예제 #1
void DirectRender::InitForCurrentSurface( JNIEnv * jni, bool wantFrontBuffer_, int buildVersionSDK_ )
	LOG( "%p DirectRender::InitForCurrentSurface(%s)", this, wantFrontBuffer_ ? "true" : "false" );

	wantFrontBuffer = wantFrontBuffer_;

	display = eglGetDisplay( EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY );
	context = eglGetCurrentContext();
	windowSurface = eglGetCurrentSurface( EGL_DRAW );

	// NOTE: On Mali as well as under Android-L, we need to perform
	// an initial swapbuffers in order for the front-buffer extension
	// to work.
	// TODO: In previous KitKat development binaries, applying the initial 
	// swapbuffers on Adreno would result in poor performance. We should
	// review if the issue still exists on the final production binary
	// and if not, remove the check for KitKat and always perform the
	// initial swapbuffers.
	static const int KITKAT_WATCH = 20;
	const GpuType gpuType = EglGetGpuType();
	if ( ( buildVersionSDK_ > KITKAT_WATCH ) ||	// if the SDK is Lollipop or higher
		 ( gpuType & GPU_TYPE_MALI ) != 0 )		// or the GPU is Mali
		LOG( "Performing an initial swapbuffers for Mali and/or Android-L" );
		eglSwapBuffers( display, windowSurface );	// swap buffer will operate que/deque related process internally
													// now ready to set usage to proper surface

	// Get the surface size.
	eglQuerySurface( display, windowSurface, EGL_WIDTH, &width );
	eglQuerySurface( display, windowSurface, EGL_HEIGHT, &height );
	LOG( "surface size: %i x %i", width, height );

	if ( !wantFrontBuffer_ )
		LOG( "Running without front buffer");
		surfaceMgr.Init( jni );

		gvrFrontbufferExtension = surfaceMgr.SetFrontBuffer( windowSurface, true );
		LOG ( "gvrFrontbufferExtension = %s", ( gvrFrontbufferExtension ) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );

		if ( ( gpuType & GPU_TYPE_MALI ) != 0 )
			LOG( "Mali GPU" );
			tilerControl = FB_MALI;
		else if ( ( gpuType & GPU_TYPE_ADRENO ) != 0 )
			// Query the number of samples on the display
			EGLint configID;
			if ( !eglQueryContext( display, context, EGL_CONFIG_ID, &configID ) )
				FAIL( "eglQueryContext EGL_CONFIG_ID failed" );
			EGLConfig eglConfig = EglConfigForConfigID( display, configID );
			if ( eglConfig == NULL )
				FAIL( "EglConfigForConfigID failed" );
			EGLint samples = 0;
			eglGetConfigAttrib( display, eglConfig, EGL_SAMPLES, &samples );

			if ( gpuType == GPU_TYPE_ADRENO_330 )
				LOG( "Adreno 330 GPU" );
				tilerControl = FB_TILED_RENDERING;
				LOG( "Adreno GPU" );

				// NOTE: On KitKat, only tiled render mode will continue to work
				// with multisamples set on the frame buffer (at a performance
				// loss). On Lollipop, having multisamples set on the frame buffer
				// is an error for all render modes and will result in a black screen.
				if ( samples != 0 )
					// TODO: We may want to make this a FATAL ERROR.

					LOG( "**********************************************" );
					LOG( "ERROR: frame buffer uses MSAA - turn off MSAA!" );
					LOG( "**********************************************" );
					tilerControl = FB_TILED_RENDERING;
					// NOTE: Currently (2014-11-19) the memory controller
					// clock is not fixed when running with fixed CPU/GPU levels.
					// For direct render mode, the fluctuation may cause significant
					// performance issues.

					// FIXME: Enable tiled render mode for now until we are able
					// to run with fixed memory clock.
	#if 0
					tilerControl = FB_BINNING_CONTROL;

					// 2014-09-28: Qualcomm is moving to a new extension with
					// the next driver. In order for the binning control to
					// work for both the current and next driver, we add the
					// following call which should happen before any calls to
					// glHint( GL_* ).
					// This causes a gl error on current drivers, but will be
					// needed for the new driver.
					GL_CheckErrors( "Before enabling Binning Control" );
					LOG( "Enable GL_BINNING_CONTROL_HINT_QCOM - may cause a GL_ERROR on current driver" );
					GL_CheckErrors( "Expected on current driver" );
					tilerControl = FB_TILED_RENDERING;

		// draw stuff to the screen without swapping to see if it is working
		// ExerciseFrontBuffer();
예제 #2
eglSetup_t EglSetup( const EGLContext shareContext,
		const int requestedGlEsVersion,
		const int redBits, const int greenBits, const int blueBits,
		const int depthBits, const int multisamples, const GLuint contextPriority )
	LOG( "EglSetup: requestGlEsVersion(%d), redBits(%d), greenBits(%d), blueBits(%d), depthBits(%d), multisamples(%d), contextPriority(%d)",
			requestedGlEsVersion, redBits, greenBits, blueBits, depthBits, multisamples, contextPriority );

	eglSetup_t egl = {};

