ParamDlg* BerconTile::CreateParamDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp) { IAutoMParamDlg* masterDlg = BerconTileDesc.CreateParamDlgs(hwMtlEdit, imp, this); texoutDlg = texout->CreateParamDlg(hwMtlEdit, imp); masterDlg->AddDlg(texoutDlg); BerconTile_param_blk.SetUserDlgProc(new BerconTileDlgProc(this)); xyz_blk.SetUserDlgProc(new BerconXYZDlgProc(this)); EnableStuff(GetCOREInterface()->GetTime()); return masterDlg; }
ParamDlg* BerconNoise::CreateParamDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp) { IAutoMParamDlg* masterDlg = BerconNoiseDesc.CreateParamDlgs(hwMtlEdit, imp, this); texoutDlg = texout->CreateParamDlg(hwMtlEdit, imp); masterDlg->AddDlg(texoutDlg); berconnoise_param_blk.SetUserDlgProc(new BerconNoiseDlgProc(this)); BerconCurve_param_blk.SetUserDlgProc(new BerconCurveDlgProcNOISE(this)); xyz_blk.SetUserDlgProc(new BerconXYZDlgProc(this)); EnableStuff(); return masterDlg; }
ParamDlg* Matte::CreateParamDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp) { // create the rollout dialogs IAutoMParamDlg* masterDlg = matteCD.CreateParamDlgs(hwMtlEdit, imp, this); EnableStuff(); return masterDlg; // dlg = new MatteDlg(hwMtlEdit, imp, this); // return dlg; }
ParamDlg* BerconGradient::CreateParamDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp) { //xyzGenDlg = xyzGen->CreateParamDlg(hwMtlEdit, imp); IAutoMParamDlg* masterDlg = BerconGradientDesc.CreateParamDlgs(hwMtlEdit, imp, this); texoutDlg = texout->CreateParamDlg(hwMtlEdit, imp); //masterDlg->AddDlg(xyzGenDlg); masterDlg->AddDlg(texoutDlg); gradientmap_param_blk.SetUserDlgProc(new BerconGradientDlgProc(this)); BerconCurve_param_blk.SetUserDlgProc(new BerconCurveDlgProcGRADIENT(this)); xyz_blk.SetUserDlgProc(new BerconXYZDlgProc(this)); EnableStuff(); return masterDlg; }
void Gradient::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid) { if (!ivalid.InInterval(t)) { ivalid.SetInfinite(); uvGen->Update(t,ivalid); texout->Update(t,ivalid); pblock->GetValue( grad_color1, t, col[0], ivalid ); col[0].ClampMinMax(); pblock->GetValue( grad_color2, t, col[1], ivalid ); col[1].ClampMinMax(); pblock->GetValue( grad_color3, t, col[2], ivalid ); col[2].ClampMinMax(); pblock->GetValue( grad_map1_on, t, mapOn[0], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( grad_map2_on, t, mapOn[1], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( grad_map3_on, t, mapOn[2], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( grad_type, t, type, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( grad_noise_type, t, noiseType, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( grad_amount, t, amount, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( grad_size, t, size, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( grad_phase, t, phase, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( grad_center, t, center, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( grad_levels, t, levels, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( grad_high_thresh, t, high, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( grad_low_thresh, t, low, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( grad_thresh_smooth, t, smooth, ivalid ); if (low>high) { float temp = low; low = high; high = temp; } hminusl = (high-low); sd = hminusl*0.5f*smooth; if (size!=0.0f) size1 = 20.0f/size; else size1 = 0.0f; for (int i=0; i<NSUBTEX; i++) { if (subTex[i]) subTex[i]->Update(t,ivalid); } EnableStuff(); } valid &= ivalid; }
