예제 #1
bool CDpiForDialog::SetDialogDPI(const DpiValue& newDpi, LPRECT lprcSuggested /*= NULL*/)
	if (mn_InSet > 0)
		return false;

	if (newDpi.Ydpi <= 0 || newDpi.Xdpi <= 0)
		return false;
	if (m_CurDpi.Ydpi <= 0 || m_CurDpi.Xdpi <= 0)
		return false;
	if (m_CurDpi.Equals(newDpi))
		return false;

	bool bRc = false;
	MArray<DlgItem>* p = NULL;
	DpiValue curDpi(m_CurDpi);

	wchar_t szClass[100];

	#ifdef _DEBUG
	LOGFONT lftest1 = {}, lftest2 = {};
	HFONT hftest;
	int itest1, itest2;

	// To avoid several nested passes

	_wsprintf(szClass, SKIPLEN(countof(szClass)) L"CDpiForDialog::SetDialogDPI(x%08X, {%i,%i})", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)mh_Dlg, newDpi.Xdpi, newDpi.Ydpi);

	// Eval
	mn_CurFontHeight = (mn_InitFontHeight * newDpi.Ydpi / 96);
	mlf_CurFont = mlf_InitFont;
	mlf_CurFont.lfHeight = mn_CurFontHeight;
	mlf_CurFont.lfWidth = 0; // Font mapper fault

	if (mn_CurFontHeight == 0 || mn_InitFontHeight == 0)
		goto wrap;

	if (!m_Items.Get(newDpi.Ydpi, &p))
		MArray<DlgItem>* pOrig = NULL;
		int iOrigDpi = 0;
		if (!m_Items.GetNext(NULL, &iOrigDpi, &pOrig) || !pOrig || (iOrigDpi <= 0))
			goto wrap;
		int iNewDpi = newDpi.Ydpi;

		p = new MArray<DlgItem>();

		DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(mh_Dlg, GWL_STYLE);
		DWORD dwStyleEx = GetWindowLong(mh_Dlg, GWL_EXSTYLE);

		RECT rcClient = {}, rcCurWnd = {};
		if (!GetClientRect(mh_Dlg, &rcClient) || !GetWindowRect(mh_Dlg, &rcCurWnd))
			delete p;
			goto wrap;

		_ASSERTE(rcClient.left==0 && rcClient.top==0);
		int calcDlgWidth = rcClient.right * newDpi.Xdpi / curDpi.Xdpi;
		int calcDlgHeight = rcClient.bottom * newDpi.Ydpi / curDpi.Ydpi;

		DlgItem i = {mh_Dlg};

		// Windows DWM manager do not resize NonClient areas of per-monitor dpi aware applications
		// So, we can not use AdjustWindowRectEx to determine full window rectangle
		// Just use current NonClient dimensions
		i.r.right = calcDlgWidth + ((rcCurWnd.right - rcCurWnd.left) - rcClient.right);
		i.r.bottom = calcDlgHeight + ((rcCurWnd.bottom - rcCurWnd.top) - rcClient.bottom);

		// .right and .bottom are width and height of the dialog
		_ASSERTE(i.r.left==0 && i.r.top==0);

		for (INT_PTR k = 1; k < pOrig->size(); k++)
			const DlgItem& iOrig = (*pOrig)[k];
			i.h = iOrig.h;
			i.r.left = iOrig.r.left * iNewDpi / iOrigDpi;
			i.r.top = iOrig.r.top * iNewDpi / iOrigDpi;
			i.r.right = iOrig.r.right * iNewDpi / iOrigDpi;
			i.r.bottom = iOrig.r.bottom * iNewDpi / iOrigDpi;

		m_Items.Set(iNewDpi, p);

	hf = CreateFontIndirect(&mlf_CurFont);
	if (hf == NULL)
		goto wrap;