	// Get the built in display
	// TODO: check for external HDMI displays
	egl.display = eglGetDisplay( EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY );

	// Initialize EGL
	EGLint majorVersion;
	EGLint minorVersion;
	eglInitialize( egl.display, &majorVersion, &minorVersion );
	LOG( "eglInitialize gives majorVersion %i, minorVersion %i", majorVersion, minorVersion);

	const char * eglVendorString = eglQueryString( egl.display, EGL_VENDOR );
	LOG( "EGL_VENDOR: %s", eglVendorString );
	const char * eglClientApisString = eglQueryString( egl.display, EGL_CLIENT_APIS );
	LOG( "EGL_CLIENT_APIS: %s", eglClientApisString );
	const char * eglVersionString = eglQueryString( egl.display, EGL_VERSION );
	LOG( "EGL_VERSION: %s", eglVersionString );
	const char * eglExtensionString = eglQueryString( egl.display, EGL_EXTENSIONS );
	LogStringWords( eglExtensionString );

	// We do NOT want to use eglChooseConfig, because the Android EGL code pushes in
	// multisample flags behind our back if the user has selected the "force 4x MSAA"
	// option in developer settings, and that is completely wasted for our warp target.
	egl.config = ChooseColorConfig( egl.display, redBits, greenBits, blueBits, depthBits, multisamples, true /* pBuffer compatible */ );
	if ( egl.config == 0 )
		FAIL( "No acceptable EGL color configs." );
		return egl;

	// The EGLContext is created with the EGLConfig
	// Try to get an OpenGL ES 3.0 context first, which is required to do
	// MSAA to framebuffer objects on Adreno.
	for ( int version = requestedGlEsVersion ; version >= 2 ; version-- )
		LOG( "Trying for a EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION %i context shared with %p:",
				version, shareContext );
		// We want the application context to be lower priority than the TimeWarp context.
		EGLint contextAttribs[] = {
				EGL_NONE };

		// It is the caller's responsibility to use that if the driver doesn't support it.
		if ( contextPriority != EGL_CONTEXT_PRIORITY_MEDIUM_IMG )
			contextAttribs[2] = EGL_CONTEXT_PRIORITY_LEVEL_IMG;
			contextAttribs[3] = contextPriority;

		egl.context = eglCreateContext( egl.display, egl.config, shareContext, contextAttribs );
		if ( egl.context != EGL_NO_CONTEXT )
			LOG( "Succeeded." );
			egl.glEsVersion = version;

			EGLint configIDReadback;
			if ( !eglQueryContext( egl.display, egl.context, EGL_CONFIG_ID, &configIDReadback ) )
			     WARN("eglQueryContext EGL_CONFIG_ID failed" );
			EGLConfig configCheck = EglConfigForConfigID( egl.display, configIDReadback );

			LOG( "Created context with config %i, query returned ID %i = config %i",
					(int)egl.config, configIDReadback, (int)configCheck );
	if ( egl.context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT )
		WARN( "eglCreateContext failed: %s", EglErrorString() );
		return egl;

	if ( contextPriority != EGL_CONTEXT_PRIORITY_MEDIUM_IMG )
		// See what context priority we actually got
		EGLint actualPriorityLevel;
		eglQueryContext( egl.display, egl.context, EGL_CONTEXT_PRIORITY_LEVEL_IMG, &actualPriorityLevel );
		switch ( actualPriorityLevel )
			default: LOG( "Context has unknown priority level" ); break;

	// Because EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context is not widespread (Only on Tegra as of
	// September 2013), we need to create a tiny pbuffer surface to make the context
	// current.
	// It is necessary to use a config with the same characteristics that the
	// context was created with, plus the pbuffer flag, or we will get an
	// EGL_BAD_MATCH error on the eglMakeCurrent() call.
	// This is necessary to support 565 framebuffers, which may be important
	// for higher refresh rate displays.
	const EGLint attrib_list[] =
		EGL_WIDTH, 16,
	egl.pbufferSurface = eglCreatePbufferSurface( egl.display, egl.config, attrib_list );
	if ( egl.pbufferSurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE )
		WARN( "eglCreatePbufferSurface failed: %s", EglErrorString() );
		eglDestroyContext( egl.display, egl.context );
		egl.context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
		return egl;

	if ( eglMakeCurrent( egl.display, egl.pbufferSurface, egl.pbufferSurface, egl.context ) == EGL_FALSE )
		WARN( "eglMakeCurrent pbuffer failed: %s", EglErrorString() );
		eglDestroySurface( egl.display, egl.pbufferSurface );
		eglDestroyContext( egl.display, egl.context );
		egl.context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
		return egl;

	const char * glVendorString = (const char *) glGetString(GL_VENDOR);
	LOG( "GL_VENDOR: %s", glVendorString);
	const char * glRendererString = (const char *) glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
	LOG( "GL_RENDERER: %s", glRendererString);
	const char * glVersionString = (const char *) glGetString(GL_VERSION);
	LOG( "GL_VERSION: %s", glVersionString);
	const char * glSlVersionString = (const char *) glGetString(
	LOG( "GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: %s", glSlVersionString);

	egl.gpuType = EglGetGpuType();

	return egl;