ParamDlg* Noise::CreateParamDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp) { // JBW: the main difference here is the automatic creation of a ParamDlg by the new // ClassDesc2 function CreateParamDlgs(). This mirrors the way BeginEditParams() // can be redirected to the ClassDesc2 for automatic ParamMap2 management. In this // case a special subclass of ParamDlg, AutoMParamDlg, defined in IParamm2.h, is // created. It can act as a 'master' ParamDlg to which you can add any number of // secondary dialogs and it will make sure all the secondary dialogs are kept // up-to-date and deleted as necessary. // create the rollout dialogs xyzGenDlg = xyzGen->CreateParamDlg(hwMtlEdit, imp); IAutoMParamDlg* masterDlg = noiseCD.CreateParamDlgs(hwMtlEdit, imp, this); texoutDlg = texout->CreateParamDlg(hwMtlEdit, imp); // add the secondary dialogs to the master masterDlg->AddDlg(xyzGenDlg); masterDlg->AddDlg(texoutDlg); noise_param_blk.SetUserDlgProc(new NoiseDlgProc(this)); EnableStuff(); return masterDlg; }
void Matte::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid) { ivalid = FOREVER; pblock->GetValue(matte_shadow_brightness,t,amblev,ivalid); pblock->GetValue(matte_color,t,col,ivalid); pblock->GetValue(matte_reflection_amount,t,reflAmt,ivalid); pblock->GetValue(matte_opaque_alpha,t,opaque,ivalid); pblock->GetValue(matte_apply_atmosphere,t,fogBG,ivalid); pblock->GetValue(matte_receive_shadows,t,shadowBG,ivalid); pblock->GetValue(matte_affect_alpha,t,shadowAlpha,ivalid); pblock->GetValue(matte_atmosphere_depth,t,fogObjDepth,ivalid); pblock->GetValue( matte_use_reflection_map,t, useReflMap, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( matte_additive_reflection,t, additiveReflection, ivalid); if (reflmap&&useReflMap) reflmap->Update(t,ivalid); EnableStuff(); valid &= ivalid; }
void Noise::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid) { if (pblock == NULL) return; if (!ivalid.InInterval(t)) { ivalid.SetInfinite(); if (xyzGen != NULL) xyzGen->Update(t,ivalid); if (texout != NULL) texout->Update(t,ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_color1, t, col[0], ivalid ); col[0].ClampMinMax(); pblock->GetValue( noise_color2, t, col[1], ivalid ); col[1].ClampMinMax(); pblock->GetValue( noise_size, t, size, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( noise_phase, t, phase, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( noise_levels, t, levels, ivalid ); for (int i=0; i<NSUBTEX; i++) { if (subTex[i]) subTex[i]->Update(t,ivalid); } pblock->GetValue( noise_hithresh, t, high, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( noise_lowthresh, t, low, ivalid ); if (high<low) { float tmp = low; low = high; high = tmp; } pblock->GetValue( noise_map1_on, t, mapOn[0], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_map2_on, t, mapOn[1], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_type, t, noiseType, ivalid); //ComputeAvgValue(); // moved to UpdateCache DDS 10/3/00 EnableStuff(); } valid &= ivalid; }
ParamDlg* Gradient::CreateParamDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp) { // JBW: the main difference here is the automatic creation of a ParamDlg by the new // ClassDesc2 function CreateParamDlgs(). This mirrors the way BeginEditParams() // can be redirected to the ClassDesc2 for automatic ParamMap2 management. In this // case a special subclass of ParamDlg, AutoMParamDlg, defined in IParamm2.h, is // created. It can act as a 'master' ParamDlg to which you can add any number of // secondary dialogs and it will make sure all the secondary dialogs are kept // up-to-date and deleted as necessary. // Here you see we create the Coordinate, Gradient and Output ParamDlgs in the desired // order, and then add the Coordinate and Output dlgs as secondaries to the // Gradient master AutoMParamDlg so it will keep them up-to-date automatically // create the rollout dialogs uvGenDlg = uvGen->CreateParamDlg(hwMtlEdit, imp); IAutoMParamDlg* masterDlg = gradCD.CreateParamDlgs(hwMtlEdit, imp, this); texoutDlg = texout->CreateParamDlg(hwMtlEdit, imp); // add the secondary dialogs to the master masterDlg->AddDlg(uvGenDlg); masterDlg->AddDlg(texoutDlg); EnableStuff(); return masterDlg; }
