &Read_thread, NULL, Read_thread_routine, 0 );
	ret = pthread_create( &Status_thread, NULL, Status_send_thread_routine, 0 );
	ret = pthread_create( &Partition_thread, NULL, Partition_send_thread_routine, 0 );
#else		/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */
	Read_thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, Read_thread_routine, NULL, 0, &ret );
	Status_thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, Status_send_thread_routine, NULL, 0, &ret );
	Partition_thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, Partition_send_thread_routine, NULL, 0, &ret );
#endif		/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */


#else	/*! _REENTRANT */


#endif	/* _REENTRANT */

	return 0;
예제 #7
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  int		fd;
  struct sigaction signalaction;
#ifdef WIN32
  WSADATA wsadata;

  WSAStartup(WINSOCK_VERSION, &wsadata);
  wack_alarm_set( PRINT | EXIT ); 
  Usage( argc, argv );

  if(Debug) {
    wack_alarm_set( PRINT | ARPING | WACK_DEBUG | EXIT );
  else {
    char pidstring[10];

    wack_alarm_set(PRINT | EXIT);

#ifndef WIN32
    if(fork()) exit(0);
    if(fork()) exit(0);

    if( chdir("/") != 0 ){
      wack_alarm(PRINT,"chdir to root failed");


    pid = getpid();
    fd = open(_PATH_WACKAMOLE_PIDDIR "/wackamole.pid",
	      O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644);
    if(fd < 0) {
	    "Cannot write PID file " _PATH_WACKAMOLE_PIDDIR "/wackamole.pid");
    snprintf(pidstring, 10, "%d\n", pid);
    if(pidstring[9] != '\0') {
      pidstring[8] = '\n';
      pidstring[9] = '\0';

    write(fd, pidstring, strlen(pidstring));

#ifndef WIN32
    fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
    if(fd <= 2) {
      wack_alarm(EXIT, "Cannot open /dev/null\n");

  signalaction.sa_handler = Sig_handler;
  signalaction.sa_flags = 0;

  if(sigaction(SIGINT, &signalaction, NULL)) {
    wack_alarm(EXIT, "An error occured while registering a SIGINT handler");

  if(sigaction(SIGTERM, &signalaction, NULL)) {
    wack_alarm(EXIT, "An error occured while registering a SIGTERM handler");
  if(sigaction(SIGBUS, &signalaction, NULL)) {
    wack_alarm(EXIT, "An error occured while registering a SIGBUS handler");

  if(sigaction(SIGQUIT, &signalaction, NULL)) {
    wack_alarm(EXIT, "An error occured while registering a SIGQUIT handler");

  if(sigaction(SIGSEGV, &signalaction, NULL)) {
    wack_alarm(EXIT, "An error occured while registering a SIGSEGV handler");
#elif defined(WIN32)
  SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleEventHandlerRoutine, TRUE);

  /* connecting to the relevant Spread daemon, asking for group info */
  return -1;
예제 #8
/*! Init overlay
int ovr_init(void *arg){
	return 0;