	for (INT_PTR k = p->size() - 1; k >= 0; k--)
		const DlgItem& di = (*p)[k];
		GetClassName(di.h, szClass, countof(szClass));
		DWORD nCtrlID = GetWindowLong(di.h, GWL_ID);
		DWORD nStyles = GetWindowLong(di.h, GWL_STYLE);
		bool bResizeCombo = (lstrcmpi(szClass, L"ComboBox") == 0);
		int iComboFieldHeight = 0, iComboWasHeight = 0;
		if (bResizeCombo && (nStyles & CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED))
			RECT rcCur = {}; GetWindowRect(di.h, &rcCur);
			iComboWasHeight = (rcCur.bottom - rcCur.top);
			LONG_PTR lFieldHeight = SendMessage(di.h, CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, -1, 0);
			if (lFieldHeight < iComboWasHeight)
				iComboFieldHeight = lFieldHeight;

		int newW = di.r.right - di.r.left;
		int newH = di.r.bottom - di.r.top;

		MoveWindow(di.h, di.r.left, di.r.top, newW, newH, FALSE);
		SendMessage(di.h, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hf, FALSE/*immediately*/);
		if (bResizeCombo)
			if ((nStyles & CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) && (iComboWasHeight > 0) && (iComboFieldHeight > 0))
				SendMessage(di.h, CB_SETITEMHEIGHT, -1, newH*iComboFieldHeight/iComboWasHeight);
			SendMessage(di.h, CB_SETEDITSEL, 0, MAKELPARAM(-1,0));
		InvalidateRect(di.h, NULL, TRUE);
		#ifdef _DEBUG
		itest1 = GetObject(hf, sizeof(lftest1), &lftest1);
		hftest = (HFONT)SendMessage(di.h, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);
		itest2 = GetObject(hftest, sizeof(lftest2), &lftest2);

	if (p->size() > 0)
		const DlgItem& di = (*p)[0];
		SendMessage(mh_Dlg, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hf, FALSE);
		DWORD nWndFlags = SWP_NOZORDER | (lprcSuggested ? 0 : SWP_NOMOVE);
		SetWindowPos(mh_Dlg, NULL,
			lprcSuggested ? lprcSuggested->left : 0, lprcSuggested ? lprcSuggested->top : 0,
			di.r.right, di.r.bottom,
		RECT rc = {}; GetClientRect(mh_Dlg, &rc);
		InvalidateRect(mh_Dlg, NULL, TRUE);

	if (mh_CurFont != hf)
	mh_CurFont = hf;

	bRc = true;
	return bRc;
예제 #2
파일: DpiAware.cpp 프로젝트: robovod/ConEmu
bool CDpiForDialog::SetDialogDPI(const DpiValue& newDpi, LPRECT lprcSuggested /*= NULL*/)
	wchar_t szLog[160];
	RECT rcClient = {}, rcCurWnd = {};

	#ifdef _DEBUG
	if (gbSkipSetDialogDPI)
		GetClientRect(mh_Dlg, &rcClient); GetWindowRect(mh_Dlg, &rcCurWnd);
		_wsprintf(szLog, SKIPCOUNT(szLog) L"SKIPPED CDpiForDialog::SetDialogDPI x%08X, OldDpi={%i,%i}, NewDpi={%i,%i}, CurSize={%i,%i}, CurClient={%i,%i}",
			(DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)mh_Dlg, m_CurDpi.Xdpi, m_CurDpi.Ydpi, newDpi.Xdpi, newDpi.Ydpi,
			(rcCurWnd.right - rcCurWnd.left), (rcCurWnd.bottom - rcCurWnd.top),
			(rcClient.right - rcClient.left), (rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top));
		return false;

	if (mn_InSet > 0)
		return false;

	if (newDpi.Ydpi <= 0 || newDpi.Xdpi <= 0)
		return false;
	if (m_CurDpi.Ydpi <= 0 || m_CurDpi.Xdpi <= 0)
		return false;