void BerconNoise::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid) { if (pblock == NULL) return; if (!ivalid.InInterval(t)) { ivalid.SetInfinite(); if (texout != NULL) texout->Update(t,ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_color1, t, col[0], ivalid ); col[0].ClampMinMax(); pblock->GetValue( noise_color2, t, col[1], ivalid ); col[1].ClampMinMax(); for (int i=0; i<NOISE_NSUBTEX; i++) if (subtex[i]) subtex[i]->Update(t,ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_map1_on, t, mapOn[0], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_map2_on, t, mapOn[1], ivalid); // General pblock->GetValue( noise_hithresh, t, high, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( noise_lowthresh, t, low, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( noise_size, t, size, ivalid ); // Distortion pblock->GetValue( distortion_str, t, distortionStr, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( use_distortion, t, useDistortion, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( uvw_dist, t, uvwDist, ivalid); // Update noise parameters pblock->GetValue( noise_phase, t, phase , ivalid); pblock->GetValue( worley_spread, t, spread , ivalid); pblock->GetValue( worley_F1, t, F1 , ivalid); pblock->GetValue( worley_F2, t, F2 , ivalid); pblock->GetValue( worley_F3, t, F3 , ivalid); pblock->GetValue( worley_F4, t, F4 , ivalid); // Static noise params pblock->GetValue( noise_function_type, t, noiseFunction , ivalid); pblock->GetValue( worley_distance, t, worleyFunction , ivalid); pblock->GetValue( fractal_type, t, fractalFunction, ivalid); // Update fractal parameters pblock->GetValue( fractal_levels, t, levels, ivalid ); pblock->GetValue( fractal_h, t, fractalH, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( fractal_offset, t, fractalOffset, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( fractal_gain, t, fractalGain, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( fractal_lacunarity, t, fractalLacunarity, ivalid); if (high<low) { float tmp = low; low = high; high = tmp; } // Update maps for (int i = 0; i<14; i++) pbMap->GetValue((i+14), t, mapOn[i+4], ivalid); // Curve pbCurve->GetValue(enable_curve, t, useCurve, ivalid); EnableStuff(); // Slight optimization mappedParameters = false; for (int i=5;i<=17;i++) if (mapOn[i] && subtex[i]) mappedParameters = true; //calcAverage(); // Update average value berconXYZ.update(pbXYZ, t, ivalid); } valid &= ivalid; }
void BerconTile::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid) { if (pblock == NULL) return; if (!ivalid.InInterval(t)) { ivalid.SetInfinite(); if (texout != NULL) texout->Update(t,ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_color1, t, col[0], ivalid ); col[0].ClampMinMax(); pblock->GetValue( noise_color2, t, col[1], ivalid ); col[1].ClampMinMax(); pblock->GetValue( noise_color3, t, col[2], ivalid ); col[2].ClampMinMax(); for (int i=0; i<TILE_NSUBTEX; i++) if (subtex[i]) subtex[i]->Update(t,ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_map1_on, t, mapOn[0], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_map2_on, t, mapOn[1], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_map3_on, t, mapOn[2], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( tile_size, t, tileSize, ivalid); // Tile params pblock->GetValue( tile_style, t, tileParam.tilingType, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( tile_width, t, tileParam.tileWidth, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( tile_height, t, tileParam.tileHeight, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( edge_width, t, tileParam.edgeWidth, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( edge_height, t, tileParam.edgeHeight, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( tile_width2, t, tileParam.tileWidthVar, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( tile_height2, t, tileParam.tileHeightVar, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( edge_width2, t, tileParam.edgeWidthVar, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( edge_height2, t, tileParam.edgeHeightVar, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( soften, t, tileParam.tileBlur, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( soften_rad, t, tileParam.tileBlurRad, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_round, t, tileParam.tileRound, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( round_rad, t, tileParam.tileCrnrRad, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( lock_edge, t, lockEdge, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_auto, t, tileParam.autoScale, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_map_uv, t, tileParam.mapUV, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_rotUV, t, tileParam.rotUV, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_uv_channel, t, uvChan, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_randRot, t, tileParam.randRot, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_randX, t, tileParam.randX, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_randY, t, tileParam.randY, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_randSX, t, tileParam.randSX, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_randSY, t, tileParam.randSY, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_lock, t, tileParam.lock, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_flipX, t, tileParam.flipX, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_flipY, t, tileParam.flipY, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_randZ, t, tileParam.tileID, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_center, t,, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_center_channel, t, uvChan2, ivalid); // Dist params pblock->GetValue( distortion_str, t, distortionStr, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( use_distortion, t, useDistortion, ivalid); // Update maps for (int i = 0; i<2; i++) pbMap->GetValue((i+2), t, mapOn[i+5], ivalid); // Slight optimization mappedParameters = false; for (int i=5;i<=6;i++) if (mapOn[i] && subtex[i]) mappedParameters = true; berconXYZ.update(pbXYZ, t, ivalid); /*#if MAX_RELEASE >= 12000 //MAX_RELEASE_R12 const char *s; #else char *s; #endif*/ const wchar_t *s; pblock->GetValue(pb_pattern, t, s, ivalid); if (tileParam.tilingType == 0) pattern.setPattern(std::wstring(s)); else if (tileParam.tilingType != 1) pattern.setPreset(tileParam.tilingType-2); //pattern.setPattern("0, 1, 1 / .5, 0.5, 1"); tileParam.tileHeightVar /= 200.f; tileParam.tileWidthVar /= 200.f; tileParam.edgeHeightVar /= 100.f; tileParam.edgeWidthVar /= 100.f; tileParam.randRot *= DEG2RAD; tileParam.checkValues(); EnableStuff(t); } valid &= ivalid; }
void BerconGradient::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid) { //CharStream *out = thread_local(current_stdout); if (pblock == NULL || gradient == NULL) return; if (!ivalid.InInterval(t)) { // Set key information if (gradient->selected >= 0 && gradient->selected < countKeys() && pblock->GetMap() != NULL) { AColor currentKeyColor = pblock->GetAColor(pb_colors, t, gradient->selected); pblock->SetValue(pb_keyCol, t, Color(currentKeyColor.r, currentKeyColor.g, currentKeyColor.b)); pblock->SetValue(pb_keyNum, t, gradient->selected); pblock->SetValue(pb_keyPos, t, pblock->GetFloat(pb_positions, t, gradient->selected)); pblock->GetDesc()->InvalidateUI(pb_keyCol); pblock->GetDesc()->InvalidateUI(pb_keyNum); pblock->GetDesc()->InvalidateUI(pb_keyPos); } ivalid.SetInfinite(); // Start from infinite interval if (p_maptex) p_maptex->Update(t,ivalid); if (p_distex) p_distex->Update(t,ivalid); //if (xyzGen != NULL) //xyzGen->Update(t,ivalid); if (texout != NULL) texout->Update(t,ivalid); pbCurve->GetValue(pb_curve_on, t, p_curveOn, ivalid); // Load gradient int keys = countKeys(); gradient->reset(); pblockGetValue(pb_interpolation,gradient->interpolation); for (int i=0;i<keys;i++) { float pos; AColor col; Texmap* tex; pblock->GetValue(pb_positions, t, pos, ivalid, i); pblock->GetValue(pb_submaps, t, tex, ivalid, i); pblock->GetValue(pb_colors, t, col, ivalid, i); if (i == 0) pos = 0.f; else if (i == 1) pos = 1.f; gradient->addKey(i,pos,col,tex); if (gradient->getSubtex(i)) gradient->getSubtex(i)->Update(t,ivalid); } gradient->sort(); gradient->invalidate(); // General stuff pblockGetValue(pb_seed, p_seed); pblockGetValue(pb_type, p_type); pblockGetValue(pb_rand_obj, p_randObj); pblockGetValue(pb_rand_mat, p_randMat); pblockGetValue(pb_rand_par, p_randPar); pblockGetValue(pb_rand_tile, p_randTile); pblockGetValue(pb_range_min, p_rangeMin); pblockGetValue(pb_range_max, p_rangeMax); pblockGetValue(pb_gradient_uvw, p_uvwType); pblockGetValue(pb_gradient_normal, p_normalType); pblockGetValue(pb_gradient_normal2, p_normalFunction); pblockGetValue(pb_ior, p_ior); pblockGetValue(pb_dison, p_disOn); pblockGetValue(pb_disstr, p_disStr); pblockGetValue(pb_reverse, p_reverse); pblockGetValue(pb_range_loop, p_rangeLoop); pblockGetValue(pb_node, p_node); if (p_rangeMin > p_rangeMax) // Switch so rangeMax is always bigger { float f = p_rangeMin; p_rangeMax = p_rangeMin; p_rangeMin = f; } EnableStuff(); berconXYZ.update(pbXYZ, t, ivalid); } valid &= ivalid; }
void BerconWood::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid) { if (pblock == NULL || pbCurve == NULL) return; if (!ivalid.InInterval(t)) { ivalid.SetInfinite(); if (texout != NULL) texout->Update(t,ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_color1, t, col[0], ivalid ); col[0].ClampMinMax(); pblock->GetValue( noise_color2, t, col[1], ivalid ); col[1].ClampMinMax(); pblock->GetValue( noise_color3, t, col[2], ivalid ); col[2].ClampMinMax(); for (int i=0; i<NSUBTEX; i++) if (subtex[i]) subtex[i]->Update(t,ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_map1_on, t, mapOn[0], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_map2_on, t, mapOn[1], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( noise_map3_on, t, mapOn[2], ivalid); pblock->GetValue( distortion_str, t, distortionStr, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( use_distortion, t, useDistortion, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( grain_amount, t, grainAmount, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( grain_freq, t, grainFreq, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( lock_grain, t, lockGrain, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( wood_size, t, woodSize, ivalid); // Update noise parameters pblock->GetValue( wood_type, t, woodType, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( trunk_str, t, trunkStr, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( trunk_freq, t, trunkFreq, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( radial_str, t, radialStr, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( radial_freq, t, radialFreq, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( radial_z, t, radialZ, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( angle_str, t, angleStr, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( angle_freq, t, angleFreq, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( angle_rad, t, angleRad, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( width_var, t, widthVar, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( gain_var, t, gainVar, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( low_tresh, t, lowTresh, ivalid); pblock->GetValue( high_tresh, t, highTresh , ivalid); pblock->GetValue( wood_skew, t, skew , ivalid); pblock->GetValue( rand_seed, t, randSeed , ivalid); pblock->GetValue( pb_samples, t, samples , ivalid); // Update maps for (int i = 0; i<16; i++) pbMap->GetValue((i+16), t, mapOn[i+5], ivalid); if (highTresh<lowTresh) { float tmp = lowTresh; lowTresh = highTresh; highTresh = tmp; } // Slight optimization mappedParameters = false; for (int i=6;i<=18;i++) if (mapOn[i] && subtex[i]) mappedParameters = true; // Curve pbCurve->GetValue(enable_curve, t, useCurve, ivalid); EnableStuff(); berconXYZ.update(pbXYZ, t, ivalid); } valid &= ivalid; }