	// When overall DPI is very large but new dpi is small
	// (example: primary mon is 192 high-dpi, new mon is 96 dpi)
	// Windows goes crazy... HUGE caption, scrollbars, checkbox marks and so on...
	// So huge difference makes dialog unattractive, let's try to smooth that
	DpiValue setDpi(newDpi);
	if (m_InitDpi.Ydpi > MulDiv(setDpi.Ydpi, 144, 96))
		// Increase DPI one step up
		setDpi.Ydpi = MulDiv(setDpi.Ydpi, 120, 96);
		setDpi.Xdpi = MulDiv(setDpi.Xdpi, 120, 96);
		// Log it
		_wsprintf(szLog, SKIPCOUNT(szLog) L"CDpiForDialog::SetDialogDPI x%08X forces larger dpi value from {%i,%i} to {%i,%i}",
			(DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)mh_Dlg, newDpi.Xdpi, newDpi.Ydpi, setDpi.Xdpi, setDpi.Ydpi);

	if (m_CurDpi.Equals(setDpi))
		return false;

	bool bRc = false;
	MArray<DlgItem>* p = NULL;
	DpiValue curDpi(m_CurDpi);

	wchar_t szClass[100];

	#ifdef _DEBUG
	LOGFONT lftest1 = {}, lftest2 = {};
	HFONT hftest;
	int itest1, itest2;

	// To avoid several nested passes

	// Eval
	mn_CurFontHeight = GetFontSizeForDpi(NULL, m_CurDpi.Ydpi);
	//(m_CurDpi.Ydpi && m_InitDpi.Ydpi) ? (mn_InitFontHeight * m_CurDpi.Ydpi / m_InitDpi.Ydpi) : -11;
	mlf_CurFont = mlf_InitFont;
	mlf_CurFont.lfHeight = mn_CurFontHeight;
	mlf_CurFont.lfWidth = 0; // Font mapper fault

	if (mn_CurFontHeight == 0)
		goto wrap;

	if (!m_Items.Get(m_CurDpi.Ydpi, &p))
		MArray<DlgItem>* pOrig = NULL;
		int iOrigDpi = 0;
		if (!m_Items.GetNext(NULL, &iOrigDpi, &pOrig) || !pOrig || (iOrigDpi <= 0))
			goto wrap;
		int iNewDpi = m_CurDpi.Ydpi;

		p = new MArray<DlgItem>();

		DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(mh_Dlg, GWL_STYLE);
		DWORD dwStyleEx = GetWindowLong(mh_Dlg, GWL_EXSTYLE);

		if (!GetClientRect(mh_Dlg, &rcClient) || !GetWindowRect(mh_Dlg, &rcCurWnd))
			delete p;
			goto wrap;

		_ASSERTE(rcClient.left==0 && rcClient.top==0);
		int calcDlgWidth = rcClient.right * m_CurDpi.Xdpi / curDpi.Xdpi;
		int calcDlgHeight = rcClient.bottom * m_CurDpi.Ydpi / curDpi.Ydpi;

		DlgItem i = {mh_Dlg};

		// Windows DWM manager do not resize NonClient areas of per-monitor dpi aware applications
		// So, we can not use AdjustWindowRectEx to determine full window rectangle
		// Just use current NonClient dimensions
		i.r.right = calcDlgWidth + ((rcCurWnd.right - rcCurWnd.left) - rcClient.right);
		i.r.bottom = calcDlgHeight + ((rcCurWnd.bottom - rcCurWnd.top) - rcClient.bottom);

		// .right and .bottom are width and height of the dialog
		_ASSERTE(i.r.left==0 && i.r.top==0);

		for (INT_PTR k = 1; k < pOrig->size(); k++)
			const DlgItem& iOrig = (*pOrig)[k];
			i.h = iOrig.h;
			i.r.left = iOrig.r.left * iNewDpi / iOrigDpi;
			i.r.top = iOrig.r.top * iNewDpi / iOrigDpi;
			i.r.right = iOrig.r.right * iNewDpi / iOrigDpi;
			i.r.bottom = iOrig.r.bottom * iNewDpi / iOrigDpi;

		m_Items.Set(iNewDpi, p);

	if (p->size() <= 0)
		_ASSERTE(FALSE && "No elements");
		goto wrap;
		const DlgItem& di = (*p)[0];
		_wsprintf(szLog, SKIPCOUNT(szLog) L"CDpiForDialog::SetDialogDPI x%08X, OldDpi={%i,%i}, NewDpi={%i,%i}, OldSize={%i,%i}, NewSize={%i,%i}, NewFont=%i",
			(DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)mh_Dlg, curDpi.Xdpi, curDpi.Ydpi, newDpi.Xdpi, newDpi.Ydpi,
			(rcCurWnd.right - rcCurWnd.left), (rcCurWnd.bottom - rcCurWnd.top), di.r.right, di.r.bottom,

	hf = CreateFontIndirect(&mlf_CurFont);
	if (hf == NULL)
		goto wrap;

	for (INT_PTR k = p->size() - 1; k >= 1; k--)
		const DlgItem& di = (*p)[k];
		GetClassName(di.h, szClass, countof(szClass));
		DWORD nCtrlID = GetWindowLong(di.h, GWL_ID);
		DWORD nStyles = GetWindowLong(di.h, GWL_STYLE);
		bool bResizeCombo = (lstrcmpi(szClass, L"ComboBox") == 0);
		int iComboFieldHeight = 0, iComboWasHeight = 0;
		LONG_PTR lFieldHeight = 0, lNewHeight = 0;
		RECT rcCur = {};
		HWND hComboEdit = NULL;
		RECT rcEdit = {}, rcClient = {};

		if (bResizeCombo && (nStyles & CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED))
			GetWindowRect(di.h, &rcCur);
			hComboEdit = FindWindowEx(di.h, NULL, L"Edit", NULL);
			GetClientRect(di.h, &rcClient);
			GetClientRect(hComboEdit, &rcEdit);
			iComboWasHeight = (rcCur.bottom - rcCur.top);
			lFieldHeight = SendMessage(di.h, CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, -1, 0);
			if (lFieldHeight < iComboWasHeight)
				iComboFieldHeight = lFieldHeight;

		int newW = di.r.right - di.r.left;
		int newH = di.r.bottom - di.r.top;

		MoveWindow(di.h, di.r.left, di.r.top, newW, newH, FALSE);
		SendMessage(di.h, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hf, FALSE/*immediately*/);
		if (bResizeCombo)
			if ((nStyles & CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) && (iComboWasHeight > 0) && (iComboFieldHeight > 0))
				RECT rcEdit2 = {}, rcClient2 = {};
				GetClientRect(di.h, &rcClient2);
				GetClientRect(hComboEdit, &rcEdit2);
				lNewHeight = newH*iComboFieldHeight/iComboWasHeight;
				_wsprintf(szLog, SKIPCOUNT(szLog) L"CDpiForDialog::Combo height changed - OldHeight=%i, ItemHeight=%i, NewHeight=%i, NewItemHeight=%i",
					(rcCur.bottom - rcCur.top), lFieldHeight, newH, lNewHeight);
				SendMessage(di.h, CB_SETITEMHEIGHT, -1, lNewHeight);
			SendMessage(di.h, CB_SETEDITSEL, 0, MAKELPARAM(-1,0));
		InvalidateRect(di.h, NULL, TRUE);
		#ifdef _DEBUG
		itest1 = GetObject(hf, sizeof(lftest1), &lftest1);
		hftest = (HFONT)SendMessage(di.h, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);
		itest2 = GetObject(hftest, sizeof(lftest2), &lftest2);

	if (p->size() > 0)
		const DlgItem& di = (*p)[0];
		SendMessage(mh_Dlg, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hf, FALSE);
		DWORD nWndFlags = SWP_NOZORDER | (lprcSuggested ? 0 : SWP_NOMOVE);
		SetWindowPos(mh_Dlg, NULL,
			lprcSuggested ? lprcSuggested->left : 0, lprcSuggested ? lprcSuggested->top : 0,
			di.r.right, di.r.bottom,
		RECT rc = {}; GetClientRect(mh_Dlg, &rc);
		InvalidateRect(mh_Dlg, NULL, TRUE);

	if (mh_CurFont != hf)
	mh_CurFont = hf;

	bRc = true;
	return bRc;